guadalajara de antaño

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  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


    SITEUR opened a second, east-west route, also

    underground, in 1994. Both the light rail lines and the

    trolleybus system are still going strong in 2003.

    In addition to the books and articles listed below, the

    author is indebted to Foster M. Palmer of Massachusetts

  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


    and Luis Len Torrealba of Mexico City for the invaluable

    information that they provided about urban transportation

    in Guadalajara. Seor Len rode the trams there in the

    1930s and 40s, drew maps of the routes and collectedhistorical data. He was perhaps the first genuine tramway

    enthusiast in Latin America.

    BIBLIOGRAPHY(in order of publication)

    "El Material Rodante y Propulsor para una Va" inMexico

    Moderno (Mxico), 10/1906, p. 46. Announcement of the

    McGuire Cummings contract to build Guadalajara's first

    electric trams.

    "Electric Equipment Ordered in 1906" inElectric Railway

    Review (Chicago), January 1907, lists the trams that

    McGuire Cummings Co. will build for Guadalajara.

    Illustrated articles about Guadalajara trams built by

    Stephenson, Brill and American Car Co. inBrill [orBrill's]

    Magazine of 7/ 1907, 135; 8/1908, 177-181; 9/1910, 264-

    265; and 6/1916, 180-182.

    Directorio del Estado de Jalisco, 1912. Guadalajara

    tramway itineraries, pp. 106-107. An unnumbered page has

    an advertisement by the Agencia de Inhumaciones deAlberto Reneaum for "El Servicio Elctrico de Carros

    Funbres" (electric funeral car service), with an illustration

    of a motorized funeral car.

  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


    Ignacio Saldaa. Plano de la Ciudad de Guadalajara.

    Guadalajara, 1919. Good map of the tramway lines in the

    city center.

    Jos T. Laris. Guadalajara de las Indias. Guadalajara,

    1945. Tramway development, pp. 37-39.

    J. Jesus Martnez Vallejo. 100 Aos de Actividad Social en

    la Fbrica La Experiencia. Guadalajara, 1951. Streetcar

    and bus service to La Experiencia textile mill, pp. 46-49.

    Enrique Francisco Camarena Martnez.Narraciones

    Tapatas, 1900-1950. Guadalajara, 1953. A 4-volume

    collection of newspaper columns. "La Inauguracin de los

    Trenes Elctricos" in vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 47-55, contains

    valuable information, as does a discussion of abandonments

    in vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 218-219.

    "Guadalajara System Opens!" in Trolley Coach News,

    Louisville, no. 38 (Winter 1976-1977), pp. 2, 21-27.Inauguration of the trolleybus system.

    Jos Mara Muria.Historia de Jalisco. Guadalajara, 1982.

    Tramway history in vol. 4, pp. 167-170. Quotes Camarena


    Rodolfo Snchez Gmez.El Transporte Colectivo de

    Pasajeros en la Zona Metropolitana deGuadalajara.Guadalajara, 1983.

    "LRT Developments in Mexico" inMass Transit

    (Washington, DC), June 1989, pp. 16-22. Development of

    the Tren Elctrico Urbano.

  • 7/30/2019 Guadalajara de antao


    Steve Morgan. Excellent series of articles, with photos and

    maps, about the trolleybus system in Trolleybus Magazine

    (England) nos. 173 (9-10/1990), pp. 104-115; 208 (7-

    8/1996), pp. 89-96; and 209 (9-10, 1996), 110-118.

    Francisco Javier Uribe Topete. "Los Transportes de los

    Tapatos" in vol. 1, pp. 107-238, ofCaptulos de Historia

    de la Ciudad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, 1992. Good

    tramway history; "Tranvas Elctricos" section quotes

    Camarena (1953).

    Bernardo Carlos Casas.Estampas de Tlaquepaque.Guadalajara, 1994. Nice photos of an electric tram and of

    the trolleybus inauguration in 1977.

    Sistema de Tren Elctrico Urbano. Official website of the

    light rail system: history, map, photos, etc.

    Tren Ligero. Another site about the light rail system:

    history, photos, better map.

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    Copyright 2003 Allen Morrison - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED