guideline for applicants


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Guideline for Applicants

of the

“IPARD-like” Grant Schemefor 

Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania2012 - 2014

December 2012Version 1.0

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This document has been produced with the nancial assistance of the European Union.The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reect the ofcial opinion of theEuropean Commission.


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Table of Contents

1. Objectives, Priorities and Measures of the Grant Scheme................................. 7

1.1 Background .................................................................................................. 7

1.2 Objectives and Measures of the “IPARD-like” Grant Scheme...................... 8

1.3 Key Denitions ............................................................................................. 9

2. Measure 1 - Investments in Agricultural Holdings: Financial Conditions,

  Eligibility of Applicants and Investment Actions .................................................11

2.1  Aid Intensity under Measure 1 ....................................................................11

2.2 Eligibility of Applicants under Measure 1.................................................... 12

2.3 Eligible Investment Actions under Measure 1 ............................................ 14

3. Measure 2 - Investments in Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products -

Financial Conditions, Eligibility of Applicants and Investment Actions ............. 19

3.1  Aid intensity under Measure 2.................................................................... 19

3.2 Eligibility of Applicants under Measure 2.................................................... 20

3.3 Eligible Investment Actions under Measure 2 ............................................ 21

4. Rules for Eligibility of Expenditures .................................................................. 26

4.1 Eligible Expenditure ................................................................................... 26

4.2 Ineligible Expenditure................................................................................. 27

5.  Application Procedure ...................................................................................... 29

5.1 Content of the Application .......................................................................... 29

5.2 Submission of Applications ........................................................................ 30

5.3 Further Information to Applicants ............................................................... 31

6. Selection, Contracting and Implementation of Actions ..................................... 32

6.1 Selection Procedure................................................................................... 32

6.1.1 Check for Administrative Compliance and Eligibility .................................. 32

6.1.2  Assessment of the Business Plan.............................................................. 32

6.1.3 On-the-Spot Check .................................................................................... 33

6.1.4 Ranking of Applications.............................................................................. 33

6.2  Award Decision and Notication of Applicants ........................................... 34

6.3 Conditions Applicable to the Implementation of the Investments Action.... 34

6.4 Payment of Grant ....................................................................................... 34

6.5 Ex-post Monitoring ..................................................................................... 35

6.6 Early Warning System and Central Exclusion Database ........................... 35

7. Important Notes to the Applicant for Rejection of Applications ......................... 36

8. List of Annexes ................................................................................................. 38

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1. Objectives, Priorities and Measures of the Grant Scheme

1.1 Background

The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) 2007 – 2013 is the main tool usedby the European Union (EU) to provide nancial and technical support to enlargementcountries. The overall IPA objective for Albania is to support reforms and capacity building

needed to achieve compliance with EU law in order to fully prepare the country to take onthe obligations of membership in the EU.

IPA has a Rural Development component (IPARD), which provides assistance to EUcandidate countries for the implementation of multiannual programmes contributing to thesustainable development of the agricultural sector and rural areas and their preparationfor the implementation of the EU policies and law.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection (MAFCP) has the overallresponsibility for preparation for the IPARD implementation in Albania. The draft IPARDProgramme for Albania has been developed and discussed with key economic and socialpartners in the country. The designated IPARD Operating Structure (Paying Agencyfor Rural Development and Agriculture/ ARDA; and Managing Authority of MAFCP) isresponsible for the management and control of the future IPARD programme and their capacity are gradually developed.

The European Community, represented by the Commission of the European Communities,which is further represented by the EU Delegation to Albania, delegated to the GIZ –Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit – the implementation of the IPA 2011 Project “Support to Agriculture and Rural Development” (SARD-IPARD)through Delegation Agreement No. 2012/295-403. The Project duration is from 07/2012 until 06/2014. This Project provides assistance to the designated Albanian IPARDOperating Structure and other stakeholders to increase awareness on EU standards and

to strengthening their management and implementation capacity of future IPARD funds.One of the components of the IPA 2011 Project is the implementation of an investmentGrant Scheme for agro-food sector development based on IPARD compliant rules(IPARD-like). The “IPARD-like” Grant Scheme is co-funded by the EU (75%) and theGovernment of Albania (25%), and implemented by GIZ as Contracting Authority for theEU funds and ARDA.

This Guideline for Applicants sets out the rules for the submission, selection andimplementation of investment actions under the two measures “Investments in agriculturalHoldings” and “Investments in processing and marketing of agricultural products” of the“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme.

Further copies of this Guideline together with all information related to the Call for  Application can be downloaded via and

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1.2 Objectives and Measures of the “IPARD-like” Grant Scheme

The overall objectives of the Grant Scheme for agro-food sector development are asfollows:

• To contribute to increasing competitiveness of Albanian agricultural sector and foodindustry by support restructuring and modernisation;

• To contribute to the preparation of Albanian agricultural sector and food industry for its accession to the European Union by support to alignment to Community stan-dards;

• To support capacity-building of the Albanian structures responsible for the implemen-tation of the IPARD programme in the future.

Two measures are implemented under the “IPARD-like” Grant Scheme for agro-foodsector development.

Measure 1: Investments in Agricultural Holdings

Its overall objectives are as follows:

• Preparing for the future accomplishment of Article 12 (2) of the IPA Regulation (EC)No 1085/2006; and Article 174 of the IPA Implementing Regulation (EC) No 718/2007

• Gradually upgrade Albanian agricultural holdings towards Community standards,mainly in the elds of environmental protection, food safety and quality, animalwelfare, animal and plant health;

• Improving overall performance and competitiveness of the production of primary

agricultural products.

Measure 1 supports investments in agricultural production activities in four priorityagricultural sectors: milk, meat, fruits and vegetables aiming to increase the supply of safe and environmentally friendly farm products.

Measure 2: Investments in Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products

Its overall objectives are as follows:

• Preparing for the future accomplishment of Article 12 (2) of the IPA Regulation (EC)No 1085/2006; and Article 176 of the IPA Implementing Regulation (EC) No 718/2007

• Improving the processing and marketing of agricultural products in Albania throughgradually upgrading toward Community standards in the elds of environmentalprotection, food safety and quality, animal welfare and occupational safety;

• Improving the overall performance of the processing and marketing of primaryagricultural products and to contribute to improving the situation of the basicagricultural production sectors in question.

Measure 2 supports investments in four agro-food industry sectors: milk and dairy,slaughterhouses and meat processing, fruits and vegetable, thus complementingthe interventions under measure 1 contributing to improve the situation in the basic

agricultural production sector.

The overall indicative budget of the Grant Scheme is EUR 8,270,000 of which

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EUR 6,200,000 is Community contribution and EUR 2,070,000 is national contribution..The indicative allocation of funds by measure is as follows:

Measure 1 – 62% or up to EUR 5,130,000; Measure 2 – 38% or up to EUR 3,140,000.

In the case where the minimum percentage foreseen for a specic measure cannot beused due to insufcient quality or number of proposals received, the remaining funds willbe reallocated to the other measure.

The table below species Guideline sections, which apply to different measures andcommon provisions:

Eligibility Rules Measure 1 Measure 2Size of the investment projects and grants Section 2.1 Section 3.1

Eligibility of applicants: who may apply for grant Section 2.2 Section 3.2

Eligibility of investments: investments for which anapplication may be made

Section 2.3 Section 3.3

Eligibility of expenditures: types of expenditureswhich may be taken into account in setting the

amount of the grantSection 4

 Application procedure: content and submission of 


Section 5

Selection, contracting and implementation of investmentaction (project)

Section 6

1.3 KeyDenitions

•  Applicant: is a natural or legal person submitting an application for grant under a Callfor Applications;

• Beneciary (or grant beneciary): is a natural or legal person who has been awardeda grant to implement an investment action (project).

• Investment action (project): is composed of set of activities for investment in tangibleand intangible xed assets aiming at objectives of the supported sectors.

• Grant: is a payment by the Contracting Authority reimbursing part of the eligibleexpenditures made by the beneciary for the investment action (project) in tangibleand intangible assets

• Grant Award Decision: is a decision of an Authorising ofcer to award grant tosuccessful applicants nalising the selection process.

• Community contribution: is the amount of nancial contribution granted by GIZ whichis equal to 75% of the total public contribution.

National contribution: is the amount of nancial contribution granted by ARDA whichis equal to 25% of the total public contribution.

• Eligible expenditures: are the expenditures approved in accordance with the GrantScheme requirements stated in Annex 6 of this Guideline for Applicants.

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• Mountain area: the areas in Albania listed in Annex 7 of this Guideline for Applicants

• Young Farmer: a farmer under 40 years of age at the time of application.

• Enterprise: a legal entity that can consist of one or more establishments (local

production/ processing units).• Establishment: is a local production unit not registered as a legal entity, belonging to

an enterprise eligible for support under this grant scheme.

• Reconstruction: renovation/ refurbishment of an existing building/ facility (excludingextension)

• Construction: construction of a new building/ facility of an existing agricultural holding/enterprise/ establishment

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2. Measure 1 - Investments in Agricultural Holdings:Financial Conditions, Eligibility of Applicants andInvestment Actions

2.1 Aid Intensity under Measure 1

Under Measure 1 the total eligible expenditures (see Section 4) for which a

grant may be requested must fall between the following minimum and maximumamounts:

• minimum amount of total eligible expenditures: EUR 2,500;

• maximum amount total eligible expenditures: EUR 150,000.

• For applications above EUR 150,000 of total eligible expenditures andup to maximum EUR 300,000 the following rule shall apply:

In case applications exceed the maximum amount of total eligible expenditureof EUR 150,000 and are up to maximum EUR 300,000 of total eligibleexpenditures, they will be considered for contracting only if there is budgetavailable and all the other requirements (eligibility and selection criteriaincluding ranking) are met.

The maximum grant expressed as a percentage of total eligible expenditure is asfollows:

• maximum 50% of the total eligible expenditure of the investment; 

• The following exceptions shall apply:

• maximum 55% of total eligible expenditure of the investments implemented

by young farmers;

• maximum 60% of total eligible expenditure of investments executed in themountain areas. 

• maximum 65% of total expenditure of investments executed in the mountainareas, made by young farmers.

The table below summarises the nancial conditions under Measure 1:

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2. MeASure 1 - inveStMentS in AGriCulturAl HOldinGS: finAnCiAl COnditiOnS,

eliGibility Of AppliCAntS And inveStMent ACtiOnS

Përqindja e



i totalit tëshpenzime-

ve të pra-nueshme





i totalit tëshpenzi-

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i totalit tëshpenzi-

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Norma stan-darde 50%

2,500 1,250 150.000 75,000 300.000 150.00

Norma për fermerët e rinj55% 

2,500 1,375 150.000 82,500 300.000 165.000

Norma për zonat malore60%

2,500 1,500 150.000 90,000 300.000 180.000

Norma për fer-merët e rinj nëzonat malore65%

2,500 1,625 150.000 97,500 300.000 195.000

The grant is paid in one instalment after the completion of the investmentaction (project) and payment of the investment expenditures by the beneciary(See Section 6.4).

Advance and interim payments are not eligible under this Grant Scheme.

Number of applications and grants: The total number of investment projects(contracts) for one beneciary during the Project’s period is restricted to one under this measure.

2.2 Eligibility of Applicants under Measure 1

The applicants under Measure 1 must respond to all the criteria listed below. In order tobe eligible for a grant under Measure 1:

(1) The applicants must:

• tbe natural or physical persons and be owners of the land in Albania according tothe national legislation performing agricultural activities and demonstrating legaldocumentation of the ownership of the land according to the national legislationsor  

• be legal entities 100% privately owned or with up to 25% of whose capital is heldby a public body or bodies and/ or Associations for Cooperation in Agricultureestablished according to the national legislations and registered in accordancewith the Albanian legislation at the Central Register and licensed if requiredaccording to the national legislation for the eligible agriculture activity (eligibleinvestments) under this measure or  

• be natural or physical persons, legal entities or Associations for Cooperation in Agriculture, which have rented the land for the eligible agriculture activity/ activities(eligible investments) under this measure according to the national legislationsfor a minimum of 5 years.

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(2) The applicants must have on the territory of the Republic of Albania minimumagricultural activities specied in the table below:

Sector Minimum requirementMilk sector 

for investments incows

minimum 10 registered cows at date of application under theMAFCP animal register; whereas a cow is dened as female cattleborn in 2011 or older for the rst call for application

for investments insheep / goats

minimum 100 registered sheep and/or goats at date of applicationof all ages and sex under the MAFCP animal register 

Meat sector 

for investmentsin beef and vealmeat sector 

10 registered cattle of all ages under the MAFCP animal register 

at date of application

for investmentsin sheep meat/goat meat sector 

100 registered sheep and/or goats registered under the MAFCPanimal register at date of application

for investments in pig meat sector 

10 heads of breeding sows

for investmentsin poultry meat(broilers) sector  

1,000 heads of poultry (broilers)

Fruit sector and vegetable sector 

for investments in inopeneld

- a cultivated area of a minimum 1 ha in specialised or mixed cropsat date of application, and

- minimum 0.5 ha of land cultivated with vegetables or minimum0.5 ha of land cultivated with fruit in one or several blocks withthe possibility of rotation on the farm at the end of the investment(before payment of the grant).

for investments in protected fruits

and vegetables

- minimum cultivated area of 0.4 ha at date of application, and 

- minimum of 0.2 ha protected area in form of glasshouses/greenhouses/or tunnels with a minimum height of 2.8 meters at

the end of the investment (before payment of the grant).

(3) The applicants must:

• have fullled all obligations relating to the payment taxes, including land tax, andsocial security (pension and health) contributions and

• have no overdue nancial obligations to the MAFCP and must not be on the baddebtor list with ARDA and

• have sufcient nancial means to pre-nance the investments and to nance owncontribution without putting at risk the normal operation of the holding, and must

not be on the bad debtor list with the Bank of Albania.

(4) The applicants must prove adequate occupational skills and competence either through:

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2. MeASure 1 - inveStMentS in AGriCulturAl HOldinGS: finAnCiAl COnditiOnS,

eliGibility Of AppliCAntS And inveStMent ACtiOnS

• Formal agricultural education certicate (university degree or agricultural vocationalschool qualication), or 

• Professional service records of working experience for at least 3 years in the

respective agriculture eld of the investment; or • If natural or physical persons have at least 3 years of work experience in the

respective agricultural eld of the investment by lling in Section 4, Part 4.2Declaration on work experience of the Application Form given in Annex 1 (Annex1.1 for Measure 1).

(5) The applicants must declare in Section 4 (“Declaration by the applicant”) of the Application form given in Annex 1 (Annex 1.1 for Measure 1) that they do not fall inany of the situations listed in Annex 5 of this Guidelines for Applicants, which aregrounds for exclusion from participation in the call for proposals.

 Applicants have to submit all required supporting documents which are stated inthe Application Form given as Annex 1 (Annex 1.1 for Measure 1) proving their compliance with the above stated eligibility of applicants’ rules.

 Applicants must follow the instruction notes of the Application Forms in order tosubmit the required documents depending on the type of applicant and type of investment for which the Application Form is submitted.

