group 1: bad wordpart of speech/charge definition atrocityn / -an act of great cruelty and...

Group 1: BAD Word Part of Speech/Cha rge Definition Atrocity N / - An act of great cruelty and wickedness Dire A / - 1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent or desperate Flagrant A / - Deliberately offensive and shocking Inclement A / - Stormy, harsh, or unmerciful Irksome A / - Annoying and tedious Malevolent A / - Producing harm or evil Precarious A / - Dependent on uncertain premises Reprisal N / - A retaliation for an injury Risqué A/ - Bordering on being indecent or improper Unseemly A / - Inappropriate or improper Despicable A/- Deserving contempt or scorn

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Page 1: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 1: BAD

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Atrocity N / - An act of great cruelty and wickedness

Dire A / - 1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent or desperate

Flagrant A / - Deliberately offensive and shocking

Inclement A / - Stormy, harsh, or unmerciful

Irksome A / - Annoying and tedious

Malevolent A / - Producing harm or evil

Precarious A / - Dependent on uncertain premises

Reprisal N / - A retaliation for an injury

Risqué A/ - Bordering on being indecent or improper

Unseemly A / - Inappropriate or improper

Despicable A/- Deserving contempt or scornIneffectual A/- Not bringing about the desired result

Page 2: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent


Word Part of Speech/Charge


Avid A/ Eager or greedy

Azure N/ The blue color of a cloudless sky

Clad A/ Clothes or covered

Combustible A/ Capable of catching fire or burning

Forbearance N / + Patience

Ornate A/+ Elaborately or excessively decorated

Resilient A / + Able to recover quickly from misfortune or to return to the original state.

Tremulous A/- Trembling or quaking

Indulgent A/ 1)Inclined to give in easily or 2) Lenient

Intricate A/ ComplicatedOvert A/ Not hidden

Page 3: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent


Word Part of Speech/Charge


Decipher V / To decode or to solve

Depict V / To describe or give a picture of

Dialect N / A particular form of a language spoken in a certain geographical region

Dub V / To give a title, nickname, or description

Glib A / - Insincere or superficial

Memoir N / An account based on the author’s personal experiences

Recant V / To take back a statement or to confess to being wrong

Rejoinder N / A reply to what has been said

Reticent A / Quiet and reservedRhetoric N / 1)The art of using language skillfully or 2)Insincere languageVignette N/ A short sketch that provides a clear picture

Page 4: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 4: MOVEMENTWord Part of


Agile A /+ Able to move or think quickly and easily

Dismantle V / To take apart

Dispel V / To clear away, remove, or scatter

Execute V / 1) To perform 2) To create 3) To put to death as a legal penalty

Extricate V /+ TO untangle or free

Fitful A / - Irregular or unsteady

Impel V / 1) To drive or propel or 2) To force

Pivot N / The hinge on which something turns (can be a person)

Shackle N /- A ring or band put around the arm or leg to prevent free movement

Culminate V / To reach or bring to the highest point

Page 5: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 5: Occur

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Feasible A / Possible or likely

Arbitrary A / Determined by chance or whim

Imminent A / About to happen

Incessant A / Without interruption or continual

Phenomenon N / 1) Anything that can be observed or described2) Something Unusual

Recur V / 1) To happen again2) To come to mind again

Spontaneous A / 1)Unplanned2) Produced without human labor

Sporadic A / Happening occasionally

Wreak V / To bring about or inflict

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Word Part of Speech/Charge


Instill V / To introduce gradually in order to establish securely.

Encompass V / To enclose, encircle, or include.

Pervade V / To spread throughout.

Assimilate V / To absorb a part into a whole.

Encroach V / To infringe or advance beyond the paper limits.

Engulf V / 1)To swallow up by covering completely or 2) to overwhelm

Immerse V / 1)To cover with liquid or 2) To completely engage the attention of.

Influx N / A flowing or pouring in.

Surpass V / To exceed or go beyond

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Group 7: SENSES

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Ogle V / To state at, often in a flirtatious and bold manner.

Panorama N/ 1. A complete view of an area or 2. A thorough presentation of a subject.

Picturesque A / + 1. Like a picture or 2. Pleasing or charming to observe.

Surveillance N / Close observation of a person or area.

Audible A / Capable of being heard.

