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  • 8/9/2019 GSP Capstone


    Parsons 1

    Courtney Parsons

    GSP Capstone

    Spring 2014

    Examining Constraint Over Sexuality in Sula and The Virgin Suicides

    The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides and Sula by oni !orrison are not t"o boo#s

    t$at s%$olars "ould rea%$ for to %ompare& Sula is mostly loo#ed at for its ta#e on 'fri%an(

    'meri%an female sexuality "$ile The Virgin Suicides is analy)ed for t$e mystery be$ind t$e

    group of sisters sui%ides& $ese t"o novels are also set in very different time periods* Sula

    mostly ta#ing pla%e in t$e 1+20,s and 1+-0,s in a small prominently 'fri%an('meri%an to"n

    "$ile The Virgin Suicides ta#es pla%e in 1+.0,s suburbia& /ot$ of t$ese times periods* $o"ever*

    are #no"n for t$eir in%rease in sexual freedom and liberation& 't t$e same time* bot$ stories

    ex$ibit t$e result of %ommunity and family ba%#las$ on t$ese freedoms& /ot$ of t$ese novels

    suggest t$at no matter t$e advan%ements t$roug$out $istory t$at "omen ma#e to"ards

    expressing t$eir sexuality openly* t$ere "ill al"ays be some type of %ontrol over t$eir sexuality&

    The 1970’s

    /ot$ novels $ave t$e time period of t$e 1+.0,s in %ommon as Sula "as "ritten during

    t$at time and The Virgin Suicides is set during t$at time& t is important to note t$at !orrison

    "rote t$is novel in t$e .0,s* loo#ing ba%# in time to see $o" t$e 20,s and -0,s s$aped opinions

    and paved t$e "ay for t$e so%ietal %$ange of t$e .0,s& Similarly* Eugenides "rote The Virgin

    Suicides a generation after it is set& 

    $e 1+.0,s are often mar#ed in movies and television "it$ long $air* flo"ing %lot$es and

    lots of flo"ers and floral patterns* mar#ing t$e end of t$e $ippie era "it$ 3oodsto%# o%%urring

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    Parsons -

    "it$in married and non(married "omen,s lives& $e blatant exposure to sexuality t$at everyone

    "as re%eiving around t$is time %reated a ne" role for "omen in so%iety& 3omen "ere no"

    expe%ted to be eroti% %ounterparts to t$eir signifi%ant ot$er* but $usbands and "ives approa%$ed

    t$e %onBugal bed "it$ "idely divergent expe%tations about t$e meaning of sex&A 3omen "ere

    still pressured to believe t$at t$ey "ere t$ere to $ave %$ildren* "$ile men simply enBoyed t$e

    eroti% pleasure& $ey also uestioned "omen,s sexuality and t$e o"ners$ip so%iety $ad over it&

    8eminists "ere understanding t$at "omen "ere often only loo#ed at as sex obBe%ts and no matter 

    "$at t$ey did* t$ey reali)ed t$at married or not* Dt$eir bodies $ad o"ners$ip by many> men*

    do%tors* %lot$es and %osmeti% manufa%turers* advertisers* %$ur%$es* s%$ools( everyone but

    ourselves& $e goal of t$e feminist movement soon be%ame to gain freedom from t$e sexual

    oppression t$at "omen fa%ed everyday of t$eir lives& Some "ays in "$i%$ t$e feminist

    movement a%ted to"ards t$is freedom "as to drive for more %ontrol over birt$ %ontrol and

    abortion& 6o"ever* t$ey "ere met "it$ t$e same type of roadblo%#s( men in %ontrol of t$e

     positions t$at mandated t$ese t"o struggles&

    The 1920’s

    $e 1+.0,s "ere not t$e first time t$at t$e "ay 'meri%an so%iety expresses and governs sexuality

    "as uestioned* $o"ever& Sula "as "ritten by oni !orrison in 1+.-* but it is set during anot$er

    time of %$ange "it$in 'meri%an so%iety* t$e 1+20,s and 1+-0,s& 6er novel s$o"s t$at %$ange

    doesn,t %ome "it$out some pre%edent& $e %$anges made in t$e 1+.0,s "ould not be possible

    "it$out t$e %$anges made in t$e 1+20,s and 1+-0,s& $e 1+20,s in 'meri%an $istory stand out as

    time "$en a substantial amount of %$ange began o%%urring in regards to female sexuality&

    5 D’Emilio, Intimate Matters, 309

    6 Ibid, 312

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    Parsons 4

    'lt$oug$ daily life for males and females "as still separated into t"o distin%t sp$eres Fnopf* 1+94@* 1-9

    12 7,Emilio* Intimate Matters* 240

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    8as$ion* musi% and movies "ere %$anging during t$e 1+20,s as "ell& 7resses "ere be%oming

    s$orter and a rise in t$e popularity of dan%e $alls and musi% venues "as booming&1- ' ne" type

    of "oman "as be%oming a part of t$e everyday life be%ause s$e smo#ed* dran#* dan%ed* and

    voted& S$e %ut $er $air* "ore ma#e(up* and "ent to petting parties& S$e "as giddy and too# ris#s&

    S$e "as a flapper&14 !usi% "as be%oming more %entered on love and sex& 8or example* a

     popular song during t$is time "as t 6ad to /e =ou "$i%$ taug$t listeners love "as a

    mysterious experien%e t$at o%%urred in a flas$ "$en t$e %$emistry "as rig$t1A !ovie titles

    featured sensual "ords su%$ as flirts and lips enti%ing young vie"ers into t$e t$eaters to

    experien%e "$at sex and love "as all about&

    'rguably t$e most important advan%ement t$at %ame from t$is time period "as t$at of t$e

    advan%ement of %ontra%eption& !argaret Sanger %ontinued to remain t$e fa%e of t$e

