guidebook to decision-making methods -...

WSRC-IM-2002-00002 GUIDEBOOK TO DECISION-MAKING METHODS Developed for the Department of Energy Through a complex-wide collaborative effort under the auspices of the Nuclear Materials Stewardship Initiative by: Dennis Baker, WSRC/SRS Donald Bridges, DOE-SR Regina Hunter, SNL Gregory Johnson, DOE-SR Joseph Krupa, WSRC/SR James Murphy, INEEL Ken Sorenson, SNL December 2001 Downloaded from

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Developed for the Department of EnergyThrough a complex-wide collaborative effort under the auspices of theNuclear Materials Stewardship Initiative by:

Dennis Baker, WSRC/SRSDonald Bridges, DOE-SRRegina Hunter, SNL

Gregory Johnson, DOE-SRJoseph Krupa, WSRC/SRJames Murphy, INEELKen Sorenson, SNL

December 2001

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Guidebook to Decision–Making Methods WSRC-IM-2002-00002



This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency ofthe United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor anyagency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express orimplied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or proc-ess disclosed, or represent that its use would not infringe privately ownedrights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, orservice by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not neces-sarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring bythe United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinionsof authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of theUnited States Government or any agency thereof.

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In the Affair of so much Importance to you, wherein you ask my Advice, I cannot for want ofsufficient Premises, advise you what to determine, but if you please I will tell you how. When thosedifficult Cases occur, they are difficult, chiefly because while we have them under Consideration,all the Reasons pro and con are not present to the Mind at the same time; but sometimes one Setpresent themselves, and at other times another, the first being out of Sight. Hence the various Pur-poses or Inclinations that alternately prevail, and the Uncertainty that perplexes us.

To get over this, my Way is, to divide half a Sheet of Paper by a Line into two Columns; writ-ing over the one Pro, and over the other Con. Then during three or four Days Consideration, I putdown under the different Heads short Hints of the different Motives, that at different Times occur tome, for or against the Measure. When I have thus got them all together in one View, I endeavor toestimate their respective Weights; and where I find two, one on each side, that seem equal, I strikethem both out. If I find a Reason pro equal to some two Reasons con, I strike out the three. If Ijudge some two Reasons con, equal to some three Reasons pro, I strike out the five; and thus pro-ceeding I find at length where the Balance lies; and if after a Day or two of farther consideration,nothing new that is of Importance occurs on either side, I come to a Determination accordingly.And, tho' the Weight of Reasons cannot be taken with the Precision of Algebraic Quantities, yet,when each is thus considered, separately and comparatively, and the whole lies before me, I think Ican judge better, and am less liable to make a rash Step; and in fact I have found great Advantagefrom this kind of Equation, in what may be called Moral or Prudential Algebra.1

— B. Franklin, London, September 19, 17721

1 Appendix C-Further Reading 1,Forman and Selly

This guidebook introduces both a process and a selection of proven methods for disciplined decision-making so that the results are clearer, more transparent, and easier for reviewers to understand and accept.It was written to implement Recommendation 14 of the Integrated Nuclear Materials Management(INMM) Plan and set a standard for a consistent decision process. From this guidebook decision-maker(s) and their support staffs will learn:

• the benefits of using a disciplined decision-making approach

• prerequisites to the decision-making process

• how to choose among several decision-making methods

• how to apply the method chosen

This guidebook also presents examples of the decision-making methods in action and recommendssources of additional information on decision-making methods

This guidebook was compiled with input from a team experienced in the decision-making process fromthe Savannah River Site, Sandia National Laboratories, Idaho National Engineering and EnvironmentalLaboratory, and the U.S. Department of Energy.

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1.0 PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 WHAT IS A DISCIPLINED DECISION-MAKING PROCESS?................................................................................................. 11.2 WHY USE A DISCIPLINED DECISION-MAKING PROCESS?............................................................................................... 11.3 WHEN SHOULD A FORMAL DECISION-MAKING METHOD BE USED?............................................................................. 1

2.0 DECISION-MAKING PROCESS.............................................................................................................................. 2

2.1 STEP 1, DEFINE THE PROBLEM ........................................................................................................................................ 32.2 STEP 2, DETERMINE REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................................. 32.3 STEP 3, ESTABLISH GOALS............................................................................................................................................... 42.4 STEP 4, IDENTIFY ALTERNATIVES................................................................................................................................... 42.5 STEP 5, DEFINE CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................................ 42.6 STEP 6, SELECT A DECISION-MAKING TOOL................................................................................................................. 52.7 STEP 7, EVALUATE ALTERNATIVES AGAINST CRITERIA ............................................................................................. 52.8 STEP 8, VALIDATE SOLUTION(S) AGAINST PROBLEM STATEMENT ........................................................................... 5

3.0 DECISION MAKING METHODS ............................................................................................................................ 6

3.1 PROS AND CONS ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................................. 63.2 KEPNER-TREGOE (K-T) DECISION ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................. 63.3 ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP)........................................................................................................................ 73.4 MULTI-ATTRIBUTE UTILITY THEORY (MAUT)............................................................................................................ 83.5 COST -BENEFIT ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................................. 93.6 CUSTOM TAILORED TOOLS.............................................................................................................................................. 9

4.0 SUMMARY..................................................................................................................................................................... 10

APPENDIX A – DECISION-MAKING TOOLS AT WORK......................................................................................... 11

APPENDIX B – DECISION PROCESS AIDS .................................................................................................................... 27

APPENDIX C – FURTHER READING................................................................................................................................ 40

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1.0 Purpose

Decision-makers have to choose between alterna-tive actions every day. Often the alternatives andsupporting information presented is inadequate tosupport or explain the recommended action. Thegoal of the Guidebook to Decision-Making Meth-ods is to help decision-makers and the decisionsupport staff choose and document the best al-ternative in a clear and transparent fashion.This guidebook will help all parties concernedknow what questions to ask and when to ask them.

1.1 What is a disciplined decision-makingprocess?

Good decisions can best be reached when everyoneinvolved uses a clearly defined and acknowledgeddecision-making process. A clear and transparentdecision process depends on asking and answeringenough questions to ensure that the final report willclearly answer the questions of reviewers andstakeholders. This guidebook provides:

• An eight step decision-making process (Sec-tion 2)

• Descriptions of specific decision methods(Section 3)

• Examples of the specific decision methods inaction (Appendix A)

• Written aids, suggestions, and questions tohelp implement the decision-making process(Appendix B), and

• Supporting references for further reading (Ap-pendix C).

1.2 Why use a disciplined decision-making process?

For most familiar everyday problems, decisionsbased on intuition can produce acceptable resultsbecause they involve few objectives and only oneor two decision-makers. In the DOE environment,problems are more complex. Most decisions in-volve multiple objectives, several decision-makers,and are subject to external review. A disciplined

and transparent decision-making process employ-ing credible evaluation methods will provide:

• Structure to approach complex problems• Rationale for decisions• Consistency in the decision making process• Objectivity• Documented assumptions, criteria, and values

used to make decisions. and• Decisions that are repeatable, reviewable, re-

visable, and easy to understand

Using such a disciplined approach can help avoidmisunderstandings that lead to questions about thevalidity of the analyses and ultimately slow prog-ress. Its use will set a baseline for continuous im-provement in decision making in the DOE nuclearmaterials complex.

1.3 When should a formal decision-making method be used?

The decision-making methods described in thisguidebook are readily applicable to a wide range ofdecisions, from ones as simple as picking a restau-rant for a special meal to those that are complicatedby interdepartmental government interfaces. Useof this decision-making process and supportingmethods is recommended any time decisions:

• Require many reviews at different managementlevels

• Involve more than one program• Require congressional line item approval• Affect new or redirected funding• Require approval for new facilities or upgrades to

existing facilities• Have alternatives with high technical risk• Have alternatives that appear equally viable• Require a decision to revise or discontinue work on

a program• Have impact mainly in the future• Involve multiple or competing drivers, or• Define data needed to support future decisions

In short this guide should be followed any time aclear, transparent, and understandable decision isdesired.

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2.0 Decision-Making Process

First priority in making a decision is to establishwho are the decision-maker(s) and stakeholders inthe decision - the audience for the decision. Identi-fying the decision-maker(s) early in the processcuts down on disagreement about problem defini-tion, requirements, goals, and criteria.

Although the decision-maker(s) seldom will beinvolved in the day-to-day work of making evalua-tions, feedback from the decision-maker(s) is vitalat four steps in the process:

1. Problem definition [step 1]2. Requirements identification [step 2]3. Goal establishment [step 3]4. Evaluation criteria development [step 5]

When appropriate, stakeholders should also beconsulted. By acquiring their input during theearly steps of the decision process, stakeholderscan provide useful feedback before a decision ismade.

Figure 1 shows the steps in the decision-makingprocess. The process flows from top to bottom,but may return to a previous step from any point inthe process when new information is discovered.

It is the decision team’s job to make sure that allsteps of the process are adequately performed.Usually the decision support staff should in-clude the help of skilled and experienced ana-lysts/facilitators to assist with all stages of thedecision process. Expert facilitation can help as-sure that all the steps are properly performed anddocumented. Their experience and expertise willhelp provide transparency to the decision makingprocess and help avoid misunderstandings that of-ten lead to questions about the validity of theanalyses which ultimately slow progress.

STEP 1Define problem

STEP 2Determine the require-

ments that the solution tothe problem must meet

STEP 3Establish goals that solv-ing the problem should


STEP 4Identify alternatives thatwill solve the problem

STEP 5Develop evaluation crite-

ria based on the goals

STEP 6Select a decision-making


STEP 7Apply the tool to select a

preferred alternative

STEP 8Check the answer

to make sure itsolves the problem

Figure 1 General Decision–Making Process

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2.1 Step 1, Define the Problem

Problem definition is the crucial first step in mak-ing a good decision. This process must, as a min i-mum, identify root causes, limiting assumptions,system and organizational boundaries and inter-faces, and any stakeholder issues. The goal is toexpress the issue in a clear, one-sentence prob-lem statement that describes both the initialconditions and the desired conditions. It is es-sential that the decision-maker(s) and support staffconcur on a written problem statement to ensurethat they all agree on what problem is going to besolved before proceeding to the next steps.

The key to developing an adequate problem state-ment is to ask enough questions about the problemto ensure that the final report will clearly answerthe questions of reviewers and stakeholders (seeFigure 2 below). When stakeholders are involved,it may be appropriate to have them review theproblem statement with its initial and desired stateto provide an external check before requirementsand goals are defined.

Some questions which may be helpful to the proc-ess are suggested Appendix B. For more informa-

tion, the reader can consult texts on problem defi-nition available from the business press.2

2.2 Step 2, Determine Requirements

2. IdentifyRequirements &


Problem statement:functions, initialconditions,desired state, etc.

