grayling vs craig

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  • 8/3/2019 Grayling vs Craig



    CRAIG: Thank you and good evening. Im very grateful to the

    Oxford Union for the privilege of debating here this evening on

    this most important topic and I thank you for your warm welcome.Im also grateful as well for Professor Graylings participation

    in the event this evening, and I trust that our discussion

    tonight will not only be an intellectual exercise for you but

    will also be a significant help in your own personal, spiritual


    Now when we ask whether belief in God makes sense in light of

    tsunamis, were posing in a provocative way the problem that,

    traditionally, philosophers have called the problem of evil.This problem is undoubtedly the greatest obstacle to belief in

    God. When we consider the depth and the extent of suffering in

    the world then it makes it hard to believe in God. Maybe we

    should just all become atheists.

    But that would be a pretty big step to take. How can we be sure

    that God does not exist? Maybe theres a reason why God permits

    all the suffering in the world. Maybe it all fits in to some

    grand scheme of things that we can only dimly envision, if atall. How do we know?

    Well, despite the undeniable emotional impact of the problem of

    evil, Im persuaded that as a strictly rational, intellectual

    problem it does not constitute a disproof of the existence of

    God. Let me explain why.

    Traditionally, atheists have claimed that the co-existence of God

    and evil is logically impossible. That is to say, there is no

    possible world in which God and evil both exist. Since we know

    that evil exists, the argument goes, it follows logically that

    God does not exist. It is this version of the problem of evil

    that professor Grayling recently defended in his debate with

    Keith Ward in The Prospect.

    So, according to the logical version of the problem of evil, (the

    two statements on your hand-out):

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    (A) an omnipotent, omnibenevolent God exists


    (B) evil exists

    ... are logically incompatible.

    The difficulty for the atheist, however, is that statements (A)

    and (B) are not, at face value, logically inconsistent. Theres

    no explicit contradiction between them. If the atheist thinks

    they are implicitlycontradictory then he must be assuming some

    hidden premises that would serve to bring out the contradiction

    and make it explicit.

    But, what are those premises? Well, the atheist seems to be

    assuming two things:

    (1) If God is omnipotent then he can create any world that he



    (2) If God is omnibenevolent then he prefers a world without evil

    over a world with evil

    The atheist reasons that: since God is omnipotent he couldcreate

    a world without evil, and since he is omnibenevolent he would

    prefer a world without evil, therefore if God exists, evil cannot


    This version of the problem of evil has been seriously undermined

    by the incisive critique of the philosopher Alvin Plantinga.

    Plantinga notes that the atheist must show that both of the

    critical assumptions (1) and (2) are necessarilytrue in order

    for the argument to be logically valid. But, Plantinga argues, if

    it is evenpossible that human beings have free will then (1) and

    (2) are not necessarily true.

    Take assumption (1). If free will is possible then its false

    that an omnipotent God can create just any world that he desires.

    Gods being omnipotent does not imply that he can do logical

    impossibilities (such as, make a round square or a married

    bachelor). But it is logically impossible to make someone freely

    choose to do something. Thus if God grants people genuine

    freedom, to choose as they like, then its impossible for him to

    determine what their choices will be. All he can do is create the

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    circumstances, in which a person is able to make a free choice,

    and then so to speak stand back and let him make that

    choice. Now what this implies is that there are worlds which are

    possible, in and of themselves, but which God is incapable of

    creating. Philosophers say that such worlds are not feasible for

    God. So the first assumption made by the atheist, (namely, that

    an omnipotent God can create any world that he desires), is not

    necessarily true.

    Now this is important because, for all we know, in every feasible

    world where God creates free creatures some of those

    creatures freely choose to do evil. Thus its possible that every

    world feasible for God, which contains free creatures, is a world

    with sin and evil. And, therefore, the atheists argument on

    this ground alone is invalid.

    But what about the second assumption? That if God is

    omnibenevolent then he prefers a world without evil over a world

    with evil? Again, such an assumption is not necessarily true.

    The fact is that in many cases we allow suffering to occur, in a

    persons life, because we have some morally sufficient reason for

    permitting it. Im reminded of a remark once made by C.S. Lewis:

    What do people mean when they say Im not afraid of God becauseI know that he is good? Have they never even been to the

    dentist?! [some audience laughter] God may permit suffering in

    our lives in order to achieve some morally sufficient,

    overriding, end. Thus, even though God is omnibenevolent, he

    might well have morally sufficient reasons for permitting pain

    and suffering in the world. Consequently, the second assumption

    of our atheist friends is also not necessarily true. The

    argument is, thus, doubly invalid.

    The bottom line is that atheists have not been able to show that

    either of their key assumptions is necessarily true, which they

    must do in order to sustain the claim, that the co-existence of

    God and evil is logically impossible. The atheist who makes this

    claim has unwittingly shouldered a tremendously heavy burden of

    proof which no-one has been able to sustain.