    %ontra%eption movement for "omen into t$e 1+20,s and t$e 1+-0,s& 7uring t$is time* $o"ever*

    s$e found t$at $er %ause "as be%oming more politi%i)ed t$at s$e t$oug$t it s$ould be& o fly

    under t$e radar of politi%ians "anting to get involved* Sanger de%ided to %ampaign solely to

    ma#e %ontra%eption freely available for "omen1 't t$e time* male politi%ians "ere "ary of

    Sanger,s motives for %ontra%eption* so s$e felt t$at targeting %ontra%eption only for "omen

    "ould $elp t$e gender group t$at s$e "as striving to $elp& 6o"ever* Sanger "as ultimately

    13 3olo%$* omen and the American !xperience, 1-+

    14 Jennifer 5osenberg

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    su%%essful& 6er original %lini% in :e" =or# t$rived and many ot$er "omen,s %lini%s around t$e

    nited States "ere modeled after $ers&1.

    'lt$oug$ t$is seemed to be t$riving time for "omen,s independen%e in t$e realm of sexuality*

    t$is "as not true of bla%# "omen and men during t$is time& $e lega%y of slavery lay $eavily on

    'fri%an('meri%ans s$oulders& 7uring slavery* it "as diffi%ult to form lasting monogamous

    relations$ips be%ause one partner "as often sold and moved to anot$er plantation& $us t$e

    "oman "as t$oug$t to be t$e %aregiver of t$e %$ildren and $ad to learn to raise a family by

    $erself& /e%ause of t$is t$ere is an emp$asis on t$e "oman&

    $ere "as a great taboo bet"een bla%#s and "$ites in regards to sex and many times*

     bla%# males "ere lyn%$ed for being a%%used of $aving sex "it$ "$ite "omen

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    Parsons .

    's t$e fear of overgro"t$ of t$e bla%# %ommunity be%ame more "idespread* soon did t$e

    amount of money set aside Bust for %ontra%eption for bla%#s&21 


    n !orrison,s novel* Sula Pea%e and t$e ot$er members of t$e %ommunity of $e /ottom in

    O$io experien%e t$e obvious divide bet"een t$e "$ite middle %lass and t$eir o"n rural

    environment during t$is time& Sula lives in an un%onventional $ome "it$ $er grandmot$er* Eva

    and $er mot$er* 6anna$& $e t$ree "omen represent e%onomi%ally and sexually independent

    ladies "$o gain strengt$ from ea%$ ot$er in t$e absen%e of a male member22 /ot$ Eva and

    6anna$ "ere flirtatious t$roug$out Sula,s %$ild$ood and Sula remembers %oming $ome from

    s%$ool and finding different men in $er mot$er,s bed ea%$ day& $is %onstant in and out taug$t

    Sula t$at sex "as pleasant and freuent but ot$er"ise unremar#able2- 6anna$ "ould almost

    never $ave t$e men s$e $ad sex "it$ sleep over "it$ $er be%ause t$at implied a measure of trust

    and a definite %ommitment* an idea t$at 6anna$ reBe%ted %ompletely&24 Sex "as sex to $er and

    not$ing else& n %ontrast* Sula,s best friend* :el* gre" up in a more stru%tured $ouse$old "it$ $er 

    mot$er* 6elene& !ost members of t$eir family* "it$ t$e ex%eption of :el,s grandmot$er

    5o%$elle* are %onventional Bust li#e :el and 6elene& $e t"o girls %ould not $ave more different

    upbringings& 6o"ever* t$roug$out t$e boo# t$e t"o girls develop a %lose friends$ip& :el de%ides

    to marry and Sula de%ides to leave $e /ottom to dis%over $erself& S$e lives independently and

    openly* sleeping "it$ many men until s$e %omes ba%# to t$e /ottom sexually free& Sula $as no

    21 bid&

    22 6ira* 'li& Gender 'nalysis in oni !orrison,s Sula and "elo#ed & Middle$!ast %ournal ofScientific &esearch 1&10

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    ego* t$at is s$e is not able to imagine $erself as %reated by $er %$oi%es& 2A S$e $as very fe"

     boundaries* $o"ever* and ends up $aving sex "it$ :el,s beloved $usband* Jude& $e friends$ip

    t$at t$e t"o "omen $ave "$en Sula moved ba%# is %ompletely bro#en no"* but Sula moves on

    "it$ apparently little %are& :el sees t$is a%t as Sula trying to ta#e %ontrol over Jude* but Sula,s

    attitude is t$at sex is merely for pleasure "it$out %ontrol& S$e $as no ot$er motives be$ind it&

    Sula %ontinues to $ave sex t$roug$out t$e to"n "it$ many ot$er married men and t$e people of

    $e /ottom begin to Budge and loo# do"n upon $er& $is establis$es a %$allenge to t$e

    %onventional system of ex%$ange bet"een t"o people engaging in sex be%ause Sula is not as#ing

    for anyt$ing in return* "$en in t$e %onventional arrangement* t$e "oman "ould usually as# for

    somet$ing in return su%$ as $ousing* support or t$e li#e& $e Budgment rea%$es a ne" severity

