guerrillera/os de la pluma, fall/winter 2012

Fall-Winter 2012 Journal of the Raza Press and Media Association GUERRILLERA/OS DE LA PLUMA Raza Press, Media, and Popular Expression J IN MEMORY OF ERNESTO BUSTILLOS, 1951-2012 J ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE J BY PABLO ACEVES T he votes are in and Obama has gotten an- other term as President of the Empire. What Raza, and all oppressed people have to ask ourselves is what it means underneath what we are told we should be feeling by the US and world media. In 2008, in Reflections of Com- pañero Fidel, el Comandante, said that the elections in the US were essen- tially the contest between the Right and the Ultra-Right. Nowhere has it been more evident that in this colonial US Empire “politi- cal structure” there is no “Left” than in the past four years and in the election of 2012. Four years ago, in the face of George Bush’s eight years of un- masking the ruling class’s open fascist, militarist designs for the world and for the masses of oppressed Raza, Africans, and other Colonized and working class people within cur- rent “US Borders,” the more advanced faction of the ruling class found a way to stop the contradictions of imperialism from boiling over-Barack Obama. Obama has been put forth by “progressives” as the answer to stopping our gente from getting deported, “saving the middle class,” and stopping the war. In fact, over the past four years, Obama has expanded war and se- cret operations/ aggression in Iran and against other countries while he held the strings to the criminal Imperi- alist Invasion of Lybia; deported more Raza than any other presi- dent, and contin- ued the policies that have kept the working class (who have been convinced by this system that they are the middle class-against all logic) unem- ployed, under- employed, and at subsistence. In Obama’s last four years, the neoliberal nightmare Raza Africans, and all oppressed and working class people have experienced has only deepened and gotten sharper. SEE PAGE 6 U.S. ELECTIONS: THE RIGHT VS THE ULTRA RIGHT

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Guerrillera/os de la Pluma, Fall/Winter 2012


Page 1: Guerrillera/os de la Pluma, Fall/Winter 2012

Fall-Winter 2012Journal of the Raza Press and Media Association

GUERRILLERA/OS DE LA PLUMARaza Press, Media, and Popular Expression

J In MeMory of ernesto BustIllos, 1951-2012 J All power to the people J

By PaBlo aceves

The votes are in and Obama has gotten an-other term as President of the Empire. What Raza, and all oppressed people have to ask

ourselves is what it means underneath what we are told we should be feeling by the US and world media. In 2008, in Reflections of Com-pañero Fidel, el Comandante, said that the elections in the US were essen-tially the contest between the Right and the Ultra-Right. Nowhere has it been more evident that in this colonial US Empire “politi-cal structure” there is no “Left” than in the past four years and in the election of 2012. Four years ago, in the face of George Bush’s eight years of un-masking the ruling class’s open fascist, militarist designs for the world and for the masses of oppressed Raza, Africans, and other Colonized and working class people within cur-rent “US Borders,” the more advanced faction of the

ruling class found a way to stop the contradictions of imperialism from boiling over-Barack Obama. Obama has been put forth by “progressives” as the answer to stopping our gente from getting deported, “saving the middle class,” and stopping the war. In fact, over the past four years, Obama has expanded war and se-

cret operations/aggression in Iran and against other countries while he held the strings to the criminal Imperi-alist Invasion of Lybia; deported more Raza than any other presi-dent, and contin-ued the policies that have kept the working class (who have been convinced by this system that they are the middle c l a s s - a g a i n s t all logic) unem-ployed, under-employed, and at subsistence. In Obama’s last

four years, the neoliberal nightmare Raza Africans, and all oppressed and working class people have experienced has only deepened and gotten sharper.

see pAge 6


The righT vs The UlTra righT

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Guerrillera/os de la Pluma Journal of the Raza Press and Media Association

Raza Press, Media, and Popular Expression


Objectives:• Create a MoveMent of Progressive and revolutionary Media Work-eRS

• to establish a raza neWs Wire serviCe.• hold on-going WorkshoPs and ConferenCes to advanCe raza Press, Media, and PoPular exPression.• establish an editorial board to oversee Joint PubliCations.• Pool existing resourCes to assist PubliCations and to establish neW ones.• establishMent of a ColleCtion of PeriodiCals, Past, and Current.

