h › bitstream › 10524 › ...100 vinit wthekt, iionoiilllif. new goods just to hand a full...

., 3R52 ts ;., K . Na . ? ' It 11, "s "r i - : ' ,, .kC fiSY.vtf ?M' t KZt Viii. &:I-si- 5 Ji 11 I HI aUDSORIPTION Vol. XIV. No 'A175. HONOLULU, II. t., TUHSDAY EVENING, FEIJRUAUY J I, LSfJO. 60 0ENT8 PEU MONTH h :"' ( THE DAILY BULLETIN is printed nod published at thu olllco, Qtieon Btteot, Uonolulu, II. I., over; afternoon (Suudays excepted). Subscription. SO cants par Month. AddroastnU CiimmunUiatiuna IUii, Uui.t.etixj Advertisement, to cnturo insertion, thuuld bo handed In before ono n'olook ri m. WALTER Hill Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Stoam Printing Office. N'owaupor, Boole und Job Printing ol all hinds dono on the most favorablo ttjvms. tloll Telephone No. 2&H Mutual Telephone No. 20(1 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An iutorestlug nnd comprehensive publication, contain 31 columns of tending matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu nnd Island News. It is tho best paper published lu the Kingdom to wind to frlonda u broad. MubBurlptlou: Inland : : : 1 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission Merchants. HAOKCELD & Co. E. Uoncral Commission Agents. Honolulu 0. W. MAOFAJALANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Uuu sttcet, Honolulu. H. I. 1048 GrONSALVES & CO., Wholesalo Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. BUEWER St OOMPAN7, 0. (Limited) Ob.nkiiai. MnnsA7ixn.E akd COHUIESION AOBMU ust of orviCJius: P. o! Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Oautbu. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary DiKScrrons: Hon. O. R. Bisuoj-- . 8. C. Aixen, II. Waturuoubh. S881y T. WATERHOU8JC, JOHN Importer and Dealer In. General Merchandise, Queen ut., Honolulu. 1 a. N. Castle,-- J. B. Athortou-- O. P. CaBtlu & OOOKE, CASTLB Shipping anil Coiumiislon MurohanU. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. " 1 Ol&nt SpreckolB. Wm. U. Irwin. IRWIN fc COMPANY, WO. Factors and Cmuilsalon ' cnts, Honolulu. 1 & OO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ats., Honolulu. - 1 . lowers, F. J. Lowroy 0. M. Cooko. A OOOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu , 1 Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St, Upstairs. Tho undersigned begs to inform tho pnbllo of theso Islands that he is making HltlrtH ly McaHiiremcut ! Directions for will bo'given on application. , White Shirts, Owrshtrts & Hlght Gowns A fit guarnntco by making a sample Shirt to every order. ''!" liUnd order solicited Bolt Telephone 410 Mly i A. M. HIKIiMN. H. G, CBABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, Bl King Street, opposite the Old Station House. AliitunlXolcpUouo No. -- 1, 87 tf A. II. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. - Merchant. street. Upslalra. y gggi- - mm JL.morai MOHQARBAT, Attorney ni Law k Notury Publio 149 Merchant Street, Honolulu, tf ALFRED MAQOON, . J Attorney ut Law & Notary public 178 42 Morob.unt Etroot. Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will practice In tfhu lower courts Of thu Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect ing In all Its branches, renting of houses and any other buslncss'cnlrusicd to him Otllcc 01 King Slrcct-Upfda- irs. Keti.5-8- 0 PIONEEU STEAI CANDY FACTORY AN BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and linker. 71 Hotel St. "&H3' Telephone 74. HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Strcot, : William's Block, 21G Honolulu, H. I. II. M. IIEN60N. o. rr. smith. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boerlcko & Scechlk's hoMcepathic Medicines, Rlckseckor's Porfumes and Toilet Requisites, i8y WEMER & CO. diamiftecturlnit JowoIIcvb, pifo. oa fobt STitjaAao. Constantly on hand large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 953 ly Thomas Lindsay, A Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewolry .a .Specialty. King; Street Honolulu, II. I. Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram- way Company's Oltlce. J3T" Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Jan-10-8- 0 Hustace & Robertson, DItAYHKN. A LL orders for Cartago promptly at-X- tendod to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Biaok and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, next door to .las. F. Morgan's auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telbphono No. 10. - - - - J. N. S. WILLIAMS, Engineer & Contractor, ' Is prepared to design and contract for all olnuscj of Sugar Extraction Machi- nery, Irrigating' Machinery, Evaporat- ing Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Engines of nil kinds ami for nil purposes, Water Wheels, Water Conduits, holi pipes and tlumoi, Steam Boilers of various kinds, .Jtftlli nnd Material and Rolling Stock, Etc., Etc. DIFFUSION MAUIUNKHY, In all its brunches ft specialty. i'lnutntinns supplied With Chemical nnd Analytical Apparatus of thu very best description to order. Cay Closo attention paid to nil orders and satisfaction to thu purchaser gun. ranlecd. P. O. Box DSO. Fort street, Honolulu. Hcpt.0 8U-1- LADIES' NURSE. MONROE, Indies' nurso, has MRS. to No. a, Kukui lane. Feli-H-8'- J j? Tho Best Lunoh In Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours The Finest Brnnd of Ciprs,afaTolicfl A. I way w on lliuwf. 11. .1. KOIrK,, Proprietor. '.i.'U io t m&r 7ir aN Metropolitan Kv1ssm3' Meat Company 81 KINO STREET, G. J. WALLEfi, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly JOS. TINKER, . IIH'iX'IIKlt. City EVIarket, Nuimuu Btrrct. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. AUO Cambridge Pork Sausages Fresh Every Day. t8f"IIi noted Sausages arc mndo by tho ovory bint mochlnnry, nnd all ordern entrusted to his caro will bo delivered with promptness nnd dlspntch.and his prices are as low us anywhere in thu city. ty Try his Bologna Sausages."! oct.5-8- 8 Fiirnislicd Ifouso To Let T Wniklkl, n two story lloiifc, contalnlniz six- - rooms uicelv fiiniHlu.il, with kitchen, latiol, bulli mid servant's rooms, stable, etc , to let for a few wionth otu riiiionnblo rale. Or rooms will be let singly with pood tnblo bnnrd. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. .Valuable Property For Sale ON Nuuanu Avenue, n newly furnished House containing 8 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, closets, oturineo house, stable, henery, etc. Grounds contain 2 acres, welMald nut in lawn!, shnde nnd fruit trees, flowers, etc. Will be Bold low, with or without furnituic, horses, carriages, live Ktocl;, nnd till tho appointments needed in a llrst-clus- rcsiu&ce, as tho owner in- tends leaving theso Islnnds. IIAWAIUN BUSINESS AGKNOY. Island Views. A LARGE assortment of Photographs and Stereoscopic VIowh of the most attractive scenery, buildings, etc , In these islands, for sale at reasonable prices. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Corner Fort mid Merchant street. 2:108 tf CI. MULT,ER & CO., PRACTICAL QUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street,."Damon's lllrck," Corner store. Surgical & Musical Instruments neatly repaired at reasonable rates. Sewing Machines mid repairing of all kinds a specialty. All kinds of Safes & Scales repalied. Household Sewing Mnchines for Bate. deo-14.- VETERINARY. An. ROW AT, Veterinary. Surgeon, and pharmacy"i(t Ha'wailuu (.Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richard streets, gcienllllc treatment in all dis- eases of domestic anlmnlB. Orders for plantation and much stock promptly attonded to. Mutual Telephone asi, P. O. Box 320. inli.l.H-M-) PUBLIC NOTICE. rTMIE umUrslancd huvini' been nn- - J. pointed ngent for 11. M. Queen Knplolsul, notice is hereby given that all tenants, by tense or otherwisu, are oidercd to make nil pnyments to ine, ho other receipt being valid. Olllcc at the l'nluco Hungulow. Hours from 0 a. ai. toll-- , m. II. O. ULUKOU, lai) tf Agent for H. M. tho Queen. O fcUSO HAWAIIANO. ALL persons who want to communl with tho Poitujuese, either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or auy other helps, will Hud It iho most prolltablo way to advertise in tho I.uso lliiwaiiiiiio, tho new organ of the Portucucao colouy, wluoli is pub- lished on Uptel Btrcot, and ouly char gee resBOualilo rates for advertisement!, To Arrive! VVM S. B. AUSTRALIA -- FOR To Arrive! NEW SPRING STYLES POPULAR - MILLINERY -- HOUSE, to I Fori, SI roc t. Honolulu. IS. !. NV.OMis4. - - ProprioCor. New Spring Goods, New Millinery Goods,, , Latest Designs in Sateens, New White Goods, India Silks; Foulard Silks, AND ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES! HOLLISTER & CO., 100 ViniT WTHEKT, IIONOIillLIF. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Colgate S Col's Celebrated Perfumes l Toilet Soaps, Photographic Goods of All Kinds. B UH A C H: FEBRUARY T1IE- - THIS KINUHOM. JIMENEZ SUBLIME. LOWEST RATES by FRANK BROWN, Manugnr, WARRANTED GENUINE & QUANTITIES TO SUIT. Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines Qigars, Cigarettes Tobaccos. 13ll 'JL'eloplipue, CO -- !- IVIutiml '.Telephone, IS'T'l HAWAIIAN WINE CO.. -- o- No. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street. HAVE THE BEST QUALITY EACH AND EVERY KIND OF CALIFORNIA-:-WINE- S f JMPORTEIVJNTO Our " PEDRO IS SIMPLY CT Wliioli will bo sold AT 2170 DUE 7lli, " IN & i .m m '... ti'uM . ,'illV. '". ir NTERP3IS PLANING MILL, A!iiku, liiiar ut-t'i-i St. I TfllepliQUP So. tin. WALKER & ItEDWARD, Contractor 5C ttullilurm. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; tliuatcB given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. HI King strtJt. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 42). np riEOUGE LUCAS, J Contractor and Builder,! Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, bspla uadeHIouolutii. MiiunfncturcM all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work tluish. Turning, Scroll and Hand Sawing. All kinds oi Sawing and Morticing and Tuuautiug. 7)rdciHproniptlyatt(iidfd to and woik uuarunleed. Ordern from the other Is-- I tnds solicited HONOLOLD IRON WOHKiS, Steam cuulncB, siiuar in ills, boil ers, coolers; Iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Pnrtieulnr attention paid to ship's blauk smithing. Job work exe- cuted nt short notice. I f. O. Ilox :i.1l. - Itrll Telo. U7-I- . Hawaiian Business Agency Corner Fort & Merchant Streets, Honolulu, Ii. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. AcconntnntH &, C'olloctoi-- FOIl TnK Hawaiian Bell Telephone So. Manager of Advertising Department KOll THK "Nupepa Kuokoa' DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive special atten- tion and returns promptly miide. Real Estate bought, f.old nnd leased. Taxes Paid and propel ty safely intmrcd.- - Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Otflcei. IchiimI nnd rented, and rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance etl'ectcd in first, class Insurance Compnnies. Conveyancing a Specialty Records seaiched and correct Abstracts of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand somely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages In general use in this Kingdom. Custom House Business transuded with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated ut favorable rates. Cold, Sliver and Certificates bought and told. AdvcrlisemonU and Subscriptions soli- cited for publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on favor able terms Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti- cular attention. To Let, Furnished and Unturnished Col- lages indcsirnble localities at reasonable rentals. Several Valuable Properties In and around the city now for sale and lease on easy terms. IfirAll business cntnustcil to our care will receive prompt and faithful' atten- tion at moderate charges KeM-H- WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill, if Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmlthlng, Drays, Carts & Wagon Building as spoeially. Every description of work In tho above lines performed lu a tlrst-cln- manner ami executed at snort notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. t$T Orders from the other islands solicited. Will be pleased to see all our old customers as well as new ones. Mutual Telephone No. 671). apr.lU-8- 0 - W.W. Wright & Son, 79 c 8 1 IggSf Bc" To,e' King 381. ' (The Roc Premises ) All orders for wheel vehicles of every decription tilled with promptness First-clat- s mechanics employeil. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TltAJI CAIIH. 0.1IMUIIHHKH, .Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox. Carts, Mudu to order, altered or repaired, Cnrriage Painting, Trimming, KTC, I.TC., MX", Our HORSESHOEING Department is under tho innnngemenl of R. Cay. ford, who will collect and recolpts all bills due that, brunch of our business. (Signed): ort.ltiam W, W. WR1Q1IT A' SON, NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, $95,000,000,00 Facts are Stubborn Things.' At every age, on every inomium table, nnd in every .year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Toiithio Policit'K of the New York Life Insurance Co. have been LA ROER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY infilling" fiiiiilur policies. fJtT For particulars apply to . C O. ItKBUKIf. Cien'l Agent Ilawniinn Islands. 28:itf FIRE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $460,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $93,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. . General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly Prussian National Insurance Comnv ESTABUSHBD 1843, Capital 9,000,000 Roichsmarks THK undersigned, having been agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, Is prepared to accept risks, againBt Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise; Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable TeruiH Lotus Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. H. HlfiMENSCHNEIDKR, jly-8- 7 1y at Wilder & Cos. FILTER PRESSES ! Paadhau Plantation, ) Hawaii, Majch 0, 1888. f Hlmton Iron Locomotive Worlo Man Francisco. Gkxtlkmkn: Wo have used' two o your Fitter Presses this .season. They am convenient, easlly haudled and are working untirely to 01; -- satisfaction. I can recommend no Imj piovement on them. VI' ry respectfully yours,' (Signed) A. MOORE, Manager l'anuhau Plantation. HltKtA, Scpt.S8, 1880. Mu. John Dyeii, Agent Risdou lion Works, Honolulu. Dr.AuSm: Plcasoshlpusnneofyour Filter Presses, 340 squoi v Icet surface, same as tho one supplied us lust season, which I niu .plciord to say has given us entire satisfaction. Yours tTuly, Or.o. II. EWART. Manager Hceia Agricultural Co ThefH) Presses uro made axlra heavy for high pressures, occupy a floor space il feet by t feet, and present a llltcilng surface of 240 square Itet. A limited iiumbci-'l- ktock in Hono-lul- u and urn sold at very low prices. Risdon Iron ft Loco. Works, San I'tniielM'o. pejr For particular enquire of JOHN DYER, Honolulu, Room No. u Sprcckcls' Block. 22.V) t f W, Q, Irwin & Co Agent! Anderson &Lundy, Xentits. Artificial Teeth from one to an entire set Inserted on gold, silver, nlliimlnuin and rubber bafcs. Crown nnd Bridge Work n specialty. To porsonH wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth nnd throat, we would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed In aceordunce with the latent mprovements in dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by tho use of Nitrous Oxide Qas. OrOfflco ut Old Trt'gloau Residence Hotel street. ii 3

