(h2b, h3, h4), transition protein (tp1) and protamine

Original article Ultrastructural immunolocalisation of histones (H2B, H3, H4), transition protein (TP1) and protamine in rabbit spermatids and spermatozoa nuclei. Relation to condensation of the chromatin JL Courtens WS Kistler L Plöen 1 INRA, physiologie de la reproduction des mammifères domestiques, 37380 Nouzilly, France; 2 University of South Carolina, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Columbia, SC 29208, USA; 3 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Anatomy and Histology, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden (Received 7 April 1995; accepted 7 August 1995) Summary ― The histones H2B, H3 and H4, the transition protein TP1 and protamine were localised using ultrastructural immunocytochemistry in nuclei of rabbit spermatids and spermatozoa. Histones are present in round spermatid nuclei and are lost during the elongation of nuclei. TP1 and protamine appear simultaneously in all nuclei during this period. TP1 is located at the periphery of chromatin cords, while protamine seems to be located at random in the same cords. TP1 is lost in most elongated spermatids during step 13 of spermiogenesis, and the protamine stays in all sperm nuclei. TP1 remains present in some old spermatids and ejaculated spermatozoa. In the rabbit, 3-6% of sperm nuclei decondense spontaneously. Most are characterised by a retention of TP1. Respective roles of TP1 and the protamine in spermatid nuclear condensation are discussed. rabbit spermiogenesis I spermatozoa / electron microscopical immunocytochemistry / nucleo- proteins / chromatin condensation Résumé ― Révélation par immunocytochimie ultrastructurale des histones H2B, H3 et H4, de la protéine de transition TP1 et de la protamine dans les noyaux des spermatides et des sper- matozoïdes de lapin. Leurs rôles dans la condensation de la chromatine. Les histones H28, H3 et H4, la protéine de transition TP1 et la protamine ont été révélées par immunocytochimie ultra- structurale dans les noyaux des spermatides et spermatozoïdes de lapin. Les histones, présentes dans les noyaux de spermatides rondes, sont perdues au cours de la phase d’allongement des noyaux. TP1 et la protamine apparaissent simultanément dans tous les noyaux pendant cette phase. TP1 est située à la périphérie des cordons de chromatine tandis que la protamine semble localisée au hasard dans ces mêmes cordons. TP1 est perdue dans la plupart des spermatides allongées au cours du stade 13, tandis que la protamine persiste dans tous les noyaux de spermatozoïdes. TP1 reste toutefois présente dans quelques spermatides âgées et spermatozoïdes éjaculés. Chez le lapin, 3-6% des

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Page 1: (H2B, H3, H4), transition protein (TP1) and protamine

Original article

Ultrastructural immunolocalisation of histones

(H2B, H3, H4), transition protein (TP1) and protaminein rabbit spermatids and spermatozoa nuclei.Relation to condensation of the chromatin

JL Courtens WS Kistler L Plöen

1 INRA, physiologie de la reproduction des mammifères domestiques, 37380 Nouzilly, France;2 University of South Carolina, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,

Columbia, SC 29208, USA;3 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Anatomy and Histology,

750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

(Received 7 April 1995; accepted 7 August 1995)

Summary ― The histones H2B, H3 and H4, the transition protein TP1 and protamine were localisedusing ultrastructural immunocytochemistry in nuclei of rabbit spermatids and spermatozoa. Histonesare present in round spermatid nuclei and are lost during the elongation of nuclei. TP1 and protamineappear simultaneously in all nuclei during this period. TP1 is located at the periphery of chromatincords, while protamine seems to be located at random in the same cords. TP1 is lost in most elongatedspermatids during step 13 of spermiogenesis, and the protamine stays in all sperm nuclei. TP1 remainspresent in some old spermatids and ejaculated spermatozoa. In the rabbit, 3-6% of sperm nucleidecondense spontaneously. Most are characterised by a retention of TP1. Respective roles of TP1 andthe protamine in spermatid nuclear condensation are discussed.

rabbit spermiogenesis I spermatozoa / electron microscopical immunocytochemistry / nucleo-proteins / chromatin condensation