PrinciPles Of Unity :• Must be raza PubliCations/Media Workers Who are indePendent of governMent agenCies.• MeMbers Must suPP ort raza self-deterMination.• Must adhere to deMoCratiCally reaChed deCisions.• Must suPP ort general obJeCtives of the assoCiation.• Must suPP ort the struggles of other indigenous PeoPle, latino aMeriCa-nos (raza), and all oPP ressed PeoPle Within and outside the u.s.

MeMbershiP Privile ges/benefits:• adMission to all rPMa events (ConferenCes, suMM its, etC.)• MeMbershiP Card and rPMa Press Card .• rPMa referenCe (for eMP loyMent, grant PurPoses etC.).• teChniCal assistanCe in Media ProduCtion.

• voiCe in the direCtion of the rPMa.• knoWing that you are fighting for JustiCe, PeaCe, and liberation

strUctUre:• Mesa direCtiva/editorial board Will Consist of a) Coordinator, b) events, C) MeMbershiP, d) PubliCations, and e) MeMber at large.• Mesa Will serve as Coordinating body to insure CoMM uniCation and CoMP letion of tasks.• Mesa Will also serve as editorial board for all rPMa

PUblicatiOns:• standing CoMM ittees Will be established as needed.• Mesa direCtiva Will organize a yearly suMM it or ConferenCe.

Guerrillera/os de la Pluma

EditorLuis H. Moreno

Associate EditorsFrancisco RomeroAntonio Velasquez

ContributorsPablo Aceves

Francisco RomeroTodo Poder Al Pueblo Collective

RPMA Editorial Board

Raza Press and Media Association

Editorial Board2011-2012

ernesto Bustillos1951-2012

Pablo AcevesFrancisco RomeroAntonio Velasquez

Luis H. Moreno

raza Press, Media, and PoPular exPression

estimados Compañeros y Compañeras

see pAge 9

as Guerrilleros de la Plu-ma goes to press, we find ourselves at the end

of another year and with 2013 upon us with the challenges of the times we live in and the need, now more than ever to build an indepen-dent Raza Press that can report and interpret our day to day real-ity. But reporting and interpreting are not enough-Raza journalism is a key compo-nent of the over-all struggle of our gente for Libera-tion and Self-De-termination. The Raza Press and Media Association and the Movimiento as a whole suf-fered a tremendous blow when we lost Camarada, Chairman of Union del Barrio and Revolutionary Giant Ernesto Bustillos in March of 2012. The compañero’s passing leaves us with the tremendous task of carrying on his work to raise con-

ciencia and continue the struggle for liberation. It is noteworthy that despite an illness that could have sidelined many, Ernesto Bustillos continued to write, speak, and or-ganize right up to the time of his

death. A famous and hauntingly relevant passage that he wrote “we must work, strug-gle, write, and organize until we drop dead!” His legacy of com-mitment is some-thing worthy of emulation by all of us, and we at the Raza Press and Media Asso-ciation will strug-gle every day to fulfill this massive mandate. The mandate Camarada Bustil-

los left us with is especially impor-tant today. At the close of 2012 and into 2013 and beyond, we see a world where violence against Raza and other oppressed people is the desensitizing norm. We see a

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Fall-Winter 2012

Victims of police violence, including the families of Officer-In-volved Homicide victims, stood at the forefront of the march making the October 22nd action a claimed victory for our community. The march was strong, displaying unity and discipline. Despite treacher-ous claims and rumors spread by

anonymous residents that orga-nizers were inciting “violence” and calling for a “riot” the protest was peaceful throughout. Outside of the Oxnard Po-lice Department (OPD) headquar-ters, youth used chalk to outline bodies representing the victims of Officer-Committed Homicide and drew messages denouncing police see next pAge

