greek and latin stems:

Greek and Latin Stems: The keys to your vocabulary

Upload: jillian-orr

Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Greek and Latin Stems:. The keys to your vocabulary. Greek Root Word Stems. astro - star bio - life chrom - color chrono - time derm - skin geo - earth. hydro - water hypno - sleep lith - stone logue - word logo - reason micro - small. Latin Root Word Stems. flu- to flow - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Greek and Latin Stems:

Greek and Latin Stems:

The keys to your vocabulary

Page 2: Greek and Latin Stems:

Greek Root Word Stems

astro - star

bio - life

chrom - color

chrono - time

derm - skin

geo - earth

hydro - water

hypno - sleep

lith - stone

logue - word

logo - reason

micro - small

Page 3: Greek and Latin Stems:

Latin Root Word Stems

• act – to do• anim – life• arm – weapon• art – craft• cent - one

hundred• cess – to go• corp - body• circum – around• cred – to believe• equ – equal

• flu- to flow• grad – degree• hom – man• jur - law• lev – to lift• medic – to heal• noc – night• nox – harm• ord – to put in order• ped – foot• rupt – to break

Page 4: Greek and Latin Stems:

Prefixesauto - selfbene - goodante - beforeanti - againstim – notbi – twocon – togetherde – undodis – oppositetri – threesyn – togethersym - with

inter – between

intra – within

intro - begin

mal – wrong

mis – bad

non - opposite

post - after

pre – before

semi - half

sub – under

super – over

un - not

extra - outside

Page 5: Greek and Latin Stems:


able - able to be

age - process

ant - one who

cle - small

dom - state of

er - one who

esque - like

ess - female

ful - full of

logy - study of