guidelines for preparation of summer training report[1] 2

8/20/2019 Guidelines for Preparation of Summer Training Report[1] 2 1/5 MBA 3 rd  Semester Guidelines for preparation of Summer Training Project Report 1. The report should ordinarily be based on primary data. 2. 100 to 150 pages of A size excluding cover and certificates. 3. Typing with dou!le spacing in Times "e# Roman with 1$ font size. 4. T%ree copies to be submitted (original print will be returned to the student and two duplicates will be retained. . &ard !ound (!o spiral binding" in following order with page numbering# $over %age (in prescribed format" on white chart paper&'uter and nner $ertificate from Training )upervisor (*eporting officer of the organization where the student has undergone training" $ertificate from the +ead of the ,epartment (in prescribed format" ,eclaration by the student (in prescribed format" ndex of contents %reface (-rief overview of study with plan and chapterisation" 4& pages c/nowledgments 1&2 pages PART ' ( ntroduction to the organization 3&0 pages -rief +istory 'rganisational structure %roducts )ervices offered by the company inancial mar/et performance of past years %roblems faced challenges for the company PART ) '' ( icro *esearch %roblem (assigned by the company" 50&60 pages 'b7ectives8 importance and scope of study *esearch methodology ,ata nalysis nterpretation (including charts8 tables8 etc." indings *ecommendations $onclusion ()ummary and limitations of study" nnexures (9uestionnaires8 financial statements8 forms8 formats etc." -ibliography *eferences 2&4 pages 5. %rinting and binding of report should be done only after :$,  presentation and written approval of training placement incharge. ;. :ast date of submission of report is 30 t%  August $01. +ead

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Page 1: Guidelines for Preparation of Summer Training Report[1] 2

8/20/2019 Guidelines for Preparation of Summer Training Report[1] 2 1/5

MBA 3rd SemesterGuidelines for preparation of Summer Training Project Report

1. The report should ordinarily be based on primary data.

2. 100 to 150 pages of A size excluding cover and certificates.

3. Typing with dou!le spacing  in Times "e# Roman with 1$ font size.

4. T%ree  copies to be submitted (original print will be returned to the

student and two duplicates will be retained.

. &ard !ound  (!o spiral binding" in following order with page


$over %age (in prescribed format" on white chart paper&'uter and nner 

$ertificate from Training )upervisor (*eporting officer of the organization where the

student has undergone training"

$ertificate from the +ead of the ,epartment (in prescribed format"

,eclaration by the student (in prescribed format"

ndex of contents

%reface (-rief overview of study with plan and chapterisation" 4& pages

c/nowledgments 1&2 pages

PART ' ( ntroduction to the organization 3&0 pages-rief +istory

'rganisational structure

%roducts )ervices offered by the company

inancial mar/et performance of past years

%roblems faced challenges for the companyPART ) '' ( icro *esearch %roblem (assigned by the company" 50&60 pages

'b7ectives8 importance and scope of study

*esearch methodology

,ata nalysis nterpretation (including charts8 tables8 etc."

indings *ecommendations$onclusion ()ummary and limitations of study"nnexures (9uestionnaires8 financial statements8 forms8 formats etc."

-ibliography *eferences 2&4 pages

5. %rinting and binding of report should be done only after :$,

 presentation and written approval of training placement incharge.

;. :ast date of submission of report is 30t% August $01.


Page 2: Guidelines for Preparation of Summer Training Report[1] 2

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,ept. of -usiness dministration

Page 3: Guidelines for Preparation of Summer Training Report[1] 2

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  *  Title +

Summer Training Project Report

)ubmitted to

,ttar Prades% Tec%nical ,ni-ersity. /ucno#

 In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of 

Master of Business Administration

%repared by# Training )upervisor#

 !ame of )tudent  !ame

- 3rd )emester  ,esignation

*oll !umber#  !ame of 'rganization<nrollment !o.


,epartment of -usiness dministration

Tec%nical 2ducation Researc% 'nstitute%ost&=raduate $ollege8 =hazipur > 233001 (?.%."

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4ertificate 6n college letter %ead7

This is to certify that  !ame of student 8 pursuing - 3rd

)emester from this institute8 has prepared the summer training pro7ect

report entitled @  !ame of topic A in partial fulfillment of the

reBuirements of the degree of aster of -usiness dministration from

?ttar %radesh Technical ?niversity8 :uc/now8 for the session 2013&


This report is based on summer training pro7ect underta/en by

 !ame of student  at  !ame of the company ddress  under the

supervision of !ame of Training )upervisor  during the period %eriod

of Training and fulfills the reBuirements of regulations relating to the

nature and standard of - course of ?. %. Technical ?niversity.

recommend that this pro7ect report may be sent for evaluation.

Ra%ul Anand Sing%

+ead8 ,ept. of -usiness dministration

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8eclaration 6n plain Paper7

8 !ame of )tudent8 hereby declare that this summer training

 pro7ect report entitled @ !ame of Topic @ has been prepared by me on

the basis of summer training done at !ame address of the company 

during the period %eriod of training under the supervision of !ame of

the training supervisor .

This pro7ect report is my bona fide wor/ and has not been

submitted in any form to any ?niversity or nstitute for the award of

any degree or diploma prior to the under mentioned date. bear the

entire responsibility of submission of this pro7ect report.

30th ugust 2014  !ame of the student

- 3


 )emester ,epartment of -usiness dministration

Technical <ducation *esearch nstitute

%. =. $ollege8 =hazipur