guideline gwa ia

GAS WORK AUTHORISATION (INDUSTRIAL APPLIANCES) Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act and Regulation 2004 GAS WORK AUTHORISATION (INDUSTRIAL APPLIANCES or SERVICING) Guideline to apply for and conduct work under a Gas work authorisation for industrial appliances or servicing. Department of Natural Resources and Mines

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Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety)

Act and Regulation 2004


Guideline to apply for and conduct work under a Gas work authorisation for industrial appliances or servicing.



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Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 2 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012


Introduction ............................................................................................................................3

Overview ............................................................................................................................3

Application for an Authorisation .............................................................................................4 Introduction ........................................................................................................................4 Application Type.................................................................................................................4 Section 1 – Company / Responsible Person Details ..........................................................4 Section 2 – Details of the Authorisation Applied For ..........................................................5 Section 3 - Scope of work ..................................................................................................5 3.1 Type of work.................................................................................................................5 3.2 Type of devices ............................................................................................................5 3.3 Type of gas ..................................................................................................................5 3.4 Gas device capacity .....................................................................................................5 Section 4 – Self-employed / sole traders............................................................................6 Section 5 – Current / Previous authorisation ......................................................................6 Section 6 - Documents to be submitted with the application ..............................................6 6.1 Letter of application ......................................................................................................6 6.2 Organisational chart .....................................................................................................6 6.3 Competencies and skills...............................................................................................6 6.4 Experience log .............................................................................................................7 6.5 Maintenance of skills ....................................................................................................8 6.6 Management system....................................................................................................8 Section 7 ............................................................................................................................8

Working under the Authorisation............................................................................................9

Certification and record keeping ............................................................................................9

Change of company owner and name .................................................................................10

Change to the scope of work ...............................................................................................10

Regulatory audits and follow up of corrective actions ..........................................................10



APPENDIX 1: The approval/certification process for Type B gas devices and operating plant .....................................................................................................................................12

The two stages of approval/certification ...........................................................................12 Approving authority role ...................................................................................................13 Sample copies of certificates............................................................................................13

FIGURE 1: Approval/certification requirements for typical medium to large Type B industrial gas installation (Class C)......................................................................................14

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 3 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012



The purpose of this guideline is to assist persons wanting to undertake Type B (Industrial) gas work. The guide explains what a gas work authorisation is and how to apply for one. It also provides information on the responsibilities and obligations that holders have once an authorisation is granted.

An explanation of the entire Type B approval certification process including installation and servicing is provided in Appendix 1.

This version has been revised to include important changes to legislation relating to operating plant. It includes updates on competency based training packages and details of two new packages for gas work on stationary gas engines.

Scope of work

Gas Work Authorisations (GWA) are issued under the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (P&G Act) for the purpose of authorising the performance of gas work on certain Type B gas appliances in Queensland.

Gas work includes installing, removing, altering, repairing, servicing, testing or certifying the gas system of a gas device.

Gas work associated with Type B gas devices requires specialised skills and knowledge. The skills and knowledge may be broad or may be specific to a task. Therefore a GWA may be issued for broad or narrow scopes of work or it may be limited to a specific task or appliance, or number of tasks or appliances.

An authorisation may cover all fuel gases such as natural gas, LPG, biogas, sewage gas and the use of hydrogen as a fuel, or may be restricted to specific gases.

If the scope of work to be undertaken is gas servicing work only, then a Gas Work Authorisation (Servicing) should be applied for.


A GWA is generally issued to a company however sole traders can also be authorised.

Applicants must provide evidence that demonstrates individuals have been formally trained and are competent to perform the gas work applied for.

The business owner, Chief Executive Officer or senior manager within the organisation must be the applicant for a GWA. They must endorse the application and provide a statement of commitment for resources in support of the application.

The organisation will be responsible for compliance with the P&G Act and any requirements set out in the authorisation.

The organisation may face disciplinary action for failure to adhere to the conditions of the authorisation.

Other Queensland legislation may be applicable to work performed. This may include any general duties of care and hazard management processes that may be required under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.

A GWA may not be required where type B gas work is performed at an operating plant. For that to occur gas work at an operating plant must be carried out by competent persons in accordance with the operating plant’s Safety Management Plan as required by section 727 of the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004.

