group 12 ccm project- russia

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  • 8/7/2019 Group 12 CCM project- Russia



    Group 12Deirdre Murphy 09362037Evanna Murphy 09557911Kinga Harsanyi 10283528Tadhg Murphy 08310343

    Barriers to International Businessin a Developing Russia

    I/We declare that all materials included inthis essay/report/project/dissertation is the

    end result of my own work and that dueacknowledgement have been given in the

    bibliography and references to ALL sourcesbe they printed, electronic or personal.

  • 8/7/2019 Group 12 CCM project- Russia


  • 8/7/2019 Group 12 CCM project- Russia



    I t cti

    The word culture has been defined as the collective programming of the mind distinguishing

    the members of one group or category of people from another. Geer t H f t ede Each country

    has its own deeply held set of beliefs and values that have developed over centuries. They are

    the so called unwritten rules as to how we deal with our everyday lives. Culture is the

    combined set of factors that influence the way in which we think, feel, and act. These factors

    include family, school, politics, history, religion, language etc.

    In this rapidly growing global market it is vital that companies have an understanding

    of the cultures that exist in the countries in which they operate. They must be sensitive and

    adapt their ways of doing business to respect these differing cultures. In our report we will

    look into the R ussian culture and its impact on foreign companies involved in business within

    R ussia.

    R ussia is a very interesting country to study since it has many untapped business

    opportunities and a growing market. On the other hand, however, there is much risk involved,

    and cultural differences are a major barrier to business for foreign corporations in R ussia. It is

    a failure to understand the culture that impedes the success of business operations.

    We have divided our report into three main parts. Part I will give an overview of

    R ussia as a country. We will investigate its communist past, its current economic and political

    climate, corruption in R ussia and cultural factors including language, education, religion and

    social structure. In Part II we carry out a more detailed analysis of culture in R ussia and its

    effects on business through the use of Hofstedes four dimensions: Individualism vs

    Collectivism, Masculinity vs Femininity, Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance.

    Following this, in Part III we will discuss Negotiation in business in R ussia. Our discussion

    will include the negotiation process, pervasive cultural differences in communication, the

    existence of corruption and bribery in negotiations and the use of negotiation techniques such

    as location, timing and inter-relations. We also include advice which is vital for foreign

    managers to know before beginning negotiations in R ussia. Finally, we will conclude our

    report with our opinions on the prospects of investing in business and the challenges and opportunities companies face in R ussia.


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    P t I: A B ck O i w f R i

    In Part I we will give a general overview of R ussia as a nation. We will discuss its communist

    past, how it has adapted in its transition from a communist to a capitalist market, its economy

    today and other general information on the country including its language, religion and social


    R i : C t P fil

    R ussia is a nation 1.8 times the size of the United States spanning nine time zones.

    Area: 17,075,4 00 square kilometres

    Population: 139. 4 million

    Capital City: Moscow

    President: Dmitry Medvedev

    Prime Minister: Vladimir Putin

    Major Political Parties: United R ussia, Communist Party of R ussian Federation,

    Liberal Democratic Party

    Monetary Unit: rouble

    Main Exports: Oil and oil products, natural gas, wood and wood products, metals, chemicals,

    weapons and military equipment

    Source: The F ore i and C ommonwea lt h O ffice, UK

    T T iti f t R i N ti t P t C t

    B efore we can understand the current political and economic climate and way of life

    in R ussia, we must first have an understanding of the countrys history. Here we will

    discuss the past century in R ussia which helps to explain much of the cultural values

    imbedded in R ussians today

    In 1923 R ussia was transformed from a Tsarist republic to a communist state

    when Joseph Stalin became leader. The Marxist ideal on which communism is

    founded is a state in which equality rules and status is foregone. Stalins

    government undertook serious measures to make the country one equal land. Firstly,

    it denounced all religions. It believed there was no need for religion as people should

    be dedicated to the common good and belief in communism. Those found to be

    practicing religion were persecuted. Secondly, all agricultural lands were taken over

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    by the government. Farms were combined into one to enable mass production.

    However, altering the way of doing agriculture in such a small period of time resulted

    in widespread famine and suffering for civilians. Thirdly, the government took

    control of all factories, banks and businesses in order to reap all benefits from their

    profits, for what they claimed, was for the good of society. And finally, the government moved to intensify and increase the military capacity of the Soviet


    In order to maintain his leadership position throughout the 1930s Stalin

    organized widespread political purges and persecution of those who opposed him.

    R ussia had become a state where citizens had no choice but to accept the

    governments view on matters. If one showed disloyalty or opposition to the

    government they, or their family, were be persecuted.

    In 1939, Germany invaded R ussia. However the German army were ill

    prepared for the R ussian Winter and the Allied Armies of R ussia, Europe and the

    United States defeated the Germans in 194 5. At this point Stalins army controlled

    much of Central and Eastern Asia. The Soviet Union did not hand power back to

    these countries, instead it enforced its communist beliefs across its newly conquered

    territories. Stalin recognised that R ussia could not possibly expect to survive in a

    capitalist world with communism as its ideal. In order for communism to succeed it

    was vital that communism should become internationally widespread. Stalin renamed

    R ussia and the new countries it conquered as the Soviet B loc, bringing down an

    Iron Curtain across Europe.

    Following World War II, the relationship between the US and the Soviet

    Union quickly deteriorated. The Soviet Union became a nuclear state in 194 9 and the

    country was on the brink of a nuclear war when it came to a head with the US in

    1963, the Cuban Missile Crisis, at the height of the Cold War.

    During the B rezhnev era of the 1970s which followed the Cold War, R ussia

    established itself as an economic and political superpower. In 1979, however, they

    invaded the US backed Afghanistan. This ruined, what had been, improving relations

    with the west. It also undermined the strength of the R ussian army and displayed their

    military limitations.

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    Throughout the 1980s Michael Gorbachev was in power. He brought in a

    political and economic reform: glasnost and perestroika. However support for the

    communist cause was falling. In 1991, there was a coup and civil war in R ussia and

    in 1993 B orris Yeltsin was elected President of the new capitalist R ussia.

