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  • 8/13/2019 Guia Referencia Rapida Garmin 530


    GNS 530(A)Quick Reference

  • 8/13/2019 Guia Referencia Rapida Garmin 530


    GNS 530(A) Quick Reference


    2 190-00181-01 Rev. G








    14 15 16 17 18







    LEFT-HAND KEYS AND KNOBS(1) COM Flip-op Key Swaps the active and standbyCOM frequencies. Press and hold to select emergencychannel (121.500 MHz).(2) COM Power/Volume Knob Controls unit powerand communications radio volume. Press momentarily todisable automatic squelch control.(3) VLOC Flip-op Key Used to swap the active andstandby VLOC frequencies (i.e., make the selected standbyfrequency active).(4) VLOC Volume Knob Controls audio volume forthe selected VOR/Localizer frequency. Press momentarilyto enable/disable the ident tone.(5) Small Left Knob (COM/VLOC) Used to tunethe kilohertz (kHz) value of the standby frequency forthe communications transceiver (COM) or the VLOCreceiver, whichever is currently selected by the tuning

    cursor. Press this knob momentarily to toggle the tuningcursor between the COM and VLOC frequency elds.

    (6) Large Left Knob (COM/VLOC) Used to tune the

    megahertz (MHz) value of the standby frequency for thecommunications transceiver (COM) or the VLOC receiver,whichever is currently selected by the tuning cursor.

    RIGHT-HAND KEYS AND KNOBS(7) RNG Key Allows the pilot to select the desired maprange. Use the up arrow to zoom out to a larger area, orthe down arrow to zoom in to a smaller area.

    (8) Direct-to Key Provides access to the direct-tofunction, which allows the pilot to enter a destinationwaypoint and establishes a direct course to the selecteddestination.(9) MENU Key Displays a context-sensitive list ofoptions. This options list allows the pilot to accessadditional features or make settings changes which relateto the currently displayed page.(10) CLR Key Used to erase information, remove mapdetail, or to cancel an entry. Press and hold theCLR Keyto immediately display the Default NAV Page.

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    GNS 530(A) Quick Reference


    3190-00181-01 Rev. G

    (11) ENT Key Used to approve an operation or completedata entry. It is also used to conrm information duringpower on.(12) Small Right Knob Used to select pages withinthe page groups. Press this knob momentarily to displaythe on-screen cursor. The cursor allows the pilot to enterdata and/or make a selection from a list of options. Whenentering data, the smallright knob is used to select thedesired letter or number and the largeright knob is used

    to move to the next character space. The smallright knobis also used to move the target pointer up (turn clockwise)or down (counterclockwise) when the map panningfunction is active.(13) Large Right knob Used to select page groups:NAV, WPT, AUX, or NRST. With the on-screen cursorenabled, the largeright knob allows the pilot to movethe cursor about the page. The largeright knob is alsoused to move the target pointer right (turn clockwise) orleft (counterclockwise) when the map panning functionis active.

    BOTTOM ROW KEYS(14) CDI Key Used to toggle which navigation source(GPS or VLOC) provides output to an external HSI orCDI.(15) OBS Key Used to select manual or automaticsequencing of waypoints. Pressing theOBS Key selectsOBS mode, which retains the current active to waypointas the navigation reference even after passing the waypoint(i.e., prevents sequencing to the next waypoint). Pressingthe OBS Key again returns the unit to normal operation,with automatic sequencing of waypoints. When OBSmode is selected, the pilot may set the desired courseto/from a waypoint using the Select OBS Course pop-upwindow, or an external OBS selector on the HSI or CDI.

    (16) MSG Key Used to view system messages and toalert the pilot to important warnings and requirements.(17) FPL Key Allows the pilot to create, edit, activate,and invert ight plans, as well as access approaches,departures, and arrivals. A closest point to ight planfeature is also available from theFPL Key. See pages 17and 18 for more information on ight plans.(18) VNAV (Vertical Navigation) Key Allows thepilot to create a three-dimensional prole which provides

    guidance to a nal (target) altitude at a specied location.(19) PROC Key Allows the pilot to select and removeapproaches, departures, and arrivals from the ight plan. When using a ight plan, available procedures for thedeparture and/or arrival airport are offered automatically.Otherwise, the pilot may select the desired airport, thenthe desired procedure.

    Powering on the GNS 530

    1) Turn theCOM Power/Volume Knob clockwiseto turn the unit power on and set the desiredradio volume.

    2) A welcome page appears briey while the unitperforms a self test, followed sequentially by theUnit Type Page and the Software Version Page.Then (depending on conguration) the WeatherPage, the Trafc Page, the Aviation DatabasePage, and the Land/Terrain/Obstacles DatabasePage are sequentially displayed.

    3) Once the self-test concludes, the DatabaseVersions Page appears which shows the currentdatabase information on the NavData Cardand Terrain Data Cards. Press theENT Keyto acknowledge the Database Versions Pageand proceed to the Instrument Panel Self-testPage.

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    GNS 530(A) Quick Reference


    4 190-00181-01 Rev. G

    4) The Instrument Panel Self-test Page allows thepilot to verify that the GNS 530 is communicatingproperly with in-panel instruments. Compareon-screen indications with the informationdepicted on connected instruments, such as theCDI, HSI, RMI, and/or external annunciators.

    5) After verifying proper operation, press theENT Key to display the Satellite Status Page.

    DISPLAY LAYOUT (WINDOWS)The GNS 530s display is divided into four separate

    windows (or display areas). The left side of the displayprovides a COM Window (top two lines) and a VLOCwindow (by default with VOR ident/radial, but selectablefor other data). The right side of the display consistsof a GPS Window, which shows the various navigation,waypoint information and settings pages. The bottom ofthe display is used for annunciators.

    COM Window GPS Window

    VLOC Window

    Active FrequencyStandby Frequency

    VLOC Ident Window(user-selectable; can

    also display trafc orother data)

    Each unique screen of information is referred to asa page. Pages are typically selected using the small andlargeright knobs, with the cursor removed from the GPS Window. See pages 6 and 7 for details on arrangement ofthe GNS 530s main pages.

    CURSORSThere are two separate cursors: a tuning cursor and a

    GPS window cursor. The tuning cursor is used to selectthe standby COM or VLOC frequency. Press the smallleft knob to move the tuning cursor to VLOC Window. Then,use the small and largeleft knobs to select the desiredfrequency. TheCOM Flip-opand VLOC Flip-op

    keys are used to activate the selected frequency. Use thelargeright knob to move the GPS window cursor aroundthe page.

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    5190-00181-01 Rev. G

    Selecting a frequency:1) If the tuning cursor is not currently in the

    desired window (COM or VLOC), press thesmallleft knob momentarily.

    2) Turn the largeleft knob to select the desiredmegahertz (MHz) value. For example, the 117portion of the frequency 117.70.

    3) Turn the smallleft knob to select the desiredkilohertz (kHz) value. For example, the .70portion of the frequency 117.70.

    4) To activate the selected frequency, press theCOM Flip-op Key for COM frequencies, or the

    VLOC Flip-op Key for VLOC frequencies.

    Quickly tuning and activating the 121.500Emergency Channel Press and hold theCOM Flip-op Key for

    approximately two seconds.

    DATA ENTRYData is entered in the GPS Window using the large and

    smallright knobs. The largeright knob is used to movethe cursor about the page. The smallright knob is usedto select individual characters for the highlighted cursorlocation. For example, to change the N in the followingillustration to a different character, turn the smallright knob.

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    6 190-00181-01 Rev. G

    MAIN PAGE GROUPSThe GNS 530s main pages are divided into four separate

    page groups: NAV, WPT, AUX, and NRST. Each pagegroup is comprised of multiple pages. The page groups areselected using the large right knob. The individual pages are selected using the small right knob.

    Page GroupsNAV Group WPT Group AUX Group NRST Group

    5 NAV Pages 10 WPT Pages 3 AUX Pages 8 NRST Pages

    Current Page Group Number of Pages inCurrent Page Group

    Position of Current Pagewithin Current Page Group

    The bottom of the display indicates which page groupis currently being displayed (e.g., NAV, WPT, AUX, orNRST), the number of pages available within that group(indicated by the square icons), and the placement of thecurrent page within that group (indicated by a highlightedsquare icon).

    Selecting the desired page group and page:1) Press and hold theCLR Key to select the

    Default NAV Page.2) Turn the largeright knob to select the desired

    Page Group.3) Turn the smallright knob to select the desired


    NAV PAGE GROUPThe NAV Page Group includes ve pages (if congured

    with TAWS or TERRAIN).

    Default NAV Map TAWS or TERRAIN

    NAV/COM Satellite Status

    NOTE: Six or seven NAV pages are available whenthe GNS 530 installation includes connection totrafc and/or weather information sources.

    WPT PAGE GROUPThe WPT Page Group includes ten pages.

    Airport Location Airport Runway Airport Frequency Airport Approach

    Airport Arrival Airport Departure Intersection NDB

    VOR User Waypoint

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    GNS 530(A) Quick Reference


    7190-00181-01 Rev. G

    AUX PAGE GROUPThe AUX Page Group includes three pages.

    Flight Planning Utility Setup

    NOTE: The AUX Page Group may have four AUXpages available when the GNS 530 installationincludes connection to a weather informationsource.

    NRST PAGE GROUPThe NRST Page Group includes eight pages.

    NRST AirportNRST Intersection NRST NDB NRST VOR

    NRST User NRST ARTCC NRST Flight Service NRST Airspace

    NOTE: The ight plan pages are selected bypressing theFPL Key and using the smallrightknob to select the desired page.

    NOTE: The vertical navigation and procedurespages are selected by pressing theVNAV andPROC keys.

    Selecting a direct-to destination:1) Press theDirect-to Key. The Select Direct-to

    Waypoint Page appears, with the waypointidentier eld highlighted.

    2) Use the small and largeright knobs toenter the identier of the desired destinationwaypoint.

    3) Press theENT Key to conrm the selectedwaypoint, and press theENTKey again toactivate the direct-to function.

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    8 190-00181-01 Rev. G

    Selecting a direct-to destination from theMap Page:1) Select the Map Page from the NAV Page

    Group.2) Press the smallright knob to display a panning

    pointer.3) Turn the small and largeright knobs to place

    the panning pointer at the desired destinationlocation.

    4) If the panning pointer is placed on an existingairport, NAVAID, or user waypoint, the waypointname is highlighted. Press theDirect-to Keyand the ENT Key twice to navigate to thewaypoint.

    5) If the panning pointer is placed on an openlocation, press theDirect-to Key then presstheENT Key twice to create a +MAP waypointand navigate to it.

    Selecting a direct-to destination by facilityname or city:1) Press theDirect-to Key. The Select Direct-to

    Waypoint Page appears, with the waypointidentier eld highlighted.

    2) Turn the largeright knob to highlight thefacility name (second line) or the city (thirdline) eld.

    3) Use the small and largeright knobs to enterthe facility name or city location of the desireddestination waypoint. When spelling thefacility name or city, the GNS 530s SpellNFindfeature selects the rst entry in the databasebased upon the characters the pilot has enteredup to that point.

    4) Continue turning the smallright knob to scrollthrough any additional database listings for theselected facility name or city. If needed, usethe smallright knob to scroll backwards.

    5) Press theENT Key to conrm the selectedwaypoint, and press theENT Key again toactivate the direct-to function.

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    Selecting a nearby airport or a ight plan

    waypoint as a direct-to destination:1) Press theDirect-to Key.2) Turn the largeright knob to highlight the

    nearest airport (NRST) or ight plan (FPL)eld.

    3) Turn the smallright knob to display a windowlisting nearby airports or all waypoints in theactive ight plan.

    4) Continue turning the smallright knob toscroll through the list and highlight the desiredairport.

    5) Press theENT Key to conrm the selectedwaypoint, and press theENT Key again toactivate the direct-to function.

    Viewing airport information:

    1) Turn the largeright knob to select the WPTPage Group. WPT appears along the bottomof the display.

    2) Turn the smallright knob to select the desiredWPT page. Airport information is displayed onthe rst six WPT pages: airport location, airportrunway, airport frequency, airport approach,airport arrival, and airport departure.

    3) Press the smallright knob to activate thecursor.

    4) Use the small and largeright knobs to enterthe identier of the desired airport.

    5) Once the identier is entered, the informationfor that airport appears on the page. Press theENT Key to accept the selected identier.

    6) To view the other airport information pages,press the smallright knob to remove theashing cursor and turn the smallright knobto select the desired page.

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    Viewing airport information by facility

    name or city:1) Select the Airport Location Page (see page 6).2) Press the smallright knob to activate the

    cursor.3) Turn the largeright knob to highlight the

    facility name (second line) or the city (thirdline) eld.

    4) Turn the small and largeright knob to enterthe facility name or city location of the desireddestination waypoint. When spelling thefacility name or city, the GNS 530s SpellNFindfeature will select the rst entry in the databasebased upon the characters that have beenentered up to that point.

    5) Once the facility name or city is entered, theinformation for that airport appears on thepage. Press theENT Key to accept the selectedairport.

    6) To view the other airport information pages,press the smallright knob to remove theashing cursor and turn the smallright knobto select the desired page.

    Auto-tuning a frequency from a list:

    The GNS 530s auto-tune feature allows the pilot toquickly select any database frequency in the GPS Windowas the standby frequency. With a minimum of keystrokes,any frequency listed in the GPS Window can be transferredto the standby eld of the COM or VLOC window.

    1) Select the Airport Frequencies Page from theWPT Page Group (see page 6).

    2) Press the smallright knob to place the cursor

    on the airport identier eld.3) Use the small and largeright knobs to enter

    the identier of the desired airport. Press theENT Key when nished.

    4) Turn the largeright knob to highlight thedesired frequency.

    5) Press theENT Key to place the highlightedfrequency in the standby COM or VLOCWindow eld (as appropriate).

    6) To activate the selected frequency, press theCOM Flip-op or VLOC Flip-op Key (asappropriate).

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    GNS 530(A) Quick Reference


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    User-Selectable Data Fields (all four corners)

    Active Legof FlightPlan, orDirect-toDestination

    Current Page Group Number of Pages inCurrent Page Group

    Position of CurrentPage within Current

    Page Group


    The following symbols are used on the Default NAVPage (directly above the CDI), to depict the active leg of

    a ight plan or direct to:Symbol Description

    Direct-to a Waypoint

    Course to a Waypoint, or Desired Coursebetween Two WaypointsProcedure Turn

    Procedure Turn


    DME Arc to the Left

    DME Arc to the Right

    Left-hand Holding Pattern

    Right-hand Holding Pattern

    Quickly displaying the Default NAV Page:

    From any page, press and hold theCLR Key forapproximately two seconds.

    Selecting a different data item for any dataeld:1) With the Default NAV Page displayed, press the

    MENU Key to display the Default NAV PageMenu.

    2) The Change Fields? option is alreadyhighlighted, so press theENT Key to selectthis option.

    3) Use the largeright knob to highlight the dataeld to be changed.

    HighlightedData Field

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    4) Turn the smallright knob to display the list

    of available data items. Continue turning thesmall right knob to select the desired dataitem from the list.

    5) Press theENT Key to select the desired dataitem and return to the Default NAV Page.

    6) Press the smallright knob momentarily toremove the cursor from the page.



    Desired Track

    Map Range

    Map Display

    Current Page Group Number of Pages inCurrent Page Group

    Position of CurrentPage within Current

    Page Group

    The following symbols are used to depict the various

    airports and NAVAIDS on the Map Page:Symbol Description

    Airport with hard surface runway(s); (primaryrunway shown)Airport with soft surface runway(s) only

    Private Aireld









    Locator Outer Marker

    Selecting a map range:1) Press the up arrow of theRNG Key to zoom

    out to a larger map area.2) Press the down arrow of theRNG Key to zoom

    in to a smaller map area and more detail.

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    Quickly decluttering the Map Display:

    Press theCLR Key momentarily (as often asneeded) to select the desired amount of mapdetail.

    Map Detail Level

    Turning on the Map Page data elds:1) With the Map Page displayed, press theMENU

    Key to display an options menu.2) Turn the largeright knob to highlight Data

    Fields On? and press theENT Key.

    3) To turn off the data elds, follow steps 1 and2, but instead select Data Fields Off? from theoptions menu.

    Selecting a different data item for any data

    eld on the Map Page:1) With Map Page displayed, press theMENU

    Key to display an options menu.2) Turn the largeright knob to highlight Change

    Fields? and press theENT Key.3) Turn the largeright knob to highlight the data

    eld to be changed.

    HighlightedData Field

    4) Turn the smallright knob to select the desiredtype of data for this eld and press theENT Key.

    5) Press the smallright knob to remove thecursor.

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    Inhibiting TAWS or TERRAIN:

    1) Select the TAWS or TERRAIN Page and pressthe MENU Key. Inhibit Terrain? is selectedby default.

    2) Press theENTKey. The TER INHB annunciationis displayed in the annunciator eld whenTAWS or TERRAIN is inhibited.

    Annunciator Field

    NOTE: Inhibit mode deactivates TAWS orTERRAIN alerting when deemed unnecessaryby the pilot. Flying VFR into an area whereunique terrain exists could cause the system toannunciate nuisance alerts. Pilots should usediscretion when inhibiting the TAWS or TERRAINsystem and always remember to enable thesystem when appropriate.

    Enabling TAWS or TERRAIN:1) Select the TAWS or TERRAIN Page and press

    the MENU Key. Enable Terrain? is selectedby default.

    2) Press theENT Key. The TAWS or TERRAINsystem is functional again.

    NAV/COM PAGEThe NAV/COM Page provides a list of the airport

    communication and navigation frequencies at thedeparture, enroute, and arrival airports.

    Departure, Enroute,or Arrival Airport

    Assigned Frequency andUsage Information(when applicable)


    Number of Pages inCurrent Page Group

    Position ofCurrent Pagewithin CurrentPage Group

    CurrentPage Group

    Selecting a frequency list for a departure,enroute, or arrival airport:1) From the NAV/COM Page, press the smallright

    knob to activate the cursor.2) Turn the largeright knob to place the cursor

    on the airport identier eld (top line on theNAV/COM Page).3) Turn the smallright knob to select the desired

    airport and press theENT Key.

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    GNS 530(A) Quick Reference


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    Scrolling through the list of frequencies:

    1) Activate the cursor, if not already active, bypressing the smallright knob.

    2) Turn the largeright knob to move the cursorthrough the list of frequencies. If there aremore frequencies in the list than can bedisplayed on the display, a scroll bar along theright-hand side of the display indicates whichpart of the list is currently being displayed.

    Auto-tuning a frequency from the NAV/COM Page:1) Highlight the desired frequency by scrolling

    through the list of frequencies, as described inthe preceding procedure.

    2) To place a frequency in the standby eld of theCOM or VLOC Window, highlight the desiredfrequency and press theENT Key.


    See Pilots Guide for detailed information.



    CDI/RAIM Mode Approach,Enroute,Oceanic,

    Terminal,0.30 (forVLOC approaches)

    Integrity Failure INTEG

    Position Warning WARN (RAIM protectionlimit failure)

    Message Annunciator On,

    Flashing (new message),Blank (no message)

    Page Group Indicator NAV, WPT, AUX, NRST,FPL, DRCT, PROC, MSG

    Waypoint Alert

    NEXT DTK, etc.Turn Advisory TURN TO_, etc.

    OBS ModeSuspend,

    OBS,Blank (for auto-sequencing)

    Viewing a list of nearest airports:

    1) Turn the largeright knob to select the NRSTPage Group. NRST will appear along thebottom of the display.

    2) If necessary, turn the smallright knob to selectthe Nearest Airport Page.

    Scrolling through the list of nearest airports:1) From the Nearest Airport Page, press the smallright knob to activate the cursor.

    2) Turn the largeright knob to scroll through thelist. The scroll bar along the right-hand side ofthe page will indicate which part of the list iscurrently being viewed.

    3) To remove the ashing cursor, press the small

    right knob.

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    Viewing additional information for a

    nearby airport:1) Highlight the identier of the desired airport by

    scrolling through the list, as described in thepreceding procedure.

    2) Press theENT Key to display the AirportLocation Page for the selected airport.

    3) To view additional WPT pages for the selectedairport (including the airport runway andairport frequency pages), press the smallright knob to remove the ashing cursor. Turn thesmall right knob to display the additionalWPT pages. When nished, press the smallright knob to return the ashing cursor to thedisplay.

    4) To return to the Nearest Airport Page, verify that

    Done? is highlighted by the ashing cursorand press theENT (orCLR) Key.

    Selecting a nearby airport as a direct-todestination:1) Press theDirect-to Key. The Select Direct-to

    Waypoint Page appears, with the waypointidentier eld highlighted.

    2) Turn the largeright knob to highlight thenearest airport (NRST) eld.

    3) Turn the smallright knob to display a windowshowing up to nine nearby airports.

    4) Continue turning the smallright knob toscroll through the list and highlight the desiredairport.

    5) Press theENT Key to conrm the selectedairport. Press theENT Key again (withActivate? highlighted) to activate the direct-tofunction.

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    17190-00181-01 Rev. G

    Creating a new ight plan:

    1) Press theFPL Key and turn the smallright knob to display the Flight Plan Catalog Page.

    2) Press theMENU Key to display the Flight PlanCatalog Page Menu.

    3) Turn the largeright knob to highlight CreateNew Flight Plan? and press theENT Key.

    4) A blank Flight Plan Page appears for the rstempty storage location. Use the small andlargeright knobs to enter the identier of thedeparture waypoint, and press theENT Key.

    5) Repeat step 4 above to enter the identier foreach additional ight plan waypoint.

    6) Once all waypoints have been entered, pressthe smallright knob to return to the Flight

    Plan Catalog Page.

    Navigating a ight plan:

    1) Press theFPL Key and turn the smallright knob to display the Flight Plan Catalog Page.

    2) Press the smallright knob to activate thecursor.

    3) Turn the largeright knob to highlight thedesired ight plan and press theMENU Key todisplay the Flight Plan Catalog Page Menu.

    4) Turn the largeright knob to highlight ActivateFlight Plan? and press theENT Key.

    Stop navigating a ight plan:1) Press theFPL Key2) Press theMENU Key to display the Flight Plan

    Catalog Page Menu.3) Turn the largeright knob to highlight Delete

    Flight Plan?, and press theENT Key.

    4) With Yes? highlighted, press theENT Key todelete the ight plan.

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    Editing a ight plan:

    1) Press theFPL Key and turn the smallright knob to display the Flight Plan Catalog Page.

    2) Press the smallright knob to activate thecursor.

    3) Turn the largeright knob to highlight thedesired ight plan and press theENT Key.

    4) To add a waypoint to the ight plan:

    a) Turn the largeright knob to select the point toadd the new waypoint. (If an existing waypointis highlighted, the new waypoint is placeddirectly in front of this waypoint.)

    b) Use the small and largeright knobs to enterthe identier of the new waypoint and pressthe ENT Key.

    5) To delete a waypoint from the ight plan:

    a) Turn the largeright knob to select the waypointto be deleted. b) Press theCLR Key to display a remove

    waypoint conrmation window. c) With Yes highlighted, press theENT Key to

    remove the waypoint.6) Once all changes have been made, press the

    smallright knob to return to the Flight PlanCatalog Page.

    Selecting an approach:

    1) Press thePROC Key to display the ProceduresPage.

