gsec 24 - gsec 24.2 good samaritan education council minutes of...

CTJH.059.02019.0019 GSEC 24.2 Good Samaritan Education Council Minutes of 23rd Meeting Held at St Scholastica's Congregation Centre Monday 24 September 2001 - 3.00pm Minute 1.23.01 Introduction & Prayer Fran Warner was invited to Chair the Meeting in the absence of Margaret Keane sgs. The prayer was led by Fran Warner with the other members participating. Present Ross Keane, Catherine McCahill sgs, Mary Ronayne sgs (executive officer), Fran Warner, Sonia Wagner sgs, Maureen Gregg (minute secretary). Apologies Margaret Keane sgs and Veronica Quinn sgs Minute 2.23.01 Minutes: Twenty-Second Meeting held on 20 July 2001 (GSEC 23.2) The Minutes, as tabled, were accepted as an accurate record of the meeting. Minute 3.23.01 Business Arising 3.1 Joint Meeting 2002 Sancta Sophia has been confirmed for the dates of 26, 27 & 28 July 2001 and a letter has been sent to all participants. 3.2 Education SupporUService Role - Catherine Slattery (GSEC 23.3.2) Council noted the progress that has been made towards clarifying the role that Catherine will undertake in providing support/service for the colleges. Further consideration will be given to Catherine's role at the next Meeting. Action: Continue conversation with Catherine. (Margaret Keane) Minute 4.23.01 Correspondence as listed was noted. (GSEC 23.4) Minute 5.23.01 Report of Executive Officer (GSEC 23.5) Funding CLRINSW Group Funding Task Force: It was noted that any further exploration of this issue has been deferred until after the forthcoming federal election. Grimshaw Report The Report should soon be released for discussion. No decision has been reached re the funding formula for the post 2002 period, but it is anticipated that there will be a percentage drop in the level of funding. GSEC Minutes 23: 24 September 2001 1

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GSEC 24.2

Good Samaritan Education Council Minutes of 23rd Meeting

Held at St Scholastica's Congregation Centre Monday 24 September 2001 - 3.00pm

Minute 1.23.01 Introduction & Prayer Fran Warner was invited to Chair the Meeting in the absence of Margaret Keane sgs. The prayer was led by Fran Warner with the other members participating.

Present Ross Keane, Catherine McCahill sgs, Mary Ronayne sgs (executive officer), Fran Warner, Sonia Wagner sgs, Maureen Gregg (minute secretary).

Apologies Margaret Keane sgs and Veronica Quinn sgs

Minute 2.23.01 Minutes: Twenty-Second Meeting held on 20 July 2001 (GSEC 23.2)

The Minutes, as tabled, were accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.

Minute 3.23.01 Business Arising 3.1 Joint Meeting 2002

Sancta Sophia has been confirmed for the dates of 26, 27 & 28 July 2001 and a letter has been sent to all participants.

3.2 Education SupporUService Role - Catherine Slattery (GSEC 23.3.2)

Council noted the progress that has been made towards clarifying the role that Catherine will undertake in providing support/service for the colleges. Further consideration will be given to Catherine's role at the next Meeting. Action: Continue conversation with Catherine. (Margaret Keane)

Minute 4.23.01 Correspondence as listed was noted. (GSEC 23.4)

Minute 5.23.01 Report of Executive Officer (GSEC 23.5)

• Funding CLRINSW Group Funding Task Force: It was noted that any further exploration of this issue has been deferred until after the forthcoming federal election.

• Grimshaw Report The Report should soon be released for discussion. No decision has been reached re the funding formula for the post 2002 period, but it is anticipated that there will be a percentage drop in the level of funding.

GSEC Minutes 23: 24 September 2001 1


• Collaboration with Diocesan Education Offices Mary Kelleher sgs attended the CLRINSW meeting with Diocesan Directors from Broken Bay, Parramatta and Sydney on the 3rd September and reported that the meeting was excellent.

Minute 6.23.01 6.1 School Review & Planning - Interim Guidelines (GSEC 22.6.2)

Ross Keane reported that no further developments had occurred, but he believed there would be value in working towards a Review Policy which identified various levels of review, the person or group responsible for initiating the process and some basic criteria for the process in each case.