Mute V / To soften or tone down the sound of.

Reverberate V / To echo, reflect, or resound.

Strident A / - Harsh or loud.

Pungent A/ 1. Having a sharp taste or smell or 2. Sharply critical.

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Word Part of Speech/Charge


Commemorate V / 1. To serve as a memorial to 2. To remember in a ceremony

Conjecture V / To form an unsupported opinionContemplate V / 1. To consider carefully

2. To intend

Derive V / 1. To take or receive from a source2. To obtain through reasoning

Enigma N / Something puzzling or mysterious

Evoke V / 1. To bring to mind2. To produce

Inane A / - Empty, shallow, or sillyInkling N / A vague or a slight suspicionIrrational A / - Lacking sound judgment or reason

Memento N / A souvenirSublime A /+ Great, noble, or splendid

Group 8: THOUGHT

Page 9: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 9: TIME

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Indelible A / Permanent

Brevity N / Shortness in time or words

Cursory A / Done in a hurry with little attention to detail.

Elapse V / To pass or slip by (used with time)

Epoch N / An extended period of time marked by a series of related events.

Interminable A / Having or seeming to have no end

Millennium N / A period of one thousand years

Perpetuate V / To cause to continue indefinitely

Protracted A / Drawn out or lengthenedSimultaneous A/ Happening or existing at the same time.

Page 10: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 10: Emotion

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Abject A / - Totally miserable

Ardent A / + Intensely eager or passionate

Despondent A / - Discouraged or depressed from loss of hope or confidence

Disposition N / 1.) A person’s usual mood or 2.) A regular tendency or inclination

Electrify V / 1.) To thrill or shock or 2.) To equip with electricity

Grimace V / - To make a face expressing feelings of pain, disgust, or contempt.

Irascible A / - Quick-tempered and irritable

Rue V / - To feel regret or sorrow over

Vehement A / - Expressing strong feeling

Page 11: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 11: EXCESS / FALSE

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Copious A / + Abundant or plentiful

Deluge N / - A flood

Fanfare N / 1. ) a sounding of trumpets or other brass instruments. 2.) Any showy display.

Glut N /- A much larger supply than is needed.

Ostentatious A/ - Showy

Profusion N / A plentiful supply.

Swelter V /- To suffer from or to be overcome by great heat.

Guile N / - Deceitful cunning

Pseudonym N / - A fictitious name.

Embellish V/+ To beautify or enhance

Page 12: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 12: Horror/Hostile

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Claustrophobia N / - An abnormal fear of narrow, enclosed spaces.

Foreboding N /- A strong feeling something bas is about to happen,

Grotesque A / - So distorted or strange as to appear bizarre or comical.

Gruesome A / - Causing shock or horror.

Haunt V / - 1) To stay in one’s mind continually2) To visit frequently3) To appear in the form of a ghost

Lurid A / - Causing horror or revulsion

Abhor V / - To hate

Alienate V / - To create unfriendly feelings or to make someone feel isolated.

Inflammatory A / - Causing anger or disorder

Rankle V / - To cause continuing anger or irritation.Tirade N / - A long, angry speech

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Group 13: MARTIAL

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Bulwark N / A wall, person, or thing that defends or protects

Citadel N / 1) A fortress on a hill or 2) A stronghold

Embroil V / - To involve in an argument or conflict

Grapple V / - To wrestle or come to grips with

Impregnable A / + Impossible to attack successfully

Onslaught N / - A fierce attack

Rebuff V / - 1) To reject bluntly or 2) To drive back

Wrest V/ - 1) To pull away from with a twist or 2) To take by force

Vie V / To compete for, as in a contest

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Group 14: AGREE

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Accede V / + To agree, often after urging from another

Accord N / + 1) A feeling of agreement or harmony or 2) A formal agreement

Dissension N / - A disagreement or a difference of opinion

Affirm V/+ To declare positively

Conscientious A / + 1) Very careful or 2) Honest

Fastidious A/ + 1) Paying close attention to detail or 2) Difficult to please

Gingerly A / Very careful

Meticulous A / Very careful and attentive to small details

Prudent A /+ 1) Very careful or 2) Showing judgment and wisdom

Slovenly VA/ - Messy or careless

Page 15: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 15: CHANGE

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Enhance V / + To make greater or better

Innovation N / Something new

Modify V / 1) To make less extreme or 2) To change

Rectify V / + To correct or adjust

Stagnate V / - To fail to develop, change, or move.

