h3£3 -...

$ ••'i TJ3re aSriSB-^reats Jfe ajUtang-; Srom 3D aammunitiess ijjti» >ft3HHKtnmraeiairt w e e k ; - OHfiffffiEf^ y wmm POST jEEffiJHrx-^x H3£3 St 'Sift og? BriSssetSBrcs npeafca: '..the vpfes c§? aiiiectiii«g^ In- •BtU3«5EBS*BBpi*RaiHs?tetiMlf- ;EaEfie!XoniKi; ; 10 cemti SEPTEMBER 8,1972 iwiwas® jUsLUVIWHteaE SIHES ars? msecmg, ejHnpIfittan? lor Ste irrrnuiE EordTa Acre- sale iai file E t a s E&fijrmsi; efiiirqlr on Sasar&jju Segtt. HB. ME. Jtawfcfics as&U a g r a i a& SB aftdbsE*, EJa^ttBtng: JhamEm^ staked 3 , '.roads, fancy VJOEE ctiinH 1y tire Ladies. Aid; hats,,| : ; baigs ;ews£ri'„ sltues, packet-- baifls- msS lames, Mi types of 1-ctattmjg Ssmt blouses and dresses, wo shuns amfl nanta IE yauj,canffcji "Bffl % Qnifenr; ac a dress- tbaft ; ttefes soour egiej J«JU? m a y t r y i'fc; van ansifip tQE> ctfrfirerfr baEL THT jngantr wha wants : a. quick" ihrnnh. ttp Bratfc Feitawshig: wilt! 'rrfU hit fins uirf soda outside 'S^rrr -raise .wfiu prefer to sit down. 'HUB 1 IJBXT t tot lunch — hot tur-. 'fey <KHn&vBnSss? witfi: calk slaw- jamfl <TT¥fnitBfnng s a u c e , or cold; tar- in- rnarc "sndroictas are avail' ts&fie 3 D t&s? Qfiurcflr hail a4so< jitrmnTiTnate' pie; a n r r ctHfEaet. "Thr train iiictjtin will start at If i rum siiii—). Donations for thr HUJHiflT intf buuths are still tiemr asa»inni. Jail Marshall Strwnjn fT2^1flffi». .ir Geo. Gaige. •SS-3iim Sir pickup service. SJtffkE? rm Couples fftift mem- 'iaHss — tQstsa? mxBl tie a. dessert and rrfffep TrnffftTBr t h i s S a t u r d a y eve- ' mtrs. &ntt S . aft Step cfhircfr ball, ' aft "iKSS. BQHD to atfendi as final- jilHTfe 3nr t t e axiEtiun. sale will he dscn^ffifi "SBfBS CEFF TRSE TTiJW^K*':— TSSSL s g n i n Hfee rooMfea, sn FRaj&te 2 E itr. tnte vrUagE. of" ffiaaasrfenii, jprcjciarrns ilidjj. S^iincfegi, Sfepfc. Sit, is. ftae date m She s m n j ^ l lixixSSfe Afere /Suetioir apjaasHTEai &y SIE ^HaTnittor 'Itriarr R*a^fcj^Brfsr cfhwch. Full ristaife ais ^D 'cte •feasaE fir tUis issae of the EulbarjM'Bg. T h s »vBTe vilV t a v e rrrraT» atiter fhrttwres fafisrttea ite ancfena. TTite stgg( at. tbe t^i. no±Es taie timss 5w3tBn jau- rat 31 Si citurcSr on Sunitey. At rigirl 5 a l a s t o t i i ^ : Etaa-kis-, w h i c h dates fee EhnrcSfs aEEgrrrnrrma asx&k.ttutiie xe^ 12^?: Fall JU fe^; ( » Sent 9 Area 151 IIS fai: timi igun ,it the Wes- lEEk) "RfinTTiwf ;hurr-h.' Came Tfofli. hinnj^^niwi- v«@stEEWe^ ' fflEBE, EOXQl- itll 'Iff: ^tlinfeg, Ssgt- j S, IS a -rn inriil <¥• ti. nn Ftm for Supper Sept 30 HEsasr are just absul Gmnylstefl Tht'mgjk sgps. bear silent wit- UJB: ihs. annual sp^tirt i t supper nes it Ota ay and. earning. 24th s®Knss£Ed. by St. BES3n2£tet3B"s uar- l a n n u a l ttorsHs Ang Auction to b e i IsHci. B t e n a to be aeirl Sept 3D a t fopffl <ai tft» ffianrBnnj Hniort Pres- n m f e rrcffian BoxppK-=ffl Graaig& haB__m BErns. 3gssEiHnoihrcaiburnBoute 20, Guil- 5^Z?"' k ^ ^ VWttt S M -^ ? t^f- aJto^WSS^wrt^ "..BT^ISB! *£*?§••«? be ^ Dan 5 t. 3 ^ «g,ifaite ? a.agun&B.. Se^t 9,' Sain ^^^^ -,.. «-« m „„ «fan h»fc« W n ^ m w y g^ ^ ^ f e g . ®idd txeteefe may be piKcbasea a t « • a n n a t e es^nb is expected: to being: kwifad %• 'SSi'HjjHtB ffiiggiisi ^amta "ti> r ^St wnurr sfe?il, bake iatolE, CTHSBHD mann vvittt; kits of agsod sating tin SSDIEE' ferr %mi. Last, imt rain tfcast, dtitriti frirgftt the aanfioTi starting att D p. rrr. •jgF^-. TsaiiL" ^or firm gA-m; Conipariy 6 of SefesfcnHe tto ffree-' matics cost^ and a gfrrafte '3&S1 & in the ^aB^^e of The *>*a>irt B to at'TH-ivk tifee ing of *5re l^iEsaeisScm ^^^&j Glenn B n s l c j . c±tifif af tar Siai*; barie unit anBanne^. JAtwpe <p v^irt'iwn psrade itsas aferEasfJj "" SflEteHSDSPf maHeff^S 33Sfl tfe=fS "SSie rTsgarrup url W?imern Voters. »rff Alhaxg? ujliunTEj vwil oidrf. maa- Siersnip innSst' ttuurs- dlirrmg the •week .off SBJU DI1 HrnspeEtiEe meniBHis isar inwrtHdi tn> attend 1rte xar^BB amsti OEur«e3rie3itiy lo- cated. Tree •fnst 'ime wall! take pJace at -the irons? 'rff W h s Sr^rrnt. Bamett. 376 Alferqj-Siai'teTr Soadi Ikradon- ^n1\p a 8£3b"arm nmHuessiai'. Sept. 32. Those 'jaiteiding: ane asked to j call 3Shs. IUss tCanerrar, at 869- aSffi. I npan at) !£38) a. nn. ferr all booths, "ssdfe ifie idia s*sdfe» Auction under gBJSimnstiSm a SE^E hegiraiing- st 3 31. nn. siiaiini TJte cafeteria •wsffl IBJBH an HE ai rm.. serving: hot «ta^^ coronas. Mnxt& Snyder's arnenraOafl cdarrD annTOdferr will be •SETKEA £5 isuaf; as well as sold to l a t e cnnmE. Baked) gpads vrali be saH an tfcte SrunatferiaE Building ira. Jfearc: and! George Wns TJmsrrrh' n.anth- will open ' n^^, ,„^, t^™ 14™ ___!„ ter "hornP sr 'W^ Ptm. Hill Drive I ^ " ^ . S , ^ ? S ^ in Guilcteiikntf a. %3fl aan. on I L m S «snmg to !SfednesdB> SHir H7. for a second coffep iuJUT 3' •ilarrmns tu at- ' •tend, pleas? ccall "mis noaby. at I *''*:t,™ .^H ^ It; looks? as- thougb -fee mrnnrfl put o^sr iEa- e a r l y aSssraeaanSHB- mEKStdar- ds^strophy teetetlisn ^ 1 H ^^^^^i^ e a « n Srto V mm » pete in atmrag iissss, .