guide to

Guide to Pokemon Trading using VBA on PC This guide attempts to explain how to trade pokemon with yourself in GBA games such as Pokemon Fire Red using Visual Boy Advance on the PC. Anyone who plays pokemon games on emulators knows it is annoying not being able to trade for many reasons, for example a number of pokemon can not evolve without trading and lots of pokemon can not be found in a single game and must be traded from another version (Red/Blue, Gold/Silver etc). For this guide, you need: A pokemon game rom or two (one is enough) A gpSP or VBA save file with enough progress so that the game allows you to trade This special version of VBA 1.7.2 from These three settings files i prepared: (Size: 3.13 KB / Downloads: 55104) Lots of patience Step One: Preparation Prepare a new folder somewhere on your computer. I called it gbalink. Extract both the zip files into there. Now, get the rom or roms you want to use. For this guide, I will be using only one: Pokemon Leaf Green. Next, get the save files for your progress. You can get these from the gpSP folder in /PSP/Game/gpSP if you are playing on your PSP, or from somewhere on your computer is you are playing the game in VBA on your PC. After you put all these files into the gbalink folder, it should look like this: # 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).cfg 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).gba 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).sav # Copying # Copyright.txt # NEWS # Readme.txt # Readme-link.txt # README-win.txt vba.ini vba1.ini vba2.ini # VisualBoyAdvance.exe You can delete the ones with a # in front of them. Step Two: The save file issues This version of VBA is edited in such a way that it supports up to 4 instances of

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Guide to Pokemon Trading using VBA on PCThis guide attempts to explain how to trade pokemon with yourself in GBA games such as Pokemon Fire Red using Visual Boy Advance on the PC. Anyone who plays pokemon games on emulators knows it is annoying not being able to trade for many reasons, for example a number of pokemon can not evolve without trading and lots of pokemon can not be found in a single game and must be traded from another version (Red/Blue, Gold/Silver etc). For this guide, you need:

A pokemon game rom or two (one is enough) A gpSP or VBA save file with enough progress so that the game allows you to trade This special version of VBA 1.7.2 from These three settings files i prepared: (Size: 3.13 KB / Downloads: 55104) Lots of patience

Step One: Preparation Prepare a new folder somewhere on your computer. I called it gbalink. Extract both the zip files into there. Now, get the rom or roms you want to use. For this guide, I will be using only one: Pokemon Leaf Green. Next, get the save files for your progress. You can get these from the gpSP folder in /PSP/Game/gpSP if you are playing on your PSP, or from somewhere on your computer is you are playing the game in VBA on your PC. After you put all these files into the gbalink folder, it should look like this: # 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).cfg 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).gba 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).sav # Copying # Copyright.txt # NEWS # Readme.txt # Readme-link.txt # README-win.txt vba.ini vba1.ini vba2.ini # VisualBoyAdvance.exe You can delete the ones with a # in front of them. Step Two: The save file issues This version of VBA is edited in such a way that it supports up to 4 instances of the emulator running at once without interfering with each others files. Now, if you were to load the rom into the emulator, you should notice it does not detect the .sav file. That is because it looks for a file with the extension .san instead of .sav, n being the intstance of the emulator (1,2,3 or 4). In this guide, I will trade pokemon with myself from the same save game, but it should work with two different ones.

So: Copy the .sav file, and paste it twice. Rename them: remove the 'Copy of ' part and replace .sav at the end with .sa1, and for the second one replace it with .sa2. In order to do this you must have file extensions enabled in windows, if you don't see .sav or anything go to Tools>Folder Options (in explorer) first, then go to the View tab and untick "Hide extensions for known file types". Click OK to go back to the gbalink folder and rename the copies. So now, you should have: 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).gba 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).sa1 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).sa2 1637 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U).sav vba.ini vba1.ini vba2.ini VisualBoyAdvance.exe Now, open one instance of VisualBoyAdvance by double clicking on it. Notice it should be 300% in size because of the vba1.ini file I gave you. Go to File>Open, be sure you are in the gbalink folder not another one, and open the ROM you are using. Boot it, and it should load like normal and display your save game. If you get the message "The 1M sub-circuit board is not installed", this can have a number of causes: 1. 2. 3. 4. You selected the wrong ROM. Make sure you opened the one in the gbalink folder, not another one You did not rename the .sav file to .sa1 properly. If you close the emulator now, it will create one for you which you must delete first. You are already running an instance or more of VBA. Close all other instances first. If all of the above doesn't work, go to Options>Emulator>Save Type and select Flash 128k or 64k depending on which one is already ticked. Select the other one. Now close the emulator, reopen it and try again.