    From this brief synopsis of the communist era we gain an insight into the

    culture that has developed in R ussian people. Freedom of speech, creativity,

    innovation and individual opinion were all oppressed. As a people the nation had

    become distrustful of one another and fearful of forming their own views on matters.

    They grew up in an age that involved following rigid orders and accepting the rules of

    the elite in government.

    P litic i R i T

    B efore an organization or any business entity goes ahead and does business in a

    foreign country, it is vital for them to understand both what the political situation is and

    where the political parties stand regarding foreign investments. This is especially the case in

    R ussia. The government comprises of elites, control is tight and corruption is a very real

    problem. These factors can influence an organizations decision as to whether or not they

    should do business in R ussia. However, the future growth possibilities in the R ussian market

    are very appealing to investors and companies must consider whether or not it is worth taking

    the risk to set up business in R ussia. Here we will provide some background information on

    the political situation and the system of elections in R ussia.

    T R i m t

    In R ussia there are two elections: the State Duma and the Presidential elections. The

    State Duma is the lower house of the Federal Assembly, the parliament of the R ussian

    Federation. The first Duma elections took place on the 12 th of December 1993 coinciding

    with the adoption of the new Constitution. (politi

    a.s u) This marked the end of the

    communist era for R ussia. Parties are voted for a period of five years in office for the State Duma. In the

    Presidential elections candidates are appointed by their political party and one of them will be

    voted for six years, but can be re-elected for another six years. There are many parties

    registered, but only a few are actually involved in the elections. The three most powerful and

    influential parties are the United R ussia, the Communist Party of R ussian Federation, and the

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    Liberal Democratic Party of R ussia.

    The last State Duma election was held in 2007 and the United R ussia won the election

    with more than two-thirds of the vote. The last Presidential Election was held in 2008, when

    Dimitry Medvedev won the Presidentship for the United R ussia party again.

    21 st C t R ssi

    Vladimir Putin was president of R ussia for more than 8 years, from 2000 to 2008.

    Throughout this period he took radical steps to increase his governments power over the

    people. Freedom was cut back and media and print were censured by the Federal Security

    B ureau which is controlled by the government directly. Only the radio could be called a free

    information source. In R ussia today the internet is being used by an increasing number of

    people, however, information attained on it is also controlled.

    Vladimir Putin became the President on May 7th 2000 with 52.94% of all votes.

    Many believed that Putin would bring 21st century thinking and evolution into the country

    and would lead R ussia into a new era of democratic freedom and prosperity. The problem,

    however, was that Putin was elected President coming basically from anonymity. He didnt

    progress into his position and hence his power did not stand on solid support. B y September

    2000 people were speculating the voting had been fixed. For this reason he tried to control

    everything he was capable of, to make sure that he would be in power for as long as possible.

    In the beginning Putin was successful in bringing stability to R ussia, however stability

    turned into stagnation and after 8 years as President, Putin had failed to diversify the

    economy. He also failed to fight corruption, to switch to a high-technology industry from an

    oil-dependent industry and finally he failed to establish a well functioning state apparatus.

    Moreover Putin was unable to maintain a good relationship with western countries. He said

    that the tension that existed between R ussia and many other foreign countries was the result

    of the growing R ussian economy. He claimed that the western nations could not accept that

    R ussia was becoming powerful (

    F i P c ti s o f Politic s i R ss i

    Many foreign countries perceive or better misperceive the R ussian political situation

    and R ussia overall as a country. On November 14 th 2006, Evg en i K i se l ev, an independent

    R ussian political analyst, went on a tour of American universities giving a lecture with the

    title " The F ut ure o f Ru ss ian P oliti cs: Wha t t he Wes t Perce ives and M i s perce ives" . What he

    found is that many well educated students lack proper knowledge of R ussian society. The

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    American media has a huge influence on the student community; hence it is understandable

    for students to believe that R ussia is not free, although the case is more complex.

    In R ussia there is freedom, but it is limited to some extent. The government acts like a

    monopoly and they are present everywhere: in the security services, schools, media, election

    courts and businesses. There is also another misperception; that Putin ended oligarchy. However, by looking at the number of billionaires in R ussia we can see that the case is

    otherwise. In fact, the reverse actually happened; the existing billionaires deepened their

    control and new ones emerged from the elites, who wanted to exploit the economy for their

    own personal gains, examples are: Dmitri Medvedev and Igor Sechin who both have fortunes

    in the hydrocarbon industry.

    Foreign companies investing in R ussia will come up against the likes of such

    oligarchs. They are fierce business competitors with long established business connections

    throughout R ussia and the R ussian government. For example Vladimir Putin has been

    associated with R oman A bramovich on numerous occasions. International managers will

    need to build good relationships with such powerful people and attain their support if they

    want their business to succeed in R ussia.

    C orrup ti on in Politic s

    Corruption is weakening R ussias economy and the progress of the country, yet no

    one seeks to resolve the problem. It is ignored. Many countries think that R ussia doesnt even

    have a political life; however, this is not the case. B ehind the scenes there is a huge fight for

    power, but this is never seen by foreigners. In the 2008 Presidential election, the elites wanted

    another candidate to win; however Putin had already decided that he wanted Medvedev as his

    successor. The reason for this conflict is obvious. The elites wanted someone weak to be

    elected President so that they could manipulate them and use the Presidential power for their

    own personal benefit. ( carne g ieend owmen t .or g ) This was a similar mindset to that of Putin.

    He appointed Dimitry Medvedev as a candidate for Presidentship who later won the

    Presidential election on May 7th 2008. Putins strategy was that Putin, himself, would be in

    the background as Prime Minister and would govern and control the country as he did before,

    using Medvedev as his puppet.

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    T Im pa ct of Politic s on Fore i n Inves tm en t

    In the book, I nt erna tiona l Mana g emen t : C ult ure, S t ra t e gy and Beha vior by Fred

    Luthans and Jonathan P. Dos, it describes how R ussian politics can be troublesome for

    foreign investors. It describes how difficult it is for a foreign organization to react when the

    R ussian partner wants to bail out from an agreement or from a joint venture. (pa g e 323 ) The foreign investors are helpless and are dependent on their R ussian partners. The R ussian

    government makes no attempt to intervene or aid the foreign investor.