^siimfag: teattst. wincbr nested afara-a StIZ,- L^ ^ ^ ^ w^^tte heto 'of ladders with IM ^gfes ^ «^ , __ ladfamF IBii^iwtBEfe Cbmfto, jou other cmrtess TEfenasa TJ. tBee Btnaaates maw ptece tte 1^2 ^ J J te ,5^^ to . a m 6 & around fightmg. &gyg,at arDHud H2&0BB for * e ^ artt g ^ Battth , ta bQotb or Paa-tinipatrng anils ns^y U^gffii WHCSff:- coverage sectum bat the cheeking in a t H a_ an. Setr ttee asjmai. aasneunt will not be known parade and -those p^i'lipj^iinrg tin uwfciL ffssr bowrl coiitifljHtiQrts aire the eontests, wbia airn^^arffc. tallied: and: ail pledges reEersEtL fbOow, will tie piarafl axESt. Tfte* WKea the 20-hour sti-ow went parade TCIB get i n f e r ^se^y st I13SC' off) ttte aar earij' Mmidag- nrgSrt p. m. from the SreriBBse'isin'BBanSa .®SS^r had been pledged «sfe street. hfafew<aat SJ^SSB and SBalB^ •R^rn^sirmwrta will jctat'ttr^l tsc>' E^sssdr itr the statioH's fish tooroL. marcbexs upon their susra EEo tite- TEerer_were tnree other fish bosssfe. t?H''-i r ifjf; a nrsssiEEtvr tfie varied anraarm Stenss. The matte Elephant: booth is -ftgmrv W^jing wiriri items- A too ^1'inraus ttii rnentHmv both: old: and a^ar msvi.. A speeia£ Sports- tawrih fhs BBBKII addedi due to SiffiCTng a g«id5 stirjgig of ice skates, ajHttte, ajHrtgiins: gparr, ete. _ , J&nflfcin i t e m s tu he disposed of JBEfeftfag. one in Amsterrteni. hos?- , a y m a a & wanted: mixture of o l d w _^ __ a ^—te-daE '-"sres; ttiat had not been ennrasfl .anfl nttet, Srurt yawer mowers to requested* to -spiv in- :s3t7-33 too '* -^&nday nigrtt. jjire ^rn^ffias. femrc st. spindle crib allow for nfamiiw T^tegv ar« JB- W ttle ^^ af ^^ 1S71 appeal T; £J Aftmcs sra; Lawn cefreshments "" ' rbS' local tote board "^'""'-"""^' iahtattr S8?7;O§0: a? vited to hrrog -tjuuiusasrt «sr tjjSEi r ° s ' 3HTP lil^- cluded in the in-vitaliiran. TCnsre ^vdll HK rsvn coffee par- •fies in -rbp IWhrar tr»a. One is ! car _j_„ n p »- scfaeduied fm -f i.m.. Wednesdav. Vf 0QBSV W iiHBIpaEE Sept. IS-JSXtrhr ttunra of 3Bs. -4n- | v ^ " " dree Marr. 'JS^S-nirrtpnwoad' R±. :.Btenrnont. BS55XF' TI. 3fis. Barbai-a ) •:Cipriani .at -SI9^jai«-. Tfie seeona ' one will isr ftaitb at rrre Bferhiebem ! S^riblir liibrar> wr 153: Delaware was- in the fish bowi; and EHBaSiteF- SI5;O.@0 (not iBetaded io: ife 1 itdttial pledges' carrtrabtEted. Ssx it appears that 15S.GS. wh&ebl- c a r r i e s the naaionail ^Jerry Qesars.- t e t e t h o n for ftmds to nelp rbSE ffglrlr against masrajfer dys- T arTTO-hnrg of a TKsssKst. 'affi- tTDpby-, may set a record *ratfa media raformalaon ra,wiij.-i:wj;»i IXS ^ trfac yearfs- effort. behalf of Woods? OreL rtise ns&i . -According to reports Monday avenue a '?>::«- tm. •m Tuesday.» ^.g Hew tjat^-ggaiisn snroiMR-'™§*fc pledges across the narkm mental poltatiEtn, lis i^en ignanttjij] uaaaiaMiEted t o S 5 ^ mrlfaiaiL annotmcrf by tne S^tiisiSt 3feiraEee, a n . . . p- ^JJ- U.S. DenartrtEem af .^^rdMSmKH f | S [ { 0 ! ^ MMlffl VSl 5tr& Aldisa Batryatting I Sept 14 ERfsyro ti •:CuneIl st «J4-7^S, swill iw a-vaUrfiitt. 5Sis Euth .a-nnsarr of I45T IWestern a-venut. .aibaaj? will be hostess for r ftV itr& ociffES h o u r at ' S pan on Trunsfev, Sept. 14 SSXT to TEha. .nub.-- B a n k at 4S9- 3B2S. and tne P n h E c S e r s a i e Dcaroffj.l. aa non-profit Hrganizati)oii tiSiicb COP*-| 1 n-cTififitps uTTi-n'l!^ oil ~tte VW>3 Ovsd program. StsefiffiisDf S&s Mary A. Hef&rar astd :er: Eleasior. of "^^estmHEe., ~ , - , , j aare er^ertaTnrnH. Mr. and Mrs. ^^t^^ (> - **%J^!!£L aB HSErnastEt Eang|iorst and dangnter. sight sinee isss ,isttDsSM:p-| tion in Septernfen- 3S71. usaffl fcfe?- eorne eutaa m u r e -vsiSte ' lld'wugjj: the faH mantJas. workitiy ass SB. ccffiR- starjl rerninder for EMKhsm asssM adnits to "Gis?e a •bust' ISmutt pjsfi- Inte, Tfotw^Tl Tsagfr, 'pisjsiataiit 'iff litee Sersioe Dtausidl. Tte IHimfiaA murrnng: movie program Iirr ainoits- at the Gtul- dsitenfl Strep iiiiroaEy vwrTL on Miraa^;. 5^K EC. at 10:30. _ , _ a. -m. with 'Steti (ffiinjK Year of S ? b ^. ^ ,._ , . „ . ^ . ^ •the Gun.- an *samnatioir of mod-1 Woodsy has wns sip «sfc TBH^ •ern China. .OTEmally* presented on TOE£ 5 S t^ 4 ^ m t -gregrywig cmr TV. The aiirn dissnissas Gmnesel P ™ ^ 1 ^^ hs ^ p ' efean ^ :) ,!!5S:^ea:, - educatinn. 'HrraHfl fnrnasj agricul-| vjmuuuait ^^ t u r a l -Tffrfflkms; arnfi a t n n r k r c a p a - l T h ^ s ^ te _*S5?^ "^^^ :bifities. 01 i s aa nrriburg: analysts' cmrtiinied, ma varffi^ xS p ^ ^ of a dBs*npinE nation-, Snv r e - i ^ H ^ f . f e E i a E ^™^P*^ :t ^^ «^ » & Sopme •tirefl TffiastmB irr saniirr citizens in dlstrrtaunad to -m _,. _ _ JJU>ar lar 11ICII ^^^ ^ w „,,„-,,.,„ t h e t o w n «w8n. '.wnilffl l i k e to at- zmes a^ ti3E t ^ Gaa ' ESt ""ff 8 ^:.^ ™^ * » LasrgbrarstSv Efc lang- tend but Har& rtsrH^mrtattorf are ! weil ^ sacis i* 313 ^ ^_ .. „ _ asked to >Eall ttte nrhnarjy at 4SG*- s<rins, coloring sheete. ; f e ^ s . raar 3800 •©n TDtosfiBK. SSsptt I E a t 10 a. tn.. •Use ifiinany. wr&i Hald. a s t o r y t e l l i n g ^wmii!