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 4 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012

Application for an Authorisation


An application for a GWA must be made on the approved form available on the department’s website at or from relevant department regional offices (see contacts).

It is recommended that new applicants discuss a proposed GWA application with a Regional Petroleum and Gas Inspector before submitting an application. This will assist the applicant to provide all the relevant information.

The information required with the application is outlined in the following subsections. In simple terms the information required can be summarised as:

What is the proposed scope of work? (ie what work do you want to be authorised for?)

What skills/competencies are needed to do the work?

Evidence demonstrating that each person who is to undertake gas work under the authorisation has the required skills and competencies to do the proposed work.

Application Type

An application must be made by:

1. Any new entity wishing to be authorised (a new application),

2. Any current holder whose authorisation is about to expire and who wishes to re-apply, and

3. Any current holder who wants a change to the scope of work.

The following information provides guidance on completion of each section of the application form.

Section 1 – Company / Responsible Person Details

The correct full name and details of the company must be supplied. This includes the company’s ACN number and the details of the person who will be ultimately responsible for management of the authorised work.

The CEO or a senior person in the organisation who will ultimately be responsible for the overall management of the gas work to be undertaken under the authorisation must sign the endorsement on the application.

A telephone number and email address must be provided for the person making the application.

The correct company address and/or business location including postal address must be provided.

The completed application form must be lodged with all relevant supporting documentation at one of the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate regional offices.

The applicable application and annual fees must be paid when submitting the application.

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 5 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012

Section 2 – Details of the Authorisation Applied For

An Industrial Appliance or Servicing category can be applied for.

Servicing is restricted to repairing and maintaining a Type B device only.

An authorisation period can be nominated in yearly periods between one and five years.

A re-application must be received by the department before a current GWA expires. Failure to do this will mean that gas work can no longer be undertaken until a new application is approved.

Section 3 - Scope of work

3.1 Type of work

The type of work that may be applied for under an Industrial Appliances authorisation includes

o installing, removing, altering, repairing, servicing, certifying or testing the gas system of a gas device or

The type of work that may be applied for under a Servicing authorisation includes o repairing or maintaining the gas system of a gas device.

3.2 Type of devices

Work may be undertaken on all types of Type B devices or just specific devices. This will depend on the competencies and skills of the people who would undertake the work as submitted with the application. This flexibility allows persons with specialised competencies to be just authorised to work in their particular skill set area.

If gas work is only proposed on certain Type B gas devices then these devices must be specified.

3.3 Type of gas

The type or types of gas relevant to the gas work on the Type B device must be nominated.

Gases may include: LPG and/or natural gas. Other gases such as biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas, SNG or hydrogen could be nominated.

3.4 Gas device capacity

The maximum gas rate (in GJ/hr) of the largest Type B device gas work is intended to be performed on must be provided. Gas work must be commensurate with the skills and competencies of personnel submitted with the application.

The maximum gas rate allowed under a GWA (1A) is 50GJ/hr.

More Information

The applicant must provide a simple description of the gas work to be undertaken. Applicants should not apply to perform gas work on gas devices that fall outside the demonstrated skills and competencies of the organisation’s personnel or contractors. Only the scope of work approved by the Chief Inspector becomes the allowable work that can be undertaken under the authorisation. Work outside the approved scope of work cannot be undertaken. If a change to the approved scope of work is required a new application must be submitted and approved by the Chief Inspector before the work can be performed. Any additional competencies and experience in the type of work applied for must be provided.

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 6 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012

Section 4 – Self-employed/sole traders

Individuals may only apply for an authorisation if they are self-employed and are a sole trader.

Certified copies of any current or previous Type B licence held in Queensland or any other Australian jurisdiction relevant to Type B gas work should be provided.

The competency and skill requirements detailed in section 6.3 must also be addressed.

Section 5 – Current/Previous authorisation

Details of any previously approved authorisation must be provided. This includes the type of authorisation, the authorisation number, the expiry date, any restrictions, the types of gas devices that have been worked on and their maximum gas rating in GJ/hr.