Note: The .ini files I gave you in the zip file also contain controls for VBA. The controls for the left instance are WASD, A=Q, B=E, START=X. Step Three: Trading with yourself Now that that's working, open up the emulator again if you don't have it open yet. Drag this window to the left side. The controls are as follows: Up: W Down: S Left: A Right: D A: Q B: E SELECT: Z START: Q That's all you'll need. Boot up your game until you are in the world, and make sure you are in a Pokemon Center. Go up to the trade center, and (in Fire Red/Leaf Green) go to the Direct Corner at the back but don't talk to the lady yet. Make sure that under Options>Emulator "Pause when inactive window" is NOT ticked. Now, go back to \gbalink and doubleclick on VisualBoyAdvance.exe again. A second screen will open. Drag this window though the right of your screen, so you have two windows next to each other. Go to File>Open, navigate to the \gbalink folder and open the ROM again. The controls for this window are different:

Up: T Down: G Left: F Right: H A: R B: Y SELECT: V START: B Load up your saved game until you are in a pokemon center there as well, and go stand in front of the lady. Now, use the [Q]-key to speak to the lady on the LEFT screen. This is where it starts hanging, crashing and becoming slow. If it hangs, do not touch anything and just wait up to 30 seconds for it to restore. Chose Trade Center, and as soon as it says 'Please Wait...' press the [R]-key to talk to the lady on the RIGHT screen. Go to the trade center and as soon as you see 'Please wait...' on both screens it should proceed to the trade center almost immediately. If you get a black screen with 'Communication error' around here, just close everything and start over at the beginning of this step. You are now connected in the trade center, and you should see your pokemons four times if you are using the same save for both emulators. Now just chose the pokemons you want to trade. Remember, you are only going to keep one of these two sets (if you are using the same save for both emulators) so remember which is the good one, left or right. Trade, and when it finished it should say 'Saving...' After that you can pretty much close it off and proceed to step 4. Step Four: Replacing your save back to your normal emulator Now, after you have traded all your pokemons patiently, you must take the good save and place it back. You can use either gpSP or VBA again for this. If you want to keep the save from the left screen, copy xxxx.sa1. if you want to keep the save from the right screen, copy xxxx.sa2. If you want to save both, copy both seperately. Now, go to the folder where your original .sav file came from. Paste the .sa1/.sa2 file, and copy the old .sav file somewhere safe to BACK IT UP. DO NOT forget this. Now, rename the .sa1/.sa2 file to a .sav file. Make sure it is in the right folder, either the gpSP folder on the PSP or the VBA folder wherever, in the same folder as the rom you use. Now, load your original emulator and see if it works. If it doesn't detect the save or you get the "The 1M sub-circuit board is not installed" error in VBA, go to the \gbalink folder and copy 'vba.ini'. Place it in your VBA folder, close VBA and start it again and retry. Make sure all the files have the right names. Done! In this guide, I used one savegame from Pokemon Leaf Green, and duplicated it in order to copy my own pokemons to myself. This way you can duplicate your pokemon if you want. However, you can also use two different saves or even two different ROMs, and transfer pokemons from one to another. It works the same way except you load two different ROMS and you don't duplicate the .sav file. This method is not tested for, but should work on: Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, Emerald and maybe more. Remember, to trade certain pokemons with certain games, you may need to have made a certain amount of progress in the game such as beaten the Elite Four.