    The article says that when profits are rising and a company is developing its position

    in the market, R ussians tend to think that they can handle the organization and that they dont

    need their foreign business partners anymore. This happened with the American B usiness

    Centers of Irvine involved in R adisson- Slavjanksaya Hotel and with the Seattle-based

    company R adio Page involved in Moscow Public Telephone Network. When the R adisson-

    Slavjanksaya Hotel started to make money the R ussian partners and the R ussian owners of

    the Hotel tried to get rid of the American business partners saying they didnt need them


    R adio Page, Moscow Public Telephone Network and another R ussian company built

    up a system together, R adio Page having a 51% stake in it. When the profits hit $5 million,

    the R ussians wanted to take control of the company and threatened the US based company

    that they would shut down the radio frequencies if they did not agree to do so. In this case

    R adio Page couldnt do any better but renegotiate the agreement. Foreign companies cannot

    get help from the government since it is relatively unstable and employees in the government

    wont take risks due to the fear of losing their job.

    Politic s Today

    Now that Dmitry Medvedev is in power, things have changed a bit. Putin and many

    more believe that Medvedev will bring the modernization R ussia is looking for. One sign is

    that he has a better foreign affairs political view than Putin. Medvedev has said that the

    R ussian volatility in its economic and political life is at the centre of the tension between

    R ussia and other countries. He has made clear targets under his governance. Those goals are

    to encourage investment, strengthening democratic institutions, revamping infrastructure,

    and encouraging innovation ( carne g ieend owment .or g ). These goals catch the attention of

    foreign investors and are promising for future growth in the R ussian economy. However,

    Medvedev is still dependent on Putin, because he is inexperienced and did not build his own

    reputation to achieve his position of authority. (

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    Overall R ussian citizens still do not trust the authorities, whether we talk about

    communism, democracy, socialism or capitalism; Medvedev or Putin, because having a name

    as one of those doesnt make a difference, the fact remains that it is still the elites who are in

    control in government. For this reason, international corporations too should be very wary in

    trusting those in positions of political power.

    R uss ias e cono mic back round over t e pas t 20 years

    R ussias economy is the twelfth largest in the world in regards to its nominal value and the

    seventh largest when one takes its purchasing power parity into account. R ussias main

    exports are its natural resources in which it is abundant; gas, coal and oil. R ussia uses these

    resources to provide most of Eastern Europe with energy. After the fall of the Soviet Union

    R ussia opened up its economy to the rest of the world and in the 1990s it expanded its

    Economic reforms by privatising most industries. Nonetheless, the rapid privatisation

    process, including a much criticized "loans-for-shares " scheme which turned over major

    state-owned firms to politically-connected remnants of communist R ussia has left equity

    ownership highly concentrated.

    As R ussia made the transition from a centrally planned economy to a free market

    system the countrys finances came under tremendous stress. However, R ussia recovered

    from this relatively well. R ussia's gross domestic product (GDP ) lies roughly between that of

    Canada and the United K ingdom and the rouble has remained stable. R ussia is the world's

    largest exporter of natural gas and the second largest exporter of oil. This meant that they

    were among the hardest hit by the 2009 energy price collapse. This dependence on energy

    exports makes R ussia vulnerable to boom and bust cycles that follow the highly volatile

    swings in global prices. Since 2007, the government has embarked on an ambitious program

    to reduce this dependency and enhance the country's high technology sectors, but this plan

    has yielded few results so far.

    However it was under the Putin administration that the R ussian economy came into its

    own. R ussia's economy saw the nominal GDP double, climbing from 22nd to 11th largest in

    the world. The economy grew at an average rate of 7% a year, growth which had been

    unheard of during the Soviet years. On a per capita basis, R ussian GDP was $11 ,4 00 per

    person in 2008, making R ussians 57th richest on purchasing power. During Putin's eight

    years in office, industry grew by approximately 75% and investments increased by around

    125% . R eal incomes more than doubled and the average salary increased eightfold from $80

    to $64 0 per month. The number of people living below the poverty line also decreased from

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    30% in 2000 to 14% in 2008. Putin used an effective legal reform system in order to lower

    income tax to 13% and also to increase asset ownership security encouraging this economic

    growth for both employers and employees. Much of R ussias current success in the

    international market is accredited to Putins leadership of the country. [Source:]

    Inflation has remained a serious issue for R ussia since the collapse of the iron curtain as the

    newly elected government failed to contain the exponential growth in prices. B etween 1999

    and 2007 inflation was kept below the forecasts only twice, and in 2007 inflation exceeded

    that of 2006, continuing the upward trend into the beginning of 2008.

    There is also a growing gap between the rich and poor in R ussia. B etween 2000 and

    2007 the incomes of the rich grew from about 14 times to 16 times larger than the incomes of

    the poor. This can be attributed to the fact that R ussia maintains a high power distance

    according to the Hofstede scale thus meaning that the wealth of the country has a low

    distribution. These are the two main difficulties that have constantly affected the economy of

    R ussia since 1990.

    In regards to external economics, The European Union and R ussia have a very strong

    trade relationship. B ilateral trade and investments continue to grow rapidly between the two

    powers. R ussia is one of the EU 's key trading partners and trade between the two economies

    showed steep growth rates up until mid 2008, the fall off thereafter can be attributed to the

    collapse in world oil prices. The EU is by far R ussia's main trading partner, accounting for

    over 50% of its international trade turnover in 2008. It is also by far the most important

    investor available to R ussia. EU exports to R ussia are many from manufactured goods and

    food to machinery. Imports from R ussia are primarily energy, raw materials and fuels.

    However this trading relationship is not without its problems in January 2006 R ussia

    suddenly cut off gas being piped through Ukraine into Europe over allegations of the Ukraine

    failing to pay for usage as well as illegally siphoning off some of the supply. Since then,

    trading between the two countries has been tense as R ussia maintains a strangle hold on the

    majority of heating gas for Eastern Europe. [ Source: E U t rade c ommi ss ion]

    The past decade has been one of growth for the R ussian economy as well as one of

    stabilisation under the Putin administration. The recovery from the fall of the Soviet Union in

    the 1990s is practically complete leaving room for more investment to be made in advancing

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    the position of R ussia within the global economy. Along with the increased demand for

    energy and a consumer driven market within the EU , R ussia maintains a strong market for its

    sale of resources along with an opportunity to receive additional investment. All these factors

    indicate continued strengthening of the R ussian economy.

