grow your brand, grow your career

“Grow Your Brand, Grow Your Career” by Larry Hawkins II, CEO & Co-Founder of Hawkins Development Group, LLC

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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“Grow Your Brand, Grow Your Career” by Larry Hawkins II, CEO & Co-Founder of Hawkins Development Group, LLC

What is a brand?

“Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or services as distinct from those of other sellers.” ~ American Marketing Association

Quick Mental Exercise

Let’s do a word association with these brands.

Example – Brand: Nike – Association: Durable



Starbucks Logo

Apple Logo


What attributes are associated with the brand of YOU?

What if I told you that…

you can take control of your career

by developing your authentic personal brand?


YOU are a brand.

“Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or services as distinct from those of other sellers.” ~ American Marketing Association

“Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or services as distinct from those of other sellers.” ~ American Marketing Association

YOU are a seller.

You have traits and abilities that you offer to the people around you.

Every interaction is a transaction. Your currency is…


Time is your most precious resource.You have a finite amount of it.


With every interaction, you’re either building trust or losing trust.


Which can win you a future opportunity…or lose one.

Time – Trust - Opportunities

Your brand has three areas of focus.


If you close your eyes…

…and envision success..

What does success look like for YOU?

PURPOSE: What is your ultimate objective?


When you look in the mirror, you may see one thing.

But as growth opportunities come…

Do they align with your inner aspirations?

PERCEPTION: How do you influence the opportunities that come your way?


You’re in the middle of taking a journey.

There are many paths and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Do you have all the tools you need for this trip?

PERSONALITY: How do you identifythe blind spots you need to address?

YOU are a business. People buy your personality, and they invest in your purpose.

How do you gain investors?

Hawkins Development Group: Find Purpose. Find Answers. Find You.