List of absoluterequirements and


Requirements are conditions that any acceptablesolution to the problem must meet. Requirementsspell out what the solution to the problem must do.For example, a requirement might be that a processmust (“shall” in the vernacular of writing require-ments) produce at least ten units per day. Any al-ternatives that produced only nine units per daywould be discarded. Requirements that don’t dis-criminate between alternatives need not be used atthis time.

With the decision-maker’s concurrence, experts inoperations, maintenance, environment, safety,health and other technical disciplines typicallyprovide the requirements that a viable alternativemust meet. Aids for identifying requirements ap-pear in Appendix B. For more information, thereader can consult texts on requirements manage-ment available from the business press.3

__________________________________2 Appendix C-Further Reading 2, Folger and LeBlanc and 3, Gause3 Appendix C-Further Reading 4, Hammond, Keeney and Raffia, and 5, Hooks and Farry



Customerand KeyStakeholderAgreement

Root CauseProblem Analysis:

• Analyze conditions • Restate problem in

functional terms

• Understand thesystem

• Identify possiblecauses

• Determine rootcause







Figure 2. Problem Definit ion:Ask enough quest ions to be able to answer quest ions from others.

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2.3 Step 3, Establish Goals

Goals are broad statements of intent and desirableprogrammatic values. Examples might be: reduceworker radiological exposure, lower costs, lowerpublic risk, etc. Goals go beyond the minimumessential must have’s (i.e. requirements) to wantsand desires. Goals should be stated positively (i.e.what something should do, not what it shouldn’tdo). Because goals are useful in identifying supe-rior alternatives (i.e., define in more detail the de-sired state of the problem), they are developedprior to alternative identif ication.

Sometimes goals may conflict, but this is neitherunusual, nor cause for concern. During goal defi-nition, it is not necessary to eliminate conflictamong goals nor to define the relative importanceof the goals. The process of establishing goals maysuggest new or revised requirements or require-ments that should be converted to goals. In anycase, understanding the requirements and goals isimportant to defining alternatives. Aids for identi-fying goals appear in Appendix B.

2.4 Step 4, Identify Alternatives

4. DefineAlternatives

Problemstatement,requirements,and goals


Alternatives offer different approaches for chang-ing the initial condition into the desired condition.The decision team evaluates the requirements andgoals and suggests alternatives that will meet therequirements and satisfy as many goals as possible.Generally, the alternatives vary in their ability tomeet the requirements and goals. Those alterna-tives that do not meet the requirements must bescreened out from further consideration. If an al-ternative does not meet the requirements, three ac-tions are available:

1. The alternative is discarded2. The requirement is changed or eliminated3. The requirement is restated as a goal

The description of each alternative must clearlyshow how it solves the defined problem and how itdiffers from the other alternatives. A written de-scription and a diagram of the specific functionsperformed to solve the problem will prove useful.Aids for identifying alternatives appear in Appen-dix B.

2.5 Step 5, Define Criteria

5. DefineDiscriminating


Problem statement, requirements, goals, and alternatives

Criteria withdefined measuresof effectiveness

Usually no one alternative will be the best for allgoals, requiring alternatives to be compared witheach other. The best alternative will be the one thatmost nearly achieves the goals. Decision criteriawhich will discriminate among alternatives mustbe based on the goals. It is necessary to define dis-criminating criteria as objective measures of thegoals to measure how well each alternativeachieves the project goals.

Each criterion should measure something impor-tant, and not depend on another criterion. Criteriamust discriminate among alternatives in a mean-ingful way (e.g., if the color of all alternatives isthe same or the user is indifferent to the color se-lection, then color should not be a criterion)4.

Criteria should be:• Able to discriminate among the alternatives• Complete – include all goals• Operational – meaningful to the decision

maker’s understanding of the implications ofthe alternatives

• Non-redundant – avoid double counting• Few in number – to keep the problem dimen-

sions manageable

Using a few real discriminators will result in amore understandable decision analysis product.However, every goal must generate at least one___________________________________4 A summary of INMM goals and criteria appears in Appendix B.

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criterion. If a goal does not suggest a criterion, itshould be abandoned.

Several methods can be used to facilitate criteriaselection.

Brainstorming: Team brainstorming may be usedto develop goals and associated criteria. (Brain-storming is discussed in Appendix B.)

Round Robin: Team members are individuallyasked for their goals and the criteria associatedwith them. The initial elicitation of ideas shouldbe done non-judgmentally – all ideas are recordedbefore criticism of any is allowed.

When members of the goal-setting group differwidely in rank or position, it can be useful to em-ploy the military method in which the lowestranking member is asked first to avoid being in-fluenced by the opinions of the higher-rankingmembers.

Reverse Direction Method: Team members con-sider available alternatives, identify differencesamong them, and develop criteria that reflectthese differences.

Previously Defined Criteria: End users,stakeholders, or the decision-maker(s) may pro-vide criteria.

Input from the decision-maker(s) is essential tothe development of useful criteria. Moreover,the decision-maker’s approval is crucial beforethe criteria are used to evaluate the alterna-tives. Additional aids for defining criteria appearin Appendix B.

2.6 Step 6, Select a Decision-Making Tool

Section 3.0 introduces and describes these widelyemployed tools:

• Pros and Cons Analysis• Kepner-Tregoe Decision Analysis (K-T)• Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)• Multi-Attribute Utility Theory Analysis (MAUT)• Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)• Custom Tailored Tools

Some of these methods can be complicated anddifficult to apply. The method selection needs tobe based on the complexity of the problem andthe experience of the team. Generally, the simplerthe method, the better. More complex analysescan be added later if needed. Appendix A pro-vides step-by-step examples of these methods.

2.7 Step 7, Evaluate Alternatives againstCriteria

7. EvaluateAlternatives

Against Criteria

Collectedcriteria data foreachAlternative(model data,research data)

Alternativeswith definedmeasures ofeffectiveness

Alternatives can be evaluated with quantitativemethods, qualitative methods, or any combina-tion. Criteria can be weighted and used to rankthe alternatives. Both sensitivity and uncertaintyanalyses can be used to improve the quality of theselection process. Experienced analysts can pro-vide the necessary thorough understanding of themechanics of the chosen decision-making meth-odology. The step-by-step examples in AppendixA suggest some methods for performing theseevaluations. Additional aids for evaluating alter-natives appear in Appendix B.

2.8 Step 8, Validate Solution(s) againstProblem Statement

After the evaluation process has selected a pre-ferred alternative, the solution should be checkedto ensure that it truly solves the problem identi-fied. Compare the original problem statement tothe goals and requirements. A final solutionshould fulfill the desired state, meet requirements,and best achieve the goals within the values of thedecision makers. Once the preferred alternativehas been validated, the decision-making supportstaff can present it as a recommendation to thedecision-maker(s). A final report to the decision-maker(s) must be written documenting the deci-sion process, assumptions, methods, and conclu-sions recommending the final solution. AppendixB provides suggestions for the final report outline.

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3.0 Decision Making Methods

Decision Analysis techniques are rational proc-esses/systematic procedures for applying criticalthinking to information, data, and experience inorder to make a balanced decision when the choicebetween alternatives is unclear. They provide or-ganized ways of applying critical thinking skillsdeveloped around accumulating answers to ques-tions about the problem. Steps include clarifyingpurpose, evaluating alternatives, assessing risksand benefits, and making a decision. These stepsusually involve scoring criteria and alternatives.This scoring (a systematic method for handling andcommunicating information) provides a commonlanguage and approach that removes decisionmaking from the realm of personal preference oridiosyncratic behavior (see Appendix B for scoringand weighting options).

The evaluation methods introduced here arehighly recommended. They are adaptable tomany situations, as determined by the complexityof the problem, needs of the customer, experienceof the decision team/analysts/facilitators, and thetime and resources available. No one decision-making method is appropriate for all decisions.The examples provided in Appendix A are in-tended to facilitate understanding and use of thesemethods.

3.1 Pros and Cons Analysis

Pros and Cons Analysis is a qualitative comparisonmethod in which good things (pros) and bad things(cons) are identified about each alternative. Lists ofthe pros and cons, based on the input of subjectmatter experts, are compared one to another foreach alternative. (See B. Franklin’s description onpage ii and the example in Appendix A.) The al-ternative with the strongest pros and weakest consis preferred. The decision documentation shouldinclude an exposition, which justifies why the pre-ferred alternative’s pros are more important and itscons are less consequential than those of the otheralternatives.

Pros and Cons Analysis is suitable for simple deci-sions with few alternatives (2 to 4) and few dis-criminating criteria (1 to 5) of approximately equalvalue. It requires no mathematical skill and can beimplemented rapidly.

3.2 Kepner-Tregoe (K-T) DecisionAnalysis

K-T is a quantitative comparison method in whicha team of experts numerically score criteria andalternatives based on individual judge-ments/assessments. The size of the team neededtends to be inversely proportional to the quality ofthe data available – the more intangible and quali-tative the data, the greater the number of peoplethat should be involved.

In K-T parlance each evaluation criterion is firstscored based on its relative importance to the othercriteria (1 = least; 10 = most). These scores be-come the criteria weights (see K-T example in Ap-pendix A). “Once the WANT objectives (goals)[have] been identified, each one [is] weighted ac-cording to its relative importance. The most im-portant objective [is] identified and given a weightof 10. All other objectives [are] then weighted incomparison with the first, from 10 (equally impor-tant) down to a possible 1 (not very important).When the time comes to evaluate the alternatives,we do so by assessing them relative to each otheragainst all WANT objectives – one at a time.”5

The alternatives are scored individually againsteach of the goal criteria based on their relative per-formance. “We give a score of 10 to the alterna-tive that comes closest to meeting the objective,and score the other alternatives relative to it. It isnot an ideal that we seek through this comparativeevaluation. What we seek is an answer to thequestion: ‘Of these (real and attainable) alterna-tives, which best fulfills the objective?’”6

A total score is determined for each alternative bymultiplying its score for each criterion by the crite-rion weights (relative weighting factor for eachcriterion) and then summing across all criteria.The preferred alternative will have the highest totalscore.


