guide for energy saving

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marc.energyenergy data analytics platform

A guide for energy savings.

Why does energy matter?

Everything you do has an impact - positive or negative - on the environment. That's the conceptbehind your carbon footprint, which is one method of measuring the environmental effectof our lifestyle. A carbon footprint, measured in tons, indicates the amount of carbon dioxide and othergreenhouse gasses that are produced as a result of your daily activities. The CO2 emissions of India in2014 was 2,341,000 KT which has been steadily increasing since. Although efforts are being taken toreduce the CO2 emissions the need for energy is restricting the process.

As the worldwide demand for energy rises, common energy-producing fossil fuels such as coal, oil, andnatural gas are being depleted, and the social, environmental and economic costs associated withenergy consumption are increasing. There are no easy solutions to the energy crises. Conservation,

Efficiency, and Renewables are the trio of practices that we can do to mitigate energy usage impactand move ahead on the journey of sustainability. These energy-use practices along with energyefficient building design using low-impact, long-lasting materials, programs for energy conservation,and environmentally friendly practices reduce the negative environmental impact and contribute to agreen future.

Following are the most prominent effects on us:

A. Environmental Effects

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1. Carbon Footprint

2. Water inadequacy

Water deficiency can lead to severe economic problems such as an increase in Global Conflict, Lack ofAccess to Clean Water, Food Shortage, Economic Slowdown, and Energy Shortages. World energyrequirements are rapidly increasing with modernization and population growth, however, energyproduction is one of the world’s greatest consumers of freshwater resources. Global electricitydemand is projected to grow 70% by the year 2035 with India and China accounting for half of thegrowth. Alternative energy sources like wind and solar energy require far less water to produce butonly make up a small fraction of today’s energy production.

B. Effects on Nation

The most impressive effect energy efficiency can have is the reduction in the import of crude oil. Indiais the fourth-largest consumer and net importer of crude oil and petroleum products in the world afterthe United States, China, and Japan. India's petroleum product demand reached nearly 3.7 millionbarrels per day (bbl/d), far above the country's roughly 1 million bbl/d of total liquids production. Netoil import dependency rose from 43% in 1990 to an estimated 71% in 2012 to 80% in 2016.

1. Oil Imports

The IEA defines energy security as “the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordableprice”. Energy security has many dimensions: long-term energy security mainly deals with timelyinvestments to supply energy in line with economic developments and sustainable environmentalneeds. Short-term energy security focuses on the ability of the energy system to react promptly tosudden changes in the supply-demand balance. Lack of energy security is thus linked to the negativeeconomic and social impacts of either physical unavailability of energy or prices that are notcompetitive or are overly volatile.

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2. Energy Security

How canwe optimize our energyconsumption?

Contrary to the popular believe, there is quite a difference in Energy Conservation and EnergyEfficiency.

"Energy efficiency means using less energy for aconstant or regular service, while energyconservation refers to reducing or going without aservice to save energy; sometimes findingalternatives."

Although the most effective way to save energy would be conserving it, but many-a-times finding analternative to a service is not possible, nor is going without a service an option. In such case, the nextbest thing to do is to use energy efficiently. Increasing energy efficiency often costs money up-front butin many cases, this capital outlay will be paid back in the form of reduced energy costs within a shorttime period. This makes efficiency improvements an attractive starting point for reducing carbonemissions. Carbon emissions ultimately lead to carbon footprint, an emerging concept from the lastdecade. The modern times demand attention to the amount of energy utilized as well as carbonemissions realized due to daily activities; also measures to reduce the negative effects on theenvironment.

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Demand Control management is a very obvious strategy to help reduce demand so that appropriatecapacity can be provisioned to meet the demands. Improper demand management leads to improperuse of services and resources. Thus efficiency in such cases will be a far-fetched idea. Also,unconstrained maximum demand in most cases could lead to high penalties. To analyze and getoptimized results of the demand, a better solution would be to use energy meters, that are, monitoringdevices to measure the relevant parameters. ESL's energy meters and EMS system provides anexcellent tool for energy data monitoring.

A. Demand

1. Demand Control

Demand response provides an opportunity for consumers to play a significant role in theoperation of the electric grid by reducing or shifting their electricity usage during peak periods inresponse to time-based rates or other forms of financial incentives. Demand response programsare being used by some electric system planners and operators as resource options forbalancing supply and demand. Such programs can lower the cost of electricity in wholesalemarkets, and in turn, lead to lower retail rates. Such projects can be validated by our one timeaudit service or by a continuous data feed EMS software.

Demand-Side Management (DSM) represents a revolutionary approach to planning at electricutilities. Essentially, it broadens the scope of planning to integrate the customer's needs anddesires with the utility's goals. This process is used when demand is greater than supply over thenear term. The process is also used when actual orders are less than the demand plan over thenear term. Intelligent peak load controls are initialized and in accordance, the action is taken.The electrical power used is transmitted synchronously to a utility measurement device. Thetransmitted actual power is monitored by a microprocessor, controller, and continuouslycompared with target values. Energy meters could be an effective tool to monitor the actualtransmitted power. Our platform provides a solution which is not only optimizedbut also hardware independent.

a. Demand Response

b. Demand side management

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The ESCO model is basically a long term energymanagement partnership. Energy servicescompanies (ESCOs) are increasingly involved, tohelp industries save energy in their plants& buildings. The total saving potential by involvingESCO companies in EU is estimated at 84MEUR annually (Danish Confederation of Industries)Currently 25 out of 98 industries are planning orimplementing ESCO projects in public plants& buildings. Being an ESCO, ESL is proudlysupporting industries pan India on their journey ofenergy efficiency.

B. Supply

2. ESCO Model

The term open access in terms of energy refers to the open bidding of the energy from all the availablemarket options. Consequently, the bidder with the least amount per unit is selected and costoptimization is possible within the companies energy profile. Although a very tempting option, certainparameters have to be thoroughly revised and reviewed for this. For example, the knowledge of energyutilised daily in terms of KWh is to be obtained, along with certain factors like peak load time span,power factor, total energy utilized by the products manufactured etc. Ultimately energy meters andmonitoring systems are a must for the management of open access energy utilisation and costreduction.

1. Open Access

C. Renewable/ Schedule UI

1. Renewable source of energy

As the demand for the fossil fuels grew, the idea to tap energy from the alternative energysources continue to come, and solar energy in particular. For both, the consumer and theenvironment this idea can and will be life-changing once solar energy is adoptedbroadly. Today solar energy is used for various purposes like to generate power, to heat uphomes or heat water. By the end of 2015, only 55% of all rural households had access toelectricity and 85% of rural households depended on solid fuel for cooking. Solar productshave increasingly helped to meet rural needs.

a. Solar energy

Captive power plants are a form of distributed generation, generating power close to the source of use.Distributed generation facilitates the high fuel efficiency along with minimizing losses associated withthe transmission of electricity from centralized power plants. Gas engines make ideal captive powerplants where there is a localized supply of gas.

Benefits of captive power plants are -

Security of power supplies through self-generation. Reduced cost through high system efficiency. Improved environmental performance.

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2. Captive power generation

An analysis suggests that up to 21% of final energy demand and feed stock use in themanufacturing industry sector could be of renewable origin by 2050, a five-fold increase overcurrent levels in absolute terms. This estimate is considerably higher than other recent globalscenario studies. In addition, if a 50% share of renewable in power generation is assumed, theshare of direct and indirect renewable energy use rises to 31% in 2050. Currently, only a tinyfraction of solar energy is being used for industrial processes. Biomass-based fuels (“bio-fuels”)have recently attracted a lot of attention for their potential to displace conventional transportfuels. However, in the industrial sector modern biomass technologies such as biomassgasification can contribute to achieving of the above-mentioned concerns.

By the end of 2015, a total of just under 1 million, solar lanterns had been sold in the countrythus reducing the need for kerosene. Today India is ranked number one in terms of solarelectricity production per watt installed, with an insolation of 1700 to 1900 kilowatt hours perkilowatt peak (kWh/KWp).

Wind energy is another form of renewable energy which is available in abundant. In the year2005, wind energy accounted for less than 1% of the total electricity production in the world. In2008, it was estimated about 1-2% of the world ‘s energy supply comes from wind energysource. As of 31 Aug 2016, the installed capacity of wind power in India was 27,676.55 MW,

mainly spread across South, West, and North regions.[6] This placed the India at this time asthe world's fourth-largest producer of wind power (behind 1. China, 2. USA and 3. Germany),having overtaken Spain in 2015. Wind energy has seen huge potential in the last few years.There is no doubt that more investment will be made in this renewable source of energy in theyears to come to fulfill the ever increasing demand for the electricity.

b. Wind energy

c. Biomass

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Monitoring power quality parameters for all critical loads are provided at the end of each monthduring a contract period. These reports consist of energy-related data with a graphical illustrationof Transients, Sags, Swells, Voltage Dips, Harmonics, etc and an in depth analysis inclusing RCA andCAPA for the caused events if any.

2. Power quality audit

Energy Management System is a monitoring system that monitors the energy consumptionand expense in an organization. It is a software that gives an organized report of any parameterrequested by the user with historical data, trends and patterns.

The steps followed are easy and can be human interfaced.

3. Energy Management System

The first step is to get an input from the on-site energy meters. The next step is to induce the input in a platform and communicate with the EMS software. The final step is observing the calculated reports and charts generated; and consequently take anaction to avoid energy leakages and misuse.

Methods to tackle high energyconsumption

Energy Audit is the key to a systematic approach for decision-making in the area of energymanagement. It attempts to balance the total energy inputs with its use and serves to identify andoptimize all the energy streams in a facility.

The type of Energy Audit to be performed depends on:

1. Energy Audit

Function and type of industry.Depth to which final audit is needed, and,Potential and magnitude of cost reduction desired

Thus Energy Audit can be classified into the following two types.

Preliminary AuditDetailed Audit

An energy audit at times can save up to 20% of energy with 6-7 months of ROI for energy intensiveplants and buildings.

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Motors and motor driven equipment require around 80% of the total energy spend in an industry. Thusmotor maintaining is a very important part of any industrial energy preservation.

Conditioning is the process of monitoring a parameter of condition in any machinery. But for such themotors need to be commissioned out of service and then proper maintenance scheme need to beused. This results in equipment downtime and poor OEE . For such scenarios, ESL has come up witha online predictive maintenance solution known as marc.motor.

Features of marc.motor

4. Health Assesment

marc.motor uses advanced processing algorithms to monitor the condition of the connectedequipment and then it compares itself with its own learned model.It effectively allows the motor itself to act as a sensor.During learning mode, MARC motors acquire real-time data from the motor and takes into accountall speed and load variations experienced. In normal operation, MARC motors produce a series of new mathematical models of the system inevery 90 seconds.And by comparing the parameters in this new model with those in the reference model, developingfaults can be accurately detected and diagnosed.By combining advanced model-based fault detection and intelligent diagnostics, the system is ableto deliver outstanding results with minimal user intervention.

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Depending on an organization's ability or inclination to handle the various requirements associatedwith the reduction of energy consumption the energy contract can be signed which results indeployment and participation of an Internal Energy Auditor from ESL.

ESL energy outsourcing services includes:

5. Outsourced Energy Management

Information and analysis regarding the structure of the plant and its energy parameters.Initial energy diagnosis and identification of overall energy utilization, using procedures of thecomplete energy audit and creating a baseline of the project. Creating energy objective definitions and drafting the energy goals as well as the benchmarks. Development and management of action plan to accomplish energy objectives (includescomposition, with M&V methodologies, and documentation of the results obtained)Periodic reports about energy consumption and power quality.

EnergySolution Labs Pvt. Ltd.C-6, NICE Area, MIDC Satpur, Nashik - 422 [email protected] | +91 91 30 007 536 | +91 253 2202064