    2) Turn the largeright knob to highlight SelectApproach? and press theENT Key.

    3) A window appears listing the availableprocedures. Turn the largeright knob tohighlight the desired procedure and press theENT Key.

    4) A second window appears listing the availabletransitions. Turn the largeright knob tohighlight the desired transition waypoint andpress the ENT Key. The approach Vectorsoption assumes the pilot will receive vectorsto the nal course segment of the approachand will provide navigation guidance relativeto the nal approach course.

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    5) Turn the largeright knob to highlight Load?or Activate? and press theENT Key. Load?adds the procedure to the ight plan withoutimmediately using it for navigation guidance.

    This allows the pilot to continue navigating theoriginal ight plan, but keeps the procedureavailable on the Active Flight Plan Page forquick activation when needed.

    6) For precision approaches and some non-precision approaches, a reminder windowappears indicating that GPS guidance onsuch approaches is strictly for monitoring only use the VLOC receivers and external CDI(or HSI) for primary navigation. To conrm thisreminder, highlight Yes? and press theENT Key.

    Not all approaches in the database are approved for GPSuse. As the pilot selects an approach, a GPS designationto the right of the procedure name indicates the procedurecan be own using the GPS receiver. Some proceduresdo not have this designation, meaning the GPS receivermay be used for supplemental navigation guidance only.ILS approaches, for example, must be own by tuning the VLOC receiver to the proper frequency and coupling the VLOC receiver to the external CDI (or HSI).

    A selected approach may beactivated or loaded. Once

    an approach is selected, it may be activated for navigationfrom the Procedures Page. Activating the approachoverrides the enroute portion of the active ight plan,proceeding directly to the approach portion (for a fullapproach, directly to the initial approach x). Activatingthe approach also initiates automatic CDI scaling transitionas the approach progresses.

    In many cases, it may be easiest to Load the fullapproach while still some distance away, enroute to thedestination airport. Later, if vectored to nal, use thefollowing steps to select Activate Vector-To-Finalwhichmakes the inbound course to the nal approach x (FAF)waypoint active. Otherwise, activate the full approachusing the Activate Approach? option.

    Activating an approach:1) With an approach loaded in the active ight

    plan, press thePROC Key to display theProcedures Page.

    2) Turn the largeright knob to highlight ActivateApproach? and press theENT Key.

    The Activate Vector-To-Final? option allows the pilotto activate the nal course segment of the approach. Thisoption assumes the pilot will receive vectors to the FAF

    and provides guidance to intercept the nal course, beforereaching the FAF.

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    The CDI will guide the pilot through a DME arc.

    Just keep the needle centered to y along the arc. When using an autopilot, the course select on theCDI (or HSI) must be periodically updated withthe desired track (DTK).

    When crossing the missed approach point, SUSPwill appear above theOBS Key, indicating thatautomatic sequencing of waypoint is suspended atthe missed approach point, and a from indication

    will appear on the CDI (or HSI).

    Flying a missed approach:

    1) Press theOBS Key. The next waypoint inthe approach (MAHP; in this case SWARMintersection) is automatically offered as thedestination waypoint.

    2) Follow the missed approach procedures, aspublished on the approach plate, for properclimb and heading instructions.

    3) An alert message along the bottom of the

    display recommends entry procedures for theholding pattern (e.g., HOLD TEARDROP).When flying the holding pattern, a timerappears on the Default NAV Page. The timerautomatically resets on the outbound side ofthe hold when the aircraft turns abeam thehold waypoint. The timer again resets as thepilot turns inbound (within approximately 30of the inbound course). This allows use ofstandard timing (typically one minute) to ythe inbound and outbound legs of the hold.

    4) The GNS 530 provides course guidance onlyon the inbound side of the holding pattern.When leaving the holding pattern to re-flythe approach (or another approach) press the

    PROC Key to Select Approach? or ActivateApproach? as previously described. Or, use theDirect-to Key to select another destination.

  • 8/13/2019 Guia Referencia Rapida Garmin 530


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