Section 6 - Documents to be submitted with the application

6.1 Letter of application

The application must include a letter from the business owner, CEO or senior manager within the organisation that demonstrates a commitment to provide the appropriate resources to safely manage gas work.

6.2 Organisational chart

A chart of the organisation’s structure must be included. The chart must show the positions, names and reporting arrangements in the organisation and include the levels of authority and responsibilities of those who will be involved in managing and performing gas work under an authorisation.

If the applicant does not directly employ people with the competencies and skills to perform the gas work, they must provide information that clearly demonstrates;

o the relationship between the authorisation holder and the contractor; and

o that they have a robust management/contractual relationship (including feedback loops) with any contractor that will ensure the contractor has the necessary skills and competencies to undertake the work and compliance with the applicant’s safety management system and operation for gas work.

6.3 Competencies and skills

Each and every person to work under the authorisation must have the appropriate competency and skills to perform gas work they undertake.

A person may be competent to undertake all of the gas work permitted under the authorisation or they may only be competent to undertake a specific task associated with the gas work.

The application must include evidence of the competence and skills of all persons that will be undertaking gas work under the authorisation. This includes contractors.

Competencies would usually include successful completion of relevant nationally accredited courses issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) such as

BCPGS4003A “Install Commission & Service Type B Gas Appliances” or

CPCPGS4003A “Install Commission & Service Type B Gas Appliances”

For stationary engine work:

UEPMNT367A “Install and commission stationary gas fuelled reciprocating engines”

UEPMNT368A “Repair and maintain stationary gas fuelled reciprocating engines”

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 7 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012

Competencies may also include successful completion of a gas work course that has been contextualised to a nationally accredited course. Competency is to be issued by an RTO, however the course could be delivered by an approved Certificate IV trainer and assessor.

Competencies and skills may also be complemented by successful completion of formal training provided by gas device and equipment manufacturers.

Note - Training must be delivered by certified trainers and assessors. Records must be kept and third party audits of assessment of training programs are strongly recommended.

Other relevant training may include electrical work, control systems, risk analysis, general gas safety, hazardous areas etc.

Training must include relevant standards where applicable such as

o AS/NZS 5601.1 Gas installations – General Installations

o AS3814 – Industrial and Commercial Gas Fuelled Appliances

o AS 1375 SAA Industrial Fuel-fired Appliances Code

o AS 61508 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems

Training must include sections of the P&G Act and P&G Regulation relevant to gas work associated type B gas devices. This must include the approval and certification process.

Supervising or managing staff must also be trained, competent and familiar with risk assessment and management processes.

From 1 January 2013, for any applications for any new authorisation for installation of gas appliances, all individuals proposed to be working under the authorisation must hold as a minimum, where appropriate to the proposed scope of work, relevant competencies as listed above.

6.4 Experience log

An experience log (Attachment 1 of the application form) must be completed for every person proposed to undertake gas work, including each contractor if applicable.

Evidence of gas work relevant to the competencies of the person and the scope of work must be provided in the experience log.

Any evidence provided in the experience log must have been undertaken within the 3 year period prior to the date of the application. Work beyond the 3 year period may be provided if relevant to a particular scope of work.

The experience log must include;

o The name of the person and the date the log was completed.

o The approximate date the work was undertaken.

o Details of the work undertaken. e.g. Install, test, commission, remove, alter, maintain, and convert.

o The type, make, model and gas type of the gas device.

o The device gas rate in GJ/hr.

o The location of the gas device.

o The relevant Compliance Certificate number if known.

o The name and number for the Authorisation holder and the supervisor’s name.

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 8 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012

Applicants may be required to provide the names of referees to substantiate credentials.

6.5 Maintenance of skills

The applicant must have systems to ensure that the competencies of staff undertaking gas work is managed and remains current for the authorised term. This includes a training plan and documented training records.

6.6 Management system

The applicant must confirm that they have a system that will ensure that people’s safety is managed when gas work is undertaken. The plan or system does not have to be provided with the application but it may be required for review upon request by an Inspector or Authorised Officer.