    "$en it is rumored t$at Sula $as been engaging in sex "it$ "$ite men* one of t$e "orst a%ts t$at

    s$e %ould %ommit as a bla%# "oman& $e boundary t$at is being %rossed $ere is t$e fa%t t$at by

    $aving relations "it$ a "$ite man* Sula is t$oug$t to be %onsorting "it$ t$e enemy& n t$is

    instan%e* t$e "$ite man is s$o"ing o"ners$ip over t$e bla%# "oman,s body& $is is a travesty

    t$at is refle%ted in t$e $istory of t$e time* t$ere "ere many problems asso%iated "it$ $aving sex

    "it$ someone of anot$er ra%e* for bot$ bla%#s and "$ites& 6o"ever* Sula tries to #eep $er o"n

    and ignore t$e tal# around $er* instead %ontinuing $er open sexual relations$ips "it$ t$e men

    t$roug$out t$e to"n& $e to"n seems to %ome toget$er over t$eir mutual $atred of Sula* but after 

    s$e dies

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    The Virgin Suicides ta#es pla%e rig$t in t$e middle of t$e Sexual 5evolution of t$e 1+.0,s

    in Grosse Point* !i%$igan& 5onald and Sara Iisbon live "it$ t$eir five daug$ters in a Cat$oli%

    6ouse$old& $e girls* Ce%ilia

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    enters at all& $e $ouse begins to deteriorate and a strange smell is re%orded %oming from it& $e

    Iisbon girls begin t$eir attempts at %ommuni%ating "it$ t$e neig$bor$ood boys t$at $ave al"ays

     been fas%inated "it$ t$em& $ey send %ards "it$ %rypti% messages and use p$one %alls "it$

    musi% re%ordings to %ommuni%ate& Soon* t$e girls tell t$e boys to %ome over to t$e $ouse late one

    nig$t after t$eir parents are asleep& Iux invites t$em in and t$en goes to t$e garage to start t$e

    %ar as t$e boys t$in# t$at t$ey are ta#ing t$e girls a"ay from t$eir $ome and !i%$igan all

    toget$er& 6o"ever* t$ey venture do"nstairs and find t$at t$e girls $ave %ommitted sui%ide&

    /onnie $as $anged $erself* Iux dies of %arbon monoxide poisoning by starting t$e %ar "it$ t$e

    garage door %losed and $erese overdoses on sleeping pills& !ary tries to #ill $erself by sti%#ing

    $er $ead in t$e oven but fails and lives anot$er t"o "ee#s in t$e desolate $ouse before s$e ta#es

    too many sleeping pills* Bust li#e $erese& Soon after* !r& and !rs& Iisbon move out from t$e

    $ouse in t$e middle of t$e nig$t and t$e $ouse is sold to a young %ouple& $e neig$bor$ood boys

    %ontinue to s%rounge for eviden%e* most of "$i%$ t$ey find in t$e rubble left in t$e $ouse after

    t$e Iisbons leave&


    /ot$ of t$ese novels s$are more t$an t$e similarities in t$eir time periods& $e 1+20,s and t$e

    1+.0,s "ere a time of %$ange for sexuality* but t$ere are many more %omparisons t$at %an be

    made bet"een t$ese t"o novels&

    $e t"o novels s$are many t$emes of a strong religious ba%#ground t$at may $ave an

    influen%e over $o" t$e "omen are vie"ed as t$ey express t$eir sexuality openly& 8or example*

    t$e Iisbons stri%t %ontrol over t$eir daug$ters is a response to t$e freedom of t$e time& $e .0,s

    "ere an age in "$i%$ teenagers "ere finding t$emselves in more openly sexual "ays* but it is

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    Parsons 11

     per$aps t$e stri%t Cat$oli% religion "$i%$ t$e Iisbon family follo"s t$at $olds Sara and 5onald

     ba%# from letting t$eir daug$ters explore t$emselves&

    $e imagery of t$e irgin !ary %omes up often* "$i%$ is $eavy in symboli% meaning& n

    C$ristian religion* !ary is said to $ave be%ome pregnant "it$ t$e Son of God* Jesus* t$roug$

    mma%ulate Con%eption& S$e is regarded as $e irgin and is a prominent figure in t$e

    Cat$oli% religion for $er role as t$e vessel for "$i%$ Jesus "as %arried& S$e is t$oug$t to be t$e

    most pure and $oly for $er virginal status& 3$en it is time for !ary to leave t$e eart$* s$e

    as%ends into t$e s#y and does not mortally die&

    !ary is signifi%ant %$ara%ter t$roug$out $istory in t$at s$e represents t"o important roles

    for "omen* one being t$e mot$er and t$e ot$er being t$e virgin& 6o"ever* "omen %annot

     possibly possess bot$ of t$ese traits* as it is impossible& 8or t$is reason* t$e irgin !ary is

    regarded as sa%red& $e image of t$e irgin !ary "it$in literature %an represent t$e virgin("$ore

    di%$otomy* "$enever t$ere is a virgin* t$ere must be a "$ore and vise(versa& 3it$in literature t$e

    t"o %an often ma#e up one %omplete person& 6o"ever* if a %$ara%ter de%ides to %$oose one side

    or t$e ot$er* t$en t$ey are %utting a part of t$emselves off* "$i%$ is "$y t"o %$ara%ters are often

    seen as one person&

    $e "ord virgin s$o"s up immediately "it$in t$e title of The Virgin Suicides( 6o"ever 

    it is %urious t$at all of t$e girls remain ostensibly virginal "$en Iux $as been des%ribed as being

    sexually a%tive t$roug$ $alf of t$e novel& $e symbolism of t$e irgin does not only s$o" up in

    t$e title* $o"ever* be%ause small lamented %ards featuring a p$oto of !ary s$o" up often* and

    t$e girls eventually use t$ese %ards to %ommuni%ate "it$ t$e neig$bor$ood boys& $e %ards first

    s$o" up "$en one is %lut%$ed in Ce%ilia,s $ands after $er first sui%ide attempt&2 Iater* t$e boys