Alleviate V / + To relieve

Exemplify V / To illustrate by being an example of

Impersonate V/ 1)To assume the character or appearance of or 2) To mimic

Replica N / A copy, especially on a smaller scale than the originalSimulate V/ To imitate

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Word Part of Speech/Charge


Affluent A /+ Wealthy

Bequeath V / + 1) To pass on to others or 2) to leave to another in one’s will

Legacy N /+ 1) Money or property given in a will or 2 )Something passed on to those who come after

Philanthropy N / + The attempt to improve the well-being of those in need by donating money or aid

Tycoon N / A wealthy and powerful businessperson

Artisan N / One able to do skilled work with the hands

Chaperon N / A person who accompanies younger people to unsure they behave properly

Delegate N / A representative (as a verb = to assign)

Dignitary N / A person who holds a high rank or position of honor

Proprietor N / An owner of a business

Page 17: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent


Word Part of Speech/Charge


Balmy A / + Soothing or mild

Serene A / + Peaceful or calm

Affable A / + Friendly

Benign A/+ Kind and gracious

Congenial A / + Pleasant and agreeable

Humane A / + Kind to other human beings or animals

Rapport N / + A harmonious relation

Ovation N /+ An enthusiastic reception or long and loud applause

Facilitate V /+ To make easier

Banter N /+ The exchange of playful, teasing remarks

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Word Part of Speech/Charge


Abrasion N / - A scraped or worn area

Calamity N / - A disaster

Raze V / - To destroy or demolish

Decelerate V / To slow down

Cull V / To select and remove weak or inferior members from

Desist V / To refrain from continuing something

Deter V / To discourage or prevent from taking action

Hindrance N / - An impediment or blockade

Restive A / - Showing impatience because of restrictions or delays

Stymie V / - To thwart or make difficulties for

Page 19: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent


Word Part of Speech/Charge


Endeavor V/+ To attempt earnestly

Indefatigable A /+ Tireless

Prolific A /+ Fertile or highly productive

Succumb V/- 1) To give up or give in or 2) To die

Haggard A/- Worn out

Fervent A/+ Intensely eager or warm

Lackadaisical A/- Lacking spirit or enthusiasm

Languish V / - To become feeble, weak, or depressed

Loll V / To sprawl or droop

Vivacity N/+ Liveliness of manner or appearance

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Word Part of Speech/Charge


Antidote A/ A remedy, especially to the effects if a poison

Dehydrate V / To remove the water from

Malady N / - A sickness or unhealthy condition

Pestilence N / - A rapidly spreading and usually fatal disease

Squeamish A / - Easily nauseated

Stamina N /+ Physical strength or courage to resist hardship, illness, or fatigue

Crucial A /+ Extremely important

Integral A / Essential

Paramount A / + Primary or superior in importance

Imperative A / Necessary

Page 21: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 21: LAW/ORDER

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Abet V / To assist in some activity, especially a questionable one

Advocate N / One who pleads for or defends someone or something.

Conspire V / - To join together, often secretly and for something illegal.

Arraign V/ To bring before a court to face charges.

Corroborate V / + To support with evidence or authority..

Surmise V / To suppose something from little evidence.

Agenda N / A list of things to be done or considered

Amiss A / - Out of order or wrong

Ordain V / 1) To order or prearrange or 2) To instill as a minister

Precede V To come before in time, rank, or position

Inventory N 1) A list of possessions or goods on hand or 2) the supply of goods on hand

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Group 22: Skilled/Start

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Adept A / + Highly skilled

Connoisseur N / + A person with refined tastes or extensive knowledge

Flair N / + Talent

Fledgling N / An inexperienced person or a new venture.

Gullible A /- Easily tricked or cheated

Susceptible A / - Easily influenced

Defer V / 1)To postpone or 2)To yield out of respect for another.

Embark V / 1)To board a ship or plane or 2) To begin

Inaugurate V / 1)To begin officially or 2)To install into office with a formal ceremony.