By Todo Poder al PueBlo collecTive

October 22, 2012 marked the 17th Annual “National Day of Action to Stop Po-

lice Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation”. Over 25 different cities participat-ed in this year’s call to action—from New York to Chicago and Texas to California. 2012 marks the first year that the com-munity of Oxnard has participated in this mobilization, mark-ing it with a historic, energetic, non-per-mitted march num-bering nearly 1,000 protestors. Outraged youth, grandmothers, parents, and workers took to the streets in light of three recent officer-involved homi-cides and the beating and murder of Rob-ert Ramirez. On that evening, the major streets and boulevards of Colonia and the Downtown Business Dis-trict were taken over by our cries for justice and the community’s power resounded throughout the city:

No JusTice, No Peace – Killer coPs oFF our


“No Justice, No Peace”: The PeOPle Of OxNard CONTiNUe TO

gaTher sTreNgTh iN The fighT agaiNsT POliCe BrUTaliTy

brutality. Most of these messages were written in front of the OPD building while some youth sponta-neously wrote their messages on other surfaces. This was followed by an absurd attempt by the Ox-nard Police to smear our march by claiming that this constituted “van-dalism” which would be investigat-

ed and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Accord-ing to the OPD’s perverse notions of “justice”, officers are free to kill the innocent and spray densely populated neighborhoods of families with high-caliber gunfire—and as a result are commended with paid vacation or “administrative leave”—while jay-walking and writing on the pavement with sidewalk chalk somehow consti-tute serious crimes. However, while

chalk can easily be washed away with water, the spilled blood of the victims doesn’t evaporate—it sinks deep into our streets and becomes embedded into the memory and consciousness of our community. The Todo Poder al Pueblo Collective did not initiate our com-munity’s campaign against police

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Guerrillera/os de la Pluma Journal of the Raza Press and Media Association

Raza Press, Media, and Popular Expression

brutality. This campaign was, in fact, initiated by the City of Oxnard (local government) and the police depart-ment. Our campaign is a rejection of continued humiliation by OPD and a response to every incident of harass-ment, every casual act of disrespect, every unjust incarceration, and every act of routine abuse by the police. Time and time again, local residents have asked the Oxnard City Council to address this ongoing crisis yet have been greeted with pathetic “responses” that are simply efforts to dodge responsibility and shift the blame. Displaying complete disregard of the community, the council has continuously failed to make any attempt to eliminate the pattern of police abuse that has plagued working-class neighborhoods on a daily basis. Instead, the City Council has shown complete bias in favor of criminalizing our youth, unconditionally sanctioning police misconduct and showing total apathy towards our pleas for justice. Our community doesn’t need any more empty gestures or the constant repetition of sweet-sounding phrases like “community policing”. It has long been apparent that this is the type of language that’s only meant to confuse public opinion. However, these forms of transparent deception can’t hide these clear points:

1) The OPD and City Council are being held in the pocket of the developers and the city’s elite like a set of keys, and they’ve proven themselves incapable of serving the interests of local residents;

2) The OPD, from its top leadership down to its street-level officers, has a sub-standard level of profes-sionalism and a culture of total negligence in community matters; and

3) The OPD’s pseudo-military style of policing has led to its infamous reputation as a brutal and highly distrusted agency with little credibility in working-class neighborhoods.

