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Download Greening North Carolina Travel and Tourism Tips for ... · PDF fileGreening North Carolina Travel and Tourism Tips for Sustainable Practices in Tourism ... NC Division of Tourism,

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  • Greening North Carolina Travel and Tourism

    Tips for Sustainable Practices in Tourism

    (As published in VISITNC NewsLink)

    Editor: Alex Naar, Coordinator

    Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

    Center for Sustainable Tourism &

    Office of Engagement, Innovation and Economic Development

    East Carolina University

    In partnership with the

    NC Division of Tourism, Film and Sports Development &

    Department of the Environment and Natural Resources

    Many tourism businesses understand that going green is important. It can help reduce operating costs, a growing number of consumers are asking for green products and services, and there is growing evidence that if we do not change how we do certain things, the destinations we like to visit are at risk of being permanently negatively affected.

    But going green is easier said than done. Where do you start, who are the trustworthy experts to ask questions of, and what real evidence is there that going green is the right thing to do? Although there is no single answer to any of these questions, in an effort to provide some basic information, the Center for Sustainable Tourism and the Office of Engagement Innovation and Economic Development at East Carolina University, in partnership with the NC Division of Tourism, Film and Sports Development and the NC Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach have written a collection of sustainable tourism tips.

    These tips vary in theme and subject matter, but they are all intended to provide solutions to help any tourism organization go green. For any questions or comments related to these tips, please feel free to contact Alex Naar at [email protected] or by telephone at 252-737-1346.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • *NC Specific Tips

    DirectoryEducation in Sustainability *Increasing Value by Providing Environmental Education

    Energy Efficiency No Cost Ways to Reduce *Resolutions to Save Energy *Air Systems Sealing the Building Real Life Energy Monsters Small Savings Turn to Big Savings Beyond The Headlines- Everyday Energy Savings Switching From Cold to Hot Being an Effective Manager of Energy Saving Festival Energy For The Festivities Efficient Holiday Decorations Keeping The Pools Bills Cool Keeping Warm During The Holidays Taking The Next Energy Efficiency Steps A New Kind Of Energy Drink Calming The Storm Of Energy Prices Finding spare change in the energy efficiency sofa

    Secondary Tips: *Saving Water and Energy EPA: An Age-Old Resource Taking Some Bite Out Of The Gas Sting

    Green Marketing What Does It Mean To Be Green? Supporting Your Green Guests Marketing Yourself as Green Telling Your Green Story Sharing The Good News *10 Green Practices You Can Implement Today Measuring: The Key To Green Success Awash With Greenwashing How Serious Is Your Green Why greening doesn't sell as well at you might think it should Survey Said. Marketing Your Sustainable Tourism Efforts

    Indoor Environments Taking Care Of The Indoor Environment

    Lighting Saving With Lights Turning It Off Finding a Better Light Bulb Is There a Light Bulb For Me? Timers, Settings and Automation for Lighting Using Energy Efficient Exit Signs

    Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Can Still Be Inefficient Led Lights Time Has Come

    N.C. GreenTravel *NC Greentravel Initiative Website Up And Running *First Properties Recognized By Nc Green Travel *Why Certification Matters *Picking Up NC Green Travel Points At No Cost *Recognition Program Continues to Grow *Many shades of green in the N.C. green tourism industry

    *Answers to your green questions

    *Creating Value through Sustainability (2)

    Recycling Recycling, the Typical Starting Point The Challenges of Recycling Getting Your Recycling Program into Shape What Can be Recycled Recycling at Work As If Recycling Matters *Oyster Shell Recycling Venue and Event Recycling Recycling at Events

    Renewable Energy The Costs of Renewable Energy Energy From The Sun Tourism and Renewable Energy Projects Where Does Renewable Energy Go? Rebate and Incentive Programs Wineries Making Like A Grapevine Is Solar Energy Right for You?