Institute V / To establish or begin

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Group 23Ordinary/ UNDERSTAND

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Annonymous A / Of an unknown source or unrevealed name

Bizarre A / - Odd or peculiar

Humdrum A/- Boring or monotonous

Prevalent A/ Commonly occurring or widely accepted

Profound A/ 1) Having deep insight or 2) Intense

Dissect V/ 1) To analyze or 2) To cut into in order to study

Apprehend V/ 1) To understand or 2) To arrest

Discern V/ 1) To understand 2) To see, or 3) To recognize as different

Intellect N/+ The ability to think and understand

Sage A/+ Wise

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Word Part of Speech/Charge


Reprimand V / - To rebuke severely, especially formally

Repudiate V / - To refuse to acknowledge or recognize

Spurn V / - To reject or scorn

Blithe A / + Happy

Delectable A / + Delightful or pleasing

Delicacy N / + Something delightful or pleasing

Exuberant A / + Very enthusiastic

Personable A / + Having a friendly, pleasing personality

Rapture N / + Ecstatic joy or delight

Revelry N / Noisy partyingZest N / + Enjoyment or excitement

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Group 25: FALSE / HIDE

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Delude V / - To deceive or trick

Devious A / - Deceptive or cunning

Figment N / - Something invented or imagined

Mythical A / Fictitious

Preposterous A / - Contrary to nature and common sense

Sham N / - A trick or falsehood

Camouflage N / A disguise

Hoard V / - To store up and keep hidden

Lurk V / - To lie hidden, often with an evil purpose

Maneuver V / 1) To scheme or manipulate or 2) to act with a purpose

Murky A / - Dark, gloomy, and cheerless

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Word Part of Speech/Charge


Anarchy N /- 1) total confusion or lack of order or 2) total absence of government

Bedlam N / - A very confused and noisy scene

Havoc N /- Great confusion or widespread destruction

Tumult N /- A riot or uprising

Turbulent A / - Causing disturbance or agitation

Turmoil N /- A state of confusion or agitation

Anthology N / A collection of various writing, such as songs, stories, or poems

Cache N / Anything hidden or stored in a secret place.

Congregate V To come together in a group.

Elite N/+ A group that enjoys superior status to others

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Group 27: GIVE

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Adequate A / + Completely sufficient or suitable

Competent A / + Fit, adequate, or sufficient

Proficient A / + 1) Competent or 2) expert

Administer V / + To give or apply

Bestow V / + 1) To use or apply or 2) to give

Capitulate V / - To give up or surrender

Complement N / + Something that completes or makes whole

Emit V / To give off or send out

Heed V / + To pay attention toSacrifice N / Something of value that is surrendered for something


Page 28: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 28: DESTROY

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Annihilate V / - 1)To kill or 2) to destroy all or almost all of something

Detriment N / - Something that causes damage or injury

Devastate V / - 1)To ruin or destroy or 2) to overwhelm

Devour V / - To swallow or consume too much or too fast

Disrupt V / - 1)To break apart or 2) to cause disorder

Maul V / - To beat, bruise, or mangle

Mutilate V / - To make imperfect by permanently damaging or removing vital parts

Rupture V / - To break or burst

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Word Part of Speech/Charge


Ensue V / To follow as a result

Incident N / An individual event

Inevitable A / Certain to happen

Plight N /- A difficult situation

Prospective A / Potential or likely

Strait A / - 1)A distressing situation or 2)a narrow passage or area

Authentic A / + Real

Candid A / + Open, honest, and sincere

Conclusive A / + Convincing

Plausible A / + Appearing truthful or reasonable

Page 30: Group 1: BAD WordPart of Speech/Charge Definition AtrocityN / -An act of great cruelty and wickedness DireA / -1)Having terrible consequences or 2) Urgent

Group 30: LESSEN / WATER

Word Part of Speech/Charge


Abate V / To reduce

Dwindle V / - To decrease

Ebb V / To flow back or to decline

Impede V / - To slow or delay the progress of

Subside V / To become less active, noisy, or violent

Wean V / 1)To withdraw from a source of dependency or 2)to train a child or animal not to nurse

Abyss N / - A bottomless pit or an immeasurably deep space

Aquatic A / Related to, growing in, or happening in the water

Ballast N / A heavy material that provides stability to a vessel

Buoyant A / Capable of keeping a body afloatInundate V / - 1)To overwhelm or 2) to floodSubmerge V / 1)To cover with water or 2) to cover or bury