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    Some of the contents in this manual may differ from your phone depending on the software of tservice provider.

    World Wide Web

    CoEnglish (ME

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    using thismanual

    This user manual has been speciallydesigned to guide you through the functions and

    features of your mobile phone. To get started quickly,

    refer to introducing your mobile phone,assembling and preparing your mobile phone,and using basic functions.

    Instructional icons

    Before you start, familiarise yoursyou will see in this manual:

    Warningsituations th

    injury to yourself or othe

    Cautionsituations thadamage to your phone

    Notenotes, usage tipinformation

    Refer topages with rfor example: p. 12 (re12)

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    Copyright information

    Rights to all technologies and prcomprise this phone are the prorespective owners:

    Bluetooth is a registered trad

    Bluetooth SIG, Inc. worldwideBluetooth QD ID: B016292

    Java is a trademark of Sun

    Windows Media Player is a r

    of Microsoft Corporation. Wi-Fi, the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED l

    logo are registered trademarkAlliance.

    Followed bythe order of options or

    menus you must select to perform a step;for example: In Menu mode, selectMessagesCreate message (representsMessages, followed by Create message)

    [ ] Square bracketsphone keys; forexample: [ ] (represents the Power/Menu exit key)

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    safety and usage informatioSafety warnings ..................

    Safety precautions ..............Important usage information

    introducing your mobile pho

    Unpack ...............................Phone layout .......................

    Keys ...................................

    Icons ..................................

    assembling and preparing ymobile phone .....................

    Install the SIM or USIM card

    Charge the battery ..............

    Insert a memory card (optionAttach a hand strap (optiona

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    using basic functions ............................ 22Turn your phone on and off.......................22

    Use the touch screen ................................ 23Access menus ..........................................24

    Use widgets ..............................................25

    Access help information ............................26

    Customise your phone ..............................27Use basic call functions ............................30

    Send and view messages .........................31

    Add and find contacts ............................... 33

    Use basic camera functions ......................34Listen to music .........................................35

    Browse the web ........................................37

    Use the Google services ...........................38

    Connect to Facebook ...............................40Connect to MySpace ................................40

    using advanced functions .Use advanced call functions

    Use advanced phonebook fuUse advanced messaging fu

    Use advanced camera funct

    Use advanced music functio

    using tools and applicationUse the Bluetooth wireless fe

    Activate and connect to a wi

    LAN (WLAN) .......................Activate and send an SOS m

    Activate the mobile tracker ..

    Make fake calls ...................

    Record and play voice memoEdit images .........................

    Print images ........................

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    Upload photos and videos to the web .......64

    Use Java-powered games and

    applications ..............................................65Synchronise data ......................................66

    Use RSS feeds .........................................68

    View your current position .........................68

    Update the GPS functionality ....................69Create and view world clocks ...................69

    Set and use alarms ...................................70

    Use the calculator .....................................71

    Convert currencies or measurements ........71Set a countdown timer ..............................71

    Use the stopwatch ....................................71

    Create new tasks ......................................72

    Create new memos ..................................72Manage your calendar ..............................72

    troubleshooting ..................

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    safety andusageinformation

    Comply with the following precautions to avoiddangerous or illegal situations and ensure peak

    performance of your mobile phone.

    Keep your phone away frchildren and pets

    Keep your phone and all accessreach of small children or animalcause choking or serious injury if

    Protect your hearing

    Safety warnings

    Excessive exposure tovolumes can cause heAlways turn the volumeplugging the earphone

    source and use only thsetting necessary to hconversation or music

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    Install mobile phones and equipmentwith caution

    Ensure that any mobile phones or related equipmentinstalled in your vehicle are securely mounted. Avoidplacing your phone and accessories near or in an airbag deployment area. Improperly installed wireless

    equipment can cause serious injury when air bagsinflate rapidly.

    Handle and dispose of batteries and

    chargers with care Use only Samsung-approved batteries and

    chargers specifically designed for your phone.Incompatible batteries and chargers can cause

    serious injuries or damage to your phone. Never dispose of batteries or phones in a fire.

    Follow all local regulations when disposing ofused batteries or phones.

    Never place batteries or phondevices, such as microwave o

    radiators. Batteries may explooverheated.

    Never crush or puncture the bexposing the battery to high e

    which can lead to an internal soverheating.

    Avoid interference with p

    Maintain a minimum of 15 cm (6mobile phones and pacemakersinterference, as recommended band the independent research g

    Technology Research. If you hav

    suspect that your phone is interfpacemaker or other medical devphone immediately and contact the pacemaker or medical devic

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    Turn off the phone in potentiallyexplosive environments

    Do not use your phone at refuelling points (servicestations) or near fuels or chemicals. Turn off yourphone whenever directed by warning signs orinstructions. Your phone could cause explosions or

    fire in and around fuel or chemical storage andtransfer areas or blasting areas. Do not store or carryflammable liquids, gases, or explosive materials inthe same compartment as the phone, its parts, oraccessories.

    Reduce the risk of repetitive motioninjuries

    While using your phone, hold the phone with arelaxed grip, press the keys lightly, use specialfeatures that reduce the number of keys you have topress (such as templates and predictive text), andtake frequent breaks.

    Do not use the phone if tcracked or broken

    Broken glass or acrylic could cahand and face. Bring the phone service centre to replace the scrcaused by careless handling will

    manufacturers warranty.

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    Drive safely at all times

    Avoid using your phone while driving and obey allregulations that restrict the use of mobile phones

    while driving. Use hands-free accessories toincrease your safety when possible.

    Follow all safety warnings and

    regulationsComply with any regulations that restrict the use of amobile phone in a certain area.

    Use only Samsung-approvedaccessories

    Using incompatible accessories may damage yourphone or cause injury.

    Turn off the phone near mequipment

    Your phone can interfere with mehospitals or health care facilities.regulations, posted warnings, anmedical personnel.

    Turn off the phone or disawireless functions when i

    Your phone can cause interferen

    equipment. Follow all airline reguyour phone or switch to a mode wireless functions when directedpersonnel.

    Safety precautions

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    Protect batteries and chargers fromdamage

    Avoid exposing batteries to very cold or very hottemperatures (below 0 C/32 F or above 45 C/113 F). Extreme temperatures can reduce thecharging capacity and life of your batteries.

    Prevent batteries from contacting metal objects,as this can create a connection between the +and - terminals of your batteries and lead totemporary or permanent battery damage.

    Never use a damaged charger or battery.

    Handle your phone carefsensibly

    Do not disassemble your phoelectric shock.

    Do not allow your phone to gecause serious damage and w

    of the label that indicates watephone. Do not handle your phhands. Water damage to you

    your manufacturers warranty.

    Avoid using or storing your phareas to prevent damage to m

    Your phone is a complex elecprotect it from impacts and ro

    avoid serious damage. Do not paint your phone, as p

    moving parts and prevent pro

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    If your phone has a camera flash or light, avoidusing it close to the eyes of children or animals.

    Your phone may be damaged by exposure tomagnetic fields. Do not use carrying cases oraccessories with magnetic closures or allow yourphone to come in contact with magnetic fields forextended periods of time.

    Avoid interference with other electronicdevices

    Your phone emits radio frequency (RF) signals thatmay interfere with unshielded or improperly shieldedelectronic equipment, such as pacemakers, hearingaids, medical devices, and other electronic devicesin homes or vehicles. Consult the manufacturers of

    your electronic devices to solve any interferenceproblems you experience.