5 Appendix C-Further Reading 6, Kepner and Tregoe, P.926 Ibid, p.95

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K-T Decision Analysis is suitable for moderatelycomplex decisions involving a few criteria. Themethod requires only basic arithmetic. Its maindisadvantage is that it may not be clear how muchbetter a score of “10” is than a score of “8”, forexample. Moreover, total alternative scores maybe close together, making a clear choice difficult.7

3.3 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

AHP is a quantitative comparison method used toselect a preferred alternative by using pair-wisecomparisons of the alternatives based on their rela-tive performance against the criteria. The basis ofthis technique is that humans are more capable ofmaking relative judgements than absolute judge-ments. “The Analytic Hierarchy Process is a sys-tematic procedure for representing the elements ofany problem, hierarchically. It organizes the basicrationality by breaking down a problem into itssmaller and smaller constituent parts and thenguides decision makers through a series of pairwisecomparison judgements (which are documentedand can be reexamined) to express the relativestrength or intensity of impact of the elements inthe hierarchy. These judgements are then trans-lated to numbers (ratio scale estimates). The AHPincludes procedures and principles used to synthe-size the many judgements to derive prioritiesamong criteria and subsequently for alternativesolutions.”8

Alternatives and criteria are scored using a pair-wise comparison method and mathematics (seeAHP example in Appendix A). The pair-wisecomparisons are made using a nine-point scale:

1 = Equal importance or preference3 = Moderate importance or preference of one

over another5 = Strong or essential importance or prefer-

ence7 = Very strong or demonstrated importance or

preference9 = Extreme importance or preference


Matrices are developed wherein each crite-rion/alternative is compared against the others. IfCriterion A is strongly more important comparedto Criterion B (i.e. a value of “5”), then Criterion Bhas a value of 1/5 compared to Criterion A. Thus,for each comparative score given, the reciprocal isawarded to the opposite relationship. The “priorityvector” (i.e. the normalized weight) is calculatedfor each criterion using the geometric mean9 ofeach row in the matrix divided by the sum of thegeometric means of all the criteria (see example inAppendix A). This process is then repeated for thealternatives comparing them one to another to de-termine their relative value/importance for eachcriterion (i.e. determine the normalized alternativescore). The calculations are easily set up in aspreadsheet, and commercial software packagesare available.

HINT: The order of comparison can help simplifythis process. Try to identify and begin with themost important criterion and work through the cri-teria to the least important. When comparing al-ternatives try to identify and begin with the onewith the greatest benefits for each associated crite-rion.

To identify the preferred alternative multiply eachnormalized alternative score by the correspondingnormalized criterion weight, and sum the resultsfor all of an alternatives criteria. The preferred al-ternative will have the highest total score.

AHP, like the other methods, can rank alternativesaccording to quantitative or qualitative (subjective)data. Qualitative/subjective criteria are based onthe evaluation team’s feelings or perceptions abouthow an alternative ranks. The criteria weights andalternative comparisons are combined in the deci-sion synthesis to give the relative value (ra-tio/score) for each alternative for the prescribeddecision context. A sensitivity analysis can be per-formed to determine how the alternative selectionwould change with different criteria weights. The


7 Appendix C-Further Reading 6, Kepner and Tregoe8 Appendix C-Further Reading 7, Saaty and Kearns,


9 The geometric mean is the nth root of the product of nscores. Thus, the geometric mean of the scores: 1, 2, 3, and10 is the fourth root of (1 x 2 x 3 x 10), which is the fourthroot of 60. (60)1/4 = 2.78. The geometric mean is less af-fected by extreme values than is the arithmetic mean. It isuseful as a measure of central tendency for some positivelyskewed distributions.

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whole process can be repeated and revised, untileveryone is satisfied that all the important featuresneeded to solve the problem, or select the preferredalternative, have been covered.

AHP is a useful technique when there are multiplecriteria since most people cannot deal with morethan seven decision considerations at a time.10

AHP is suitable for decisions with both quantita-tive and qualitative criteria. It puts them in thesame decision context by relying on relative com-parisons instead of attempting to define absolutes.It facilitates discussion of the importance of criteriaand the ability of each alternative to meet the crite-ria. Its greatest strength is the analytical hierarchythat provides a structured model of the problem,mimicking the way people generally approachcomplex situations by allowing relative judgementsin lieu of absolute judgements. Another strength isits systematic use of the geometric mean to definefunctional utilities based on simple comparisonsand to provide consistent, meaningful results. Thesize of AHP matrices make this method somewhatless flexible than either K-T or MAUT when newlydiscovered alternatives or criteria need to be con-sidered. Commercially available software, how-ever, can reduce this burden and facilitate thewhole process. Although software is not requiredfor implementation, it can be helpful especially if alarge number of alternatives (>8), or criteria (>5)must be considered.11

3.4 Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT)

MAUT is a quantitative comparison method usedto combine dissimilar measures of costs, risks, andbenefits, along with individual and stakeholderpreferences, into high-level, aggregated prefer-ences. The foundation of MAUT is the use of util-ity functions. Utility functions transform diversecriteria to one common, dimensionless scale (0 to1) known as the multi-attribute “utility”. Onceutility functions are created an alternative’s rawdata (objective) or the analyst’s beliefs (subjective)can be converted to utility scores. As with theother methods, the criteria are weighted accordingto importance. To identify the preferred alternative,multiply each normalized alternative’s utility score_________________________________identify the preferred alternative multiply eachnormalized alternative’s utility score by its correbyby its corresponding criterion weight, and sum the

results for all of an alternative’s criteria. The pre-ferred alternative will have the highest total score.

Utility functions (and MAUT) are typically used,when quantitative information is known about eachalternative, which can result in firmer estimates ofthe alternative performance. Utility graphs arecreated based on the data for each criterion. Everydecision criterion has a utility function created forit. The utility functions transform an alternative’sraw score (i.e. dimensioned – feet, pounds, gallonsper minute, dollars, etc.) to a dimensionless utilityscore, between 0 and 1. The utility scores areweighted by multiplying the utility score by theweight of the decision criterion, which reflects thedecision-making support staff’s and decision-maker’s values, and totaled for each alternative.The total scores indicate the ranking for the alter-natives.

The MAUT evaluation method is suitable for com-plex decisions with multiple criteria and many al-ternatives. Additional alternatives can be readilyadded to a MAUT analysis, provided they havedata available to determine the utility from theutility graphs. Once the utility functions have beendeveloped, any number of alternatives can bescored against them.

The Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique(SMART) can be a useful variant of the MAUTmethod. This method utilizes simple utility rela-tionships. Data normalization to define theMAUT/SMART utility functions can be performedusing any convenient scale. Five, seven, and tenpoint scales are the most commonly used. In aclassical MAUT the full range of the scoring scalewould be used even when there was no real differ-ence between alternatives scores. The SMARTmethodology allows for use of less of the scalerange if the data does not discriminate adequatelyso that, for example, alternatives which are notsignificantly different for a particular criterion canbe scored equally. This is particularly importantwhen confidence in the differences in data is low.In these cases, less of the range is used to ensurethat low confidence data differences do notpresent unwarranted large discriminations betweenthe alternatives. When actual numerical data are

10 Appendix C-Further Reading 8, Miller, p.81-9711 Appendix C-Further Reading 9 and 10, Saaty

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unavailable, subjective reasoning, opinions, and/orconsensus scoring can be substituted and docu-mented in the final report instead. Research hasdemonstrated that simplified MAUT decisionanalysis methods are robust and replicate decisionsmade from more complex MAUT analysis with ahigh degree of confidence.12

3.5 Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cost-Benefit Analysis (see example in AppendixA) is “a systematic quantitative method of assess-ing the desirability of government projects or poli-cies when it is important to take a long view offuture effects and a broad view of possible side-effects.”13 CBA is a good approach when the pri-mary basis for making decisions is the monetarycost vs. monetary benefit of the alternatives. Gen-eral guidance for conducting cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses is provided in the U.S. Of-fice of Management and Budget, OMB CircularNo. A-94, Guidelines and Discount Rates forBenefit-Cost Analysis of Federal Programs.14 Thediscount rates for this methodology are updatedannually by the OMB.

The standard criterion for deciding whether a gov-ernment program can be justified on economicprinciples is net present value -- the discountedmonetized value of expected net benefits (i.e.,benefits minus costs). Net present value is com-puted by assigning monetary values to benefits andcosts, discounting future benefits and costs usingan appropriate discount rate, and subtracting thesum total of discounted costs from the sum total ofdiscounted benefits. Discounting benefits and coststransforms gains and losses occurring in differenttime periods to a common unit of measurement.Programs with positive net present value increasesocial resources and are generally preferred. Pro-grams with negative net present value should_______________________________

12 Appendix C-Further Reading 11, Edwards and Barron, 12,Goodwin and Wright, 4, Hammond, Keeney, and Raiffa

13 Appendix C-Further Reading 13, U.S. Office of Manage-ment and Budget, p. 15

14 Ibid

generally be avoided. When “ benefits” and “costs”can be quantified in dollar terms (as, for exampleavoided cost) over several years, these benefits canbe subtracted from the costs (or dollar outlays)and the present value of the benefit calculated.“Both intangible and tangible benefits and costsshould be recognized. The relevant cost concept isbroader than the private-sector production andcompliance cost or government cash expenditures.Costs should reflect opportunity cost of any re-sources used, measured by the return to those re-sources in their most productive application else-where.”15 The alternative returning the largest dis-counted benefit is preferred.

In Pros and Cons analysis cost is regarded intui-tively along with the other advantages and disad-vantages (“high cost” is a con; “low cost” is a pro).The other techniques provide numerical ranking ofalternatives based on either intangible (i.e. unableto be quantified in dollar terms) or tangible (quan-tifiable in dollar terms) benefits.16

3.6 Custom Tailored Tools

Customized tools may be needed to help under-stand complex behavior within a system. Verycomplex methods can be used to give straightfor-ward results. Because custom-tailored tools arenot off-the-shelf, they can require significant timeand resources for development. If a decision can-not be made using the tools described previously,or the decision must be made many times employ-ing the same kinds of considerations, the decision-making support staff should consider employingspecialists with experience in computer modelingand decision analysis to develop a custom-tailoredtool.


15 Appendix C-Further Reading 13, U.S. Office of Management and Budget16 Appendix C-Further Reading 14, Broadman, Greenberg, Vining, and Weimer; 15, Canada, Sullivan, and White; 16, Electric Power Research Institute; 17, Snell; and 13, U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

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4.0 Summary

The goal of this Guidebook to Decision-MakingMethods is to help decision-makers and their deci-sion support staffs choose and document the bestalternative in a clear and transparent fashion. Thedecision-making methods described in this guide-book are readily applicable to a wide range of deci-sions, from ones as simple as picking a restaurantfor a special meal to those that are complicated byinterdepartmental government interfaces. Expertfacilitation can help assure that all the steps areproperly performed documented. Feedback fromthe decision-maker(s) is vital to the process.

The key to developing an adequate problem state-ment is to ask enough questions about the problemto ensure that the final report will clearly answerthe questions of reviewers and stakeholders. Re-quirements spell out what the solution to the prob-lem must do. Goals are useful in identifying supe-rior alternatives. The decision team evaluates therequirements and goals and suggests alternativesthat will meet the requirements and satisfy as manygoals as possible. The best alternative will be theone that most nearly achieves the goals. Criteriamust be developed to discriminate among alterna-tives in a meaningful way. The decision-maker’sapproval is crucial before the criteria are used toevaluate the alternatives.