Résumé ― Révélation par immunocytochimie ultrastructurale des histones H2B, H3 et H4, dela protéine de transition TP1 et de la protamine dans les noyaux des spermatides et des sper-matozoïdes de lapin. Leurs rôles dans la condensation de la chromatine. Les histones H28, H3et H4, la protéine de transition TP1 et la protamine ont été révélées par immunocytochimie ultra-structurale dans les noyaux des spermatides et spermatozoïdes de lapin. Les histones, présentesdans les noyaux de spermatides rondes, sont perdues au cours de la phase d’allongement des noyaux.TP1 et la protamine apparaissent simultanément dans tous les noyaux pendant cette phase. TP1 estsituée à la périphérie des cordons de chromatine tandis que la protamine semble localisée au hasarddans ces mêmes cordons. TP1 est perdue dans la plupart des spermatides allongées au cours du stade13, tandis que la protamine persiste dans tous les noyaux de spermatozoïdes. TP1 reste toutefoisprésente dans quelques spermatides âgées et spermatozoïdes éjaculés. Chez le lapin, 3-6% des

Page 2: (H2B, H3, H4), transition protein (TP1) and protamine

noyaux de spermatozoïdes se décondensent naturellement. Ils sont pour la plupart caractérisés par unerétention de TPI. Les rôles respectifs de TP1 et de la protamine dans la condensation de la chroma-tine des spermatides sont discutés.

spermiogenèse du lapin / spermatozoïdes / immunocytochimie ultrastructurale / nucléopro-téines /condensation de la chromatine


Mammalian spermiogenesis is characterisedby large modifications in nuclear morphol-ogy and chromatin composition. It can bedivided into several steps characterised bymorphological patterns of the spermatids(Clermont and Leblond, 1955). In the rab-bit, 10 different steps have been documented(Pl6en, 1971) and sub-types can also bedefined from electron-microscopical obser-vations. During these steps, the sphericalnuclei of young spermatids become flattened(during the so-called elongation phase). Thenucleolus disappears. The chromatin ishighly modified in appearance before it con-denses to finally form a compact mass. Inthe mammals studied so far, histones (H1 a,H 1 bde, Hlc, H2A, X2 (H2A variant), H2B,H3 and H4), present in round spermatids(Baskaran and Rao, 1990; Unni etal, 1994)are replaced by spermatid specific transi-tion proteins (1-8) in elongating spermatids(Loir and Lanneau, 1978), which in turn leaveroom for the protamine(s) (P1 or P1+P2).Not all of these nucleoprotein species arepresent in all mammals and several precur-sors for protamines are also described(Chauvibre et al, 1992). Rabbit spermato-zoa contain only one protamine, which differsslightly from the main mammalian protamineP1 (Ammer and Henschen, 1988). Transi-tion protein 1 and transition protein 2 seemubiquitous among mammals (Alfonso andKistler, 1993), while other transition proteinsare only present in some species. The com-paction of chromatin was first attributed tothe formation of a macro-molecular latticemade of protamines and the DNA (Fawcett

et al, 1971). However, it is probably a morecomplicated process since it starts beforethe protamines enter the spermatid nucleiin many species (Courtens etal, 1983, 1988;Lescoat et al, 1992; Le Lannic et al, 1993),mostly at the time transition nucleoproteinsare present (Meistrich et al, 1994). Bio-chemical studies have shown that transition

protein 2 could play a role in condensation ofthe chromatin (Baskaran and Rao, 1990),while transition protein 1 might be involved inits relaxation (Singh and Rao, 1987; Unniand Meistrich, 1992). Moreover, transitionproteins (Akama et al, 1994a) and pro-tamines (Chirat et al, 1991; Green et al,1994) are phosphorylated/dephosphorylatedto different degrees, which hypotheticallyleads to the final tightness of the chromatin.Rabbit sperm nuclei normally display micro-heterogeneities in protein/DNA concentra-tions (Courtens et al, 1991, 1994a) and thecondensation of sperm chromatin in the rab-bit is also spontaneously reversible in 3-6%of the cells. A variable proportion of decon-densing spermatozoa is found in all ejacu-lates and is inversely related to litter size(Courtens etal, 1994b).

In the present work, we have focusedour attention on the ultrastructural localisa-tion of nucleoproteins in rabbit spermatids,using specific antisera against histones(H2B, H3, H4), transition protein 1 (TP1 ),the major mammalian protamine (P1 anda specific staining for lysine, an amino acidpresent in all spermatid nucleoproteins butabsent in the protamines (Courtens and Loir,1981). The first aim of this work was todefine the timing of major nucleoproteinchanges in normal spermatids. The secondwas to record eventual nucleoprotein mis-

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composition in naturally decondensing sper-matids and spermatozoa. Interestingly, alow proportion of old spermatid and sper-matozoa nuclei was decondensed to differ-ent degrees and displayed an abnormal TP1 Icontent in all animals.