    Use your phone in the no

    Avoid contact with your phones

    Allow only qualified persoyour phone

    Allowing unqualified personnel tomay result in damage to your ph

    your warranty.

    Ensure maximum batterylife

    Avoid charging batteries for movercharging may shorten bat

    Over time, unused batteries wmust be recharged before use

    Important usage in

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    Disconnect chargers from power sources whennot in use.

    Use batteries only for their intended purpose.

    Handle SIM cards or memory cards withcare

    Do not remove a card while the phone istransferring or accessing information, as thiscould result in loss of data and/or damage to thecard or phone.

    Protect cards from strong shocks, staticelectricity, and electrical noise from other devices.

    Do not touch gold-coloured contacts or terminalswith your fingers or metal objects. If dirty, wipe the

    card with a soft cloth.

    Ensure access to emerge

    Emergency calls from your phon

    possible in some areas or circumtravelling in remote or undevelopalternate method of contacting epersonnel.

    Specific Absorption Ratecertification information

    Your phone conforms to Europe

    standards that limit human exposfrequency (RF) energy emitted bytelecommunications equipment.prevent the sale of mobile phonemaximum exposure level (known

    Absorption Rate, or SAR) of 2.0

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    During testing, the maximum SAR recorded for thismodel was 1.02 W/kg. In normal use, the actual

    SAR is likely to be much lower, as the phone hasbeen designed to emit only the RF energy necessaryto transmit a signal to the nearest base station. Byautomatically emitting lower levels when possible,

    your phone reduces your overall exposure to RF


    The Declaration of Conformity at the back of thismanual demonstrates your phones compliance withthe European Radio & Terminal Telecommunications

    Equipment (R&TTE) directive. For more informationabout the SAR and related EU standards, visit theSamsung mobile phone website.

    Correct disposal of this p

    (Waste Electrical & Electronic Eq

    (Applicable in the Europother European countricollection systems)

    This marking on the proor literature indicates thits electronic accessories (e.g. cUSB cable) should not be dispohousehold waste at the end of th

    prevent possible harm to the envhealth from uncontrolled waste dseparate these items from other recycle them responsibly to prom

    reuse of material resources.

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    Household users should contact either the retailerwhere they purchased this product, or their local

    government office, for details of where and how theycan take these items for environmentally saferecycling.

    Business users should contact their supplier and

    check the terms and conditions of the purchasecontract. This product and its electronic accessoriesshould not be mixed with other commercial wastesfor disposal.

    Correct disposal of batteproduct

    (Applicable in the Euroother European countrbattery return systems)

    This marking on the ba

    packaging indicates that the battshould not be disposed of with o

    waste at the end of their workingWhere marked, the chemical sym

    indicate that the battery containsor lead above the reference leve2006/66. If batteries are not prothese substances can cause haor the environment.

    To protect natural resources and reuse, please separate batteries

    waste and recycle them throughbattery return system.

    This EEE is compliant with RoHS.

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    Some content and services accessible through this

    device belong to third parties and are protected bycopyright, patent, trademark and/or other intellectualproperty laws. Such content and services areprovided solely for your personal noncommercial

    use. You may not use any content or services in amanner that has not been authorised by the contentowner or service provider. Without limiting theforegoing, unless expressly authorised by theapplicable content owner or service provider, you

    may not modify, copy, republish, upload, post,transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works,exploit, or distribute in any manner or medium anycontent or services displayed through this device.









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    Third party services may be terminated or interruptedat any time, and Samsung makes no representation

    or warranty that any content or service will remainavailable for any period of time. Content andservices are transmitted by third parties by means ofnetworks and transmission facilities over whichSamsung has no control. Without limiting the

    generality of this disclaimer, Samsung expresslydisclaims any responsibility or liability for anyinterruption or suspension of any content or servicemade available through this device.

    Samsung is neither responsible nor liable forcustomer service related to the content andservices. Any question or request for service relatingto the content or services should be made directly to

    the respective content and service providers.

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    introducing yourmobile phoneIn this section, learn about your mobile phones

    layout, keys, and icons.


    Check your product box for the f

    Mobile phone


    Travel adapter (charger)

    User manual

    The items supplied with ydepending on the softwaavailable in your region o

    service provider. You canaccessories from your lo

    The supplied accessorieyour phone.

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    Phone layout

    The front and inside of your phone include thefollowing keys and features:

    The rear of your phone includes and features:

    Front camera lens

    for video calls

    Power/Menuexit key


    Touch screen

    Dial key

    Volume key

    Back key


    You can lock the touch scprevent any unwanted pholock, press [ ]. To unlock,

    or touch and hold the lockscreen.


    Camera key

    Hold key

    Memorycard slot

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    Key Function

    DialMake or answer a call; In Idle mode,retrieve recently dialled, missed, orreceived numbers

    Back In Menu mode, return to the previouslevel

    Power/Menu exit

    Turn the phone on and off (press andhold); End a call; In Menu mode,return to Idle mode

    Volume Adjust the phones volume


    Lock the touc

    Unlock the to(press and ho

    CameraIn Idle mode, Camera mod

    record a video

    Key Function

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    Learn about the icons that appear on your display.

    Icon Definition

    Signal strength

    GPRS network connected

    EDGE network connected

    UMTS network connected

    HSDPA network connected

    Voice call in progress

    Video call in progress

    SOS message feature activated

    Browsing the web

    Connected to secured we

    Roaming (outside of norm

    Call diverting activated

    Synchronised with PC

    Wi-Fi activated

    Bluetooth hands-free car connected

    Bluetooth activated

    Alarm activated

    Memory card inserted

    New text message (SMS)

    Icon Definition

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    New multimedia message (MMS)

    New email message

    New voice mail message

    Normal profile activated

    Silent profile activated

    Battery power level

    Current time

    Icon Definition

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    assembling andpreparing yourmobile phone

    Get started by assembling and setting up

    your mobile phone for its first use.

    Install the SIM or USIM


    When you subscribe to a cellulareceive a Subscriber Identity Mosubscription details, such as youidentification number (PIN) and ouse UMTS or HSDPA services, yUniversal Subscriber Identity Mo

    To install the SIM or USIM card a

    1. Remove the battery cover.

    If the phone is on, press anit off.

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    2. Insert the SIM or USIM card.

    3. Push the SIM or USIM card iuntil it locks in place.

    Place the SIM or USIM cwith the gold-coloured c

    Without inserting a SIM ocan use your phones noservices and some men

    Do not insert a memory c

    card slot. Do not remove the SIM o

    the phone is turned on. Iphone to malfunction or or USIM card.

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    4. Insert the battery.

    5. Replace the battery cover.

    Charge the battery

    Before using the phone for the ficharge the battery.

    1. Open the cover to the multifutop of the phone.

    2. Plug the small end of the travmultifunction jack.

    Improperly connecting the cause serious damage to tdamages by misuse are no


    With the triangle fac

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    3. Plug the large end of the travel adapter into apower outlet.

    4. When the battery is fully charged (the icon isno longer moving), unplug the travel adapter fromthe power outlet.

    5. Unplug the travel adapter from the phone.

    6. Close the cover to the multifunction jack.

    Insert a memory card (

    To store additional multimedia filememory card. Your phone accepmicroSDHC memory cards up(depending on memory card matype).

    1. Open the cover to the memoside of the phone.

    About the low battery indicator

    When your battery is low, the phone will emita warning tone and a low battery message.The battery icon will also be empty andblinking. If the battery level becomes too low,the phone will automatically power off.Recharge your battery to continue using your


    Formatting the memory ccause incompatibility witFormat the memory card

    Frequent writing and era

    the life span of memory

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    2. Insert a memory card with the label side facingup.