Alternatives can be evaluated with quantitativemethods, qualitative methods, or any combination.The evaluation methods introduced here arehighly recommended. They are adaptable tomany situations, as determined by the complexityof the problem, needs of the customer, experienceof the decision team / analysts / facilitators, and thetime and resources available. The decision-makingmethod selection needs to be based on the com-plexity of the problem and the experience of theteam. A final solution should fulfill the desiredstate, meet requirements, and best achieve thegoals within the values of the decision makers.

Once the preferred alternative has been validated,the decision-making support staff can present it as a recommendation to the decision-maker(s). A final report to the decision-maker(s)must be written documenting the decision process,assumptions, methods, and conclusions recom-mending the final solution.

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Appendix A – Decision-Making Tools at Work

Step 1 Problem: Pick a replacement vehicle for the motor pool fleet

(The definition of the problem dictates the requirements. As the vehicle is for a motor pool, the requirementswill differ from those for a family car, for example.)

Step 2 Requirements:

1. Vehicle shall be made in U. S. A.2. Vehicle shall seat at least four adults, but no more than six adults3. Vehicle shall cost no more than $28,0004. Vehicle shall be new and the current model year

(Other requirements may be appropriate, but the above four will suffice for this example.)

Step 3 Goals:

• Maximize passenger comfort• Maximize passenger safety• Maximize fuel-efficiency• Maximize reliability• Minimize investment cost

Step 4 Alternatives:

There are many alternatives but the requirements eliminate the consideration of a number of them:

Requirement 1 eliminates the products not manufactured in the USARequirement 2 eliminates vans, buses, and sports carsRequirement 3 eliminates high-end luxury carsRequirement 4 eliminates used vehicles

Despite the limitations imposed by the requirements, many alternatives remain. This example will evaluatefour, current, U. S. models against the goals:

For this simple problem the following quantitative data are available. This is how the four models stack up:

ArrowSeats two adults in the front seat and three in the back seatRear seat leg and shoulder room 86 inchesNumber of safety stars 14Fuel consumption 21 mpgReliability 80Cost $26,000


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Seats three adults in the front seat and three in the back seatRear seat leg and shoulder room 88 inchesNumber of safety stars 17Fuel consumption 19 mpgReliability 70Cost $21,000

CarefreeSeats two adults in the front seat and three in the back seatRear seat leg and shoulder room 80 inchesNumber of safety stars 15Fuel consumption 22 mpgReliability 65Cost $17,000

DashSeats three adults in the front seat and three in the back seatRear seat leg and shoulder room 89 inchesNumber of safety stars 19Fuel consumption 21 mpgReliability 85Cost $24,000

Step 5 Criteria:

“Maximize comfort” will be based on the combined rear seat leg and shoulder room. (Note: frontseat passenger leg and shoulder room was found to be too nearly the same todiscriminate among the alternatives.)

“Maximize safety” will be based on the total number of stars awarded by the National HighwayTraffic Safety Administration for head-on and side impact.

“Maximize fuel efficiency” will be based on the EPA fuel consumption for city driving.

“Maximize reliability” will be based on the reliability rating given each vehicle by a consumer producttesting company.

“Minimize Cost” will be based on the purchase price.

Step 6 Decision-Making Tool Selection:

To demonstrate the application of the decision-making tools described in this Guidebook this problem will besolved using each method. In a typical decision situation tool selection would depend on the mutual experi-ence of the decision team, any expert facilitator, and the complexity of the problem. Data, either quantitativeor qualitative, would be gathered and tabulated for evaluation against the defined criteria.

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Step 7 Apply the Selected Method


Lists of the pros and cons, based on the input of subject matter experts, are compared one to another for eachalternative.

Table 1. Example of Pros And Cons Analysis

Arrow BatonPro Con Pro Con

Good fuel efficiency Highest cost Next to most room Worst fuel efficiencyNext to best reliability Fewest safety stars

Carefree DashPro Con Pro Con

Lowest cost Next to fewest safety stars Most safety starsBest fuel efficiency Least room Best reliability

Worst reliability Good fuel efficiencyMost roomBest reliability

Step 8 Validate Solution:

Safety and reliability are the most important criteria. Dash is best in these areas. Dash scores pros in theother criteria, as well. Dash has five advantages and no disadvantages, so Dash is the preferred alternative.Dash meets all the requirements and solves the problem.

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Step 7 Apply the Selected Method


In this example a team consensus approach based on the decision-making support staff’s and decision-maker’s values was used to obtain both the criteria weight and the alternative score relative to each criterion.The team was polled and the average score for each element, rounded to the nearest integer, obtained. TheTotal Score is the product of the Criteria Weight and the Alternative Score summed for the alternative.

Table 2. Example of Kepner-Tregoe Decision Analysis

Criteria/Want objectives


Arrow Alter-nativeScore

Total Score

Comfort 5 86 in. rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 5 6 30Safety 10 14 stars 5 50Fuel efficiency 7 21 mpg 9 63Reliability 9 80 9 81Cost 10 $26,000 5 50

Total 274Baton

Comfort 5 88 in. rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 6 9 45Safety 10 17 stars 8 80Fuel efficiency 7 19 mpg 8 56Reliability 9 70 7 63Cost 10 $21,000 8 80

Total 324Carefree

Comfort 5 80 in. rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 5 4 20Safety 10 15 stars 6 60Fuel efficiency 7 22 mpg 10 70Reliability 9 65 5 45Cost 10 $17,000 10 100

Total 295Dash

Comfort 5 89 in rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 6 10 50Safety 10 19 stars 10 100Fuel efficiency 7 21 mpg 9 63Reliability 9 85 10 90Cost 10 $24,000 6 60

Total 363

Step 8 Validate Solution:

The totals of the weighted scores show that the Dash most nearly meets the wants/goals (or put another way,has the most “benefits”). Dash meets all the requirements and solves the problem.

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Step 7 Apply the Selected Method


In this example a team consensus approach based on the decision-making support staff’s and decision-maker’s values was used to obtain the relative pair-wise comparisons for each criterion. The team was polledand the average score for each comparison, rounded to the nearest integer, obtained. For example the teamconsensus was that Safety as compared to Comfort deserved a 7 - very strong or demonstrated importance orpreference.

HINT: The team first ranked the criteria in order of importance – Safety, Cost, Reliability, Fuel efficiency,and Comfort and then compared them one to another (Table 3) to determine their relative importance (score).The basis for this ranking must be included in the final report. The ranking order presented here is not a re-quirement. Ranking order can vary depending on many factors.

Table 3. Example of Pair-Wise Comparison of CRITERIA

Safety- Comfort 7 Cost- Comfort 6 Reliability- Comfort 6 Fuel efficiency- Comfort 4Safety- Fuel efficiency 4 Cost- Fuel efficiency 2 Reliability- Fuel efficiency 2Safety- Reliability 3 Cost- Reliability 1Safety- Cost 2

The remaining, or reciprocal, comparisons of the criteria are determined by inspection for incorporation in thecalculation of the normalized criteria weights in Table 4.

Table 4. Example of Calculating Priority Vector or Normalized Criteria Weights

Comfort Safety Fuel Efficiency Reliability Cost GeometricMean


Comfort 1 1/7 1/4 1/6 1/6 0.251 0.038Safety 7 1 4 3 2 2.787 0.426Fuel efficiency 4 1/4 1 1/2 1/2 0.758 0.116Reliability 6 1/3 2 1 1 1.320 0.202Cost 6 1/2 2 1 1 1.431 0.219

SUM= 6.546

The geometric mean is less affected by extreme values than is the arithmetic mean. It is the nth root of theproduct of n scores. Thus, the geometric mean of the scores: 1, 2, 3, and 10 is the fourth root of (1 x 2 x 3 x10), which is the fourth root of 60. (60)¼ = 2.78. It is useful as a measure of central tendency for some posi-tively skewed distributions. The normalized criterion weight is its geometric mean divided by the sum of thegeometric means of all the criteria. The geometric mean and normalized weights can be computed usingspreadsheet software as shown in Figure 1.

Next the team performed pair-wise comparisons of the alternatives with regard to each criterion. For examplethe team consensus was that Dash as compared to Baton with respect to comfort deserved a 1 - equal impor-tance or preference. The 1 inch difference in the comfort measurement between Dash and Baton was deemedto have no real impact while the difference in the comfort measurements between Dash and Arrow and be-tween Dash and Carefree coupled with seating capacities were deemed to have a greater impact.

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Figure 1. Example of Spreadsheet Set-up for AHP Matrices

AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH11 Comfort Safety Fuel

efficiencyReliability Cost Geometric Mean Normalized

Weight22 Comfort 1 =1/7 =1 /4 =1/6 =1/6 =GEOMEAN(B2:F2) =+G2/$G$733 Safety 7 1 4 3 2 =GEOMEAN(B3:F3) =+G3/$G$744 Fuel efficiency 4 =1 /4 1 =1/2 =1/2 =GEOMEAN(B4:F4) =+G4/$G$755 Reliability 6 =1/3 2 1 1 =GEOMEAN(B5:F5) =+G5/$G$766 Cost 6 =1/2 2 1 1 =GEOMEAN(B6:F6) =+G6/$G$777 =SUM(G2:G6)

Table 5. Example of Pair-Wise Comparison of ALTERNATIVES With Respect to COMFORT

Dash - Baton 1 Baton - Arrow 2 Arrow - Carefree 3Dash - Arrow 4 Baton - Carefree 3 Dash - Carefree 5

The remaining, or reciprocal, comparisons of the alternatives are determined by inspection for incorporationin the calculation of the normalized alternative scores in Table 6. Each alternative was compared in Tables 7- 14 to determine its normalized score for each criterion.