    Social St ru ct ure in R uss ia

    During the communist rule there was a clear division between the rich and poor despite the

    communist ideal of equality for all. Social stratification prevailed. The nomenklatura

    consisted of members of the CPSU , the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; government

    officials, their families and associates. They lived mainly in Moscow from where they

    controlled R ussia's wealth and led extravagant lifestyles. ( count r y- st ud ies.c om) The other

    level in the social stratification consisted of average civilians who worked in the factories and

    government run businesses in return for a meagre existence.

    Following the fall of communism and the emergence of the capitalist market people

    hoped for a change in this social structure. However, although the nomenklatura was

    disbanded, the gap between the rich and poor continued to grow. State owned lands, factories

    and businesses were privatised and handed over to those who had been members of the

    nomenklatura. These favourable transfers of wealth to the oligarchs only served to widen

    the gap in wealth and it increased the feelings of hardship. ( Ca pit a li sm Ru ss ian -S t yl e,

    Gu st a f son )

    The oligarchs are R ussian billionaires who reside mainly in Moscow and control

    companies in highly profitable R ussian industries such as coal and gas. R oman A bramovich,

    owner of Chelsea FC is an example of an oligarch and a close friend of Vladimir Putin. He

    owns numerous coal mines across R ussia. Such oligarchs have a huge disposable income and

    spend millions each year on luxury items including western cars, yachts, foreign properties,

    designer clothes, jewellery etc. An international business that wishes to target its products at

    the high end, luxury market should therefore set up the retail department of their business in


    It is interesting to note the difference in social status between that of western countries

    and that of R ussia. In western countries higher status is given to the educated, professional

    workforce. However in R ussia, economists, accountants and clerical workers are generally

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    women. This sector is regarded as less important than that of manual workers such as miners

    and shipbuilders. Manual workers are viewed in R ussia as the backbone of the economy and

    are held in higher regard. Primarily, social status is determined by wealth, not education.

    Secondary to this status comes skilled manual workers, followed by educated professionals

    and finally, at the bottom layer are agricultural labourers. ( Source: H ar vard E d uca tiona l Pa pers )

    Socia l Pro bl ems in R uss ia

    As R ussia made the transition to a capitalist economy in the 1990s, serious social problems

    developed throughout the nation. These problems include: unemployment, alcoholism, illicit

    drug use and human trafficking. ( C IA Webs it e )

    Unemployment in R ussia today lies at roughly 9.2% of the population. ( W or l d

    Socia li st Webs it e ) The problem has been magnified over the past number of years with the

    downturn in the global economy. However the problem existed even before the recession. It

    is due to the failure of the government to stimulate the creation of jobs after vast

    redundancies by factory and business owners in the 1990s. International companies should

    view the current unemployment in R ussia as a potential opportunity to set up a manufacturing

    business. They would have access to a huge labour force seeking employment. R ussian

    workers are known to be extremely hard working and willing to work in poor working

    conditions in return for pay. ( The Te l e g ra ph, UK webs it e ) This willingness should not be

    abused by international firms; moreover this enthusiasm could be harnessed to create a

    dedicated workforce.

    Alcohol, in particular vodka, has played a major role in the countries cultural history.

    It is consumed openly as part of the R ussian lifestyle, even as part of business meetings.

    However, there has been a significant increase in the cases of alcoholism in line with an

    increase in unemployment. At the end of last year President Medvedev launched a campaign

    to tackle the escalating problem. (N ew sweeks E d uca tion Webs it e, ne w sweek.c om) It is

    recognised that vodka is the serious culprit and that the availability of hard liquor needs to be

    addressed. ( R IA N ovo sti ) In recent years, beer has become increasingly popular in R ussia.

    This is a market into which international beer companies could expand. However they would

    need to be very sensitive in how they market their expansion. Although they would be seizing

    an incredible opportunity to attain a customer market that is transferring somewhat from

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    vodka to beer, they do not want their company image to be compromised ie: if they were seen

    to be fuelling alcoholism.

    L anguage :

    The official language of R ussia is R ussian. A pproximately 81% of the population speak

    R ussian and R ussian alone. However, there are also several minority languages spoken such

    as Tatar and Ukrainian.

    Edu cati on :

    R ussia has a very high reputation for education. According to the R ussian 2002 Census the

    literacy rate for the total population was 99. 4% (99.7% for males and 99.2 % for females).

    The average time spent in education (from primary to tertiary) is 14 years (14 years for males

    and 15 years for females). The government spent 3.9% of GDP in 2006 on education.

    Education is divided into B asic Education and Higher Education. B asic Education is

    compulsory and lasts for 9 years. In the final two years students specialize. Higher education

    is supplied by the state and by non-public accredited Higher Education Institutions. There are

    three different levels of higher education:

    1. Incomplete higher education which lasts for at least two years.

    2. B asic higher level education which lasts for four years. This then leads onto the B akalavrs degree (B achelor degree).

    3. Postgraduate Higher Education which may last five or six years or more after

    secondary education. Students will then end up with a Magistrs (Masters) degree.

    Further education again may lead to a K andidat Nauk Degree (Ph.D.) or a Doktor

    Nauk degree (Professor).

    B ased on research we advise international managers to be aware of the potential educated

    labour market that exists.

    R eligion :

    15-20 % of the R ussian population are said to be practicing R ussian Orthodox. A large

    segment of the R ussian population is made up of non-practicing believers and non-believers.

    This is as a result of the religious persecution that was undertaken throughout the Soviet era.

    The second largest religious group in R ussia is made up of Muslims and counts for

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    approximately 10-15% of the population. Western companies setting up in R ussia will need

    to consider the factors that may affect them if they set up in a predominately Muslim area

    such as Volga- Urals or the North Caucasus.

    Islamic beliefs differ to Christian beliefs when it comes to business. Muslims can

    earn a profit once it does not exploit other people and once it is earned fairly. Muslims also consider it a sin to accept interest payments. It is important that international managers

    partaking in business within R ussia respect the religious views of the Muslim people with

    whom they may be working.