=jh^p fnrr the? vol- xarrteHr -reafans art nrasoikial' story h o u r arnfi ffrir nitrsaaasr sst&oal: teach- ers in -fte ftnvm Off am? r e a d r a s orl CTCornior. ^F&p xsmsoa, gtoxs&Sc teaGheiB thaw miri naaejpam arr irr- wrfeafkm. trfereap nadl! tftep libriary. aSeg^tBafron ftnr uuasiiitoaL stury hour is Tirtw taiiig; takerr a* tfie II- h r a r y . TEhe .Hfuftt nsa^erflscd*: cnllee- i i n n aflrlfflB trr> rfte HfiEanyi'ss servicss- last 3aatuHriy has rraraesB ssx> popu- IBT ffiiHt -aa tirow acillteitirari off jto«- TOH? p^asrhHCMH: Has HsHir added Sar W1L BSapartisajBs; arg- no\v HVHtlanfe tto fiw HtanoawadJ Hy» young; JKOjflE. T h e ailnsa^y is aocoamSf plaar- mail' pharos and •&sexi 39 Woodsy Owl -isroaHESs. Hscdio amtumnitiUiiiiiiK' xsn WfeatB- sy's behalf nacv« bean nseaar&eB fife. such noted psrSimaeas BS Hasrca Gresne, iSErel : Brna^tt OSamai Fatmsr, iBcn tLitflte. saaS riffssn tfia I.one JJangers ' new song, "The BaTfeH iff W#xz5&g$' 0^1" wtH be -reteas^ ^sfearfiy Jfe SH3ST Eficords. are being- ffislxibatea tto tstmi^ rarflD srarfan in fhe 'I&dfeaSSij^iss. W o o d s y f i r s t anHescBsfi ISaSt £8311. in ratorfal pustens -iSffli weeH' -visible in- all «f ihe sasnittr^ss US nathmai fnnssts. Bis aassst a5B35?6i- cious- p e r s t m a l anpsaESffiseB T*O dS4fe •wan- i n -fee Iauiea*Sew "Seafers^j- •ning -te g m s r a n s ; firrr !£&&•, andijTourrtarnBnt cff asss gBaBafie m OTodlfl •WEelHimE' anyv sstgg^srlbnsp;Basadena. QdSL. when l i s m f e a s t r a m tnwrr^pEmlB? fhir taEP tsps of .float jortifly ^;aHScaE^ %• fits, jjrogEarns arnfl s tDEQir v«3uffffK*rBt; Sierxir* Coasea jatfl tife Ife TEte9ttuBwwuIffla&r-.arnn»- r KatrEe Sons, and 33aj^fe2is oi^mnmB T&pie;, l^^ar - a r g Sgril-, .taate arjj ikstbrs. >ifT uamment tm •fhe -many rttaw sarasmas Begnrr irr •fiffi -past gastr. Sribscr&E ttn trte Mratramft E3i— (fflffrefife of- GeMenbeck neHr Xinh- hsekeFasid: KBtoden, West Germany. Tfie® aiH visiting for four -week tetdd vaHE: be returning lu:»rte Sept.' jEffi E0t>xaj E e r m e d y AtrporL j Sfisi Heffrxei^s mslhEn, Mrs.. pfredEfeSJekeHr; of Albany, is .visit- Jmp; hcesr and: is- interptEHa^ M— jffredfe EangfeiXEst understeiids and, pi5aafe«SE>me' English. 1 Tfie EaaigiraEste are impressed gv> th& beauty of Atnerka. 13-' medBr and: EHe^nor took a imp tr>. J?fe^ YSric drrring their styy- S&s* Eriede Stekerrr i s t h e s s - [Triis:- is- their first trip "to .femerdna Hwtsti is? 70 years old and Sfes. 'jnaaigbteEst- is=. 79- years old. MTS., son;. XJJarnei, mtt^ hrR- 6. EEHeBv a n d - t h e i r SBH, Enhhy,' to vfeit; Mir and-ISEra. 33an- : ifrteET e r r t e r t a i n e d : fhe liang-i vETtlt d h m e r " and afflrlMetn. ia£e=- G e o r g e 1 and rajospsra: 3SEQUTJ- ffrxmrr G a n s e v o n r t . Mrs. Sef- iss bBcsffier; GtiiaiHi : verinh as drnetrr natty at Ihwir 1 3ams fnr, CRfUfarn:. The HeTtrmai H Mrss Brieda: StEfkenr 'vislteul -sistte-and: fanah/ last jsear nn trfeSr Ejuxopeajr ttapi ' JSeaifebESr of. the-Haffinsan Bat- iteEliitififrwiH naeefing-.at '&SE hnrne bff TSSSm. EL Gi CaTameH Sept, IB w l£23K.i ps m v WIBI mHESferg at! Itt p>> mc Bring: summer Bnns, afeo jeaaxn SSI HSss. Hby ISaeSSry iis tfie Golden "West. -fweda Glass? Assorred- tar "SBssST' N t r r a e r o u s ;eorj30Krtijcn35 liiinei^}- 'out -fte TJS. are zpm^SSs&g WSKKS- .sv Osvl mfb -ffctattefal sasgpa* dSaffitsd£ to enjoy a snaeess vmn- Ihrotrgfi eontrSbaiitms. IThe rss?4 igaaidfe-tte-Ms?qarapalxiat te'.Saresr. tion's new eaaiogj' -3ij?narfil segEEb ffceepjttEveHtsioiH, Srnokey SEHE. ssall te awauable; mrrsidfe. TEbe ^fe=asrHe:- hantli will be hPFTRfffl wafb the season's best u s j a k iJSHft? wOM be? giadt to receive aS 2^s& fisur and: uegjetahle dona- Taars jjp tt> amfi Lmrkidrrtg: S a t u r - 'HHyL Ss an trie? Biulfrout fbr booths •tfFTf wing tnjsss. .ganieat records, hsrils. gMtrarH 1 Ssanesi .jewelry and irf?mffiif'-^gte. Tfie? kids will be fesa ttu tfie- Sjsfsteryr Gift box .and :fe BafllHirc andi rmvelty man. XiHik Srrr amnrfui Sowers and giknffis ortrfwrr tfre cedi tienfyed jHEtrama? uttECuxt nrjaceedirrg to the •San s&nm arr the: aafeteniav PPr=?im. CDitfbrrg: off a l l sorts and snag is 'rfBasdl. so come? find a Sit. M aumttlling: has? a hole and a^BdB m nnHnfi. snnnt ovserr to W o - •riiei.fe ffiHrdkrEafi! fbrr s o m e p a t c h - -ssnfi'jatrfiasE. 3t s Irormfi ttr Be 1 real fun •iSsy ainraE- II ^notam gusn Class; Stephen J. sRittUitta. ssim aff SHr and5 Mrs John TCT. aSKfttte off •S SfterwoodJ Forest HlHHfL ^feSrneEBv. has- been recog- u r z e n ffnr ftefinirg: fids. S t r a t e g i c Ahr iGnrmHHnn (SSfiT) 1 wing: earrr the T-5. J& means- Qutstartdirig Unit J&scHrrL Jeamnari Bfesittaj is a rrrissile sys- \ktxm agBgnflstt wittfi the 351st S t a s S s s i r ffissattp ^Sffirg: afe White- TnHB ^gffi. Sho. Tnerwtrrg: received *he SBWHSH f&ar extrepfcltmallyr meri- ttHjiinus sserofirH? Bsmr J t t % 196& 'flrrnugb Ohnff tSCEL. TBhB SEk4rt was; aired: finr overall irrdsBinn pmffnananoe andi effec- iQ.uai«ss drrring; tne troo-year aasssrfl ucniiidL The whig: was XHBragrmaa Sin- W> yescss of acci- 'fltftftSffla? oQaBatfhnsi. Snr winning ^iusp IhrmmE as the? nestt missile wvarii; nn SSGZ ffxrr ISBoi. feir car/- tmnngtnguiwatwB Kunicfiard; Tiro^ jiirry on tfie tSBE SEssflfe Combat xmnrpaafinri amfi firrr sstiHErhg; high «3B UBWBMBnndl t a a d r h e s s ; inspee- fnms. ^ t e TOdl W^EIT aa mstfrmtive ser- wiEE amflnm as; 33 permanent dkes- trHtkm to tmrrfe Bfe affflfetibn. witfr fhe "irtSt ^bmam ffaHatte attended: the State? gaiflAaaaf^- off Efewr 'SEbrfe at jSXHiHny. HUGE STORM WASHOUT REPASRED — T t e feavy ^lumiia iff ssaitfssf we^ts. ago iSii crmairter- able damage to highways asad oSher prasfes^ in Sis SOVSTEIS as? aiiittfaiitaitfc, (9s«i ScndtSand ^nd 32fe- lehem. Small drainage creeks became raging tsrasnis. "Hite SSMD fphritas. prnnteal b^ae. sanjai a s ex- ample of the storm damage. JJPPER PHOTO sfesws an^tauft crif auiUe*. mr. rSoranan^tilJ 'SasA. near Voorheesville. The scerae is osaiy a stejrt ^sSatns Imm SxutE t^ v 3^& Fasn- SEosdj. Ths niii culvert was replaced by a giant metal eaaisaert, SB feet h r n s , 88 ffefSt ivicns., ant afe^tS incfes binti weighing' nine tons. After concrete a&istaiSHte «*ffi.rs teifl, 3teauli«3*t«sas.