A total of 15 adult rabbits were castrated under

general anaesthesia; 3 were New Zealand White,and the rest Fauve de Bourgogne. Five ejacu-lates were obtained using an artificial vagina fromRex rabbits.

Electron microscopy

Rabbit testes were split into 2 pieces. One wasfixed by immersion in 1% freshly preparedparaformaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline(PBS), pH 7.4. After 30 min, the testis surfaceexposed to the fixative was sliced out and cutinto smaller pieces about 1 mm thick, which wereallowed to fix for a further 2 h. They were incu-bated for 30 min (4°C) in 0.5 M ammonium chlo-ride in PBS for saturation of free aldehydes fromthe fixative before being washed for 1 h in PBS.The second piece of testis was fixed in 4% glu-taraldehyde in PBS for 24 h, followed or not by 1 %osmium tetroxide in PBS for 1 h. Ejaculated sper-matozoa were treated the same way, with anadditional centrifugation (3 000 g, 10 min) after fix-ation. All samples were dehydrated through anethyl alcohol series, and were embedded in LRwhite resin at 4°C (3 changes x 30 min) and inEPON. The blocks were cured at 50°C for 2 d,and ultrathin sections were mounted on barenickel grids.

Ultrastructural morphology

Transmission electron microscopy was performedon ultrathin sections of glutaraldehyde andosmium-fixed material, after staining with uranyl

acetate and lead citrate. The stepping of old sper-matids is depicted in figure 1.

Histochemical demonstration of lysine

Testis samples fixed with glutaraldehyde werestained en masse with 3% ethanolic phospho-tungstic acid for 16 h, according to Courtens andLoir (1981) before being embedded in EPON.



The specificity of the rabbit antisera has been eval-uated previously (H2B, H3, H4, Muller et al, 1982a,b, 1985; anti-transition protein 1, Heidaran et al,1988; anti-protamine, Courtens et al, 1983).


Ultrathin sections of formaldehyde fixed materialwere floated on drops of 3% skimmed milk in PBSfor 20 min at room temperature in a humid cham-ber before the primary antiserum was added ata final concentration 1:500 (anti-protamine, anti-transition protein 1, anti H2B) or 1:100 (anti-H3,anti-H4). The humid chamber was left at 4°Covernight, and the sections were rinsed thoroughlyin PBS, before being incubated in 1:100 biotiny-lated anti rabbit IgG for 1 h at 20°C. After exten-sive rinses in PBS, they were floated on drops of1:20 streptavidin-gold particles (10 or 13 nm) inPBS (20°C). Controls included the omission ofthe primary and/or secondary antibodies or thereplacement of specific antibodies by preimmuneserum when available. The labelled sections were

stained with uranyl acetate (1%, 3 min).Some sections were double-labelled succes-

sively with anti-protamine and anti-transition pro-tein 1. The primary antibodies were visualised byrecombined protein A/G coupled to colloidal gold(6 nm for TP1 and 12 nm for protamine), followingthe technique described by Varndell and Polak(1984). The sections, which were first floated over3% skimmed milk in PBS for 20 min, were incu-bated successively with the first primary antiserum(1:100, 2 h), the first gold probe (1:20, 30 min),skimmed milk (3%, 20 min), the second primary

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antiserum (1:100, 2 h), and finally with the secondgold probe (1:20, 30 min) at room temperature.Between each incubation, they were washed 6times in PBS. Controls included the omission ofone of the primary antibodies and the inversion ofthe first/second primary antiserum, for evalua-tion of binding of the second gold probe to thefirst antibody. Due to the low contrast of the 6 nmgold particles, the sections were not post-stained.


Rabbit-specific morphological data

In addition to the classical rabbit spermatidmorphology, summarised in figure 1 for old

spermatids (see also P16en (1971) for addi-tional steps), numerous nuclei of step 14 4spermatids were classified as ’decondens-ing’. They were characterised by 2 differentprofiles.

Type 1. The formation of parallel longitudi-nal fractures appearing in the condensedchromatin, and its separation into threads(fig 2). The fractures were often observedin the posterior part of the nuclei and couldlead to the progressive complete decon-densation (fig 3) of nuclei. Such fractureswere also present in 3-6% of ejaculatedspermatozoa nuclei.