    Par t II: Ho f stede s D im ens ionsCulture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best

    and often a disaster. Prof. Geert Hofstede, Emeritus Professor, Maastricht University (geert-

    Geert Hofstede is a famous Dutch born researcher, who has analyzed over 70 countries in his

    work which includes data gathered from more than 116,000 respondents. He has come up

    with four dimensions to analyze and understand the behaviour and cultural values of nations.

    ( L ut hans and D oh:104 ) These dimensions are: power distance, masculinity, individualism,

    and uncertainty avoidance.

    Here we will discuss how each of these dimensions applies to R ussian culture and its

    influence on business. There are the minority of people, the oligarchs, living in the cities who

    enjoy a lavish lifestyle. Their culture is influenced by money, material items and corruption.

    The culture that we will discuss here is the culture of the average R ussian citizen.

    Ind ividua lism vs. C ollecti vism

    Individualism can be defined as the tendency of people to look after themselves and their

    immediate family only. ( L ut hans and D oh:.105 ) In individualistic societies, the relationship

    between the individual and the community tends not to be very strong; the individuals own

    and relatives well being is the most important. Individualism is seen as selfish in some

    countries and western societies are associated with this concept. Technology and progression

    encourages the concept of individualism.

    Collectivism on the other hand is the opposite. It is defined as the tendency of people

    to belong to groups or collectives and to look after each other in exchange of loyalty

    ( L ut hans and D oh: 105 ). In a collective society children are raised so as to develop very

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    strong common senses and believe that the most important thing is the well being of the

    entire community. The R ussian society scored high on collectivist dimensions by Hofstede.

    They have a very strong national pride.

    Hofstede found that wealthier nations tend to be more individualistic, while poorer

    countries tend to score higher on collectivism. R ussians believe that by being wealthier or more successful than someone else is only possible at the expense of the weaker and less

    fortunate. Individual success in R ussia is viewed negatively by the society as a whole. This

    cultural opinion has been supported by the actions of the R ussian government when they gave

    businesses and lands to government ministers and family members following the fall of

    communism. Even those in R ussia who achieve wealth as a result of hard work are viewed

    with envy and distrust.

    International companies operating in R ussia need to take this view of R ussian

    citizens into account. Their goal in setting up a business in R ussia in the first place is to make

    profits. However it is important for a business to be accepted by the community in which it

    operates and to be seen in a good light when marketing products within R ussia. We believe

    that international companies can address this distrust by investing a proportion of its retained

    profits in the community. For example; a company could help the lives of orphans in their

    area by donating money to build a playground in a local orphanage. Multi-national companies

    can generate a good image by supporting the R ussian communities in which it operates.

    Organizations are viewed by R ussians more as social systems than functional systems.

    In a business they value friendship and relationships when discussing business contracts.

    Therefore it is vital for international businesspeople to form lasting relationships with their

    R ussian counterparts. We discuss this in greater detail in Part III.

    R esearch of Fey (1999) has shown that R ussian people respect group work and highly

    value group loyalty. B elonging to a team offers protection for workers as no one stands out

    from the crowd. The management of a company is based on collective leadership, which

    means the collective leadership consists of a group of people who make a decision by

    majority. Its a tradition that a debate goes until a common agreement is reached. When they

    agree on a decision, then all the members of the group will perform that task with

    responsibility and with full commitment. (V l ach out sico s:22 -23 ) As a result, international

    businesses should recognise that accountability for decisions made in their operations in

    R ussia will be blurred as managers tend to hide behind collective decisions.

    Unilever recognised that group loyalty is very important in R ussia and so they

    developed a system how to make use of this collectivistic cultural trait of R ussians. They can

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    do that by motivating the R ussians managers, and because they know that R ussians value

    equality and equity, Unilever knows that they can push managers to give up their own

    individual interests. Consequently Unilever is able to target specific groups by the innovative

    efforts of R ussian collectivist behaviour and the company. ( Beek:12 )

    Mas culinit y vs . Femi ninit y

    Masculinity refers to those cultural traits that value success, money and material items.

    Individuals are encouraged to achieve high goals, independence and power and to earn

    recognition. A masculine society is male dominated. An example of this would be Germanic

    countries who score high on this scale.

    Femininity on the other hand values family, caring for others and for the community. In

    feminine societies people value their quality of life and helping others. Money is not that

    great of an importance and it is merely a means for living. People within these societies seek

    agreement, harmony and feel empathy for one another and those who are less fortunate.

    One would expect R ussia to belong to the masculine dimension, since R ussia was a

    command nation during communist political oppression. However, when Hofstede analyzed

    R ussia he discovered that it actually scored higher on the feminine index. This can be

    explained by R ussias history. R ussia was governed by a feudalistic system for centuries and

    was then followed by 60 years of dictatorship. Therefore it was very difficult for the R ussian

    people to develop any sense of creativity or entrepreneurship. R esearch carried out by

    B ollinger ( 1994 ) found that R ussia is very similar to the Scandinavian countries, which are

    traditionally feminine in structure. He suggests that centuries of serfdom followed by

    Communist dictatorship have prevented its population from developing a sense of initiative.

    Secondly, R ussia has gone through many wars which resulted in women raising their children

    alone making them feel independent. Since they had so many new roles to fulfil by

    themselves they felt more equal to men.

    Power D istan ce Index ( PDI):

    In the Geert Hofstede analysis of a culture, power distance is used to measure how members

    of organisations interact with each other in regards to the distribution of authority. In other

    words it is a measure of inequality and suggests that this is endorsed not only by its leaders

    but its followers as well. All societies are unequal but some are more unequal than others and

    this measurement is concerned with obtaining these values. In countries with a large power

    distance such as R ussia, individuals are tolerant of having dominant figures conveying orders.