Table 6. Example of Calculating Priority Vector or Normalized Alternative Score With Respect toCOMFORT

Arrow Baton Carefree Dash GeometricMean


Arrow 1 1/2 3 1/4 0.78254229 0.160040343Baton 2 1 3 1 1.56508458 0.320080687Carefree 1/3 1/2 1 1/5 0.427287006 0.087385896Dash 4 1 5 1 2.114742527 0.432493074

Table 7. Example of Pair-Wise Comparison of ALTERNATIVES With Respect to SAFETY

Dash - Baton 2 Baton - Arrow 2 Carefree - Arrow 1Dash - Arrow 5 Baton - Carefree 3 Dash - Carefree 4

Table 8. Example of Calculating Priority Vector or Normalized Alternative Score With Respect toSAFETY

Arrow Baton Carefree Dash GeometricMean


Arrow 1 1/2 1 1/5 0.562341325 0.114052057Baton 2 1 3 1/2 1.316074013 0.266921425Carefree 1 1/3 1 1/4 0.537284965 0.108970215Dash 5 2 4 1 2.514866859 0.510056303

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Table 9. Example of Pair-Wise Comparison of ALTERNATIVES With Respect to FUEL EFFICIENCY

Carefree - Baton 3 Dash - Arrow 1 Arrow - Baton 2Carefree - Arrow 1 Dash - Baton 2 Carefree - Dash 1

Table 10. Example of Calculating Priority Vector or Normalized Alternative Score With Respect toFUEL EFFICIENCY

Arrow Baton Carefree Dash GeometricMean


Arrow 1 2 1 1 1.189207115 0.277263153Baton 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 0.594603558 0.138631576Carefree 1 3 1 1 1.316074013 0.306842118Dash 1 2 1 1 1.189207115 0.277263153

Table 11. Example of Pair-Wise Comparison of ALTERNATIVES With Respect to RELIABILITY

Dash - Baton 4 Arrow - Baton 3 Baton - Carefree 2Dash - Arrow 2 Arrow - Carefree 4 Dash - Carefree 6

Table 12. Example of Calculating Priority Vector or Normalized Alternative Score With Respect toRELIABILITY

Arrow Baton Carefree Dash GeometricMean


Arrow 1 3 4 1/2 1.56508458 0.300049178Baton 1/3 1 2 1/4 0.638943088 0.122494561Carefree 1/4 1/2 1 1/6 0.379917843 0.072835704Dash 2 4 6 1 2.632148026 0.504620557

Table 13. Example of Pair-Wise Comparison of ALTERNATIVES With Respect to COST

Carefree - Baton 3 Baton - Dash 3 Dash - Arrow 2Carefree - Dash 4 Baton - Arrow 4 Carefree - Arrow 5

Table 14. Example of Calculating Priority Vector or Normalized Alternative Score With Respect toCOST

Arrow Baton Carefree Dash GeometricMean


Arrow 1 1/4 1/5 1/2 0.397635364 0.075972332Baton 4 1 1/3 3 1.414213562 0.270200068Carefree 5 3 1 4 2.783157684 0.531750942Dash 2 1/3 1/4 1 0.638943088 0.122076658

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To identify the preferred alternative multiply each normalized alternative score by the corresponding normal-ized criterion weight, and sum the results for all of an alternatives criteria. The preferred alternative will havethe highest total score.

Table 15. Example of AHP Decision Analysis

Criteria/Want objectives


Arrow NormalizedAlternative



Comfort 0.038 86 in. rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 5 0.160040343 0.0061Safety 0.426 14 stars 0.114052057 0.0486Fuel efficiency 0.116 21 mpg 0.277263153 0.0322Reliability 0.202 80 0.300049178 0.0606Cost 0.219 $26,000 0.075972332 0.0166

Total 0.1641Baton

Comfort 0.038 88 in. rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 6 0.320080687 0.0122Safety 0.426 17 stars 0.266921425 0.1137Fuel efficiency 0.116 19 mpg 0.138631576 0.0161Reliability 0.202 70 0.122494561 0.0427Cost 0.219 $21,000 0.270200068 0.0592

Total 0.2259Carefree

Comfort 0.038 80 in. rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 5 0.087385896 0.0033Safety 0.426 15 stars 0.108970215 0.0464Fuel efficiency 0.116 22 mpg 0.306842118 0.0356Reliability 0.202 65 0.072835704 0.0147Cost 0.219 $17,000 0.531750942 0.1165

Total 0.2165Dash

Comfort 0.038 89 in rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 6 0.432493074 0.0164Safety 0.426 19 stars 0.510056303 0.2173Fuel efficiency 0.116 21 mpg 0.277263153 0.0322Reliability 0.202 85 0.504620557 0.1019Cost 0.219 $24,000 0.122076658 0.0267

Total 0.3945

Step 8 Validate Solution:

The totals of the weighted scores show that the Dash most nearly meets the wants/goals (or put another way,has the most “benefits”). Dash meets all the requirements and solves the problem.

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Step 7 Apply the Selected Method


The team generated utility functions from evaluation studies of many comparable vehicles (see Figure 2).Note that the cost utility curve gives a value of 0 for all vehicles costing more than $28,000 which was one ofthe requirements.

Figure 2. Examples of Utility Functions




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1



r leg

+ s


der r







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1



l Sta










0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1







Fuel Consumption








0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1








0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1



(X $



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In this example a team consensus approach based on the decision-making support staff’s and decision-maker’s values was used to obtain the criteria weights which were then normalized to a 0 –1 range. The teamwas polled and the average score for each element, rounded to the nearest integer, obtained and that value di-vided by the largest score. The Total Score is the product of the Criteria Weight and the Alternative Utilitysummed for the alternative.

Table 16. Example of MAUT Decision Analysis

Criteria/Want objectives


Arrow Alter-native



Comfort .5 86 in. rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 5 0.375 0.1875Safety 1 14 stars 0.150 0.15Fuel efficiency .7 21 mpg 0.300 0.21Reliability .9 80 0.700 0.63Cost 1 $26,000 0.075 0.075

Total 1.2525Baton

Comfort .5 88 in. rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 6 0.600 0.3Safety 1 17 stars 0.550 0.55Fuel efficiency .7 19 mpg 0.175 0.1225Reliability .9 70 0.600 0.54Cost 1 $21,000 0.275 0.275

Total 1.7875Carefree

Comfort .5 80 in. rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 5 0.050 0.025Safety 1 15 stars 0.275 0.275Fuel efficiency .7 22 mpg 0.400 0.28Reliability .9 65 0.550 0.495Cost 1 $17,000 0.650 0.65

Total 1.725Dash

Comfort .5 89 in rear seat leg and shoulder room, seats 6 0.700 0.35Safety 1 19 stars 0.825 0.825Fuel efficiency .7 21 mpg 0.300 0.21Reliability .9 85 0.750 0.675Cost 1 $24,000 0.150 0.15

Total 2.21*Extracted from the utility graphs‡Utility Score X Criterion Weight

Step 8 Validate Solution:

The totals of the weighted scores show that the Dash most nearly meets the wants/goals (or put another way,has the most “benefits”). Dash meets all the requirements and solves the problem.

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MAUT can also accommodate utility functions that have an optimum utility. One example of this could be aprojectile targeting system. If, for example, the required range were 100 meters, systems that yielded resultsover or under that range would have lowered utility values compared to systems that yielded results nearer100 meters. An example of just such a utility curve is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Example of Utility Function Having Optimum Utility


50 100


Data Value



Too low

Just right

Too high

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Step 7 Apply the Selected Method


As in the previous examples a team consensus approach based on the decision-making supportstaff’s and decision-maker’s values was used to obtain the criteria weights which were then nor-malized to a 0 –1 range. The team was polled and the average score for each element, rounded tothe nearest integer, obtained. In this example (shown in Table 17) the team consensus value isdivided by the sum of the scores to obtain the Normalized Weight Factor for each criterion (goal).Table 18 repeats the raw data and criteria previously established.

Goal N u m b e r G o a l N a m e

Goal Weight Factor

Normal ized Weight Factor

1 Maximize Passenger Comfort 1 0.034

2 Maximize Passenger Safety 10 0.345

3 Maximize Fuel-efficiency 3 0.103

4 Maximize Reliability 5 0.172

5 Minimize Investment Cost 10 0.345

Table 17. Example Goal Weights

Table 18. Data used in normalized scoring.

Criteria DescriptionArrow Baton Carefree Dash

Combined rearseat room

Based on the combined rear seat legand shoulder room. (Note: front seatpasssenger leg and shoulder room

was found not to discriminate.)

86 inches of leg andshoulder room,Seats 5

88 inches of leg andshoulder room,Seats 6

80 inches of leg andshoulder room,Seats 5

89 inches of leg andshoulder room,Seats 6

Number of safetystars

Based on the total number of starsawarded by the National Highway

Traffic Safety Administration for head-on and side impact.

14 stars 17 stars 15 stars 19 stars

City fuel economyrate

Based on the EPA fuel consumptionfor city driving. 21 mpg 19 mpg 22 mpg 21 mpg

ConsumerReports reliability


Based on the reliability rating givenby the consumer product testing

company.80 70 65 85

Purchase cost Based on the purchase price. $26K $21K $17K $24K



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The team established rules of thumb for eachcriterion representing their utility functionsand then proceeded to score each alternativerounding to integer values as appropriate. A1-5 performance score scale is used where a“1” score always means worst performance(0) and a “5” score always means best per-formance (1). The team scored Dash andBaton the same for combined rear seat roombased on the fact that a 1” difference was in-significant. Since the SMART methodologyallows for use of less of the scale range if thedata does not discriminate adequately, theyalso scored Baton’s fuel economy as a 2 be-cause a lower rating wouldn’t discriminateadequately. The normalized scores in Table19 are converted to utility values between 0and 1 (1= 0, 2= .25, 3= .5, 4= .75, 5= 1.0) asshown in Figure 4. (Remember that the foun-

dation of MAUT is the use of utility func-tions to transform an alternative’s raw scoreto a dimensionless utility score between 0and 1.) A weighted criterion score (notshown) is obtained by multiplying the utilityvalues by the Normalized Weight Factorsfrom Table 17. The weighted criterion scoresare summed into the overall final utilityscores shown at the tops of the columns inFigure 4.

Figure 4 displays the main tradeoffs acrossthe criteria using a Consumer Reports formatthat is easy for decision makers and others tounderstand. This presentation format pro-vides a different visual perspective of thesame/similar information as compared withprevious examples.

Criteria Scoring ExplanationArrow Baton Carefree Dash

Scoringrule ofthumb

Combined rearseat room

5 for large space and 1 for smallspace 4 5 2 5

3" perpoint

Number of safetystars

5 for big number of stars, 1 for lownumber of stars 1 4 2 5 1 star per


City fuel economyrate 5 for high mpg, 1 for low mpg 4 2 5 4 1mpg per


ConsumerReports reliability

rating5 for high reliability rating, 1 for

low reliability rating 4 2 1 5 5 ratingpoints perpoint

Purchase cost 5 for low purchase cost, 1 for highpurchase cost 1 3 5 2 $2-$3K

per point

AlternativesTable 19. Normalized Scores

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Step 8 Validate Solution:

The shaded alternative in Figure 4, Dash, has the highest overall utility score and most nearly meets thewants/goals (or put another way, has the most “benefits”). Dash meets all the requirements and solvesthe problem.


