greater manchester nhs70 & windrush70 health walk and …...nurses group that work across mft...

Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and Festival Theme ‘Celebrating the Contribution of Migration to the NHS’ Saturday, 23rd June 2018 12pm – 5.00pm Alexandra Park, 180 Russell Street, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 7JL

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Page 1: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group

Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70Health Walk and Festival

Theme‘Celebrating the Contribution of Migration to the NHS’

Saturday, 23rd June 201812pm – 5.00pm

Alexandra Park, 180 Russell Street,Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 7JL

Page 2: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group


Windrush 70, NHS 70 provides a great opportunity to recogniseand celebrate the diversity of the workforce within our NationalHealth Service.

To many, the NHS is deemed to be one of Britain’s most cherishedinstitutions. It is therefore with great pride that we celebrate thecontribution that migration has made to the creation and developmentof the NHS over the last 70 years.

Ever since the arrival of Empire Windrush from the Caribbean at TilburyDocks in London on 22nd June 1948, the Windrush generation hasmade a significant contribution to address workforce shortages andbuild post war Britain. Many of the Migrants from the Windrush era tookup the invitation to work in the newly established National HealthService (NHS) which for over the last 70 years has helped to shape theNHS that so many of us love and cherish.

The Windrush generation is incredibly important to the functioningand development of the NHS. Those from Black and Minority Ethnicbackgrounds make up a fifth of the NHS Workforce, particularlyrepresented within medical and nursing roles. As we move towardsleaving the European Union, on 29th March 2019, the NHS is againfacing workforce challenges with a decrease in NHS recruitment fromthe EU. We again see the UK government relaxing entry to the UK forcountries outside the EU especially the Commonwealth to addressmedical and nursing workforce shortages.

In 2018, we celebrate the contributions of migrants to the UK that hasin no doubt helped to build a multicultural and rich NHS.

We want to take this opportunity to reflect upon how staff fromBME backgrounds are enabled, empowered and offered equality ofopportunity as we drive diversity and inclusion within and across ourpublic services. Those from BME backgrounds now represent 14%of the population in England and Wales and our health and careservices need to reflect that diversity in the provision of culturallyappropriate, care at all levels of the NHS and Care system. This isincredibly important as many of our BME staff are unrepresented atsenior levels of the health and care system.

Page 3: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group

It is important to recognize and celebrate the positive contribution ofthose from the Windrush era. This is crucial, especially during this timewhen so many of the human rights of our Windrush migrants (who sawthemselves as British) have been affected and impacted by thepolitical incompetency resulting in deportations and threatenedreturns to the Caribbean.

As we celebrate, we must never forget the contribution that theWindrush generation has made to the building of Britain and the NHS.During this time and for decades to come, we seek to build upon thelegacy of the Windrush era whilst remembering those that have gonebefore us and those that are still with us that need to be healed andcared for as they cared for us when they arrived on the shores of UnitedKingdom 70 years ago.

Core Planning Organisations

Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN)Greater Manchester

CAHN is a non-profit organisation that works with the Caribbean andAfrican Community to impact change for improved health andwellbeing. We support local organisations and community groupsto provide them with a platform to share the incredible services andactivities that they deliver do to address the gaps in health careprovision in our community. CAHN seeks to strengthen the structuresof these organisations so that they are more resilient and sustainablefor years to come.

CAHN works with statutory and strategic organisations to influencechange through evidence-based research and training. We aredelighted to have collaborated and partnered with a number ofstakeholders to co-produce this important community event you willexperience today.

Page 4: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group

Manchester Local Care Organisation (MLCO)

Manchester Local Care Organisation – a new public sectororganisation that is bringing together NHS community health andmental health services, primary care and social care services inthe city. Our aim is to improve the health of local people inManchester by working across organisational boundaries.

BUZZ, Manchester NHS Health & Wellbeing Service

The aim of BUZZ is to help improve health and wellbeing ofpeople and communities in Manchester, to help individuals andfamilies live fuller, healthier, happier and longer lives.

Our Health and Wellbeing Advisors work with clients on a one-to-onebasis. We help you identify your own health goals including eatinghealthier food, exercising, feeling happier, drinking less alcohol andquitting smoking.

Those with long-term physical health conditions and those whostruggle to exercise are signposted to our Physical Activity ReferralService (PARS) who might be able to help you increase your levels ofactivity in a safe and structured environment.

