graphical user interfaces -...

Outline 1 Graphical User Interfaces a sliding puzzle characteristics and components 2 The Tk GUI Toolkit in Python tkinter, Tk, and Tcl hello world again using grid, Radiobutton, and Checkbutton handling mouse events 3 Summary + Assignments MCS 260 Lecture 30 Introduction to Computer Science Jan Verschelde, 28 March 2016 Intro to Computer Science (MCS 260) graphical user interfaces L-30 28 March 2016 1 / 34

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1 Graphical User Interfaces

a sliding puzzle

characteristics and components

2 The Tk GUI Toolkit in Python

tkinter, Tk, and Tcl

hello world again

using grid, Radiobutton, and Checkbutton

handling mouse events

3 Summary + Assignments

MCS 260 Lecture 30

Introduction to Computer Science

Jan Verschelde, 28 March 2016

Intro to Computer Science (MCS 260) graphical user interfaces L-30 28 March 2016 1 / 34

graphical user interfaces

using tkinter

1 Graphical User Interfaces

a sliding puzzle

characteristics and components

2 The Tk GUI Toolkit in Python

tkinter, Tk, and Tcl

hello world again

using grid, Radiobutton, and Checkbutton

handling mouse events

3 Summary + Assignments

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A Sliding Puzzle

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Elements of the GUI

The GUI for the sliding puzzle contains:

1 buttons to start, scramble, unscramble, and clear;

2 a canvas widget to display the sliding puzzle;

3 a list of lists stores the data of the puzzle;

4 the scramble/unscramble buttons are animations;

5 mouse events allow the user to solve the puzzle.


1 the start button of the GUI shows an ordered board;

2 the scramble button perturbs the current board;

3 pushing unscramble shows how to solve the puzzle;

4 the user can move rectangles by clicking on a rectangle

that can slide to the free position.

Object oriented programming is used to implement GUIs.

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graphical user interfaces

using tkinter

1 Graphical User Interfaces

a sliding puzzle

characteristics and components

2 The Tk GUI Toolkit in Python

tkinter, Tk, and Tcl

hello world again

using grid, Radiobutton, and Checkbutton

handling mouse events

3 Summary + Assignments

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User Interfaces (UI)GUI, WUI, and HUI

Interfaces to our programs so far were command line.


1 strict linear control of execution order

imposed on the user by program;

2 user must remember a lot, e.g.: file names.

Modern interfaces are mostly event driven

and give the user control over the actions.

Command line interfaces are call non-GUI.

Specific categories of UI are

WUI: Web UI and HUI: Handheld UI.

Goal: increase usability of software.

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Characteristics of GUIs

The most significant features of a GUI are

Window: area of display device to view and interact with an object.

Information is viewed.

Icon: pictorial representation of an object.

Menu: collection of choices, typically to perform actions

on an object.

Pointer: is similar to a typing cursor, controlled by a pointing

device, typically a mouse.

Client Area: area within a window where the user can enter data,

strings or numbers.

Directness: direct manipulation of objects via the pointer,

such as moving and dragging windows.

The development of GUIs should be user centered.

Goals: simple, aesthetic, productive, and customizable.

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GUI components

GUI components are widgets = window gadgets.

Some GUI components are

Button: to trigger an event

Label: to display text or icons

Entry: to accept single line user input

Text: to accept multiple line user input

Menu: to display list of items

Listbox: to display list of text options

Canvas: to draw geometric figures

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graphical user interfaces

using tkinter

1 Graphical User Interfaces

a sliding puzzle

characteristics and components

2 The Tk GUI Toolkit in Python

tkinter, Tk, and Tcl

hello world again

using grid, Radiobutton, and Checkbutton

handling mouse events

3 Summary + Assignments

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tkinter, Tk, and TclGUIs for Python programmers

The tkinter (= Tk interface) library provides

an object-oriented interface to the Tk GUI toolkit,

the graphical interface development tool for Tcl,

Tk = Tool Kit, Tcl = Tool Command Language.

Benefit: platform independent GUI development.

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graphical user interfaces

using tkinter

1 Graphical User Interfaces

a sliding puzzle

characteristics and components

2 The Tk GUI Toolkit in Python

tkinter, Tk, and Tcl

hello world again

using grid, Radiobutton, and Checkbutton

handling mouse events

3 Summary + Assignments

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Hello World!our first GUI

Five steps:

1 from tkinter import Tk, Label

2 create a new object of the class Tk

3 a label defines the text message

4 apply the geometry manager to the label

5 enter the main event loop

Until we close the window, the program stays in the loop.