Scoring Method: 1 to 5 Scale

Arrow Baton Carefree Dash

CriteriaOverall Score:

23.2%Overall Score:

53.4%Overall Score:

54.3%Overall Score:


Combined rearseat room

4.0 = 0.75 2.0 = 0.25 5.0 = 1.0

Number of safetystars

1.0 = 0 4.0 = 0.75 2.0 = 0.25 5.0 = 1.0

City fuel economyrate

4.0 = 0.75 2.0 = 0.25 5.0 = 1.0 4.0 = 0.75

ConsumerReports reliability

rating4.0 = 0.75 2.0 = 0.25 1.0 = 0 5.0 = 1.0

Purchase cost1.0 = 0 3.0 = 0.5 5.0 = 1.0 2.0 = 0.25

Pick a replacement vehicle for the motor pool.


1 2 3 4 5


Figure 4. Final Evaluation Result, Dash has highest score.

5.0 = 1.0

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Step 7 Apply the Selected Method


The object of a CBA is to calculate the Net Present Value of an alternative. OMB Circular No. A-94provides the following example of a Net Present Value calculation.17


Assume a 10-year program which will commit the Government to the stream of real (or constant-dollar)expenditures appearing in column (2) of Table 20 and which will result in a series of real benefits appear-ing in column (3). The discount factor for a 7 percent discount rate is shown in column (4). The presentvalue cost for each of the 10 years is calculated by multiplying column (2) by column (4); the presentvalue benefit for each of the 10 years is calculated by multiplying column (3) by column (4). The presentvalues of costs and benefits are presented in columns (5) and (6) respectively.

Table 20. Example of CBA Calculation

Year sinceInitiation,

Renewal, orExpansion


Expectedyearly cost


Expectedyearly benefit


Discountfactors for


Presentvalue of

costs Col. 2x Col. 4


Present valueof benefits

Col. 3 x Col.4


1 $10.00 $ 0.00 0.9346 $ 9.35 $0.002 20.00 0.00 0.8734 17.47 0.003 30.00 5.00 0.8163 24.49 4.084 30.00 10.00 0.7629 22.89 7.635 20.00 30.00 0.7130 14.26 21.396 10.00 40.00 0.6663 6.66 26.657 5.00 40.00 0.6227 3.11 24.918 5.00 40.00 0.5820 2.91 23.289 5.00 40.00 0.5439 2.72 21.7610 5.00 25.00 0.5083 2.54 12.71Total $106.40 $142.41

NOTE: The discount factor is calculated as 1/(1 + i)t where i is the interest rate (.07) and t is the year(OMB Circular A-94 specifies a 7% discount rate).

The sum of column (5) is the total present value of costs and the sum of column (6) is the total presentvalue of benefits. Net present value is $36.01, the difference between the sum of discounted benefits andthe sum of discounted costs.

Step 8 Validate Solution:

Only alternatives meeting all requirements should be considered. This calculation would be performedfor each alternative and the alternative with the largest Net Present Value would be preferred.

___________________________________17 Appendix C-Further Reading 13, U.S. Office of

Management and Budget, p.18

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The examples in Appendix A demonstrate that data resulting from any of these methodologies can begenerated and presented in a variety of formats ranging from hand reduction techniques to sophisticatedcomputer driven software packages. As discussed in section 1.8 of Appendix B sensitivity analyses canbe useful to the decision makers by allowing them to evaluate their values (Criteria/Goal Weights) tomake sure they select the alternative that best meets their values (honesty check). For example Figure 5shows how an increase in the purchase cost criterion Goal Weight Factor from the SMART examplecould change the outcome. Increasing the cost Normalized Weight Factor from the current value of34.5% to 50% would result in Carefree having the highest overall utility score.

Three sample formats for presenting the Overall Score data from Figure 4, Final Evaluation Result, arepresented below – a Bar Chart, a Pie Chart, and a Polar Chart. There are numerous additional ways inwhich the data from these examples can be presented. The decision team should pick the method thatbest displays their results and conclusions.

Bar Chart Pie Chart Polar Chart

Figure 5. Purchase Cost Sensitivity Analysis












0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1

Purchase cost Weight



If weight = .5 for cost,Carefree would bepreferred alternative

Current weight ofCost criterion













Ar row Baton Carefree Dash


ty S
























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Appendix B – Decision ProcessAids

1.0 Introduction

This appendix provides helps, additionalinformation, and potential forms or productsto be developed during each of the processsteps defined in Section 2 of this Guidebook.

Usually the decision making support staffshould engage the help of, skilled and ex-perienced analysts/facilitators to assistwith all stages of the decision process. Ex-pert facilitation can help assure that all thesteps are properly performed and docu-mented. Their experience and expertise willhelp provide transparency to the decisionmaking process and help avoid misunder-standings that often lead to questions aboutthe validity of the analyses which ultimatelyslow progress. Table B-8 (page 39) pro-vides some Decision Support PersonnelContacts at several DOE sites.

1.1 Brainstorming

Brainstorming is the chief tool used by thedecision support team to identify, analyze,and develop the problem and potential alter-native solutions. Brainstorming is a tech-nique for using the subconscious to generateideas. Brainstorming tools like lateralthinking, affinity diagrams, and interrela-tionship digraphs can be used to aid the pro-cess. Creative, divergent thinking is essen-tial in this step. No ideas are critiqued untillater in the process and all ideas are re-corded. Once brainstorming has concluded,ideas can be accepted, refined, and com-bined with other ideas or cast aside as is ap-propriate.

1.2 Aid to Defining a Problem

The following suggestions/questions may beuseful in defining the scope and resourceneeds for a given problem.

1. Initial Problem Statement:• Initial Undesired State

• Desired State

2. List problem symptoms/triggers.

3. Scope of Evaluation – how big is thesystem? Who is impacted by this prob-lem/issue?

4. How much time and funding is availableto perform the evaluation?

5. Who will be the project lead for the de-cision analysis?

6. Who are the personnel (what functionalareas are involved) needed for theevaluation?

7. Who will provide the decision processand facilitation support?

8. How will the decision team interact?

9. Who are the reviewers, decision-maker(s), and stake holders?

10. Is external review (e.g. DNFSB, etc.)antic ipated.

11. Has the decision stalled out in the past?

12. What is the level of complexity?• Simple, only a few parameters tell

the whole story• Complicated, many parameters and

data that are not known by one per-son

• Complex interactions and quantita-tive data needed to support decision

• Need an expert system developed tohelp make repetitive consistent deci-sions in area of problem

The Problem Definition Worksheet, FigureB-1 (page 34), presents some probing ques-tions which can be used to refine the prob-lem. Often, the initial problem descriptionis not adequate to ensure that a full solutionwill be found. These questions are not theonly probing questions, just a sampling ofsome of those used by DOE in the past.

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Such questions are the essence of the trade-offs that may be found and discussed in theevaluation.

1.3 Aid to Identify Requirements andGoals

The essential task in this step is to segregatethe requirements from the goals. Require-ments are used to screen inadequate alterna-tives from further evaluation. The true testis to ask the question, “If an otherwise goodalternative does not meet this requirement,should it be dismissed or considered?” Ifthe answer is to dismiss the alternative, thisis truly a requirement. If the answer is toconsider the alternative, then this require-ment must be changed to a goal. Goals arenegotiable desirables. Tables B-1 and B-2(page 35) provide some examples of re-quirements and goals.

Requirements may contain both strategicand functional elements that may or may notapply to a specific problem. Applicablestrategic objectives can generate either re-quirements or goals. Table B-3 (page 35)gives the strategic requirements to be con-sidered for the INMM Program.

1.4 Aid to Define Alternatives

Alternatives are distinct potential solutions,which convert the initial state to the desiredstate. Alternatives should differ from eachother in how they achieve the desired state.

Alternatives can be discovered in manyways. They can be developed throughbrainstorming, or from examining / chal-lenging constraints or requirements. Thisrequirement challenging can also lead to thediscovery that a requirement is really a goal.

Alternative definition typically occurs intwo phases: generation and refinement. Inthe generation phase, the decision supportteam focuses on the goals and requirementsin an effort to produce ideas on how to per-form the identified function. Each goal andrequirement is evaluated and alternativesfocused on meeting these goals and re-

quirements are suggested. The generationphase often results in infeasible concepts.

Next, in the refinement phase, the decisionsupport team combines and completes theconcepts so that they become alternativesworthy of consideration.

Alternatives must be defined in such a wayas to clearly explain how they will solve theparticular problem. Alternatives must bedefined at a level that enables comparativeanalysis. This may take a good written de-scription and a diagram of the specific func-tions performed to remedy the problem. Asimple functional diagram, as seen in FigureB-2 (page 36), can clarify an alternative.The diagram should be adequately detailedto describe the differences between this andthe other alternatives. Each definitionshould enable the decision support team tounderstand how that alternative solves theproblem and how it differs from the otheralternatives.

1.5 Aid to Defining DiscriminatingCriteria

Each goal is something desired from the al-ternative. Criteria are measures of effective-ness for each goal. The job of the criteria isto discriminate between the alternatives.Some goals may require more than one cri-terion to fully capture the discrimination.Other goals may not have anything measur-able or estimable that discriminates. Thesegoals need to be set aside. Each criterionwill need a description and a unit of meas-ure/estimation definition. These definitionsmust be sufficient for sharing with the deci-sion-maker(s) and/or allow the team to per-form an initial qualitative evaluation. Goalsand criteria must be reviewed and approvedby the decision-maker(s) prior to alternativeevaluation.

Table B-4 (page 36) shows an example cor-relation between some goals and criteriaalong with criteria descriptions and an initialattempt as to what should be measurable orestimable. Maintaining the association of thegoals and criteria is important for two rea-

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sons. First, it is important to remember whyand what a criterion is supposed to be meas-uring. Second, the association helps answerthe question, “Are these all the criteria, andhow do you know all the essential criteriaare identified?” Answering this questionrequires two steps: (1) confirm that all goalsare identified, and (2) confirm that discrimi-nating criteria have been identified for eachgoal.

Ultimately, criteria selection greatly influ-ences the selection of an alternative. A goodway to begin is to list all the advantages(pros) and disadvantages (cons) of each al-ternative. These pros and cons are then usedto suggest discriminating criteria for eachgoal. Each goal should have one or morecriteria. Each criterion should measuresomething important, and not be directlydependent on another criterion.

Many DOE decisions are driven by similarforces, which results in similar criteria fordecisions. Generally, one or a few criteriaare selected for each goal as alternatives aredeveloped and potential discrimination dis-cussed. Fewer real discriminators will resultin a clearer, more understandable decisionanalysis product. Table B-7 (page 39) con-tains an initial set/starting point of goals andpotential discriminating criteria for INMMProgram decisions. Other programs andprojects need to define their own/other goalsand associated criteria as appropriate.