Our community’s desires are simple—we want brutal cops in particular to be held fully accountable to our community’s basic standards of justice, and we demand that all police officers in general abide by our community’s minimal expectations of dignified treatment and respect. The people of Oxnard urgently demand the FULL prosecution of brutal and corrupt cops, not paid vaca-tion or “administrative leave”. We urge the city to fire guilty officers and not simply release them in a way that allows them to do harm in other communities. Chief Jeri Williams, who inherited this dysfunctional police force a couple of years ago, must resign. If she isn’t willing, or able, to root out the culture of brutality in the OPD, it’s the only honorable thing left for her to do. Our community requires the establishment of an independent community oversight mechanism with the power to punish officers who are guilty of crimes against the people. Most importantly, we need to build a culture of resistance among the people of Oxnard. Unless we continue fighting every day, Robert Ramírez, Michael Mahoney, Alfonso Limón and José Zepeda will merely be statis-tics. The Todo Poder al Pueblo Collective’s only goal is peace; this is what makes life worth living—just ask the families of the victims! Without peace, our communities become gripped by anxiety and they decompose and deteriorate. However, peace and calm aren’t possible when we’re facing direct aggression, injustice, and the trauma of stolen lives. It would be foolish to confuse “peace” with state-sanctioned repression and pacifica-tion by the OPD. Thus, despite recent threats from the Oxnard Police Department to arrest organizers who continue to fight against police brutality, our belief is that the only true power lies in the people standing strong against all forms of aggression or humiliation. J

froM pAge 3

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Fall-Winter 2012

it is with great pride that the Raza Press and Media Asso-ciation endorses Ron Gochez,

educator, activist, and candidate for the 9th District Council Seat of Los Angeles. Mr. Gochez is someone who refreshingly is a part of the community and will al-ways put the community first. The Raza Press and Me-dia Association for years has considered the electoral process as a farce aimed at manipulating our community. Politicians make promises and at best, talk about band-aid solutions to the funda-mental problems our Raza work-ing class and other oppressed communities face. Mr. Gochez has led a unique campaign be-cause he not only has spoken in behalf of his electoral district’s in-terests, of which he is part as sec-ondary school teacher and social activist, but also in behalf of the interests of the vast majority of Los Angeles’ working class. Mr. Gochez knows the challenges be-cause he has been an integral part of the struggle to give a better life and human dignity to those work-ers that actually make Los Angeles function. He, better than anyone running for this district can repre-sent the aspirations and demands of the true working community of Angelenos. Ron Gochez has lived the struggle, and has fearlessly been at the forefront of confronting ICE

Raids, police checkpoints, and in-stitutional racism in schools. He has fought for the demands of workers and against the grind-

ing poverty that his constituents face. Nowhere can it better be evidenced that Ron Gochez is a different kind of candidate than in his recent arrest at LAX Airport for marching in unity and support with Airport Workers struggling for their right to live in dignity. Their struggle that Mr. Gochez sees as his own, illustrates that he is com-mitted to social justice and to the working families that make Los An-

geles run. He has been the only candidate voicing the problems no other candidate wants to discuss, which is to go beyond blaming the victim for her/his situation in life. With Mr. Gochez the community will finally have a voice if elected. Most important, as a Raza Press and Media Association that sees the raising of consciousness as the most important thing that should be first in organizing Raza and other oppressed people, the candidacy of Mr. Gochez is doing just that - raising the conscious-ness and changing the framework of the discussion. His candidacy has brought into the public eye the most pressing questions fac-ing the people of District 9 and we can hope that his success will change the political landscape forever by this historic candidacy. The community mobilization by his campaign ranks with those of La Raza Unida Party in Los An-geles and San Fernando in the 1970s. As in those campaigns, it

proclaims that the original people that comprise the majority of the working class of Los Angeles will never be silenced; that the funda-mental issues of human and dem-ocratic rights and economic and social justice will never again be pushed aside. J

Vote for ron Gochez for Los AnGe-Les city counciL District 9 - MArch


rON gOChez fOr lOs aNgeles CiTy

COUNCil disTriCT 9

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Guerrillera/os de la Pluma Journal of the Raza Press and Media Association