^^BnMBiiin |jSars»iS5j^ 2,300 bolts. Work at first was delayed tsEtSS omraftrenrftan aitcttaiikite amdffl tte deilwsESi. Ira l_£3SaS3 PHOTO, Foreman Charles Arealairao of tfas County tinjhw^y rttrt)^rt;Uubaili nainis: onfe -S&e deaied ars3 and water direction flow, to Wesley Seabmrg. Ftlfiias, *{acfe4rrflnj"rraj arnii aJ^aiiittt; nn ^aralri psrsint opening of the roadfaythe tarns tiiss paper reanhes its rsHrfens. ;:Ftta±Da by E_ K. ISSKIZBIII: j ii"n -niu::s ». l-i.tr. I'nsttir :x>: car- \.uuvv: .1 it Madeleine titaiaa- Saw' -'amai. lioafl. 1 iatl-. Cgrtenc as kBxn»imt.-('n ' h a t :.fw» ajnniai mas-ass :esuvai wdi open- |S23g£si Hftdagry. .i£ ti ,ind cnn- iwti* cnifci .li .^. rat. Tomorrow : ifce fecEiEs taei- Z. is. nn until rartd^ . ssai £33c -Scartay:. X p. trt. until' 11 Tas- iDoiSis^ inrtij: tny uowtft <-hatr- i.njEi ,ai» ,j± iu.i>»Hi. I'iutalx .ixu- i.raali -Lsri fetintKitii: . .uie'j, r Batj3t Sa^nt*, .atcnie ljuciittt, "BesiF- Fv-n,t,t:. 'ujopla. William ! SflryEoasKii ^tass. !jalace, Mrs. . ASSESS. USafernoi .jarit. .Mrs_ T h o r a - as Saanaax ^jrfe. dact, QTfare TWssfiSs Il^ssr;. U6ujr, Michael v " 0 T-*t.-'-- r- arr^. "tirr-- "tmil\ '"'- : <~!'- - i • ...titmrv . .: stu .SE:'. ljj!.'.,:.v,.irr. .ucitj- t.ttii'4 -.-';_. - ':: ! J - i " l . t . I»KC ' ''S.-.. V;_iii '-„~z-...>. uiit-rt-ar arirnf, . isi Qranio.. tart. ••lathy. FurdDii-; 'iackj s e ^ a . 'JEH. Bttdiwa;,. Sr.; 4 Bsfcn^; .imiHiL Sesnard. McGirm ! IsrEfi;. jjidt. isb: Mjothv Ernven- T h e -fe^rjit>rgftitr nfc" trrisj f^nr-pagked , evia i-fcbfc^pwim,. jjmz&. u£. SLOOO, ^asL Tji. ,e±i&-E. .>£ ;his. winning. •rrnfep- •srii"-«' L-wraarriEriVSJ0f>' <^ash. Th? seeadr; irsrzE-- is> aaa? TSH-neh. 1 raiar effisTSHMff. set: A&, piMrtable haesassfBi. -.at uiaEis aurfe whit&> uHI u: aaiMii >.-aE0i . u g h t . Tile ' srl?r^ •** "Hi?- - s n s t ' ' t c k e t s T-viFT be ®5Esrsieri <S|i0i '-aaht aadr a;- bonus tof ^> <siil:')8fiTEidr:ft&E;the t next" 10 'ihtgjt -SEtffiSi aaanere Vu>ttis f . J4-. :JS naasrssar. tfi:"-rHSispBeia4 project. Tfe* fwrr'TOirrr tndBr the ' - hiair- J-sssHKhir, *.: Tfvna-. Garpertter; Jr:.. f "Wra cttizr X7 B§?rHpe- tnd- , Vfrs. Pat- 'Tis-t V«ntsf 'rr 'wril f ea*ttre IrfriTaw ingmarc EJJC TEfnoner- saaasfcwietaes * 1 SH*j) - i m a « * t t SSElEec taxt' dDgS, f'harsnnEssss nazzas- vorthr t©matops LESS nsesBf- istdr'uzza fnt' aaid' soft .^t^.^*^^ siEB3ro'£fee!L- j -Sswssssss .isep rmost- welcorae at ftfee Csssry;. Sfflia amdc. Wfttte Ele- iragti- foaciar. ITEH bjr- iBss. HiEhard /iSfer ignriri ^l£ss Uain»rc1i- HtEHger- j-sbsfflr. add ^ w s . - will b.6- given A ®aaal >ic -iS" PBESBHSJ. in the T$ffrs%& ^g^Maa»-<£T:fe; S a l f i ilea-ith E^jariEEHir' v ra?^- rpceived. perma- fajErn ijessessasr -nirsmg. hfeiine ad- hEaasusttBss ffeL&jwiragL escaraina- ttaaas fssdaEredddtErong. the Sprnrg, ttSr Bafes S Lb^rataam;. .State ImaiWih -ossnmsssxssp: aEmounced; ' T*3S? «ss5 "bEt foctEtn! licensure ^,si;.inaTBMi wg?va- ixy. tbe depart- \-marr iss "snnaiedc: by the State J^aap "Semite LLBW. A total of SI passa^'otiikr tins.- o-xainarnation i a t T77T»r. SEE: -ea£eas5-tFiaroujdiout the i-sas. iiK "teas rnsasEter ."T2& sabse- S'SfSHsSj--isFFK-itceasedv Tfas raises }V' liSBf' 'fet 'nwni*r of inrii'vid- iaafe psrEOffiBntty. 'fcensed- -is inrs- ( TOE: tesas-- £fa3MEristratr>rs by "Vp^ Yor« -saaK K^f^V-' F ti" ^0- 'ECPnsPS ^Vf»rr i^- | SSMS A&aaiy <»UiH»y resident-. 'Tag? are i £23^4; Ai .ybfiataarfer; .TT-fi "WoaSiate'fSiaac. Sot. Albany 1220?.; «r 3JOF«IW ,7 faai- ^aitoLt. 121 .S«> jgszanasr; Swt. .Ubasy 1 2_UOK , ; asEaeel & Sasei 14S- Vam Hens- J5iEk.: F e r r e r s - oarec-wr « tBe :s ^ 2E _- 2 j Tti _ -^^earads., 12204: Ger- ahafe 5 : errara Daras Stamo. a&- . g^j A -^,Ssmisim.- 19S Westehester nuunffis- tta. osenms at ra? Atea- ; Throe.-Su. leifeDaEr 12053* Kather- "; ! rmrrrc atadm. jnse E. :iwnmni. 11 StonebenEe The Guilderiand Historical sv I B e c a t ^ ffenasaisas -of ararrifearail 3fe 5%rraiTi will '•** j*-\ i m: M- ; lass. AfefflK? 122DS: L,inwor»d' ciety will open its fall program dsa^is at Uams conM '.bass .i^sr. fbmran: Bernp-Knc^;. < ^iT^T-land > Gaiearaa 'S?-»aa3HSi-nnve'. Loudon- with a meeting Thursday. Sept. 21. avoided wife a feasic TBTrfeasiSairS- ^«w Sdem. Vocrhpesvillp. 3Bd;^g -32211 raagnrnonde'm. Jeffe-r- at 7:30 p. m. at the FarmssTOsntlhi ing of Fsrst &M. the Stbaiw ^SSB sunrrninuirnr ar!=as. isac 3. Cssssirass GHste Drive; Guii- Middle schooL GuOderland Town Osapier itefi Cntss s again -jarc- Tne studio :jian? n. V- EE ftdi j slsriaiia '1S8S4 Atefe O.