1.6 Aid to Screening Alternativesagainst Criteria

Alternative evaluation can be performed inmany ways, using many methods and tools.Be aware that the size of the team needed isproportional to the quality of the data avail-able – the more intangible and qualitativethe data, the greater the number of peoplethat should be involved. It is important tohave a team with broad based expertise andto perform enough analysis to support a rec-ommendation or decision. Evaluations needto 1) avoid completion of analysis too soonsuch that the recommendation or decision isnot defensible but 2) avoid too much

evaluation and delaying the decision longerthan necessary. It is important to realize thatas the detail in an analysis increases, moredetailed data are required that generallycosts time and money. Maintaining a bal-ance between further evaluation and beingtechnically defensible deserves a lot of at-tention.

As alternatives are evaluated the criteria canbe either qualitative or quantitative in form.The first evaluation step is the screening outof alternatives because requirements cannotbe met. If a decision-maker(s) determinesthat one or more screened alternativesshould be retained and evaluated, the re-quirement causing it to be initially screenedout is moved to the goal list and discrimi-nating criteria defined for the new goal. Ifafter the requirement screening there are stilltoo many alternatives to fully evaluate, aqualitative analysis may be needed to reducethe number of alternatives needing data col-lection.

An example of screening requirements isshown in Table B-5 (page 37). This exam-ple is excerpted from an analysis of DOEowned spent nuclear fuel, which might be acandidate for Savannah River Site canyonprocessing. There are two requirements forevaluating the fuels as potential canyon can-didates:

1. Compatibility with current canyon proc-esses. There must be a flow-sheet avail-able to process the fuel in an SRS can-yon.

2. Not currently qualified for the reposi-tory. DOE owned commercial fuel, forinstance, is identical with commercialspent nuclear fuel, and so there shouldbe no technical questions about its re-pository disposal.

Based on these two requirements oxidecommercial, oxide disrupted (TMI), metal(UZr), metal (U,UMo), N Rx and graphitefuel are screened out of the analysis becausethey do not meet one or both of the require-ments.

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Evaluation of alternatives can occur in oneto three phases depending on complexity.

Phase I--Qualitative Analysis:


Against Criteria

Collectedcriteria data foreachalternativemodel data,research data)

Criteria withdefinedmeasures ofeffectiveness

Phase I is generally performed first and mayinclude the Pro-Con method where the ad-vantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) ofan alternative are described.

If knowledgeable experts make up theevaluation team, it can be useful to performa subjective analysis using qualitative scor-ing by each team member. Several of theevaluation methods can support this initialevaluation. This initial assessment evaluateswhere perceptions of the criteria scores dif-fer across the decision support team. Theseareas of disagreement become the minimumset of criteria that need quantitative data orinformation collected. For those criteriawhere there is good agreement across thedecision support team, it may not be neces-sary to collect any additional data, depend-ing on the types of review expected and howuncontroversial the discrimination.

The qualitative analysis can also be used toidentify dominating alternatives. A knowl-edgeable team can set aside alternatives thatare clearly dominated by other alternativesprior to more sophisticated analysis. Thisprocess is called elimination by dominance.

A selection can be made based on thisanalysis if the winning alternative is veryclear and there is a single decision makerwith no external review expected. If this istrue, the evaluation step is complete and thesupporting information for the decision isthe results of the pro/con or qualitativeanalysis. If the pro/con analysis identifiedtradeoffs then a more sophisticated methodof analysis is required.

Phase II--Quantitative Analysis:Get Needed

Quantitative Data(build models if


Additionalevaluationdata needsfor criteria

Modeled dataor researchinformation

Criteria judgements may require improve-ment through data collection and quantita-tive analysis. The need for these data to bemore quantitative depends on the impor-tance of the data to the evaluation of the al-ternative. If the qualitative data is well un-derstood with little uncertainty, then gener-ating additional information may not be war-ranted. However, if there is significant un-certainty in one or more alternative’s per-formance, or the criterion is an importantdiscriminator, generating more quantitativeinformation may be essential to the credibil-ity of the alternative’s evaluation. Re-searching already existing data, performinga cost estimate, or modeling may be used toincrease the certainty of information used toenhance the perceptions and judgments ofexperienced individuals.

Phase III--Customize Alternatives and/orEvaluation Tools:

CustomizeAlternatives and/orEvaluation Methods

Evaluationof data for


New alternativeor a newevaluation

method needed

As alternatives are evaluated, the team maywant to enhance an alternative by combiningit with other alternatives or redefining it toaddress areas of poor performance. Thisaction essentially creates a new alternative.The new alternative must meet the require-ments.

The team may also desire a better under-standing of a criterion. The team may de-termine that another decision method is re-quired to better reflect the criteria. Occa-sionally, a team may need to create a cus-tom-tailored tool (or model) to get betterunderstanding of the system behavior ofeach alternative.

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1.7 Criteria Weighting Method Op-tions

After information is collected and incorpo-rated into the alternative analysis, weightingfactors can be used to rank the alternativesagainst the criteria. This analysis may leadto a clear preference or may identify addi-tional analysis needed to aid the final selec-tion.

Weighting has advantages and disadvan-tages. The advantage is that the decisionmaker or decision support team can providethe relative importance of the criteria. Per-forming multiple weightings to analyze dif-ferent viewpoints on the importance of thecriteria can facilitate understanding of therobustness of potential solutions. The dis-advantage of weighting is that it is limitedby the understanding and potential bias ofthose performing the weighting.

Although weighting of criteria is not re-quired for all alternative selection processes,in complex decisions it may be helpful be-cause it is unlikely that all criteria areequally important. Criteria can be weightedin several ways:• Direct decision and input of constant

values for criteria weights;• Weight Ratios and AHP pair-wise com-

parisons;• Partial Weight Ratios;• Weight computation through importance

ordering;• Weight computation based on “swing

weights”;• Weighted scores (KT).

Each method is described below.

1.7.1 Direct Decision and Input of Con-stant Values for Criteria Weights

Criteria weights can be provided directly bythe decision maker or may be establishedthrough expert judgment. Generally criteriashould receive weights normalized to 100%.

1.7.2 Weight Ratios and Analytic Hierar-chy Process

The weight ratio (WR) method uses pair-wise ranking and relative value to weightcriteria. In a pair-wise ranking each of thecriteria is ranked or evaluated against eachof the other criteria. Team members decidewhich of two criteria is more important inselecting an alternative and by how much.The WR process can be completed eithermanually or by using various computersoftware tools.

A scale of one to nine is well recognized.One represents equal importance of the cri-teria; nine represents an order of magnitudedifference between the two criteria. Onceestablished, this relative value score issummed for each criterion and is normalizedto a total of 100%. An advantage of simpli-fied manual pair-wise comparisons is thatfor a small number of criteria, it can becompleted quickly during an interactive ses-sion. A disadvantage of this method is thatconsistency checks must be done separately(i.e., if A>B and B>C then A>C must betrue). With larger numbers of criteria, totalconsistency is difficult to achieve and tocheck (e.g., how much >C is A).

1.7.3 Partial Weight Ratio

The partial weight ratio method uses pair-wise comparisons except that only enoughpair-wise comparisons are completed to en-sure that each criterion has been included atleast once. This process is supportedthrough some software tools. An advantageof this method is that it is quick to imple-ment. The disadvantage is that comparisonsare minimized, which provides no consis-tency checks.

1.7.4 Weight Computation Through Im-portance Ordering

In weight computation through importanceordering, team members define an alterna-tive with the least preferred level of accept-ability against all criteria. Team membersthen select the one criterion that they would

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choose to improve, given this alternative.This criterion becomes the most importantcriterion. The process continues until allcriteria have been ranked. This method of-fers an advantage when comparison of crite-ria on a one-to-one basis is difficult. Allweights are established on a binomial selec-tion process rather than a relative value pro-cess. It is recommended that this method,like weight computation, be implementedusing available software.

1.7.5 Weight Computation Based onSwing Weights

Weight computation based on swing weightsis a combination of ordering preference anddirect decision and input. In this method, aswith ordering preference, team membersdefine an alternative with the least preferredlevel of acceptability against all criteria,then select the one criterion that they wouldchoose to improve. This criterion is thengiven a swing weight of 100. Team mem-bers similarly select the next criterion anddetermine the relative importance of swing-ing it over its range compared with swingingthe first criterion over its range, as a pe r-centage of the first criterion’s 100 pointswing weight. The process continues untilall criteria have been ordered. The advan-tages of this method are similar to those forordering preference, except that criteriaranking is adjusted to reflect evaluators’judgments on relative criteria importance.This method is implemented by adjustingthe absolute weights to sum to one. This canbe done manually or with supporting soft-ware. For large matrices a software tool ishelpful.

1.7.6 Weighted Scores (KT)

The KT weighting method requires the teamto weight each criterion from one to ten byconsensus. (See K-T Decision Analysis,section 3.2, page 6.)

1.7.7 Summary of Weighting Methods

Table B-6 (page 38) summarizes variousweighting methods, describes their limita-

tions and strengths, and suggests potentialapplications appropriate for each.

1.8 Sensitivity Analysis

Both sensitivity and uncertainty analysescan be useful to the decision makers to helpthem evaluate their values (Criteria/GoalWeights) to make sure they select the alter-native that best meets their values (honestycheck). Such analyses are used to increasethe clarity of alternative selection. The pur-pose of a sensitivity analysis is to validatethe alternative evaluation and alternativerankings that result from the decision proc-ess by demonstrating that small changes inthe alternative scores against the decisioncriteria or decision criteria weights do notchange the alternative ranking.

First the decision criteria weights arechecked for sensitivity. The decision teamchanges each of the decision criteria weightsby 10% while maintaining the 100% sum ofthe weight factors. If these changes do notresult in a change in the alternative rankings,the decision analysis is considered robust.

Another sensitivity analysis evaluates theoutcomes when the alternative scores areadjusted up and down by either a percentageor the potential error of the scored value. Ifthese ranges do not change the overall re-sults, the analysis is insensitive to the alter-native scores.

If recommended alternatives do change withthe variations investigated, the decisionanalysis support team may choose to collectadditional information or describe the im-pact of the potential error on the alternativeselection to the decision-maker(s). Most ofthe software available for decision makingallows sensitivity analyses to be performedvery simply. AHP software, for example,generates excellent graphs to analyze thedecision sensitivity and allows for dynamicsensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis ex-amples are shown in Figure B-3 (page 37)and Figure 5 of Appendix A.

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1.9 Aid to Validate Solution(s) againstthe Problem Statement

Compare the solution to the original prob-lem statement, requirements, goals, and cri-teria. A final solution should resolve all is-sues, meet all requirements, and mostclosely achieve all goals.

2.0 Outline for Decision Analysis Re-ports and Presentations

A final report to the decision maker(s) mustbe written documenting the decision processand recommending the final solution. Thefollowing is a suggested outline:

2.1 Problem Statement:

Describe the mission, initial conditions,desired conditions, and any stakeholderneeds. Discuss why the team was con-vened and who participated in the deci-sion or input to the team. List all TeamMembers and Subject Matter Expertsinvolved and describe their credentials.