Type 2. Few step 13-14 spermatids and tes-ticular spermatozoa had fully decondensednuclei filled with tiny fibres (see fig 5).

Page 5: (H2B, H3, H4), transition protein (TP1) and protamine
Page 6: (H2B, H3, H4), transition protein (TP1) and protamine

In addition, some spermatids with thecytoplasmic specialisation specific to step14 (ie they have differentiated an acroso-mal equatorial segment) displayed a chro-matin appearance specific of step 11 (see fig8). The frequency of such abnormal sper-matids with arrested or delayed nuclear dif-ferentiation could be as high as 10% of thestep 14 spermatids in some seminiferoustubules. They were present in all studiedanimals and in most ejaculates in low pro-portions (0.5-1 %).

Histochemical demonstration of lysine

The chromatin was strongly stained by PTAen masse in all round and elongating sper-matids younger than step 12. At this stage,most of nuclei were partially bleached fromthe anterior part, posteriorly, with a strictlimit between fully condensed, lightly stainedanterior chromatin, and thread-like, fullystained, less compact posterior chromatin.The light staining disappeared from the mid-dle of step 13 spermatids and most oldernuclei were totally white (figs 4 and 5). How-ever, chromatin remained heavily stainedin few step 13 spermatids and in step 14 4spermatids displaying nuclear differentia-tion typical of step 11 (arrested or delayednuclear differentiation). All the decondens-ing nuclei observed at step 14 were stainedalong the fracture lines inside the nuclei.Few nuclei with a classical morphology dis-played stained chromatin threads (fig 4).Fully decondensed nuclei were stronglystained (fig 5).


For all the anti-histone antibodies, the

labelling was intense on heterochromatinof round spermatids and was severely low-ered at steps 9-10 (beginning of elonga-tion). It was not found on testicular and ejac-

ulated spermatozoa. H3 and H4 were onlydetected in spermatid nuclei from steps 1

throughout 10, while H2B labelling was lostat step 11.

Anti-transition-protein 1

Labelling was only present in elongatingand elongated spermatid nuclei from steps10 (fig 6) through the middle of step 13 in allanimals. The grains were located close tothe external limits of the chromatin threads.The labelling was weak in step 10 and wasmaximum in step 11-12. At these stages,it leads to a special decoration of nucleialong longitudinal lines, delining more con-densed chromatin (fig 7). These lines wereabout twice as numerous as the final num-ber of longitudinal chromatin plates observedin normal mature testicular spermatozoa(Koehler, 1970). The labelling disappearedfrom most spermatids in the middle of step13, but in many seminiferous tubules, sev-eral nuclei at steps 13-15, including thosewith arrested nuclear differentiation,remained labelled (fig 8). In all seminifer-ous tubules observed at the time of sper-miation, several spermatozoa, with no signof strong nuclear decondensation, were alsoheavily labelled (fig 9). Very few normallycompacted nuclei and most of decondens-ing nuclei were labelled in ejaculated sper-matozoa.

Anti-protamine Pl l

Labelling was first present in small amountsat the end of step 10 and increased rapidlyin step 11 spermatids. At step 10, the fewgrains were mostly distributed close to thenuclear limits. At step 11 they were presentin all parts of nuclei. The maximum graindensity was observed on nuclear sectionsfrom step 12, 13 and 14 spermatids. Tes-ticular spermatozoa were generally weakly

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labelled, probably due to higher chromatincompaction and reduced access to the epi-topes.

Double labelling against TP1and protamine

This double labelling was weaker over sper-matid nuclei than the single labellingdescribed above. This could be due to the

one-step technique used to visualise each ofthe primary antibody/epitope locations. Thedistribution of grains was similar to thatdescribed above, for a given cell stage, andfor a given antiserum, whatever the orderfor (and or deletion of) the first primary anti-serum. Small grains over TP1 and largegrains over protamine locations did not over-lap, whatever the cell differentiation, sug-gesting that both nucleoproteins could haveseparate locations over the chromatin (figs10 and 11 However, the weak labelling,and the lack of post-staining of the sectionscould not demonstrate clearly the specificlocation of TP1 over the threads of chro-matin. Several step 14 spermatids with fullydecondensed nuclei were not labelled at all,as if both protamine and TP1 had been lost.