    Now, Plantinga argues that we can go even further than this. Not

    only has the atheist failed to prove that God and evil areinconsistent, but we can on the contrary prove that God and

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    evil are consistent! In order to do so, all we have to do is

    provide some proposition that is compatible with Gods existence

    and which entails that evil exists. And the following is such a

    proposition (on your hand-outs):

    (C) God could not have created a world that had so much good as

    the actual world but had less evil, both in terms of quantity and

    quality, and moreover God has morally sufficient reasons for

    permitting the evil that exists.

    So long as this proposition is evenpossible, it shows that God

    and the evil in the world are logically compatible.

    In summary, the atheist who champions the logical version of the

    problem of evil, bears the burden of proof to show that there is

    no possible world in which (A) and (B) are true. That is an

    enormously heavy burden which has proved to be unsustainable.

    After centuries of discussion, contemporary philosophers

    including virtually all atheists and agnostics have come to admit

    that the logical problem of evil has been solved. In the words of

    the prominent philosopher William Alston, It is now

    acknowledged, on almost all sides, that the logical argument from

    evil is bankrupt.

    Now perhaps Professor Grayling would retreat, at this point, to

    the position that while the co-existence of God and evil are

    logically possible, nonetheless, its highly improbable So,

    given the evil in the world, its improbable that God exists.

    This probabilistic version of the problem, however, faces

    insuperable difficulties. Let me just mention three, this


    Number one: were not in a position to assess, inductively, the

    probability that God lacks morally sufficient reasons for

    permitting the evils that occur. The atheist seems to think that

    if God has morally sufficient reasons, for permitting the evils

    that occur, then these reasons should be obvious to us!

    But, theres absolutely no grounds for that assumption. The

    transcendent God sees the end of history from its beginning and

    providentially orders history so that his purposes are ultimately

    achieved through human, free decisions. In order to achieve his

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    ends, God may well have to put up with various evils along the

    way. Evils, which appear pointless or unnecessary to us, within

    our limited frame of reference may be seen to have been justly

    permitted within Gods wider frame of reference. We simply have

    no idea of the natural and moral evils that might be involved in

    order for God to arrange the circumstances, and free agents in

    them, necessary to some intended purpose; nor can we always

    discern the reasons why such a provident God might have for

    permitting some evil to enter ourlives.

    To say this, is not is not to appeal to mystery, but rather

    to point to the inherent cognitive limitations that frustrate

    attempts to say, on inductive grounds, that its improbable that

    God has a morally sufficient reason for permitting some

    particular evil.

    Ironically, in other contexts, atheists recognize these cognitive

    limitations. One of the most damaging objections to utilitarian

    ethical theory, which says that we should always act so as to

    maximize the greatest happiness for the greatest number of

    people, is that it is quite simply impossible for us to estimate

    which action we might perform will ultimately lead to the

    greatest amount of happiness in the world. Because of ourcognitive limitations, actions which appear disastrous, in the

    short term, may redound to the greatest good; while some short

    term boon may prove to issue in untold misery. Once we

    contemplate Gods providence, over the whole of history, then it

    becomes evident how hopeless it is for limited observers to

    speculate on the probability of Gods having morally sufficient

    reasons for the evils that we see. Were simply not in a good

    position to assess such probabilities with any confidence.

    Secondly: Christian theism entails doctrines that increase the

    probability of the co-existence of God and evil. The atheist

    maintains that if God exists then its improbable that the world

    would contain the evil it does. But if the biblical God exists

    then its not, in fact, so surprising that evil exists. Thus,

    evil is not so improbable on Christian theism. For, according to

    Christian theism, the chief purpose of life is not happiness but,

    rather, the knowledge of God.

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    One reason the problem of evil seems so difficult is that people

    naturally tend to assume that if God exists then his purpose, for

    human life, is happiness in this life! Gods role is to provide

    a comfortable environment for his human pets.

    But, on the Christian view, this is false! We are not Gods pets,

    and the goal of human life is not happiness, per se, but rather

    the knowledge of God which, in the end, will bring true and

    everlasting human fulfillment. Many evils occur in life which may

    be utterly pointless, with respect to the goal of producing human

    happiness, but they may not be pointless with respect to

    producing a deeper knowledge of God. Because Gods ultimate goal

    for humanity is the knowledge of himself, which alone can bring

    eternal happiness to people, history cannot be seen in its true

    perspective apart from considerations pertinent to the kingdom of

    God. It may well be the case that natural and moral evils are

    part of the means God uses to draw people into his eternal


    Moreover, Gods purpose is not restricted to this life but spills

    over, beyond the grave, into eternal life. When God asks his

    children to bear horrible suffering in this life, it is only with

    the prospect of a heavenly joy and recompense that is beyond allcomprehension. And the longer we spend in eternity, the more the

    sufferings of this life shrink, by comparison, to an

    infinitesimal moment. The person in heaven looking back would

    say, no matter how awful his pain, no matter what he suffered, I

    would go through it a million, million times over to know this

    joy! Thus, if Christian theism is true, the existence of evil is

    not so improbable.