    26 Jeffrey Eugenides& The Virgin Suicides& :e" =or#> 8arrar Straus Giroux* 1++-* 2

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    Parsons 12

    find t$e %ards in t$eir mailboxes* and one boy $eard an unfamiliar "$irring in $is bi%y%le tires

    one day and loo#ed do"n to see a irgin pi%ture taped bet"een t$e sto#es&2. $e adults find t$e

    %ards as "ell* but not #no"ing t$eir meaning* usually toss t$em aside& $ere is also t$e fa%t t$at

    in traditionally %at$oli% $omes* a %ru%ifix $angs above ea%$ bed& Peter Sissen* t$e only boy t$at

    $as ever been allo"ed in t$e Iisbon $ome* goes on a sear%$ for t$e bat$room and finds* in one of 

    t$e bedrooms* amongst ot$er t$ings* a %ru%ifix draped "it$ a brassiere&29 $is %ould symboli)e

    Iux,s rebellion against $er mot$er,s %at$oli% tea%$ings* t$e bra symboli)ing sexuality and t$e

    %ru%ifix symboli)ing t$e Cat$oli% religion&

    $e imagery of t$e irgin !ary in Sula is a little more blatant& 3$en 6elene is being raised* $er

    grandmot$er prays to t$e multi%olored irgin !ary for $er daug$ter to gro" up more pure

    t$an $er o"n mot$er is&2+  6elene is t$e %onventional "oman& S$e "ants t$e best for $er

    daug$ter* so as an example* s$e lives tig$tlipped and asexual as $er $usband is a"ay at sea& S$e

    is trying to be t$e virgin* but s$e %annot be be%ause s$e is a mot$er* so it is impossible for $er

    to be %ompletely pure& 6er mot$er* 5o%$elle* %ompletes t$e "$ore role* so 6elene for%es

    $erself %losed& 't one moment* :el admires $er mot$ers dress and t$e folds t$at $ide t$eir s#in&

    S$e "is$es* Bust for a moment* to see underneat$ t$e dress so s$e %ould see t$e s#in t$at $er

    mot$er and s$e s$are* t$e rare moment t$at $er mot$er mig$t let some s#in slip and %ome undone

    from $er uptig$t nature %ompletely&-0

    27 Eugenides, The Virgin Suicides, 183

    28 Ibid, 7

    29 Morrison, Sula, 17

    30 Morrison, Sula, 22

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    $e title irgin !ary is also used to define t$e four "omen t$at are spo#en of at :el,s


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    s$ort lives& !ary is t$e perfe%t image of a "oman and t$ere is no "ay t$at t$e sisters %an live up

    to t$is example& $e un(exposure of Sula and of t$e Iisbon sisters only exists for a s$ort time&

    'lt$oug$ Sula is exposed to sex from very early on in $er life* s$e is inno%ent to t$e fa%t t$at sex

    is a matter of ex%$ange& Iux* $o"ever* loses $er inno%en%e "$en s$e embar#s on $er first sexual

    en%ounter "it$ rip 8ontaine& 'll of t$e Iisbon girls lose some sort of inno%en%e as "ell "$en

    Ce%ilia first attempts sui%ideL t$ere is more t$an one "ay of defining a loss of inno%en%e&

    /ot$ novels s$are t$e imagery of t$e "edding dress as "ell& 6o"ever* instead of a ne"

     beginning as a "edding dress "ould most typi%ally seem to symboli)e* bot$ novels portray t$e

    "edding dress as a symbol of deat$& n The Virgin Suicides Ce%ilia "ears a vintage "edding

    dress %onstantly t$roug$out $er s$ort life and s$e is t$e first to %ommit sui%ide& n Sula, 6anna$

    dreams of a red "edding dress* "$i%$ is alarming and t$e red in t$e "edding dress %onfuses

    $er&-2 6o"ever* t$e red "edding dress seems to alludes to 6anna$,s deat$ by fire* "$i%$ o%%urrs

    s$ortly after 6anna$ $ad t$e dream& Eva re%alls as s$e "aits in $ospital t$at* Din dreams

    "eddings al"ays meant deat$& 'nd t$e red go"n* "ell t$at "as t$e fire* as s$e s$ould $ave


    3eddings "ould also deat$ be%ause "$en t"o people get married* t$ey are de%iding to

    lose a part of t$emselves to give it up to t$e ot$er person& n Sula* it is mentioned t$at* in terms

    of Jude and :el* 3it$out t$at someone D:el $e "as a "aiter $anging around a #it%$en li#e a

    "oman& 3it$ $er $e "as $ead of a $ouse$old pinned to an unsatisfa%tory Bob out of ne%essity&

    $e t"o of t$em toget$er "ould ma#e one Jude&-4 /efore :el found Jude* Sula and :el $ad