- r^nrti Historical Arthur B. Gregg of Al- ductfeg ftee nrst .aifi ,riUw»w< »vinE.'JUT nr naor-' *>n. i_ ~rai viM | 4 7 - 1 W»si3S&tef FJ&adc No; Albaaiy tamont will speak on the "Amitti- t t a w n ^ m u i the -«sar. Hap oom'enieirriv locared rr Alls- 1 122S3 ©effls?* EE .'VSayers, Jr., Rent Wars" which took place in- xtefe^csoairse n e s i r s ^ S ^ h a s - ™ H n r nn ^ipk Av>. - -a~>rm .i^ana S * EBjaste Deknaar 12054; the mid 1800's. ' day SepL 13 a t 7 ^Taa. at cfto «PHTfem 'if the Mtzmtmt Free .grmeng-; a ^ t o r »• HiKW«Ute The October meeting wiU featare . CSiapler House on laatfem Sruite- Hdteary -. . .iTkrce. asE^rraaadn 12084; Sr. M "Currier and Ives," Chroniclers varf. Eadb 6 -tsssak c a m a ss rae- of An Age," presented by David . psaled itovagboat "tne gcsar. Thurheimer, historian, of the Of-1 5^^ ^^ iHstmetinn ; shn'Rs taw. fice of State History. \ to ^^p tteedmg. tEEat fhunss. Until a permanent home is found j 3^^ sss ^ pnsoBing, =gsve tmnufb- for the society it will opwtaaw to« IOHaBM(U , jssusatHlion, Hnd «mfis- meet monthly on the third Tfamrs- H , dffBag;i]n , to open wfflm& 33^3 day of each month at the Faras- 1 j ^ ^ fractnr ^_ worth Middle school unless otfeer- wire stated. Watch this news-j paper for notices. Guilderiand ffistory R-C Cocdfid i f « inriBaiE&fefi}ToQgm Unit Meets Sept. 2! First K7iiiwi[jTitBg ads pay—try than. I BelffircisflKFr 'QSasrasadc ''>21 .South ; ^?HV.'I..K. ffijdo. .Ubaay.. 12208; •as -SD The society presents to Sfcte call tihe calendar featuring historic photos, . . __. ., „j_u^ old and new,, of Guilderiand. The} appHyng ^ * ^ ^ ^all& calendars are available at Use Guilderiand Gift House, Western Ave., Guilderiand, or contacJ Fred! B, Abele, 27 Warren St, Mc- Kownville. Get yours now wMSe the supply lasts. Residents and non-residents alike of the town are invited to join- the Guilderiand Historical so- ciety. Help gather and preserve the history of the town, ite arti-* facts and old historic feuMnigs. Won't you come and join the so- ciety? " .Vri-«vrr Ei'^^rj'ri-r-^ ^nl»~tf*riiw«T-. apt' 'xritw n^wierP urt Red Onss l%St JSifl >enrcssp „ ,. ,, ,- . r , 1 M 1 esHTcis^ and "tesftariki; tu iin«t-«+f^;!rP •'•Hltiuaiilir ' ?- > r?'~> j <f-p««i!*\ . T8If"iSoliS-b(wlt icoiim' J5"ii B 3 r 2 f . S S T f S E .«..««« .-- * T W «»fr far. ^ ' l i ^ l «nr l e ^ l - community a 1973 all-GuUdeilaed | Pf>^* a toattgh .ur^mdrrng ( Twfflers Plan Fin mewranoxmuj^Scfcmiii. 3&a& fe GZESDISMII! wall Be jflEEEEasi ansfl aBBEaaifete-- snowing 3 a m fthHir g r s a t i nessc- aeSfeetion:. of Ukfflfirg <rotH SfeHifeiVHa*: Einhfe arse {tnero eEKemhgSi too*— The Helderberg Twirlers West- ern Square Dance Club invites a!i married couples to join with than in a fun night of relaxing pleasum? at the Westmere EJemenSaiy school on Johnston Bd^ off RSe. 20 v Sept. 11 at 8 p. m. *Oie_caHer will be New ©aglaisd's singHinig caller, Hed Bates. Forftrrther infonnatinB coiatactt Anita arid Joe Dab, Feura Bsash. 439^2307; Bev and E a r l Mc3ffiMem, D* 2, Voorheesvffle, 765-28^; Alberta and DOB Perouiky, 2243 Hosendale Rd., Schenectady; Msaiy and: fibb- Kelley, 8 Shady Lane, M- Ban& 489-6462. t Enterprise Ms pay—try SJaesEQ. ctn Wiwffi'sinc'p W-»r!«J W a r H. a»ii 1!*"!*' j-rB!>'-4sfn at"present % " ^ ^ " X S l r S i «* «*toir -ifHiitr -, Ail of V.H.tow-tad;tiMr tmt lone Cros <SS2-T4Sl or Ts?alk in Srrr trhr at3i». rai w»or t«ii'y 1 «n"'"b7is»^- 0." i«M.9t- .suel": uth^r urticrt*" TMsstj&w mtt 1 ?" and in Wiitii tkt» n»|j**a$**« 1 rufT?«- i; »-f tfitf wuftl of ww-nriaf anil all wtiwr iisttwrifilS-rcswl in imr tkiwiiHtw-., w*» fijn! it i«(«an tu -ststt»- ritef rti«* fi*Howing TheMwtaayfflggicE3'.CBdb'rgm-•xnRmmytinn. ni»«-t- will \w m t«ffw°t sM.fv^nFOBEH.'K.lHd: foamy will ojiss! -fite new.'s^san '.with a csHscert art tfee IrsBinte -rff ffis?- tnirv asid Art. Moiifls^y. SsjfL : S . art : _ . 55 p. ni. Ticfests are asHdkrnb? att '$»»«>% tflffies moflili^ -alrili. Aimiiiii. ^iJ3wprii*ti««>- Siw)l* JJ«I ,\«affj;, .-ij: months Tte first i n a nsnnfiijy ;SHribs. ^ a i t r j i * «?«»$>»»*- in in*r.>r««-Bii- auil .flim- - 11) cp-nth (;ui tfae program -niD jEssertt sHTrst -_ , . 1 , „ _. , K a S T t o ^dfo&rirnHejtt. 'HHO!»«Ke tMT t i l * 1«^~*'TT1 ). rite Ttamias. rasfist, arm Jfean SafWnpfJoii- ns.-sv »«• rdw'vr*'*! sri ii«» >»jt«t iTt1> <*T f4.00 Fran&s, pnaiaist vsiH '-team tr. rphs- imi ^ | j (OKmfw-T 1-4- Ma.ximani a! iii4MT*«« - \lv(i vt-ttrs fcsy Moesrt- • E W'^fFAiyr - Wli**n tafehaff-'aihrsnttss^-trt- 1 tne> lt>TP2:mir«- Amn^aa^ar^iteB^«mrsjTOJ! (iffi , IT _ pfijLSiSE ern» E> the gX'ACTT unantii, TCM&K vo«r anaatmpaalBa tg - ieSnl|y MH'carrgart:' . . . tfe? psiMi, ^sil siagspirgs shy IQn-'!ffEfRHfUt; s B B w - n p t i O B ^spiw^. pair anS Ofcsdnxs. j Bfeanda-Sffifaa, ^ariist, --raHI gsa^ TRIH if««**H> »»f t h f EiitFrjariiR' isijw*• tt* lieB-p yaw wnt'h S™*-^ ^ Ba ?* Smafe ^^ 3ffi <JB». ini tdm- v»8ii». to emu*., fe ffe-. •mRntintev. ww "steil «f. A ffee^ifism vsM SfiBsm ~m aE,,.&aim!c t<» itssnteuB* ~^»»»iiiis *ssi* si .wurti'HOTMifr tffiVttrhfmp-p-r mmm, -ID -wriMfa as *ai;, to TOIH!tfwri - ww fe_ Wp tiiasii aB «f\TOTtf6Drr\Tmrfrh»nd- 1 feOT*wsfifl T raEtiHnm p»4 yp'sr?.. taBtl'l»p^-ff»Fr;^RtsHtirrciaTi(L , « ^"^y' siennas W^ffi^^a." " li «ti ttllai feieodrfiin JHHI enaisefatiaB-iB f Mef->t%tt!iH?t ma IP PJM