2.3 Eligible Investment Actions under Measure 1


The planned implementation period of an investment action must end in 31 January2014, and will be specied in the individual grant contracts between the Contracting Authority and the nal beneciaries.


 All investments must take place in the territory of the Republic of Albania.

Common requirements to all investment actions under Measure 1 

 Applications may include only investments in tangible and intangible assets. 

The grant scheme supports only investments that will be implemented after the signatureof the Grant Contract. Only general costs which are realized prior to the submissionof application and which are activities necessary for the preparation of the investmentproject are eligible (preparation of business plans, technical designs, etc.). Investmentsthat have been executed in the past or started implementation before the signature of theGrant contract are not eligible under the Grant Scheme.

 All investments must comply with the relevant national minimum standards 

regarding environmental protection, food safety, animal and plant health, animal welfare,and occupational safety. This will be conrmed during the on-the-spot controls beforecontracting and before authorization of the claim for payment by relevant authoritiessubordinated to the MAFCP (National Veterinary Service, National Authority for Seedsand Seedlings and/ or National Food Authority) based on conrmation templatesprepared for the purpose of the IPARD-like grant scheme for these Authorities. Therelevant authorities will also check if relevant for the investment:

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• buildings and facilities which were constructed/reconstructed; and/or 

• buildings/ facilities where the newly acquired equipment is installed; and/or 

land site where investments took place.Investments such as equipment/ machinery/ or technologies falling under the CE MarkingDirectives must also comply with EC standards proven by the CE marking at the end of the realisation of the investment.

 All purchased machinery and equipment must be new.

The equipment and machinery must originate from Albania, EU member states or from other eligible countries under the IPA regulation. The list of eligible countries isgiven in Annex 9.

In case of  construction and/or reconstruction, technical documentation with

construction/ reconstruction plans must be prepared including other relevant documentsas requested by national law and submitted with the application. Environmental impactassessment has to be carried out, if required by national legislation.

If building, premises or land are not owned by the applicant, the applicant must havea rental contract for minimum 5 years from the date of application.

To be eligible for support investment actions (projects) proposed under the measuremust be economically viable. The economic viability is dened as the ability to sustainoperation on the basis of current and projected revenues equal to or in excess of currentand planned expenditures. The applicant has to prepare and to submit a business planusing the template provided in Annex 2 (Annex 2.1 Narrative Part and Annex.2.2 FinancialTables), which has to demonstrate economic viability of the agricultural holdings at theend of the realisation of the project. Annex 3 of these Guidelines for Applicants are theinstructions for the preparation of the business plan, which give detailed explanation howto prepare and ll in the template of the Business Plan.

Eligible sectors

Under Measure 1 investments in the following primary agricultural sectors are eligible:

1. Milk sector 

2. Meat sector 

3. Fruits and vegetable sector 

One application may include investments in one sector only. Applicationsenvisaging investments in more than one eligible sector or in non-eligibleagricultural sectors will be rejected. Fruits and vegetable sector is consideredas one sector.

The specic objectives by sector and eligible investments are given below. Oneapplication may target one or more objectives of one sector and to include one or more investment types listed for one sector. A detailed List of Eligible Expenditures isprovided in Annex 6.

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2. MeASure 1 - inveStMentS in AGriCulturAl HOldinGS: finAnCiAl COnditiOnS,

eliGibility Of AppliCAntS And inveStMent ACtiOnS

Milk sector 

Eligible for support are investment actions targeting following objectives:

• Improve raw milk hygiene and quality conditions on the farm through modernization

of production, storage and transportation technologies and practices;

• Improve animal health and welfare through investments in animal housing andhandling facilities;

• Introduce environmentally friendly manure handling, storage and treatment facilities.

Eligible types of investments under this sector are as follows:

• Milking equipment, cooling or storage facilities;

Construction and/ or reconstruction including installations of pre-fabricated animalhousing, storage sheds or machine sheds.

• On-farm animal feed preparation, handling, distribution systems and storage facilities;

• On-farm silage preparation, handling and storage facilities;

• Manure and waste storage facilities, manure handling and treatment facilities, andprotective fencing;

• Fences and gates, feed fences, short stands, animal weighing systems, disinfectionsunits, loading ramps, laneways, branding and injection chutes;

 Animal watering systems• Renewable energy technologies (such as solar panels or other technologies, except

bio-gas facilities for heating, ventilation, powering electric fences or water pumps for on-farm consumption only).

• IT (hardware and software) for herd management, milk registry or general farmmanagement.

Meat sector 

Eligible for support are investment actions targeting following objectives:• Improve meat quality through investments in modernization of production technologies

and practices to gradually achieve Community standards;

• Improve animal health and welfare through investments in animal housing andhandling facilities;

• Support introduction of environmentally friendly manure handling, storage andtreatment facilities;

• Encourage meat production from small ruminants, extensively raised on naturalpastures in the mountain areas.

Eligible types of investments under this sector except poultry are as follows:

• Construction and/ or reconstruction including installations of pre-fabricated animalhousing, storage sheds or machine sheds;

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• On-farm animal feed preparation, handling, distribution systems and storage facilities;

• On-farm silage preparation, handling and storage facilities;

 Animal feeding equipment, heating and ventilation, automatic environmental controlsystems, including energy saving equipment;

• Manure and waste storage facilities, manure handling and treatment facilities, andprotective fencing;

• Fences and gates, feed fences, short stands, animal weighing systems, disinfectionsunits, loading ramps, laneways, branding and injection chutes;

•  Animal watering systems

• Renewable energy technologies (such as solar panels or other technologies exceptbio-gas facilities for heating, ventilation, powering electric fences or water pumps for 

on-farm consumption only).

• IT (hardware and software) for herd management, or general farm management.

Poultry (broiler) farms are eligible only for the following types of investments:

• Construction or reconstruction of buildings and facilities for manure collection,storage, disposal and treatment;

• Purchase of equipment and machinery for manure and waste handling, storage

facilities, manure handling and treatment facilities, and protective fencing;

• Production of energy from renewable energy sources for on-farm consumption onlyfor heating, ventilation, powering electric fences or water pumps (such as solar panels or other technologies except bio-gas facilities).

For the need of this measure broiler is described as an animal of a speciesGallus gallus kept for meat production.

Fruits and vegetable sector 

Eligible for support are investment actions targeting following objectives:

• Improve production technique and technology, and also certied seedlings productionto enable farmers to produce fruit and vegetables of a quality that can compete in therapidly changing Albanian marketplace;

• Improve fruit and vegetable production technology for the overall improvement of therelevant minimum standards applicable in Albania and in particular in the storageand application of crop protection chemicals and fertilizers, and in chemical residuelevels;

• Reduce postharvest losses through on-farm investments in storage technology andinfrastructure and postharvest handling equipment, including cooling capacities,sorting and packaging lines.

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2. MeASure 1 - inveStMentS in AGriCulturAl HOldinGS: finAnCiAl COnditiOnS,

eliGibility Of AppliCAntS And inveStMent ACtiOnS

Eligible types of investments under this sector are as follows:

Fruits and vegetable sector are considered as one sector. Investments must

relate to fruits and/or vegetables listed in Annex 8.• Investments in restructuring (rehabilitation) of existing orchards (excluding vineyards

and olive groves), including cost of certied propagation material; pruning and other services carried out by a third party for soil preparation, with the exception of soilfertilizing;

• Purchase of new or upgrading of existing on-farm drip-irrigation and water sprinklingsystems and services for digging dwells, when primary irrigation is not available;

• Purchase of specialized horticultural machinery and equipment (such as specializedtractors and cultivators, equipment for crop protection by spraying, tractor trailers or other specialized vehicles used for harvesting);

• Construction and/ or reconstruction of glasshouses/ greenhouses/ tunnels, includinginstallations encompassing also renewable energy technologies for heating or watering systems;

• Investments in harvesting and post-harvest specialized equipment and facilities onthe farm (such as collection bins, packaging material, temporary storage facilities,pre-cooling equipment and tools, cleaning, sorting, grading, packaging lines, coolingunits and cold stores, and non-conditioned potato storages);

• Production of energy from renewable energy sources for on-farm consumption only -heating, cooling, ventilation, irrigation or water pumps (such as solar panels or other 

technologies except bio-gas facilities).


• For investment for on-farm-irrigation systems the applicant has to prove theappropriate license, authorisation, or concession for water use according to thecurrent Albanian Law on Water Resources before submission of Claim for payment;

• For investments in fruits and/ or vegetable propagation material and/or seedlings, theseeds must be certied by the State Body for Seed and Seedlings according to the

current law.• Expenditures for plastic cover of greenhouses and tunnels is eligible provided that

material is guaranteed by a manufacturer through warranty duration of minimum 3years

The following types of investments/activities are not eligible for co-funding under Measure 1:

• Purchase of second hand equipment;

• Investments in biogas facilities.

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3. Measure 2 - Investments in Processing andMarketing of Agricultural Products - FinancialConditions, Eligibility of Applicants and InvestmentActions

3.1 Aid intensity under Measure 2

Under Measure 2 the total eligible expenditures (see Section 4) for which a grant may berequested must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

• minimum amount: EUR 20,000

• maximum amount: EUR 500,000

• For applications above EUR 500,000 of total eligible expenditures and up tomaximum EUR 1,000,000 the following rule shall apply:

In case applications exceed the maximum amount of total eligible expenditure of 

EUR 500,000 and are up to maximum EUR 1,000,000 of total eligible expenditures,they will be considered for contracting only if there is budget available and all theother requirements (eligibility and selection criteria including ranking) are met.

Under Measure 2, the grant expressed as a percentage of total eligible expenditure is:

• maximum 50% of the total eligible expenditure of the investment.

The grant must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

• minimum amount: EUR 10,000

• maximum amount: EUR 250,000

• In case of maximum amount of total eligible expenditure exceeding EUR 500,000and are up to maximum EUR 1,000,000 the same rule shall apply that the grant ismaximum 50% of the total eligible expenditure of the investment.

The grant is paid in one instalment after the completion of the investment action(project) and payment of the investment expenditures by the beneciary (See Section6.4).

Advance and interim payments are not eligible under this Grant Scheme.

Number of applications and grants: The total number of investment projects (contracts)

for one beneciary during the Project’s period is restricted to one under this measure.

3.2 Eligibility of Applicants under Measure 2

The applicants under Measure 2 must respond to all the criteria listed below. In order to

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3. MeASure 2 - inveStMentS in prOCeSSinG And MArketinG Of AGriCulturAl prOduCtS

- finAnCiAl COnditiOnS, eliGibility Of AppliCAntS And inveStMent ACtiOnS

be eligible for a grant under Measure 2;

(1) The applicants must:

Be legal persons, with no more than 25% of the capital held by public body(ies) or  Associations for Cooperation in Agriculture and

• Be established according to the national legislation, and registered in accordancewith the Albanian legislation at the Central Register and licensed if required inaccordance with the Albanian legislation for the eligible processing activity (eligibleinvestments) under this measure and

• Be enterprises, which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annualturnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet in total notexceeding EUR 43 million.

(2) The applicants must have a dairy processing enterprise:

• In a non-mountain area with minimum processing capacity of 1 ton of raw milk per day, or  

• In a non-mountain area with minimum processing capacity of 0.5 ton of raw milkper day in an establishment, located in a mountain area, or 

• In a mountain area with minimum processing capacity of 0.5 tons of raw milk per day.

(3) The applicants must:

• Have fullled all obligations relating to the payment taxes, including land tax, andsocial security (pension and health) contributions, and

• Have no overdue nancial obligations to the MAFCP and must not be on the baddebtor list with ARDA, and

• Have sufcient nancial means to pre-nance the investments and to nance owncontribution without putting at risk the normal operation of the holding and must notbe on the bad debtor list of the Bank of Albania.

(4) The applicant, the applicant’s legal representative or employee at management levelmust:

• Have formal education certicate (university degree or vocational qualication) inrelevant agricultural/food science eld and/or economics/law; or 

• Have professional service records of working experience for at least 3 years in therespective food processing eld;

(5) The applicants must declare in Section 4 (“Declaration by the applicant”) of the Application form given in Annex 1 (Annex 1.2 for Measure 2) that they do not fall in anyof the situations listed in Annex 5 of this Guidelines for Applicants, which are groundsfor exclusion from participation in the call for proposals.

 Applicants have to submit all supporting documents which are stated in the Application

Form given as Annex 1 (Annex 1.2 for Measure 2) proving their compliance with theabove stated eligibility of applicants’ rules.

 Applicants must follow the instruction notes of the Application Forms in order to submit

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3. MeASure 2 - inveStMentS in prOCeSSinG And MArketinG Of AGriCulturAl prOduCtS

- finAnCiAl COnditiOnS, eliGibility Of AppliCAntS And inveStMent ACtiOnS

construction/ reconstruction drawings/plans must be prepared including other relevantdocuments as requested by national law. Environmental impact assessment has to becarried out, if required by legislation.

If building, premises or land are not owned by the applicant, the applicant must havea rental contract for minimum 5 years from the date of application, 10 years in case of slaughterhouses.

To be eligible for support investment actions (projects) proposed under the measuremust be economically viable. The economic viability is dened as the ability to sustainoperation on the basis of current and projected revenues equal to or in excess of currentand planned expenditures. The applicant has to prepare and to submit a businessplan, using the template provided in Annex 2 (Annex 2.1 Narrative Part and Annex.2.2Financial Tables), which has to demonstrate economic viability of the enterprise at theend of the realisation of the project. Annex 3 of these Guidelines for Applicants are the

instructions for the preparation of the business plan, which give detailed explanation onhow to prepare and ll in the template of the Business Plan

Eligible sectors

Under Measure 2 investments in food processing and marketing in the following sectorsare eligible:

1. Milk and dairy sector 

2. Slaughterhouses and meat processing sector 

3. Fruits and vegetable processing sector 

One application may include investments in one sector only. Applicationsenvisaging investments in more than one eligible sector or in non-eligiblesectors of processing and marketing of agricultural products will be rejected.

Fruits and vegetable sector are considered as one sector.

The investment project must concern the processing and/or marketing of agricultural products of the sectors eligible for support and the end product must

be included in the Annex I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EuropeanUnion (see Annex 10).

Prepared or convenience foods, or confectionery industry products arenot included in Annex I of the Treaty establishing the European Union andinvestment actions (projects) focused on these products are not eligible for support.


under this measure.

The specic objectives by sector and eligible investments are given below. One application

may target one or more objectives of one sector and to include one or more investment

types listed for one sector. A List of Eligible Expenditures is provided in Annex 6.

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Milk and dairy sector 

Eligible for support are investment actions targeting following objectives:

Improve milk hygiene at milk collection points, owned by milk processors, throughsupport to investments in milk cooling tanks and specialised milk transport vehicles;

• Encourage introduction of technologies and practices at milk processing plants,contributing to the production of dairy products gradually meeting Communitystandards and improving competitiveness;

• Support introduction of food safety and quality systems;

• Improve treatment and handling of waste.