Raza Press, Media, and Popular Expression

Even his “Obamacare” that some ultra right openly racist white hill-billies hate has been nothing more than a way for insurance compa-nies to get paid and make sure they are paid well. The fact is that Obama’s first term was marked by him looking very progressive and “welcoming” but enforcing more efficiently and more ruthlessly all the policies Bush put forth in a very primitive fashion. We could say Obama represented Bush without the cognitive disabilities. Our com-munity has only to look at the massive deportations and the militarization of the Border, the “Fast and Furious” campaign to send arms to Mexico to keep the “narco war” going and jus-tify US aggression and intervention. We also see the at-tacks on Venezu-ela, Cuba, Bolivia and other independent processes in Latin America right with ex hip-pie turned fascist repressive pig Hillary Rodham Clinton saying that Countries in Latin America better “think twice” before befriending Iran and other nakedly colonialist, insulting pronouncements to see that the idea that Obama ever was fighting for us is a falacy. Obama has conitinued the militarization of our communities and has deported more Raza than any US President before him. His position towards our community is oddly like that of Clinton, the “cool and hip” president who militarized the border as never before, made it an actual “felony” to

cross the imposed border “illegally” and presided over the mass incar-ceration of Raza and African Amer-icans. Clinton, like Obama, sought to ram continued “free trade” poli-cies down the throat of Latin Amer-ica while militarizing the border to keep the “slaves” under control.Things are worse than ever and the trends of militarization Bush set have become more sophisticated. So why are the “progressives” and vendidos hailing his victory as a win for our community?

a MaTerial iNTeresT We have to understand that many so-called progressives, from Democratic Party Lobbyists, to foundation and Non-Profits and Non-Governmental “Organiza-tions” as well as the networks of sellouts, oppressed communities have, base their support of Obama, and any other of the Democratic Party puppets not on the idea that they are truly for the people, but on their material conditions. In short, to question a system where the political debate is not whether im-perialism is good or bad, but how to best or most “smartly” impose it within and outside of the current

“US Borders” is to risk a the actual or aspired privilege that a sector of our community seeks-and whether it is at the expense of the mass-es, that is no problem for them. The true struggle is not to debate whether this is so, but to engage our community in this dialogue and to expose the agendas of the ven-didos. We must understand that the neocoloinal sector does not want us to have an authentic discussion about the future of our Raza on this continent. This is where we see the

role of the “Hispan-ic” and the “Liberal Left” media puts to us the hysterical need to register, vote and shut up and to put our faith in the system and to obey the “law of the land” even if it means our own destruction. This is the false consciousness we have been given by our so-called

“spokespersons.” In fact, this past election was the latest round of a mass hyste-ria provoked by the system and its stooges to get us to divert from any meaningful struggle. In 2004, we were told that we had to “get out the vote” for John Kerry if we want-ed to end the US War of Aggres-sion against the Iraqi and Afghan people and stop the deportations, raids, and militarization of our com-munity. Kerry had said nothing that would indicate that he would do anything at all different from Bush-except make better use of deport-ing and use France to put troops on the ground in the Middle East to

froM pAge 1

“We have to unmask, expose and drive these vendidos out of the debate and have a real

discussion not on which stooge of capitalism party to support, but of how to build a movement that can defend our gente and

struggle to overturn this

see next pAge

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Fall-Winter 2012

do their “fair share” of the slaugh-tering. In 2006, our gente’s righ-teous anger against the HR-4437 Sensenbrenner Bill and other racist measures in the House and Sen-ate were diverted into white shirt-wearing U.S. flag-waving begging festivals where the message went from “Somos Un Pueblo Sin Fron-teras” to “Please let us stay.” In 2008, we were told that “hope and change” were on the horizon and that if we wanted an end to wars and deportations, we should put our faith in Obama and the Democratic Party. Four years after, the same el-ements continue to sell this bill of goods to our peo-ple-the despera-tion that one wrong vote will plunge us into the misery we are already living. We have to un-mask, expose and drive these vendi-dos out of the de-bate and have a real discussion, not on which stooge of capitalism party to support, but of how to build a movement that can defend our gente and struggle to overturn this system. oBaMa: MaKiNg War cool, HiP, aNd Progressive It is especially amazing to see how “progressive” sectors of the US have done an about face from protesting the Bush War, to going silent on Obama aggression in Afghanistan, brutal attacks on Libya, intervention in Latin America, attacks on Iran, and recent support of Israeli Zionist Settler atrocities in Gaza. Suddenly, no one wants