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Page 1: H3£3 - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031267/1972-09-08/ed-1/seq-1.… · >ft3HHKtnmraeiairt week;-OHfiffffiEf^y wmm POST jEEffiJHrx-^x H3£3 S t 'Sif



TJ3re aSriSB-^reats Jfe ajUtang-;

S r o m 3 D aammunit iess ijjti» >ft3HHKtnmraeiairt w e e k ; -

OHfiffffiEf^y wmm POST

jEEffiJHrx-^x H3£3

St 'Sift og? BriSssetSBrcs npeafca: '..the v p f e s c§? ai i iect i i i«g^ In-


;EaEfie!XoniKi;;10 cemti SEPTEMBER 8,1972 iwiwas® jUsLUVIWHteaE

S I H E S ars? msecmg, ejHnpIfittan? l o r S t e irrrnuiE EordTa Acre- s a l e iai file E t a s E&fijrmsi; efiiirqlr o n Sasar&j ju Segtt . HB. ME. Jtawfcfics as&U agrai a& SB aftdbsE*, EJa^ttBtng: J h a m E m ^ staked3, '.roads, fancy VJOEE ctiinH 1y tire Ladies . Aid; hats , , | :

; b a i g s ;ews£ri'„ sltues, packet--baifls- msS l a m e s , Mi types of

1-ctattmjg Ssmt blouses a n d dresses, wo s h u n s amfl n a n t a IE yauj,canffcji "Bffl % Qnifenr; a c a dress- tbaft ;

t t e f e s soour egiej J«JU? m a y t r y i'fc; van ansifip tQE> ctfrfirerfr baEL

T H T jngantr wha w a n t s : a. quick" ihrnnh. t t p Bratfc Feitawshig: wilt! 'rrfU h i t fins uirf soda outside 'S^rrr -raise .wfiu prefer to s i t down. 'HUB1 IJBXT t tot lunch — hot t u r - . ' f e y <KHn&vBnSss? witfi: calk slaw-jamfl <TT¥fnitBfnng sauce, o r cold; tar-

in- rnarc " s n d r o i c t a s a r e avail' ts&fie 3 D t&s? Qfiurcflr h a i l — a4so< jitrmnTiTnate' pie; anrr ctHfEaet.

"Thr train iiictjtin will start a t If i rum siiii—). Donat ions for t h r HUJHiflT intf buuths a re still t iemr asa»inni. J a i l Marshall S t rwnjn fT2^1flffi». .ir Geo. Gaige. • S S - 3 i i m S i r pickup service.

SJtffkE? rm Coup le s fftift m e m -'iaHss — tQstsa? mxBl tie a. desse r t a n d rrfffep TrnffftTBr t h i s S a t u r d a y eve- ' m t r s . &nt t S . aft Step cfhircfr ba l l , ' aft "iKSS. BQHD to atfendi a s final-jilHTfe 3nr t t e axiEtiun. s a l e will he dscn^ffifi

" S B f B S CEFF TRSE TTiJW^K*':— TSSSL s g n in Hfee rooMfea, s n FRaj&te 2 E itr. t n t e vrUagE. of" ffiaaasrfenii, jprcjciarrns ilidjj. S^iincfegi, Sfepfc. S i t , is. ftae date m She s m n j ^ l lixixSSfe Afere /Suetioir apjaasHTEai &y S I E ^HaTnittor 'Itriarr R*a^fcj^Brfsr cfhwch. Ful l ristaife a i s ^ D 'cte •feasaE fir t U i s issae of the EulbarjM'Bg. T h s »vBTe vilV t a v e rrrraT» at i ter fhrttwres fafisrttea i t e ancfena. TTite stgg( a t . tbe t ^ i . no±Es taie t imss 5w3tBn j au - r a t 3 1 Si citurcSr on Suni tey . At rigirl 5 a l a s t o t i i ^ : Etaa-kis-, which d a t e s fee EhnrcSfs aEEgrrrnrrma asx&k. ttu t i i e x e ^ 12^?:

Fall JU fe^;(» Sent 9 Area 151 I I S fa i : timi i g u n ,it the Wes-

lEEk) "RfinTTiwf ;hurr-h.' Came Tfofli. hinnj^^niwi- v«@stEEWe^ ' fflEBE, EOXQl- itll 'Iff: ^ t l i n f e g , Ssgt- j S, IS a -rn inriil <¥• ti. nn F tm for

Supper Sept 30 HEsasr a re j u s t a b s u l Gmnylstefl T h t ' m g j k s g p s . b e a r s i lent wi t -

UJB: ihs. a n n u a l s p ^ t i r t i t supper n e s i t Ota a y and. earning. 24th s®Knss£Ed. by S t . BES3n2£tet3B"s u a r - l a n n u a l ttorsHs A n g Auc t ion to b e

i IsHci. B t e n a to b e aeirl S e p t 3D a t fopffl <ai tft» ffianrBnnj Hniort P r e s -nmfe rrcffian BoxppK-=ffl Graaig& haB__m BErns . 3gssEiHnoihrcaiburnBoute 20, Guil-

5 ^ Z ? " ' k ^ ^ V W t t t SM- ? t^f- aJto^WSS^wrt^ "..BT^ISB! *£*?§••«? b e ^ D a n 5 t . 3 ^ « g , i f a i t e ? a . a g u n & B . . S e ^ t 9 , ' S a i n ^ ^ ^ ^ -,.. « - « m „ „ «fan h»fc« W n ^ m w y g ^ ^ ^ f e g . ®idd txeteefe m a y be p iKcbasea a t « • a n n a t e e s^nb i s expected: to

being: kwifad %• 'SSi'HjjHtB ffiiggiisi

^ a m t a "ti> r^St wnurr sfe?il, b a k e iatolE, CTHSBHD mann vvittt; k i t s of agsod s a t i n g tin SSDIEE' ferr %mi. Last, imt rain tfcast, dtitriti frirgftt t he aanfioTi s t a r t i n g att D p. rrr.

•jgF -. TsaiiL" ^or firm gA-m;

Conipariy 6 of SefesfcnHe t to ffree-' m a t i c s c o s t ^ and a gfrrafte '3&S1 & in t h e ^aB^^e of

T h e *>*a>irt B to at'TH-ivk tifee ing of *5re l^iEsaeisScm ^ ^ ^ & j Glenn B n s l c j . c±tifif af tar S i a i * ; b a r i e un i t a n B a n n e ^ . JAtwpe

<p v^irt'iwn p s r a d e itsas aferEasfJj "" SflEteHSDSPf m a H e f f ^ S 3 3 S f l tfe=fS

"SSie rTsgarrup url W?imern Voters. »rff Alhaxg? ujliunTEj vwil oidrf. m a a -Siersnip innSst ' ttuurs- dlirrmg the •week .off S B J U DI1 HrnspeEtiEe meniBHis isar inwrtHdi tn> a t tend 1rte xar^BB amsti OEur«e3rie3itiy l o ­ca t ed .

