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Greece: Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists and Public sector of employment International Perspectives in Physiotherapy Professor: Staes Filip Student: Papageorgiou Eirini

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Greece: Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists and Public sector of employment

International Perspectives in Physiotherapy Professor: Staes Filip Student: Papageorgiou Eirini

Index 1.  Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists

a. Historical background b. Aims c. Becoming a member d. Scientific subdivisions c. Additional information

2. Employment as a physiotherapist – Public sector a. Number of hospitals and physiotherapists b. Effect of crisis

3. Abbreviations 4. References

1. Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists (PAP)

•  Public corporation •  It serves the scientific, social and professional aims of

physiotherapists (PTs) across the country •  Members: i)  Greek physiotherapists, with a diploma from TEI, CHTE

(KATEE in Greek) and “King Paulos” School of the Laiko General Hospital

ii)  Physiotherapists from other countries with equivalent degrees, according to the current legislation of the WCPT and the European Region of the WCPT

TEI: Technological Educational Institute, CHTE: Centers of Higher Technological Education, WCPT: World Confederation for Physical Therapy

1a. Historical Background •  Founded in 1964 by the first PTs who graduated from “King

Paulos” School of the Laiko General Hospital •  First years •  1972: Rights and obligations of PTs are established •  1974: CHTE in Athens and Thessaloniki •  1975: PTs can work without supervision but only with a

relevant prescription •  1978: PAP becomes a member of WCPT •  1983: CHTE are abolished and TEI are established

CHTE: Centers of Higher Technological Education, WCPT: World Confederation for Physical Therapy, TEI: Technological Educational Institute

work ONLY under doctoral supervision!

improvement of education + 7 semesters of study

1a. Historical Background •  1987: Terms and conditions for Licensing and Functioning

of Private PT practices •  1989: CHTE and TEI are considered equal •  1995: Professional rights of TEI graduates are established •  1996: 3rd school of Physiotherapy is founded in TEI of

Lamia •  2000: 8 semesters of study •  2003: 4th school of Physiotherapy is founded in TEI of

Patras (in Aigion)

CHTE: Centers of Higher Technological Education, TEI: Technological Educational Institute

1b. Aims •  The institutional and Legal disclosure of Physiotherapy

•  The defense of the Scientific level of the members

•  The contribution to promoting health and science for the general development of health in Greece

•  The protection of common professional interests of members

•  The promotion of collaboration and solidarity among its members and other healthcare providers

1c. Becoming a member •  Application •  Copy of obtained degree(s) •  Copy of Identification card

Without membership to PAP no PT can acquire a license to legally perform their profession!!!

1d. Scientific subdivisions •  Previously existing sections of Panhellenic Association of


•  Section of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy – Rehabilitation (

•  Section of Sports Physiotherapy (

•  Section of Hellenic Orthopeadic Manipulative Therapy (

1d. Scientific subdivisions •  New / under construction sections of Panhellenic

Association of Physiotherapists:

•  Physiotherapy in Geriatrics •  Physiotherapy and Psychological Health •  Physiotherapy in women •  Physiotherapy in children

1e. Additional information •  PAP provides PTs with:

o  Information on new amendments in relation to the profession and the health insurance policies

o  Relevant events to promote keeping up to date with new concepts or techniques (yearly convention and several daily workshops throughout the year)

o  A magazine that publishes research studies undertaken in Greece

o  Job adverts

2. Employment as a physiotherapist

Public Sector

•  Public Hospitals •  Centers of Health •  Free Clinics •  Centers of open protection of elderly

(KAPI in Greek) •  Secondary and higher education •  Centers of Medicine and

Rehabilitation (KEFIAP in Greek) •  Insurance providers

Private Sector

•  [following presentation]

2. Employment as a physiotherapist According to data published from PAP in 2008: Field of employment Number of PTs Hospitals 600 Centers of open protection of elderly


Insurance providers 100 Home treatments / employees


Private practice owners 2500 Unemployed / Working in other fields


Total 5500

2a. Number of hospitals and physiotherapists •  Nowadays, there are in total 107 hospitals in Greece

(General, Psychiatric and Peadiatric) and 15 Military ones.

•  Study in 2000: •  In Attiki, 236 PTs in 11 hospitals

•  In 16 hospitals in the periphery

1 PT per 49 hospital beds

1 PT per 91 hospital beds

2a. Number of hospitals and physiotherapists

Country N of inhabitants

N of PTs Inhabitants per PT

% of unemployment

Members of the national association

Austria 8.174.762 6.000 1.362 0 4.200

Belgium 10.348.276 18.000 575 NA 3.000

Denmark 5.336.394 9.408 567 3.5 9.408

Germany 82.797.408 75.000 1.103 6 31.682

Spain 40.280.780 22.000 1.831 7 6.223

United Kingdom

60.270.708 35.952 1.676 0 32.000

Greece 10.601.527 5.000 2.120 10 4.000

2b. Effect of crisis •  Remarkable lack or PTs in public hospitals

•  600 are employed •  600 approximately are still needed

•  Centers are under-subsidized and underfunded

•  15 - 20 Centers of Medicine and Rehabilitation (KEFIAP) DO NOT function at all, even though they are full equipped

•  Funds are used to pay off the commissions towards private practices and/or rehabilitation centers. •  69 private rehabilitation centers in Greece!

3. Abbreviations •  Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists (PAP) •  Physiotherapists (PTs) •  Technological Educational Institute (TEI) •  Centers of Higher Technological Education (CHTE –

KATEE in Greek) •  World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) •  Centers of open protection of elderly (KAPI in Greek) •  Centers of Medicine and Rehabilitation (KEFIAP in Greek)

4. References • • • • • • • •

nosokomeia-ana-ygeionomikh-perifereia • • • •