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Post on 27-Jun-2020




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Page 1: H › bitstream › 10524 › ...100 ViniT WTHEKT, IIONOIillLIF. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Colgate S Col's Celebrated Perfumes l Toilet Soaps, Photographic Goods

., 3R52 ts;.,



? ' It 11,

"s "r i - : '


.kCfiSY.vtf ?M't KZtViii. &:I-si-


Ji 11 I HI







is printed nod published at thu olllco,

Qtieon Btteot, Uonolulu, II. I., over;

afternoon (Suudays excepted).

Subscription. SO cants par Month.

AddroastnU CiimmunUiatiuna IUii,Uui.t.etixj

Advertisement, to cnturo insertion,thuuld bo handed In before ono n'olookri m.

WALTER Hill Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Stoam Printing Office.

N'owaupor, Boole und Job Printing olall hinds dono on the most favorablottjvms.tloll Telephone No. 2&H

Mutual Telephone No. 20(1


Weekly Summary.

An iutorestlug nnd comprehensivepublication, contain 31 columns oftending matter on local topics, and a

complete resume of Honolulu nnd IslandNews. It is tho best paper publishedlu the Kingdom to wind to frlonda

u broad.MubBurlptlou:

Inland : : : 1 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission Merchants.

HAOKCELD & Co.E.Uoncral Commission Agents.




Uuu sttcet, Honolulu. H. I.1048


Wholesalo Grocers & Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

BUEWER St OOMPAN7,0. (Limited)Ob.nkiiai. MnnsA7ixn.E akd


ust of orviCJius:P. o! Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oautbu. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. O. R. Bisuoj-- . 8. C. Aixen,II. Waturuoubh.


T. WATERHOU8JC,JOHN Importer and Dealer In. GeneralMerchandise, Queen ut., Honolulu. 1

a. N. Castle,-- J. B. Athortou-- O. P. CaBtlu

& OOOKE,CASTLB Shipping anil CoiumiislonMurohanU. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. " 1

Ol&nt SpreckolB. Wm. U. Irwin.IRWIN fc COMPANY,WO. Factors and Cmuilsalon'cnts, Honolulu. 1

& OO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ats.,Honolulu. - 1

. lowers, F. J. Lowroy 0. M. Cooko.

A OOOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu , 1

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St, Upstairs.

Tho undersigned begs to inform thopnbllo of theso Islands that he is making

HltlrtH ly McaHiiremcut !

Directions for willbo'given on application. ,

White Shirts, Owrshtrts & Hlght Gowns

A fit guarnntco by making a sampleShirt to every order. ''!"

liUnd order solicited Bolt Telephone 410

Mly i A. M. HIKIiMN.



Bl King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

AliitunlXolcpUouo No. --1,87 tf

A. II. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. - Merchant. street. Upslalra.y

gggi-- mm JL.moraiMOHQARBAT,

Attorney ni Law k Notury Publio149 Merchant Street, Honolulu, tf

ALFRED MAQOON, .J Attorney ut Law & Notary public

178 42 Morob.unt Etroot. Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill practice In tfhu lower courts Of thuKingdom as attorney, attend to collecting In all Its branches, renting of housesand any other buslncss'cnlrusicd to him

Otllcc 01 King Slrcct-Upfda- irs.

Keti.5-8- 0


AN BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and linker.71 Hotel St. "&H3' Telephone 74.


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Strcot, : William's Block,21G Honolulu, H. I.

II. M. IIEN60N. o. rr. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boerlcko & Scechlk's

hoMcepathic Medicines,Rlckseckor's Porfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i8y

WEMER & CO.diamiftecturlnit JowoIIcvb,

pifo. oa fobt STitjaAao.Constantly on hand large assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

953 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

AManufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewolry .a .Specialty.

King; Street Honolulu, II. I.Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram-

way Company's Oltlce.

J3T" Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. Jan-10-8- 0

Hustace & Robertson,

DItAYHKN.A LL orders for Cartago promptly at-X-

tendod to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Biaok and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, next door to .las. F. Morgan'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telbphono No. 10.

- - - -

J. N. S. WILLIAMS,Engineer & Contractor,

' Is prepared to design and contract forall olnuscj of Sugar Extraction Machi-nery, Irrigating' Machinery, Evaporat-ing Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Enginesof nil kinds ami for nil purposes, WaterWheels, Water Conduits, holi pipesand tlumoi, Steam Boilers of variouskinds, .Jtftlli nnd Material and RollingStock, Etc., Etc.

DIFFUSION MAUIUNKHY,In all its brunches ft specialty.

i'lnutntinns supplied With Chemical nndAnalytical Apparatus of thu very bestdescription to order.

Cay Closo attention paid to nil ordersand satisfaction to thu purchaser gun.ranlecd. P. O. Box DSO. Fort street,Honolulu. Hcpt.0 8U-1-

LADIES' NURSE.MONROE, Indies' nurso, hasMRS. to No. a, Kukui lane.

Feli-H-8'- J


Tho Best Lunoh In Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

The Finest Brnnd of

Ciprs,afaTolicflA. I way w on lliuwf.

11. .1. KOIrK,, Proprietor.'.i.'U io t

m&r7ir aN


Meat Company81 KINO STREET,

G. J. WALLEfi, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Butchers





City EVIarket,Nuimuu Btrrct.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork SausagesFresh Every Day.

t8f"IIi noted Sausages arc mndo bytho ovory bint mochlnnry, nnd all ordernentrusted to his caro will bo deliveredwith promptness nnd dlspntch.and hisprices are as low us anywhere in thucity.

tyTry his Bologna Sausages."!oct.5-8- 8

Fiirnislicd Ifouso To LetT Wniklkl, n two story

lloiifc, contalnlniz six--

rooms uicelv fiiniHlu.il, withkitchen, latiol, bulli mid servant's rooms,stable, etc , to let for a few wionth oturiiiionnblo rale. Or rooms will be letsingly with pood tnblo bnnrd.


.Valuable Property For Sale

ON Nuuanu Avenue, nnewly furnished

House containing 8 rooms,kitchen, bathroom, closets, oturineohouse, stable, henery, etc. Groundscontain 2 acres, welMald nut inlawn!, shnde nnd fruit trees, flowers,etc. Will be Bold low, with or withoutfurnituic, horses, carriages, live Ktocl;,nnd till tho appointments needed in allrst-clus- rcsiu&ce, as tho owner in-

tends leaving theso Islnnds.IIAWAIUN BUSINESS AGKNOY.

Island Views.

A LARGE assortment of Photographsand Stereoscopic VIowh of the

most attractive scenery, buildings, etc ,In these islands, for sale at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Corner Fort mid Merchant street.

2:108 tf


Bethel Street,."Damon's lllrck,"Corner store.

Surgical & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired at reasonable rates. SewingMachines mid repairing of all kinds aspecialty. All kinds of Safes & Scalesrepalied. Household Sewing Mnchinesfor Bate. deo-14.-


An. ROW AT, Veterinary. Surgeon,and pharmacy"i(t Ha'wailuu

(.Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richardstreets, gcienllllc treatment in all dis-eases of domestic anlmnlB. Orders forplantation and much stock promptlyattonded to. Mutual Telephone asi,P. O. Box 320. inli.l.H-M- )


rTMIE umUrslancd huvini' been nn- -

J. pointed ngent for 11. M. QueenKnplolsul, notice is hereby given thatall tenants, by tense or otherwisu, areoidercd to make nil pnyments to ine, hoother receipt being valid. Olllcc at thel'nluco Hungulow. Hours from 0 a. ai.toll-- , m. II. O. ULUKOU,lai) tf Agent for H. M. tho Queen.


ALL persons who want to communlwith tho Poitujuese, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or auy other helps, will Hud Itiho most prolltablo way to advertise intho I.uso lliiwaiiiiiio, tho new organ ofthe Portucucao colouy, wluoli is pub-lished on Uptel Btrcot, and ouly char geeresBOualilo rates for advertisement!,

To Arrive!


-- FOR

To Arrive!



to I Fori, SI roc t. Honolulu.

IS. !. NV.OMis4. - - ProprioCor.

New Spring Goods,

New Millinery Goods,, ,

Latest Designs in Sateens,

New White Goods,

India Silks; Foulard Silks,





Colgate S Col's Celebrated Perfumes l Toilet Soaps,

Photographic Goods of All Kinds.

B U H A C H:


T1IE- -







Fine Chemicals, Patent MedicinesQigars, Cigarettes Tobaccos.

13ll 'JL'eloplipue, CO -- !- IVIutiml '.Telephone, IS'T'l


-- o-

No. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.







CT Wliioli will bo sold AT


DUE 7lli,




i.mm '... ti'uM

. ,'illV. '".ir


A!iiku, liiiar ut-t'i-i St.I TfllepliQUP So. tin.


Contractor 5C ttullilurm.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings;tliuatcB given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. HI King strtJt. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 42). np

riEOUGE LUCAS,J Contractorand Builder,!

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, bsplauadeHIouolutii.