    Number three: relative to the full scope of the evidence, Godsexistence is probable. Probabilities are relative to ones

    background information. Thus, with a probability argument, we

    always need to ask, improbable with respect to what? Now, apply

    this principle to the probabilistic problem of evil: the atheist

    says Gods existence is improbable..., but with respect to

    what? To the evil in the world? Well, if thats all you consider,

    for your background information, then I think its hardly

    surprising that Gods existence would appear improbable relative

    to that alone. But thats not the interesting question.

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    The interesting question is whether Gods existence is improbable

    relative to the full scope of the evidence. And the Christian

    theist will insist that we consider not just the evil in the

    world, but rather all the evidence relevant to Gods existence.

    Now, obviously, I dont have time to discuss it here but, in my

    published work, Ive written extensively in defense of various

    arguments for the existence of God. Im convinced that even given

    any improbability that evil throws upon Gods existence, Gods

    existence is still quite probable on the basis of the evidence.

    In any case, it would be premature to conclude that Gods

    existence is improbable unless one has examined and weighed all

    the relevant evidence.

    In conclusion, then, neither the logical nor the probabilistic

    problem of evil constitutes a justification of atheism. The

    rational man is well within his rights in thinking that the

    existence of God makes sense. Even in light of tsunamis.


    [Back to Top]

    Opening Statement A.C.Grayling:

    Before we began our debate I said to Professor Craig that I was

    prepared to concede victory this evening, to him, in the matter

    of ties. Hes got a much more handsome tie than Ive got on

    [audience laughter]. I wore this one because as the, as the

    token, or what a theist would call an atheist because I also

    dont believe in fairies and so on, I prefer to be an afairy-ist I thought Id better wear a sort of fairly sober tie on,

    in order to appear to be a bit more respectable and [inaudible,

    then slight audience laughter].

    Im tremendously impressed, by the way, at the number of you

    present here on a Friday evening, in Oxford! I think things must

    have changed since I was an undergraduate here [audience

    laughter] there must be fewer facilities. But at any rate Im

    delighted to see you all.
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    Let me just begin with a remark about the tsunami which, as you

    know, killed several hundred thousand people among them small

    children and elderly people a great majority of them were not

    Christians they were people of other faiths and all faiths I

    suppose and of no faith. So that I suppose one would need an

    assumption to the effect that the, that the deity, if he she or

    it caused it or countenanced it or wasnt able to stop it,

    nevertheless it would have in some sense to be the same deity

    for all those people, and if there is a greater good envisaged in

    the event then it would have to be one that is somehow captured

    in very different forms in these different faiths.

    And I leave that point hanging in the air because I think its

    something that we need to bring up a bit later on remembering

    that there was a competition between the faiths! After all, a

    Christian will tell you that the founder of that religion said I

    am the way, the truth and the life, no-one comes to the Father

    but by me, which seems rather bad news for very many of the

    people who were swept away by that grave wave.

    Still, lets begin at the beginning:

    We have to wade our way through a number of, ifs before we getto the point that we need to discuss tonight: ifthere are

    supernatural entities or phenomena in the universe, and by that I

    mean things that dont fall into the category of frogs and clouds

    and galaxies and human beings and so on subject to description

    in terms of natural laws and the rest so ifthere are

    supernatural entities or phenomena in the universe, and if these

    supernatural phenomena are in some way active If they, if

    theyre agents and lets just, for grammatical simplicity,

    talk in terms of one such thing, call it (X) for the moment; if(X) is an agent that is, can do things and in some way, react

    to the facts in the universe and if, further, that supernatural

    entity is not merely an agent but also an intelligent one has

    intelligence and if, yet again its not merely intelligent but

    also interestedin this bit of the universe with we, people, in

    it; then we need to ask ourselves the question, What, if

    anything, can be inferred about the nature of, such an entity (if

    we allow ourselves so many, ifs) from the evidence that we have

    available to us?

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    So if, if theres a supernatural entity which is intelligent and

    interested in this bit of the universe, what can we say about

    what that entity might be like, on the basis of what the world

    seems like to us? And were remembering here that the evidence

    includes tsunamis and childhood cancers and things like that.

    And the answer would have to be something like this: at first

    blush, at any rate before the theologians get to work on us

    it would seem that that intelligent and interested agency, in

    the universe, would have to be either malevolent or, if not

    impotent, then only quasi-potent.

    Okay, so malevolent we could understand: the fact that the Old

    Testament is full of suggestions that if you were a Midianite orsomeone like that, then the deity might indeed be reasonably

    malevolent to, towards you.

    So, but if not malevolent then, then not omnipotent, because ...

    constrained in some way in its power to lessen the suffering that

    is experienced by the creation with which it, to which it stands

    in some relation.

    But the answer to that second point is to say Well, maybe it is

    benevolent but its omnipotence is not exercised in a way that

    would ensure a reduction of the amount of suffering that there

    is, in the universe, because it has a purpose a greater purpose

    that the suffering should, in some way, subserve.

    Now both those points were made by Professor Craig in his

    presentation and he was talking about the hidden assumptions

    made, by the person who doesnt believe in fairies and so on, if,

    (1) if God is omnipotent then he can create any world that he

    desires and he disputed that assumption and thats the point

    that Ive just raised about quasi-potence or lack of potency

    and the second one about Gods benevolence, that if God is

    omnibenevolent he prefers a world in which evil doesnt exist,

    and he raised a point in connection with that too.