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    However in a low power distance country like Ireland individuals interact with one another

    more as equals and expect democratic treatment. People in high power distance societies

    express positive emotions to superiors and negative ones to subordinates. Having a PDI of 95

    R ussia is considered to have a large power distance. A lot of this can be attributed to R ussias

    very large population. Thus, Sma ll v s. L ar g e P ower D i st ance does not measure or attempt to measure a culture's objective, "real " power distribution, but rather the way people perceive

    power differences. ( H o f st ede Webs it e )

    A prime example of this high power distance in R ussian society was seen in the state

    owned oil pipeline company Transneft. This company was exposed as corrupt, November

    2010, by a minority shareholder, Alexei Navalny, who leaked sources on the internet as to the

    white collar crime running rampant within operations. He produced claims that over $4

    billion of state funds were being embezzled, naming prominent members of R ussian society

    who were to blame. However just hours after Navalnys post and 6,000 comments later, the

    government officially congratulated the company on the completion of its latest pipeline. To

    date there has still been no action taken against the heads of the company and the government

    has demonstrated officially that they back Transneft. []

    International businesses can learn a lot from this example. Control comes primarily

    from the R ussian government who are corrupt. However their word is accepted above the

    truth in all cases due to the cultural factor of high power distance. International businesses

    should remember this. In order to succeed they need to have the cooperation and support of

    the R ussian government.

    Uncer t a inty Avoidan ce Index ( UAI): 0

    A measure of how much individuals of a society are able to tolerate uncertainty as well as a

    societys attitude towards to change. Countries with high uncertainty avoidance prefer to

    enforce strict laws, rules and security measures. Thus as a result minimises the chances of

    unstructured situations arising in day to day life, this makes people more motivated

    emotionally as they poses a more nervous approach to conducting themselves. Unstructured

    situations are those that are unknown or surprising when compares to the usual. R ussia scores

    high on the uncertainty avoidance scale with 90 points, this implies that as a whole people in

    R ussians dont like to venture out from the norm of day to day living, preferring to obey and

    conform to their environment.

    Hence International businesses need to set out strict operating guidelines for their

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    workers and they, as a company, will be required to comply with strict governmental rules

    and regulations.

    (Sour ce: d igitalcomm ons .george )

    (Sour ce: spreadshee

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    Par t III: Nego ti a ti on in Bus iness in R uss ia Negotiation is defined as B argaining with one or more parties for the purpose of arriving at a

    solution acceptable to all. ( L ut hans D oh:204 ) If prospective companies seeking to do business in R ussia wish to be successful in their communications, it is vitally important that

    they understand the R ussian culture. R ussia is a very interdependent country and has a great sense of community which

    can be seen in their business practices. Their collectivist approach differentiates them from

    Westerners. Egalitarianism is defined as a belief in human equality with respect to social,

    political and economic affairs. ( M irr iam Webs t er ) This is a key concept in R ussian culture

    and in business it leads managers to aim for equality strategies that result in mutually

    beneficial deals.

    T he Nego ti a ti on Pro cess

    The negotiation process is the process businesses use in forming agreements and drawing up

    contracts. It includes several stages: planning, interpersonal relationship building, exchanging

    task-related information, persuasion and agreement

    Planning involves both parties identifying what objectives they wish to achieve

    through negotiations with one another. Eg: the reasons why two businesses may want to

    merge etc. B efore any negotiations take place it is important that relationships are built

    between the two firms. Western firms tend not to give much time to this phase. However R ussians focus heavily on the importance of good relations, so managers should not attempt

    to rush this process. After relations have been created the two parties begin to work together

    to decide what each party will devote to the project and what is to be gained by partaking in a

    specific contract. This is the transfer of task-related information. Persuasion and agreement

    follow this stage. Here managers meet, possibly on several different occasions to create an

    attractive agreement. ( L ut hans D oh:207 )

    C ult ura l Diff eren ces Aff ecti ng Nego ti a ti onsL anguage :

    The first obstacle managers will face is the R ussian language. International managers should

    learn the Cryllic language before travelling to R ussia. This is an understanding of written text

    and is essential as it gives off a good impression to potential business partners if their foreign

    counterpart is knowledgeable in the language, both written and spoken.

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    In R ussia physical contact in public is common as they are a very demonstrative

    nation. Hugs, kisses on the cheek and other similar gestures are frequently seen. R ussians

    stand quite close when they talk which may make people from other cultures feel

    uncomfortable. Certain gestures which may be acceptable in western countries are

    considered rude or offensive in R ussia. For example the ok gesture is considered impolite. International managers need to be aware that in business meetings the first greeting

    may not come across too friendly. Handshakes are always appropriate when coming and

    going and one should remove their gloves before shaking hands.

    Sm all Talk:

    Small talk is important before and after business meetings in R ussia. R ussians like to develop

    relations; hence it is acceptable for westerners to discuss their homes and families. However

    it is extremely important never to offer a compliment publicly. R ussians view compliments

    with suspicion and it may cause jealousy. ( communica id.c om)

    Em otions :

    R ussians frequently use emotions in business meetings. They often test the international

    managers by watching their reactions to an emotional outburst. Managers should not be

    alarmed. Traditionally R ussians do not hold back their emotions when conducting business.

    ( g l oba l ne g otia tions.c om)

    Alc oho l:

    Often a drink of vodka may be included in the business agreement. It is a positive gesture to

    accept this drink. After the business meeting it is commonplace for business parties to retire

    to a bar for further drinks. International managers should curtail their consumption as this is

    an important opportunity to further improve the relationship.

    Nego ti a ti on Tactic s

    Managers use several negotiation tactics when drawing up contracts with their international

    counterparts. Such tactics include: time limits, location and buyer-seller relations.

    Tim e Limit s

    Time limits are an important negotiation tactic when one party is under a time constraint.

    ( L ut hans.D oh:210 )

    In general, R ussians are known for taking their time in negotiating business deals.

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    R ussians also understand that westerners tend to be under tight time-constraints. They know

    that westerners like to have fixed dates for meetings to discuss and finalise agreements.

    It is important that westerners realise that R ussians are very shrewd negotiators. They

    will use western impatience to gain the upper hand. In the past they have been known to

    delay a business meeting for several days after the other business party has arrived in R ussia. They often put off making a decision or agreeing on a meeting time. B y doing this they can

    force their business counterparts into making further concessions in order to finalise the deal.

    Therefore it is important for multinational managers to take their time in finalising deals.

    Firms should get to know their R ussian counterparts before signing any agreement.

    All too often in the past western firms have rushed into agreements, eager to please their

    R ussian counterparts. In general these agreements fail with the western firm losing.