Awesome! Thanks Diego!! Code: 1 ACHTUNG! Alles touristen und non-technischen lookenpeepers! 2 3 Das machine control is nicht fur gerfingerpoken und 4 mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenwerk, 5 blowenfusen, und poppencorken mit spitzensparken. 6 Der machine is diggen by experten only. Is nicht fur 7 geverken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sichtseenen 8 keepen das cottenpicken hans in die pockets, 9 so relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights.

Useful and Fun Game Shark codesHere are some useful Game Shark Codes:

Pokemon Digits ***sorted by number*** 01 - Bulbasaur 40 - Kadabra 7F - Pinsir BE - Aipom 02 - Ivysaur 41 - Alakazam 80 - Tauros BF - Sunkern 03 - Venusaur 42 - Machop 81 - Magikarp C0 - Sunflora 04 - Charmander 43 - Machoke 82 - Gyarados C1 - Yanma 05 - Charmeleon 44 - Machamp 83 - Lapras C2 - Wooper 06 - Charizard 45 - Bellsprout 84 - Ditto C3 - Quagsire 07 - Squirtle 46 - Weepinbell 85 - Eevee C4 - Espeon 08 - Wartortle 47 - Victreebell 86 - Vaporeon C5 - Umbreon 09 - Blastoise 48 - Ventacool 87 - Jolteon C6 - Murkrow 0A - Caterpie 49 - Tentacruel 88 - Flareon C7 - Slowking 0B - Metapod 4A - Geodude 89 - Porygon C8 - Misdreavus 0C - Butterfree 4B - Graveler 8A - Omanyte C9 - Unown 0D - Weedle 4C - Golem 8B - Omastar CA - Wobbuffet 0E - Kakuna 4D - Ponyta 8C - Kabuto CB - Girafarig 0F - Beedrill 4E - Rapidash 8D - Kabutops CC - Pineco 10 - Pidgey 4F - Slowpoke 8E - Aerodactyl CD - Forretress 11 - Pidgeotto 50 - Slowbro 8F - Snorlax CE - Dunsparce 12 - Pidgeot 51 - Magnemite 90 - Articunno CF - Gligar 13 - Rattata 52 - Magneton 91 - Zapdos D0 - Steelix 14 - Raticate 53 - Farfetch'd 92 - Moltres D1 - Snubbull 15 - Spearow 54 - Doduo 93 - Dratini D2 - Granbull 16 - Fearow 55 - Dodrio 94 - Dragonair D3 - Qwilfish