    And you will notice that the points actually dont sit quite

    consistently with one another because the answer, that he gave to

    the first point, is so God is not quite omnipotent because there

    are some things that he cant do. For example, he cant do

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    logically impossible things well, we know that already because

    he cant eat himself for breakfast and that kind of thing but

    what he also cant do is to create a world which has free will in

    it (required, incidentally, so that we can answer problems about

    the existence of moral evil in the world remembering that if

    there is a God who is a creator of the world, and is responsible

    ultimately for everything that happens in it, then hes

    responsible for murder and rape and the rest of it and so in

    order to block that consequence we have to think in terms of the

    creation parts of the creation, anyway, thats us having free

    will). So hes not quite omnipotent is the derogation from that


    But, as for the omnibenevolence, well, hes willing to let

    suffering occur in the world for a greater good. And that if only

    we could see sub specie aeternitatis what that greater good is,

    then no matter how great the suffering, say of grief, of loss, of

    terror, of being faced with an unkind or cruel nature no matter

    what the experience of suffering might be nevertheless it

    subserves some, some greater good. And we cant see what that is

    because we have finite minds. Now, I just mention in passing, to

    leave to one side for discussion, the thought that invoking the

    finitude of our cognitive powers our inability to see what that

    great good might be is, as it seems to me, a very helpful and

    convenient argument for the theologian; because once one pulls

    the curtain of mystery across things then, of course, one can say

    and believe anything.

    But the inconsistency between the two points is this: if you

    derogate somewhat from Gods omnipotence, then youre in effect

    saying that he cant in a world which contains free will,

    agents and so on he cant have prevented the degree of

    suffering that is present in the world.

    The second point: hes, nevertheless, willing to let suffering

    occur for a greater good. So, if you think that suffering is

    necessary for a greater good, then and you permit it to happen

    then the implication seems to be that you coulddo something

    about not letting it happen, but since youve got this greater

    good in mind, you, do let it happen.

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    beings in it and which doesnt have pain and suffering in it.

    Whats the logical inconsistency there?

    What the theologian has to argue, in response to that point, is

    that the world could not, could not notice the strength of themodality there, that actually occurs in statement (C) that God

    could not have created a world with as much good as this world

    contains, unless it contained the degree of evil, of natural evil

    that it has in it.

    Now why should one accept that? If one accepts that God is

    genuinely omnipotent, then he could create a world which

    maximizes the good and minimizes or perhaps dispenses

    altogether the pain and suffering. One could imagine, forexample, him creating a world which was entirely intellectual.

    After all, although many of our agonies are intellectual ones I

    mean, some of us are coming up to schools in four weeks time and

    are being subjected, at the moment, to the most terrible

    intellectual cruelties most of the suffering that people think

    of in the world... lets take the form of physical suffering:

    then we think about deprivation at one end and at the other end

    the excruciating pain of certain kinds of illnesses; or the

    terrible emotional pain of grief and loss and fear. Why is itthat those things should be centrally, or essentially, required

    for a world to have as much good in it as this one does?

    Or, arguably of course, this world doesnt contain as much good

    in it, as there could be, given that the quantum of suffering in

    the world is as it is.

    Remember this also, that some of the natural evils that occur in

    the world do so as a result of ouragency. For example, our

    effect on the environment and our spreading of diseases one to

    another and the rest. And so that there is a complex relationship

    between the two kinds of evil that go on in the world: moral and

    natural. And if the natural evil that exists in the world is,

    somehow, ruled by a deity for a greater good, then the

    instrumental action of moral evil, in the world, would have to be

    willed by that deity too and wouldnt just be an artefact of

    our having free will.

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    So my thought is this: once you have taken the long route through

    a whole series of suppositions thinking that the world might

    contain a certain sort of entity and this entity, might have the

    right kind of character, to understand and appreciate our

    emotional and sensational lives, and might be interested in some

    way in those emotions and sensations then the question, if you

    really, reallywanted to accept that view then the question

    arises, with great urgency, as to what kind of being that could

    be, consistently with the way the world in fact is?

    And its very interesting to notice that, in the development of

    thinking about the relationship that individual human beings have

    with their world with a world containing the possibilities of

    suffering and the rest there have been dramatic, dramatically

    different conceptions of that relationship. For example, in the

    medieval period, Contemptus Mundi literature was, a great feature

    the Da Vinci Code of the day it was the book that told you

    that the world was a veil of tears and suffering, and that all we

    had to do was endure and pay your tithes and you would,

    eventually, get to heaven.