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the code for Hello World! in


Hello world with a Graphical User Interface.

The code below displays "Hello World!" in a

new window, using the tkinter GUI library.


from tkinter import Tk, Label

TOP = Tk() # TOP is the new window

# Label is a widget to design the interface

LBL = Label(TOP, text="Hello World!", \

width=20, height=5)

# to arrange the widget in a window we call

LBL.pack() # the geometry manager

TOP.mainloop() # enter main event loop

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Dialogue with User – prompting for a name

We prompt the user to enter a name:

After the user typed in a name:

Pushing the enter button pops up the window:

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the widget Entry to accept user input

from tkinter import Tk, Entry, Label

TOP = Tk()

Label(TOP, text="Who’s there ? ").grid(row=0)

ENT = Entry(TOP)

ENT.grid(row=0, column=1)



1 use of row and column with grid

2 the widget Entry to accept user strings

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the widget Button to enter user input

from tkinter import Tk, Entry, Label, Button

from tkinter import messagebox

def hello():

"opens a window to say hello"

data = ’hello ’ + ENT.get()

messagebox.showinfo("enter", data)

BTT = Button(TOP, text="enter", command=hello)

BTT.grid(row=1, column=1)


1 Button will call hello when pressed

2 hellO calls showinfo of messagebox

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the complete script

from tkinter import Tk, Entry, Label, Button

from tkinter import messagebox

TOP = Tk()

Label(TOP, text="Who’s there ? ").grid(row=0)

ENT = Entry(TOP)

ENT.grid(row=0, column=1)

def hello():

"opens a window to say hello"

data = ’hello ’ + ENT.get()

messagebox.showinfo("enter", data)

BTT = Button(TOP, text="enter", command=hello)

BTT.grid(row=1, column=1)


Intro to Computer Science (MCS 260) graphical user interfaces L-30 28 March 2016 17 / 34

graphical user interfaces

using tkinter

1 Graphical User Interfaces

a sliding puzzle

characteristics and components

2 The Tk GUI Toolkit in Python

tkinter, Tk, and Tcl

hello world again

using grid, Radiobutton, and Checkbutton

handling mouse events

3 Summary + Assignments

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the Geometry Manager grid

To layout the geometry like this


1 the title of the window

2 buttons spanning multiple columns

3 an entry field containing text

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the geometry manager in the script

from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, Entry

from tkinter import W, E, N, S, INSERT

TOP = Tk()

TOP.title("use of grid")

TX1 = Label(TOP, text=" text 1 ")

TX1.grid(row=0, column=4)

BT0 = Button(TOP, text=" button 0 ")

BT0.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W+E+N+S)

BT1 = Button(TOP, text=" button 1 ")

BT1.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=W+E+N+S)

EN1 = Entry(TOP)

EN1.insert(INSERT, "entry 1 ")

EN1.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2)

BT2 = Button(TOP, text="button 2 ")

BT2.grid(row=2, column=3)


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use of Radiobuttons

The GUI should do the following:

1 the entry field starts at 0

2 when user clicks on +1: add one

3 when user clicks on -1: subtract one

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the script uses Radiobuttons

An Entry widget displays the value tuned by the Radiobuttons.

from tkinter import Tk, Entry, Radiobutton

from tkinter import INSERT, END

TOP = Tk()

TOP.title("use Radiobutton")

TEXT = Entry(TOP)

TEXT.insert(INSERT, "0") # initialization

TEXT.grid(row=0, columnspan=2)

def plus():

"Callback function, does +1"

data = TEXT.get() # data in Entry

data = str(int(data) + 1) # add one to it

TEXT.delete(0, END) # clear Entry

TEXT.insert(INSERT, data) # insert result

ADD = Radiobutton(TOP, text="+1", command=plus)

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the script continued ...