Eligible types of investments under this sector are as follows:Milk Collection and Storage facilities:

• Construction and/ or reconstruction of milk collection centres; milk storage andcooling facilities and equipment;

• Equipment and technology for control and testing of raw milk quality and hygiene;

• Introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systems, Good Hygiene Package/GHP (HACCP); (excluding certication costs)

• Specialised IT hardware and software for milk registry and monitoring, control and

management.Milk Processing facilities:

• Reconstruction of milk processing plants;

• Technologies, equipment and machinery of processing lines for milk and dairyproducts such as yoghurt, cream, cheese, whey or casein; lling and packagingsystems;

• Equipment and technology for testing, monitoring and control of raw milk quality andhygiene, including in-factory laboratories

• Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of quality management systems(ISO) (excluding certication costs);

• Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systems GoodHygiene Package/ GHP, (HACCP) (excluding certication costs)

• Investment in energy saving technologies, and environmental protection, equipmentand facilities for processing of intermediate products and wastes; treatment andelimination of wastes;

• Specialised transport vehicles for distribution of products - refrigerated trucks, or milktransport vehicles;

• Specialised IT hardware and software for product and process management;

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3. MeASure 2 - inveStMentS in prOCeSSinG And MArketinG Of AGriCulturAl prOduCtS

- finAnCiAl COnditiOnS, eliGibility Of AppliCAntS And inveStMent ACtiOnS

Slaughterhouses and meat processing sector 

Eligible for support are investment actions targeting following objectives:

To encourage investments in slaughtering facilities to comply gradually with theCommunity standards;

• To support introduction of food safety and quality systems;

• To improve treatment and handling of waste and by-products.

Eligible types of investments under this sector are as follows:


• Reconstruction of slaughterhouses;

• Machinery and equipment for slaughtering;

• Reconstruction of cooling storage rooms

• Technology and equipment for treatment of waste and by-products;

• Purchase of specialised transport vehicles - lorries for live animal transport meetinganimal welfare requirements and refrigerated lorries for meat transport;

• Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systems, GoodHygiene Package/ GHP (HACCP), (excluding certication costs).

IT hardware and software for monitoring, control and management.Meat processing plants:

• Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systems GoodHygiene Package/GHP, (HACCP), excluding certication costs

• Investments in increasing environmental protection such as water treatment or purication facilities, equipment for treatment and elimination of waste, and by-products.

Fruits and vegetable sector Eligible for support are investment actions targeting following objectives:

• Gradually upgrade the fruit and vegetables processing sector to the Communitystandards;

• Improve production techniques and technologies;

• Reduce the postharvest loses and improve storage techniques and capacities;

• Support introduction of food safety and quality systems;

• Improve the marketing of fruit and vegetable processed products; in particular 

addressing the problem of high costs of packaging material.

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Eligible types of investments under this sector are as follows:

• Construction and/ or reconstruction of fruit and/or vegetable processing plants;

Processing lines for canning, preserving, pasteurising, or drying fruit and/ or vegetables;

• Facilities and equipment for post-harvest handling and/ or storage for raw material,storage for packaging;

• Packaging and labelling equipment, including lling lines, wrappers, or other specialised equipment;

• Technologies for energy saving,

• Cold chain equipment, such as cold and deep freezing storage, freezing tunnels,specialized refrigerated transport and other equipment necessary to ensure continuity

in the cold chain;

• Equipment for quality control, including in-factory laboratories;

• Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of quality management systems(ISO) (excluding certication costs);

• Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systems GoodHygiene Package /GHP (HACCP) (excluding certication costs)

• Environmental protection technologies and facilities, equipment for treatment andelimination of waste;

• Specialized IT systems including software for product and process management.

The following types of investments are not eligible to be funded under Measure 2:

• Projects where the end product is not within the list of selected primary agriculturalproducts dened in Annex I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union(see Annex 10);

• Investments at retail level;

• Purchase of second hand equipment.

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4. Rules for Eligibility of Expenditures

Only “eligible expenditures” can be taken into account for a grant. The categories of expenditure considered as eligible and non-eligible are indicated below. The budgetis both a cost estimate and a ceiling for “eligible expenditure”. Note that the eligibleexpenditure must be based on real costs and supporting documents has to be presentedand retained.

Recommendations to award a grant are always subject to the condition that the checkingprocess which precedes the signing of the contract does not reveal problems requiringchanges to the budget (for instance arithmetical errors, inaccuracies or unrealistic costsand other ineligible costs). The checks may give rise to requests for clarication andmay lead the Contracting Authority to impose modications or reductions to addresssuch mistakes or inaccuracies or unrealistic costs. The amount of the grant and thepercentageoftheEUco-nancingasa result ofthesecorrectionsmaynotbe


It is therefore in the applicant’s interest to provide a realistic and cost-effective budget of 

the investment.

4.1 Eligible Expenditure

To be eligible under the Call for Proposals, expenditure must comply with the provisionsof the general conditions to the Grant Contract that will be made available on the and

Eligible expenditures are expenditures actually incurred by the beneciary which meetall following criteria:

tIncluded in the List of Eligible Expenditure given in Annex 6 and the budget of thegrant contract;

• Necessary for the implementation of the investment action described in the application;

• Identiable and veriable;

• Reasonable, justied and comply with the requirements of sound nancialmanagement, in particular regarding economy and efciency.

Subject to the above the following expenditures are eligible under both measuresof the Grant Scheme:

1. Purchase of new machinery and equipment, including computer software up tothe market value of the asset;

2. Construction or improvement of immovable property;

Routine maintenance works of buildings and facilities are not eligible. Routine

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maintenance means services that are performed on a regular schedule and thatare intended to extend the useful life of a building system and reduce the needfor major repairs.

Construction works must be carried by a third contracted party. Labour of thefarmer or his relatives /enterprise workers is ineligible cost.

1. General costs linked to expenditure referred to in points (1) and (2) such asarchitects’, engineers’ and other consultation fees, feasibility studies, theacquisition of patent rights and licences, up to a ceiling of 12% of the expendituresreferred to in points (1) and (2).

Expenditures paid by the applicant for the preparation of a business plan areincluded in the group of the general costs and are eligible up to a ceiling of 4% of the costs in points (1) and (2) but may not exceed EUR 5,000

For all expenditure items of the investment actions (projects) offers have to be collected.One offer may contain quotation of more than one expenditure items, including for services (of third parties). The requirements are as follows:

Three offers from independent suppliers are required for all expenditure items or contractswith one supplier. Companies invited to submit offers must not be related to each other or to the applicant. If the lowest value offer is not selected, the applicant has to provide justication.

The main requirements on the format of the offers are given in Section 5.1.

4.2 Ineligible Expenditure

The following expenditures are not eligible and will not be taken into account for calculating the grants:

• Purchase, rent or leasing of land and existing buildings;

• Purchase, rent or leasing of animals and agricultural production rights;

• Purchase of annual plants and their planting;

• Purchase of second hand equipment;

• Expenditure incurred prior to the signature of the Grant contract with the exception of general costs as dened in section 4.1;

• Operating costs (such as consumables, service and fuel supplies – electricity, water,oil, gas, etc.), maintenance, depreciation and rental costs;

• Contributions in kind;

• Taxes, including value added taxes;

• Customs and import duties, or any other charges;

• Fines, nancial penalties and expenses of litigation;

• Bank charges, costs of guarantees and similar charges;

• Conversion costs, charges and exchange losses, as well as other purely nancialexpenses;

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4. ruleS fOr eliGibility Of expenditureS

• Lease-purchase, lessors’ margin, interest renancing costs, overheads and insurancecharges;

• Debts and debt service charges provisions for losses or potential future liabilities;

• Interest owed;

• Costs declared by the grant beneciary and covered by another action funded bynational or donor programme

•  Any costs incurred by public administration in managing and implementing assistance.

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5. Application Procedure

5.1 Content of the Application

The applicants have to submit Application Form, Business Plan and supportingdocuments, described below. Applicants must apply in Albanian. Documents have to betype-written. Hand-written applications will not be accepted. 

 Applicants must submit:

1. Application Form using the template provided in Annex 1:

 Annex 1.1 if applying for Measure 1;

 Annex 1.2 if applying for Measure 2.

The application form has to be submitted in one original paper print and in electronicformat. The electronic format must contain exactly the same application as the paper version enclosed.

2. Business Plan consisting of narrative and nancial part provided in Annex 2:• Narrative part of the Business Plan has to be prepared using the template given in

 Annex 2.1 and to be submitted in one original paper print and in electronic format;

• Financial Part of the Business Plan has to be prepared using the template given in Annex 2.2 and to be submitted in printed and electronic format (CD-Rom).

 Any error or major discrepancy related to the points listed in the instructions on the Application form and Business plan or any major inconsistency in the application formmay lead to the rejection of the application.

Clarications will only be requested when information provided is unclear, thus preventing

the Contracting Authority from conducting an objective assessment.

3. Applications must be accompanied by supporting documents, to allow vericationof eligibility of the applicant, investments and expenditures. The supporting documentsrequested must be supplied in the form of originals or photocopies certied as true by thelegal representative or notary, as indicated for each document in the Application Formgiven as Annex 1.

If the supporting documents are not issued in Albanian an ofcial translation into Albanianlanguage must be attached.

The following groups of supporting documents have to be submitted:

1) Documents verifying eligibility of the applicant, listed in the Application Form bymeasure;

2) Documents verifying eligibility of the investments, listed in the Application Form

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5. AppliCAtiOn prOCedure

by measure;

3) Original offers for all expenditure items of the investment action (project), as

well copies of the invoices for general cost expenditure (such as business plans,

architects’, engineers’ and other consultation fees) incurred and paid before the

application. Please note that three offers from independent suppliers are required

for all expenditure items or contracts with one supplier.

 All offers must contain following information:

• Reference number and date of issue;

• Name, address of the supplier;

• Registration number of the supplier;

Statement on the origin of goods to be supplied (Certicate of Origin is not requiredat the application stage but must be submitted with the Claim for payments);

• Model and technical specication, in case of equipment or mechanisation;

• Bill of quantities, in case of works;

• Price, VAT and other taxes quoted separately;

• Validity of the offer;

• Signature of the legal representative and stamp, where applicable.

Each offer has to include also a copy of the certicate of registration of the supplier.

Note, that contract with suppliers should not be signed before the signature of the Grant


Offers have to be comparable and therefore, in the request for offers the applicant has to

include a detailed technical specication.

5.2 Submission of Applications

The Call for Applications notice will be published in the national media and on the websiteof ARDA, of MAFCP and on the Grant Schemeweb site It will inform applicants about the period and the deadline,the place and address for submission of applications.

The Contracting Authority will return all applications submitted prior thepublication of the Call for Applications.

The applications must be submitted in sealed envelope and must bear the title of the Callfor Proposals, together with the title of the measure, the full name and address of theapplicant and the words “Not to be opened before delivery”.

 Applications must be submitted either:

• by recorded delivery by post; or 

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• hand delivered (including courier services) directly to the Contracting Authority in

return for a signed and dated receipt to:

<Agriculture and Rural Development AgencySheshi Skenderbeg No.21001 Tirana, Albania>

 Applications sent by any other means (e.g. by fax or by e-mail) or delivered toother addresses will be rejected.

 Any application submitted or received after the deadline will automatically berejected. 

The Contracting Authority retains ownership of all applications received.

Consequently, applicants have no right to have their applications returned to them.

5.3 Further Information to Applicants

In the notice of publication of this Guideline for Applicants the scheduleof information meetings is published. It is also available on the website of 

 ARDA<> of MAFCP <> and on the GrantScheme website <>.

Questions may be sent by e-mail or by fax no later than 21 days before the deadline

for the submission of applications, which will be published with a separate notice(see 5.3).

The questions have to be send to the below address(es), indicating clearly thename of the Grant Scheme:

E-mail address: <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>

Fax: < + 355 4 224 8208>

Replies will be given no later than 11 days before the deadline for the submissionof applications. The Contracting Authority has no obligation to provide further clarications after this date.

In the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannotgive a prior opinion on the eligibility of an applicant, a partner, an action or specicactivities.

Questions that may be relevant to other applicants, together with the answers,will be published on the above indicated internet websites. It is therefore highlyrecommended to regularly consult the abovementioned website in order to beinformed of the questions and answers published.

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6. Selection, Contracting and Implementation of Actions

6.1 Selection Procedure

 All applications received before the deadline for the submission of applications will beexamined by the Contracting Authority with the possible assistance of external assessors. All submitted applications will be assessed according to the following steps and criteria:

6.1.1 Check for Administrative Compliance and Eligibility

 At this stage the eligibility of the applicant, investments and expenditures will be veriedagainst to the criteria set out in Sections 2, 3, and 4 of this Guideline for Applicants.

The administrative compliance and eligibility verication will be carried out based on thesubmitted supporting documents (see Section 5.1 and Annex 5).

If any of the requested supporting documents is missing or incomplete, or administrativelyincompliant, the applicant will be invited in written to resubmit the document(s) within 15

calendar days. If documents are not provided within this deadline, the application will berejected.

If the examination of the application reveals that the applicant or the investment actiondoes not meet the eligibility criteria stated in Section 2 and 3, the application shall berejected.

6.1.2 Assessment of the Business Plan

The applications that have passed the rst administrative and eligibility check will beassessed for economic viability of the business plan.

Based on the information provided in the business plan following nancial ratios will becalculated:

Net present value (NPV): The NPV is dened as the present value of net cash owsand analyses the protability of the planned investment. The NPV provides a discountedvalue of an investment’s future net cash ows. For the assessment of the business plan,the cash ows generated by the investment will use a discount rate of 6.77%. To beconsidered viable the business plan must have a NPV equal or greater than zero at the6.77% discount rate.

Internal Rate of return (IRR): The internal rate of return is computed by nding thediscount rate that equates the present value of a project’s net cash ow. The IRR is

an annualized effective compounded return rate which can be earned on the investedcapital. A project is a good investment proposition if its IRR is higher than the projectcost of capital or if not known with the rate of return that could be earned by alternateinvestments.

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Therefore the minimum IRR to be achieved by the investment action (project) must beequal or greater than 6.77%.

Thus, the investment will be considered economically feasible and acceptable if:

• theNPV≥0;and,

• theIRR≥discountrate(6.77%).

6.1.3 On-the-Spot Check

 All applications which comply with the administrative and eligibility rules will bechecked on-the-spot to verify that the information submitted in the applicationform is correct. The applicants will be visited by experts from ARDA and GIZ,and eventually by National Authorities verifying the relevant national minimum

standards of the planned investment project (action). During the on-the-spotchecks documents and assets will be checked.

If the on-the-spot checks reveal that the applicant or the investment action doesnot meet the required national minimum standards and/ or the eligibility criteriastated in Section 2 and 3, the application shall be rejected on this sole basis.

6.1.4 Ranking of Applications

 All eligible and economically viable applications will be ranked according to thecriteria given in the tables below.

Ranking Criteria for Measure 1: Investments in Agricultural Holdings

Ranking criteria Points

1. The investment is carried out in a mountain area listed in Annex 7 20

2. Agricultural holding is certied for bio production or in process of conversion according to the current national law on organic farmin


3. The applicant is a young farmer  30

4. The applicant is a woman 15

5.The applicant is an agricultural cooperation association established byLaw No. 38 of 05.04.2012


Total 100

Ranking Criteria for Measure 2: Investments in Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products

Ranking criteria Points

1.The investment involves the establishment of food safety standardsystems/ GHP (HACCP)


2.Investments are related to waste treatment, water purication, and/ or utilisation of waste products


3. The investment includes instalment of renewable energy technologies 20

Total 100

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4.2 for Measure 2) and all required supporting documents (contracts and invoices provingexpenditure and bank statements proving payments).