Authorised gas work can only be carried out by competent people. Any person who completes formal Type B training during the authorised period must be directly supervised by a competent and experienced person until they can demonstrate the relevant competency with respect to the authorised scope of work. This supervision must be documented and the Application Form’s Experience Log can be used to capture this information and could be submitted with any future reapplication. The level of supervision must be determined from the risk associated with the gas work.

Where the plant is also an operating plant under the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004, all work must be carried out in accordance with the Safety Management Plan for that plant.

Section 7

The application must be signed by the owner, CEO or senior person in the organisation responsible for the gas work to be undertaken.

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 9 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012

Working under the Authorisation

The holder of a GWA must comply with the requirements of the P&G Act and P&G Regulation and any conditions of the authorisation.

A GWA may be restricted to the type of work, gas device, or gas device rating.

A person must not undertake gas work or install a device for which they are not authorised. The maximum penalty for doing so is 500 penalty units ($50,000) 1.

A Type B device must not be installed if there is no approval certificate issued by an approved approving authority [Form PGA733(2) – See Appendix 1]. Note - An approving authority who is also an authorisation holder cannot install a Type B device rated greater than 5GJ/hr (see Appendix 1 for a full explanation).

Installation and commissioning must be undertaken in accordance with AS 3814 and the manufacturer’s instructions/design package as approved by the Type B approving authority.

Gas System Compliance Certificate books can only be purchased by the nominated responsible officer for the authorisation or delegated agent. They are available from Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate offices at Woolloongabba, Rockhampton and Townsville.

Certification of installations and record keeping Certification of installations is required under s. 734 of the Petroleum and Gas (Production

and Safety) Act 2004 [Form PGA734(3)].

A Type B device installer must issue a Gas System Compliance Certificate [Form PGA734(3)] once the installation is complete certifying that the installation of the device complies with the safety requirements.

A Type B device installer must issue an Operating Plant Compliance Certificate [Form PGA697] once the installation at an operating plant is complete certifying that the installation of the device complies with the safety requirement.

The certificate must be issued to the person and within the time periods outlined in the P&G Regulation (see s91, 91A, 100A, 105EA, and 105J).

Certification can only be performed by competent persons authorised by the holder of the GWA.

Compliance plates must also be fitted for relevant installations (see s91B of the P&G Regulation)

Appropriate records for gas work must be kept by the authorisation holder including copies of Gas System Compliance Certificates and Type B device approval certificates.

1 One penalty unit equals $100.

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 10 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012

Change of company owner and name If the ownership of the company changes but the name and competent staff remains the

same there are no requirements to notify the Chief Inspector, other than to advise the new applicant’s name.

If the ownership and name of the company changes a new application is required. An application fee and yearly fees will apply and the existing authorisation will be cancelled

If the ownership of the company remains the same but the company name changes the current authorisation certificate must be returned to the Chief Inspector. A certified copy of the new company certificate must be submitted to the Chief Inspector. Once this is received a new authorisation certificate will be issued in the new company name. A certificate replacement fee will apply.

Change to the scope of work If an existing authorisation holder wishes to change the scope of work a new application is required.

Regulatory audits and follow up of corrective actions

Departmental Petroleum and Gas Inspectors may perform regulatory audits of GWA holders at any time.

Audits monitor compliance with P&G legislation and the relevant safety requirements (eg relevant standards).

It is an offence not to comply with a safety requirement. The penalty is a maximum fine of 500 penalty units or $50,0002.

If a compliance direction (CD) is issued as a result of an audit or inspection it must be complied with within the allotted time frame. Failure to comply with a compliance direction is an offence and may attract a maximum penalty of up to 500 penalty units or $50,0003.

Under the P&G Act an Authorisation may be cancelled.

Breaches of the P&G Act may lead to prosecution.

Re-application It is vitally important that an authorisation holder reapplies for a GWA before it expires if

they wish to continue undertaking gas work.

Gas work can no longer be legally performed if a reapplication is not received by the department on or before the expiry date.

Existing authorisation holders must complete a new application in full and include in the application form, all requested supporting information/documentation and annual fees. Supporting information and documentation must be updated from previous applications and include gas work carried out over the last authorisation period, as well as formal competencies of any new staff undertaking gas work.

The application will be assessed and processed as if it were a new application.