    3. Push the memory card in the memory card slotuntil it locks in place.

    4. Close the cover to the memory card slot.

    To remove the memory card, open the cover to the

    memory card slot, push the memory card gently untilit disengages from the phone, and then pull thememory card out of the memory card slot.

    Attach a hand strap (o

    1. Remove the battery cover.

    2. Slide a hand strap through thover the small projection.

    3. Replace the battery cover.

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    using basicfunctionsLearn how to perform basic operations and use the

    main features of your mobile phone.

    Turn your phone on an

    To turn your phone on,

    1. Press and hold [ ].

    2. Enter your PIN and select Co

    To turn your phone off, repeat st

    Switch to the offline profi

    By switching to the offline profilephones non-network services in

    wireless devices are prohibited, and hospitals.

    To switch to the offline profile, in SettingsPhone profilesO

    Follow all posted warningsofficial personnel when in adevices are prohibited.

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    Use the touch screen

    Your phones touch screen lets you easily select

    items or perform functions. Learn basic actions touse the touch screen.

    Touch an icon to open a menapplication.

    To avoid scratching the touch screen, do notuse sharp tools.

    Do not allow the touch screen to come incontact with other electrical devices.Electrostatic discharges can cause the touchscreen to malfunction.

    Do not allow the touch screen to come incontact with water. The touch screen maymalfunction in humid conditions or whenexposed to water.

    For optimal use of the tothe screen protection filmphone.

    Your touch screen has asmall electrical charges ehuman body. For best petouch screen with your fi

    screen will not react to totools, such as a stylus o

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    Drag your finger up or down to scroll throughvertical lists.

    Drag your finger left or right tohorizontal lists.

    Access menus

    To access your phones menus,

    1. In Idle mode, select Menu tomode.

    2. Scroll left or right to a Menu m3. Select a menu or option.

    4. Press the Back key to move [ ] to return to Idle mode.


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    Customise Menu mode

    You can organise applications in the Menu modescreen to match your preferences and needs.

    1. In Menu mode, scroll left or right to a Menu modescreen.

    2. Select Edit to switch to Edit mode.

    3. Customise the screens as desired.

    To rearrange applications, select and drag anapplication icon to the location you want.

    4. Select Done.

    Use widgets

    Learn to use widgets on the widg

    Open the widget toolbar

    In Idle mode, select Widget at thscreen to open the widget toolbarearrange widgets on the widgetthem to the idle screen.

    This feature may be unavailable depending on

    the software of the phone.

    Select Reset to restore the default order ofapplications.

    Some of your widgets coservices. Selecting a webincur additional charges.

    Available widgets may va

    your region or service pro

    M th id t t th idl A h l i f ti

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    Move the widgets to the idle screen

    1. In Idle mode, scroll left or right to one of the idle

    screens.2. Open the widget toolbar.

    3. Drag a widget from the widget toolbar to the idlescreen. You can position the widget anywhere

    on the screen.

    Change the widgets

    1. Open the widget toolbar.

    2. Drag to the idle screen and select it.3. Select the widgets you want to include to the

    widget toolbar and select Save.

    Access help informatio

    Learn to access helpful informati


    1. Open the widget toolbar.

    2. Drag to the idle screen an

    3. Rotate the phone anti-clockwview.

    4. Select a help topic to learn aor feature.

    5. Scroll left or right to get morereturn to the previous level, s

    To move the widgets from the idle screen to thewidget toolbar back, select and drag a widgetto the widget toolbar.

    C t i h S it h t f th il

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    Customise your phone

    Get more from your phone by customising it to

    match your preferences.

    Adjust the volume of the key tones

    In Idle mode, press the Volume key up or down and

    adjust the key tone volume.

    Adjust the vibration intensity on thetouch screen

    You can adjust the intensity of the vibration when youtouch the phone screen.

    1. In Menu mode, select SettingsPhone


    Vibration feedback.

    2. Adjust the intensity of the vibration.

    3. Select Save.

    Switch to or from the sile

    In Idle mode, select Keypad and

    to silence or unsilence your phon

    Change your ringtone

    1. In Menu mode, selectSettin

    profiles.2. Select next to the profile y

    3. SelectVoice call ringtone oringtone.

    4. Select a ringtone from the lis

    5. Select Save.

    To switch to another profile, sele

    If you are using the silent oare not allowed to change

    A ti t Eti tt S l t ki l (M

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    Activate Etiquette pause

    You can temporarily mute all phone sounds by

    placing the phone face down when Etiquette pauseis activated.

    1. In Menu mode, select SettingsPhonesettingsEtiquette pauseOn.

    2. Select Save.

    Select a wallpaper (Idle mode)

    1. Scroll left or right to one of the idle screens.

    2. In Menu mode,selectSettingsDisplay andlightWallpaper.

    3. Scroll left or right to an image.

    4. Select Set.

    Select a skin colour (Men

    1. In Menu mode,selectSettin

    lightMy theme.2. Select a colour pattern.

    3. Select Save.

    Set the auto-lock featurescreen

    You can set your phone to automtouch screen and keys when the

    You can also set the method to tscreen.

    1. In Menu mode, select Settin

    2. Select On underAuto-lock.3. Select the Backlight on drop

    select which key will turn on

    4. Select Save.

    Lock your phone Unlock the touch screen

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    Lock your phone

    1. In Menu mode, selectSettingsSecurity.

    2. Select On underPhone lock.

    3. Enter a new 4- to 8-digit password and selectConfirm.

    4. Enter the new password again and selectConfirm.

    Unlock the touch screen unlock

    By drawing a specified charactetouch screen, you can unlock thunlock and then make a call to aor unlock and then launch an ap

    smart unlock character,1. In Menu mode, select Settin


    2. Select On underGesture un

    3. Select an unlock option.

    4. Select a speed dial number tapplication to launch (if nece

    5. Select a character for the sm6. Press the Back key (if neces

    7. Select Save.

    The first time you access a menu thatrequires a password, you will be prompted to

    create and confirm a password. Samsung is not responsible for any loss ofpasswords or private information or otherdamages caused by illegal software.

    Use basic call functions Answer a call

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    Use basic call functions

    Learn to make or answer calls and use basic call


    Make a call

    1. In Idle mode, select Keypad and enter an areacode and a phone number.

    2. Press [ ] to dial the number.

    For a video call, select Video call.

    3. To end the call, press [ ].

    Answer a call

    1. When a call comes in, press

    2. For a video call, press [ ] me to allow the caller to see camera lens.

    3. To end the call, press [ ].

    Adjust the volume

    To adjust the volume during a cakey up or down.

    Use the speakerphone fe

    1. During a call, select Speakespeaker.

    2. To switch back to the earpiec

    During a call, your phone automatically locksthe touch screen to prevent accidental inputs.To unlock, press and hold [ ].

    In noisy environments, youhearing the calls while usin

    feature. For better audio penormal phone mode.

    Use the headset 3 Select Tap to add text and

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    Use the headset

    By plugging the supplied headset into the headset

    jack, you can make and answer calls:

    To redial the last call, press the headset buttontwice.

    To answer a call, press the headset button.

    To end a call, press the headset button.

    Send and view messages

    Learn to send and view text (SMS), multimedia(MMS), and email messages.

