growth of nationalism trouble brewing in europe! 1870- 1914

Growth of Nationalism Growth of Nationalism Trouble brewing in Europe! 1870-1914

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Page 1: Growth of Nationalism Trouble brewing in Europe! 1870- 1914

Growth of NationalismGrowth of Nationalism

Trouble brewing in Europe! 1870-1914

Page 2: Growth of Nationalism Trouble brewing in Europe! 1870- 1914


Germany unified in 1870Otto Von Bismarck: realpolitik

– Right of a nation-state to pursue its own advantage by ANY means, including war and breaking treaties!!!

– Declares war on Denmark, Seven Weeks’ War, and the Franco-Prussian War

Page 3: Growth of Nationalism Trouble brewing in Europe! 1870- 1914

Otto Von BismarckOtto Von Bismarck

Constantly supported Protestants in Germany

Deep pit coal mining, cities grew rapidly, middle class grew but so did lower class.

Crushed socialist movements!

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Militarism grows!Militarism grows!

Focuses on building army and Industry!

No parliamentary democracy forms

William II takes over in 1888

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German UnificationGerman Unification

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Italian Unification! Italian Unification!

Mazzini’s “Young Italy,” 1849 (crushed like most other rebellions at that time)

Major leaders in the drive for independence?

Count Cavour, Guiseppe Garibaldi compete for powereventually merge to form a UNITED Italy under King Victor Emmanuel II

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Problems in the new Italy?Problems in the new Italy?

Regional divisions: North (urban, wealthy) and South (rural, poor)

Church did NOT approve of unification!Anarchists cause troubleLack of industry/economic opportunity

prior to 1900…many EMIGRATED

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Page 9: Growth of Nationalism Trouble brewing in Europe! 1870- 1914

A family of Italian immigrants in the U.S., circa 1931 (Mrs. Ziemnik’s grandfather is the little boy in the center!)

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Russian Czars: Exploiting the Russian Czars: Exploiting the PeoplePeople

Russia has a long history of serfs being mistreated.

Autocracy: government where one person rules with UNLIMITED authority

Page 11: Growth of Nationalism Trouble brewing in Europe! 1870- 1914

Alexander II and ReformAlexander II and Reform

March 3, 1861: emancipates all serfs!

But peasants still got worst land and heavy taxes!

Moved to cities, tried to industrialize

Zemstvos (local governments) took charge of schools/health care

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Alexander II’s ReformsAlexander II’s Reforms

Vote weighted, so noblemen and rich still dominated gov’t

He also eased restrictions on press, modernized judicial system, and expanded educational system, reorganized army!

Reforms satisfied few Russians!

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Alexander IIIAlexander III

Fed up with revolutionaries!

Rolled back freedoms his father gave

“Russification:” targeted Jews, anyone questioning czar’s authority, or anyone not speaking Russian

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Organized massacre of a minority group!

Herzl Yankl Tsam, the only Jewish officer in the 19th century. Drafted into the army as a 17-year-old Cantonist, he was made a captain only after 41 years of service. In spite of pressures, he never converted

to Christianity.

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Pograms forced many to leavePograms forced many to leave

The pogroms of the 1880s generated a wave of Jewish migration that continued for decades. These refugees, photographed in the port of Liverpool in May 1882, were among the first of the estimated 2 million Jews who left Russia between 1881 and 1914, mostly for the United States.

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The opening of a temporary chapel on the Ekaterinski Canal, on the spot where Alexander II was killed. Rumors that "the Jews" were behind the assassination prompted a wave of pogroms.

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Revolution of 1905Revolution of 1905

Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra took over in 1894

Revolutionary feelings swept across Russia!

Working class was large by this timemad about living/working conditions!

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War between Russia and War between Russia and JapanJapan

1904 Russia humiliated by

military People blamed czar,

also for food shortages Spontaneous strikes

break out!

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Bloody SundayBloody Sunday

January 22, 1905: 200,000 workers peacefully assembled in St. Petersburg to petition for reform

Czar Nick II ordered guards to open fire!

Hundreds killed!

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So this time, Nick II wins…So this time, Nick II wins…

But not for long! Soviets (workers

councils) formed Duma (legislature)

formed Czar did not want to

listen to either one People STILL mad!

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Austria-Hungary: the Powder Austria-Hungary: the Powder Keg!Keg!

Revolution of 1848 failed in France and A-H.

Francis Joseph became emperor, crushed revolutionaries

Tried to hold together a LARGE and DIVERSE empire

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Dual MonarchyDual Monarchy

Francis Joseph ruled both Austria and Hungary (2 countries, one monarch)

Independent politically, but economically depended upon each other

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So What’s the Problem?So What’s the Problem?

3/5 of people in Austria-Hungary are NOT Austrian or Hungarian!!!!

Nationalism—they will want their own country!

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Ethnic Map of A-H, 1910Ethnic Map of A-H, 1910

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Powder Keg in the BalkansPowder Keg in the Balkans

Ottoman Empire losing territory by mid-1800s

Austria hoped to “grab up” this land, France and Great Britain worried!

1875 nationalists in Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania rose up in revolt against Turkey! – Turks brutally put down

rebellion with massacres!

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Congress of BerlinCongress of Berlin

Jingoism: extreme patriotism and desire for war

June 1878: Serbia, Montenegro, and Romania got independence

Austria-Hungary got Bosnia and Herzegovina

BUT, now Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, and Serbia declare war on Turkey in 1912!

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Fighting amongst themselves!Fighting amongst themselves!

1913 Treaty of Bucharest ends war. Bulgaria loses, Serbia is mad and threatens

A-H, Russia wants to grab some landFrance, Britain, and Germany want to keep

the balance of power somehow!WHAT A MESS!!!!! This area of Europe

is VERY UNSTABLE in 1913!!!!!