In the present work, we have shown that:i) histones are lost in elongating spermatids,H2B being lost later (step 11) than H3 andH4 (step 10); ii) TP1 and protamine appeartogether in step 10-11 spermatids; TP1 islocated mostly at the periphery of chromatinthreads; iii) TP1 is present in fully condensednuclei at the middle of step 13 and is notdetected by immunocytochemistry in mostnormal step 14 spermatids and testicularspermatozoa; and iv) most of decondens-ing spermatid and spermatozoon nucleiwere stained for lysine and were labelledfor TP1 along fracture lines separating chro-

matin lamellae while few old spermatids andspermatozoa with normal morphology werelabelled nuclei.

Histones are lost in elongating sper-matids, H2B being lost later (step 11) thanH3 and H4 (step 10). This is a confirmationof results obtained in the mouse (Biggiogeraet al, 1992) and the rat (Unni et al, 1994).The sum of labelling for all histones wasquite low at step 10, when TP1 and pro-tamine are not yet present in large amounts.This suggests that TP1 and protamine,which enter the nuclei when most of corehistones have disappeared, could not facil-itate the displacement of H3 and H4 as pos-tulated by Unni and Meistrich (1992). Thedisplacement of histones by more basicnucleoproteins is also questionable inhumans, since the persistence of histones inmany spermatozoa could be a rule, asdemonstrated by biochemistry (Gatewoodef al, 1990), staining with en masse alco-holic phosphotungstate (Baccetti etal, 1977)or aniline blue (Haidl and Schill, 1994). Thepresent results also suggest that some othernucleoproteins should be present in sper-matid nuclei at the beginning of nuclear elon-gation. These could include testis specifichistones variants (Unni et al, 1994) and/ortransition protein 2 (Alfonso and Kistler,1993) an in vitro DNA-stabilising protein(Baskaran and Rao, 1990). Another possi-ble explanation for the poor histone immuno-localisation in step 10 spermatids could bethe modification of the protein conformationand the access to antibodies due to histoneacetylation. This was not tested in the pre-sent work.

TP1 and protamine do appear together instep 10-11 spermatids. This is a new obser-vation in mammals, since transition proteinswere formerly supposed to be present onlybefore the first appearance of protamine innuclei. In the rabbit, TP1 appears in youngstep 10 nuclei, while protamine 1 is onlypresent close to the nuclear envelope bythe end of step 10 and fills the other nuclear

Page 10: (H2B, H3, H4), transition protein (TP1) and protamine
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areas during step 11. They remain presentin separate locations over the chromatinthreads, TP1 being mostly located at theirperiphery and possibly delineating the futurechromatin lamellae of sperm nuclei. The

presence of small amounts of protamine inearly elongating spermatids (late step 10)has not been documented in other mam-malian species. Using our antisera, it was

demonstrated that protamine only appearsat step 12 in the ram (Courtens etal, 1983),and is present in low amounts, close to thenuclear envelope, at step 11 in the boar

(Courtens et al, 1988). The fact that smallamounts of protamine could be first detectedduring step 10, together with TP1 in the pre-sent work is probably not artifactual, sinceboth antisera reveal each one band onWestern blots of rabbit testis extracts (notshown). Moreover, the separate locationsof protamine and TP1 on the same threadsof compacting chromatin suggest that bothproteins could cooperate in the rearrange-ments of chromatin which occur duringnuclear elongation. In vitro, TP1 induces apronounced equilibrium destabilisation ofthe DNA (Singh and Rao, 1987). In vivo,protamine can fix the chromatin structure,whatever the step at which it is introduced tonuclei and whatever the previous localarrangement of chromatin (Courtens, 1982;Biggiogera et al, 1992). The fact that TP1is located at the periphery of threads, andseems to remain in that place, forming longi-tudinal decorations in older spermatids, mayindicate that it is involved in the formationof the chromatin plates which are presentin old spermatids and spermatozoa(Koehler, 1970; Courtens et al, 1991 orcould at least facilitate their further separa-tion in the nuclei that undergo deconden-sation. This is documented by the fact thatTP1 remains present at the site of separa-tion of lamellae in most spermatids and sper-matozoa nuclei which decondense sponta-neously (present cytochemical and

immunocytochemical demonstration). If itcan be argued that lysine-containing pro-

teins could have entered the nuclei after

decondensation, when the nuclear enve-lope has been disrupted, it is clear that TP1

remains present in few nuclei with normalmorphology and intact nuclear envelope.Its presence could then reveal cell nucleiwhich have not yet started to decondense.Protamine, on the other hand, could beinvolved in the internal compaction of thethreads.