    Send a text or multimedia message

    1. In Menu mode,selectMessagesCreatemessageMessage.

    2. Select Tap to add recipient and enter arecipient number.

    3. Select Tap to add text and text. p. 32

    For sending as a text messaFor attaching multimedia, co

    4. SelectAdd media and add

    5. Select Send to send the me

    Send an email

    1. In Menu mode, selectMessamessageEmail.

    2. Select Tap to add recipientaddress.

    3. Select Tap to add subject a

    4. Select Tap to add text and e

    5. SelectAdd files and attach a

    6. Select Send to send the me

    Enter text Mode Function

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    Enter text

    When entering text, you can change the text input


    To switch between ABC and T9 modes, selectT9. A green dot appears by T9 in T9 mode.

    To change case or switch to number or Symbol

    mode, selectAbc orT9Ab. Depending on yourregion, you may be able to access an input modefor your specific language.

    Select to switch to Symbol mode.

    Enter text in one of the following modes:

    View text or multimedia m

    1. In Menu mode, selectMessa

    2. Select a text or multimedia m

    Mode Function

    ABCSelect an appropriate virtual key until thecharacter you want appears on the display.


    1. Select appropriate

    an entire word.2. When the word dis

    to insert a spadoes not display, sor right from the lis

    select an alternate

    NumberSelect an appropriatenumber.

    SymbolSelect an appropriatesymbol.

    Mode Function

    View an email 3 Select Phone or SIM (if nece

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    View an email

    1. In Menu mode, selectMessagesEmail

    inbox.2. Select an account.

    3. Select Download.

    4. Select an email or a header.5. If you selected a header, select Retrieve to view

    the body of the email.

    Add and find contactsLearn the basics of using the phonebook feature.

    Add a new contact

    1. In Idle mode, select Keypad and enter a phonenumber.

    2. Select Add to PhonebookNew.

    3. Select Phone orSIM (if nece

    4. Enter contact information.

    5. Select Save to add the conta

    Find a contact

    1. In Menu mode, select Phone

    2. Select Tap to search, enter of the name you want to find

    You can also drag to selectname.

    3. Select the contacts name fro

    Once you have found a co

    call the contact by selec

    edit the contact informat

    Use basic camera functions View photos

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    Use basic camera functions

    Learn the basics to capture and view photos and


    Capture photos

    1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to turn on the camera.

    2. Rotate the phone anti-clockwise to landscapeview.

    3. Aim the lens at the subject and make anyadjustments.

    To select a time delay, select .

    To set the exposure value, select .

    To adjust the colour balance, select .

    To zoom in or out, press the Volume key.

    4. Press [ ] to take a photo.

    The photo is saved automatically.

    After capturing photos, select to view photos.

    View photos

    In Menu mode, selectMy files

    folder a photo file.

    While viewing the photo file,

    Rotate the phone anti-clockwview. Tilt the phone to the left scroll left or right automatically

    Touch and hold the screen to When appears, scroll up ortouch the screen to exit the zo

    Select MoreSlide show tosideshow.

    Capture videos

    1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to tu

    2. Rotate the phone anti-clockwview.

    3. Select to switch to Recor

    4. Aim the lens at the subject and make any Listen to music

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    4. Aim the lens at the subject and make anyadjustments.

    To change the recording mode, select .

    To select a time delay, select .

    To set the exposure value, select .

    To adjust the colour balance, select .

    To zoom in or out, press the Volume key.5. Press the Camera key to start recording.

    6. Select or press [ ] to stop recording.

    The video is saved automatically.

    After capturing videos, select to view videos.

    View videos

    In Menu mode, select My filesVideos a video

    folder a video file.

    Rotate the phone anti-clockwise to landscape view.

    Listen to music

    Learn how to listen to music via

    FM radio.

    Listen to the FM radio

    1. Plug the supplied headset inheadset jack.

    2. In Menu mode, selectFM ra

    3. Select Yes to start automatic

    The radio scans and saves aautomatically.

    While listening to the radio

    travel adapter or PC data cThe adapter or cable may headsets function as a rad

    The first time you turn on thbe prompted to start autom

    4. Control the FM radio using the following icons: Listen to music files

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    g g

    If you want to get information about the song youhear, select MoreFind music. p. 53

    5. To turn off the FM radio, select .

    Listen to music files

    Start by transferring files to your

    card: Download from the wireless w


    Download from a PC with the

    Kies. p. 50

    Receive via Bluetooth. p. 55

    Copy to your memory card.

    Synchronise with Windows Mp. 51

    After transferring music files to yomemory card,

    1. In Menu mode, select Music2. Select a music category a

    Icon Function

    Tune a radio station; Select anavailable radio station (touch and hold)

    Turn on the FM radio

    Turn off the FM radio

    Open the list of favourite stationsp. 53

    / Change the sound output

    Record songs from the FM radiop. 52

    3. Control playback using the following icons: Browse the web

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    p y g g Browse the web

    Learn to access and bookmark y


    Browse web pages

    1. In Menu mode, selectInternlaunch your service provider

    Icon Function

    Pause playbackPlay or resume playback

    Skip backward; Scan backward in a file(touch and hold)

    Skip forward; Scan forward in a file (touchand hold)

    1 Change the sound effect


    1. When you touch the screen, the icons will be available.

    Activate the Shuffle mode

    1 Change the repeat mode

    You may incur additionalaccessing the web and amedia.

    The browser menu may bdepending on your servic

    Available icons may vary region or service provide

    2. Navigate web pages using the following icons: Download media files

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    Bookmark your favourite web pages

    1. In Menu mode, selectInternetBookmarks.

    2. SelectAdd.

    3. Enter a page title and a web address (URL).

    4. Select Save.

    1. In Menu mode, select Down

    2. Search for a ringtone or pictu

    to the phone.

    Use the Google service

    Learn how to use various Google

    Icon Function

    Move backward or forward on a web pageStop loading the web page

    Refresh the current web page

    Change the view mode

    Add the current web page to thebookmark list

    Open a list of saved bookmarks

    Access a list of browser options

    This feature may be unava

    your region or service prov

    This feature may be unavon your region or service

    The steps you must selemay differ depending on service provider.

    Connect to Search To search for a specific location,

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    1. In Menu mode, select GoogleSearch.

    2. Enter a keyword in the search field.

    Connect to Mail

    1. In Menu mode, select GoogleMail.

    2. Set up your Google account and sign in.

    3. Send or receive emails.

    Connect to MapsTo search the map,

    1. In Menu mode, select GoogleMaps.

    2. Scroll through the map.

    3. Zoom in or out on the location you want.

    1. In Menu mode, select Goog

    2. Select MenuSearch andor the category of the busine

    To get directions to a specific de

    1. In Menu mode, select Goog

    2. Select MenuGet Directio

    3. Enter the addresses of the stthe ending location.

    4. Select Show directions to vTo enhance the map functionalitydata files. p. 69

    Connect to Facebook Connect to MySpace

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    1. In Menu mode, select Facebook.

    2. Enter your email address and password andthen select Log in.

    3. Use the following features:

    y p

    1. In Menu mode, select MySp

    2. Enter your email address andthen select Log in.

    3. Use the following features:

    This feature may be unavailable depending

    on your region or service provider. The steps you must select to use this feature

    may differ depending on your region orservice provider.

    Feature Description

    HomeUse the various options to share yourphotos and thoughts with others

    Profile View or update your personal information

    FriendsSearch for friends or view your friendsposts


    View messages and check for new

    notifications or requests

    This feature may be unav

    on your region or service The steps you must sele

    may differ depending on service provider.