    And what followed that period in the renaissance was a re-

    discovery of the joy and the beauty of the world and thepossibility, the pleasure, in the world and a re-focusing of

    attention by human beings on things that are immanent things

    that are here in the world, and a desire to maximize the

    pleasure and enjoyment that came from understanding that world,

    from appreciating the beauties in it and from adding to them. A

    world, in other words, where The Good was conceived as lying in

    things that spoke to the emotions and the sensations of human


    Well, according to a theory which has it that suffering is some

    part of the production of the greater good, there would have to

    be questions asked about the degree of consistency between the

    conception that the renaissance thinkers had about The Good and

    that conception about the need that the world has for there to be

    suffering and pain in it. And anybody who takes the sort of

    position that I do, whos very sceptical about the idea that

    there are supernatural agencies intelligent enough and

    interested enough in us to know about us, that we can suffer and

    enjoy, that we can feel fear and that we can feel joy

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    anybody... any beingwho had that conception of us, would have to

    be quite conscious of the effect that its agency had in respect

    of what we regard as being in our interests and for our good.

    So, in that, when we pose the question is it reasonable tobelieve that there could be a deity and I think, we notice,

    that our concept of God is a very capacious one which has to do

    with a great number of different traditions and definitions of

    what such a being could be, but when we ask that question

    generally, generally speaking we think an almighty and all-

    loving deity.

    And can it be reasonable to think that the universe is governed

    by, even contains, such a thing? And I think the answer has tobe: not.

    Thank you.


    [Back to Top]

    Rebuttal William Lane Craig:

    Well thank you, Professor Grayling, for those interesting remarks

    in response to my opening statement. Youll remember that I

    distinguished between two versions of the problem of evil: the

    logical version and the probabilistic version. And I suggested

    that the logical version is no longer defended today; that it has

    been given up because its been recognized that the atheist

    cannot sustain the enormous burden of proof this involves. But,

    so far as I could understand Professor Graylings position in his

    opening speech, hes sticking by the logical version of theproblem of evil despite that, hes going to maintain it.

    Now he said that, Looking at the world, we would conclude the

    deity must be either impotent or malevolent. But to say that is

    to assume precisely those two hidden assumptions, namely that:

    if God is omnipotent he can create any world that he desires,

    and if hes omnibenevolent he would prefer a world without evil

    over a world with evil. And so if the response is not to be

    question-begging we need to see some argument on behalf of those
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    two premises, and youll remember I suggested that those cannot

    be proved.

    First, if free will is even possible, it follows that an

    omnipotent God cannot create every world that he might desire.Now Professor Grayling responded by saying, Well, Doctor Craig

    youre qualifying divine omnipotence, on your view God is not

    quite omnipotentand I want to protest against that and say

    thats not at all accurate. Historically, divine omnipotence has

    always been defined in terms of Gods ability to do whatever is

    logically possible. The only philosopher that I know of, who

    thought God could do logical impossibilities, was Rene Descartes.

    But everyone else has always said: omnipotence means the ability

    to do whatever is logically possible. But Gods inability to

    make a round square or a married bachelor is not an inability on

    Gods part because there is no such thing as a round square, or a

    married bachelor. Those are just self-contradictory combinations

    of words that have no referent. So God can do anything; anything

    that is logically possible!

    And, as I say, it is logically impossible to make someone freely

    do something, and I dont think that Professor Grayling grasped

    the difference between a possible world and a feasible world.There arepossible worlds, logically, where everyone always

    chooses to do the right thing. But those worlds may not be

    feasible for God because if God created the agents in them, in

    the circumstances envisioned, the agents might choose differently

    might go the wrong way. So that given that its logically

    impossible to make someone freely choose to do something, not

    every logically possible world is actualisable by God only

    feasible worlds. And therefore this is no qualification of divine

    omnipotence to say, there are worlds that God is incapable of


    Now, if you do want to go with Descartes and say, Well, Gods

    omnipotence means he can do the logically impossible, well, then

    theres no problem of evil at all! Because God can bring it about

    that he exists, and that evil exists, even though these are

    logically incompatible with each other! [some audience laughter]

    So, if you go that route, youve completely dissolved any problem

    of evil.

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    Now, what about the second assumption, that God prefers a world

    without evil, over a worldwithevil? And I suggested that if we

    have morally sufficient reasons for permitting pain and suffering

    then sometimes we do allow it. Now, here, Professor Grayling

    says, but a father wouldnt allow his children to suffer so

    terribly. I want to say a couple of things here: first, the

    father analogy is terribly misleading. We must not compare God to

    a human father when it comes to moral responsibility, because

    they are so different. God we have a moral obligation to

    worship God, but any human father who demanded worship from his

    children would be egomaniacal. So that the relationship between a

    child and his human father is completely different from our moral

    obligations toward God. Moreover, a human father doesnt have

    certain rights vis--vis his child, that God has toward us: God

    is our creator and sustainer the author and giver of life. A

    human father doesnt have the right to take the life of his own

    child, but if God wanted to take my life this evening, thats his

    prerogative. It is in his hands when I live and when I die. So

    the moral obligations between a father and his child are utterly

    different from Gods relationship with us.