MiiunfncturcM all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work tluish. Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds oi Sawing and

Morticing and Tuuautiug.7)rdciHproniptlyatt(iidfd to and woik

uuarunleed. Ordern from the other Is-- Itnds solicited

HONOLOLD IRON WOHKiS,Steam cuulncB, siiuar in ills, boil

ers, coolers; Iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Pnrtieulnr attention paidto ship's blauk smithing. Job work exe-cuted nt short notice. I

f. O. Ilox :i.1l. - Itrll Telo. U7-I- .

Hawaiian Business Agency

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, Ii. I.


GENERAL AGENTS.AcconntnntH &, C'olloctoi--


Hawaiian Bell Telephone So.

Manager of Advertising DepartmentKOll THK


Collections will receive special atten-tion and returns promptly miide.

Real Estate bought, f.old nnd leased.Taxes Paid and propel ty safely intmrcd.- -

Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Otflcei.IchiimI nnd rented, and rents collected.

Fire and Life Insurance etl'ectcd in first,class Insurance Compnnies.

Conveyancing a Specialty Recordsseaiched and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed.

Copying and Translating in all languagesIn general use in this Kingdom.

Custom House Business transuded withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated ut favorable rates.Cold, Sliver and Certificates bought and

told.AdvcrlisemonU and Subscriptions soli-

cited for publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on favor

able termsInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti-

cular attention.To Let, Furnished and Unturnished Col-

lages indcsirnble localities at reasonablerentals.

Several Valuable Properties In andaround the city now for sale and leaseon easy terms.

IfirAll business cntnustcil to our carewill receive prompt and faithful' atten-tion at moderate charges KeM-H-

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill,

ifCarriage Builders,

Ship's Blacksmlthlng, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as spoeially.

Every description of work In thoabove lines performed lu a tlrst-cln-

manner ami executed at snort notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.t$T Orders from the other islands

solicited. Will be pleased to see allour old customers as well as new ones.Mutual Telephone No. 671).

apr.lU-8- 0-

W.W. Wright & Son,79 c 8 1 IggSf Bc" To,e'

King 381.' (The Roc Premises )

All orders for wheel vehicles of everydecription tilled with promptness

First-clat- s mechanics employeil.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

TltAJI CAIIH. 0.1IMUIIHHKH,.Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox. Carts,

Mudu to order, altered or repaired,

Cnrriage Painting, Trimming,KTC, I.TC., MX",

Our HORSESHOEING Departmentis under tho innnngemenl of R. Cay.ford, who will collect and recolpts allbills due that, brunch of our business.

(Signed):ort.ltiam W, W. WR1Q1IT A' SON,


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, $95,000,000,00

Facts are Stubborn Things.'

At every age, on every inomiumtable, nnd in every .year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Toiithio Policit'Kof the New York Life Insurance Co.have been LA ROER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY infilling"

fiiiiilur policies.

fJtT For particulars apply to .

C O. ItKBUKIf.Cien'l Agent Ilawniinn Islands.



MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,288,000Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)

Assets, $460,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and Marine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital $10,000,000New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $93,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comnv


Capital 9,000,000 Roichsmarks

THK undersigned, having beenagent of the above Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, Is prepared toaccept risks, againBt Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise; Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable TeruiHLotus Promptly Adjusted and Payable


H. HlfiMENSCHNEIDKR,jly-8- 7 1y at Wilder & Cos.


Paadhau Plantation, )

Hawaii, Majch 0, 1888. fHlmton Iron Locomotive WorloMan Francisco.

Gkxtlkmkn: Wo have used' two oyour Fitter Presses this.season. They am convenient, easllyhaudled and are working untirely to 01; --

satisfaction. I can recommend no Imjpiovement on them.

VI' ry respectfully yours,'(Signed) A. MOORE,

Manager l'anuhau Plantation.

HltKtA, Scpt.S8, 1880.Mu. John Dyeii, Agent Risdou lion

Works, Honolulu.Dr.AuSm: Plcasoshlpusnneofyour

Filter Presses, 340 squoi vIcet surface, same as tho one suppliedus lust season, which I niu .plciord tosay has given us entire satisfaction.

Yours tTuly,Or.o. II. EWART.

Manager Hceia Agricultural Co

ThefH) Presses uro made axlra heavyfor high pressures, occupy a floorspace il feet by t feet, and present allltcilng surface of 240 square Itet.

A limited iiumbci-'l- ktock in Hono-lul- u

and urn sold at very low prices.Risdon Iron ft Loco. Works,

San I'tniielM'o.

pejr For particular enquire ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Room No. u Sprcckcls' Block.22.V) t f W, Q, Irwin & Co Agent!

Anderson &Lundy,Xentits.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset Inserted on gold, silver, nlliimlnuinand rubber bafcs. Crown nnd BridgeWork n specialty. To porsonH wearingrubber plates which are a constantsource of irritation to the mouth nndthroat, we would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed In aceordunce with the latentmprovements in dental science. Teeth

Extracted without pain by tho use ofNitrous Oxide Qas.

OrOfflco ut Old Trt'gloau ResidenceHotel street.



Page 2: H › bitstream › 10524 › ...100 ViniT WTHEKT, IIONOIillLIF. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Colgate S Col's Celebrated Perfumes l Toilet Soaps, Photographic Goods



$". If-




flWHWHJ!?!1'1'lt li

Hang guttataPiatftil to neither Sect nor Pnrty,Vat utabllthed for the benefit of alt.

TUESDAY, FKH. 11, 1880. In


It Is iisoIoki for people in tliosc

islands to expect telegraph commu-

nication with the outer world exceptthrough the landing hero of one ormore through linos from the Amc--

lican continent to Australia i .In-

jun, or hoth. All the dustiness thiscountry could afford for many yearslo come would moke no object forcapitalists to invest money in a cable

.ending at the islands. If there isany likelihood of lines crossing thePacific on different routes, as sug-

gested by information from Attorney--

General Ashford, our Govern-

ment and Legislature ought to bevery cautious against giving exclu-

sive privileges to any single corpora-lio- n.

If distinct parties come for-

ward, each to drop us a lino to

Australia and to Japan, one should

not be enabled by us to shut theother out from landing. Apart rrotnthe means of communication the es-

tablishment of a cable station or

stations here would be a materialaddition to our money circulatingcentres. A repeating station on anImportant telegraph line renuhes a

staff of skilled operators, and twosuch stations would double the be-

nefit on one. They would, more-

over, be feeders to each other andeach ureatlv stimulate maritimecommerce. The facilities afforded

hipowner's and agents in communi-

cating with their vessels would bring

llets of shipping hereto await or-

ders." And of course such a devel-

opment of trallic at this port wouldlie belter, in proportion, with con-

nections from three directions on

two lines than from only two on asingle line. In any event, our Gov-

ernment and Legislature should donothing to make cable franchises theprey of speculators. Before grant-

ing any privileges irrevocably, in

the first place, the grantees shouldgive a guarantee that they meanbusiness, and, secondly, any one oftwo proposed lines running to differ-

ent countries from America oughtnot to be allowed to exclude theother from lauding at tins group.


Jly Australia, Feb. II Miss L M

Ingersoll, N 1) Hodge, Ira llihop,.Miss Pilsbry, Col Paine, Geo Nor-

ton, Mrs Ledercr and two children,Airs II H Dixon, F S Dodge, Miss.Jameson, Miss Kehoe, YV II Nolan,It J Griflith, B M Lombarg, A C

Bradley, .1 I) Cass and wife, MrsSavage, 11 G House, Mrs Uoiu,o, WL McEwcn. R A Wilson, ItufusParker, Miss Parker, Knudsen. EHailey, Miss Lconorc Lake, M

three children aud ser-

vant, C A Drown, wife, son andmaid, Sir Tims Esmonde, Hon JohnDillon, Miss M Melville, MiosesWallace (2), II Gripron, E Ilopke,S T llowne, Mrs J Harris.


Mrs. J. II. Smith; one of the old-

est residents of Honolulu, died thisliioruing at the age of 7-- years. Shewas the relict tf the late .1. II.Smith, whowas a member of theBoard of Land Commissioueis, whoseawards constitute the primary titleof an immense deal of the landedestates of the Kingdom. Mr. andAirs. Smith arrive:! here in or about1815 from the Society Island", Mrs.Smith being the daughter of HieHev. W. Henry, one of the pioneerEnglish missionaries to thnt group.Her husband died here nearly twentyyears ago. Mrs. Smith leaves a sis-ie- r,

"Miss Henry, in this city, andt iree brothers in the Australian Co-

lonies; also a son, the lion. W. J.S nitli (member of the Privy Coun-cil and Secretary of the Board ofEducation), and three daughters,Mrs. J. A. Hassingerand Mrs. Geo.Uoss, of this city, and Mrs. H. Tur-to- n,

formerly of Lahaina and nowat San Francisco. The funeral ofthe lameuted lady will take placefrom the family residence, ."fi'J

street, at I o'clockafternoon.


Mr. Justice Uickerton this morn-ing granted the petition of GeorgeV. Sliaw, to be appointed guardian

rsf William Nalchy Shaw, a minor,the bond being fclOO.

L. "Ablo vs. Aniu ct al, assumpsitfor jury waived April term1H89, was continued until Mondaynext at 10 a. in.


In the Police Court this moiningLee Ach, assault, was discharged..1. M. Davidson for the prosecution ;A, llosa for the defense.

A'woman charged with assaultingher 'husband was discharged. W,

A. Kinney for prosecution.Two-bail- s of $0 each were, forfeit-i- d

for (Iruukeiuicss, and u thirdpleading gnllty )M lined gl


VcMurduy morning lhe 1 Inli. V.It. Bishop dic-w- . the lion. John Dil-

lon and Sir Thomas Ksmonde to his i

rcaldcnce and showed them his finecollection of curios and relics. SirThomas, who takes especial interest

such things, was delighted withthe exhibition. In the afternoonthe visitors, accompanied b., 11.

Mcintosh nnd 1). I.ognn, were drivento the Fall in n wagonette from theFashion Stables. They consideredthe vinw fiom the summit very beau-tiful, although less wild than somescenes in the Kmcrnld Isle. Mr.Mcintosh had his photographic apparatus, and Sir Thomas assistedhim in taking views of the variouspeaks, a cascade on the mountainside, and a group ot the rest or incparty arranged on the bluffs.

This forenoon Mr. Dillon and SirThomas were granted an interviewwith His Majesty nt the Palace.They were received in the blue roomand introduced to the King by Mr.D. Logan. Col. (3. W. Macfarlanc,H. M.'s Chamberlain, attended IllsMajesty and, after a pleasant halfhour's' conversation and the with-

drawal of the King, showed the vis-

itors the throne room, with thefeather cloaks there, also the orna-mented ealabashcs in the blue room.Both gentlemen were much impress-ed with the urbanity and Incndlydiscourse of His Majesty.

This afternoon the visiting gentle-men took a trip to Pearl Harbor onthe Oaliu Bailwiy.


Excelsior Lodge No. 1. I. 0. 0.F., at 7:80.

Court Lunalilo, No. OliOO A. O.V., at7:oU

Geo. AV. He Long Post Xo 1,1

G. A. 11., at 7:.".0.

Drill 'Co. It Honolulu Ki(lo,at 7::10.

Huts nt Fisher. SilkELECTION Cliey Plug Hat,Stetson Hat lu gri'V, black and brown


WIEBACK of OcimnuToiei, verygood for dysrepllc and well prople,

oa sale at the '"'Kllte Ion Cream Purlors."471 lw

G. A, R, Notice.

HKAiMjuAiirnn, Oko. W. PeLonuIPost, Xo. 4.'., l)Kir. or Cam- - !

(1. A. C.Hoxoi.n.r, Feb. 11. 1MX).

rpiIEltK will be a regular.L inettini; ol thW Post

THIS (l'uefdi.v) EVEN'.IN'O, in it Hall, Klnastieet, nt 7:.".0 o'clock. Alull nttendaiice Is requestrd.