    Feature Description

    HomeUse the various opphotos and thoug

    My Mail Send and view mefriend requests

    Photos View and upload p


    Search for friends,

    send friend reques

    Use advanced call func

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    using advancedfunctionsLearn how to perform advanced operations and use

    additional features of your mobile phone.

    Learn about your phones additio


    View and dial missed call

    Your phone will display calls you


    When you have one missed call,the event alert widget and select

    When you have two missed callscall from the event alert widget amissed call.

    Call a recently dialled num

    1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to drecent numbers.

    2. Scroll to the number you wan

    press [ ] to dial.

    Hold a call or retrieve a held call Answer a second call

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    Select Hold to place a call on hold or select

    Retrieve to retrieve a held call.

    Dial a second call

    If your network supports this function, you can dial

    another number during a call:1. Select Hold to place the first call on hold.

    2. Enter the second number to dial and select Newcall or press [ ].

    3. Select Swap to switch between the two calls.

    4. To end the call on hold, select On hold .

    5. To end the current call, press [ ].

    If your network supports this func

    answer a second incoming call:1. Press [ ] to answer the se

    The first call is automatically

    2. Select Swap to switch betwe

    Make a multiparty call (co

    1. Call the first party you want tomultiparty call.

    2. While connected to the first psecond party.

    The first party is automatically

    3. When connected to the secoJoin.

    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to addnecessary).

    5. To end the multiparty call, pre

    Call an international number Reject a call

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    1. In Idle mode, select Keypad and touch and hold

    0 to insert the + character.2. Enter the complete number you want to dial

    (country code, area code, and phone number),and then press [ ] to dial.

    Call a contact from the phonebook

    You can call numbers directly from the phonebookusing stored contacts. p. 33

    1. In Menu mode, select Phonebook.

    2. Select the contact you want.

    3. Select next to the number you want to dial (voice call) or (video call).

    To reject an incoming call, press

    hear a busy tone.To reject calls from certain numbuse the auto rejection. To activatand set up the reject list,

    1. In Menu mode, select SettinsettingsCallAll calls

    2. Select On underActivation.

    3. SelectAdd number.4. Select the number input field

    5. Enter a number to reject and

    6. Select Save.

    7. Repeat steps 3-6 to add mo

    8. Select the check boxes next

    9. Select Save.

    Use advanced phonebook functions 3. SelectAdd.

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    Learn to create namecards, set favourite numbers,

    and create groups of contacts.

    Create a namecard

    1. In Menu mode, select PhonebookMore

    My namecard.

    2. Enter your personal details.

    3. Select Save.

    Set favourite numbers

    1. In Menu mode, select Phonebook.

    2. Select the Contacts drop-down menu andselect Favourites.

    4. Select a contact.

    The contact is saved to the f

    Create a group of contac

    By creating groups of contacts, ygroup names, ringtones, caller ID

    vibration types to each group or semails to an entire group. Start b

    1. In Menu mode, select Phone

    2. Select the Contacts drop-do

    select Groups.

    You can send your namecard by attaching it toa message or email or transferring it via theBluetooth wireless feature or ActiveSync.

    You can call this contactholding the assigned numscreen.

    The favourite numbers wbuddy list on the widget tmake calls or send messcontact from the buddy l

    3. Select Create group. Create a multimedia temp

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    4. Set a group name, the caller ID photo, a group

    ringtone, and vibration type.5. Select Save.

    6. Select Yes and add contacts to the group (ifnecessary).

    Use advanced messaging functions

    Learn to create templates, use templates to createnew messages, and create message folders, anduse the instant messenger.

    Create a text template

    1. In Menu mode, select MessagesTemplatesText templates.

    2. Select Create to open a new template window.

    3. Select the text input field and enter you text.

    4. Select Save.

    1. In Menu mode, select Messa

    Multimedia templates.2. Select Create to open a new

    3. Create a multimedia messagand desired attachments, to

    template. p. 31

    4. Select Save.

    Insert text templates in ne

    1. To start a new message, in MMessagesCreate messatype.

    2. Select MoreInsertTextemplate.

    Create a message from a multimediat l t

    Use the instant messeng

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    1. In Menu mode, select MessagesTemplatesMultimedia templates.

    2. Select next to the template you want.

    Your template opens as a new multimedia


    Create a folder to manage messages

    1. In Menu mode, select MessagesMy folders.

    2. Select Create folder.

    3. Enter a new folder name and select Save.

    Move messages from a message folder to your

    folders to manage them as your preferences.

    1. In Menu mode, select IM.

    2. Select OK from the intro wind

    3. Enter your user ID and passwSign In.

    4. Chat with your family or friend

    This feature may be unav

    on your region or service To change the language

    access the messenger aSettings Language.

    The first time you access t

    will be prompted to confirm

    Use advanced camera functions 3. Select Smile shot.4 M k dj t

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    Learn how to capture photos in various modes and

    customise camera settings.

    Capture photos by using options presetfor various scenes

    1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to turn on the camera.

    2. Rotate the phone anti-clockwise to landscapeview.

    3. Select a scene .

    4. Make any necessary adjustments.

    5. Press [ ] to take a photo.

    Capture photos in Smile shot mode1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to turn on the camera.

    2. Rotate the phone anti-clockwise to landscapeview.

    4. Make any necessary adjustm

    5. Press [ ].6. Aim the camera lens at your

    Your phone recognises peopdetects their smiles. When th

    the phone automatically take

    Capture a series of photo

    1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to tu

    2. Rotate the phone anti-clockwview.

    3. Select Continuous.

    4. Make any necessary adjustm5. Press and hold [ ] to take a

    Capture panoramic photos Capture divided photos

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    1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to turn on the camera.

    2. Rotate the phone anti-clockwise to landscapeview.

    3. Select Panorama.

    4. Make any necessary adjustments.

    5. Press [ ] to take the first photo.

    6. Slowly move the phone to the direction youwant. When you align the small white frame with

    , the phone captures the next photoautomatically.

    7. Repeat step 6 to complete the panoramic photo.

    1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to tu

    2. Rotate the phone anti-clockwview.

    3. Select Mosaic.

    4. Select an image layout and p

    5. Make any necessary adjustm

    6. Press [ ] to take photos for

    Capture photos with dec1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to tu

    2. Rotate the phone anti-clockwview.

    3. Select Frame.

    4. Select a frame and press [

    5. Make any necessary adjustm

    6. Press [ ] to take a photo w

    Use camera options Customise camera settin

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    Before capturing a photo, select to access the

    following options:

    Before capturing a video, select to access thefollowing options:

    Before capturing a photo, select

    the following settings:Option Function

    Resolution Change the resolution option

    Effects Apply a special effect


    Select a type of exposure metre

    Image quality Adjust the quality of your photos

    Option Function

    Resolution Change the resolution option

    Effects Apply a special effect

    Video quality Adjust the quality of your video clips

    Setting Function

    Guidelines Change the p

    ReviewSet the camerreview screenphotos


    Set the camerinformation to

    Shutter soundSelect a sounshutter action

    StorageSelect a memnew photos

    Reset settings Reset the cam

    Before capturing a video, select to accessthe following settings:

    2. Press [ ] to return to Idle m

    3 Using an optional PC data ca

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    the following settings:

    Use advanced music functionsLearn to prepare music files, create playlists, andstore radio stations.

    Copy music files via Samsung Kies1. In Menu mode, select SettingsPhone

    settingsPC connectionsSamsung KiesorMass storage Save.