 All Claims for Payment will be checked for compliance and eligibility and on-the-spot check

will be carried out to verify that the equipment and mechanisation are delivered and put inoperation, works completed, and payments to all suppliers executed.

 After completion of all administrative and on-the-spot checks, the nal amount of grantwill be calculated and payment to beneciary authorised. The grant will be transferred tothe beneciary after authorisation of payment. ARDA will transfer the national contributionand GIZ will transfer the EU contribution of the authorized payment. In no way the amountdisbursed by GIZ can be higher than three times the amount disbursed by ARDA.

6.5 Ex-post Monitoring

Ex post monitoring of the EU funds will be implemented according to the governing rulesfor the EU funds and executed by the EU Delegation to Tirana. The nal beneciaryis obliged to keep the original documents for a 7 years period for any possible ex postmonitoring implemented by EC and/ or the Contracting Authority. GIZ monitors the use of the investments nanced under the grant from the nal payment of funds to a beneciaryuntil the termination of the Project’s Delegation Agreement and duly inform the EUDelegation about any irregularity found.

The Albanian Authorities will execute the ex post monitoring of the Albanian fundsaccording to national legislation.

6.6 Early Warning System and Central Exclusion Database

The applicants and, if they are legal entities, persons who have power of representation,decision-making or control over them, are informed that, should they be in one of thesituations mentioned in:

• the Commission Decision of 16.12.2008 on the Early Warning System (EWS)for the use of authorising ofcers of the Commission and the executive agencies(OJ, L 344, 20.12.2008, p.125) or 

• the Commission Regulation of 17.12.2008 on the Central Exclusion Database

(CED) (OJ L344, 20.12.2008, p.12),their personal details (name, given name if natural person, address, legal form and nameand given name of the persons with powers of representation, decision-making or control,if legal person) may be registered in the EWS only or both in the EWS and CED, andcommunicated to the persons and entities listed in the above-mentioned Decision andRegulation, in relation to the award or the execution of a grant agreement or decision.

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8. List of Annexes


 Annex 1: Application Forms

 Annex 1.1: Application Form for Measure 1 Investments in Agricultural Holdings

(Word format)

 Annex 1.2: Application Form for Measure 2 Investments in Processing and Marketing

of Agricultural Products (Word format)

 Annex 2: Business Plan

 Annex 2.1: Business Plan Part 1 Narrative Part (Word format)

 Annex 2.2: Business Plan Part 2 Financial Tables (Excel format)


 Annex 3: Instructions for the Preparation of the Business Plan

 Annex 4: Template of the Claim for Payment

Annex 4.1: Claim for Payment for Measure 1

Annex 4.2: Claim for Payment for Measure 2

 Annex 5: Grounds for Exclusion

 Annex 6: List of Eligible Expenditures

 Annex 7: List of Mountain Areas

 Annex 8 List of Eligible Fruits and Vegetable

 Annex 9: List of Eligible Countries of Origin

 Annex 10: List of Relevant Agricultural Products Included in Annex I of the Treaty onthe Functioning of the European Union

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PART 1 The Applicant

1.1 Name and contacts

Name of the applicant< Name and surname of the applicant, if natural person or 

Full name by registration, if legal entity >

Ofcial address: <Village/town, region>

Correspondence address <Village/town, region>

Telephone number: <xed and mobile: area code + number>

Fax number: < area code + number>

E-mail of the applicant:

Legal representative(for legal entities only)

Correspondence addressand contacts of the legalrepresentative

<Village/town, region>

Tel: e-mail

1.2 Legal status

Legal status of the appli-cant

Natural Person □

 Association for Cooperation in Agriculture □

If Legal Entity 

<specify legal form, ex. LTD, JSC, etc .>

Share of private property in the capital ____%Share of public property ____%

NCR registrationYes 

□ No □NCR number/date

Tax Number  < if required by the type of applicant  No □

VAT registrationYes  □

No □VAT number 

ID / Passport Number of the applicant

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PART 2 Description of the Investment Action

2.1 General Information about the Investment Action

Title:<please give short title of your Investment Action, example: ‘Invest-

ment in milk quality improvement of ‘Zeta’ LTD Farm’>

Type:<please enter the type of the Investment Action as stated in the

Guideline for Applicants under each sector>

Short Description:

<please give short description of the investment for which the Applica-

tion for is submitted as extract from the Narrative of Business Plan>

Location(s):<specify region(s), village/ town(s) that will benet from the Investment 




<...> months


The applicant is young farmer (up to 40 years old atdate of application) □ YesDate of birth of the farmer ____/___/19_ _ 

The applicant is a women □ Yes

The applicant/ agricultural holding is certied for bioproduction or in process of conversion □ Yes

The applicant is an Association for Cooperation Agri-cultural established by Law No. 38 of 05.04.2012 □ Yes

The investment is in mountain area <specify the nameof the regions – as listed in Annex 7> □ Yes

Total amount of theinvestment:

<________________>EUR <________________ ALL>

(enter amount from Table 4 of Narrative Part 1 of Business plan)

Total amount of estimated eligibleexpenditures:

<________________>EUR <________________ ALL>

(enter amount from Table 4 of Narrative Part 1 of Business plan)

Requested grant:<__________________> EUR

<__________________> ALL

_____% of total eligible expendi-ture as aid intensity (50%, 55%,60% or 65%)

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8. liSt Of AnnexeS

2.2 Objectives of the Investment Action

Please tick the sector and the objectives of the Investment Action.One sector only must be selected (see Guideline for Applicants Section 2.3)

1. Milk sector □


1. Improve raw milk hygiene and quality conditions on the farm throughmodernization of production, storage and transportation technologiesand practices;

2. Improve animal health and welfare through investments in animalhousing and handling facilities; □

3. Introduce environmentally friendly manure handling, storage andtreatment facilities. □

2. Meat sector □


1. Improve meat quality through investments in modernization of production technologies and practices to gradually achieve Communitystandards;

2. Improve animal health and welfare through investments in animalhousing and handling facilities; □

3. Support introduction of environmentally friendly manure handling,storage and treatment facilities. □

4. Encourage meat production from small ruminants, extensively raisedon natural pastures in the mountain areas.

3. Fruit and vegetable sector □


1. Improve production technique and technology, and also certiedseedlings production to enable farmers to produce fruit and vegetables of a quality that can compete in the rapidly changing Albanian marketplace.

2. Improve fruit and vegetable production technology for the overall im-provement of the relevant minimum standards applicable in Albania andin particular in the storage and application of crop protection chemicalsand fertilizers, and in chemical residue levels.

3. Reduce postharvest losses through on-farm investments in storagetechnology and infrastructure and postharvest handling equipment,

including cooling capacities, sorting and packaging lines.□

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PART 3 List of Supporting Documents Attached

Instruction: Please complete the tables 3.1 to 3.3 below indicating supporting documents,

which are to be attached to the application. Tick ‘Yes’, if the document is attached; andtick ‘N/A” if the requested documents is not applicable for the status/ type of the applicantand/or the investment. Attach all supporting documents of tables 3.1 to 3.3 in a separatefolder. In the upper right corner of the rst page of the document place the referencenumber (1, 2, 3 etc.) and order the documents by reference number.

IMPORTANT: Please follow carefully the instructions regarding the type of thedocuments to be submitted as indicated in point 5.1 of the Guideline for Applicants –originals or copies.Copies have to be certied by a signature of the Applicant / Legal representativeunlessnotaryverication is explicitly required for a specic document and indicated

in the table.Note: all original documents should be available on site and will be checked duringon-the-spot controls prior contracting.

3.1 Documents related to the eligibility of the applicant

No Type of Document Yes N/A


1 Copy of the ID/Passport of the applicant/legal representative □ □

2 Copy of the certicate of registration in the National Registration Centre(NRC) as Association for Cooperation in Agriculture □ □

3Copy of the certicate of registration in the National Registration Centre(NRC), if required by the legal status □ □

4Copy of the licence certicate from the National Licensing Centre (NLC), if 

required by the legal status □ □

5Copy of the certicate of registration in the tax authority including VAT reg-istration if the applicant is VAT registered, if required by the legal status □ □

6 Copy of the articles of association, in case of legal entities □ □

7 Copy of the balance sheet for the past two years, if the required by the legal status, or trial balance in case of the company being established in 2012. □ □

8Copy of the income statements (prot and loss statement) for the past twoyears, if the required by the legal status □ □

9Original document issued by the National Bank of Albania - Credit Regis-ter stating that the applicant has no bad debt □ □

10Original certicate proving that the applicant has no overdue liabilities toMAFCP, not earlier than 30 days before the application □ □

Documents related to grounds for exclusion in Annex 6 of the Guideline for Applicants

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8. liSt Of AnnexeS

No Type of Document Yes N/A


Original document - conrmation by the court that the Applicant, if natural/ 

 physical person <or the Owner/Legal representative (if applicant is legal 

entity)> has not been convicted, issued not earlier than 30 days, beforethe submission of the application □ □


Original document - conrmation by the Prosecutors Ofce that the Ap-plicant (if natural person) or the Owner/Legal representative (if applicant is

legal entity) has not been under investigation, issued not earlier than 30days, before the submission of the application

□ □


Original document from NCR proving that the legal entity is not under bankruptcy or liquidation procedure, issued not earlier than 30 days beforethe application, if the applicant is registered in NCR 

□ □


Original certicate proving that the applicant has fullled its tax payment

obligations (social, pension and health), issued by Tax Ofce not earlier than 30 days before the application □ □

15Original document about payment of land tax issued by Municipality notearlier than 30 days before the application □ □

Documents related to the minimum required size of the agricultural holding


Original certicate from the Regional Ofces of MAFCP Farm Register thatthe applicant has the minimum number of ear-tagged animals required un-der Section 2.2 of the Guideline for Applicants

□ □

17 Copy of ear tags of the animals (for the minimum number of animals re-quired under Section 2.2 of the Guidelines for applicants

Documents proving education or professional experience in agriculture

18Copy of formal agricultural education certicate (university degree or agri-cultural vocational qualication), or  □ □

19Copy of professional service records of working experience for at least 3years in the respective agriculture eld of the investment; or  □ □


For a natural/ physical person:Original declaration for at least 3 years of work experience in agriculture

in the respective agricultural eld of the investment action according to thetemplate given in Section 4.2 of this Application. □ □

Other requirements related to the eligibility or ranking

21Copy of certicate proving that the applicant is certied for bio productionor in process of conversion according to Albanian law □ □

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3.2 Documents related to the eligibility of investments

No. Type of Document Yes N/A

For planting and replanting


Copy of the ownership certicate issued by the Ofce for the Registration of Im-movable Property accompanied by the indicative map, le and the planimetry(lay out) stating the ownership of the land, on which the investments will takeplace, or  

□ □


Copy of the ownership conrmation issued by the Ofce for the Registration of Immovable Property accompanied by the indicative map, le and the planimetry(lay out) stating the ownership of the land, on which the investments will takeplace, or 

□ □

24Copy of the ownership proof issued by Municipality or Commune accompaniedwith the indicative map, le and the planimetry (lay out) concerning the land onwhich the investment action will take place, in case when distribution of owner-ship titles has not yet nished or 

□ □

25Copy of rental contract with a minimum duration at least 5 years after the dateof application, withnotaryverication and  □ □


Copy of ownership Certicate issued by for the Registration of ImmovableProperty accompanied with the indicative map, le and the planimetry (lay out)on the registered land titles stating the ownership of the land to the person whois renting the land.

□ □

For construction/reconstruction activities


Copy of the ownership certicate issued by the Ofce for the Registration of Im-movable Property accompanied by the indicative map, le and the planimetry(lay out) stating the ownership of the land and building(s), on which the invest-ments will take place, or  

□ □


Copy of the ownership conrmation issued by the Ofce for the Registration of Immovable Property accompanied by the indicative map, le and the planimetry(lay out) stating the ownership of the land and building(s), on which the invest-ments will take place, or 

□ □


Copy of the ownership certicate issued by Municipality or Commune accom-panied with the indicative map, le and the planimetry (lay out) concerning theland and building on which the investment action will take place, in case when

distribution of ownership titles has not yet nished 

□ □

30Copy of rental contract with a minimum duration at least 5 years after the dateof application, withnotaryverication and  □ □


Copy of ownership Certicate issued by for the Registration of ImmovableProperty accompanied with the indicative map, le and the planimetry (lay out)on the registered land titles stating the ownership of the land and buildings tothe person who is renting it.

□ □

32 Copy of the construction permit, if required by legislation □ □

33Copy of the architectural design /technical design of the investment, if requiredby legislation □ □

34 Copy of the environmental impact assessment, if required by the legislation □ □

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PART 4 Declarations

4.1 Declaration by the applicant

Declaration by the applicant

The applicant, represented by the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of theapplicant, in the context of the present call for proposals, hereby declares that:

• the information in this application is true and complete and that the situation hasnot changed, since the date of issue of supporting document;

•   the applicant is directly responsible for the preparation, management andimplementation of the action and is not acting as an intermediary;

•   the applicant is eligible in accordance with the criteria set out under Section 2.2of the Guideline for Applicants;

•   the applicant is not in any of the situations excluding them from participating incontracts which are listed in Annex 6 of the Guideline for Applicants.

•   if recommended to be awarded a grant, the terms and conditions set out in thegrant contract template available via download from and;

• the investments included in this application has not been funded by other national,EU or other donor supported programme;

• the applicant /and its shareholders/ legal representatives are not in conict of 

interest with the suppliers, from which offers were collected;•   the applicant is aware that, for the purposes of safeguarding the nancial interests

of the EU, their personal data may be transferred to internal audit services, tothe European Court of Auditors, to the Financial Irregularities Panel or to theEuropean Anti-Fraud Ofce;

• if awarded a grant, the applicant and/or the person authorised accepts to provideaccess to the premises, documents and any information required for any ex postcontrol implemented according to the governing rules of the “IPARD-like” GrantScheme that shall be carried out according to Section 6.5 of the Guideline for  Applicant, and accepts to support these control mission;

•   if awarded a grant, the applicant accepts the beneciary name and grant details

to be published on the grant scheme website and

I am fully aware that I am liable under Albanian law for provision of false, incompleteor misleading statements.

Full Name of Applicant / LegalRepresentative


Place, Date

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8. liSt Of AnnexeS

4.2 Declaration on work experience in agriculture

To be submitted only, if the applicant, either natural or physical person, hasnoproofofformaleducationinagriculture,ornoorinsufcientprofessional

service records of working experience as requested under Section 1.4. 

I, the undersigned, <insert name of the Applicant>, hereby declare, that I have at least 3years of work experience in the respective agriculture eld of the investment which arestated in the table below.