By Older.

K. TPRIllLL,475 It I'ot Commander.


will bo a mccllng of theTHEHK of Orenule ConiicII, AL. of 11, No 777, THIS (Tut(dsy)KVKNIXO, 7.W d'eliiek shaip. at .HsMcOuiri-'r- t olllee, Kinv street. Come allRUiluit of linpntlflnee.

II. 0. CKAB1SK,475 ft Couunnnder.


rilliK reo;iiliit (lunitcily nieethiK olX the Union Peed Co will bi heldat the Cnmfianv's olttee, Queen street,on THltRSDAY. Hie Iftih int., at 11 :00'(5!00k A. M.

S. F. ORAIIAM.47o 21 Secretary.

Oaliu Kailwiiy & Land Co.

lllE Hist aununl meetim; of the stock.holders of the O.rtm Hallway vV

Laud C.i, will be held at the office ofthe foinpHiiv on WKDXESUAV, Feb.20, lfi!). at :i o'clock i'. m , for the decliouof oliU'.'is ml trnusuctloii of anyother iniportuit business.

W. G. ASHLEY,Secretary O. H Jc L. Co.

Hoitolnbi, Keb. II. ltl0. 47!1 td


BY it Ueiinnn Hirl lo do light houe.work or plain tool.tnc. Apply nl

this offlce. 47.') :it


1 Sn Cock on shore o at aea. Refer- -

'XX. miick i;!ven nijulred AddreMM," ihiHomef. 470 lw

TO LETCtlTTAOK on Punch.A Io'aI Mitel, near Pa

l.i'ie walk. Apply on the. pre.m Im?. 475 Jit


T iiwleMgnrit has fold UU Interest In tlifi flrrti of .ilim 1 Irk

Co., doing a dry goods busWeM nt No.83 Nuiiaim nlnel, to Lconj? Uoj Allb s a'Qltfit KUd llim win lie. niiii nyLionn Hop. TOM FAT

Honolulu, Feb 1 1, lcflO. 475 lw

Enterprise Cuvria:) Co.'y

No. 1), comer Nuiihiiii midSTAND: Mreei. Roll Telephone tilt,Mutual Telephone MO. Olllee Hour-- :Fiom 7 a. m. io 11 i m. All orileii.IMMiifitly alleiiilfil to

WALLACE JACKSON.41.7 lw MitiiiiKfi.


'pill'i undernluneJ, havlni; ittgiiidX the ninnujjeiuent of the Veturn

& llftwulisn lnvcntment Co, (Limllcd),on moouiil of ill health, the Dltfi'.intiiof lhe Cv.inrsuy iu Dundee Imvn sip.polntul Mr.' Jo.icph U, Atlfiitofl dManouur lu Honolulu, of illM IWhu.her hiHt W. L. fllfUE.V.

Honolulu, .lu. in,lP10. 47Jw

DArbrKUJJiRTJK:i Hmmi'ii V UAfa(WOrww

California : Lands

rpllE undersigned wishes to InformX the public that tin Iiiir opened u

ltrnneh California Land Ofllco, at No.4'2 Mcrehnut street. Honolulu.

To persons wishing to Invest InChoice Timber. Agriculture, Emit orGrazing Lands In the line .State of Cali-fornia, or In Dealrablo llulldlnjt Lot Inthe beautiful (Uly and Suburb ot Oak-lau- d,

with Its unrivaled climate nudopportunities. I am prepnted to offereven1 Inducement lu the way ot bar-gain"?.

The Lands which 1 hero offer have allbeen moU carefully inspected by athoroughly reliable surveyor, employedspecially for Unit purpose, and I nmfltornfinV nll'ihliul to ltl ultloflli'tilt'Vguarantee that every piece offered willstrlctlv correspond with the descriptiongiven by me.

The Titles lo these Lands nre perfect,belnir In the main state school lands.

The picitous personal Inspectionthereof at great expense, offers abso-lute security to punhaHis nnd Is utilnducement'offered by no other dealerIn state whool lands in California.

The price ranges from $.1.00 per acreuuwnrd accoidlnu' to uualltv nud location, and there is no doubt, by takingInto account the rapid growth nud pro-gression of that State, that these, land1offered at these low llgures mint withinu few years command a much higherpries and so secure to every Invcuor aprofit not easily equaled in any otherline, of speculation. 'This opportunity will be open for alimited time only, nud 1 thciefore ex-

tend an Invitation to all who wish tosecure good and cheap homes In thatiniigiiillcent titate and Country, nud nlsoto those who desire to Invest a littleinonev to so great mhautacrc and profit,to call upon me soon and obtniu fullparticulars.

Information will be ehcei fully given.J Olllee room with .1. A. Magoon,

attorney, No. 12 Merchant stieut.n;n if





-- inn sali: in- -

W, C. PEACOCK & CO.47 I St


.e. t(nrct Jt. N'uunuu H.tW OootU of all le:criplloiui nold on

commi!lon.Vutiiul Telephone (l.ll ff!i8.90

Collcdfof IVtuittMl.

A N active American, KnclHliiilHii or(jorinun, of good habits nnd chnr.

ntter, who also Hpeukn Uiiwnilnn, andcau furnlfh tlrst-e.law- i refercnr.w, mn'yobtain a permanent situation as r,

by uddrtseiti); 1'. 0. Hot No.3.M, Honolulu.


l.AltOK a Kloiv House,A llret cI'ibs iu evey rcs- -

nitt, willi all niccseary out--

building, line lawn, shade liee, llowerbed", etc , vtrv desirably locutrtl wllliln10 minutes' wlilkSif iho Post Ofilce, Willlie Icmed for one or more yearo. at arensonab'e rcntn.l to a teleyl privatefrtlllllv. Apolv Ht



o Tent or leiike a HmftllT Col tunc fumlbhcl 'orunftirnlHhed, In u uoih) loca.

liiv. iWw9 "M," this ofllce.I131W

WANTEDBMALL Fiiinlilied Cot.

tffSM. lti.r.ii of ubiiut 'J or aleoum vv lib kticuen, etc.,

within JO or Iff Mlnnt'i' walk froml'ot OIUcc, AddreflN "A," thli olllee.

474 3i

WANTEDas Sugar Clerk oi

Night WMcbman ai a mill, or aH.i Luna on n good plnntatioofluce experience and can furnish. good

reference. Gill or nddrces "M. E. I'.,"IUU.I.KTIN' Ofllco. 4a7 If


COPIES of tho Daily nn.i.itiN, oldates ipecllle(l below, W cent?

a copy will be paid for the wune ondelivery at this otllce:.Inn 0. 18rf0,l copyApr 8, IPSO, lcopv., jo, u j ., o i(,( ... i ..

Peb 1, ' :i " Auk2, " a


SECOND-HAN- Double Ktrecf.A Aiialv toirnw li. HACKPBr.D A c:o.


"U'T oud 81 LIT to ordei.J A I llm



T7IHF.W0DD for Ffllll at HaunlliiiX Oommeieliil HHlcrouim, rot uer offjueeu "I'd Nuuanu Mrect. 4fi


ONE Scheiblei'B I'ohuUeopo wllhrninnlciH H'l of opparatu,

weiKhtH, lump' etc.46?Iliw T. II. DAVIES&OO.

rPHE WEEKLY BULLETIN- -X Ua roluiniia, puiely local umitei

Mailed to furuUju countrlM, ft perannum

HTOfOLlW H. L, WBMMUOT 11, 18W.rsuf.waJauisjLWH

t tit jn 'iafts by James F. Morgan,

Underwriter's Bale


l!y orderol Ll.OYD.3 AOKN'IS.lwtllfell nl t'uhllo Auction at my Balmonm,(iuf en street, for account or whom Ituiey concern,

On TnUltSDAY, Foti. 13th,AT IS O'CLOCK MIOX.

The cargo of I.uinW landed fiom thebsrk "Id.i," eomprlMnq:

Vil- -' pieces lxll IS.WM feell.tiia 1x12 0:.,070 "1,051 " 11x12 84,818 ".Mill) " Ls:t 23,170 '

ll'U axC. 8,750 "1.W2 " !iX.V 15,871; "--M78 " 3:l 4('.,45r, "'2,Sli.S ' y.4 110,370 "1,71(1 " :i.c :.G,oio "

!IM " :Ji) 47,ltiS "I 105 lxl 'J0.431

851 1X5 .V!8 '3.A10 " 1x0 118.805 "0I7 bbl xl?.' 4 ft llattoiii!.

Terms Cash in U. S. Qold Coin.

IV The Lumber nan be seen on theKsphumde at rear of Lncns' Mill.

.IAS. V. MORGAN,471 Ui Auotinnrer.


Real Estate!lly order of A I (JAR TVVRIOHT.

TriiMee of tho Ksluleof I.jdla K. Plikol,I, will ell at I'uhLc Auction nt my

, Queen ulreel,

On MONDAY, Maiolt rdfAT 1 O'CLOCK NOO.


2 D6S1

Srltuitel on Foil Mrei I, opposite theChinese Church.

LOT NO. ITS ivei frouiBfre onFort street aid ts 7J feet deep, con.talnlng an ar. of 4,(liH Mpinrufeel.

LOT NO. 3HnsiW fwt fiiitilagooiir'ort street and l vi-j- - ra feol de p,containing uti ami of 4,1)39 sip.iurrret. .

Thei' Is a tO ftv.it luiie tioiwiu-t- i the flot?, ihu iflvliiirihittldi: fi"iilai toihoLot.

Thtse nre lhe moM deslr.iblc buildinghltes ofl'eicd lor rale In the. city.

A plan of lhe Lr.li cm be seen at myWesiooni.

tQr Bale subject to I'tinllnnallon bythe Court.'

JAS. F. MORGAN,471 cod Auctioneer.

Fresh Frozen

(o.n icr.)

JUST RECEIVEDI'er'S ij.AuMr.illo,"

At the Beaver SaloonII. .1. Nttl.TK, Proprlelor.

472 31


Steamship Comp'y


"AUSTRALIA,"Will have Honolulu for the above

port on

Friday, Feb. 1490A.'.t' ?:.For Freight or Pusiiige, apply In

WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Afrents.47a 1


and after thin date, February 6,ON 18U0, .lew Fal only will rtpentho11 r m name '. Fal Kee. All clalmB

iKln8t Iho llrm of Fal Kee, Nuuanuhtieei, inust be prtscntid for paymentlotbeKald .niWFAI.

471 fit

Munhinn Mndo Pol !

wlHhina lo Ret MachineIJAHTIKS Pol chu do so by leavingtheir eonlainers plainly marked aiHenry DavU'a Grocery Store, on Forthtreit. Pol will be delivered on Tuif.days and Frldaye. Container) must belull not later limn the dav lie fore.IU9 lm KA1.1HI POI PAOTOHY.

Covniiui SnuBnu'o Marketopened In "ArmetroiiflV Ulocli,"

JUST Klnir Btroel Hrldjje. For Fnlc

fnfli dally Head Chceae, Frnnltfnrter.Holognn, Frylnf, Liver, Smoked andoIliM HaiifacM,

JACOn JMULU'P.4f.O IT l'topilrlor.




Is isBiiinga new form of insurance which provides, in the ovent of death, for n return of all premiums paid iu nd-diti-

to tho amount of the policy, or, should the insured survive a given number of years, Hie Company willreturn nil tho premiums paid wilhliiteiest; or. instead of accepting the policy nnd profits in cash the leual holdermay, WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION and WITHOUT FUKTIIKK PAYMENT OF PMC.MMJMS, tuke Inlien thereof tho amount of policy and profit in FULLY PAID UP insurance, participating annually in dividends

Ilemcmber, this contract Is Iwstted by the oldcwt Lifo Insurant- - Company in the United SUten, and tho Larget Finnneiul Institution in the Wurld, Us assets exceeding One Hundred, anil Twcuty-Si- x Millions of Dollars.

fifiT For full particulars call on or


O. rX


: :Solo Proprietor of












Gimr Me, ij Grenadine, EasnMrpyaile, Sarsaprilla, Mineral Waters, Etc


IS- - All coniniunieiitions mul cwilcrH should be aildrcKHCtl to

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,380 lm


Gate Citv Stone Filto !

