green engineering program committee january 2014 to december 2014 annual report due 1/31/2015

Green Engineering Program Committee January 2014 to December 2014 Annual Report Due 1/31/2015 Biofuels Renewable Energy Energy C onversion Efficiency Airfram e Efficiency AIAA C onferences & Literature Recycling Operations C lim ate M onitoring GE .com B E E W

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Page 1: Green Engineering Program Committee January 2014 to December 2014 Annual Report Due 1/31/2015

Green Engineering Program Committee

January 2014 to December 2014 Annual Report

Due 1/31/2015

Biofuels RenewableEnergy

Energy ConversionEfficiency

Airframe EfficiencyAIAA Conferences & Literature


Climate Monitoring

Page 2: Green Engineering Program Committee January 2014 to December 2014 Annual Report Due 1/31/2015

Committee Overview


LiaisonsAdaptive Structures TCAerooacoustics TCAir Breathing Propulsion TCAircraft Design TCApplied Aero TCDoEFAA CLEENNASA ERANASA SFW NavyTerrestrial Energy Systems TC Transformational Flight PCV/STOL TCEmerging Technology

ARPA-EAsian LiaisonEnergy Optimized Aircraft PCEPT CoS – Electric Propulsion Testing StandardsETC – Emerging Technologies Committee IEEEIGTIPropulsion for Future Flight TC

ChairMarty Bradley(562) [email protected]

Vice Chair/Chair-ElectRuben Del Rosario(216) [email protected]

Publications/CommunicationsTayo Ladeinde

ConferencesFranz-Josef Kahlen

EducationTarek Abdel-Salam

AwardsEssam Khalil

MembershipDanielle Soban

LiaisonTayo Ladeinde

Public PolicyOpen

Green EnergyOpen

Green AviationOpen


• 62Total– 44 Regular– 4 YPs– 10 International– 2 Student– 2 Retired

• Category– Industry (39%)– Academia (33%)– Government (28%)

• International members–4 Japan–1 United Kingdom–1 Egypt–1 South Africa–1 Thailand–1 Canada–1 Israel

• Technical Area– Green Aviation (57%)– Green Energy (43%)


Green Engineering PC

Note: Membership roster is on GEPC Sharepoint

Insert link with Excell File of latest TC Roster
Page 3: Green Engineering Program Committee January 2014 to December 2014 Annual Report Due 1/31/2015

Green Engineering PC

Recent Conference Performance

Issues / Help Needed

P&E 2014

SciTech 2015Franz-Josef Kahlen TAOAbstracts Received: 3Abstracts Accepted: 3Sessions: 5 (4 Invited)Withdrawals/No-Shows: 0Presented: 26

• None


• We have a stable and diverse membership• Planned & Held invited panel and technical sessions in 2014 at

SciTech, Aviation, & P&E including F360 session on electric aircraft.

• Initiated Call for Papers for SciTech15, Aviation15, and P&E15• Established liaison positions with other committees and

organizations• Submitted 2013 annual report• Wrote Aerospace America Year in Review article• Established Green Engineering PC Facebook Page• Co-sponsored IMECHE Disruptive Green Propulsion

Technology Conference in London• Outreach:

• USC - Electric Aircraft Panel• OSU – Hybrid Gas-Electric Aircraft Propulsion• Clarkson Univ – Green Aircraft Concepts & Techs

• GEPC face-to-face meetings at SciTech & P&E• 1st GEPC Leadership Team and GEPC Conference

Subcommittee break-out meetings at SciTech 2014• GEPC virtual meetings in April, July, Dec• Succession plan developed

• Continue successful conference work: Create a “Green” track. Call for Papers for SciTech15, Aviation15, P&E15. Create Forum 360 sessions (Av15 & P&E15 panels in development). 2 members have leadership positions for Av15 (F360 chair and Co-Tech Program Chair)

• Increase effectiveness of all subcommittees• Conduct successful face-to-face and virtual meetings• Leverage Liaisons to generate more joint projects• Newsletter and Twitter presence

Initiatives & Plans

Financial Status and Other Activities

• Current balance $0

Ruben Del Rosario TAOSessions: 1 (1 Invited F360)Presented: 5

Activity Summary - January 2014 to December 2014 (12/20/2014)

SciTech 2014Franz-Josef Kahlen TAO Sessions: 5 (5 Invited)Presented: 32Aviation 2014Rich Wahls TAO & F360 Chair

Most recent past
Most near future
Page 4: Green Engineering Program Committee January 2014 to December 2014 Annual Report Due 1/31/2015

Forum Participation

• List Forum/Conference related activities and plans Increased coordination with other committees (co-sponsorships) Designate “green” tracks at conferences (starting at AV15) Increased presence at Aviation

• What are the top 3 successes and top 3 disappointments form last years’ conference? Highly attended special sessions at SciTech and P&E Poor response to call for papers for SciTech15 and Aviation15

• List top 5 Sessions / Panels sponsored or co-sponsored for the Forum P&E 14 F360 Panel on electric aircraft, 4 highly attended invited sessions at SciTech14

(ERA, NASA N+3, Air Force fuel efficiency)

• List other relevant topic areas (if any) committee would like to sponsor in the future and why? Tethered/Airborne Wind Turbines, Space Solar Power, Advanced Nuclear (LENR, thorium,

compact), Energy Harvesting (thermal-electric, mechanical-electric), Geo-Engineering (space shades, atmospheric chemistry)

• List members of the Forum Organizing Committees (TAOs) and succession plan

• TAO’s AV15 Andy Gibson, P&E15 Valerie Lyons, SciTech16 Chris Hughes• Members Rich Wahls and Dani Soban are F360 Chair and Co-Tech Program Chair for AV15


Green Engineering PC

Page 5: Green Engineering Program Committee January 2014 to December 2014 Annual Report Due 1/31/2015

Committee Meetings

• 2014 SciTech14 (Leadership Team, Conference Subcommittee, General Meeting) P&E 14 (Leadership Team, Conference Subcommittee, General Meeting) Leadership Team Telecons in March, June, Oct, Nov General Telecons in April, July, Dec Subcommittee Telecons in March-April SciTech15 (Leadership Team, Conference Subcommittee, General Meeting)

• 2015 Plans SciTech15 (Leadership Team, Conference Subcommittee, General Meeting) Leadership Telecon in January to support annual report Aviation15 – “mini-meeting” P&E15 (Leadership Team, Conference Subcommittee, General Meeting) Leadership and General Telecons between Forum meetings


Green Engineering PC

Note: All meeting charts and minutes are on GEPC Sharepoint

Insert Word File with Each Meeting MInutes
Page 6: Green Engineering Program Committee January 2014 to December 2014 Annual Report Due 1/31/2015

Honors & Awards Activities

• Responsibilities Best Paper Award Coordination with other awards

• 2014 Accomplishments Plaques presented to past-chairs Jason and Valerie –handed to Valerie at P&E 14.

• 2015 Plans Honors and Awards Subcommittee to coordinate with Conference Subcommittee to

administer GE Best Paper Award at Aviation 2015+ Nominate a GE candidate for an existing AIAA award

– Contact other TC and PC award committees to talk about green engineering related emphasis and nominees (Terrestial Energy Award, etc.)

– Send request to membership (and newsletter) to help with ideas for finding green engineering related nominees for other AIAA awards.

– Find place to nominate RCEE, ERA, SUGAR, or MIT Double Bubble D8 for an award(?)


Green Engineering PC

Page 7: Green Engineering Program Committee January 2014 to December 2014 Annual Report Due 1/31/2015

31 July 2014