    32 Morrison, Sula, 74

    33 Ibid.

    34 Morrison, Sula, 83

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    Parsons 1A

     bonded over an event in t$e past but "$en Sula* :el,s old $alf* left* it symboli)ed t$e deat$ of

    t$e person t$ey formed toget$er& $us* :el is no longer %omplete and must bond "it$ Jude

    t$roug$ t$eir marriage to form a %omplete person&

    t is important to analy)e $o" ea%$ %$ara%ter in t$e t"o novels $as gro"n from t$eir

    upbringing and use t$is to understand t$eir sexuality& 6anna$* Sula and Iux all seem to $ave all

    t$e %ontrol in t$e "orld over t$eir sexuality& 'll t$ree "omen are open about t$eir sexuality* even

    t$oug$ t$ey seem to get a negative response to it& 6o"ever bot$ novels suggest t$at t$ese sexual

    experien%es may Bust be t$ere to deal "it$ t$e $ards$ips t$at t$ey $ave been for%ed to en%ounter

    over t$e %ourse of t$eir lives&

    Iux,s $eartbrea# %ame in t$e form of t$e only boy s$e ever $ad t$e %$an%e to form a

    $ealt$y romanti% relations$ip "it$ leaving $er& 6er sexual exploration began after rip left $er

    alone on t$e football field after t$e $ome%oming dan%e& Soon after $e left* s$e begins to $ave sex

    "it$ many* random men on $er rooftop& One boy* 3illard* re%alls t$at s$e as#ed $im after t$ey

    $ad $ad sex if $e t$oug$t "$at t$ey did "as dirty and t$en pro%eeded to as# you li#e me* don,t,

    youM $is indi%ates t$at sex is not Bust sex to Iux but rat$er s$e "ants some emotion in return&

    Iux also $ad sex "it$ t$ese men often in t$e "inter as t$e neig$bor$ood boys began to noti%e&

    $ey reali)ed t$at $aving sex outside in t$e free)ing "eat$er suggested derangement*

    desperation* self(destru%tiveness far in ex%ess of any pleasure snat%$ed beneat$ t$e dripping

    trees&-A Iux "as often portrayed as impervious to anyt$ing* but t$e boys %ould see t$roug$ t$is

    faNade& 6er promis%uity is seen as a problem& Iux is using $er promis%uity to try and fix $er

    emotional despair& 

    35 Eugenides* The Virgin Suicides* 144&

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    $e :eig$bor$ood boys "ere not t$e only ones t$at t$oug$t t$is& 7r& 6orni%#er* t$e

    family t$erapist t$eori)ed t$at* Iux %onfused t$e sexual a%t "it$ love& 8or $er* sex be%ame a

    substitute for t$e %omfort s$e needed as a result of $er sister,s sui%ide&- 6ere* t$e fo%us on

    Iux,s promis%uity does not fall on rip,s s$oulders* but rat$er on t$e fa%t t$at Iux is torn up over 

    Ce%ilia,s deat$& Eit$er "ay* $er promis%uity is a "ay to let out $er emotions in $er time of


    7avis "rites in $er arti%le* Self* So%iety and !yt$* t$at !orrison,s "omen %an free

    t$emselves* li#e Sula* and be self defined and dis%onne%ted&-. 6o"ever* 6anna$ seems to be

    similar to Iux in t$at* after 5e#us, D$er $usband deat$ $ad a steady seuen%e of lovers* mostly

    t$e $usbands of $er friends and neig$bors %oming in and out t$roug$ t$e $ouse&-9 t "as obvious

    t$at t$ese relations$ips "ere not t$ere to last* sin%e* as previously mentioned* s$e did not li#e for

    t$e men to sleep over as it "ould suggest a %ommitment s$e "as not loo#ing for& S$e does not

    expe%t anyt$ing in ex%$ange for t$e sexual a%t* Bust t$e pleasure from sex itself& 6anna$*

    $o"ever* seems to be in %ontrol of $er sexuality but s$e is ignorant of t$e fa%t t$at s$e is Bust

     being regarded as sexual obBe%t& S$e is not regarded as negatively as $er daug$ter "ill be

    regarded in t$e future* $o"ever& S$e is not $ated be%ause s$e does not demand anyt$ing from

    t$em Dt$e menL $er aim is to simply get some tou%$ing every day&-+

    8ollo"ing in $er mot$er,s footsteps* Sula "ent to bed "it$ men as freuently as s$e %ould& t

    "as t$e only pla%e "$ere s$e %ould find "$at s$e "as loo#ing for> misery and t$e ability to feel

    36 Eugenides, The Virgin Suicides, 84

    37 Dais, !"el#, "o$ie%& and M&%' in (oni Morrison’s )i$%ion*, 341

    38 !orrison* Sula* 42

    39 /irgit 'as 6olms* 2010& Sexuality in Toni Morrison)s or*s& D!aster,s $esis in Englis$Iiterature t$esis* niversity of romso& 20

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    Parsons 1.

    deep sorro"&40 6o"ever* unli#e $er mot$er and Iux* Sula used sex as a game* somet$ing t$ere

    to uen%$ $er loneliness of $uman %ompanions$ip in any form* not Bust t$at of a lover& $e entire

    to"n "as against $er at t$is point* and by ta#ing ot$er,s lovers s$e found a great sense of po"er&

    5ita /ergen$olt) as#s an important uestion in $er arti%le* oni !orrison,s Sula> ' Satire on

    /inary $in#ing& S$e uestions* S$ould "e admire Sula,s %ourage* $er determination to be

    free to ma#e $erselfM Or s$ould "e loat$e $er for engaging in %asual sex "it$ $er best friend,s