    But, in any case, the point remains unrefuted: even the human

    father will sometimes permit suffering, in the life of his child,

    because of a morally sufficient overriding reason. He wouldnt

    permit, perhaps, terrible suffering. But if he has a morally

    sufficient reason, hell permit it. And it is possible that God

    could have morally sufficient reasons for permitting horrible and

    terrible suffering in this world. And as long as thats even

    possible, the atheist has failed to shoulder the burden of proof

    to show that this second assumption is true.

    And its so important for us to remember here, its not the

    theist who bears the burden of proof here. Its the atheist who

    is claiming that (A) and (B) are logically incompatible. Its the

    atheist who bears the burden of proof to show that these hidden

    assumptions are true. All I have to do is simply undercut them by

    saying, Well, its possible that theyre not true. The atheist

    must prove theyre necessarily true and, until he does that, he

    cant carry his case.

    But remember I said we can go a step further: we can actually

    prove that (A) and (B) are logically compatible with each other,

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    on the basis of (C)! (C) doesnt even need to be true! As long as

    its justpossiblytrue, it proves that there is a possible world

    in which God and Evil co-exist, and I didnt hear any response

    from Professor Grayling to that point.

    In short, the Logical Problem of Evil is just not defended

    anymore in the philosophical community. Peter Van Inwagen, in the

    Philosophical Perspectives of 1991, writes:

    It used to be widely held that evil was incompatible with the

    existence of God. That no possible world contained both God and

    evil. So far as I am able to tell, this thesis is no longer


    So let me just simply, in the interests of debate, go on to the

    probabilistic problem, even though Professor Grayling didnt

    discuss it. I suggested three reasons that the probabilistic

    problem of Evil faces insuperable difficulties:

    First, that were not in a good position to assess these

    probabilities inductively. In a very important article in

    Philosophical Perspectives of 1991, William Alston in a classic

    article on the evidential problem of evil lists six cognitive

    limits on us that make it, in principle, impossible for us to

    judge that God doesnt have not have morally sufficient

    reasons for permitting the evil in the world. Let me list these:

    Number one: lack of data. Our ignorance of the distant future, or

    the distant past; our ignorance of the ultimate constitution of

    the universe, the secrets of the human heart.

    Two: complexity greater than we can handle. For example, trying

    to understand different systems of natural law in which

    different laws of nature operate we have no clue about what

    systems are available to God.

    [Three]: the difficulty of knowing what is metaphysically

    possible. How do we know what logically imaginable worlds are

    actually metaphysically possible?

    Four: our ignorance of the full range of possibilities. We dont

    know how these are restricted.

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    Five: our ignorance of the full range of values. That is to say

    there may be unknown goods, that God brings about, that we are

    not even aware of.

    And six: the limits of our capacity to make well-considered valuejudgements. That is to say, to be able to compare different

    possible worlds with a view toward determining which world would

    be the best.

    Now, in my opening speech I gave an illustration of just one of

    those cognitive limits, namely: our lack of data. And I

    illustrated this from utilitarianism. We have no idea, when an

    action is performed, whether it will ultimately produce great

    happiness or great disaster, and therefore utilitarianism iswrong in saying that an action is right or wrong based on its

    consequences because we dont knowthe ultimate consequences.

    But let me give another example from current science: in chaos

    theory, scientists have been able to show that certain

    macroscopic systems are highly sensitive to the tiniest

    perturbations. The flutter of a butterflys wing, in a jungle in

    west Africa, can set in motion forces that will eventually issue

    in a hurricane over the Atlantic Ocean. And yet no-one, lookingat that little butterfly, would be able even in principle to

    predict such an outcome.

    Another example from popular culture: in the movie Sliding Doors,

    with Gwyneth Paltrow, we see how a young woman is rushing into

    the underground to catch a subway train and just as she

    approaches the train, the doors begin to slide shut. At that

    point, the film splits in two, and one half of the film narrates

    her life as it would have happened if she had made it through the

    doors. The other half of the film shows what would happen to her

    if the doors closed before she got there. And whats interesting,

    in this film, is the one life turns into happiness, success,

    everything she does is great; whereas the other life goes from

    bad to worse, disaster, failure, misery... all because of this

    one seemingly trivial incident of catching those sliding doors.

    Moreover, whether she got through those sliding doors was based

    upon whether her path was momentarily blocked, on the steps, by a

    little girl playing with her dolly on the handrail. And, of

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    course, what the movie doesnt show is that little girls

    playing, with the dolly on the handrail, was also contingent upon

    for example how many, how quickly she buttoned her blouse

    when dressing for school that morning; or how much muesli her

    mother put in the bowl how long it would take to eat breakfast

    or whether her father had to stop to tie his shoe on the way

    into the underground. You begin to see that these contingencies

    result in simply unpredictable situations.

    But heres the really interesting part of the film: its the

    shock ending. At the end of the movie you suddenly discover

    that, in the life in which everything is going hunky-dory and

    just super, shes suddenly killed in a car accident and her

    life comes to an end. Whereas in the miserable, unhappy life,

    that life turns around and it turns out that that is the really

    good life after all.

    This illustrates, I think, so poignantly how were simply not in

    a position to judge when things come into our life that God

    does not have a morally sufficient reason for permitting it.