Dates –

from – to Years of 


Farm (own farm, other farm)/ Company/

Organisation – name and


Position / Type of Activity(also self - employed)

If requested, I can provide evidence proving my experience record such as em-

ployment contracts or references, or statements by local authorities.

Full Name of Applicant


Place, Date

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Annex 1.2: Application Form

Measure 2: Investments in Processing and Mar-keting of Agricultural Products

“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme for Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania


Name of the applicant < Full name by registration of legal entity >

Title of the Investment Action<please give short title of your project, example: ‘Investment 

in milk quality improvement of ‘Zeta’ LTD>




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8. liSt Of AnnexeS

PART 1 The Applicant

1.1 Name and contacts

Name of the applicant < full name by registration, if legal entity >

Ofcial address: < Village/town, region >

Correspondence address < Village/town, region >

Telephone number: < xed and mobile: area code + number >

Fax number: < area code + number >

E-mail of the applicant:

Legal representative

Correspondence address andcontacts of the legal repre-sentative

<Village/town, region>

Tel: e-mail

1.2 Legal status

Legal status of theapplicants

 Association for Cooperation in Agriculture □

LegalEntity □

< specify legal form, ex. LTD, JSC, etc >

Share of private property in the capital ____%Share of public property ____%

No. Of employees ____________

< in words.................................... >

NCR registration

  Yes  □   No □NCRnumber/date

Tax number  < tax number >

VAT registration

Yes  □No


number)ID / Passport Number of the applicant

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1.3 Bank detail

Name of the bank

 Address of the bankSWFT /bank code

IBAN/ account number 

1.4 Specialisation and experience record

Main area of activity of theapplicant

< please describe >

Vitet e eksperiencës të ap-

likantit në agro-përpunim < number of years >

Does the owner or the

manager of the agro-processing enterprise

has university degree or 

vocational qualicationdiploma in the relevantagricultural/food scienceeld and/or economics/law or has proven work

experience through

professional servicerecords

Yes  □ No  □

< please provide the appropriate type of document as proof under 

 point 17 or 18 under Section 3 of the Application Form >

1.5 Previous grants under national or donor funded schemes

Investment subsidies/grants received by the

applicant in the last 5 yearsYes  □ no □

Description of the support, if such received in the previ-ous 5 years

National Agency / Donor <Specify>

Name of the supportscheme


 Amount of grant

<Short description of the support>

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8. liSt Of AnnexeS

PART 2 Description of the Investment Actiont

2.1 General Information about the Investment Action

Title :<please give a short title of your Investment Action, example: ‘Investment 

in milk quality improvement of ‘Zeta’ LTD>

Type :<please enter the type of the Investment Action as stated in the Guideline

for Applicants under each sector>

Short Description<please give a short description of the investment for which the Application is submitted as extract from the narrative part of the Business


Location(s): <specify region(s), village/ town(s) that will benet of the investment>

Implementationperiod: <.....> in months


The investment involves the establishment of food safetystandard systems (GHP, HACCP) □ Po

Investments are related to waste treatment, water purication, and/ or utilization of waste products □ Po

The investment includes installment of renewable energytechnologies □ Po

Total amount of theinvestment:

<________________>EUR <________________ ALL>(enter amount from Table 4 of the narrative part 1 of the Business Pan)

Total amount of estimated eligibleexpenditures of theInvestment Action:

<________________>EUR <________________ ALL>

(enter amount from Table 4 of the narrative part 1 of the Business Plan)

Requested grant:<__________________> EUR


50% of total estimated eligible ex-penditure as aid intensity

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2.2 Objectives of the Investment Action

Please tick the sector and the objectives of the Investment Action.

One sector only must be selected (see Guideline for Applicants Section2.3.)

1. Milk and dairy sector □


Improve milk hygiene at milk collection points, owned by milkprocessors, through support to investments in milk cooling tanks andspecialised milk transport vehicles;

Encourage introduction of technologies and practices at milk

processing plants, contributing to the production of dairy productsmeeting Community standards and improving competitiveness; □

Support introduction of food safety and quality systems; □

Improve treatment and handling of waste □

2. Slaughterhouses and meat processing sector □


To encourage investments in slaughtering facilities to comply gradually

with the Community standards □To support introduction of food safety and quality systems □

To improve treatment and handling of waste and by-products □

3. Fruit and vegetable sector  □


Gradually upgrade the fruit and vegetable processing sector to theCommunity standards □

Improve production techniques and technologies □

Reduce the postharvest loses and improve storage techniques andcapacities □

Support introduction of food safety and quality systems; □

Improve the marketing of fruit and vegetable processed products, inparticular addressing the problem of high costs of packaging material. □

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No. Type of Document Yes N/A


Original document - conrmation by the Prosecutors Ofce that the Applicant < Owner/Legal representative (if applicant is legal entity) > has

not been under investigation, issued not earlier than 30 days, before thesubmission of the application □ □


Original document from NCR proving that the legal entity is not under bankruptcy or liquidation procedure, issued not earlier than 30 days beforethe application

□ □


Original certicate proving that the applicant has fullled its tax paymentobligations to payment of taxes (social, pension and health), issued by TaxOfce not earlier than 30 days before the application

□ □


Original document about payment of land tax issued by Municipality notearlier than 30 days before the application, if applicable depending on the

type of investment □ □

Documents related to the minimum required size of the enterprise/ establishment


Copy of List of employees with an ofcial signature and stamp by thelegal representative and/or Original Certicate from NRC proving that theEnterprise/Establishment employs fewer than 250 persons and annualturnover of not exceeding 50 mil euro and/or annual balance sheet notexceeding 43 mil euro (prove that the Enterprise is small or medium sized)

□ □

Documents proving education or professional experience in agro-food processing

17Copy of formal education certicate (university degree or vocational qualication)in the relevant agricultural/food science eld and/or economics/law or  □ □


Copy of professional service records of working experience for at least

3 years in respective food processing eld of the investment, certied byPublic Social Insurance Institute □ □

3.2 Documents related to the eligibility of investments

No. Type of Document Yes N/A


19Document proving that the enterprise in a non-mountain area has aprocessing capacity of minimum 1t of raw milk per day □ □


Document proving that the enterprise in a non-mountain area has an

establishment located in mountain area with a processing capacity of minimum 0.5t of raw milk per day □ □

21Document proving that the enterprise in a mountain area has a processingcapacity of minimum 0.5t of raw milk per day □ □

For renting of building, premises or land not owned by the applicant


Copy of rental contract with at least 5 years from the date of application or at least 10 years from the date of application in case of slaughterhouses,withnotaryvericationand 

□ □


Copy of ownership Certicate issued by for the Registration of Immovable

Property accompanied with the indicative map, le and the planimetry (layout) on the registered land titles stating the ownership of the land and/or building(s) to the rentee

□ □

For construction/ reconstruction activities

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8. liSt Of AnnexeS

No. Type of Document Yes N/A


Copy of the ownership certicate issued by the Ofce for the Registrationof Immovable Property accompanied by the indicative map, le and the pla-

nimetry (lay out) stating the ownership of the land and building(s), on whichthe investments will take place, or   □ □


Copy of the ownership conrmation issued by the Ofce for the Registra-tion of Immovable Property accompanied by the indicative map, le and theplanimetry (lay out) stating the ownership of the land and building(s), onwhich the investments will take place, or 

□ □


Copy of the ownership proof issued by Municipality or Commune accompa-nied with the indicative map, le and the planimetry (lay out) concerning theland and building(s) on which the investment action will take place, in case

when distribution of ownership titles has not yet nished 

□ □


Copy of rental contract with a minimum duration of at least 5 years from the

date of application or minimum duration of at least 10 years from the dateof application in case of slaughterhouses,withnotaryverication and  □ □


Copy of ownership Certicate issued by for the Registration of Immov-able Property accompanied with the indicative map, le and the planimetry(lay out) on the registered land titles stating the ownership of the land andbuilding(s) to the person who is renting it

□ □

29 Copy of the construction permit □ □

30Copy of the architectural design and construction plan /technical design of the investment, if required by the legislation □ □

31 Copy of the environmental impact assessment, if required by the legislation □ □

3.3 Business plan and attachments

No. Document Yes N/A

32Business Plan – Part 1: Narrative Section – in paper print and electronicformat (CD-ROM) □ □

33Business Plan – Part 2: Financial Section - in paper print and electronicformat (CD-ROM) □ □


 All Original offers (of selected and non-selected suppliers) listed in theTable b of Part 2: Financial Section of the Business plan with TechnicalSpecications of the selected offer/s for all items, including for services (of third parties), which shall be supplied.Note: Offers must be ordered by reference number given in Table b of the

Financial S of the Business plan - in paper print 

□ □

35 Copy of NCR registration of the selected and non-selected suppliers. □ □

36Copy of the invoice or Service Contract, for eligible general costs incurred

before the application □ □

37 Payment order for paid general costs incurred before the application □ □38 Bank statement for the paid general costs incurred before the application □ □


Please read carefully Section 5.1 of the Guideline for Applicants describing therequirements for collection of offers and content of the offers.

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PART 4 Declarations

4.1 Declaration by the applicant

Declaration by the applicant

The applicant, represented by the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of theapplicant, in the context of the present call for proposals, hereby declares that:

• the information in this application is true and complete and that the situation hasnot changed since the date of issue of supporting document;

•   the applicant is directly responsible for the preparation, management and

implementation of the action and is not acting as an intermediary;•   the applicant is eligible in accordance with the criteria set out under Section 2.2

of the Guideline for Applicants;•   the applicant is not in any of the situations excluding them from participating in

contracts which are listed in Annex 6 of the Guideline for Applicants.•   if recommended to be awarded a grant, the applicant, accepts the terms and

conditions set out in the grant contract template available via download and;

• the Investment Action applied for has not been funded by other national, EU or other donor supported programme;

• the applicant /and its shareholders/ legal representatives are not in conict of 

interest with the suppliers, from which offers were collected;•   the applicant is aware that, for the purposes of safeguarding the nancial interests

of the EU, their personal data may be transferred to internal audit services, tothe European Court of Auditors, to the Financial Irregularities Panel or to theEuropean Anti-Fraud Ofce;

•   if awarded a grant, the applicant and/or the person authorised accepts to provideaccess to the premises, documents and any information required for any ex postcontrol implemented according to the governing rules of the “IPARD-like” GrantScheme that shall be carried out according to Section 6.5 of the Guideline for  Applicant, and accepts to support these control mission.

• if awarded a grant, the applicant accepts the beneciary name and grant detailsto be published on the grant scheme website and

I am fully aware that I am liable under Albanian law for provision of false, incompleteor misleading statements.

Full Name of Applicant /Legal Representative


Place, Date

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8. liSt Of AnnexeS

Annex 2.1: Narrative Part

“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme

for Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania2012 – 2014

Prepared by

(Applicant Name and registered address)


(Full Name and address of Service provider-Consultant)


Annex 2: Business Plan

P a r t 1

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Table of Contents

1. Background to the existing business .......................................................................62

1.1. Current business activities of the applicant (up to 1,000 words) .....................62

1.2. Structure of ownership (up to 200 words).........................................................62

1.3. Human Resources (up to 200 words) ...............................................................62

1.4. Business performance of the last three years and future outlook for theunderlying business (up to 300 words) ....................................................................62

1.5. Description of xed assets (up to 200 words)...................................................63

2. The proposed new Investment Action .....................................................................63

2.1. Provide an overview of the new investment with a short description and your rationale for undertaking the project (up to 500 words) ...........................................63

2.2. Market review of the product ............................................................................63

2.3. Please describe inputs related to the investment action including its costs and suppliers ..................................................................................................................64

2.4. People and skills required ................................................................................64

2.5. Outline of the legislation that applies to this investment action and how it willcomply: ....................................................................................................................64

2.6. Outline of the risks associated with this investment (up to 200 words) ...........64

2.7. Expected social and environmental impacts of the new project (up to 200 words)..65

3. Technical description of the proposed Investment ACTION ....................................65

3.1. The proposed production process and technology (up to 500 words)..............65

3.2. Building / reconstruction (up to 200 words) ......................................................65

3.3. Equipment required (up to 300 words) .............................................................66

4. Financal details for The proposed new project........................................................66

4.1. Summary of costs and funding (up to 200 words) ............................................66

4.2. Value Added Tax (VAT) (up to 100 words) ........................................................67

4.3. Comments on the cash ow and prot forecasts (up to 100) ...........................67

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8. liSt Of AnnexeS

1. Background to the existing business

1.1. Current business activities of the applicant (up to 1,000 words)

• Briey describe the existing business as a whole, including the market for your product/service and indicate your key customers and their buying prefer-ences

• Describe the size and type of activities within the business. (Please remem-ber that these should be in accordance with the eligibility criteria of the mea-sure being applied for)

• Describe existing contracts with buyers.

• Describe your main competitors and how you compete with them.

Please provide information of the existing volumes of sales and average pric-es received

• Please provide information on the availability (volumes and types) and pricesof raw materials/inputs for your present production. 

1.2. Structure of ownership (up to 200 words)

Please explain and provide list of companies related to ownership of your business thatare integrally linked to the operation of your existing business (if applicable).

Describe the ownership relationship of your business in relation to the other companieslisted herein. Please describe the number of years you have been in relation to and howmany years you have been operating. 

1.3. Human Resources (up to 200 words)

• Total Number of full time employees as well as number of part-time and sea-sonal employees.

• Describe the management structure of the business

1.4. Business performance of the last three years and future outlook for the underlying business (up to 300 words)

Give a description on recent nancial performance levels.

For Tax registered businesses briey analyse the information from the Balance Sheetsand Income Statements for the past three years which have been submitted with the Ap-plication Form.

In case the company doesn’t have a nancial history data to provide for the past threeyears, then the company should provide any existing information on the business activi-ties (eg. last year).

In case the applicant (only for Measure 1) is not registered at tax authorities, the appli-cant may leave this table blank.

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2.3. Please describe inputs related to the investment action includingits costs and suppliers

Please give narrative description related to sheet “e” – Income statement from the Finan-

cial Tables of the Part 2 of Business Plan.

2.4. People and skills required

Explain what skills are required to make this investment a success and how you intendto supply these skills. Please indicate, if applicable, the training that the existing staff and new staff will undergo. If you intend to use the existing staff of the business pleasedescribe how this will be arranged

In case the investments would require new staff please ll the Table 2 below. If you intendto employ new staff please describe the number, experience and qualications they will

require. If you intend to employ seasonal staff indicate the annual cost.

Table 2: Cost of new staff (if applicable)

Education /Qualicationlevel/no.

years of experience

Number of employees

Monthly grosssalary

Annual grosssalaries


2.5. Outline of the legislation that applies to this investment action andhow it will comply:

List the legislation that applies to this new enterprise and describe the steps you are tak-ing to ensure the business is compliant. You will need to attach to the Application Formwritten evidence of the outcome of consultations with control bodies e.g. the NationalVeterinary Service, Phytosanitary Control Service, Environmental Agency, Health andHygiene Service, Planning Authorities.

 Also describe how the future investment will improve towards the achievement of theNational Minimum Standards.

Please note that further evidence of achieving of necessary National Standards shouldbe provided with the submission of the Claim for Payment depending on the type of in-vestment.