to call the question on the tor-ture chambers at Guantanamo, a promise of Obama in his campaign in 2008 that has not even come close to being fulfilled. In fact, it’s not even on the table or anywhere to be seen or heard. What’s more, at a time when Raza, Africans and the working class are dying in re-cord numbers in the US War Ma-chine, the “support our troops” rhetoric is stronger than ever with no real opposition, because we want to “give Obama a chance to

change things.” This “strategy and tactic” comes at a cost of not rais-ing consciousness in our commu-nity and to political consciousness being in a vendido-induced coma. The role of true activists, of revolu-tionaries, and of true Raza and Left Journalists is to continue to expose this sham and raise the conscious-ness and to break this fog. iNcarceraTioN aNd dePor-TaTioN If we look at what is really going on around us, not what the “liberals” and vendidos would have us believe, the pace of deporta-tions, the lockup of Raza youth-as well as Africans, and the general-

ized repression and fascist mea-sures oppressed and colonized people face have not diminished but accelerated. For the first time in decades, the “undocumented” population has been steadily de-creasing, a trend begun in the Bush administration and accelerat-ing under Obama. Put that togeth-er with a reality that many Raza who don’t have papers are part of families with mixed status and you have whole families leaving homes and communities-literally picking

up and vanishing, some voluntarily due to the threat of state spon-sored repression hanging over their heads. Furthermore, in a move of op-pressor genius, Obama has not only given lip ser-vice to the Dream Act-which allows a sector of young Raza without pa-

pers to possibly stay in the US if they fight for the US War Machine, among other possible require-ments, but now has given us a new measure called Deferred Action, which promises that there “might” be a chance of not being deported to this young, undocumented pop-ulation. All you have to do is basi-cally throw yourself at the mercy of the US government and “come out of the shadows” (and let’s be honest, no one knows if “out of the shadows” doesnt’ mean “and right onto a Wackenhut Bus headed to the US-Mexico Border”). This ef-fectively paralyzes a sector of our youth from taking militant action

see next pAge

“The role of raza journalists must be to expose the

vendidos, and their material relationship to our continued

confusion, to pull the mask off the democratic Party and to let

our gente know that there is no hope in the

two-party system.”

froM pAge 6

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Guerrillera/os de la Pluma Journal of the Raza Press and Media Association

Raza Press, Media, and Popular Expression

and demanding their basic human and democratic rights because they are busy “proving” to the oppressor what “good citizens” they will be. Who know if this will ultimately lead to the development of a future sector of vendidos which in a few years might be sitting behind some desk telling us “su voto es su voz” or even locking us up. This is the long-term investment in perpetuating Imperialism that Obama is much more visionary about than his Republican opponents. roMNey rePreseNTs THe MosT PriMiTive secTor oF caPiTalisM aNd WHiTe PoWer The candidacy of Obama’s opponent, Mormon Mitt Romney represented the counterattacks of the most primitive, nakedly reactionary and racist sector of the ruling class. But this was a debate over tactics, not strategy. The “grassroots conservative Movements’ created by the media that mobilized outright Neonazis, “Christians” and other reactionary sectors of the White population. This showed the desperation by the white “worker” to make sense of a world where they are losing even the illusion of white privilege-not because, as they are told, Raza and “people on welfare” are taking their jobs, but because over Martinis people like Rom-ney have decided that they are expendable, that their low skill over paid jobs can go to other countries, that they can live like the rest of the world. The ruling class knows that the first instincts of these spoiled children of imperialism will be to defend their inflated standard of living, their “guns” and their “God-Given right as white men and women” to live better than everyone else. As capitalism continues to decay and decline, these set-tlers and their guns are the only thing standing between the ruling class and the masses of the people of the world. What is most interesting is that Obama is trying to save capitalism by the measures he is employing and has shown that he can be an imperialist just as bloodthirsty as any of his predecessors. The problem is that whether he wants to acknowledge it or not, his skin color is something a large sector of the white settler population can’t accept because it goes against the whole history of White Power in the Occupied Americas. These reactionary forces don’t understand that Obama was re-elected and put forth by the most advanced sectors of the system to “tapar el sol con un dedo” and convince us that White Power is no more. THe role oF our MoveMeNT iN geNeral aNd raza JourNalisM iN ParTicular The role of a true liberation movement is to, defend our gente from the attacks we continue to suffer in prisons, in the streets at the hands of police migra, ICE and a White Racists. Our posture can’t be “Obama, get to the bottom of this and save us,” or “please let us stay, we’re good immigrants.” Our stance has to be to expose that Obama is part of the problem, every bit as much as the Republicans, and that we are not begging, we are demanding, organizing and struggling for justice on our own land. The role of Raza journalists must be to expose the vendidos and their material relationship to our con-tinued confusion, to pull the mask off the Democratic Party and to let our gente know that there is no hope in the two-party system. We must be catalysts for dialogue on how we can build a new movement for our own liberation. J Ni deMocraTas Ni rePuBlicaNos! Todo el Poder al PueBlo y el PueBlo al Poder!