    $usbandM41 $ese "omen dealt "it$ different $ards$ips over t$e %ourse of t$eir lives* but t$ey

    all seem to use sex to $elp ease t$e pain in t$e same "ay&

    /e%ause of :el,s grandmot$er,s past* $er mot$er* 6elene* "ants to #eep :el on t$e straig$t and

    narro" pat$ so s$e "ill not be as promis%uous as $er an%estors& $us* 6elene proBe%ts and

    %$annels fear of $er o"n mot$er,s outla", sexuality into a %ontrolling repression of :el,s

    sexuality42 6elene $as built $erself up "it$in t$e bottom as a proper "oman and s$e "ants :el

    to follo" t$is pat$& Fno"ing Sula,s family $istory* s$e disli#es t$e friends$ip t$at is formed

     bet"een t$e t"o girls* but :el finds refuge in Sula,s $ome4-  :el finds t$is refuge be%ause in

    $er $ome s$e %annot express $erself& Sula,s $ome provides a relief from t$is tension* $o"ever* at

    t$e same time* Sula,s $ome is anot$er extreme& $is $ome is free and open "$ile :el,s is stri%t

    and %onforming& $ere is not a $appy medium&

    Sara Iisbon also $as a $and in repressing $er daug$ter,s sexuality& $is %ould be per$aps

    of t$e gro"ing sexual nature of t$e 'meri%an %ommunity during t$is time or %ould be a result of

    40 !orrison* Sula* 122

    41 5ita '& /ergenbolt)& H' Satire on /inary $in#ing&H Toni Morrison+s Sula& /y 6arold /loom&P$iladelp$ia> C$elsea 6ouse* 1+++* .

    42 7emetra#opoulos* A-

  • 8/9/2019 GSP Capstone


    Parsons 19

    t$e stri%t religion t$at s$e $as t$e girls follo"& :evert$eless* t$e girls are never allo"ed to leave

    t$e $ouse "it$ boys and after Iux brea#s %urfe"* t$e girls are never allo"ed t$e leave t$e $ouse

    at all& 3$en rip 8ontaine entered t$e $ome for t$e first and only time* !rs& Iisbon sat in

     bet"een $im and Iux* stopping any p$ysi%al %onta%t bet"een t$e t"o& 6e re%alls later t$at all

    t$ey did "as "at%$ t$e 7isney spe%ial t$at "as on television* $e didn,t get to sit next to Iux*

    nor spea# to $er* nor even loo# at $er&44 $e diffi%ulty over rip ta#ing Iux as $is date to t$e

    $ome%oming dan%e is anot$er instan%e in "$i%$ t$e girl,s sexuality is being repressed& !r&

    Iisbon even Bo#es "it$ rip after $e as#s $is permission t$at* even if $e "anted to $is "ife

    "ouldn,t let $im* $a $a&


     rip %ould %ome over and "at%$ television again* but ta#ing Iux out*

    in a %ar espe%ially* "as out of t$e uestion&

     Even t$e girl,s %lot$es are %losely monitored& 'fter Iux "rites t$e name of a %rus$ on

    $er under"ear* !rs& Iisbon blea%$es out t$e pen on all $er under"ear* mu%$ to Iux,s dismay&

    'lso* after pi%#ing out t$e dress patterns t$at t$e girls "ere to "ear at t$e $ome%oming dan%e*

    !rs& Iisbon se"ed up t$e dresses for t$e sisters but t$ey all turned out to be t$e same s$apeless

    dress& $e girls "ere not t$e only ones t$at t$oug$t t$eir la%# of %onta%t "it$ t$e opposite sex

    "as repressive& 'fter Ce%ilia,s first attempt at sui%ide* t$e t$erapist suggested to !r& and !rs&

    Iisbon t$at at t$irteen* Ce%ilia s$ould be allo"ed to "ear t$e sort of ma#eup popular amongst

    girls $er age "earK4 as "ell as parti%ipate in ot$er a%tivities "it$ ot$er %$ildren $er age&

    !rs& Iisbon denies t$e idea t$at $er daug$ters la%#ed love or attention from t$e opposite

    sex* even into $er older age& S$e tells one of t$e neig$bor$ood boys in an intervie" t$at* :one

    44 Eugenides* The Virgin Suicides* 91

    45 bid* 109

    46 Eugenides* The Virgin Suicides, -0

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    Parsons 1+

    of any of my daug$ters la%#ed for any love& 3e $ad plenty of love in our $ouse&4. 3$at !rs&

    Iisbon is missing* $o"ever* is t$e differen%e bet"een familial love and eroti% love& 6er

    daug$ters may not be la%#ing in familial love* but t$ey are not exposed to any amount of eroti%

    or romanti% love eit$er& S$e may not be blind to t$e fa%t t$at $er stri%tness over $er daug$ter,s

    sexuality $as $urt t$em& S$e $as made t$em ignorant* "$i%$ is "$y Iux may $ave $ad $er

     pregnan%y s%are& /e%ause s$e "as not exposed to anyt$ing sexual as a %$ild* s$e did not #no"

    $o" pregnan%y "or#ed&

    /ot$ of t$ese novels explore and imagine t$e idea t$at a "oman %an be in %$arge of $er

    o"n sexuality& 6o"ever* "$en t$e "omen begin to be promis%uous* it is presented as t$e result

    of somet$ing negative& $us* sexual freedom is presented as a problem and not a freedom& $e