Our Neighbourhood Health Workers are based in your localcommunities. They are offer training courses and workshops, supportcommunity groups and organise health events to help improvethe health and wellbeing of the community.

CAHN has co-produced this celebratory event withsignificant support from our partners including our BMENurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Ourmassive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of theplanning group over the last 4 months.

Page 5: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group

Our gratitude to:

Official Sponsors

Manchester Health & Care Commissioning

Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership

Greater Manchester Police &GM High Sheriff’s Police Trust

Manchester Metropolitan University

Key PartnersBuzz Manchester Manchester City Council

SponsorsManchester Local Care OrganisationManchester Foundation Trust

ContributorsHealth Innovation ManchesterGreater Manchester VCSE Devolution Reference Group

We have a fun packed programme of activity for you to enjoy with yourfamily, friends, colleagues and neighbours.

We hope you enjoy the day and that the legacy of the Windrush andour contribution to the NHS will continue to develop for many moredecades!

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11.00 Registration Trevor Roots and the Collaborators -Live Reggae Band

12.00 Opening Tony Chess and the Sons of AfricaDrummers

12.05 Welcome, Introductions andHealth and Safety

DJ Mello

12.10 Welcome to Alexandra Park Cllr Mary Watson (on behalf of LocalCouncillors)

GM Mayor Andy Burnham’s Video

12.15-12.50 Health WalkPerformances

DJ Daddylow & Hewan ClarkeBollywood Dancer (Livia Luckson)Kyso Entertainment led

12.55 Speech Lucy Powell MP

13.00 Presentation andWindrush Footage

Yvonne Coghill, Director,NHS WRES

13.10 Video & Speech Jon Rouse, Chief Officer, GreaterManchester Health & Social CarePartnership

Warren Heppolette, Executive LeadStrategy & Systems, Greater ManchesterHealth & Social Care Partnership

13.15 Speech Cllr Luthfur Rahman - Lead MemberSchools, Culture & Leisure

13.20 Performance MiHC ‘Music in Hospitals’

Programme Schedule

Page 7: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group


13.30 Speeches Dean Rogers GovenderGovender, Dean of Manchester

Sohail Munshi, Medical Director, ManchesterLocal Care Organisation

13.45 Dance Performance Darren Pritchard

13.55 Speech Manisha Kumar, Clinical Director, ManchesterHealth & CareCommissioning

14.00 Presentation Elaine Unegbu and BME NursesNursing in the 60s & 70s

14.10 Presentation DS Abid Sardar, Greater Manchester Police

14.20 Speech Sonia Stewart - Jamaica Society of GreaterManchester

14.30 Presentation Professor Carol Baxter - "It was the Best of Times, It was the Worst ofTimes"

14.40 Reggae Band Trevor Roots and the Collaborators

14.50 Speech Erinma Bell OBE DL, on behalf of Her Majestyand Warren Smith, Lord Lieutenant

14.55 Music

15.00 Speech Afzal Khan MP

15.10 Poetry Deanne Heron

15.20 Speech Mags Bradbury, Associate Director,Manchester Foundation Trust

15.30 Performance Jamaican Ensemble

15.40 Music

15.50 Performance Victory Outreach Manchester Choir

16.05 Performance Dorothy Allen

16.10 Speech Lord Mayor June Hitchen

16.20 Presentation Dr Ruth Bromley, Arts & Health#TwitterDisco

16.30 Performance Jet Black Dance Academy & Yosha Gilkes

Page 8: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group


16:45 Acknowledgments & Thanks Rev Charles Kwaku-Odoi

16:50 Closing Remarks Gilly Lee, Faye Bruce and BME Nurses Group

16:55 Performance Dorothy Allen - ‘Something Inside So Strong’

17.00 Close

A special thanks to all of those that contributed to theevent on the day

• Speakers • Performers• Stall Holders• Photographers

• Videographers• Caterers• Volunteers• Park Staff

Our gratitude to:

Official Sponsors

Key Partners



Page 9: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group
Page 10: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group
Page 11: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group
Page 12: Greater Manchester NHS70 & Windrush70 Health Walk and …...Nurses group that work across MFT and MLCO. Our massive thanks to all those who gave time to be part of the planning group

For further information contact: [email protected] Telephone: 07853 556 591

Follow us on: cahn @cahn_gm