    It is also important for international managers to be on time for meetings. However

    they should not expect their R ussian counterparts to do the same and should not expect an


    Negotiators may use pressure techniques such as applying time pressure or making

    final offers. Final offers are almost never final and can be made more than once. If the

    other side are aware that you are short on time in the negotiating process they will use this to

    their advantage by increasing the demand to make compromises. They may also ask for

    concessions at the last minute of negotiations. Time pressure generally does not work on the

    R ussians as they are so patient. R ussians do not like to be rushed so managers should be

    prepared for the negotiation process to last for a long period of time.

    Locati on

    International managers should arrange to meet their R ussian counterparts in a neutral

    territory, generally in a country halfway between the two territories. This is a key tactic used

    as neither side will want to pay for its managers travelling expenses and have no result to

    show for it. Therefore meeting in a foreign location encourages both parties to negotiate and

    to reach an agreement. However, R ussian managers may insist the meeting be held in R ussia.

    If this is the case, then the travelling managers should bring their own R ussian interpreter

    with them.

    Buyer -Seller R elati ons

    This describes how both parties act, even after the finalisation of an agreement.

    R ussian managers like to develop lasting relationships with their international counterparts.

    They develop such relationships over a long period of time so one should not expect them to

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    warm to someone new immediately. Therefore having connections can be very useful to

    business strategies. This is because if you introduce a colleague after you have developed a

    relationship they will be more likely to accept and trust them quickly. When meeting a

    prospective business partner for the first time it is better to be formal to try and develop trust

    with them. In a business meeting the speakers will go in order of importance starting with the head of the organisation. ( bu siness -in-r u ss ia.h t ml )

    Bus iness C ards

    B usiness cards are essential in R ussian business. Unlike in Ireland it is very important

    that you take a few moments to read a business card you have been handed. Although it is not

    required, R ussian businessmen and women appreciate it if you have one side of your business

    card translated into R ussian using the Cyrillic alphabet and hand it to them with this side

    facing towards them. You should include your university degrees on your card. Giving your

    business card in a professional manner will give off a good first impression as it is one of the

    first things you do and thus will aid with your communication and negotiation.

    B usiness Cards are also viewed as a method for maintaining communication and a

    method to build on an existing relationship. ( communica id.c om)

    Barga ining in Nego tia ti on

    B argaining is a major element of negotiating in R ussia. It is almost expected when

    going into business meetings. As previously mentioned, R ussians are very patient. This is

    used in their bargaining along with persistence and being stubborn with their deal making. It

    will be hard work to acquire compromises from them due to this. It can be seen as a sign of

    weakness to offer concessions and so they may refuse to offer them unless you offer adequate

    compromises or are very firm on your decision. They will often offer a small compromise to

    encourage you to offer a larger one. It is recommended to stay strong during negotiations as

    prices may change by up to 4 0% from beginning to end. The negotiation process is very long

    and so it is not advised to offer concessions too early on as they will be expecting more

    further along in the process.

    R ussians may use misleading tricks such as lying and sending untrue non-verbal

    messages to imply disinterest in the deal to get advantages in the bargaining process. These

    methods should not be taken personally as they are common practice during negotiations.

    When dealing with negotiators they may be forceful and unpleasant. It is common at

    the start of the negotiation process for them to get angry and make threats. They may also try

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    to make you feel guilty or to catch you by surprise through asking very direct questions or

    bringing back up subjects that were already agreed upon.

    R ussians like to develop relationships over a long period of time so you should not

    expect them to warm to you immediately. Therefore having connections can be very useful to

    business strategies. However if you introduce a colleague after you have developed a relationship they will more likely accept and trust them quickly. When meeting a prospective

    business partner for the first time it is better to be formal to try to develop trust with them.

    Finally, we believe corruption is a major influence on the decisions of international firms as

    to whether or not they should set up operations in R ussia. Here we will discuss the impact of

    bribery and blat on business negotiations.

    C orrup ti on in Nego ti a ti ons in R uss ia

    In the 2010 corruption perception ranking carried out by Transparency International, R ussia

    ranked 154 th out of a possible 178, behind countries such as Myanmar, Iraq and Afghanistan

    and was included in the highly corrupt category. ( CP I Re por t f or Trans parenc y I nt erna tiona l )

    B ribery and B lat are commonplace within R ussian business and society. B ribery is

    described as the use of public office for private gain and blat has been described as the

    informal exchange of favours. Internationally both bribery and blat are viewed as forms of

    corruption. However they are part of everyday life and business in R ussia. They have been

    handed on from generation to generation as basically a way of life, a tradition. B ribery

    requires immediate payment, almost always financial compensation for a favour. B lat on the

    other hand relies on membership of a certain social network and is based on long-term

    relationships. B lat is more pervasive than bribery, for it penetrates spheres where money

    may not be used, either because of the ethics of personal relationships, or because the favour

    is so petty or large that it cannot be repaid. ( L ovell , L edene va, R o g ache v sk ii; 2000 )

    For these reasons, it is difficult for foreign companies operating in R ussia. How do

    multinational corporations respond to a R ussian tradition when it is ethically immoral in their

    native country? On one hand multinational corporations wish to be open to understanding and

    accepting the traditions of their new partners, on the other hand they do not wish to partake in

    unethical behaviour which could potentially ruin their clean company image and public


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    The US G overnment has addressed this dilemma facing US firms. They have made it

    illegal for US firms to accept or give bribes of any shape or form. Any companies found to be

    involved in bribery in R ussia can be prosecuted under American law.

    Bribery and blat are becoming really serious problems however for multinational

    companies attempting to operate in R ussia. The problem is forcing international companies to

    shut down and leave R ussia for good. This is having a detrimental impact on the R ussian


    Eg: IKEA

    IKEA stopped all investments in setting up businesses in R ussia in 2009. B efore entering

    R ussia they made the decision that they would not be involved in bribery of any form. They

    had planned to build stores across the country. However when setting up their first store they

    needed over 300 permits and then the R ussian authorities forced them to pay $3million

    toward infrastructure before they could open for business. IKEA recognised at this early stage

    that it would not be possible to successfully open at competitive prices without partaking in

    bribery. They attempted to arrange a meeting with the President to resolve the problem.