froM pAge 7

Join the RPMA! noW!

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Fall-Winter 2012

world where war is something not only do we not protest, but give the ok to. Our youth are pushed both into the Prison and Military-Industrial Complex. A sector of them are given the “hope” of Deferred Action and the Dream Act to immobilize their organizing potential against their oppressor while others are served with court-ordered Gang Injunctions to stop them from moving freely in their own neighborhoods. This is topped off by a Two Party System where Democrats and Republicans look more like each other every day and where even with a “new President” that is supposedly a “liberal” there are more wars than ever and more Raza deported than ever. As we look at the response to the conditions of our gente, we see that there are more “Hispanic elected officials” than at any time previously. There have been, over the past 5+ years more “immigrant rights” march-es and mobilizations than ever, and probably with more participants than ever. There are more “Spanish-Speaking” news media outlets than ever reporting these and other happenings. Why is it then that we find ourselves under the most oppressive conditions argu- ably in our his-tory? Why is it that there is more anti-Mexican anti-Raza propaganda even in the mainstream media than ever? The answer is that we do not have independent power. The media we have mentioned earlier reports the news the System tells it to and the way the corpora- tions tell them to-even if it is in Span- ish. The “elected officials and com- munity leaders” are those deemed acceptable who will not challenge the essence of a system built on stolen land and labor. The marches and mobilizations more than ever are to defend rights without raising consciousness. This is why the building and maintaining of an Independent Raza Press is more important than ever. Since the Raza Press and Media Association’s re-establishment (as the Chicano Press Association) in 1990, we have worked to unite independent Raza Journalists and publications and create a Raza News Service that can report the true news of our gente. We are convinced that one of the keys to our liberation and a fundamental change in our reality will be conciencia and that an independent Raza Press that can sum up these questions and report the news from a perspective of the masses, not the corporations and the capitalist/colonial system will be essential. It is with this in mind that we call on all Raza Journalists and aspiring Raza Journalists who want to make a difference to join and contribute to the Raza Press and Media Association and to contribute to Guerrillera/os de la Pluma. We further ask all who are interested to like our RPMA page on Facebook, and to visit our website: We need to stop being “individuals activ-ists and journalists” and must join and organized effort to build an independent Raza Press and Media and struggle for liberation and self-determination. J Por uNa PreNsa coMProMeTida al PueBlo PaBlo acevesiNTeriM suB-coordiNaTor, raza Press aNd Media associaTioN

“wE mUST wOrk, STrUggLE, wrITE,

aNd OrgaNIzE UNTIL wE drOp dEad!”


froM pAge 2

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Guerrillera/os de la Pluma Journal of the Raza Press and Media Association