    3. Using an optional PC data ca

    multifunction jack on your ph4. Run Samsung Kies and copy

    the phone.

    Refer to the Samsung Kies h


    Copy music files to a me

    1. Insert a memory card.

    2. In Menu mode, select SettinsettingsPC connectionsSave.

    3. Press [ ] to return to Idle m

    4. Using an optional PC data camultifunction jack on your ph

    When connected, a pop-up on the PC.

    Setting FunctionGuidelines Change the preview screen

    Audio recording Turn the audio on or off


    Select a memory location to store

    new video clips

    Reset settings Reset the camera settings

    5. Open the folder to view files.

    6 Copy files from the PC to the memory card

    6. Edit or enter your phones nawindow (if necessary).

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    6. Copy files from the PC to the memory card.

    Synchronise your phone with WindowsMedia Player

    1. Insert a memory card (if necessary).

    2. In Menu mode, select SettingsPhonesettingsPC connections Media playerSave.

    3. Press [ ] to return to Idle mode.

    4. Using an optional PC data cable, connect themultifunction jack on your phone to a PC with

    Windows Media Player installed.

    When connected, a pop-up window will appear

    on the PC.

    5. Open Windows Media Player to synchronisemusic files.

    ( y)

    7. Select and drag the music filsync list.

    8. Start synchronisation.

    Create a playlist1. In Menu mode, select Music

    2. Select Create.

    3. Select the text input field.

    4. Enter a title for your new playDone.

    5. To assign an image to the plaedit and select an image or cphoto.

    6. Select Save.

    7. Select the new playlist.

    8. SelectAddTracks.

    9 Select the files you want to include and select

    4. Select Save.

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    9. Select the files you want to include and select


    Customise your music player settings

    1. In Menu mode, select Music player.

    2. Select Settings.3. Adjust the settings to customise your music


    Record songs from the F

    1. Plug the supplied headset inheadset jack.

    2. In Menu mode, select FM ra

    3. Select to start the FM rad4. Select to start recording.

    Select to pause recording

    5. When you are finished record

    The music file will be saved iMenu mode, select My files

    Option Function


    Set whether to play music in thebackground when you end themusic player


    effects Select the default sound effect

    Music menuSelect music categories to display inthe music library screen

    The recording feature is derecording only. The quality be much lower than digital

    Store radio stations automatically

    1 Plug the supplied headset into the phones

    Find information of music

    Learn to access an online music

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    1. Plug the supplied headset into the phones

    headset jack.2. In Menu mode, select FM radio.

    3. Select MoreSelf-tuning.

    4. Select Yes to confirm (if necessary).

    The radio scans and saves available stationsautomatically.

    Set up your favourite radio station list

    1. Plug the supplied headset into the phonesheadset jack.

    2. In Menu mode, select FM radio.

    3. Select a radio station to add to the favourite list.4. SelectAdd to Favourites.

    Learn to access an online music

    information about the songs youmove.

    1. In Menu mode, select Find m

    2. Select Find music to connec

    3. When your phone is successselect to record a part of find.

    Some service providers mservice and the database minformation for all songs.

    Use the Bluetooth wire

    L b t h bilit

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    using tools andapplicationsLearn how to work with your mobile phones tools

    and additional applications.

    Learn about your phones ability

    wireless devices for exchanging hands-free features.

    Turn on the Bluetooth wir

    1. In Menu mode, select Blueto2. Select the circle in the centre

    Bluetooth wireless feature.

    3. To allow other devices to loca

    select MoreSettingsOphones visibilitya visibili

    If you selected Custom, set phone is visible.

    4. SelectSave.

    Find and pair with other Bluetooth-enabled devices

    Send data using the Bluefeature

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    enabled devices

    1. In Menu mode, select BluetoothSearch.2. Select and drag a device icon into the centre.

    3. Enter a PIN for the Bluetooth wireless feature orthe other devices Bluetooth PIN, if it has one,

    and select Done.When the owner of the other device enters thesame PIN or accepts the connection, pairing iscomplete.


    1. Select the file or item from onapplications that you want to

    2. Select Send viaBluetootSend namecard viaBlue

    Receive data using the Bwireless feature

    1. Enter the PIN for the Bluetoo

    and select OK (if necessary)2. Select Yes to confirm that yo

    receive data from the device

    You may not need to enter a PIN depending onthe device.

    Use Remote SIM mode

    In Remote SIM mode you can make or answer calls

    Activate and connect t

    LAN (WLAN)

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    In Remote SIM mode, you can make or answer calls

    only with a connected Bluetooth hands-free car kitvia the SIM or USIM card on your phone.

    To activate Remote SIM mode,

    1. In Menu mode, select BluetoothMore


    2. Select On underRemote SIM mode Save.

    To use Remote SIM mode, start the Bluetoothconnection from a Bluetooth hands-free car kit.

    LAN (WLAN)

    Learn to activate and connect to

    Activate a WLAN

    1. In Menu mode, select Wi-Fi.

    2. Select the circle in the centreWLAN.

    The Bluetooth hands-free car kit must beauthorised. To authorise, select the device andselectAuthorise device.

    Your phone uses non-harmand is intended for use in acountries. The WLAN can EU without restriction indoooperated outdoors in Franc

    The activated WLAN in theconsume battery power. Tpower, activate the WLAN

    Search for and connect to a WLAN

    1 In Menu mode select Wi-Fi Search

    To connect to a WLAN using a WProtected Setup) access point,

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    1. In Menu mode, select Wi FiSearch.

    2. Select a network icon Add and add aconnection profile.

    3. In Menu mode, select Internet orCommunities,or in Idle mode, select a web-based widget.

    Your phone connects to the network using theconnected WLAN profile.

    1. In Menu mode, select Wi-Fi2. Select a WPS icon ( ) and

    3. Select WPS push button ordepending on the AP device

    4. Select Start and press a WPdevice within 2 minutes.

    Or, enter a PIN on the AP devwithin 2 minutes.

    If the network you want needs an IP address,subnet mask, DNS, or gateway information,

    selectAdvanced settings. Wi-Fi security should be set as the selected

    network configuration and 802.1x (EAP-TTLS, PEAP) is supported.

    To access the internet via another method,change the connection profile to the desiredmethod.

    Activate and send an SOS message

    In case of an emergency you can send an SOS

    8. Select the Repeat drop-dowthe number of times to repea

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    In case of an emergency, you can send an SOS

    message asking for help.

    1. In Menu mode, select MessagesSOSmessagesSending options.

    2. Select On to turn on the SOS messagingfeature.

    3. Select the recipient field to open the recipient list.

    4. Select Contacts to open your contact list.

    5. Select the contacts you want and selectAdd.

    6. Select a phone number (if necessary).7. When you are finished selecting contacts, select

    Save to save the recipients.


    9. Select SaveYes.

    To send an SOS message, the tkeys must be locked. Press the times.

    Activate the mobile tra

    When someone inserts a new Syour phone, the mobile tracker feautomatically send the contact nrecipients to help you locate andphone. To activate the mobile tra

    This feature may be unavailable depending onyour region or service provider.

    Once you send an SOS mfunctions will be suspendehold [ ] or press [ ]. If yphone functions will be av

    will remain locked.

    1. In Menu mode, select SettingsSecurityMobile tracker.

    Make fake calls

    You can simulate an incoming ca

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    2. Enter your password and select Confirm.

