growing & building with love oct 2012

'Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Ephesians 4: 15 - 16 We read this scripture today at our Beulah church board meeting. It really convicted us to work together with love and unity for the church and most of all for our Lord Jesus Christ. I arrived back home safely in Chiangmai, Thailand on September 26th. I was certainly glad to unload my heavy suitcases and sleep in my own bed once again! My time in North America was very productive. I was able to visit with family, friends and many churches in different areas: Denver and neighbouring communities in Colorado; Toronto and other cities in Ontario; Edmonton, Calgary and Nanton, in Alberta, Canada. Everywhere I went, I was warmly welcomed and provided with wonderful hospitality. It really touched me. Thank you for praying for my trip. The churches were excited to hear about the ministry of FLC and want to get involved more than ever before. God truly opened new doors for the mission - and a few windows too! I pray that God will bless all of you who gave so generously of your time, funds and efforts on my behalf and on behalf of FLC mission. I realize how important it is to visit family, friends and churches in person; sharing news and caring and praying for each other. Nothing takes the place of that, not even face book! It is the same in Thailand and Myanmar. When we go to visit the people here personally, to encourage, help and pray for them, it means the world to them. Isn't that what our Lord Jesus did? Since coming back, I have been busy with church and mission meetings and visiting one-on-one with FLC staff and church members. Everyone was so happy to see me back again. I am considered "Mom" to many of them - so I guess that means I have a lot of children! Pastor Phichay and his wife Duey just had a beautiful baby girl born on Sept. 22nd. weighing 4.2 kilos (over 9 lbs.) ! The doctor here used ultrasound and pronounced that they were having a baby boy several months ago. So, they went out and bought baby clothes for boys. What a shock when they found out it was really a baby girl!! So, Pastor Phichay now states that doctors can only be trusted 50% of the time!!

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Page 1: Growing & Building with Love Oct 2012

'Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Ephesians 4: 15 - 16

We read this scripture today at our Beulah church board meeting. It really convicted us to work together with love and unity for the church and most of all for our Lord Jesus Christ.

I arrived back home safely in Chiangmai, Thailand on September 26th. I was certainly glad to unload my heavy suitcases and sleep in my own bed once again! My time in North America was very productive. I was able to visit with family, friends and many churches in different areas: Denver and neighbouring communities in Colorado; Toronto and other cities in Ontario; Edmonton, Calgary and Nanton, in Alberta, Canada. Everywhere I went, I was warmly welcomed and provided with wonderful hospitality. It really touched me. Thank you for praying for my trip. The churches were excited to hear about the ministry of FLC and want to get involved more than ever before. God truly opened new doors for the mission - and a few windows too! I pray that God will bless all of you who gave so generously of your time, funds and efforts on my behalf and on behalf of FLC mission.

I realize how important it is to visit family, friends and churches in person; sharing news and caring and praying for each other. Nothing takes the place of that, not even face book! It is the same in Thailand and Myanmar. When we go to visit the people here personally, to encourage, help and pray for them, it means the world to them. Isn't that what our Lord Jesus did?

Since coming back, I have been busy with church and mission meetings and visiting one-on-one with FLC staff and church members. Everyone was so happy to see me back again. I am considered "Mom" to many of them - so I guess that means I have a lot of children! Pastor Phichay and his wife Duey just had a beautiful baby girl born on Sept. 22nd. weighing 4.2 kilos (over 9 lbs.) ! The doctor here used ultrasound and pronounced that they were having a baby boy several months ago. So, they went out and bought baby clothes for boys. What a shock when they found out it was really a baby girl!! So, Pastor Phichay now states that doctors can only be trusted 50% of the time!!

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Last Sunday at Beulah Christian Church, they dedicated their baby girl named Areeya. Her.nickname is Melody, which is suitable as her older sister's nickname is Piano. Pastor Phichay plays piano passionately (and many other musical instruments) and loves to sing melodies! In addition to the dedication, we had a special speaker; a Christian businessman originally from Singapore and his Thai wife. He runs his very successful business in Bangkok based on Christian principles and on Biblical tithing. His testimony was very powerful and amazing. Pictures of the special service and dedication are below as well as the building and dedication of the new girls' dorm at our Abundant Life Center in September.

The motto of our church for October and November, coinciding with our Thanksgiving service on Sunday, Nov. 11th, is "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse" from Malachi 3:10. Many of our church members are now tithing 10% of their income as well as many of our village churches. It is a very encouraging sign. God is beginning to really bless the churches in Thailand.

We also held a special prayer service in Rawang for a very dedicated and godly elder from Bay Yai Sai village who was operated on for stomach cancer. His name is T. Aram. Since we prayed for him, he is feeling much stronger. He even walked up and down the stairs of the church six times and was able to sit and attend the entire service on Sunday. (Our services here last more than two hours! Elder Aram, his wife, translator Sarip Pung and myself visited and prayed together today - this picture is also in the attachment. Please do continue to pray for elder Aram's complete recovery and healing.

FLC woman evangelist Yingmuay just finished her first term at Phayao Bible College and passed all her exams with flying colours, despite her age. She told me studying Greek language was the hardest subject for her. It would be for many of us too! Now Yingmuay and her team from the college have gone on an evangelism trip into the interior of Laos, a very restrictive communist country where you can be arrested for evangelizing. She told us that the people there are so hungry for the good news of Jesus Christ. Several of the people she has been teaching in Laos are now ready to receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Please pray for Yingmuay and her team: for safety, protection and power as they share the gospel in Laos.

In October and November, many of our Christian villages will be celebrating Thanksgiving, donating their first rice crops, vegetables, fruits and livestock to the Lord. It is a very joyous time. Pray for safety in travelling, as this is the heavy monsoon rainy season when the dirt roads up the steep mountain paths are slippery

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and dangerous. Also for powerful witness to non believers and revival and blessings for the village churches. Water projects in the villages also need your prayers, sacrificially done by Del Giddings, Jim Herberling, and FLC staff. There is a lot of sickness in the rainy season so please pray for God's protection and good health for all of us.



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