    William Alston concludes:

    We are simply not in a position to justifiably assert that Godwould have no sufficient reason for permitting evil. And if that

    is right, the probabilistic argument from evil is in no better

    shape than its late, lamented, logical cousin.

    Second: I suggested that Christian theism increases the

    probability, of God and evil in the world, because Gods purpose

    in the world is not happiness, but the knowledge of himself to

    bring people freely to salvation. Well, how is God doing on this

    job? In 1990 some fascinating statistics were released, from the

    US Centre for World Mission, plotting the number of committed

    Christians in the world toward non-Christians in the world. in

    the year AD 100 there were 360 non-Christians for every committed

    Christian in the world; by AD 1000 there were 220 non-Christians

    per committed Christian in the world; by 1900 there were 27 non-

    Christians for every committed Christian in the world; by 1989

    there were only 7 non-Christians for every committed Christian in

    the world.

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    God is building his kingdom down through history, and it is not

    at all improbable that natural and moral evils are part of the

    means which he uses to bring people into his kingdom and to give

    them eternal life and everlasting happiness in comparison to

    which, the sufferings of this life will diminish to infinitesimal



    [Back to Top]

    Rebuttal A.C. Grayling:

    Well thank you, thank you for that and, thank you to Professor

    Craig too: its a very, very long time since Ive heard a sermon.

    My first point is that one always finds oneself in a difficulty,

    in this kind of a situation which I find myself at the moment, me

    being someone who is the token atheist here. Because I say, begin

    by saying: Okay, okay, just suppose that theres a profoundly

    improbable, you know, idea that there is some being out there in

    the universe that has these properties of being, you know,

    interested in us and aware and understands our situations, so

    on... just suppose that there is such a being. Then, and then you

    trot out your memory and I used to have to go to chapel every

    morning at the school that I went to and Ive vague memories

    of Almighty God to whom all things are known, all things are

    possibleand so on, and so Id think, Oh well, okay, this

    supposed being is going to be omnipotent and he loves us and hes

    our father, and all the rest of it.

    And then I find, when I have debates with theologians, that

    thats not whats meant at all! In fact, the goalpost the

    divine goalpost keeps moving, every time you say anything about

    this what such a being would have to be like you find that

    thats not whats meant!

    So, so when I say, you know, that we either create God in our

    image or he is, hes created us in his image and so on, then our

    best understanding of what that relationship would be with a

    creator who cares about us, and all that is a fatherly

    relationship (except I, as a father, tend not to drown my

    children all that often and so on) you know that that attempt to
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    try to get some grip on the moral realities here, I find, is a

    misleading analogy. So, we flounder because the goalposts do

    move all the time.

    But, still, lets do our best:

    Possible... a logically possible world may not be a feasible

    world. Now, I can understand that a logically possible world

    might not be a desirable world. It could be logically possible

    that God could there could be a God and that God could create

    free-willed beings and also that theres no natural evil in that

    world. But Professor Craig said that thats not feasiblefor

    God. I... (this is slightly jigsaw-puzzled because Ive got to

    keep several pieces going at the same time) we have to rememberthat we dont have a great deal of knowledge about Gods nature

    so bear that in mind but we know enoughto know that its not

    feasiblefor Gods purposes that, although its a logically

    possible world in which there is free will but no natural evil

    thats not feasible for God.

    But I find the distinction between logical possibility and

    feasibility so fine and subtle a one, that I dont actually see

    it. I can see a distinction between logical possibility anddesirability, but I dont see the difference between possibility

    and feasibility.

    Then, Professor Craig talked about God having morally sufficient

    reasons for suffering. Thats a fine-sounding phrase: morally

    sufficient reasons for suffering. And that, you know, even if we

    dont know what it is and were here once again behind the veil

    of ignorance nevertheless we could take, on trust, the thought

    that being drowned in a tsunami, or dying painfully of cancer or

    something, would be good for us in some way but we dont know

    what way that is and we simply have to believe it.

    But remember, that the discussion were having at the moment is

    is it reasonable forus to believe that, in a world which

    contains tsunamis and childhood cancers and the rest, that there

    could be a being, at least, of great power, at least who

    understands and has some concerns for our feelings and attitudes

    and so on?Whether... whether its reasonable to believe that

    there could be such a being. And I am suggesting that there is a

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    kind of incoherence in the idea of a being, with anything like

    the traditional attributes of God, and a world with the kind of

    world that we do in fact occupy.

    Professor Craig says that there are three shortcomings to theprobabilistic version of the argument from evil. And, by the way,

    I should just mention that Professor Craig says that the current

    authoritiesin the field say that nobody now takes the Logical

    Problem of Evilseriously. Well, long before that happened,

    people had stopped taking seriously the Argument from Authority,

    which is as you know a logical fallacy. So the fact that

    people that the theologians are not taking arguments

    seriously, doesnt seem to me a refutation of it.

    But, having left that one aside, the Probabilistic Problem of

    Evil: Were not in the position to assess, inductively, the

    probability etcetera etcetera.So this is an appeal to our

    finitude and our ignorance, so we dont know what those morally

    sufficient reasons would be.