2.6. Outline of the risks associated with this investment (up to 200 words)

 All business ventures carry a degree of risk. Identify and describe the major areas of riskwithin your project and the impact these could have on the success of the new project.Describe also what you are going to do to mitigate/minimise the impact of these risks.

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67   A   n   n   e   x   e   S

Sources of Funding Value (Albanian Lek)


Private funds

Commercial loans


4.2. Value Added Tax (VAT) (up to 100 words)

Remember that VAT is not an eligible cost. Therefore in calculating your RDP grant andmatch funding values do not include VAT. In preparing the sheet “e” Income Statement of the Financial Tables take into consideration the VAT as an operating expense if you arenot able to claim it back from the tax authorities, if you are able to claim it back from thetax authorities do not include it into the calculations.

Please explain your legal statues in regards to VAT

4.3. Commentsonthecashowandprotforecasts (up to 100)

The sheet “f” Cash ow of the Financial Tables aims to show the nancial performancerelating to the new investment.

In the case where an existing enterprise is being developed with the expectation of generating additional income it is necessary to provide nancial information for theexisting enterprise before the investment and then to budget the nancial ows after theinvestment. This will allow you to distinguish between the before and after scenario andthus show the income generated by the new investment.

The results of the marketing review in section 2.2 and the input review in section 2.3above should form the basis for the budgeted cash ows presented in sheet “f” of theFinancial Tables.

Table 5. Should be completed using the indicators from the sheet g) FinancialIndicators of the Financial Tables– without Interest and Principal.

Financial Indicator 

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Net Present Value (NPV)

Both IRR and NPV are calculated automatically in this sheet.The investment is considered economically feasible and acceptable when NPV >= 0 andIRR >= 0 Discount rate.

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8. liSt Of AnnexeS

Annex 2.2 Financial Tables

“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme for Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania


Name of the Applicant

Title of the Investment Action


Annex 2: Business Plan

P A R T 2

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   L   O   A   N

    Y   e   a   r

    L   a   s   t   y   e   a

    Y   e   a   r    1

    Y   e   a   r    2

    Y   e   a   r    3

    Y   e   a   r    4

    Y   e   a   r    5

    Y   e   a   r    6

    Y   e   a   r    7

    Y   e   a   r    8

    Y   e   a   r    9

    Y   e   a   r    1    0

    Y   e   a   r    1    1    Y   e   a   r    1    2

    Y   e   a   r    1    3

    Y   e   a   r    1    4

    Y   e   a   r    1    5

    Y   e   a   r    1    6

    Y   e   a   r    1    7

    Y   e   a   r    1    8

    Y   e   a   r    1    9

    Y   e   a   r    2    0

    Y   e   a   r    2    1

    Y   e   a   r    2    2

    Y   e   a   r

    2    3

    Y   e   a   r    2    4

    Y   e   a   r    2    5

    L   o   a   n    1

    L   o   a   n    2

    L   o   a   n    3

    L   o   a   n    4

    L   o   a   n    5

    T   o   t   a    l   y   e   a   r    l   y

   p   a   y   m   e   n   t



















































    Y   e   a   r

    Y   e   a   r    1

    Y   e   a   r    2

    Y   e   a   r    3

    Y   e   a   r    4

    Y   e   a   r    5

    Y   e   a   r    6

    Y   e   a   r    7

    Y   e   a   r    8

    Y   e   a   r    9

    Y   e   a   r    1    0

    Y   e   a   r    1    1

    Y   e   a   r    1    2    Y   e   a   r    1    3

    Y   e   a   r    1    4

    Y   e   a   r    1    5

    Y   e   a   r    1    6

    Y   e   a   r    1    7

    Y   e   a   r    1    8

    Y   e   a   r    1    9

    Y   e   a   r    2    0

    Y   e   a   r    2    1

    Y   e   a   r    2    2

    Y   e   a   r    2    3

    Y   e   a   r

    2    4

    Y   e   a   r    2    5

    L   o   a   n    1

    L   o   a   n    2

    L   o   a   n    3

    L   o   a   n    4

    L   o   a   n    5

    T   o   t   a    l   y   e   a   r    l   y

   p   a   y   m   e   n   t

















































    A   n   n   e   x    2 .    2

    F    i   n   a   n   c    i   a    l    T   a    b    l   e   s

    D   e   s   c   r    i   p   t    i   o   n   o    f    P   r

   e  -    i   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t   a   n    d    P    l   a   n   n   e    d    N   e   w

    L   o   a   n   s

    I   n   t   e   r   e   s   t   o    f    P   r   e  -    i   n

   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t    L   o   a   n   s    (    A    L    L    )

    I   n   t   e   r   e   s   t   o    f    I   n   v   e   s   t   m

   e   n   t   r   e    l   a   t   e    d    l   o   a   n   s    (    A    L    L    )

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   D   E   P   R   E   C   I   A   T   I   O   N

   T   a   b   l   e   1   :   D   e   p   r   e   c   i   a   t   i   o   n   o   f   e   x   i   s   t   i   n   g   a   s   s   e   t   s    (   r   e   l   a   t   e   d   t   o

   t   h   e   i   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t   p   r   o   j   e   c   t  -   l   a   s   t   y   e   a   r   b

   e   f   o   r   e   t   h   e   i   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t    )

   T   a   b   l   e   2   :   D

   e   p   r   e   c   i   a   t   i   o   n   o   f   i   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t    /   n   e   w   a   s   s

   e   t   s

   N   o .

   A   s   s   e   t    (   N   a   m   e    )

   A   s   e   t   V   a   l   u   e

   N   u   m   b   e   r   o   f

   y   e   a   r   s

   Y   e   a   r   l   y   A   m   o   r   t   i   z   a   t   i   o   n

   D   e   t   a   i   l   s   a   b   o   u   t   r   e   f   e   r   e   n   c   e   s   o   f   a   m   o   r   t   i   z   a   t   i   o   n

   c   a   l   c   u   l   a   t   i   o   n

   I .

   M   a   c   h   i   n   e   r   y   a   n   d   E   q   u   i   p   m   e   n   t

       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9       1       0

   I   I .

   C   o   n   s   t   r   u   c   t   i   o   n   o   r   i   m   p   r   o   v   e   m   e   n   t   w   o   r   k   s

       1       1

       1       2

       1       3

       1       4

   I   I   I

   T   O   T   A   L


   D   e   p   r   e   c

   i   a   t   i   o   n   o   f   P   r   e  -   i   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t   a   n   d   p   o   s   t  -   i   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t   a   s   s   e   t   s

   A   n   n   e   x   2 .   2   F   i   n   a   n   c   i   a   l   T   a   b   l   e


   V   a   l   u   e    (   A   L   L   p   e   r   y   e   a   r    )

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   C   A   S   H   F   L   O   W

    Y   e   a   r    1

    Y   e   a   r    2

    Y   e   a   r    3

    Y   e   a   r    4    Y

   e   a   r    5

    Y   e   a   r    6

    Y   e   a   r    7

    Y   e   a   r    8

    Y   e   a   r    9

    Y   e   a   r    1    0    Y   e   a   r    1    1

    Y   e   a   r    1    2    Y   e   a   r    1    3

    Y   e   a   r    1    4    Y   e   a   r    1    5    Y   e   a   r    1    6    Y   e   a   r    1    7    Y   e   a   r    1    8

    Y   e   a   r    1    9

    Y   e   a   r    2    0    Y   e   a   r    2    1

    Y   e   a   r    2    2    Y   e   a   r    2    3

    Y   e   a   r    2    4    Y   e   a   r    2    5


    T   a    b    l   e    2   :    C   a   s    h  -    f    l   o   w

    C   o   n   s   t   r   u   c   t    i   o   n

   p    h   a   s   e

    I .    P   r   o    j   e   c   t    I   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t    C   o   s   t

   a   n    d    I    P    A    R    D    L    i    k   e    G   r   a   n   t


    Y   e   a   r    1

    Y   e   a   r    2

    Y   e   a   r    3

    Y   e   a   r    4    Y

   e   a   r    5

    Y   e   a   r    6

    Y   e   a   r    7

    Y   e   a   r    8

    Y   e   a   r    9

    Y   e   a   r    1    0    Y   e   a   r    1    1

    Y   e   a   r    1    2    Y   e   a   r    1    3

    Y   e   a   r    1    4    Y   e   a   r    1    5    Y   e   a   r    1    6    Y   e   a   r    1    7    Y   e   a   r    1    8

    Y   e   a   r    1    9

    Y   e   a   r    2    0    Y   e   a   r    2    1

    Y   e   a   r    2    2    Y   e   a   r    2    3

    Y   e   a   r    2    4

    Y   e   a   r    2    5

    I    P    A    R    D   g   r   a   n   t

    P   r   o    j   e   c   t    I   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t    C   o   s   t


    C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y

    T   o   t   a    l    O   u   t   p   u   t   s   a    l   e   s


























    T   o   t   a    l    P   r   o    d   u   c   t    i   o   n   c   o   s   t   s


























       E       B       I       T       D       A


























    A   m   o   r   t    i   z   a   t    i   o   n    /    d   e   p   r   e   c    i   a   t    i   o   n


























       E       B       I       T


























    I   n   t   e   r   e   s   t


























    E    B    T


























    T   a   x   o   n   p   r   o    f    i   t


























    N   e   t    P   r   o    f    i   t


























    C   a   s    h  -    f    l   o   w



























    I    I .    I   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t    I   m   p   a   c   t    R   e   s   u    l   t   s

     T   a    b    l   e    1   :    C   a   p   a   c    i   t   y   u   s   e

    A   n   n   e   x    2 .    2

    F    i   n   a   n   c    i   a    l

    T   a    b    l   e   s

    f    i   t   a    b    i    l    i   t   y   o    f    P   r   e  -    i   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t   a

   n    d   p   o   s   t  -    i   n   v   e   s   t   m   e   n   t   a   s

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75   A   n   n   e   x   e   S

   T  a   b   l  e   7   C   A   S   H   F   L   O   W

   A   n   n   e

   x   2 .   2

   F   i   n   a   n   c   i   a    l   T   a    b    l   e   s

   I   R   R   a

   n    d

   N   P   V

   o    f   t    h   e   p   r   o   j   e   c   t

   B   a   n    k   o    f   A    l

    b   a   n   i   a   i   n   t   e   r   e   s   t   r   a   t   e

   6 .   7   7   %

   N   P   V

   a   n    d   I   R   R

    b   e    f   o   r   e   t   a   x   e   s ,   i   n   t   e   r   e   s   t   s   a   n    d

   p   r   i   n   c   i   p   a    l

   V   a    l   u   e

   N   P   V



   I   R   R

   #   N   U   M   !

   N   o   t   e   :


    l   e   a   s   e    d   o

   n   o   t

   c    h   a   n   g   e .

   T    h   i   s   v   a    l   u   e

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77   A   n   n   e   x   e   S

The Financial Tables consist of 7 excel sheets, namely:

a) Cover sheet

b) Tender 

c) Loans – both existing and proposed

d) Depreciation

e) Income statement

f) Cash-Flow

g) Financial Indicators

For each of the Excel Sheets, below is an explanation of how to complete themusing detailed information from your business and the budgets for the new invest-ment.

In principle one should only ll in the white cells in the table, whereas highlighted/co-loured cells should not be “entered/ changed” as they contain formulas.

a) Cover Sheet

In this sheet the applicant should enter general information as indicated in the ApplicationForm depending on the type of applicant. In the case the applicant is a legal entity, thenthe ofcial name of the company should be stated.

In case the applicant is not legally registered (e.g. at QKR or tax authorities), than the

name of the person applying should be stated.Note:

- The Business Name will be automatically transferred to all the excel sheets.

b) Tender – Selected offer/s

Sheet “b” Tender-Selected offer/s consists of two tables, Table 1 “Investment Costs” andTable 2 “Technical Specication of the investment items”, which are expected to showdetailed data of all selected offers preferred from the applicant.

 As a general rule, for all investment assets applicant must provide at least three offers

that have been given in response to the procurement procedure undertaken to ensurethat the purchase prices for the investment are competitive.

Table1: is identied as “Investment Costs” showing the “Preferred/selected offer”. Theapplicant should refer to the preferred/selected offer/s which is/are the applicants favouriteand in principle should be the cheapest in price/value compared to the other two offers.In case the selected offer/s is more expensive than the other proposed, the applicantshould give a justied explanation why he/she has pre-selected the more expensive offer in the column titled “Notes / Justication in case the prices of items in selected offer arehigher than the other two offers”.

The column “Investment item” is split into three sections, namely:

- Section I) Machinery and Equipment,- Section II) Construction or Improvement Works, and

- Section III) General costs linked to expenditure I and II.

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79   A   n   n   e   x   e   S

The sums of yearly interest payments are inputted automatically in the “cash-ow sheet”and in the “income sheet”.

d) List of Assets and calculation of depreciation on these assets

The depreciation rate should be based on the applicant books/documents (when appli-cable) in line with the regulations approved by the Ministry of Finance (for example LawNo. 8438, 28.12.1998 revised1) and/or according to technical specication of the asset.In this excel sheet in Table 1 the applicant should state the total amount of depreciationfor year 2011 of the existing assets related to the activity for which investment will bedone. In case some assets are used for several activities, the applicant should includeonly the contribution related to the activity for which the investment is planned.

In this table, in case of an applicant subject to VAT the value of the assets should notinclude VAT, otherwise for an applicant not subject to VAT, the value of the asset shouldinclude VAT.

This data is then automatically transferred into the “Income statement” excel sheet.

e) Income statement for the present situation and the after investment situation.

Income statement consists of total output value, production costs, EBITDA (Earningsbefore interest, tax, depreciation and amortization), Depreciation, EBIT (Earnings beforeinterest and tax), Interest, EBT (Earnings before tax), and tax on net prot.

In this sheet there are two income statements to be lled. Table 1 consists of the “Normalyear before investment (yearly average for the last 3 years)” where the applicant shouldlist the average revenues and the costs before the new investment, only for the activityto which the investment is directly related (eg. investment consists of irrigation into an

existing orchard). In case the investment will be a new economic activity (eg. new green-house), than Table 1 should be left empty.

In case the enterprise has been established recently and does not have 3 years of ex-perience, than should be based on the latest/last year(s). Normally these gures areinputted based on nancial declarations/records of the applicant. Whereas in the caseof interest rate, automatically is transferred the value of last year before the applicationfrom Sheet “c” Loans.

In Table 2 “Normal post-investment production year” the values of the revenues andcosts should be estimated for a normal post-investment year.

In these tables the candidate should enter the quantity of each product sold and theprice. The total value will be automatically calculated. If the applicant is subject to VAT,amount of VAT paid for sales should be also lled in. The value without VAT will be auto-matically calculated and transferred to “Table 3: Investment impact result” and to sheetf) Cash ows. If the applicant is not subject to VAT he/she should leave the VAT columnblank.

The same is applied also for the Production Costs where each cost item should be listedand lled for VAT if applicable. Quantity and price are not required (therefore the cellsare coloured).

Table 3: Investment Impact result will be automatically calculated from the values de-clared in the Table 1 and 2.