17 - Ekans 56 - Seel 95 - Dragonite D4 - Scizor 18 - Arbok 57 - Dewgong 96 - Mewtwo D5 - Shuckle 19 - Pikachu 58 - Grimer 97 - Mew D6 - Heracross 1A - Raichu 59 - Muk 98 - Chikorita D7 - Sneasel 1B - Sandshrew 5A - Shellder 99 - Bayleef D8 - Teddiursa 1C - Sandslash 5B - Cloyster 9A - Meganium D9 - Ursaring 1D - Nidoran (f) 5C - Gastly 9B - Cyndaquil DA - Slugma 1E - Nidorina 5D - Haunter 9C - Quilava DB - Magcargo 1F - Nidoqueen 5E - Gengar 9D - Typhlosion DC - Swinub 20 - Nidoran (m) 5F - Onix 9E - Totodile DD - Piloswine 21 - Nidorino 60 - Drowzee 9F - Croconaw DE - Corsola 22 - Nidoking 61 - Hypno A0 - Feraligatr DF - Remoraid 23 - Clefairy 62 - Krabby A1 - Sentret E0 - Octillery 24 - Clefable 63 - Kingler A2 - Furret E1 - Delibird 25 - Vulpix 64 - Voltorb A3 - Hoothoot E2 - Mantine 26 - Ninetails 65 - Electrode A4 - Noctowl E3 - Skarmory 27 - Jigglypuff 66 - Exeggcute A5 - Ledyba E4 - Houndour 28 - Wigglytuff 67 - Exeggcutor A6 - Ledian E5 - Houndoom 29 - Zubat 68 - Cubone A7 - Spinarak E6 - Kingdra 2A - Golbat 69 - Marowak A8 - Ariados E7 - Phanpy 2B - Oddish 6A - Hitmonlee A9 - Crobat E8 - Donphan 2C - Gloom 6B - Hitmonchan AA - Chinchou E9 - Porygon2 2D - Vileplume 6C - Lickitung AB - Lanturn EA - Stantler 2E - Paras 6D - Koffing AC - Pichu EB - Smeargle 2F - Parasect 6E - Weezing AD - Cleffa EC - Tyrogue 30 - Venonat 6F - Rhyhorn AE - Igglybuff ED - Hitmontop 31 - Venomoth 70 - Rhydon AF - Togepi EE - Smoochum 32 - Diglett 71 - Chansey B0 - Togetic EF - Elekid 33 - Dugtrio 72 - Tangela B1 - Natu F0 - Magby 34 - Meowth 73 - Kangaskhan B2 - Xatu F1 - Miltank 35 - Persian 74 - Horsea B3 - Mareep F2 - Blissey 36 - Psyduck 75 - Seadra B4 - Flaaffy F3 - Raikou 37 - Golduck 76 - Goldeen B5 - Ampharos F4 - Entei 38 - Mankey 77 - Seaking B6 - Bellossom F5 - Suicune 39 - Primeape 78 - Staryu B7 - Marill F6 - Larvitar 3A - Growlithe 79 - Starmie B8 - Azumarill F7 - Pupitar 3B - Arcanine 7A - Mr. Mime B9 - Sudowoodo F8 - Tyranitar 3C - Poliwag 7B - Scyther BA - Politoed F9 - Lugia 3D - Poliwhirl 7C - Jynx BB - Hoppip FA - Ho-oh 3E - Poliwrath 7D - Electabuzz BC - Skiploom FB - Celebi 3F - Abra 7E - Magmar BD - Jumpluff ***sorted by name*** 3F - Abra A2 - Furret 69 - Marowak 75 - Seadra 8E - Aerodactyl 5C - Gastly 9A - Meganium 77 - Seaking BE - Aipom 5E - Gengar 34 - Meowth 56 - Seel