    3. Select On to turn on the mobile tracker.

    4. Selectthe recipient field to open the recipient list.

    5. Select Contacts to open your contact list.

    6. Select the contacts you want and selectAdd.

    7. Select a phone number (if necessary).

    8. When you are finished selecting contacts, select

    Save to save the recipients.9. Select the sender input field.

    10.Enter the senders name and select Done.

    11.Select SaveAccept.

    You can simulate an incoming ca

    get out of meetings or unwantedcan also make it appear as if youphone by playing back a recorde

    Activate the fake call feat1. In Menu mode, select Settin

    settingsCallFake cal

    2. Select On underActivation.

    Make a fake call

    In Idle mode, press and hold the

    Record a voice

    1. In Menu mode, select SettingsApplication

    Record and play voice

    Learn to operate your phones vo

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    , g pp



    Fake call

    Fake call voice.2. Select On underFake call voice.

    3. SelectVoice recording.

    4. Select to start recording.

    5. Speak into the microphone.

    6. When you are finished speaking, select .

    7. Press the Back key.

    Change the time delay before fake calls

    1. In Menu mode, select SettingsApplicationsettingsCallFake callFake call timer.

    2. Select an option Save.

    Learn to operate your phone s vo

    Record a voice memo

    1. In Menu mode, selectVoice

    2. Select to start recording.

    3. Speak your memo into the m

    4. When you are finished speak

    Your memo is saved automa

    Play a voice memo

    1. In Menu mode, selectVoiceclips.

    2. Select a file.

    3. Control playback using the following icons: 3. Select Tap here to open an

    4. Select Effects an effect oIcon Function

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    Edit images

    Learn to edit images and apply fun effects.

    Apply effects to images

    1. In Menu mode, select Image editor.2. Rotate the phone anti-clockwise to landscape


    warp, or partial blur).

    5. Select a variation of the effecOK.

    To apply a blur effect to a spimage, move or resize the reOKOK.

    6. When you are finished, selec

    7. Select a memory location (if

    8. Enter a new file name for theDone.

    Pause playbackPlay or resume playback

    Skip backward; Scan backward in a file(touch and hold)

    Skip forward; Scan forward in a file (touchand hold)

    Adjust an image

    1. Open an image to be edited. Refer to steps 1-3

    3. Select or .

    4. Rotate, flip, or resize the imaO

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    in Apply effects to images.2. SelectAdjust an adjustment option

    (brightness, contrast, or colour).

    To adjust the image automatically, selectAuto

    level.3. Adjust the image as desired by using the slider

    and select OK.

    4. Save the edited image with a new file name.

    Refer to steps 6-8 in Apply effects to images.

    Transform an image

    1. Open an image to be edited. Refer to steps 1-3

    in Apply effects to images.2. Select the arrow at the bottom right of the


    select OK.

    5. Save the edited image with aRefer to steps 6-8 in Apply e

    Crop an image

    1. Open an image to be editedin Apply effects to images.

    2. Select the arrow at the botto

    screen.3. Select .

    4. Draw a rectangle over the areand select OKOK.

    5. Save the edited image with aRefer to steps 6-8 in Apply e

    Insert a visual feature

    1. Open an image to be edited. Refer to steps 1-3

    Print images

    Learn to print your images with a

  • 8/8/2019 GT-S5620_UM_MEA_Eng_Rev_1.0_100205


    in Apply effects to images.2. Select the arrow at the bottom right of the


    3. Select , , , or .

    4. Select a visual feature (image, emoticon, or clipart), or enter text and select Done.

    5. Move or resize the visual feature and select OK.

    6. Save the edited image with a new file name.Refer to steps 6-8 in Apply effects to images.

    ea to p t you ages t a

    the Bluetooth wireless feature.To print an image using a USB c

    1. Open an image. p. 34

    2. Select More

    Print via

    U3. Connect the multifunction jac

    a compatible printer.

    To print an image using the Blue

    feature,1. Open an image. p. 34

    2. Select MorePrint viaB

    3. Select a Bluetooth-enabled pthe printer. p. 55

    4. Set print options and print th

    Upload photos and videos to the


    4. Select the destinations you wselect Save.

    If you selected Update lists

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    Learn to post your photos and videos to photosharing websites and blogs.

    Set your favourite destination list

    1. In Menu mode, select Communities.

    2. Select Yes to set your favorite destination list (ifnecessary).

    3. SelectAccept to confirm that you agree to thegeneral disclaimer.

    If you selected Update lists,

    sites are added to the list aut

    Upload a file

    To upload photos and videos, yo

    accounts of photo sharing webs

    1. In Menu mode, select Comm

    2. SelectUpload to web.

    3. Select a destination you wan4. Select Tap to add a med

    5. Enter the post details and se

    6. Enter the user ID and passwdestination (if necessary).

    Communities may be unavailable dependingon your region or service provider.

    The first time you access Communities, youwill be prompted to confirm.

    You can also upload mediaorMy files by selecting M


    Customise the Communities settings

    1. In Menu mode, select Communities.

    Use Java-powered gam


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    2. SelectSettings.3. Adjust the settings.

    Learn to use games and applicaaward-winning Java technology.

    Download games or appl

    1. In Menu mode, select Game

    Your phone connects to the your service provider.

    2. Search for a game or applicatto the phone.

    Setting Function

    Upload details View details of your last upload

    Preferred lists Edit favourite destinations

    Image resize Change the image size to upload


    Set your phone to upload files to a

    destination automatically at thescheduled time


    Log in to a website or blog or logout


    Change the connection profile

    Disclaimer View the disclaimer information

    The download of Java gamapplications may not be su

    on the software of the pho

    Play games

    1. In Menu mode, select Games.

    Synchronise data

    Learn to synchronise the contac

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    2. Select a game from the list and follow the on-screen instructions.

    Launch applications

    1. In Menu mode, select Games an application.

    2. Select More to access a list of various optionsand settings for your application.

    tasks, and memos with the web specified. You can also synchroncalendar events, tasks, and emaExchange server.

    Synchronise data with a w

    To create a synchronisation prof

    1. In Menu mode, select Synch

    2. SelectAdd and specify profi

    3. When you are finished, selec

    To start synchronisation,

    1. In Menu mode, select Synch2. Select a synchronisation prof

    3. Select Continue to start syncweb server you have specifie

    Available games may vary depending on yourregion or service provider. Game controls and

    options may vary.

    Synchronise data with a MicrosoftExchange server

    5. Select an email connection p

    Synchronisation with the Micserver you have specified sta

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    To set a Microsoft Exchange server andsynchronisation profile,

    1. In Menu mode, selectActiveSync.

    2. Specify Microsoft Exchange server settings.

    3. Select Save.

    4. Select and specify an email connection

    profile (if necessary).

    server you have specified sta

    To synchronise all items,

    1. In Menu mode, selectActive

    2. Select Sync.

    To synchronise emails only,

    1. In Menu mode, selectActive

    2. Select Email



    You may only use the Microsoft

    ExchangeActiveSync feature in this phone with aservice that is licensed by MicrosoftCorporation to use Microsoft ExchangeActiveSync.

    You may incur additional chthe server.

    If you synchronise all itemscharges for updating unne

    Use RSS feeds

    Learn to use RSS feeds to get the latest news and

    3. Select a feed category an

    The auto update feature seautomatically update the R

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    information from your favourite websites.

    Add an RSS feed address

    1. In Menu mode, select InternetRSS feeds.

    2. SelectAdd.

    3. Select the address input field.

    4. Enter the address of an RSS feed and selectDoneOK.

    5. Select Subscribe now.

    Update and read RSS feeds

    1. In Menu mode, select Internet

    RSS feeds.2. Select Update a feed UpdateYes.