    %onstraints on sexuality t$roug$out t$e novel $ave been presented previously and t$e idea t$at

    "omen are being poli%ed by so%iety is anot$er "ay t$at t$e novels s$o" t$is idea&

    3omen $ave al"ays been poli%ed by so%iety* espe%ially in terms of t$eir sexuality& !en

    are t$e ones in %ontrol and t$ey even $ave t$e po"er of loo#ing* t$e po"er of t$e ga)e& 3omen

    are al"ays being "at%$ed* %ontrolled and regulated by t$e ga)e& $is simple a%t of loo#ing is

    repressive of "omen be%ause t$ey %annot es%ape t$e fa%t t$at t$ey are al"ays being "at%$ed and

     Budged by t$e male figures around t$em&

    $e male ga)e* a term originally %oined by Iaura !ulvey in $er arti%le isual Pleasure

    and :arrative Cinema des%ribes t$e t$e ga)e as simply* t$e a%t of loo#ing& 6o"ever* t$is a%t

    is detrimental to "omen in visual and non(visual texts& 3omen are being loo#ed at as obBe%ts*

    t$ey are being obBe%tified for t$eir parts& :ot only is t$is negative in itself* anot$er produ%t of t$e

    47 bid* 94

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    Parsons 20

    male ga)e is t$at t$e "omen turn t$is ga)e on t$emselves and loo# at t$emselves as obBe%ts&

    Sometimes* "omen %an often find t$is obBe%tifi%ation as pleasurable&

    $is idea is developed from voyeurism* "$i%$ is t$e sexual interest or a%t of spying on

    individuals engaged in a private a%t* eit$er "$ere t$e person is simply vulnerable* su%$ as na#ed

    or engaged in a sexual a%t& !ulvey develops t$is idea furt$er and ma#es t$e point t$at t$e male is

    al"ays t$e observer position* "$ile t$e female is t$e one al"ays being observed& $is* s$e

    argues* is derived from t$e idea t$at t$e male is t$e a%tive one "it$in t$e sexual relations$ip

    "$ile t$e female is t$e passive&49 7avis goes a step furt$er and ma#es t$e point t$at*

    3oman$ood* li#e bla%#ness* is Ot$er in t$is so%iety* and t$e dilemma of a "oman in a

     patriar%$al so%iety is parallel to t$at of bla%#s in a ra%ist one> $ey are made to feel most real

    "$en seen4+

    Guerrero argues in $is arti%le* ra%#ing $e Ioo# in $e :ovels of oni !orrison*

    t$at !orrison s$ifts $er fo%us on t$e loo# to exploring in t$e a%tions of $er %$ara%ters t$e

    et$i%al differen%es bet"een t$e verbs to see and to atch(A0 $e a%t of loo#ing as a male a%t is

    made blatantly obvious in Sula "$en 'Bax first %alls out to $er and :el t$e "ords pig meat&

    'Bax is des%ribed at t$is point in t$e novel as a t"enty(one(year(old pool $aunt of sinister

     beauty&A1 6e rarely %urses and "$en $e does it is for good reason& So "$en $e %alls out to Sula

    and :el* t$ey guarded t$eir eyes lest someone see t$eir delig$t& A2 $ey revel in t$e fa%t t$at

    48 Iaura !ulvey& Hisual Pleasure and :arrative Cinema&H Screen 1&- .

    49 7avis* Self, Society and Myth in Toni Morrison)s -iction* -2+

    50 Guerrero* Ed"ard& Hra%#ing H$e Ioo#H in $e :ovels of oni !orrison&H "lac* American 'iterature -orum 24&4 .

    51 !orrison* Sula* A0

    52 !orrison* Sula* 4.

  • 8/9/2019 GSP Capstone


    Parsons 21

    one* 'Bax "ould noti%e t$em and t"o t$at $e "ould s$out somet$ing vulgar at t$em to relay t$e

    fa%t t$at $e noti%ed t$eir bodies& $is is an instan%e in "$i%$ t$e young girls turned t$is

    obBe%tifi%ation into pleasure& 'Bax "as noti%ing t$em as simply a pie%e of

  • 8/9/2019 GSP Capstone


    Parsons 22

     begin to "at%$ t$em intensely&AA Iux is loo#ed at as an obBe%t "$en t$e boys ta#e out a teles%ope

    and "at%$ $er $aving sex on t$e roof& $e young men t$at Iux "as sleeping "it$ also expressed

    t$roug$ t$eir %onversations "it$ t$e neig$bor$ood boys t$at t$ey "ere ga)ing at $er as "ell&

    $ey analy)ed $er body* noting $er Butting ribs* t$e insubstantiality of $er t$ig$s and one even

    noted t$at $er %ollarbones %olle%ted "ater "$en it began raining&A $e neig$bor$ood boys also

     point out t$at t$ey often spy on Iisbon girls sitting in t$eir yard

  • 8/9/2019 GSP Capstone


    Parsons 2-

    $e differen%e bet"een t$e boys in The Virgin Suicides and 'Bax in Sula is t$at t$e boys

    try and ma#e t$e argument t$at by doing t$is spying t$ey are really trying to get to #no" t$e girls

    and see into t$eir personalities and t$eir lives as a "$ole& $ey also find sola%e in t$e fa%t t$at

    t$e girls $ad been loo#ing out as intensely as "e $ad been loo#ing inA9 's stated* t$e girls may