41 - Alakazam 4A - Geodude 0B - Metapod A1 - Sentret B5 - Ampharos CB - Girafarig 97 - Mew 5A - Shellder 18 - Arbok CF - Gligar 96 - Mewtwo D5 - Shuckle 3B - Arcanine 2C - Gloom F1 - Miltank E3 - Skarmory A8 - Ariados 2A - Golbat C8 - Misdreavus BC - Skiploom 90 - Articunno 76 - Goldeen 92 - Moltres 50 - Slowbro B8 - Azumarill 37 - Golduck 7A - Mr. Mime C7 - Slowking 99 - Bayleef 4C - Golem 59 - Muk 4F - Slowpoke 0F - Beedrill D2 - Granbull C6 - Murkrow DA - Slugma B6 - Bellossom 4B - Graveler B1 - Natu EB - Smeargle 45 - Bellsprout 58 - Grimer 22 - Nidoking EE - Smoochum 09 - Blastoise 3A - Growlithe 1F - Nidoqueen D7 - Sneasel F2 - Blissey 82 - Gyarados 1D - Nidoran (f) 8F - Snorlax 01 - Bulbasaur 5D - Haunter 20 - Nidoran (m) D1 - Snubbull 0C - Butterfree D6 - Heracross 1E - Nidorina 15 - Spearow 0A - Caterpie 6B - Hitmonchan 21 - Nidorino A7 - Spinarak FB - Celebi 6A - Hitmonlee 26 - Ninetails 07 - Squirtle 71 - Chansey ED - Hitmontop A4 - Noctowl EA - Stantler 06 - Charizard FA - Ho-oh E0 - Octillery 79 - Starmie 04 - Charmander A3 - Hoothoot 2B - Oddish 78 - Staryu 05 - Charmeleon BB - Hoppip 8A - Omanyte D0 - Steelix 98 - Chikorita 74 - Horsea 8B - Omastar B9 - Sudowoodo AA - Chinchou E5 - Houndoom 5F - Onix F5 - Suicune 24 - Clefable E4 - Houndour 2E - Paras C0 - Sunflora 23 - Clefairy 61 - Hypno 2F - Parasect BF - Sunkern AD - Cleffa AE - Igglybuff 35 - Persian DC - Swinub 5B - Cloyster 02 - Ivysaur E7 - Phanpy 72 - Tangela DE - Corsola 27 - Jigglypuff AC - Pichu 80 - Tauros A9 - Crobat 87 - Jolteon 12 - Pidgeot D8 - Teddiursa 9F - Croconaw BD - Jumpluff 11 - Pidgeotto 49 - Tentacruel 68 - Cubone 7C - Jynx 10 - Pidgey AF - Togepi 9B - Cyndaquil 8C - Kabuto 19 - Pikachu B0 - Togetic E1 - Delibird 8D - Kabutops DD - Piloswine 9E - Totodile 57 - Dewgong 40 - Kadabra CC - Pineco 9D - Typhlosion 32 - Diglett 0E - Kakuna 7F - Pinsir F8 - Tyranitar 84 - Ditto 73 - Kangaskhan BA - Politoed EC - Tyrogue 55 - Dodrio E6 - Kingdra 3C - Poliwag C5 - Umbreon 54 - Doduo 63 - Kingler 3D - Poliwhirl C9 - Unown E8 - Donphan 6D - Koffing 3E - Poliwrath D9 - Ursaring 94 - Dragonair 62 - Krabby 4D - Ponyta 86 - Vaporeon 95 - Dragonite AB - Lanturn 89 - Porygon 31 - Venomoth 93 - Dratini 83 - Lapras E9 - Porygon2 30 - Venonat 60 - Drowzee F6 - Larvitar 39 - Primeape 48 - Ventacool 33 - Dugtrio A6 - Ledian 36 - Psyduck 03 - Venusaur CE - Dunsparce A5 - Ledyba F7 - Pupitar 47 - Victreebell 85 - Eevee 6C - Lickitung C3 - Quagsire 2D - Vileplume

17 - Ekans F9 - Lugia 9C - Quilava 64 - Voltorb 7D - Electabuzz 44 - Machamp D3 - Qwilfish 25 - Vulpix 65 - Electrode 43 - Machoke 1A - Raichu 08 - Wartortle EF - Elekid 42 - Machop F3 - Raikou 0D - Weedle F4 - Entei F0 - Magby 4E - Rapidash 46 - Weepinbell C4 - Espeon DB - Magcargo 14 - Raticate 6E - Weezing 66 - Exeggcute 81 - Magikarp 13 - Rattata 28 - Wigglytuff 67 - Exeggcutor 7E - Magmar DF - Remoraid CA - Wobbuffet 53 - Farfetch'd 51 - Magnemite 70 - Rhydon C2 - Wooper 16 - Fearow 52 - Magneton 6F - Rhyhorn B2 - Xatu A0 - Feraligatr 38 - Mankey 1B - Sandshrew C1 - Yanma B4 - Flaaffy E2 - Mantine 1C - Sandslash 91 - Zapdos 88 - Flareon B3 - Mareep D4 - Scizor 29 - Zubat CD - Forretress B7 - Marill 7B - Scyther Note) In gold and silver, numbering the pokmon is especially simple because the digits are just the pokemon's pokedex number in hex form. Pokemon Catching 1st pkmn 2nd pkmn 3rd pkmn 4th pkmn 5th pkmn 6th pkmn Pokemon : 01??23DA 01??24DA 01??25DA 01??26DA 01??27DA 01??28DA modifier 01??2ADA 01??5ADA 01??8ADA 01??BADA 01??EADA 01??1ADB catch any : 01??EDD0 pokemon catch any : 01??EDD0