    View your current posi

    Learn to determine the latitude, laltitude of your current position usatellite system. You must be in the satellite.

    In Menu mode, select Settings GPS settings GPS positio

    automatically update the R

    specified interval. You can update feature by selectingSettingsRSS update Save.

    Update the GPS functionality

    Learn to enhance the GPS functionality by

    Create and view world

    Learn to view the time in another

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    downloading GPS data files. You can improve thespeed and accuracy of positioning capability.

    In Menu mode, select SettingsPhone settingsGPS settingsGPS+ settingsDownload



    world clocks to appear on your d

    Create a world clock

    1. In Menu mode, select World

    2. Select Add.

    3. Select a time zone.

    4. To set daylight saving time, s

    5. SelectAdd to create your woThe world clock is set as the

    6. SelectAdd to add more wor

    You may incur additional charges fordownloading GPS data files. By default, yourphone is set not to download GPS data

    automatically. To download GPS data filesautomatically, activate the auto downloadfeature by selecting GPS+ settingsOnunderAuto download.

    Add a world clock to your display

    With the dual clock widget, you can view clocks withtwo different time zones on your display

    3. Set alarm details.

    4. Select Save.

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    two different time zones on your display.

    After you have created a world clock,

    1. In Menu mode, select World clock.

    2. Select Set as 2nd clock.

    3. Select the world clock you want to add.

    4. Select Set.

    Set and use alarmsLearn to set and control alarms for important events.

    Set a new alarm

    1. In Menu mode, selectAlarms.

    2. Select Create alarm.

    Stop an alarm

    When the alarm sounds,

    Touch and hold Stop to stop

    Touch and hold Snooze to sil

    the snooze period.

    Deactivate an alarm

    1. In Menu mode, selectAlarm

    2. Select Off next to the alarm ydeactivate.

    The auto power-up featureautomatically turn on and sthe designated time if the p

    Use the calculator

    1. In Menu mode, select Calculator.

    Set a countdown timer

    1. In Menu mode, select Timer

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    2. Use the keys that correspond to the calculatordisplay to perform basic mathematicaloperations.

    Convert currencies ormeasurements

    1. In Menu mode, select Convertor a

    conversion type.2. Enter the currencies or measurements and units

    in the appropriate fields.

    2. Set the length of time to cou

    3. Select Start to begin the cou

    4. When the timer expires, selealert.

    Use the stopwatch

    1. In Menu mode, select Stopw

    2. Select Start to begin the sto

    3. Select Lap to record lap time

    4. When you are finished, selec

    5. Select Reset to clear record

    Create new tasks

    1. In Menu mode, select Task.

    Manage your calendar

    Learn to change the calendar vie

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    2. Select Create task.

    3. Enter the details of the task and select Save.

    Create new memos1. In Menu mode, select Memo.

    2. Select Create memo.

    3. Enter your memo text and select Done.


    Change the calendar view

    1. In Menu mode, select Calen

    2. Select MoreView by dayView by month.

    Create events

    1. In Menu mode, select Calen

    2. Select Create an event ty

    3. Enter the details of the event

    4. Select Save.

    View events

    To view events of a specific date,

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    1. In Menu mode, select Calendar.2. Select a date on the calendar.

    3. Select an event to view its details.

    To view events by event types,

    1. In Menu mode, select Calendar.

    2. Select Event list an event type.

    3. Select an event to view its details.


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    If you are having trouble with your mobile phone, try these troubleshooting procedures beforeprofessional.

    When you turn on your phone or while you areusing the phone, it prompts you to enter one ofthe following codes:

    Code Try this to solve the problem:


    When the phone lock feature is enabled,

    you must enter the password you set forthe phone.


    When using the phone for the first time orwhen the PIN requirement is enabled, youmust enter the PIN supplied with the SIMor USIM card. You can disable this featureby using the PIN lock menu.

    PUKYour SIM or USIM cas a result of enterinseveral times. You msupplied by your se

    PIN2When you access aPIN2, you must entewith the SIM or USIMcontact your service

    Code Try this to solve th

    The phone prompts you to insert the SIM card.

    Ensure that the SIM or USIM card is installedcorrectly.

    Another caller cannot reach yo

    Ensure that your phone is turn

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    Your phone displays Service unavailable orNetwork error.

    When you are in areas with weak signals or poor

    reception, you may lose reception. Move toanother area and try again.

    You cannot access some options without asubscription. Contact your service provider for

    more details.You enter a number, but the call is not dialled.

    Ensure that you have pressed the Dial key: [ ].

    Ensure that you have accessed the right cellularnetwork.

    Ensure that you have not set call barring for thephone number.

    Ensure that you have accessenetwork.

    Ensure that you have not set phone number.

    Another caller cannot hear yo Ensure that you are not cover


    Ensure that the microphone is


    If using a headset, ensure thaconnected.

    The phone beeps and the battery icon flashes.

    Your battery is low. Recharge or replace the battery tocontinue using the phone.

    The battery does not charge psometimes the phone turns its

    The battery terminals may be

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    g p

    The audio quality of the call is poor.

    Ensure that you are not blocking the phonesinternal antenna.

    When you are in areas with weak signals or poorreception, you may lose reception. Move toanother area and try again.

    You select a contact to call, but the call is not


    Ensure that the correct number is stored in thecontact list.

    Re-enter and save the number, if necessary.

    y ygold-coloured contacts with aand try charging the battery a

    If the battery will no longer chadispose of the old battery pro

    with a new battery.

    Your phone is hot to the touch

    When you use applications that r

    your phone may heat up.This is normal and should not affelifespan or performance.

    Declaration of Conformity (R&TTE) We hereby declare that [all essential radio teout and that] the above named product is in

  • 8/8/2019 GT-S5620_UM_MEA_Eng_Rev_1.0_100205


    We, Samsung Electronics

    declare under our sole responsibility that the product

    GSM Mobile Phone : GT-S5620

    to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following

    standards and/or other normative documents.

    SAFETY EN 60950- 1 : 2001 +A11:2004

    SAR EN 50360 : 2001

    EN 62209-1 : 2006

    EMC EN 301 489- 01 V1.6.1 (09-2005)

    EN 301 489- 01 V1.8.1 (04-2008)

    EN 301 489- 07 V1.3.1 (11-2005)

    EN 301 489- 17 V1.3.2 (04-2008)

    EN 301 489- 24 V1.4.1 (09-2007)RADIO EN 301 511 V9.0.2 (03-2003)

    EN 300 328 V1.7.1 (10-2006)

    EN 301 908- 1 V3.2.1 (05-2007)

    EN 301 908- 2 V3.2.1 (05-2007)

    essential requirements of Directive 1999/5/E

    The conformity assessment procedure refer

    detailed in Annex[IV] of Directive 1999/5/EC

    involvement of the following Notified Body(ie

    BABT, Forsyth House,

    Churchfield Road,Walton-on-Thames,

    Surrey, KT12 2TD, UK*

    Identification mark: 0168

    The technical documentation kept at :

    Samsung Electronics QA Lab.

    which will be made available upon request.

    (Representative in the EU)

    Samsung Electronics Euro QA Lab.

    Blackbushe Business Park, Saxony Way,

    Yateley, Hampshire, GU46 6GG, UK*

    2010.01.11 Yong

    (place and date of issue) (name and s

    * It is not the address of Samsung Service Centrphone number of Samsung Service Centre, se

    the retailer where you purchased your product.