    However they were told that it would cost them between $5million and $10million to see the

    president. Subsequently IKEA decided to leave R ussia and abandon all plans for expansion

    into the R ussian market. ( Deb orah S wa ll

    The other option for multinational firms is to accept that bribery is all part and parcel

    of doing business in R ussia and that if they want to compete in this market they have to obey

    by the rules of the game, which is to pay the bribes. One businessman, interviewed

    anonymously in The N ew Y ork T imes describes how he recently set up a business in R ussia

    supplying equipment for use in offices and apartments. He bribed two intermediaries to fix

    government contracts. He has so far received four contracts paying between 5% and 10% in

    bribes. The largest bribe he paid was $90,000. He has been successful as a result of paying

    the bribes however he remained anonymous for fear of his safety.

    When negotiating business with R ussian counterparts it is common practice to

    exchange gifts. However these are viewed to be in conflict with US anti-bribery measures.

    We advise multinational corporations not to partake in bribery or gift-exchange with R ussian

    counterparts. There is too much scope for it to be perceived as bribery, unless it is something

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    small with the company logo. Managers should inform their R ussian counterparts that it is

    company policy for them not to partake in any form of bribery or gift-swapping which may

    be perceived as bribery.

    However as it is custom in R ussia, international managers must also be aware that they must take into account this cultural difference. They should acknowledge the existence

    of the tradition however explain that it is company policy for them not to partake in such

    actions. It is vital to show an understanding of R ussian customs so R ussian managers feel

    they are entering into a business agreement with people who understand them.

    C on clus ion

    We can safely say that R ussia has progressed from a communist economy into a market

    based one and that the society and its values are changing rapidly too. The R ussian market

    has many untapped opportunities and many possibilities to invest in. However foreign

    investors have to be very careful when conducting business within R ussia. R ussian people

    prefer friendship and personal engagement when conducting business; this means the

    formalities experienced in the western world are not as potent when dealing in R ussia.

    U pon reviewing the country it is clear that locals have the upper hand when it comes

    to making transactions on a corporate level. Using R ussian people as representatives of the

    international business within R ussia will avoid misunderstanding and misperception, as well

    as distrust and anxiety. An organization has to be prepared to undertake some risks, and they

    should not count on the R ussian governments support. B efore investing and going into the

    R ussian market, the company should have a lot of research on the market segment they wish

    to operate in.

    McK insey, a management consulting firm, is a prime example of a successful business

    entering the R ussian market. McK insey did not change their standards relating to their target

    audience, pricing and quality of work but they did take the countrys culture into account. It

    implemented high power concentration (mentioned in section II) with the CEO s of the

    companies and realised the need for formal procedures in dealing with these CEO s (to deal

    with the high levels of secrecy and the widespread office politics). McK insey hired many

    R ussian-speaking consultants which is something we would highly recommend due to the

    language barriers and the fact that they would be used to doing business in R ussia. We feel

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    that one of the main reasons for McK inseys success in R ussia is that they kept their own

    goals and core operations but still took the R ussian culture into consideration.

    Citibank is yet another example of a business success in R ussia. They, like McK insey,

    took the R ussian culture and customs into consideration for tasks such as advertisement and structuring products but did not lose sight of the whole companys core business model that it

    uses in all its operations worldwide.

    We strongly believe that R ussia is a good place for a business to invest, however

    industries must be acutely aware of the problems of corruption (such as the bribery seen in

    the IKEA case) and employ native R ussians to help them understand the language and

    business in R ussia. To this day there remain many markets, yet to be discovered, hidden

    within R ussia and for this reason we feel it is viable for businesses to take some risk in order to expose these segments.

    During the course of this project we have examined many aspects of R ussia be it a history

    of its origins or a study of its social structure. Throughout these it has been made clear that

    several large differences exist within the business world. In an ever rapidly changing society

    such as R ussia it is key to have people on the ground in order to accurately gauge and react to

    issues that occur. Such a strategic move would also appeal to the R ussian sense of

    relationship when conducting business, thus further enhancing ones chances of success when

    operating within its markets. We believe the outlook for R ussia is very bright with its vast

    supplies of natural resources and its improving international relations. In conclusion we

    believe that as a country trusted with the prospect of hosting the 2018 World Cup,

    international businesses should view R ussia as a nation in which they should invest.

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    Bibli ography R ussia.pdf

    ss-cultural-training/culture-for-business-and-management/doing-business-in/ R ussian-

    business-and-social-culture.php 10/results i

    An A ssess men t o f Pres iden t P utin's Ten ure and t he O utl ook f or Hi s Success or . Carnegie

    Endowment For International Peace. Arbatov, Alexei. March 3, 2008. retrieved 28, 10, 2010. Detail&id= 1099&zoom_highlight=The

    +future+of+ R ussian+politics

    Bio g ra phica l in f or ma tion ab out Geer t H o f st ede . Hofstede, Geert and Hofstede, Gert Jan.

    R etrieved 25, 10, 2010

    B RIC G eert Hofstede Scores. S R etrieved 20, 11 , 2010. 5dtctQ LsH5KM 0sa B tr Eh NA

    C ult ure . Hofstede, Geert and Hofstede, Gert Jan.

    R etrieved 25, 10, 2010

    management/doing-business-in/ R ussian-business-and-social-culture.php R ussia.pdf

  • 8/7/2019 Group 12 CCM project- Russia


    29 Detail&id=93 4 Detail&id= 1099&zoom_highlight=The

    +future+of+ R ussian+politics

    Steven Lovell, Alena Ledeneva & Andrei R ogachevskii; B ribery and B lat in R ussia; 2000 5/08/09/world/europe/09iht-russia.html R ussia.pdf 10/feb20 10/russ-f20.shtml 10/05/24 /russia-bribery-corruption-the-high-price-of- bad-business/

    R ussian Collectivism: An Invisible Fist in the Transformation Process of R ussia; Dr.

    Charalambos B lachoutsicos

    Dare to Embrace Differences: Leadership Competencies for Unilever; Maarten-van B eek

    Thane Gustafson, Capitalism R ussian- Style, Cambridge University Press

  • 8/7/2019 Group 12 CCM project- Russia


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    K inga Harsanyi _______________________

    Tadhg Murphy _______________________

    Evanna Murphy _______________________