2.2 Requirements Identification

List requirements and discuss all deci-sion assumptions, system functions, andconstraints that were used in definingwhat was needed to be achieved. Dis-cuss how these were arrived at and anydissenting opinions.

2.3 Goals

List all goals and discuss the genesis oftheir development.

2.4 Alternatives evaluated

List all alternatives considered andscreened out. Include a good written de-scription and diagram of the specificfunctions performed by each alternativeconsidered in the final anlaysis. Discusswhat tradeoffs were identified for thealternatives and how they were investi-gated/evaluated.

2.5 Decision Criteria:

List the criteria used and discuss howthey related to the corresponding goalsand why.

2.6 Methodology used:

Discuss what methodology was used forthe decision and why that method waschosen. Outline how the methodologywas applied.

2.7 Evaluation Results:

Discuss the results of the analysis. If ap-propriate, discuss the decision criteriaweights, what they are and how theywere chosen. If appropriate to themethod chosen, discuss how sensitivethe results are to criteria weights or anyother assumptions (Sensitivity Analy-sis). Provide figures, tables, and graphsas appropriate to explain both the proc-ess and the results.

2.8 Conclusions and Path Forward:

Based on the results of the analysis, ex-plain why the recommended alternativeis the best solution to the problem andwhat the next steps the team recom-mends be taken to implement a decision.

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Problem / Issue Short Title: ____________________________________________________

• Summary statement of the unacceptable or undesirable condition (identified problem)

• Define the initial state:1. What are the symptoms pertinent to the problem?

2. What are current conditions?

3. What are potential causes for the condition?

4. What assumptions are appropriate for the analysis?

• What happens if the problem or issue is not solved? Why fix it?

• What historical causes or barriers may be important to alternative development?

• What is the desired state? Describe the expected characteristics of the system after theproblem is properly solved.

• Who or what is affected? (interfaces)

• What is included in the system boundary of this problem?

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Table B-1. Example of Requirements

Sodium Bearing Waste (SBW)Alternative RequirementsAlternatives shall process concentrated liquid waste transferred to the tank farm through 2005 (i.e.boiled down SBW) and newly generated liquid waste (NGLW) through operational shutdown of thealternatives process.All primary and secondary waste streams shall have disposition paths or plans identified and assump-tions associated with those waste streams validated.Heel flushes (including any solids moved in heel flushing process) shall be included in the processingscope.Alternatives shall not return waste to existing tank farm.Each alternative scope shall include ultimate treatment of all tank waste; i.e., movement of waste withno subsequent treatment does not qualify as disposition in 2.All alternatives reviewed shall be bounded by the EIS.Each alternative shall meet all DOE and regulatory requirements, including the Settlement Agreementmilestone of removing the SBW from the tank farm by 2012.

Table B-2. Example of GoalsSodium Bearing Waste Alternative GoalsMaximize Meeting Schedule CommitmentsMinimize CostMinimize Technical RiskMinimize ES&H ImpactsMaximize OperabilityMaximize Utilization by Other WastesMaximize Ability to DisposeMinimize Program Risk

Table B-3.INMM Program Strategic Requirements

Nuclear Weapons: Maintain sufficient nuclear weaponsand infrastructure for national defense.Arms Control: Reduce worldwide stockpile of nuclearweapons.Nonproliferation: Prevent spread of nuclear materialsand weaponsNuclear Energy: Ensure nuclear energy as a dimensionof a viable energy futureEnvironment: Treat remaining legacy materials, facili-ties, and wasteScience: Preserve and supply nuclear materials for fu-ture scientific, defense, and medical research, devel-opment, and other needs.Naval Propulsion: Ensure adequate supply of highlyenriched uranium (HEU) and testing capabilities.

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Am/Cm Solution

Make Glass

Weld PSC

Base Case

Transport to RBOF

Store in RBOF

Transport to RBOF

Mech. Seal PSC

Store in RBOF

Weld PSC

Store in F Canyon

Store in F Canyon

Mech. Seal in S.S.C*

* Special Shipping Container

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Alternative 3

Store @ ORNL

Make Products

Use Products

Recycle Products

Dispose of Products

Ship to ORNL

Figure B-2, Am-Cm Disposition Flow Diagram

Table B-4An Example of Goals, Criteria, Criteria Descriptions, and Unit of Measures

Goal Criteria Criteria Description Unit of Measure or Estimate

Meet Schedule1. Schedule risk (Work and uncertainties); duration in

time to support the technical uncer-tainty integrated with the work

Potential schedule slip (years)

2. Project re-duction poten-tial

Potential dollar savings to the totalproject cost

Potential project savings in FY2000 constant dollars

Minimize Cost 3. Lifecyclecosts throughdecontaminationand decommis-sioning (D&D)

Total costs to implement completealternative (including high level waste[HLW] system costs) broken downbetween alternative implementationand the system

Total costs in FY00 Constantdollars

4. Technicalmaturity

Apply EM50 gate model to technolo-gies in each alternative for each unit’soperations and summarize

Average maturity against gatemodel (gate level 17)

MinimizeTechnical Risk 5. Implementa-

tion conf idenceAmount of relevant process experiencein the complex and industry for thetechnology.

Average equipment maturityusing gate model (17)

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Table B-5Example of Screening Against Requirements

Fuel Type


patible with

Canyon Processing

Not Q

ualified forthe R


Oxide Commercial Yes NoOxide Non-Commercial Yes YesOxide, U-Th Yes YesOxide Disrupted (TMI) No NoMetal (U, U-Mo,)/Na Yes YesMetal (U-Zr) No YesMetal (U,U-Mo), N Rx Yes NoAl-Clad U-Metal Yes YesAl Clad Al Matrix Yes YesGraphite No No

Figure B-3Gradient Sensitivity for Packaging and Stabilization Automation Study for ALARA

This sensitivity graph was produced by commercially available software. Based on the priority ofALARA of about 0.075 the graph shows that a fully manual system is preferred. When theALARA priority rises above a 0.12, a semi-automatic system becomes preferred. Above a prior-ity of 0.70, the fully automatic alternative becomes preferable to the manual alternative, but thefully automated system is never preferred under any ALARA priority to the semiautomatic sys-tem.



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Table B-6 Summary of Criteria Weighting MethodsMethod Limitations Strengths Recommended

UseDirectDecision andInput

More prone tointroduction ofindividual bias

Simple – Noevaluation team effortrequired to select andweigh criteria.Incorporates highleveldecisions nototherwise apparent toevaluators

When the decisionmaker has expertiseto determine therelative importanceof criteria.

Weight RatioAHP

May need software forefficient application.Requires hardwareand data input whenresults are requiredduring an interactivesession.

Accommodatesnumerous criteria,some of which arederived from others(hierarchicalstructure).Conducive to inputtingsome decision factorsand adjusting theothers accordingly.

When sensitivityevaluations aredesired.When activity iscomplex.Whenconsequences ofdecision result inhigh risk to activity.

Partial WeightRatio

Cannot perform checkon consistency ofinputs.

Eliminates need forcriteria comparisonsthat are difficult.

When evaluatorshave difficulty incomparison ofseveral criteria.


Requires more timethan orderingimportance.Abstract concept.

Direct comparison ofcriteria is not required.Conducive to inputfrom experts anddecision maker

When a one-to-onecomparison ofcriteria is notfeasible andmore representativeweights are desired


Does not performcomparisons orconsistency checks.

Simple to use. Doesnot require computers.

When a structuredmethod is desiredfor a relativelysimple problem.

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Table B-7INMM Goals and Potential Criteria

Goal CriteriaMinimize Cost Total capital or project cost

Total life-cycle costNet Present Value costShort-term costsDisposal costsOperation and maintenance costInfrastructure modification cost

Minimize Impact to Environment, Worker Safety, andPublic Health

Hazardous releasesRadiological releasesImpact to burial performance assessmentWaste generation (quantity and type)Worker radiological exposureWorker hazard exposureActive safety system requirements (engineered/administrativefeatures)Risk of transporting materials/wastesPublic exposure (radiological or hazardous)

Maximize Safeguards and Security of Nuclear Material Attractiveness of materials for weapon productionAttractiveness of materials for sabotageControl level of materials (guns, gates, and guards)

Minimize Technical Risk Technology maturityEquipment maturityConstructabilityDifficulty to obtain acceptance for disposal (ease of certifying)

Minimize Programmatic Risk Interface to other programsStakeholder involvement neededInterface with multiple sitesEase of funding (operations vs. capital)External agreementsLevel of NEPA compliance requiredRegulation difference

Maximize Requirements and Management Focus Supports management direction and focusSupports other DOE priorities

Maximize Operability Operational simplicityOperating staff level of expertise requiredInterfaces to other systems, structures, and sitesMaintainability, including mean time to repair Dependabil-ity/reliability (mean time to failure)Transportation availability (packages and transport sy stems)Flexibility to expand easily (without capital investment) inthroughputEquipment availability

Accelerate Completion Schedule Schedule riskCompletion dateSite closure scheduleTime needed to resolve issuesRequirement for policy changes


Name Site Phone EmailJoseph (Joe) F. Krupa WSRC/SRS (803) 952-8084 [email protected] Murphy INEEL (208) 526-4453 [email protected] F. Holdaway ORNL (865) 576-2509 [email protected] (Bill) Jackson WSRC/SRS (803) 952-7218 [email protected] Wheeler SNL (505)845-9540 [email protected] L. Hunter SNL (505) 844-5837 [email protected] Schelling SNL (505)844-1792 [email protected] B. Sorenson SNL (505) 844-0074 [email protected]

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Appendix C – Further Reading

1. Forman, E., and Selly, M., Decision by Objectives, Folger, H. Scott, and Steven E. LeBlanc, Strategies for Creative Problem Solving, Prentice-

Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1995.3. Gause, D. C. and Weinberg, Are Your Lights On? How to Figure Out What the Problem

REALLY Is, Dorset House Publishing, New York, NY, 1982.4. Hammond, J, Keeney R., and Raiffa H., “Smart Choices, A Practical Guide to Making Better

Decisions,” Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1999.Hooks, I. F. Guide for Managingand Writing Requirements, Complince Automation, Inc, Houston, TX, 1994.

5. Hooks, I. F., and Farry, K. A., Customer Centered Products – Creating successful Productsthrough Smart Requirements Management, American Management Association, New York,NY, 2001.

6. Kepner, C.H., and Tregoe, B.B., The New Rational Manager, Princeton Research Press,Princeton, NJ, 1981.

7. Thomas L. Saaty and Kevin P. Kearns, Analytical Planning, Pittsburgh, PA. RWS Publica-tions, 1985.

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