If the investment aims at meeting certain standards (eg. safety or environmental stan-

1 For more details visit the page of the General Tax Ofce

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dards) the investment may result in negative nancial indicators (calculated in Sheet “g”Financial Indicators. Therefore, in this case (investment aims at meeting certain stan-dards), the applicant may leave empty (or 0) the table Table 1. “Normal year beforeinvestment”. For further explanation, please see the last section of this document named“Important Notes”.


The rst table of the “Cash ow” excel sheet, named “Capacity use” expresses the as-sumed ratio of capacity that will be used throughout the lifespan of the investment - thehighest possible value is 100% (or 1) which corresponds to the foreseen normal year of production under optimal use of the investment technology. In the rst years, it mayoccur that the investment is not operating to full capacity and therefore all yearly values,which are calculated in the following table, will be adjusted (multiplied by) the ratio of theused capacity (i.e. 0.5 or 50% in the rst year). The applicant should make sure to insert

the rate of capacity use for the years it is applicable and to live the remaining cells blank.This coefcient will automatically determine all nancial indicators, and will index theproduction and income gures as well as variable costs.

In the following table the applicant should ll the amount of IPARD grant she/he is ap-plying for, while the Investment Cost is referred to the relevant cell located at the Tender sheet. The second part of this table will be automatically calculated using informationfrom the Income Statement sheet.

g) Financial Indicators

In this table are analyzed two indicators – Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR).

Net present value (NPV) is dened as the present value of net cash ows. It measuresthe excess or shortfall of cash ows in present value terms, once nancing charges aremet. NPV is an indicator of how much value an investment or project adds to the valueof the rm. Appropriately projects with a positive NPV could be accepted.

The internal rate of return (IRR)  is an annualized effective compounded return ratewhich can be earned on the invested capital. A project is a good investment propositionif its IRR is greater than the project cost of capital or if not known with the rate of returnthat could be earned by alternate investments.

The discount rate used to calculate NPV and as a comparison rate for IRR is the Bank of 

 Albania Interest rate (6.77%). The applicant should not change this rate.Both IRR and NPV are calculated automatically in this sheet.

The investment is considered economically feasible and acceptable when NPV >= 0 andIRR >= Discount rate.


1. In principle one should only ll in the white cells in the table, whereas -highlighted/coloured cells should not be “intervened” as they represent formulas.

2. Make sure cells content are not shifted, but either inserted or copy-paste (the later should be done carefully). Shifting may cause serious problems in the formula rela-

tions between cells.

3.  All data should be stated in Albanian currency, except for values in Tender sheetin case the original transaction value is in foreign currency (for more details seeTender sheet). Central Bank exchange rate of the rst working day of the month, in

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which the call was issued, will be the reference for the exchange rate used in theTender sheet.

4.  All the gures represented in this business plan should derive from the specic

activity related to the new investment.5. In case the applicants will change anything in the coloured cells of any sheet, they

should explain and motivate in details the modication done, in the narrative partof the Business Plan.

6. In case the applicant needs to make changes or include additional data, is free todo so, but should explain clearly in the Narrative Section of the Business Plan thischange/editions.

7. If the investment aims at meeting certain standards (eg. safety or environmentalstandards) the investment could not result in improved nancial performance incase there does not occur additional income, and thereby NPV would be negative

and the project would not acceptable. However, the assumption is that the invest-ment in meeting standards is done, to comply with the laws and regulations, as oth-erwise the company cannot continue to carry out its activity. Therefore, in this case(investment aims at meeting certain standards), the applicant may leave empty (or 0) the Table 1. “Normal year before investment” in Sheet “e” Income Statement.

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Annex 4.1: Claim for Payment

for Measure 1: Investments in Agricultural Holdings

“IPARD-like” Grant Schemefor 

Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania2012 - 2014

ID No. of Application < No. of the application form by registration >

Grant Contract No. < No. of the Grant Contract >

Title of the Investment Action<please give short title of your project, as in Application

form and in Grant Contract >

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(Individual agricultural producer)

Name and Surname_____________________________________________________ 

Personal ID number_____________________________________________________ 

 Address___________________________________ Region __________________ 

District__________________________ Municipality/Commune________________ 

Location of the investment_______________________________________________ 

Mob/Telephone_______________________ E-mail___________________________ 

Bank name __________________________________________________________ 

Bank account LEK_____________________________________________________ 

LEGAL ENTITY □(Privately owned commercial company or Association for Cooperation in Agriculture)

Company Name_______________________________________________________ 

Name of the Owner ____________________________________________________ 

Name of Legal Representative (if different from above)_________________________ 

NIPT number__________________________________________________________ 

Personal ID number of Owner_____________________________________________ 

Personal ID number of Legal Representative (if different from above)______________ 

 Address_____________________________________ Region __________________ 

District__________________________ Municipality/Commune__________________ 

Location of the investment________________________________________________ 

Mob/Telephone_____________________ E-mail _____________________________ 

Bank name___________________________________________________________ 

Bank account LEK_____________________________________________________ 

IBAN _______________________________________________________________ 

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Note: Please use this list as your own control check for the documents you have

to submit. All documents relevant to the Investment Action must either be sent asoriginals or copies depending on the type of the document. All documents markedas “YES” represent compulsory documents and must be submitted. All docu-ments marked with “N/A” and “YES” must be submitted depending on the typeofinvestment,typeofGrantBeneciary,typeofactivityorrequirementitfulls.

No. Type of Document

1. Copy of ID card/copy of the passport Yes


Original document from proving that the legal entity is not under bankruptcyor liquidation procedure, issued by NCR not earlier than 30 days before theapplication, if the applicant is registered in NCR 



Original certicate proving that the applicant has fullled its obligations to paymentof taxes (social, pension and health), issued by Tax Ofce for Legal Entities or issued by Municipality/Communes for Physical Persons.(The documents should not be issued earlier than 30 days before submission of 

the claim)


4.Original document about land tax issued by Municipality/Commune the not earlier than 30 days before the application


5.Document issued by the Regional Directorates of MAFCP stating that there are nooutstanding nancial obligations towards MAFCP



Copy of the document issued by the Ofce for Registration of Immovable Propertystating the ownership of the land and/or building(s), on which the investments tookplace, containing indicative map, le and the planimetry (lay out) according to thecurrent national legislation



Inventory sheet/print out of the accounting system (for all assets) by the dateof submission of the claim for payment, proving the accounting of the assets(signed and stamped)

N/A Yes

8.Inventory sheet/print out of the accounting system for the previous year (for all assets)

N/A Yes

9.Copy of Book of xed assets for the previous year - year before signing thecontract (signed and stamped by certied accountant)

N/A Yes


Copy of Book of xed assets for the year when the contract is signed (signed

and stamped by the certied accountant) N/A Yes


Copy of Book of xed assets by the date of submission of the claim for payment (only if the year of submission of the claim is different from the year of the signing of the contract)

N/A Yes

12. All Invoices for the incurred expenditures as indicated below under Table of Invoices


13.Contracts with the suppliers/service providers/construction companies deningthe assets, models, price in EURO/ Lek with and without VAT


14.Detailed technical specications for each of the items supplied under point 12 and13


15. Statement from the suppliers/service providers proving that the equipment is notsecond hand


16. Payment orders for each of the payments performed in the country Yes

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No. Type of Document

17.Payment orders (Letter of Acreditive) for each of the payment

done internationallyN/A Yes

18. Detailed (daily) bank statements for the payments done in the country Yes

19. Copy of SWIFT for all international payments N/A Yes

20. Dispatch/Receipt note (for equipment supplied) Yes

21. Copy of custom declaration for all imported goods N/A Yes

22.Consignment note CMR, including translation by certied translator (for imported goods)

N/A Yes

23.Certicate for quality or Declaration of conformity for all the goods purchased(CE Marking) N/A

N/A Yes

24. Certicate EUR 1 for all imported goods N/A Yes

25. Certicate of origin for all the goods purchased Yes

26. Construction book N/A Yes

27.Technical approval for the use of the Construction (only when construction/ reconstruction is foreseen)

N/A Yes


Note: all listed documents below must be submitted depending on the type of InvestmentAction for which the Claim for Payment is submitted. Please select “YES” and submit onlythe documents which refer to your type of investment. For the rest of the documents which

are not required to be submitted please select “N/A”.

No. Type of Document


Certicate from the Ofce for Registration of Immovable Property statingthe ownership of the land, on which the investments will take place, andcontains the indicative map, le and the planimetry (lay out) according to thecurrent national legislation proving that the beneciary has:

N/A Yes

- at least 0.5ha of land cultivated with vegetables in one or moreblocks or 

N/A Yes

- at least 0.5ha of land cultivated with fruits in one or more blocks N/A Yes

- at least 0.2ha protected area in form of glasshouse and/or greenhouse and/or plastic tunnels

N/A Yes

2.License/Authorisation or Concession for water use for investments inirrigation system in open eld production of fruit/vegetables

N/A Yes


Certicate of origin and quality of the seeds used (for fruit and vegetables)issued by State Body for Seeds and Seedlings depending on type of investment

N/A Yes

4.Certicate for environmental impact assessment depending on type of investment (License, Authorization) issued by the Ministry of Environment

N/A Yes

5.Certicate for milk hygiene and quality depending on type of investment

issued by National Food Authority

N/A Yes

6.Certicate for animal health and welfare depending on type of investmentissued by the Veterinary Ofce

N/A Yes

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Note: Please introduce the list of all invoices submitted as required under point 12. of the General Documents of the Guideline for Applicants. Please calculate the total sumrequested as total estimated eligible expenditure.

No. of invoice Date of theinvoice Type of asset Quantity


without VATAid intensity


The total amount of the investment action is ____________________________ Lek.

The total estimated eligible expenditure of the investment action (amount w/o VAT)is _____________________________Lek.

 Aid intensity of the reimbursed grant is:

50%; 55%; 60%; or  65% and it equal to the total amount of the estimated eligible expenditure of  ____________________________ Lek.

Grant Beneciary’s name Signature

Date: _______________ Stamp _________ 

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Annex 4.2. Claim for Payment

for Measure 2: Investments in Processing and Mar-

keting of Agriculture Products

“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme for Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania

2012 – 2014

ID No. Of Application < No. Of the application form by registration >

Grant Contract No. < No. Of the Grant Contract >

Title of the Investment Action< please give short title of your project, as in Application

form and Grant Contract >

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(Privately owned commercial company or Association for Cooperation in Agriculture)

Company Name__________________________________ Name of the Owner _______________________________ Name of Legal Representative (if different from above)_____________________________ 

TAX number____________________ Personal ID number of Owner_______________________________ Personal ID number of Legal Representative (if different from above)__________________  Address______________________________ Region ______________________ District_________________________ Municipality/Commune___________________ Location of the investment___________________________________________________ Mob/Telephone___________________ E-mail ___________________________________ Bank name_______________________________________________________________ 

Bank account LEK__________________________________________________________ IBAN____________________________________________________________________ 

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Note: Please use this list as your own control check for the documents you have to submit.All documents relevant to the Investment Action must either be sent as originals or copiesdepending on the type of the document. All documents marked as “YES” represent com-pulsory documents and must be submitted. All documents marked with “N/A” and “YES”mustbesubmitteddependingonthetypeofinvestment,typeofGrantBeneciary,typeof


No. Type of Document

1. Copy of ID card/copy of the passport Yes

2. Original document from NCR proving that the legal entity is not under bankruptcyor liquidation procedure, issued not earlier than 30 days before the application, if 

the applicant is registered in NCR.


3. Original certicate proving that the applicant has fullled its obligations to paymentof taxes (social, pension and health), issued by Tax Ofce not earlier than 30 daysbefore the application


5. Document issued by the MAFCP stating that there are no outstanding nancialobligations towards MAFCP


6. Copy of the document issued by the Ofce for the Registration of ImmovableProperty stating the ownership of the land and/or building(s), on which theinvestments will take place, and contains the indicative map, le and the planimetry(lay out) according to the current national legislation


7. Inventory sheet/print out of the accounting system (for all assets) by thedate of submission of the claim for payment, proving the accounting of theassets (signed and stamped)

N/A Yes

8. Inventory sheet/print out of the accounting system for the previous year (for all assets)

N/A Yes

9. Copy of Book of xed assets for the previous year (the year before signingthe contract), signed and stamped by certied accountant

N/A Yes

10. Copy of Book of xed assets for the year when the contract is signed (signedand stamped by the certied accountant) N/A Yes

11. Copy of Book of xed assets by the date of submission of the claim for payment (only if the year of submission of the claim is different from theyear of the signing of the contract)

N/A Yes

12.  All Invoices for the incurred expenditures as indicated below under Table of Invoices Yes

13. Contracts with the suppliers/service providers/construction companies dening theassets, models, price in EURO/Lek with and without VAT


14. Detailed technical specications for each of the items supplied under point 13and 14


15. Statement from the suppliers/service providers proving that the equipment is notsecond hand


16. Payment orders for each of the payments performed in the country Yes

17. Payment orders (Letter of Acreditive) for each of the payment done


N/A Yes

18. Detailed (daily) bank statements for the payments done in the country Yes

19. Copy of SWIFT for all international payments N/K Po

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No. Type of Document

20. Dispatch/Receipt note (for equipment supplied) Yes

21. Copy of custom declaration for all imported goods N/A Yes

22.Consignment note CMR, including translation by certied translator (for imported goods)

N/A Yes

23.Certicate for quality or Declaration of conformity for all the goods pur-chased (CE Marking)

N/A Yes

24. Certicate EUR 1 for all imported goods N/A Yes

25. Certicate of origin for all the goods purchased Yes

26. Construction book N/A Yes

27.Technical approval for the use of the Construction (only when construction/reconstruction is foreseen)

N/A Yes


Note: all listed documents below must be submitted depending on the type of investmentfor which the Claim for Payment is submitted. Please select “YES” and submit only thedocuments which refer to your type of investment. For the rest of the documents which arenot required to be submitted please select “N/A”.

No. Type of Document

1Certicate for environmental impact assessment depending on type of investment N/A Yes

2 Certicate for milk hygiene and quality N/A Yes

3 Certicate for animal health and welfare N/A Yes


Note: Please introduce the list of all invoices submitted as required under point 12. of the General Documents of the Guideline for Applicants. Please calculate the total sumrequested as total estimated eligible expenditure.

No. of invoice Date of theinvoice Type of asset Quantity


without VATAid intensity

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The total amount of the investment action is _________________________ Lek.The total eligible expenditure of the investment (amount w/o VAT) is ___________________Lek.

 Aid intensity of the reimbursed grant is: 50%;and it equal to the total amount of the estimated eligible expenditure of  _____________________ Lek.

Grant Beneciary’s name Signature

Date: _______________ Stamp ___________ 

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Annex 5: Grounds for Exclusion fromParticipation in the Call for Proposals

“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme for Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania



 Applicants will be excluded from participation in this call for proposals if:

a) they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the

courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business

activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any

analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation

or regulations;

b) they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a

 judgment which has the force of res judicata; (i.e. against which no appeal is possible);

c) they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which

the Contracting Authority can justify;

d) they have not fullled obligations relating to the payment of social securitycontributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the

country in which they are established or with those of the country of the Contracting

 Authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;

e) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for 

fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity

detrimental to the EU’s nancial interests;

f) they are currently subject to an administrative penalty referred to in Article 96(1) of 

the Financial Regulation (BUDGET)/ Article 99 of the Financial Regulation.

