groupwise email ii

GroupWise E-mail Quick Access Beginner

Upload: c-scott-kerr

Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Page 1: GroupWise Email II

GroupWise E-mailQuick Access


Page 2: GroupWise Email II


Now you are ready to login to the email system. Using lowercase type your Novell login

without the .staff after your name like the following:

Novell user name: cskerr.staff

Groupwise user name: cskerr (remember use your account name not the one shown!)

Your Groupwise password is “hawks” (You will change this later if you have not

already. If you have changed your password use the new one! )

The next page shows when you click the Login button.

Created by Scott Kerr - AHS Page 2 4/18/2023

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Congratulations, you should now see the following screen:

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Changing Passwords:

The first time you login you must change your password. Choose a password between 5

and 8 characters using all lowercase. Click on the Options icon at the top of your

webmail screen. The following screen will appear.

Type “hawks” into the old

password box. Then tab to new

password and type in your new

password. Then tab to Confirm

and retype your new password

and click Save. Note, when

entering your passwords the

screen will show dots not the actual characters.

Composing a Message with Attachment:

Click on the icon compose message on the left side of your screen. The following

window will appear:

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Type in the address of the recipient, a subject, and your message as shown below:

Now suppose you have a document (attachment) that you want to send also. Click the

Attach button to see the screen below.

Click the Browse button to find the document you want to send.

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Remember to use the pull down at the top of the menu to locate the file you wish to

attach. Click on the document you wish to send and it will be high lighted and its name

will be placed into the File Name. As shown in the picture on the previous page, the

Word file “Creating a Drop Box” was selected. After you select your attachment, click

the Open button. This will take you to the following screen:

Now click the Add button then click OK and you will return to the Composing message

screen seen below. Notice the paperclip now, this is the attachment.

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Opening Messages and Reading Attachments:

Notice the top document under

the Subject column –

“Price List from Icon”. It is

bolded which means it is a new

message which you need to

open. Notice also the paper clip

next to it; this means there is an

attachment with the message.

To open the email, double click on Price List from Icon. This will reveal the screen on

the next page

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Now you can read the message and then open the attachment, which is next to the

icon. There are two things you can do with your document, if you just want to read the

document the click the [View] button. You will be able to view the document like the one

shown below:

When you are done reading the attachment then click the icon. To save the document

to your desktop click the [Save] button this will lead you to the screen on the next page.

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Then click save to get to the next screen.

I suggest you save your document to the DESKTOP. At the top of the screen you will see

the pull down with My Documents. Let’s change it to the Desktop as seen below:

Notice you can also change the

name of the file before you save it

to your desktop.

Now click Save at the bottom right

side of the screen and you will see

the screen on the next page.

This screen informs you the download is complete.

Click the Close button to return to the Mail

Message screen. Click the icon to return to the

GroupWise main menu.

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Email from Home:

Follow these directions from your home machine.

1. Open Internet Explorer and type in - At the Web

Services screen click the Go button.

2. Click the Favorites button and add this site as a favorite at home.

3. Login in as you would normally login.