The functions plus() and minus() are callback functions,

called when the user touches the Radiobutton.

def minus():

"Callback function does -1"

data = TEXT.get() # data in Entry

data = str(int(data) - 1) # subtract one

TEXT.delete(0, END) # clear Entry

TEXT.insert(INSERT, data) # insert result

SUB = Radiobutton(TOP, text="-1", command=minus)

ADD.grid(row=1, column=0)

SUB.grid(row=1, column=1)


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Using CheckButtons


1 the user can check one or two boxes

2 click on the enter button

3 to see a message displayed in the Entry box

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using Checkbutton in the

from tkinter import Tk, IntVar, Checkbutton, Entry, Button

from tkinter import W, E, N, S, INSERT, END

TOP = Tk()

TOP.title("use Checkbutton")

H = IntVar() # determined by HOT button

C = IntVar() # determined by COLD button

HOT = Checkbutton(TOP, text="hot", \

variable = H, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0)

HOT.grid(row=0, column=0)

COLD = Checkbutton(TOP, text="cold", \

variable = C, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0)

COLD.grid(row=0, column=1)

H and C are variables, toggled on or off by the user selecting the

corresponding box.

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code in continued...

ENT = Entry(TOP)

ENT.grid(row=2, columnspan=2)

def act():

"callback function for enter button"

ENT.delete(0, END)

if H.get() == 1 and C.get() == 0:

ENT.insert(INSERT, "it is hot")

if H.get() == 0 and C.get() == 1:

ENT.insert(INSERT, "it is cold")

if H.get() == 1 and C.get() == 1:

ENT.insert(INSERT, "it is hot and cold")

BTT = Button(TOP, text = "enter", command=act)

BTT.grid(row=1, columnspan=2, sticky=W+E+N+S)


Observe the use of H.get() and C.get().

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graphical user interfaces

using tkinter

1 Graphical User Interfaces

a sliding puzzle

characteristics and components

2 The Tk GUI Toolkit in Python

tkinter, Tk, and Tcl

hello world again

using grid, Radiobutton, and Checkbutton

handling mouse events

3 Summary + Assignments

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handling mouse events

Often the amount of data we generate is too huge

for an orderly display in a classical terminal window.

Much more data can be stored in an image on canvas

and via the mouse we may interact with the data.

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filling squares on a grid

from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, StringVar, Label

class FillSquares(object):


Filling squares on canvas with mouse clicks.


def __init__(self, wdw, r, c):


the mouse is bound to the canvas

a label displays mouse position


wdw.title("mark with mouse")

self.mag = 10 # magnification factor

self.rows = r # number of rows on canvas

self.cols = c # number of columns on canvas

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__init__ continued

def __init__(self, wdw, r, c):


self.cnv = Canvas(wdw, \

width=self.mag*self.cols+2*self.mag, \

height=self.mag*self.rows+2*self.mag, \


self.cnv.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3)

# to display mouse position :

self.mouse_position = StringVar()

self.mouse_position.set("put mouse inside box to draw")

self.position_label = Label(wdw, \

textvariable = self.mouse_position)

self.position_label.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3)

# bind mouse events


self.filled = []

for _ in range(r):

self.filled.append([False for _ in range(c)])

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binding the mouse events

To bind the mouse events to canvas:

def bind_mouse_events(self):


binds mouse events to the canvas


self.cnv.bind("<Button-1>", self.button_pressed)

self.cnv.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.button_released)

self.cnv.bind("<Enter>", self.entered_window)

self.cnv.bind("<Leave>", self.exited_window)

self.cnv.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouse_dragged)

The methods button_pressed, button_released,

entered_window, exited_window, and mouse_dragged are

activated by the mouse.

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button_pressed and button_released

def button_pressed(self, event):


Display coordinates of button press.


self.mouse_position.set("currently at [ " + \

str(event.x) + ", " + str(event.y) + " ]" + \

" release to fill, or drag")

def button_released(self, event):


display coordinates of button release


self.mouse_position.set("drawn at [ " + \

str(event.x) + ", " + str(event.y) + " ]" + \

" redo to clear")

self.draw_rectangle(event.x, event.y)

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the other methods

def entered_window(self, event):


Display message that mouse entered window.


self.mouse_position.set("press mouse to give coordinates")

def exited_window(self, event):


Display message that mouse exited window.


self.mouse_position.set("put mouse inside box to draw")

def mouse_dragged(self, event):


Display coordinates of moving mouse.


self.mouse_position.set("dragging at [ " + \

str(event.x) + ", " + str(event.y) + " ]" + \

" release to draw")

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Summary + AssignmentsFor a manual on tkinter:


1 Write Python code to display:

You should not provide any functionality.

2 Add functionality to the calculator shown above.

3 Design a GUI to convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and

Celsius. Draw the layout and decide what widgets you will use.

4 Give Python code for the previous exercise.

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