Tliece Klltera ore easily denuded,ami NKVER bgcome CHACKF.l) orOHAZK1) by chanac of temperature, ofItie water.

The Filtering Medium la a XATUHAl,STOXK, mined from the earth. It liunlike any other stone.

11. Dow Not Absorb Jtmlllccomu Foul !

IMI'CIUTIEH never I'F.NKTHATKIt, hut He on the surface, and Internallythe stone lemalus as pure and whirrafter years of iim a when taken fromthe mine.

The (Jute Cltv Stoni Ultcr U a per-fect hUccesii. It Ih the only real litter Ihave ever been. I would not be withoutone for any consideration. It convertsour lake water Into tho bet drinkingwater in the world.

llKNitv W. Lyman, M. D.,."iKI West Adaim St., Chicago.

HP For Ku'o by


Opj oiltc PprtckelR & Co.V I'ank,4fC) if Fori jtrect, Honolulu.


T the nnnunl meeting of the Kaplo-J-

laul Park Asoelutlon held Ihb28th ilny of .lauuary, 1S90, the following(entleiiien wero elected to fiervo as aHoard of Dlreetoir. for the eiiHiiing year":

,1. Campbell, K. B. Cunha,W. 0. lnvln, A. B. Cleghoru,W. M. Glffiiiil, Tom Mrv,

'Cecil Hrown. T.K Walker,II. Miirfnrlaue, H. J. Xolte,

T. S. DouglnH.W. M. OUT A!(I,

Kit lw Secretary.


'piIK Huwailan HlUo JsoibitlonVJL HaiiHe, Klnu street, ft c!oml from

tills dale All pcreons are iioreby for.blddun to prnctUo ever nbr.vo Htm gountil further notice. Uy ouler.

J. II. SOl'EH,ProMeiit H. It. A.

H.mo'iilii, .lr.ii. 21, 1SI.-0- . 0t lw

ELECTION ol" OFFICERS.tho annual mectlriK of .hnOorraanATHunt vnlent Hoe.loty lid oa .lauuary

,M.i; lt-0- the following ollhain were re.rlecied for one year:

President... Hon. H. A. Wldemanr,J. F. Hickfeh,

fecrctiry I. F. Kcknrdt,Treasurer F. Klarap,Auditor H. J. Nolle,Trustee J. F. Hiclcfeld.

J. F. EOKARDT,4S7 Ht SccHitary.


f7011 the more OHtlBtiielory Hccommo.dntlou of our palron wo beg to

ttuguest to them that In caM! wherorlraya nro rnjuiroil for hhlppinK goodstnbiil.gotng Btcamora and coasterfl, orin any cne wlinre rciiuired. nl 1 o'clockeharp of tho day, they will find thnt byringing Teluptiuue. Wo. 20'j;between 1?:13 and 12:4.VIn tte-noo- a

hour thai Mrt Hewitt will bo there Innci-Ao- lo receive all orders, aud ourfriend will thereby areuly facilitatebusiness lo tho better fftilsfaellrm of allconcerned.



Has removed from Fort mrtrt to Ho.hello Lams Palatnu.

OfftTK Ilouiifi: 0 a. m. to 10 m. and 0j m. to 1 v. u.

Mutuil 475410 tf

A Cure for Influouzu !


DR. one of Ihn best icmedleeever p:eparsl for coughn, nxthma, longiand cliest trouble, and a great reliefto whooping cough aud throat afl'ecilou.,Ask for Or. Lozier'i Hawaiian Cherry Cor-di-

(old atHOLLIfiTKK CO.,











- J


rJTill JET'etoranry li5t.li, Only.124 pair of Undressed Kid Gloves I

0 and 8 Buttons in perfect order nt o pair Great Bargains.All my DRESS GINGHAMS about MO pieceH to releel fiom aie ofTereil at

Cost Price. A mnall line of

Scotch Ginghams at a Great Reduction !

READ THIS A largo nsoortmont of READ THIS

WJHITJE XXRJEUSS GOODS,Such or Piques, Embroidered India Linen, Plain Swiss, and

many other linea of White Goods. I will sell at audi apiico that everybody will buy them.

tf Remember, I'obrunry Ifitli will clone this Sale. jgjlo

TehU ! ' H.BB

S. EHRLICH,Corner Hotel & Fort Streets.


Great Bargains ! Great Bargains ! ; ;


Gooiis Sold at Greatly ReflUGBfl Prions !


Dronmakinj; DepartmentCLARK.





GOOD PasUiroat Walklkl, lor aA llmlttsl number of horees, ntfonnhle nt?. Anhlv'jo41t lm . Will. ALDHIOU.


EEtfviV "I vwy.X' UEAD of Fati.'...Htir9. Apply lo

KAHUKUHANOH,4Ul u' Kau, Hawaii.

Reul EHtato For Sale.

TWO Jlouaea and Lots onLane, Pabima,

to oleum and tramcura. Very healthy locality. j,ot omKing street, near HamaukuV Forparticulars apply to

JOHN F. nOWLlilt.Or Chan. T. Gulick. 410 3m

" "art classesT '

DRAWING nr.a Palming in oilscolpr'', Monochrome.

Crayon, Etc , on Tuctulaya aud Fridayafternoon, and Baturdaya morning Andafternoon.

If. mitNTIKI.D, AriUt,.Spieckela' block, Fnrt fltre;t.

JOT l'

A'jIf I .1


Agent for Hawaiian Islands.







Swi88C8, NainwioU






under tho management of MISS


is ReservedTHE


TINSMITH and PLUMBER,Corner of King and Alakea alreciH,

Honolulu, II. 1.


WorUhop-.Mu- t 2G I Residence. .IVIul 23G

BSff" Kbtlnmti'3 furnished on all clucemor plumbing and tlnfmilhing wo:k.First c.lan workmanship and materialguaranteed In all tho above branchof my IiiibIuosii at reusonable ratcp.

401 8m


ESPECIALLY to thom whobolleveIli In cirnal rights, "'I he AmericanBentlncl," a weekly paper, the object ofwhich l to Miow tho evils of "ltellgloimLrglslntion " Ono or more eoplcB ofdifferent dalpa can be had free, by ap-

plying poreonally or by post to thotindcrtluncd.

N. F. lUJIUlKSS.Honolulu, II. I.

P.P. Would be glad to hesr fromthe other ItlnniK 4fi)Qw

..tokaP-t- ' ktittr. fewjitv f li.

jS4$r4 -. wt .jL jit- ju




Page 3: H › bitstream › 10524 › ...100 ViniT WTHEKT, IIONOIillLIF. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Colgate S Col's Celebrated Perfumes l Toilet Soaps, Photographic Goods



f3qfoyft.;Wmjjj;jt'nvyle! J1

TUESDAY, FED. 11, 1800.


V 0 H.-lI-I from Hawaii nml MaulrMirMnry fiom Itnnnlcife.'hr Cutcrlnn fiom Hannpopo

0ErAHTURS.Feb 11

Stun-- Llkellke or Mnvit nt 5 p mStiiir Mlknhahi (or KniinlJi ) mSlinrKlhiiieiillou tor MnmaMin at SpinSehr l.eahl for KnuuiSehr .Mile Mori Is from Koolau .


Stiiir Hawaii for Iliunukun at 10 a mttflir Ivitiililiiii for LnloSehr Mary for Hnnnlel '


The Gernuin Balk Geo N Wilcox,Capt W Itiiseli, Milled ruli-ula- nfioi-noo- u

JorSnivrraneWoo with 10,327 bgssugar valued lit S'J0,C00. The consigneeswere: II Hnckfeld & Co, lS,r.Ul bugs;M S Grliibmun A Co, U,CM bair

The bark Lady Lampoon came off HieMurine ilidlwnv on Saturday nflciununwhere he lecclved new milts of cnppci.

ThoAin tern W S Itowno, Onptnlu WMilium, ai lived off port on Satin dayaltctnoon with 400 tons sujrnr from

Sbo came here, to land four ofbur ciew who weic 111. Tho liownusilled again yctcrday ufteriioou for SanFrnncleo.

Tile .steamship Zctdaudln sailed Hun-da- v

for Sun FiancUeo with 2,717 bnrhsluinanfli ami 21 boxes betel leaves. TheHhlppeis weio: Campbell, Marshall Aco., U7 uncus; u i. iiopKins, hud; ,iE Itroivu A Co, 100. Domestic value,t.03'J.

The Brit Iron bark Dciuifleld, CnptulnAndrew Irvine, anlved at this port onSaturday afternoon, Feb 8th, after asplendtj inim-ag- of l!!l days fromTJveipool. She brings a full cargo ofgeneral Two bul,B oon-Hign-

to Messrs Theo li Davles it Counivod in good condition. 'Hie Dcnn-llel- tl

is moored at In ewer's whaif, theburk II buying been moved totttc I'aelflc Mall Coui.nuy's whaif toin ike room-fo- r her. Meesrs. Thco. II.Duvles it Co are her agentc

The bark S C Allen w ill '.ail on Thurs-day for ran Francisco.

The bark Meiom Bulls next week forKabulul, Maul, to load Riigar for SanFrancisco.

Tlie bark Hcsperwill tlnlsh dlseharg-- 1

ig tier coal on Thursday. She will saillu ballast on Saturday for Paget Hound.

Tho bark Alex McNeil ban been dock-p- jat tho Fort street whaif to discharge,



SMITH In Honolulu, Feb. If, Mrs. J.II. Smith, aged 74 years.

S& Funeral lrom tho residence, SCO

11 irrtttnin street, (Wednes-i- ji.v) afternoon nt 4 o'clock. Ftleuds

and acquaintances arc respectfully ed

to attend.


A oottaor on runclibowl slioel,neir Pnlaco-Walk- , is to let.

m m

Tom Fat -- has a notice to-da- y of achange in the firm of Hop Yick Co,

m i

It is said that there was 85 percent of moisture in tho air this morn-ing.

Gko. W. nu Long Post, G. A. R.,will have its monthly meeting to-

night. . m .

Oceanic Council, A. L. of H., isadvertised to have business of

Tub qunrteily meeting of theUnion Feed Co. will bo held nt 11:30o'clock Thursday.


Hon. E. C. Macfarlane, who left by1'ie Zcnlaudio, will return by theAustralia on March 7.

Many new cases of sickness nro re-

ported to-dn- among others laidunido being Minister Thurston.

- --

l'iUKCBKawnnanRkoa is reportedto have entered tho lloyal Agricul-tural College at Cirencester, Eng-land.

...-- ..

The electric light resumed its be-

nignant sway over tho strcots lastnight, after a icign of daikness for

vo or three nights.

Thr death is announced, nt Berke-ley, Ciil., of Mis. Aim Chapman,motherin-la- of Hon. Godfroyllhodes, formorly of Honolulu, nt theaje of 82 years.

Col. V. V. Ashford was unanmi-ousl- y

elected Colonel of HawaiianVolunteers, nt tho meeting of thest.ifl'und lino ofllccis of llio HonoluluHides last night,

IIain feel briskly seveial hours thisf irenoon. l'coplo looked for a down-- r

ght kona that would clear up thooir.'but aLout noon tlio clouds biokeup with tho wind still south.

Only one more precinct hue beenh ;nrd from siuce last issue. It is

that tho steamer W. G. Hallwill bring most of tho missing re-

turns from Hawaii and Maui this af-


The Dumxtin Weokly Sunimaiyissued to-da- y is a, good number fortho steamer Australia's mail. Uc-s'd-

election news it contains a fullroport of tho Firo Department's par-ud- o

and banqueta.

