group7 crm workshop

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  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


    Group 7

    Neeti Jain- FT11137

    Nikhil Garg- FT11139

    Gaurav Sundararaman- FT11420

    Ram Raghavan- FT11155Rosanth Rege- FT11351

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


    CRM will :

    ` Help us get a clear understanding of customers

    and their needs

    ` Help us focus on our competencies

    ` Enable us to provide quality serviceprovide

    customers appropriate personalized attention

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


    To implement a sales strategy that enables us to

    identify the purchase preferences of customers,

    and allows us to anticipate customer needs and

    tailor product offerings thus enhancing thecustomer experience, facilitated by an integrated

    CRM technology

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop



    Ease of use is essential to encourage user adoption and increase productivity


    The CRM technology must be aligned with the companys business process. Thisdecreases time and cost for rework

    Product Delivery

    A traditional client/server based technology is best suited for our context. Adequateinfrastructure and expertise can be developed in-house

    Integration Needs

    The CRM technology must be easily integrated with existing IT systems. Support andintegration cost must be included in the package


    The price must be commensurate with the functionality required and support provided.Payments in instalments would be preferred to payment up front

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


    Key Strengths` Intelligent Pipeline Management Salesnet provides built-incapability to view real-time information on pipeline opportunities,to see related sales activities and to distinguish how thisinformation is changing over time.


    Engage Your Way Salesnet offers an easy-to-usecustomization tool that allows you to Engage Your Way byconfiguring Salesnet to your unique processes, without having toinvolve your IT department

    ` Keep It Simple with Salesnet The software automates manytasks that sales reps do on a daily basis to keep track of whatshappening with accounts - decreasing time in front of thecomputer and increasing time in front of the customer.

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


    Key Strengths

    ` Provides your reps with a 360 degree view of your customers.

    ` View all customer interactions and their complete transaction history.

    ` Upsell and cross sell existing customers automatically

    ` Know what customers bought and what they want

    ` View service issues, inventory, order status, and overdue invoices

    ` Place real orders with built-in order management` Build more accurate forecasts using actual transaction data

    ` Manage and get visibility in to commission compensation

    ` Create quotes with a press of a button

    ` Slash technology costs and complexity associated with managing hardware,software, upgrades, and patches, by using SaaS (Software as a service)

    ` Give your employees anytime, anywhere access to your business software

    ` Utilize role-based, real-time dashboards to get instant snapshots of keyperformance indicators (KPIs), such as new leads, opportunities, sales orders,commissions, support cases and forecasts

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


    Key Strengths

    ` Unmatched CRM Flexibility - Use CRM software tocreate the customer experience you desirewithoutcompromise.

    ` SecureWorks - How To Sustain Growth in a ToughEconomic ClimateFocus on Customers.

    ` CRM Software for YourComplex Processes - NewOrleans Firm Finds Growth Following HurricaneKatrina Using Pivotal CRM.

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


    Key StrengthsTight integration with the Microsoft Office system and Office Outlook, allowing employees to easilypull information from Microsoft Dynamics CRM into Office system applications such as MicrosoftOffice Excel spreadsheet software and Microsoft Office Word word processing software.

    Quick and easy access to your data through context-sensitive information for populating forms ortaking next steps without changing screens.

    Customized workspaces that allow users to create, save, and reuse favorite views of customer datawithout the distraction of unneeded information.

    Great mobile support that helps enable field workers to get instant access to customer data frommost popular portable devices including mobile phones with Web browsers, and laptops.

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


    Key Strengths

    ` Simple and quick to deploy, learn, use and maintain.

    ` Multiple Access options: web, Windows desktop, and BlackBerry,

    Windows Mobile, and Palm devices.

    ` Best Value in its class for full-featured CRM.

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


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  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop


    Organizational RiskLifestyle may not be ready for a CRM system. Floor staff must beadequately trained and motivated to ensure success of the system

    Technological RiskLifestyle may not have the necessary intellectual resources andinfrastructure. The software chosen must be reliable and accurate.Ease of use is critical.

    Vendor RiskThe vendor chosen may not have the depth of expertise forsuccessful implementation. After-sales support is critical

  • 8/8/2019 Group7 CRM Workshop