Council agreed that Interim Guidelines be issued as a Working Document for use by the colleges and by Catherine Slattery in her support role with the colleges.




Working Document to be attached to the Summary Report of Meeting 23. (Maureen Gregg) Working Document to be sent to Catherine Slattery for her to "trial by use" and to suggest any amendments that may be necessary. (Maureen Gregg) Continue conversation with Ross Keane and keep Council advised as the document is trialed. (Catherine Slattery)

6.2 Care & Protection Policy (GSEC 23.6.2)

Amended Guidelines were distributed at the Meeting-the amendments were mainly of an editing nature.

Council agreed that this document was well presented and very clear and that it be forwarded to the Superior and Council for consideration and decision.

Action: Prepare recommendations to be attached to the document and forward to the Superior and Council. (Mary Ronayne)

Action: Take appropriate action following a decision regarding the use and implementation of the Guidelines. (Margaret Keane/Mary Ronayne)

6.3 The Colleges & the Trustees - Basic Principles (GSEC 23.6.3)

An amended paper was tabled - amendments were from legal advisers. A late attachment re Canon Law was also tabled.

The purpose of these papers is to clarify the position of both the Colleges and the Trustees in the stewardship of property used by the colleges.

Questions were raised regarding progress towards the Lease. Council noted that the colleges had been advised of a decision to defer the implementation of the Lease until the beginning of 2003. Mary Ronayne reported that agreement had been reached between legal advisers regarding the text of most of the clauses. Matters still to be resolved included those related to "common areas" and "shared facilities" in cases where there is shared usage of the property. Relevant consultation has been initiated but has not been completed in all cases. Council supported the convening of a meeting of bursars/business managers prior to the end of the year to share insights regarding: • the Facilities Development Plan (Lease Clause 9); • implications arising from Paper GSEC 23.6.3 in regard to insurance policies and any

necessary changes regarding Leasehold Improvements and their amortisation.

GSEC Minutes 23: 24 September 2001 2


Council agreed that the papers be forwarded to the Trustees for consideration and decision.




Minute 7.23.01 General Business

Prepare recommendations to be forwarded, with relevant documentation, to the Trustees. (Mary Ronayne) Arrange a meeting of bursars/business managers. (John Hawley/Mary Ronayne) Discuss "common areas" and "shared facilities" on Glebe property. (Margaret Keane/John Hawley/Catherine Williamson)

7 .1 Flashreport (GSEC 7.1)

This report was distributed. It contained information from KPMG noting that the Corporations Law has been replaced by the Corporations Act 2001.

Action: A copy of Flashreport to be attached to the Summary Report of Meeting 23, with the recommendation that it be kept on file with the Constitution. (Maureen Gregg/Mary Ronayne)

Action: Opinions to be sought from solicitors/auditors re any significant impact on the colleges of the change to the Corporations Act 2001. (Mary Ronayne)

7. 2 FederaVState Legislation & Compliance Issues Mary Ronayne reported on progress being made by the CECV re the preparation of a list of the relevant legislation.

Action: Further approaches to be made to other State Commissions re the preparation of listing of relevant State legislation. (Mary Ronayne)

In response to a query regarding the new Privacy legislation, Mary reported that the various Catholic Commissions, together with the Association for Independent Schools, had requested Minter Ellison, solicitors, to prepare documentation for schools regarding procedures and protocols to meet the compliance requirements of this legislation.

7 .2 Items for discussion at the next Meeting • Governance Issues • Joint Meeting 2002 • Catherine Slattery sgs - support/service role • Risk Management/Compliance issues

Minute 8.23.01 Meeting 24


Date: Friday 16th November Time: 3.00 - S.OOpm At: St Scholastica's Congregational Centre, Glebe Point

Fran Warner declared the meeting closed at 4.55pm and thanked the group for their participation. Fran recorded her apology for Meeting 24 because of her absence on long service leave.

GSEC Minutes 23: 24 September 2001 3