Raza Press, Media, and Popular Expression

RPMA Reading List

The STruggle in Black and Brown: african

american and mexican american relaTionS

during The civil righTS era

By Brian D. Behnken


manufacTuring conSenT:

The PoliTical economy of The maSS media

By eDwarD S. herman anD noam ChomSky


The hidden 1970s: hisTories of radicalism

By Dan Berger


BlowouT!: Sal caSTro and The chicano STrug-

gle for educaTional JuSTice

By mario T. garCia


STaTeS of delinquency: race and Science in The making of california’S

Juvenile JuSTice SySTem

By miroSlavaChávez-garCía


The making of chicana/o STudieS: in The TrencheS

of academe

By roDolfo aCuna


chicano STudenTS and The courTS: The mexican american legal STrug-

gle for educaTional equaliTy

By riCharD valenCia


raciSm on Trial: The chicano fighT for


By ian haney lópez


quixoTe’S SoldierS: a local hiSTory of The chicano movemenT,


By DaviD monTejano


migra!: a hiSTory of The u.S. Border


By kelly lyTle hernanDez

“We must combat liberalism, individualism, parochialism, and uphold collectivism, accountability, and personal sacrifice. We can’t let those who live off our movement, off the hook, no matter if

they are our friends.”- eRNeSTO BUSTILLOS

Page 11: Guerrillera/os de la Pluma, Fall/Winter 2012

Raza PRess and Media association

P.o. Box 620095san diego, ca 92162

Website: • e-Mail: [email protected]

sTaTemeNT Of PUrPOse:The Raza Press and Media Association is the only national group of progressive journalists working towards winning justice, peace, and freedom for all Mexicano-Latinos (Raza). We meet on a regular basis, have an organiza-tional structure, principles of unity, objectives, and we consistently published journal, Guer-rilleros de La Pluma.

In response to the continuing and growing as-saults on the right to information and freedom of expression, especially as it relates to Raza and other oppressed nationalities and peoples within the current borders of the United States, the Raza Press Association (formerly known as the Chicano Press Association) is making another call on Raza (students, journalists, community activists, and academicians) ac-tive in the field of media (journalism, radio, TV, popular art, spoken word, computer infor-mation, etc.) to submit articles related to the question of The Role of Raza Press, Media, And Popular Expression In Our Struggle For Democracy, Justice, And Self-determination.The articles must address the historical/cur-

a Call for articles On raza Press, media, and Popular expression for The Upcoming issue...

rent onslaught on progressive and alternative thought. We see this fascist-racist attack com-ing down both “within the belly of the beast” from FBI, Police, Mainstream Media, Christian Right, Vendidos, etc., and externally from the CIA, Military Industrial Complex, Global Capital-ism, and so forth.

A major objective of these attacks on progres-sive thought is a conscious racist-capitalist ef-fort to eliminate all programs which were initially developed for the purpose of advancing the educational and cultural development of the Raza community; for example: Chicano Stud-ies, Ethnic Studies, Progressive Publications and Programs at Colleges and Universities, Raza Cultural Celebrations at elementary and high schools, Centro Culturales, and Bilingual/Multicultural Education.

Selected articles will be published in the Guer-rilleros de la Pluma. Issues of Guerrilleros de La Pluma are distributed widely. Copies are circulated at political actions, colleges, librar-ies, and conferences; they are mailed Raza prisoners and a subscribers list; the journal is

also posted online (Internet). Literally thou-sands of people read the journal.

CriTeria fOr arTiCles:(1) articles must be between 3 and 5 pages (no longer please), typed and doubled space (Fonts 10 or 12 points). If you submit a re-search type working paper, when quoting, or referring to data, use footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography for documentation pur-poses. Writing styles that could be use are the following; Chicago, APA, and MLA. (2) send your articles via e-mail ([email protected]) or on a floppy disk/CD (i.e. MS Words, etc.) to the following ad-dress:

raza Press aNd media assOCiaTiON

aTTN: gUerrillerOs de la PlUma

P.O. BOx 620095saN diegO, Ca 92162