Tree •fnst 'ime wall! t a k e pJace a t -the irons? 'rff Whs Sr^rrnt. B a m e t t . 376 Alferqj-Siai'teTr Soadi Ikradon-^n1\p a 8£3b"arm nmHuessiai ' . Sept . 3 2 . T h o s e 'jaiteiding: a n e asked to j ca l l 3Shs. IUss tCanerrar, a t 869-aSffi. I

npan at) !£38) a . nn. ferr a l l booths, "ssdfe ifie idia s*sdfe» Auc t ion u n d e r gBJSimnstiSm a S E ^ E hegiraiing-s t 3 31. nn. siiaiini TJ te cafeteria •wsffl IBJBH an HE ai rm.. serving: ho t « t a ^ ^ coronas. Mnxt& Snyder ' s arnenraOafl cdarrD annTOdferr will b e •SETKEA £5 isuaf; a s we l l a s sold to l a t e cnnmE. Baked) g p a d s vrali be s a H an tfcte Srunatfer iaE Building

ira. Jfearc: and! George

Wns TJmsrrrh' n.anth- will open ' n^^, ,„^, t^™ 14™ _ _ _ ! „ ter "hornP sr 'W^ Ptm. Hill Dr ive I " ^ . S , ^ ? S ^ i n Guilcteiikntf a . %3fl aan . on I L m S « s n m g to !SfednesdB> SHir H7. for a second coffep iuJUT 3 ' •ilarrmns tu a t - ' •tend, p l e a s ? ccall " m i s noaby. a t I *''*:t,™ . ^ H

^ I t ; looks? as- thougb -fee mrnnrfl pu t o ^ s r iEa- e a r l y a S s s r a e a a n S H B - mEKStdar- ds^strophy teetetlisn ^ 1

H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ e a « n S r t o V m m »

pe t e in a tmrag i i s s ss , .^siimfag: teattst. wincbr nested afara-a S t IZ , - L ^ ^ ^ ^ w ^ ^ t t e heto 'of

l a d d e r s with I M ^ g f e s ^ « ^ , _ _ ladfamF I B i i ^ i w t B E f e Cbmfto, j o u o t h e r c m r t e s s TEfenasa TJ . tBee B t n a a a t e s maw ptece t t e 1 ^ 2 ^ J J te , 5 ^ ^ to. a m 6 & a r o u n d fightmg. & g y g , a t arDHud H2&0BB for * e ^ a r t t g ^ B a t t t h , ta b Q o t b o r

Paa-tinipatrng ani ls ns^y U^gffii WHCSff:- coverage sec tum ba t t h e cheeking in a t H a_ an . Setr t t ee asjmai. aasneunt will n o t be k n o w n p a r a d e and -those p^i ' l ip j^i inrg tin uwfciL ffssr bowrl coiitifljHtiQrts aire t h e eontests, w b i a a i rn^^a r f f c . tallied: and: a i l pledges reEersEtL fbOow, will t ie piarafl axESt. Tfte* W K e a t h e 20-hour sti-ow w e n t p a r a d e TCIB g e t i n f e r ^se^y s t I13SC' off) t t t e aar ea r i j ' Mmidag- nrgSrt p. m . from t h e SreriBBse'isin'BBanSa . ® S S ^ r h a d been p ledged « s f e s t r ee t . hfafew<aat SJ^SSB a n d S B a l B ^

•R^rn^sirmwrta will 1 » jctat'ttr^l tsc>' E^sssdr itr t h e statioH's fish tooroL. marcbexs upon their s u s r a EEo tite- TEerer_were t n r e e o t h e r fish bosssfe.

t?H''-irifjf; a nrsssiEEtvr a£ tfie va r i ed anraarm Stenss.

T h e m a t t e Elephant : booth i s -ftgmrv W ^ j i n g wiriri items-A too ^ 1 ' i n r a u s ttii rnentHmv both: old: a n d a^a r msvi.. A speeia£ Sports-tawrih fh s BBBKII a d d e d i due to SiffiCTng a g«id5 stirjgig o f i ce ska tes , ajHttte, ajHrtgiins: gparr, e t e .

_ , J&nflfcin i t e m s tu h e disposed of JBEfeftfag. one in Amsterrteni. hos?- , a y m a a & wanted: m i x t u r e of o l d

w _^ __ a ^—te-daE '-"sres; t t iat h a d not b e e n ennrasfl .anfl n t te t , Srur t yawer mowers to requested* to - s p i v in- : s 3 t 7 - 3 3 too ' * -^&nday nigrtt. j j i r e ^rn^ffias. femrc st. sp ind l e c r i b al low for nfami iw T^tegv a r « J B - W t t l e ^ ^ a f ^ ^ 1 S 7 1 a p p e a l T;£J Aftmcs sra; Lawn cef reshments

"" ' rbS' local t o t e board "^ ' " " ' - " " "^ ' i a h t a t t r S8?7;O§0: a?

vited to hrrog -tjuuiusasrt «sr tjjSEi r ° s ' 3HTP lil^-

c luded in the in-vitaliiran. TCnsre ^vdll HK rsvn coffee pa r -•fies in -rbp I W h r a r tr»a. One i s ! car _ j _ „ n T» p »-scfaeduied fm -f i.m.. Wednesdav . Vf 0 Q B S V W i i H B I p a E E S e p t . I S -JSX trhr ttunra of 3 B s . -4n- | v ^ " " d r e e M a r r . 'JS^S-nirrtpnwoad' R ± . :.Btenrnont. BS55XF' TI . 3fis . Barbai-a ) •:Cipriani .at -SI9^jai«-. Tfie seeona ' one wil l isr ftaitb a t rrre Bferhiebem ! S^riblir l i ibrar> wr 153: De l aware

was- in the fish bowi ; a n d EHBaSiteF- SI5;O.@0 (not iBetaded io: ife1 itdttial p ledges ' carrtrabtEted.

Ssx i t a p p e a r s t h a t 15S.GS. wh&ebl- c a r r i e s t he naaionail ^Jerry Qesars.- t e t e thon for f tmds t o ne lp rbSE ffglrlr aga ins t masrajfer dys-

T arTTO-hnrg of a TKsssKst. 'affi- tTDpby-, m a y se t a r eco rd *ratfa m e d i a raformalaon ra,wiij.-i:wj;»i IXS^ trfac yearfs- effort . behalf of Woods? OreL rtise ns&i . -According t o repor t s Monday a v e n u e a '?>::«- t m . •m Tuesday.» ^ . g H e w t j a t ^ - g g a i i s n snroiMR-'™§*fc pledges across t h e n a r k m m e n t a l poltatiEtn, l i s i ^ e n ignanttjij] uaaaiaMiEted to S 5 ^ mrlfaiaiL a n n o t m c r f by t n e S^tiisiSt 3feiraEee, a n . . . p - ^JJ-U.S. DenartrtEem af .^^rdMSmKH f | S [ { 0 ! ^ MMlffl VSl

5tr& Aldisa B a t r y a t t i n g I

S e p t 1 4 ERfsyro t i •:CuneIl st « J4 -7^S , swill iw a-vaUrfiitt.

5Sis E u t h .a-nnsarr of I45T IWestern a-venut. .aibaaj? will b e hos t e s s for rftV itr& ociffES hour a t

' S pan on Trunsfev, Sep t . 1 4 S S X T t o TEha. .nub.-- B a n k a t 4S9-3B2S.

a n d t n e P n h E c Se r sa i e Dcaroffj.l. aa non-profi t Hrganizati)oii tiSiicb COP*-| 1 n-cTififitps uTTi-n'l! oil ~tte VW>3 Ovsd program.


S & s M a r y A. Hef&rar astd :er: Eleasior. of "^^estmHEe.,

„ ~ , - , , j aare er^ertaTnrnH. Mr. a n d M r s . ^^t^^(>- **%J^!!£L a B HSErnastEt Eang | io rs t a n d dangn te r . sight s inee isss ,isttDsSM:p-|

tion in Septernfen- 3S71. usaffl fcfe?-eorne eutaa m u r e -vsiSte ' lld'wugjj: the faH mantJas. workitiy ass SB. ccffiR-starjl rerninder for EMKhsm asssM a d n i t s to "Gis?e a •bust' ISmutt pjsfi-Inte,

Tfotw^Tl Tsagfr, 'pisjsiataiit 'iff litee Sers ioe Dtausidl.

