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Multidisciplinary Designer

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Multidisciplinary Designer

Monica M. Torio

W hy do a second year? I thought to myself—why not? Before my fi rst year, I was an account coordinator at a marketing fi rm for direct mail and worked with 19

different non-profi ts. I quickly decided to leave my life behind, quit my job and in just two weeks to move to Florida. Drastic, right? My experience from my fi rst year was so life-changing that I didn’t want to think twice about doing a second year. Not only have I been able to make a difference in my students’ lives,

but they have made a difference in mine. The growth was so signifi cant that, looking back, I can’t believe all the things I have done and how much I have transformed. The 2014-2015 year has barely started and I can already see differences in myself and am learning how to face new hurdles.

The experience you get from Literacy AmeriCorps of Palm Beach County is very unique. Not only do we work at our service site but we also play many different roles throughout our year. I know what it is like fi rsthand to have a “real life” job and I felt it was more benefi cial for me to serve than to jump back into the workforce. I was the graduation

coach at Forest Hill High School, designer and photo-gatherer for The Literati newsletter, starring actress playing Rapunzel, face-painter

extraordinaire, and much more. AmeriCorps gives its members the opportunity to not only use the skills they have, but to learn new ones, too. It pushes members to get out of their comfort zones and get to know more about themselves. We also learn about our community and gain knowledge of the culture we live in.

Palm Beach County gains 40 brand new Literacy AmeriCorps members ready to serve and dedicate a year of service. We bring together different personalities and ideas, energy, passion and dedication. This fall issue is created to give everyone a glimpse of the fresh, inviting faces of the 2014-2015 Literacy AmeriCorps members and what we have done so far. I remember the wonderful memories from last year and I can’t even imagine what this year will entail. I am SUPER excited for this year!

Cheers to the start of new beginnings, change, growth and most of all making a difference in the lives we touch and making an impact. Let’s “get things done”.

4 FaLL 2014 The LiTeraTi 5


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”—Ghandi

The LiTeraTi 2726 FaLL 2014

Monica M. Torio

S eptember 12, 2014 marked a very special date. Not only was it the date that the Literacy AmeriCorps of Palm Beach County members got sworn in as a team, but we were being sworn in simultaneously

with hundreds of other AmeriCorps members nationwide. To add to the excitement, we were celebrating the 20th anniversary of AmeriCorps and Volunteer Florida.

A sea of blue AmeriCorps shirts fi lled the Miami Beach Convention Center. The energy was high and strong and you can see each program sitting

together with pride. The room was packed wall-to-wall with members from all over the state of Florida. The ceremony brought together the AmeriCorps programs; State and National, VISTA, and NCCC.

The 20th AmeriCorps and Volunteer Florida Anniversary program was stuffed with energizers, music, dancing, speakers, collaborative swearing-in ceremony and awards. Before it all came to a close, all AmeriCorps members collaborated on a massive service project that consisted of fi lling backpacks with school supplies and creating emergency pillowcase kits, hygiene kits, and care packages for veterans.

Glancing at the schedule revealed a familiar name listed among the various speakers—it was my own.

Monica M. Torio, Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County: AmeriCorps Member Story.

I was the only member chosen to speak to over 1,200 AmeriCorps members about “why I serve”. I shared who I was, what I had done, how I relate to my students and why I was, and still am so pass-ionate about being a graduation coach. I gave them a recap of my fi rst year serving, how life-changing it was and how I learned more about myself. The adversities I faced and how I was forced out of my comfort zone was an emotional topic to cover. To bring it all together, I talked about why I decided to serve for another year and offered a little advice for my fellow members. “The struggle will be real.”

[IN THE SPOTLIGHT]at the 20th Anniversary of AmeriCorps & Volunteer Florida

28 FaLL 2014 The LiTeraTi 29

I had the pleasure to sit front-row and to be part of the action. My nerves were high, not just because I had to deliver a speech but because I was sitting amongst great leaders connected with AmeriCorps.

It was all a bit overwhelming for a naturally shy girl like me. I admit that part of me still comes out or rather stays in and the idea of speaking to a huge crowd made me nervous. Jittery doesn’t even come close to how I was feeling. I am a small town girl from New Jersey and I never thought I could get on stage to speak to a room filled with people. Even though I am an introvert, secretly I have always wanted to be a motivational

speaker. Being able to talk to a large group about my passion has always been a dream of mine.

The bright lights beamed on me and my face was projected onto several screens. While going through my speech I had to hold back tears. Emotions were high; I had just turned 25 years old the day before so it was a great start to the year and a huge gift to me to be on that stage. The feeling is indescribable and it was a once in a lifetime experience. It was truly a huge honor.

The response back from the crowd was so heartfelt and warming. To have the support of not just the members of Literacy AmeriCorps of Palm Beach County, but I had the

support of members from all over Florida and their welcoming attitudes was more than I could have asked for. Throughout the day members would stop and compliment me. Some people told me that I inspired them. Numerous hugs were exchanged and photos were taken.

The most memorable moment was when a woman came up to me and told me that she videotaped my speech. She explained that she was going to show it to one of her shy learners that doesn’t like to talk. She was going to tell her student that it is possible to break out of her shell by using me as a role model to inspire her.

The 20th anniversary marked a huge experience in my life that I will never forget. I can look back and still feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I still can’t believe it all happened. If the Monica from 10 years ago saw the Monica now; she would be shocked. Never, in a million years, would I have thought that I would be able to do something like this. Thanks to Audrey McDonough, I have taken a personal step forward. My second year has just slowly begun and I have already grown in tremendous ways just by taking on that challenge. I look forward to what else this year will hold.