    #no" t$at t$ey are being "at%$ed %losely* by bot$ t$e neig$bor$ood and t$eir parents* espe%ially

    t$eir mot$er& $us* to %ountera%t t$is* t$e girls implement t$e a%t of loo#ing as "ell and use t$eir

    ability to ga)e ba%#& $e boys noti%e during t$e lo%#do"n* t$at instead of t$e %urtains t$ey

    t$oug$t t$ey "ere loo#ing at in t$e upstairs rooms of t$e Iisbon $ouse* "eren,t a%tually %urtains

    at all but a film of dirt* "it$ spy $oles "iped %lean& $e best t$ing "as to see t$em ma#e one>

    t$e pin# ba%# and fort$ of a $and flattening against t$e glass* t$en rubbing ba%# and fort$ to

    un%over t$e brig$t mosai% of an eye* loo#ing out at us&A+ 3$en t$e lo%#do"n $appened* t$e girls

    "anted to see out Bust as mu%$ as t$e boys "anted to see in* a refuge from t$eir solitude& $e dirt

    %a#ed on t$e "indo" is a symbol of t$e girls entrapment& $e $ome t$at t$eir mot$er "anted to

    ma#e "as a %lean* pure $ome* but t$e dirt %a#ed on t$e "indo"s s$o"s t$at t$is "as not t$e


    't t$e end of t$e novel* it is not made %lear "$y t$e girls a%tually %ommit sui%ide& $e

     boys ponder numerous options* but even t$oug$ t$ey $ave gat$ered mu%$ eviden%e over t$e past

    several years* t$ey still find t$emselves getting toget$er to go over t$e materials one more time&

    6o"ever* it %an be t$eori)ed t$at t$e sui%ides are a result of t$e ga)e& $e girls are %onstantly

    "at%$ed* by t$e neig$bor$ood boys* by t$eir parents* by t$e ne"s people after Ce%ilia,s deat$

    and by all of t$eir peers at s%$ool& $ey %an never seem to es%ape t$e ga)e t$at follo"s t$em

    58 Eugenides, The Virgin Suicides, 119.

    59 Eugenides, The Virgin Suicides, 155

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    Parsons 24

    "$erever t$ey go& t is obvious t$at t$ey try to fig$t t$e po"er of t$e male ga)e and in turn* loo#

    out* but t$eir lo%#do"n prevents t$at from $appening& $eir fate is inevitable in t$e fa%t t$at t$ey

    are %onstantly being "at%$ed&

    $roug$out $istory* t$e idea of sexuality and $o" "omen %an present t$emselves

    sexually $as %$anged over time& t $as been a slo" pro%ess and even no" "e do not really #no"

    "$at terms li#e freedom and open expression really mean in regards to sexuality& t is no"

    anot$er generation a$ead of "$en t$e t"o novels "ere "ritten& :eit$er novel is sexual freedom

    for "omen a%$ieved or even a%$ievable& $roug$out ea%$ novel* t$e %$ara%ters are exposed to

    t$e $ars$ reality t$at a "oman,s sexuality is %onstrained by so%iety and ea%$ %$ara%ter $as t$eir

    o"n "ay of getting around t$at standard& t is made obvious in bot$ novels t$at "omen are not

    going to a%$ieve sexual freedom& 3omen $ave %ome a long "ay in %ontemporary 'meri%an by

    %$anging t$e "ay t$at sexuality loo#s and "$at %onstraints are put on it&

  • 8/9/2019 GSP Capstone


    Parsons 2A


    'li* 6ira& HGender 'nalysis in oni !orrison;s /eloved and Sula&H Middle$!ast %ournal of Scientific

     &esearch 1&10 141+(42-& 3eb&

    /ergenbolt)* 5ita '& H' Satire on /inary $in#ing&H Toni Morrison+s Sula& /y 6arold /loom&

    P$iladelp$ia> C$elsea 6ouse* 1+++& -(14& Print&

    /lan#* 6anne& Virgin: The /ntouched History& :e" =or#> /loomsbury S'* 200.& Print&

    7avis* Cynt$ia '& HSelf* So%iety* and !yt$ in oni !orrison;s 8i%tion&H Contemporary 'iterature 2-&-

    -2-(42& Print&

    7;Emilio* Jo$n* and Estelle /& 8reedman& Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America& :e"

    =or#> 6arper ? 5o"* 1+99& Print&

    Eugenides* Jeffrey& The Virgin Suicides& :e" =or#> 8arrar Straus Giroux* 1++-& Print&

    Guerrero* Ed"ard& Hra%#ing H$e Ioo#H in $e :ovels of oni !orrison&H "lac* American 'iterature

     -orum 24&4 .1(.-& %ST0&& 3eb

    6olms* /irgit '* 2010& Sexuality in Toni Morrison)s or*s& D!aster,s $esis in Englis$ Iiterature

    t$esis* niversity of romso&

    !onden* !asafumi& HContemplating in a 7ream(li#e 5oom> $e irgin Sui%ides and t$e 'est$eti%

    magination of Girl$ood&H -ilm, -ashion 1 Consumption 2&2 1-+(A9& Print&

    !orrison* oni& Sula& :e" =or#> Fnopf* 1+.4& Print&

    5osenberg* J&

  • 8/9/2019 GSP Capstone


    Parsons 2

    3andland* Iouise& 3e Couldn,t 8at$om $em 't 'll> $e Complex 5epresentation of 8emininity in

    Jeffrey Eugenides, The Virgin Suicides.  1(21

    3olo%$* :an%y& omen and the American !xperience& :e" =or#> Fnopf* 1+94& Print&