group discussion

GROUP DISCUSSION 1. METHODOLOGY 2. COMPONENTS - Personality manifestation - Communication skill - Knowledge - Leadership 3. THE ROLE PLAYERS 4. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE TRAITS

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Page 1: Group discussion




- Personality manifestation

- Communication skill

- Knowledge

- Leadership



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GROUP DISCUSSIONCONCEPT : A GD is used widely as a variant of personality Test for evaluating several candidates simultaneously. Infact, it helps to shortlist candidates for the final interview.Public Speaking : Here the audience merely judges a speaker without competing with him. It listens to what the speakersays but does not discuss the subject simultaneously with the speaker.Debate: A chairman presides over a debate, giving it a shape and direction. The speakers are normally divided into two groups- one speaking for the motion and the other speakingagainst the motion.Interview : Usually a board consisting of several members evaluates a candidate’s suitability for the concerned job in the course of the interview.

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1. Dress

2. Body Language

3. Tone and Voice

4. Countenance Manners

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Communication skill : Effective communication is a salient feature of a group discussion. An idea can be appreciated only when it is expressed eloquently and effectively. A leader, an administrator, a manager or an erudite scholar must possess the skills to put across an idea in the clearest manner.

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Knowledge : In a GD, knowledge of the

subject concerned , backed by common sense

will help you deal with any situation and win

laurels.The greater your knowledge of the

subjects, the more interested, enthusiastic,

and confident will you be and the more fluent

and forceful would be your speech and

contribution to the discussion.

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Man is gregarious by nature; he cannot, normally, live alone. He lives in a group whatever its size and name. The success of the group depends, to a large extent, on its leader.

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The great man approach: Effective leadership can be learnt by making a study of the lives of great persons.Personality trait approach : There are certain personality characteristics essential in a person in order to become a leader. These traits are supposed to differentiate leaders fromnon- leaders.Important traits are: Courage, Integrity, Loyalty,Charisma, Ambition, Intelligence, Honesty, Persistence, Arrogance, Good health, Political skill, Confidence& Vision.The leader behaviour approach: The main emphasis is not on who is the leader is but on what a leader does.”Leadership behaviour” includes making decisions, giving directions, showing identity with the group and loyalty to the organization.

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LEADERSHIP QUALITIESFunctional Ability : means an ability to work in an exemplarymanner.- Knowledge- Energy- Emotional Ability- Empathy- Communication Skill- Integrity- Moral CourageCoordinating Ability: able to motivate and influence others.Itis not inborn trait but can be acquired and developed.- Social Adaptability- Motivation

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1. Initiator : A good candidate should be able to initiate the process of discussion.He can guide the group in the way to begin and complete the discussion process.

2. Illustrator : A good participant must be able to elaborate or clarify points made by others, make them relevant to the given topic, and develop his own opinion

3. Informer : A good participant must have sound general knowledge.Only then can he provide the required information on any given topic to the group.

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4. Coordinator : A good participant must be able to bring the dissenting members of the group to some kind of agreement and be able to make them participate in the discussion in a disciplined manner.He must also gather the divergent points raised by different participants and relate them to the given topic.

5. Orienter : A candidate who possesses good leadership attributes keeps the group directed towards the goal.He displays his skills of organisation through this role.Such a candidate has the potential for helping to run an organisation.

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Smartness Fluency Depth Initiative

Cheerfulness Clarity Range Tolerance

Enthusiasm Logicality Analytical


Team spirit

Keenness Coherence Coordination

Of thoughts


Curiosity Effectiveness Decisiveness & Flexibility

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NEGATIVE TRAITSPersonality Communicat

e-ton SkillKnowledge Leadership

Shyness Incoherence Ignorance Intolerance

Sluggishness Muteness Lack of ideas Unfriendliness

Diffidence Fumbling Superficiality Selfishness

Timidity Aggressiveness Mental poverty Rigidity

Rudeness &


Amorphous &


Lack of

Analytical ability




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SUCCESS IN A GD1. Be Assertive: An assertive person is direct and honest

and careful about not hurting other’s self respect.Eye contact is a means of expressing sincerity , while an erect posture and direct body position may increase the impact of the message.

2. A Patient Listener :Listening to another person is one way of showing appreciation.

3. Right Language : Words can make friends and foes of men.It is possible to disagree without sounding rude or losing one’s temper.

4. Be Analytical and Fact –Oriented : It is necessary to make relevant points which can be supported with facts and analysed logically. Vague arguments do not hold good in GD.

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5. Accept Criticism : The criticism must be viewed positively and if it carries weight, the person making the point must be appreciated and thanked. In case the criticism is flimsy, the same can be pointed out politely.

6. Maximize Participation : Thus one must try to contribute fully ,vigorously, and steadily throughout the discussion. Silence may indicate lack of initiative, information, and communication skill.

7. Respect other speakers : It is impolite to laugh at other participants and comment on their ignorance or inability. A good candidate always encourages the other members of his group without making fun of their feelings.

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8. Show Leadership Ability :Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is the human factor that binds a group together and motivates it towards a goal. Leadership transforms the potential into real.

9. Be Precise : It is important to express yourself precisely and exactly without beating about the bush or being verbose as a GD takes place in a given time.

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1. Focused Preparation2. Mock GD3. General Awareness4. Rules to Follow in a

GD5. List of skills assessed

during a GD process6. Important Tips for


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1. Developing a power of conviction and expression – it is important to display abundant confidence in your personality.

2. Fluency in spoken English is a must.

3. Develop a good grasp over general awareness as most GD topics are based on current issues. Keeping track of political and business events as they happen everyday is critical in this endeavour.

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1. The best practice sessions are mock GD’s. At least once every week meet up with peers, aspiring to make to B-Schools and organize discussion sessions.

2. Choose a topic from amongst the leading headlines for the week and time the sessions over 30 minutes. Allow all in the group five minutes to collect their ideas individually.

3. Nominate a observer to give feedback.

4. Mock discussions will build a lot of confidence.

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1. Most discussion topics relate to current issues. Scan newspapers and magazines carefully. Examiners prefer giving topics on burning issues.

2. Be thorough with the Indian and World economy, the process of liberalisation, social issues and even political headlines at times come to the fore.

3. Following events as they happen may not be an easy task but with consistent efforts, one is bound to succeed.

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Rules to follow in a GD

1. While participating in a GD, try and be amongst the first three to speak up.

2. Do not try to hog the limelight by not allowing others to speak – would earn negative points.

3. During the discussion, do not try to pull your peers down by raising your voice. Instead enter into a healthy argument within the group if you disagree with someone else’s opinion.

4. Have an opinion and substantiate with reasons.

5. Sometimes each candidate is asked to sum up the discussion briefly – so be prepared.

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List of skills Assessed during a GD process

1. Leadership skills.

2. Communication skills.

3. Interpersonal skills.

4. Persuasive skills.

5. Problem solving skills.

6. Conceptualizing skills.

7. Probable topics.

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IMPORTANT TIPS FOR GD1. Be as natural as possible.2. Take time to think of what you are going to say – if

allowed, then jot down your thoughts.3. Incase of doubt, ask for clarification.4. Don’t start speaking until you have clearly understood

and analysed the subject.5. Work out various strategies to help you make an entry.6. Give valuable insights during the discussion.7. Language skills are important only to the effect as to

how you get your points clearly and fluently.8. Be assertive not dominating.9. Always be polite.10. Brush up your leadership skills; motivate the other

members to speak, and listen to their views. Be receptive to other’s opinions.