The cases referred to in point (e) applicable are the following:

1) cases of fraud as referred to in Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the

European Communities’ nancial interests drawn up by the Council Act of 26 July

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1995 (OJ C 316, 27.11.1995, p.48.)

2) cases of corruption as referred to in Article 3 of the Convention on the ght against

corruption involving ofcials of the European Communities or ofcials of Member 

States of the European Union, drawn up by the Council Act of 26 May 1997 (OJ C

195, 25.6.1997, p.1.)

3) cases of participation in a criminal organisation, as dened in Article 2(1) of Joint

 Action 98/733/JHA of the Council (OJ L 351, 29.12.1998)

4) cases of money laundering as dened in Article 1 of Council Directive 91/308/EEC

(OJ L 166, 28.6.1991, p. 77.; OJ L 344, 28.12.2001, p.76).

Contracts may not be awarded to applicants who, during the procedure for awarding


a) are subject to a conict of interest;

b) are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the

Contracting Authority as a condition of participation in the contract procedure or fail to

supply this information;

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Sector 1: Milk Sector (cows, sheep and goats)

1.1.01 Purchase and installation of on-farm milking equipment, milk cooling or storage equipment:

- Milking equipment- Milking parlour - Milking pipeline, or similar on-farm milk transport equipment- Vacuum pumps and controllers- Milk-metering systems- Milking system cleaning units- Milk receiver - Cooling and storage tanks, only if part of an investment project for installation/

renovation of the milking systems

- IT equipment and software where it is considered as integral part of theinvestment

1.1.02 Construction and/or reconstruction of agricultural buildings and facilities(including installations of pre-fabricated structures):

- Construction or reconstruction of animal housing: closed, open and semi-open stables;

- Construction or reconstruction of milking room, milk storage rooms and coldstorages;

- Construction or reconstruction of storage sheds (water reservoirs, roughagestorage, compound feed storage/silo and silage storage/hole);

- Construction or reconstruction of machine sheds;- Construction or reconstruction of buildings/facilities for manure collection

and disposal;

Annex 6: List of Eligible Expenditures

“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme for Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania


Measure 1: Investments in Agricultural Holdings

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Sector 2: Meat Sector (beef, sheep and goat, pigs, and poultry)

1.2.01 Construction and/or reconstruction of agricultural buildings and facilities(including installations of pre-fabricated structures):

- Construction or reconstruction of animal housing: closed, open and semi-open stables;

- Construction or reconstruction of storage sheds (water reservoirs, roughagestorage, compound feed storage/silo and silage storage/hole);

- Construction or reconstruction of machine sheds;- Construction or reconstruction of buildings/ facilities for manure collection and


1.2.02 On-farm animal feed preparation, handling, distribution systems and storagefacilities:

- Mixers

- Equipment and machinery, for on-farm animal feed preparation, handling,- Distribution systems and storage

1.2.03 On-farm silage preparation, handling and storage facilities:

- Equipment and machinery for on-farm silage preparation, handling andstorage

- Mowers

- Mower conditioners, tedders, precision chop forage harvesters- Other equipment and machinery for on-farm silage preparation

1.2.04 Animal feeding equipment, , heating and ventilation, automatic environmentalcontrol systems, including energy saving equipment.

1.2.05 Manure and waste storage facilities, manure handling and treatment facilities,and protective fencing

- Slurry/efuent tank- Decanter centrifuge systems-  Automatic slurry scrapers- Slurry/soiled water pumps/agitators/ aeration systems- Equipment for the application of slurry, farmyard manure and soiled water - Turning equipment- Protective fences- IT equipment and software, where it is considered as integral part of the

investment1.2.06 Fences and gates, animal handling and weighing systems.

- Fences and gates- Cubicle dividers- Feed fences- Short stands- Partitions

-  Animal weighing systems, weigh-scales- Disinfection units- Loading ramps

- Laneways,

- Branding and injection chutes

1.2.07 Animal watering systems

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1.2.08 Renewable energy technologies for heating, ventilation, powering electricfences or water pumps for on-farm consumption only:

- Solar panels

- Microeolic turbines up to 20 kW- Other technologies except bio-gas facilities

1.2.09 IT (hardware and software) for herd management, or general farm management

Poultry (broiler) farms are eligible for the following type of investments:- Construction or reconstruction of buildings and facilities for manure collec-

tion, storage, disposal and treatment;Purchase of equipment and machinery for manure and waste handling, storage

facilities, manure handling and treatment facilities, and protective fencing;Production of energy from renewable energy sources for on-farm consumption

only heating, ventilation, powering electric fences or water pumps (such assolar panels or other technologies except bio-gas facilities).

Sector 3: Fruit and Vegetable sector 

1.3.01 Investments in restructuring (rehabilitation) of existing orchards (excludingvineyards and olive groves):

- Services carried out by a third party for pruning and for soil preparation, withthe exception of soil fertilizing

- Purchase of certied propagation material

1.3.02 Purchase of new or upgrading of existing on-farm drip-irrigation and water sprinkling systems:

- Services carried out by a third party for digging wells, when primary irrigationis not available;

- Purchase of piping materials;- Purchase of sprinkling and misting installations;- Purchase of pumps;- Purchase of IT equipment including software

1.3.03 Purchase of specialized horticultural machinery and equipment:


Specialised tractors and cultivators (small-size/narrow vehicle, row-croptractors or similar) and their specialist applications- Tractor trailers and other vehicles used for harvesting;- Other specialized horticultural equipment and machinery: sprayers, seeders,

transplanters, pruners, mulch layers, compost handling equipment, or similar.

1.3.04 Construction and/or reconstruction of glasshouses/ greenhouses/ tunnels:

- Construction or reconstruction of glasshouses/ greenhouses/ tunnels- Purchase of specialized equipment including potting and lling machines

and harvesters, heating and ventilation systems, irrigation systems.- Purchase of computers, specialized software and special technological

equipment (inspection, monitoring and recording equipment, cooling controlsystems in frigoric vehicles etc.);

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1.3.05 Investments in harvesting and post-harvest specialized equipment andfacilities on the farm:

- Construction or reconstruction of existing facilities or purchase and installation

of prefabricated structures for permanent or temporary storage, non-conditioned potatoes storages, cleaning, sorting, grading and packaging;- Purchase of machinery and equipment for pre-cooling, cooling units and

cold stores- Purchase of machinery and equipment for washing, cleaning, selecting,

sorting, grading, cutting, drying and packaging, marking and labelling of fresh fruits and vegetables

- Purchase of transport and handling equipment for internal use: forklifts,trailers, containers, vans, crane, pallet truck, trolley, or similar transport or handling equipment).

- Purchase of computers, specialized software and special technologicalequipment (inspection, monitoring and recording equipment, cooling control,


1.3.06 Renewable energy technologies for heating, cooling, ventilation, irrigation or for water pumps for on-farm consumption only:

- Solar panels- Microeolic turbines up to 20 kW- Other technologies except bio-gas facilities

Measure 2: Investments in Processing and Marketingof Agricultural Products

Sector 1: Milk and dairy sector 

2.1.01 Milk collection and storage facilities:

- Construction, and/or reconstruction of milk collection centres, milk storageand cooling facilities and equipment

- Equipment and technology for control and testing of raw milk quality andhygiene

- Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systems,Good Hygiene Package/ GHP (HACCP), excluding certication costs

- Specialised IT hardware and software for milk registry and monitoring,control and management

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2.1.02 Milk processing facilities:

- Reconstruction of milk processing plants- Technologies, equipment and machinery of processing lines for milk and

dairy products such as yoghurt, cream, cheese, whey or casein; lling andpackaging systems

- Equipment and technology for testing, monitoring and control of raw milkquality and hygiene, including in-factory laboratories

- Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of quality managementsystems (ISO), excluding certication costs

- Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systemsGood Hygiene Package/GHP (HACCP), excluding certication costs

- Technologies, equipment and facilities for energy saving, and environmentalprotection; equipment and facilities for processing of intermediate productsand wastes; treatment and elimination of wastes

- Specialised transport means for distribution of products such as refrigerated

trucks- Specialised IT hardware and software for product and process management

Sector 2: Meat and meat processing sector 

2.2.01 Slaughterhouses:

- Reconstruction of slaughterhouses- Machineries, equipment and technologies for slaughtering- Reconstruction of cooling storage rooms- Lorries for living animal transport meeting animal welfare requirements

- Refrigerated lorries for meat transport- Technology and equipment for treatment of waste and by-products- Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systems

Good Hygiene Package/GHP, (HACCP), excluding certication costs- IT hardware and software for monitoring, control and management

2.2.02 Meat processing plants:

- Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systemsGood Hygiene Package/GHP, (HACCP), excluding certication costs

- Water treatment or purication facilities, equipment and facilities for treatment and elimination of waste, and of by-products

Sector 3: Fruit and vegetables processing and marketing sector 

2.3.01 Construction and/ or reconstruction of fruit and/or vegetable processingplants;

2.3.02 Fruits and vegetable processing facilities:

- Technologies, machinery and equipment for canning, preserving, pasteur-ising, or drying fruit and/ or vegetables

2.3.03 Facilities and equipment for post-harvest handling and/ or storage for raw

material, storage for packaging

2.3.04 Packaging and labelling equipment, including lling lines, wrappers, or other specialised equipment

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2.3.05 Energy saving technologies

2.3.06 Cold chain equipment:

- Cold and deep freezing storage- Freezing tunnels- Specialized refrigerated transport- Other specialized equipment to ensure continuity in the cold chain

2.3.07 Equipmentforquality�control,includingin-factorylaboratories

2.3.08 Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of quality managementsystems(ISO),excludingcerticationcosts

2.3.09 Investments for the introduction and/ or improvement of food safety systemsGoodHygienePackage/GHP(HACCP),excludingcerticationcosts

2.3.10 Environmental protection technologies and facilities, equipment for treatmentandeliminationofwaste;

2.3.11. Specialized IT systems including software for product and process manage-ment

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as “disadvantaged mountain areas”

“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme for Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania


as listed in Annex 1 of the Instruction No 3 of 10/02/2011 on the denition of disadvan-taged mountain areas.


“zonë më pak e avantazhuar malore”

NQV të tjera



















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Annex 8: Eligible fruits and vegetables -Measure 1

“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme for Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania


Product Names:


Tomatoes, freshOnions and shallots OignonsGarlicLeeks

Cauliowers and broccoliBrussels sproutsWhite cabbages and red cabbagesCabbage lettuce (head lettuce)Witloof chicoryOther chicory

Carrots and turnipsOther edible rootsCucumbersGherkinsPeas (Pisum sativum )Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp. )Other leguminous vegetables

 Asparagus Asperges Spargel Aubergines (eggplants)Celery other than celeriacMushrooms of the genus AgaricusOther mushrooms and trufesSweet peppers

Spinach,Chard (or white beet) and cardoonsCapers

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FennelsCourgettesGlobe artichokes

Other vegetables AlmondsHazelnuts or lberts (Corylus spp;)WalnutsChestnuts (Castanea spp.)Pistachios

Macadamia nuts

Other nuts

Fresh bananas

Figs, freshPineapples AvocadosGuavas, mangos and mangosteensOranges


Grapefruit, including pomelosLemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum ) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia,Citrus latifolia )Other citrus fruits

Fresh table grapesWatermelonsOther melonsPawpaws




Peaches, including nectarinesPlumsStrawberriesRaspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberriesCranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus VacciniumKiwifruitOther fresh fruitSaffronThyme

Basil, melissa, mint, origanum vulgare (oregano/wild marjoram),rosemary, sage 

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Annex 10: Agriculture products according toAnnex I of the EC Treaty

“IPARD-like” Grant Scheme for Agro-Food Sector Development in Albania


(consolidated Version, O.J. of EU C 83/331, 30.03.2010)

List referred to in Article 38 of the Treaty on the Functions of the European Union

No in theBrusselsnomenclature

Description of products

Chapter 1 Live animals

Chapter 2 Meat and edible meat offal

Chapter 3 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs

Chapter 4 Dairy produce; birds’ eggs; natural honey

Chapter 5

05.04Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than sh), whole and piecesthereof 

05.15 Animal products not elsewhere specied or included; dead animals of Chapter 1 or Chapter 3 unt for human consumption

Chapter 6Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut owers andornamental foliage

Chapter 7 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubersChapter 8 Edible fruit and nuts; peel of melons or citrus fruit

Chapter 9 Coffee, tea and spices, excluding maté (heading No 0903)

Chapter 10 Cereals

Chapter 11 Products of the milling industry; malt and starches; gluten; inulin

Chapter 12Oil seeds and oleaginous fruit; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit;industrial and medical plants; straw and fodder 

Chapter 13

ex 13.03 Pectin

Chapter 1515.01 Lard and other rendered pig fat; rendered poultry fat

15.02Unrendered fats of bovine cattle, sheep or goats; tallow (including ‘premier  jus’) produced from those fats

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15.03Lard stearin, oleostearin and tallow stearin; lard oil, oleo-oil and tallow oil,not emulsied or mixed or prepared in any way

15.04 Fats and oil, of sh and marine mammals, whether or not rened

15.07 Fixed vegetable oils, uid or solid, crude, rened or puried

15.12 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, hydrogenated, whether or not rened,but not further prepared

15.13 Margarine, imitation lard and other prepared edible fats

15.17Residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes

Kapitulli 16 Preparations of meat, of sh, of crustaceans or molluscs

Kapitulli 17

17.01 Beet sugar and cane sugar, solid

17.02 Other sugars; sugar syrups; articial honey (whether or not mixed withnatural honey); caramel

17.03 Molasses, whether or not decolourised

17.05Flavoured or coloured sugars, syrups and molasses, but not including fruit juices containing added sugar in any proportion

Kapitulli 18

18.01 Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted

18.02 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and waste

Kapitulli 20 Preparations of vegetables, fruit or other parts of plants

Kapitulli 22

22.04Grape must, in fermentation or with fermentation arrested otherwise thanby the addition of alcohol

22.05Wine of fresh grapes; grape must with fermentation arrested by the additionof alcohol

22.07 Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, perry and mead)

ex 22.08

ex 22.09

Ethyl alcohol or neutral spirits, whether or not denatured, of any strength,obtained from agricultural products listed in Annex I to the Treaty,excluding liqueurs and other spirituous beverages and compound alcoholicpreparations (known as ‘concentrated extracts’) for the manufacture of 

beveragesex 22.10 Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar 

Kapitulli 23 Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder 

Kapitulli 24

24.01 Unmanufactured tobacco, tobacco refuse

Kapitulli 45

45.01 Natural cork, unworked, crushed, granulated or ground; waste cork

Kapitulli 54

54.01Flax, raw or processed but not spun; ax tow and waste (including pulledor garnetted rags)

Kapitulli 57

57.01True hemp (Cannabis sativa), raw or processed but not spun; tow andwaste of true hemp (including pulled or garnetted rags or ropes)

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