2 One penalty unit equals $100. 3 One penalty unit equals $100.

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 11 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012


For further information and advice on applying for a Gas Work Authorisation (Industrial Appliances) and a Gas Work Authorisation Servicing contact:

Southern Regional Office

Regional Inspector, Petroleum and Gas

Phone: 07 3238 3784

Central Regional Office

Regional Inspector, Petroleum and Gas

Phone: 07 4938 4682

Northern Regional Office

Regional Inspector, Petroleum and Gas

Phone: 07 4760 7411

Email: [email protected]

Further information and application forms for a Gas Work Authorisation (Industrial Appliances) and a Gas Work Authorisation (servicing) can be found at

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 12 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012

APPENDIX 1: The approval/certification process for Type B gas devices and operating plant

The two stages of approval/certification Undertaking gas work under an authorisation is one part of a bigger process that puts in place checks and balances to ensure the operation of the gas device/plant is designed and installed in accordance with the safety requirements of the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (P&G Act). When a Type B device is manufactured/imported, designed, constructed and installed, the P&G Act requires two stages of certification or approval:

1. The Chief Inspector, Petroleum and Gas or a person or body approved by the Chief Inspector (a Type B approving authority) must approve the gas device for sale, installation or use under s. 733(2) of the P&G Act.

2. An installer working under a gas work authorisation granted under s. 728C of the P&G Act must certify the installed and commissioned device. (Certification under s. 697 for operating plant and s. 734(3) for other gas systems).

Action Gas device Operating plant Gas device/operating plant approved for sale/use/installation (required before installation – essentially certifying that the design of device/plant meets safety requirements)

Approval by the Chief Inspector or a person or body approved by the Chief Inspector, Petroleum and Gas (a Type B ‘approving authority’) under s. 733(2) that the gas device is approved for sale, installation or use (approved form PGA733(2))

Approval by the Chief Inspector or a person or body approved by the Chief Inspector, Petroleum and Gas (a Type B ‘approving authority’) under s. 733(2) that the gas device is approved for sale, installation or use (approved form PGA733(2))

Installation certification (required after installation)

Inspection and certification of the installed and commissioned device by an installer working under a gas work authorisation granted under s. 728C. (Installer must certify under s 734A that the gas device installation complies with safety requirements – approved form PGA734 available for purchase from Regional Offices.

Inspection and certification of the installed and commissioned of plant by installer granted under s. 728C. (Installer must certify under s 697(3) that installation complies with safety requirements- approved form PGA697 available on request at [email protected]).

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) 13 Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate, Department Natural Resources and Mines Version 3 - May 2012

Approving authority role Under s. 733(2), a Type B approving authority states that the design of a Type B gas appliance, whether new, relocated or modified after installation, complies with the statutory requirements prior to it being offered for sale, installation or use (see for a list of current Type B approving authorities). An installer must not install a device for which there is no Type B approving authority approval (certificate). The penalty (which could apply to the installer and/or the owner) for not having the device approved is a maximum of 200 penalty units ($20,000). Because of the wide range in characteristics and complexity of Type B devices, Type B approving authorities will be authorised to approve [under s. 733(2)] three classes of Type B devices:

Class S (simple devices < 5 GJ/hour)

Class C (complex devices <50 GJ/hour)

Class M (major projects > 50 GJ/hour) Within Classes S and C, sub levels are provided based on the gas usage rate. Type B approving authorities approving Class S devices may also hold a Gas Work Authorisation and undertake installation work. They will also be able to ‘self certify’ Class S devices, that is, approve a Class S device and install that device. However, in general for Class C and M devices, the Type B approving authority must be independent from the installer. In addition, for Class C4 (20-50GJ/hr) devices and Class M devices, it is a requirement that the approving authority must also sign off on the installed/constructed system including commissioning.

Sample copies of certificates

Approving Authority Type B Gas Device Approval Certificate

Gas System Compliance Certificate

Form PGA733(2)AA Form PGA734

Guidelines to apply for and operate under a gas work authorisation (industrial appliances) Version 3 - April 2012


FIGURE 1: Approval/certification requirements for typical medium to large Type B industrial gas installation (Class C)