OrncKRB of tho Kapiolani TurkAssociation for the ensuing year ine:Hon. A. 8. Clcghorn, Tresident ; Hon.Cecil Brown, Vice-Preside- Hon.

V. G. Irwin, Treasurer; Mr. WalterM. GifTnrd, Secretory.


The twelfth organ recital will hegiven nt lCaumaknpili Chinch nextMonday evening, thu 17th iust., at7 :30 o'clock-- . On this occasion Mrs.W. W. Dimond, Miss M. E. Ciitten-do- u

of San Francisco, and Lieut. T.. Fillotta will sinff, and there will

lift envernl orRnij folo,".


.Iiinuary 24, Dr. Tnluiagc ofDrnoklyn took lunchoon and pent.the afternoon with Gladstone titIlawnnlen. They had ti lony talkon religious nnd political (ittestion?,in tho course of which Gladstonesniil: "Talk nbout, the questions ofthe day. Thero is hut ono question,nnd that is the gospel. K can nnddoes correct everything needing cor-

rection. All mail nt tho head ofgreat movements tire Cluistian men.My only hope for the world in tobring the human iniiid into contactwith divine revelation."

Dr. Talinnge asked Gladstone ifthe cause of Irish homo rule wouldbe victorious. Gladstone brighten-ed up nnd responded emphatically,"Yes, when the next electioncomes." lie continued: "It seemsto be a dispensation of God that Ishould be engaged in the battlo ntmy limo of life.

"I should bo lcsting. I neverhad tiny opinion in these mattersand 1 dislike contest, but when lie-lan- d,

ouco tho refuge of persecutedEnglishmen, showed herself readyto adopt a righteous constitutionnud do her full duly, I hesitated nota moment to espouse Iter cause."

When the gcntlomen were partingGIadstoc said: "Give my highestregards to President Harrison, andexpress to Mr. lllatne my deepestsympathy with him nu account ofthe loss of his beloved son."


Morrow introduced a Chinese ex-

clusion bill in the House of Repre-sentatives Jan. 20, which is sub-stantially tin: same us SenatorMitchell's bill. It means tho abso-lute exclusion of Mongolians, whe-

ther they have been hero before ornot. It prohibits the Chinese frompassing through the country and ex-

cepts only olllcials of the diplomaticor consular service. It departs fromthe Mitchell bill only in certain de-

tails respecting Customhouse ex-

aminations and provides for additional penalties. Ibis bill practic-ally covers the Clunic bill, but hasa wider scopo and will givn thecoast the nnti-Chinc- legislation ithas askod.

Mr. Morrow also introduced a billin aid of the merchant marine ser-vice of tho United States, which ispractically the Fryc bill of the Sen-nt- e.

It provides for a bounty of itO

cents per ton per 1000 miles for allvessels, sail or steam, between Am-

erican and foreign ports.


It is stated from London on excellent authority that thu Prince ofWales contemplates a visit to Am-

erica in the spring. Ho will be ac-

companied by the Princess of Walesand possibly his second son, PrinceGeorge, yrho will bo 25 years oldnext June. Tho royal physicianshave for some time past been advis-ing the Princess to undcrtaka a seavoyage for her general health, andnow thai she has suffered so severe-ly from inlluenza the recommenda-tion has been urgently renewed.The Prince has also been consider-ing tho Atlantic remedy for sometime in connection with his own re-

cent ailments. The journey will boconfined to New York State andCanada, as tho time is limited. Theroyal party will travel incognito.


Riaz Pasha, the Egyptian Pre-mier, presided at a banquet in honorof Stanley nt , Cairo Jan. 20. Nu-

merous distinguished Europeanswcro present. In proposing thehealth of Stanley Riaz eulogized hisservices to tho world and science.In responding Stanley recountedtho main points of his journey anddwelt upon Emin's vacillation. Hetouched feelingly upon Emin's acci-dent, and thanked tho audiencowarmly in behalf of himsclt nndcompanions for the great honor ac-

corded them.


Lord Napier of Magdala left twosons, twins, Robert and George.After much discussion among thedoctors and nurses ns to which en-

tered this world first, tbo family de-

cided that Robert should inhorit thetitle. George protested. As acompromise tho family counsel pro-pose to givo Georgo a handsomeannuity and-on- o or two titles. ThereIs no parallel case in the history ofthe Hritish peerage.


A London despatch of Jan. 20says : Tho Portuguese Government,finding that tho powers aro unwill-ing to mediate in the dispute be-

tween Portugal and England con-

cerning their territory in East Af-

rica, will submit to Lord Salisbury'1full demauds under protest, whilo attho samo'timo it will try to concili-ate Portuguese public opinion.

An attempt to increase the capitalof the Portuguese Mozambique Com-

pany from 815,000,000 to $2.0,000,.000 has fulled.



Ill the Chamber of Deputies Jan.20 Flourons raised a brcczo by ques-tioning tho Government in regaid tothe rights of French flsheuucn inNewfoundland, which he claimedhad been violated grojslv by theKnglWIi,

UAU-- UMLUITIKi JiO.yO.LULU, (., i12liRUAKy 13, IHi.U.ritfjp!PXfctrfiiiaiWi mYrrtjl6iipJifmjLiffV4i.hyk.yriri nRf(Jk

HpullrTi Minlstd of Foreign A l'

fairs, i'phliti('d that the cotnpllrnHon had been caused by the Newfotindland Parliament claiming Hinta distinction nhottld he mtulc be-

tween cod as n fish and lobstcra asCrustacea, but this distinction wasnot admissible. France had the

right to uso Hint part ofthe coast occupied by her In dryingor othenviso preparing whatever liv-

ing thing could be caught in thewaters whcio French fishermen hndu right to ply their industry. TheChamber could rely on tho ugilaneeof tho Government.

Flourons protested sign in Hint therights of fishermen had been violat-ed and that the Government did notprotect them with proper eueigy."Wo arc obliged," ho said, "to ap-

ply to England to make our rightsrespected. It is fur us to enfoicerespect. This is not a question fornegotiation, but for police mens lies.As England will not tike steps tochange the conditions, merely be-

cause they nro prejudicial to Fienchfishermen", it is for us to protect ourown men and interests."

Lachambic also asked wltclhorfishermen were to receive protectionfrom the naval division.

Admiral Kraulz, Minister of Ma-rine, said that n naval commandercould not interpret treaties. Tincould execute his instructions butit is necossarj' first that


othersshould agree upon the tenor of thoseinstructions."

Freppcl nnd Cassaguao introducedmotions favoring a vigorous abor-tion of French vights.

Later n great uproar was croaledwhen Joffrcn mounted the tribuneto speak on the same measures. Itwas a demonstration of hostility, ap-parently planned by the rtoulangists.Joffrcn was seated in placu of Hou-lang-

when the lattcr's electionwas annulled. Deroulcdo, Uoulnn-ger'- s

lieutenant, was tiro leader of.the demonstration and the presidentof the Chamber publicly censuredhim, and culled upon him to with-draw. Ho refused to obey and thesitting was suspended. Soldiersthen forcibly removed Derouledefrom tho Chamber. Joffrcn attempt-ed to resume his remarks, but theBoulaugists and Reactionists renew-ed their protest.

Milledou, n Itoulaugist, violentlydenounced Joffrcn' s admission tothe Chamber. Milledou was com-manded to withdraw, but refused.Tho sitting was again suspended forhalf an hour. Upon tho resumptionof the sitting Laguerre, a lloulnn-gis- t,

doclmed to permit Joffren tospeak. He met the fate of Milledou,and there was a third suspension oftho session. Finally tho Tloulangutsall left the Chamber in a body andJofl'ren then proceeded.


The London edition of the NewYork Herald prints a long letterfrom its Constantinople correspond-ent, in which it is stated on trust-worthy authority that Bismarck, in1885 and 1880, did his best to induce Salisbury to join with Austriain sm offensive and defensive alli-

ance against Russia, and sought topromote war between the three powers, pledging German support ; butwhen Srtlisbuiy had almost fulleninto Hie trap he asked Germany, itshe would, in case of .war, insure theBritish licet entrance into the BlackSea, and Bismarck made no reply.Then Salisbury saw the game.

It is gravely hinted that Bis-

marck's schemo was to load GreatBritain nnd Austria into war withRussia, and by tho dofcat of Eng-land, she being shut out from thoBlack Sea, magnify considerably theimportance of Germany.

The Hci aid sns editorially, underthe heading of" "Is It Peace orWar?" regarding the above letter:A special correspondent of no slightexperience and knowledge of affairssupplies us to-da- y wih n highlyimportant but hitherto secret chap-ter in tho history of tho diplomacyof Prince Bismarck. That thesapassages now have a momentousbearing upon the foreign policy ofthis country nnd upon tho greatquestion as to tho maintenance ofpeace will be obvious to all who arcacquainted with tho actual conditionof Europe at present. AVe learnfrom this most instructive commu-nication that the German Chancellorhad practically arrangod for closingtho Dardanelles against the Britishfleet nt tho very time when, in 188C,ho was endeavoring by every varietyof subterranean method to lead thiscountry into war with Russia.

Had these maneuvers been suc-cessful England would have beenpushed Into the water at the verymoment when she would have beenpowerless to attack her enemy ef-

fectively, for, as a correspondentsays, tho Black Sea is the only spotfrom which Great Britain can strikea damaging blow at Russia. All atonce, then, we were to be deprivedof this power, nnd wo should havebeen placed in a disadvantageous,even ludicrous position in the faceof Europe.

MIIVIN'd TIl'l'Elt'AItr.

A London special to the NewYork Journal Hays: Tippernry istho most extraordinary event thuthas yet marked the history of theland war in Ireland. Tipperary,the capital of tho county, is beingtransplanted. Tho old town hasfallen under the ban of tho agent oftho Ponsonby estate, Smith Barry,and tho children of the men whobuilt it up nnd were tho cause of itsprosperity arc being forced at the

I point of the bayonet to quit their

home. Stutth Barf loiift nj'o wrmhis spurs ns the "bos" frlsh erictor, but he lins met his mutcli in (he ,

Tipperary hoys.A few fields awny from thu nm

town the new Tipperary is springingup on friendly ground) and in les'than a month Smith Bany will havenothing left him but n ruined wall

1 I.! ...I. ..!.... (.'. !!..Ullll MIS IMIllSkUIJIIIUl,). I' i

houses arc being elected ilh nilpossible speed, mulct' the superiu- - j

tendency and general direction orAlderman Meagher, M. P.

At least two moiiihurs of thepaily give wise counsel

to the people, nnd show them theway in which Tipperary tueii canstrike a blow without resortingeither to the blunderbuss or pike.The struggle now going on in Tip-perary is attracting great attentionhero "and much sympathy is ex-

pressed with the people.

Bra Locoio lives

The mull linvlng b in nppointeilagents lor tlio HntMilluii Ishml

Fov the Cololuatsd


From tlio works ((

Burnliaiu, Parry, Williams & Co.,

I'lillo.l.'lplihi. I'i'iin..Am now rc'intnl to uivu amirecclse onlern fur Ihe c eiitfim'H, of anyslo and .tle

Tlip H.m.iii.--' Locomotive W'oiiK-mr-

now munifnciiirlnu n ntylo of Iicmno.live pnriiciilurly adapted

For Planlalioii Purposes

A number of which have recei.tly he nrrrelvcd at iIuhh Islands, nml ie willhave o Iti furlilnblng plantationagents unit manager.! with pmllculniRof same.

The superiority of Ukhl I.iomollveover nil of her mattes Is i,o only fcnowahero but Is acknowledged ilirouhoultlio Uuitul States.

wm. . inwjN &e.,AueutB for Hawaiian IhImhIh.

4G2.d.l24 w.ly




Cooled HoM flat!il


Jlnl til fill !economical I

IJclli.-lou-u t

tar Samples free nt all Leading Gnvcerles.