    Supporting Locals *Going Green by Going Local *Incorporating the Local Agriculture of North Carolina *Localizing Your Supply Chain *A Commitment to Serving Local Foods *Sending Back to the Farms *Holidays with Locally Raised Foods *Locally Grown Holiday Trees

    Sustainability by Tourists *Tips for Travelers Get Help Making Green Travel Plans Paying More to Go Green Do Travelers Really Care If Sites Go Green? Greening At A Destination Level Getting There Greener Food For Your Car

  • *NC Specific Tips

    Secondary Tips: Printed Materials Present Challenges

    Sustainability in Businesses Where to Start? What To Do First Starting Small *First, Do the Research Searching For Information Making a Game Plan Areas to Address Finding the Right Professional Whats The Fuss On Being Green? Social Responsibility *Bicycling Its Electric Greening The Greenery Examining Increased Guest Satisfaction At Green Hotels Making Friends In Strange Places Keeping Your Guests Safe From Chemicals *Joining The Green Club *Some Help Meeting The Green Mark Value Added Landscaping Moving Up The Chain Charity And Hospitality, Two Peas In A Pod Greener Than You Think You Are Make Going Green Fun Is Your Attraction Or Accommodation Uber Eco-Friendly? Does Going Green Work for You? Finding the Right Resources Green, One Color that Stays in Fashion

    It takes more than trees to make a forest

    Something Green to Cheer About

    Game Day Greening

    Greening the Game

    *Ashevilles dining grows greener

    Meeting Green Meeting Expectations

    Creating Value Through Sustainability

    Adding up Your Green Efforts

    Green Tourism Becoming and Everyday Trend

    Secondary Tips: *Sending Back to the Farms EPA: An Age-Old Resource

    Sustainable Tourism Management Sustainably Tourism Management Systems, Criteria & Reporting

    Water *A New Years Resolution to Save Water *Water Efficiency *Easy Ways to Improve Water Efficiency Easy Ways to Improve Air and Water Quality Water Conservation Tips How Saving Water Reduces Your Energy Bill Keeping Grass Green And Reducing Water Usage Storm water Runoff

    Save Hot Water, Two for the Price of One

    Secondary Tips: EPA: An Age-Old Resource

    Weather and Climate Predicting the future of tourism with weather forecasts Resources help properties prepare for inclement weather

    Waste Reduction What Makes a Product Green? Waste Reduction At A Property Waste Reduction At A Property Part Ii Reducing Your Waste Being Less Wasteful Can Still Be Classy Paper Waste Waste Reduced Spring Cleaning *Getting Rid of Food Waste in N.C. Electronic Waste Diverting Waste to Reduce Costs *Help From Waste Reduction Partners Do Plastic Bottles Have A Place At Events Anymore? Completing the local food circle

    *Waste Reduction Partners offers no-cost greening assessments

    Secondary Tips: *Sending Back to the Farms

    Wildlife *Keeping Them and Your Guests Safe Summer Wildlife 112

    th Christmas Bird Count


    1. INCREASING VALUE BY PROVIDING ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION According to a recent study by on eco-tourism, the number one travel motivator for green conscious travelers is learning about different cultures and ecologies ( North Carolina provides travelers a wealth of opportunities to experience nature in ways that few destinations can offer. The N.C. Office of Environmental Education ( has a number of resources and support to supplement visitor experiences with nature based learning. The N.C. Office of Environmental Education has a calendar of local environmental education (EE) events, certified EE centers in your area, and an online searchable database of EE resources to help your tourism accommodation or attraction enhance the experience for travelers. For more information on how your tourism business or organization can become more involved with EE, contact Marty Wiggins at (9190 733-1362 or via [email protected]. For more information on sustainability in the tourism industry, contact Alex Naar at (252) 737-1346 or via [email protected].[email protected]:[email protected]


    1. NO COST WAYS TO REDUCE With utility bills going up and growing concerns about climate change, many tourism-related business owners are becoming increasingly interested in how they can reduce their energy consumption. Before investing in a new, and possibly expensive, energy efficient lighting system, examine current lighting policies to see if there are any no-cost measures that can be taken. Is staff turning off lights when they vacate offices and conference rooms? Is seating in dining areas planned in such a way to minimize the need for lighting? Are shades and blinds open to take advantage of sunlight? Many of these small measures can result in significant reductions in the use of artificial lights and cost nothing but a few seconds of time to implement. For instructions on conducting a lighting audit, visit A complete list of energy saving practices for the tourism industry can be found at For more information on energy conservation in the tourism industry, contact Tom Rhodes at [email protected], or Alex Naar at 252-737-1346or via [email protected].

    2. RESOLUTIONS TO SAVE ENERGY With rising energy prices, energy conservation is sure to be