TP1 is not detected by immunocyto-chemistry in most step 14 spermatids andtesticular spermatozoa but is present in well-condensed nuclei at the middle of step 13.This raises the question of how it is elimi-nated, meaning separation from the DNAand release from the dense chromatin. Sep-aration of TP1 from the DNA is probably notdue to displacement by protamine as pos-tulated by Green et al (1994), because bothnucleoproteins are present together in nucleifor several days during rabbit spermiogen-esis and because their immunolocalisationsdo not overlap. This is also obvious fromthe chronology of step-specific immuno-localisation of TP1 in the mouse and the rat

(Heidaran et al, 1988). Separation of TP1from DNA should be facilitated by its phos-phorylation as proposed in the boar (Akamaet al, 1994a). Phosphorylation sites are alsopresent in ram TP1 (Chirat et al, 1991 ).However the release of DNA-detached tran-sition proteins from the nuclei could be aproblem in compact nuclei. They could eitherfollow the paths left free between the con-densed plates of chromatin or be degraded.They could also be simply trapped in fewcondensed nuclei. The recent proposal thata protease could be involved in the degra-dation of transition proteins is interesting,even if the origin of enzymes (acrosomal ornuclear) is not documented from in vitroexperiments (Akama et al, 1994b). Hypo-thetical intranuclear protease activity, suchas that found in the mouse (Faulkner andBhatnagar, 1987), could explain why sev-eral fully decondensed rabbit spermatid

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nuclei lack both immunodetectable pro-tamine and TP1. Could proteases enter thenuclei of old spermatids, as do protein disul-fide isomerase (Ohtani et al, 1993), or bealready present as oligoproteins as pro-posed for centromere proteins in bull(Palmer et al, 1990) and rabbit (Courtenset al, 1992) spermatozoa? On the otherhand, the lack of elimination of TP1 in sev-eral cells could explain the spontaneousdecondensation of nuclei which occurs fre-

quently in step 14 spermatids (present work)and in spermatozoa of the rabbit (Courtensef al, 1994b). The separations betweenchromatin lamellae, can be both delineatedby lysine staining (alcoholic phospho-tungstate) and immuno-localisation of TP1(a lysine-rich protein: Heidaran et al, 1988).TP1, which remains localised at the periph-ery of the chromatin lamellae, could inhibit orlower their mutual cohesiveness, and leadsto more fragile nuclei. TP1 is probably notthe only nucleoprotein to be left is somesperm nuclei. Transition protein 4 has beenfound as traces in few boar late spermatids(Akama et al, 1994b) and rat epididymalspermatozoa (Unni and Meistrich, 1992).Histones are present in human spermato-zoa (Gatewood et al, 1990). The state ofprotamines phosphorylation (Chirat et al,1993), or the underprotamination of the chro-matin (Bianchi etal, 1994) could also explainpoor chromatin condensation in several

sperm nuclei. The lack of one protaminespecies is also documented in human (DeYebra etal, 1993). In the rabbit, chromatinmicro-heterogeneities, characterised by eas-ily extractable protamine, have beendescribed in spermatozoa as sites wherethe DNA is more accessible (Courtens etal, 1994a). However, in this species, the fre-quency of sperm nuclei which sponta-neously decondense is the main factorrelated to low litter sizes (Courtens et al,1994b), one of the main parameters of fer-tility. The present results, showing that sev-eral type of nuclear decondensation arecharacterised by the abnormal retention of

TP1, should therefore be considered whenrabbit fertility is investigated. Moreover, theysuggest that TP1 is involved in the lamel-lar superorganisation of the sperm nucleiand that its release from spermatid nucleiis probably not a simple displacement byprotamines.


This work was started during a stay of LP at INRA.It was funded by INRA-DRI, INRA-AIP Interac-tions Intragonadiques and the Swedish Council forForestry and Agricultural Research. Antibodiesagainst histones were gifts from S Muller (Stras-bourg, France). Rabbit ejaculates were obtainedfrom INRA, Centre de recherches du Magneraud(Dr Th6bault). Dark room work by M Ekwall anddrawings by H Tylza are acknowledged.


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