MITCHELL & PETERSON,410 S. P. Agents. I12t



jJust lite Thing for the Holidays

-- AT TIIK--

Pacific Hardware Co.41M tf

NEW ZEALAND MULLET"VTEW Zcnlund Canned Mullet Is rn.--Li phlty cioudlng salmon nut of tlinmarket. Holo agents for the celcbratid"Star Hriinil,"iiH

J. K. DKOW.V A CO.,408 lw Alci chant struct.


NOTICE N hereby given to allthat on the 'Ultli day Decem-

ber, 188'J, a meeting of the stockholdersof the Hawaiian Pacific Cable Co washeld at the olllco of K. O. Hall A Sou,Limited, Honolulu, and at xnld meetingIt was voted by said Moekholderh toaccept a charter of Incorporation (rrnnt-e- ct

to them under tlio corporatu nameand stylo of 'Hawaiian Pacific CableCo." .November 15,188!), and that thecorpointioii under said chatter there-upon orgnnlrcd theniMilves and electedthe following ofllcera :

,1. Bliennan llartholomewof HonoluluPi enldent

linn. Edgar Ciow linker, M. P., otVictoria, 11. O nt

E. O. Whltu of Honolulu .SecretaiyFlunk A. Dudley of Niagara Falls, N.

Y TreasuierWm. W. Hall of Honolulu Auditor

Notice is fin tber given that pursuantto the terms of wild charter, "No stock-holder .shall individually lie liable, fortho debts of tho Cm poratlon liujonil thoamount wlilch M111II be duo upon thetlio Hhnre or held or owned byhimself." E. O. WHITE,Hi tu rVeictnrf.

QauiE uuhui GHunr.i

T1.UK TAllfiF,:From San Francisco.

l.cnvo Due n( I

M. r. Honolulu ,

MlllljKI-- .l S lVb liy.isilnudhi.. Mur S . .Mui-Ap- r

Allmimln AprMiiiipoNi Mnv a .MayCenlnndin . May III Juno

Al.wuedii . .limn 1!S, ...lulyMiiiiposn July 2(5. ... AhgXciihindl.i. Aug 2:i ..AukAluuicda, , Sept 20. . .feptMiuiposi. . ..Oct 18. OctIt'iihuiilln ..Nov 15., ...Nov

Al.imcda . . . Deo 13. ...DecFor San Francisco.

Lenvo 'Dlio at.Sydney Honolulu

AlnineJn. .Feb 1U ..Mnr 8Mnripojii. Mnr 19, . . Apr 0Cciilaiidij .Apr 1C ..Mnv 3

Alameda.,, May 14 ..May .11

Murijiosa. .June 11 ..Innu 28Zealandia ,. J uly . .July 20Alameda .Aug 23Mariposa. Kept '.) Sept 20Zenhiudiii .Oct 1. Oct 18Alnmcdii. Oct 20 Nov 15Mnripon Nov 2(i Dec 13Xealandi.i ..Dec 21 . Jan 10

Intermedial- - S. S. Australia.

Leave S. V l.l'IlM" Honolulu.l'Yidnv Jim 31 Fiidny Feb UFriday Feb 28 Friday .Mar 11Fridttv. Mtir 28 Fiidny AprFiid.iy Apr . Friday .MayFriday .May 23 Friday . JuneFriday . June 20 Friday, JulyFriday July 18 Fiiday, . AugFriday .Aug 15 Fi idnv , AugFriday Sept 12 Friday ' SeptFridiiv, .Oct 10 Friday . . Oct 24Fiiday. . Nov 7 Fi iday ,. Nov 21Fiidny .Dec. 5 Fiidnv ..Dec 18

Australian Mail Service.

MMl SAN FHAKCIJSCO,The now and One Al steel stetuuhlp

ti Alameda,"Of the Oceanio Steamship Company, will

be ilue at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or nboul

March 8, 1 890.And will leave for tho nbove port wltbmulls and passengers on or about. tlitdato.

For freight or pRwiaini, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

toWM. G. IRWIN ft CO.. Agent.

For Sydney and Auckland.

Tha tier and flue Al strcl steatnalilp

." Mariposa'Of th Oceanic BtoamnTiip Company, will

be due at Honolulu from ShuFrancUco ou or about

February 15, 1890.And will b.we prompt dispatch wltbmalls uud naHdenu;crs for tho above portsi

For freight or passage, LaWng HUPBftlOR ACCOMMODATIONS, ftpplto87 WM. Q. IRWIN ft CO.. Agonto

LOVEJOY & CO.,13 Xanana Nt., Honolulu.

Offer for sale at unusually low prices, nfull assortment and best brands of

Ales, Wines, Beers, Spirits, &c.

fQjrHuvliiK been appointed by Messrs.ltiehmau A Jacob! of Sun Franciscotheir Solo Agents fur Hnwalinn Island?,wo aro enabled to offer their justlyCelebrated Wines to our friends and thopublic at ry low tutc- -. IDl lm

The Thoroughbi'ed Stallion

"MARIN"Will .bind at seivirc at

Hkcoud 2:iiy., rlai.rftniHito. Sent, 1ft.1887.

I'icdioiiki:: Marin whb sired byQui mi's l'ntohen, lie by Oeo. M. 1'at-clic-

Jr.; Marin's dam hv Emigrant, haby Hilly McCracken; Hilly McCraokenby McOraeken's Black Hawk, 7I7, (tliosire of Iuly Dooley, and of the dam ofOverman, McCracken's UackHawk, 707, by Vermont Week Hawk, ti;2nd dam by Marshall'" niack Hawk, heby Easton'a lllack Hawk. Tbo dam ofQulnn's 1'atchen by Hlockbrldge Chief,he by Vermont Uliick Hawk, ri.

It. T. Carroll or San ErancUco, thoformer owner of Marin, vouches, thatout of thirty-M- i mures nerved by IhUhome during his last neapon In Call,for n la, thlrty.tlvo proved with foal.

II. lHr.MIF.H49.Jly.!.lW;

JMMMM . . Mr" F" f

Views of the British

The L'iiiitulli! shows (lgurc3 equal to those of the tulional balancesheets of stum' very respectable-sie- d States. Thn Insurance World atLoudon

The Kqiiitablo Life Assurance Society is n colonial Institution. Il Uunique in its oslllon and marvelous in its i coord. It occupies tho highestplace amoiiK kindred institutions. Thu Iri-d- i Insurance Hanking uudFinancial Journal.

It is no use disguising tlio fact tltat the F.quit:iblo holds n remarkableposition among the Insurance olllces of the Wot id. It does a larger busi-ness, holds a larger surplus nnd give a better contract than any 'othercompany. Leamington Spa Courier. '

Willi thu pitiful system of statu iusiit.'incu in (lermuny compare whatis done by some of thu gi eat private Assurance Coinpaniei.by the groatostof tliein nil, for instance, the Kquilablo Life Assurance Society of the UnitedSlates. Dublin Lyceum.

The largest, of American Life Olllces and therefore the largest. In theWorld is the I'quitnble Life Assurance Society of the I.'. S. Fairjday ofLoudon.

The olllcc that has done thu most in promoting safe nud liberal LifeInsurance is the Kquitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S, LondonSociety.

oNew business in 1830 17.,000,000 ()Income for 18811 :iO,0f)0,0OO 00Surplus 22,.r00,0(K) 00

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT.General Aijcut for the Hawuiiau Iulands, Kqultnble Life Assurance Society

of thn U. S. Jan-l-'J- O

.Lr-- ii'ii aTai Ti iT il --"r-r i in l i mi r 1m

Pacific Hardware Co., Id,Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House Farnisbiog Gooils,


Glassware & Cutlery. Just at Hand; .

G:ilvnui?ed Fence Wire, lllack Steel Fence Wire, Galvanized KtapU- -,

Black Staples, Special Quality Fence Staple.NEW GOODS ! S n&-- NEW GOODS !

In all liner, by lato arriv.ils. Agent for

Rubbor fiardon Hone, Wire IJoiind Hose, Stoam Hoh,Ol" VKKY SUrKKIOR QtlAUTY.


PrcHidmit. Manager A Secretary. Treasurer.jon-0-l)- 0





Kitchen CtrnnilH, i'aiuts, Oils,



Shipping & Commission Merchants,


Bonders' General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,


Canicntei', Ill,ieksniithn',




MacbinislM' A I'lumbern' Toold,

Varuirihoii, Lamp Oofxl.s and


Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox fi Gibbs, & Remington Sowing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines.Jan-R-0- 0

E. It. Hrndhy, I'resldent A MnnnRor." John Kka,

Ooiifiikv llnowN, Secretary &Trcasnrer. Ckoil Itnowx, Auditor.


Oppu. NprockcU' Ilank, i FortlHtrcut, Honolnlu.lMI'OKTERH and DEALEItH IN

Hardware, -:- - Crockery, -:- - Glassware,OhandelicrH, F'lectoliert", Lamps it Latni Fixtures,Faints, Oils fc VnruisheM, Lnrd Oil, Cylinder Oil,l'owder, Shot it CupH, Mncbinedoaded C'artridRcs, Ohanihcihiiu'd Fiiteut;

HOUSE -:- - FURNISHINa-- :- &00DS,Silver rintedWnre, Table A Tookct Cutlery,I'Iowh, 1'liuUorh' Steel Koch, nnd other Agricultural IniplenieutJt,


flart'fl PiUmit "Duplex" Dlo Stock for Pipe A ltolt OutttiiK,Manila A. Sisnl Hope, Uubber Hre,Wire Bound Uubber Hooe, Spinotor-pip- ;

Spiinklerrt A Siji inkier Stands, ,

Union Metallic CnrtiidRo Co.,llartman'B Steel Wire Fenco ,t Steel Wire Mn,

"Now 1'ioccss" Hope,Win. O. 'H WrouRht Steel HauCh, ' --Nil,iiiOiirrluj'oliinl1' "

Oati! X'ity fiiomi Filteri.,"New PifK-ens- TivlHt Drills,

noT'211-H'- J lliut'i Patent i'Duiih'Jt" Die Siociii,

' :1s. .V A. ' 5W.ift



Page 4: H › bitstream › 10524 › ...100 ViniT WTHEKT, IIONOIillLIF. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Colgate S Col's Celebrated Perfumes l Toilet Soaps, Photographic Goods



Srwagvxwywwaiam'Bf3Ti'yMWvKy.nijfcwiid. TBI?!I

EGA W. G. hscuebs we Honolulu Library t. ARRIVED !FitiinUbOi-.in- Active A, UuKlcn

Jlolncniy JJloeJc. iNo. 77 Korl tstvfcl.IMPORTF.RS OF

French, Eilisi mill American Dry and Fancy (infills,



Kid Gloves, Diamond Dye Black Hose in Hied & Plain.nov-27-S- tt

Ghas. Hustace, King Street,

HAS JUST RECEIVED por "AUSTRALIA,"Kitx Aliiid:a Sea Trout, Kils Mnekciel, Kits Salmon Uellie., Kits Tongueand Sound, Cases Vienna Snunage, J Iain Sausage, Salmon in 1 and '2 lb.tins, lhiuif, Uncon, Codfish, Tins Soused Mnekoiel, Boiled Msiekciel in

Top O'Cnn llrsind Butler, Honed Chicken and Tuikey, TwinBrothers' Yeast Cakes,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Qerrtlinu Flakes, Germea, Rrenkfnst Gt;ni, White Oats, Highland Rolled Oats,Diiod Apiicotn, Dried Peaches, I'runep, Tabic Fruits, Dates, Figs, Ridge'sFood, Gelatine, Sardines, Wheat, Oats, Bran, Potatoes, Onions, and a

General Asoortinont of Gtocories at Popular prices.

JJLenvp your ordeis, or ring up No. 119.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER KOKT AND KINO STREETS.