    Second point: Christian theism entails doctrines that increase

    the probability of the co-existence of God and evil. Well, as I

    say, if you look at, if youre going to look at it from aChristian perspective if youre going to look at it from the

    point of view of the Canonical Gospels where we are told that

    God is almighty, that he is our Father(we say Our Father in

    Heavenand so on) that he can do all things, that he cares about

    the least sparrow; he also says by the way also for those of

    you who are about to do schools, take no thoughtfor tomorrow

    (you dont have to revise and so on)! He says all these very

    comforting things which give us if were going to start at a

    Christian perspective, at any rate a picture of the deitywholly inconsistent with the idea of natural evil in the world

    unless we accept that there is some enormouslygreater good

    thats going to be subserved by some of these terrible sufferings

    that are experienced in this world and well just get you to

    take on trust the fact that there is that greater good, but we

    dont know what it is.

    And finally, Professor Craig says that relative to the full

    scopeof the evidence, (not just the evidence of evil in theworld but all the evidence that there is), that Gods existence

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    is probable. I would have thought that taking the full scope of

    the evidence into account, about this world of ours, would have

    made the probability that there is a supernatural being of some

    kind, in this universe, infinitesimally... the probability

    infinitesimally small.

    One last thing: Professor Craig talks about, the defeater of

    the utilitarian argument residing in the fact that we dont

    really know what the ultimate consequences are going to be of our

    actions. I can know what the, you know, medium-term consequences

    are going to be: the difference between giving you an ice cream

    and kicking you on the ankle I can tell that the one is going

    to probably be more pleasant for you than the other! So,

    generally speaking, of course, when were being utilitarian

    about our actions we go by our best lights and by whats most

    likely in the course of our experience, and so on.

    And what one doesnt want to do is to suffer paralysis of moral

    action by butterfly effect! You see, if I thought... Im just

    about to do something just about to give you an ice cream and

    I think to myself, God! Id better not do that, you know,

    because this could cause a storm over the Atlantic, well, you

    know, [audience laughter] or some dreadful... some greatdisaster will happen, and, you know, everything is so

    contingent that youd best not do anything at all! Well, of

    course, the fact of the matter is that, in this world of ours,

    our understanding of human nature and the human condition is

    pretty rich and good on the whole for all our purposes. Remember

    what John Watts said in the preface to his essay, he said, The

    light that is set up in us shines bright enough for all our

    purposes. And generally speaking, as I say, were much more

    confident that ice creams are better than kicks on the ankles!

    So, from that point of view, I think our grasp of moral realities

    isextendable to this idea, this debate that were having, about

    whether its reasonable to think that a world such as ours might

    have something that rather blurrily approximates to one or

    another of the conceptions of a deity, even though... even though

    its very hard to pin down just quite what that might be.

    This is not intended to be a commercial break but I might justmention a recent book of mine in which I set forward an argument

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    among my other arguments about these matters; where I talk

    about the perfumed smokescreenwhich lies between the ordinary

    believer who goes to church and is told that, God is a Father

    who cares for you and he holds you in this hand and you need have

    no fear and that all is for the best in this, indeed, best of

    all possible worlds(as were told) and the theological

    sophistication, in both senses of the term, of the arguments

    which try to show us that, despite appearances, despite the

    facts, despite the realities of our existence in this world and

    our confrontation with how hard and harsh the world can be

    nevertheless, fundamentally and ultimately, its all for our


    Professor Craig said that, from the point of view of Christian

    theology, happiness is not the point. The point is not for you to

    be happy, at least, in this life. There is a posthumous

    dispensation in which you will know ultimate satisfaction and

    fulfilment and joy. So there is a blank cheque: just if you can

    endure if you can accept if you would keep your faith despite

    the contrary evidence, then you can have a reasonable hope that

    in this future dispensation you will be happy.

    So happiness isthe ultimate end, although its not ourhappiness: its not a happiness of ice creams and sunshine but,

    well, not quite sure what it might be... endless hymn singing or

    some, some alternative, at any rate, to what we normally take to

    be the happiness in this world.

    But I, but I think, remember that our point is about, about

    reasonableness: its not my task, as someone who doesnt

    believe in the existence of supernatural agencies in the

    universe, to disprove the existence of such things. Thats not mytask. Nor is it my task to prove that the universe is only a

    natural realm. My task is merely to say that on any of the

    traditional understandings of the notion of the deity, of such a

    supernatural being even the most minimal one which just

    requires of it, that if it had any degree of insight and of

    appreciation of ourperspective of things is it reasonable to

    believe that there could be such a being? And also that such a

    being could have any influence at all on what happens to

    creatures like us, in this universe. Is it reasonable to believe

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    in such a being, consistently, with the facts of the world as

    they are around us? And I say, I say not.

    But remember that, again, to take a cue from Professor Craig

    there: that, thats a point made about the existence of naturalevil in the world, but one could generalize it and say from the

    point of view of the total scope of the evidence, the

    reasonableness of believing such a thing diminishes to zero.

    Thank you.