New Ooods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe,Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.and Uoods'deUvertd to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders coll.:ltd. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 93 f nov-4-S-

Tele'rfhone 30. - (itir P. O. Box 897)

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, il. I.,


ar-- OJfBy each steamer of the O. B. 8. Co. from California

Fresh Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,

Fierii, Grtiinc, VcaretnUlcH, liltc?.,' Etc.A complete line ol Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of

Herman Vafen 4k Potted 3IentM & Itottlcd Pfreiiervetl Frnitn.Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,Sicily Lemons & Cala. Riverside Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-l- G Satisfaction l. 87


Cnl Horn ia Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,

Hurley, ltolled Barley,Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUR JSrAlfn, Goldon Gate & Salinas--8 FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.

i c 12 ---

Cor. Edinburgh & Sta.

& Plain Soda.si

NOTT,05 .fc WV TCinjr Srvooi.

CRYSTAL -:- - SODA -:- - WORKS,.lOIJN GIIACE, : : Proprietor.



Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Creama CXiA.SUAOXJE GXDJ3JI- .-


Telephone 330 --to 1&-- Bell Telephone 298ordcra promptly attended to.

JOHNDlmoml llloolr," Noh.



?SS5WW?fiVfia5b!B5JEsS5fe-StSer- a



Granite, Iron and Tin Ware!Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,




Cooking-:-Rang- es

-- W1TU-

Broller and Hot Water Attachments

Consuming onc-thlr- d LES3 FUEL thnnany oilier stove in oxlMcnce,

cither woul or coal.

No Brick Work About It!Just a Clean Cut Stove!

Vhoe Baking qualities ftie uiiMir.passed.

Reversible Grates i

Tlih Gmto is of a triangular form,having three surfaces which nro rcvcrsl.bio, so thata separate top surface can beused on alternate days ; or if the one sur.fnco in coniBC of use shows any wearfhen the other can be turned up, and soon the other, making It equal in dura-bility to three diBtinet Orates.

foh SAi.r. nv Tin:

Hawaiian Hardware Co,,

Fort Street, Honolulu,410 tf Opposito Sprcekels' Bank.

Union, Fire & Marine

Insurance Co., L'd,Ol New Zealand.

Capital - $10,000,000

Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Stores,Storehouses and Contents. Also, Sucarunci Hice Mills, Machinery, Etc , Etc.

Murine InanrauccOn Hulls, Cargoes and Freights. Losspaid here.

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.



The Lessees of LotsP1TVJATU IN THE

Kapiolani ParkAi c hereby notified that the Association

is prepared to

Grant a Renewal of their Lease tot30 Yeara from date,

Upon presentation of proper title dreilsnnil the payment of a nomi-

nal rental.

WirApplicalions to he made to W. 51.G1FFARD, Secretary.

A. S. CLEOIIORX,President Kuplolani Park Asro'h.

Honolulu, Dec. 17, 1881. 439 lm

J.Hopp&Go.,74 King st. Si 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering &

A Speciality.



"VJOTICF. Is hereby Riven to all pei- -.1.1 sous mat on tht) itOth day December, 18S0, n iwotlnir of the. stockholdersof iho Hawaiian Pnelfle Cable Co washeld :tl tlio ollleo of 10. O. Hall A Sou,Limited, Honolulu, and nt Mild meetingIt was voted by said Moekhnlder toaccept a chnitcr of incorporation trraut-e- ii

to them under the corporate namemid .style of 'Hawaiian Pncille CableI (i ' November 15,1889, and that thecorporation under wild charter there-upon orjranl.ed themselves and electedthn follow lute ollleera :

.1. Sherman llartlioloniewof HonoluluPresident

Hon. Kdgnr Crow Dakor, M. P., orVIelorlii, 11. C...."....Viec-Pn:.sIdei- it

K. O. White of Honolulu .SeereiiiryFrank A. Dudley of Xlngum FnlU, X.

Y TreasuierWin. W. Hall of Honolulu Auditor

Xotieo Is further nlvon that pursuantto the terms of said charter, "No stock-holder f hall Individually bo liable fortho debts of the Coiporation bcyoud theamount whieh fluill bo duo upon thotins tdisio or fluuc? held or owned byhlnuclf." K. O. WH1TK.

ANB- -

pMttWHtomMMj Readinq Room Association. T1MK TAHIiH:


en 1


I X i

4 t S














0--:'- '





mm$mw$f 0oe44tt6g




Cor. Hotel & Alakca Street.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Reading Room in supplied withabout llfty of the leading newspapersand pcrlo'dlcals.

A Parlor Is provided for conversationml games.Teims of membership, fifty cents n

jionth, pnynblo quarterly in ndvnnee.No formality required In Joining exceptsigning ,Uio roily

Strangers from foreign countries nndvisitors from the' other Islands at is wel-come to the rooms nt all tlmcA us guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except the dues ofmembers, It is expected that readoutsof Honolulu who desire to uvull them-selves of Its pilvlleges, and nil who feelan Interest In maintaining mi Institutionof thlft kind, will put down their namesuml become tegular contributors.

A. J. OARTWRIGHT, Pies.,M. M. 8COTT, Viee-Presldc-

II. A. PAUMKLKE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. RODGKRS, M.D.,

Olinlnnan Hall nnd l.lhriu-- Cnmmliroft

" FRANCI3,Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Rue de Duukeraue, - Paris.

JCvccutcs Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swls, Qermau, nnd English Goods, ntthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Co in miss I on. per cent.All Tiade and Cash Dlfcounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices lorwardcdwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orPurls Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents ; or, direct to themanager.

The Agency Represents, Rnys, andHclle, for Home and Colonial Firms.

t'lecc Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,fclllks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Frlngos, Parnsols, Haberdashery,Gold and Bllvcr Lace,Flaunols, Feathers, Pearls,Roots and Shoes, Glass, andChina-war- Clocks, Watches,Juwcllry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines. &c.Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, BUUioner,CUTOino'. Macblnory. &c Ac.

' VH,


Hardware, ShippingAND

Commission Merchants.UKALKnS IN

General Merchandise !

Plantation Accents,Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents.

Jon 3J HONOLULU, 11. I. I860


Lit, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents !

Aor.NTn roii:New England Mutual Life Ins, Co.,


tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.


Insurance Company,l'lr & Marine.



Returned on the Australia and has re.sumed practice at his former oflle.e, OS

Hotel street. 400 tf


Has removed from Fort street to Ro.bello Lane, Pnlama.

Omen Houns: 0 a. m. to 12 m. and 01'. m. to 0 l'. M.

Mutual 608"aTELEPH0NESe6yBell 475410 tf

A Cure Tor Influenza !


DIAL,DR. one of the best remedies(vcr prepared for coughs, nslhma, lungand chest trouble, and a great reliefto whooplim cough and thiont alVectlon.Ask for Dr. Lozler's Hawaiian Cherry Cordial sold at


M Urn


HAVING bought out Mr. W. n.In the "Honolulu Carriage

Manufactory," at 128 Fort street, 1 amprepared to continue the above businessumlcr tho old name of Honolulu Car.rlsgo Manufactory, and being au oldexperienced carriage builder I solicittho patronago of my old friends and thepublic In general, and with my thoroughknowledge of the buslnesa and with ex.ncrlcuccd workmen and using only thebest material I iniarantce general satis.faction. Please call nnd see uic beforogoing elsewhere

ipimira;: GIDKON 1VEST.

From San Francisco.Lenvi! Duo ntH. F. Honolulu

Mnriposa Feb 8.. Feb 15XfiUaudiii Mnr 8 . Mar lftAlarncdn . . . Apr ft. ...Apr 12Jlnripocn . Mny II . .May 10Zealnndia Mny 31 June 7Alniiiedn . . .Juno 1!8 July ft

Mntipofn , J nlv 2(1.... Aug 2Zenhindin. . . . Aug 2)1. . . Aug .'SO

Alameda Sept 20.. .Hopt 27Mariposa Ooll8.. Oct 2ftZcnlaniUa Nov lft Nov 22Alniiiedn Dec 111 Dec 20

For San Francisoo.

Leave Duo ntSvdnoy Honolulu

Alninculn . ...Feb II) , ..Mnr 8Muriposu . Mar 10.. ..Apr ft

Zcnliuidin ...Apr US . ..Mny U

Alaiuedu . . May H . . Mny HIMariposa. .June 11. .June 28Zcnlaudiit July !.'... July 20Alaiuedu . .Aug (l . ..Aug 2.1Mmiposn. .Sept :t....Sept 20.enlandiii .

-- .Oct 1 Oct 18Almnedn. Oct 20 Nov lftMariposa .Nov 20... Deo ISZenmndia Dec 21... .Inn 10

Intermediate S. 8. Australia.

Leave H. V. Leave Honolulu.Friilav Jun 31 Friday Feb HFridnv Feb 28 Friday. .. .Mnr i

Friilav. Mnr 28 Fiidnv Apr 11Fridnv . Apr 2ft Friday . .May JFriday... May 23 Friday. . June 0Friday. June 20 Friday. July 1

Friday. July 18 Friday... Aug 1Friilav .Aug 15 Friday. . Aug 29Friday . . Sept 12 Friday Sept 20Fiiday. ..Oct 10 Friday . .Oct 21Friday. ..Nov' "T Fridny... Nov 21

Friday .Deo ft Friday. . .Deo 18

Australian Ml Service.

FOR HAN FJKANOIHCO,The aevr and una Al steel steamship

"Alameda'Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyaud Auckland on or about

March 8, 1 890.re no

mails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having 8U.PKRIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. iSwIN & CO.. Aeents.

For Sydney and Auckland

The ntv and One Al steel stcMDihlp

" Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be duo at .Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

February 15, 1890.And will have prompt dippatch withmails and passengers for the ahovo port

For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, appljto37 WM. Q. IRWIN & CO.. Agents

LOVEJOY & GO.,IS Xnuanu ML. Honolulu.

Offer for sale at unusually low prices, afull assortment and best brands of

Ales, Wines, Beers, Spirits, &c.

afiSrHaving been appointed by Messrs..Liiehmsn & Jucohi of San Franciscotheir t'ole Agents for Hawaiian Islands,we arc enabled to offer their justlyCelebrated Wine to our frlencb and thepublic at very low rste. till lm

He Tlioroihkil Stallion

-- 4$k

"MARIN"Will stand at scrvlco at

Record 2:22J, Sacramento, Sept. IB,18H7.

Pediuiif.k: Marin was sired bvOn inn's Patchen,. ho by Geo. M. Pat- -

hen, Jr.; Marin's dam by Emigrant, heny Billy ilcUracKonj UUly McUrnckeuby McCrackenV Black Hawk, 707, (thesire of Lady Dooley, nnd of tho dsm of

McCracken's BlankHawk, 707, by Vermont Black Hawk, 5 j

2nd dam by Marshal 1' Black Hawk, hoby Kastnn's Black Hawk. Tho dam ofQuinn's Patchen by Stnckbrldfe Chief,ho by Vermont Ulnck Hawk, 0.

R. T. Carroll of San' Francisco, theformer owner of Marin, vouchee, thatout of thirty-si- maren served by thishorse during his Inst season iu Cali-fornia, thirty-liv- e proved with foal.

PAVfi U. IlifWJlKltU,jly-89-


Per "Eskdale"123 days from Liverpool.

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Selected Stock.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Caceu, s

Mirrors,Wicker Vr.n-Kt-

GROCERIES,A full lino

A large nsHoitmunl.



-- ART)"-

Cnrrlngc XuntirSugar &


Filterpross-- ANTt

Other Varieties.


Latest Novelties.



Amctlean andPortuguese




Rock,Liverpool and

Higgin's Dairy.

Oils ! Oil !

Bollrd & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc!Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc


Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !

AnncalcU,Galvanized Barbed,

Patent Btcol Rarbed



California Iroueries,

Of all varieties, always in stork.Also,

Hay, Feed & Flour


Hi lm tfecietniTt emMwMmiH Honolulu, Oct. Si, 1880. BOltf HONOLULU.f