T t e IHimfiaA murrnng: movie p r o g r a m Iirr ainoits- a t t h e Gtul-ds i tenf l Strep iiiiroaEy vwrTL on M i r a a ^ ; . 5 ^ K EC. a t 10:30. _ , _ a. -m. w i t h 'Steti (ffiinjK Y e a r of S ? b ^ . ^ ,._ , . „ . ^ . ^ •the G u n . - an * s a m n a t i o i r of mod-1 Woodsy has wns sip « s f c TBH^ •ern China . .OTEmally* p resen ted on TOE£5S t ^ 4 ^ m t -gregrywig c m r T V . T h e aiirn dissnissas Gmnesel P ™ ^ 1 ^ ^ h s ^ p ' e f e a n ^ : ) • , ! ! 5 S : ^ e a : , -educa t inn . 'HrraHfl fnrnasj ag r i cu l - | v j m u u u a i t ^ ^ t u r a l -Tffrfflkms; arnfi atnnrkr capa - l T h ^ s ^ te_*S5?^ " ^ ^ ^ :bifities. 01 i s aa nrriburg: a n a l y s t s ' cmrtiinied, m a var f f i^ xS p ^ ^ of a dBs*np inE nation-, Snv r e - i H ^ f . ™ f e E i a E ^ ™ ^ P * ^ : t ^ ^ « ^ » & S o p m e •tirefl TffiastmB irr saniirr c i t izens in dlstrrtaunad t o -m _,. _ _ JJU>ar l a r 11 ICI I ^ ^ ^ ^ w „, ,„-, , . ,„ t h e t o w n «w8n. '.wnilffl l i k e to a t - z m e s a ^ t i 3 E t ^ G a a ' E S t " " f f 8 ^ : .^ ™ ^ * » LasrgbrarstSv E f c l a n g -t e n d b u t Har& rtsrH^mrtattorf a r e ! w e i l ^ sacis i*313^ ^ _ .. „ _ a s k e d t o >Eall t t t e nrhnarjy a t 4SG*- s<rins, coloring sheete . ; f e ^ s . raar 3800

•©n TDtosfiBK. SSsptt I E a t 10 a . tn . . •Use ifiinany. wr&i Hald. a s t o r y t e l l i n g ^wmii!=jh^p fnrr the? v o l -xarrteHr -reafans art nrasoikial ' s to ry h o u r arnfi ffrir nitrsaaasr sst&oal: teach­e r s in - f te ftnvm Off am? r e a d r a s o r l CTCornior. ^F&p xsmsoa, gtoxs&Sc teaGheiB t h a w miri naaejpam arr irr-wrfeafkm. trfereap nadl! tftep libriary.

aSeg^tBafron ftnr uuasiiitoaL s tu ry h o u r i s Tirtw taiiig; takerr a* tfie II-h r a r y . TEhe .Hfuftt nsa^erflscd*: cnl lee-i i n n aflrlfflB trr> rfte HfiEanyi'ss servicss-l a s t 3aatuHriy h a s rraraesB ssx> popu-I B T ffiiHt -aa tirow acillteitirari off j t o « -TOH? p^asrhHCMH: Has HsHir added Sar W1L BSapartisajBs; arg- no\v HVHtlanfe tto fiw HtanoawadJ Hy» young; JKOjflE.

T h e ailnsa^y i s aocoamSf plaar-

m a i l ' pharos a n d •&sexi 3 9 W o o d s y Owl -isroaHESs.

Hscdio amtumnitiUiiiiiiK' xsn WfeatB-sy ' s behalf nacv« bean nseaar&eB fife. such noted psrSimaeas B S Hasrca Gresne , iSErel : B r n a ^ t t OSamai

F a t m s r , iBcn tLitflte. saaS riffssn tf ia I . o n e J J a n g e r s ' n e w song, " T h e BaTfeH iff W#xz5&g$' 0 ^ 1 " wtH b e - r e t e a s ^ ^sfearfiy Jfe SH3ST Eficords. a r e being- ffislxibatea t to tstmi^ rarflD srarfan in fhe 'I&dfeaSSij^iss.

W o o d s y f i r s t anHescBsfi ISaSt £8311. in ratorfal pustens - iSffl i weeH ' -visible in- a l l «f i h e sasnittr^ss U S • n a t h m a i fnnssts. B i s aassst a5B35?6i-cious- pers tmal anpsaESffiseB T*O dS4fe •wan- i n -fee Iau iea*Sew " S e a f e r s ^ j -

•ning - t e g m s r a n s ; firrr !£&&•, andijTourrtarnBnt cff a s s s gBaBafie m OTodlfl •WEelHimE' anyv sstgg^srlbnsp;Basadena. QdSL. w h e n l i s m f e a s t r a m tnwrr^pEmlB? fhir taEP t s p s of . f loa t jortifly ^;aHScaE^ % • fits, j j rogEarns arnfl s tDEQir v«3uffffK*rBt; Sierxir* C o a s e a j a t f l t i fe I f e TEte9 t tuBwwuIf f la&r- .a rnn»- r KatrEe Sons, a n d 3 3 a j ^ f e 2 i s o i ^ m n m B T&pie;, l ^ ^ a r -arg Sgril-, .taate a r j j ikstbrs. >ifT u a m m e n t tm •fhe -many rttaw sarasmas Begnrr irr •fiffi -past gastr .

S r ibsc r&E ttn t r t e Mratramft E3i—

(fflffrefife of- GeMenbeck neHr Xinh-hsekeFasid: KBtoden, W e s t Ge rmany . Tfie® a i H vis i t ing for f o u r -week tetdd vaHE: b e r e t u r n i n g lu:»rte Sep t . ' jEffi E0t>xaj Ee rmedy AtrporL j Sfis i Heffrxei^s mslhEn, M r s . . pfredEfeSJekeHr; of Albany , is .visit-Jmp; hcesr and: is- interptEHa^ M— jffredfe EangfeiXEst unders te i ids and, pi5aafe«SE>me' English. 1 Tf ie EaaigiraEste a r e impressed gv> th& b e a u t y of A t n e r k a . 1 3 - ' medBr and: EHe^nor took a imp tr>. J?fe^ YSric dr r r ing t h e i r s tyy-

S&s* E r i ede Stekerrr i s t h e s s -

[Triis:- is- t h e i r f i rs t t r i p "to .femerdna

Hwtsti is? 70 y e a r s o l d a n d Sfes. 'jnaaigbteEst- is=. 79- y e a r s o ld . M T S . ,

son;. XJJarnei, mtt^ hrR-6. EEHeBv and- t h e i r SBH, Enhhy , '

t o vfeit; Mir and-ISEra. 33an- :

ifrteET errtertained: f h e l iang- i vETtlt dhmer" a n d a fflrlMe t n .

ia£e=- George1 a n d rajospsra: 3SEQUTJ-ffrxmrr Gansevonr t . M r s . S e f -

iss bBcsffier; GtiiaiHi : verinh as drnet r r n a t t y a t Ihwir1

3 a m s fnr, CRfUfarn:. T h e HeTtrmai H Mrss Brieda: StEfkenr 'vislteul - s i s t t e -and: f anah / l a s t j sear n n

trfeSr Ejuxopeajr ttapi '

JSeaifebESr of. t he -Haf f insan B a t -iteEliitififrwiH • naeefing-.at '&SE hn rne

bff TSSSm. EL Gi CaTameH S e p t , I B w l£23K.i ps m v W I B I mHESferg a t ! Itt p>> mc Bring: s u m m e r Bnns , afeo jeaaxn SSI HSss. H b y ISaeSSry iis

tfie Golden "West. -fweda Glass? Assorred- tar "SBssST' Ntrraerous ;eorj30Krtijcn35 l i i ine i^}-

'out -f te TJS. a r e zpm^SSs&g WSKKS-.sv Osvl m f b -ffctattefal s a sgpa* dSaffitsd£ to enjoy a snaeess vmn-Ihrotrgfi eontrSbaiitms. IThe rss?4 igaaidfe-tte-Ms?qarapalxiat te'.Saresr. t i on ' s n e w eaaiogj ' -3ij?narfil segEEb ffceepjttEveHtsioiH, Srnokey S E H E .

ssall te awauable; mrrsidfe. TEbe ^fe=asrHe:- hant l i will be

hPFTRfffl wafb t h e s e a s o n ' s bes t us jak iJSHft? wOM be? giadt to receive

a S 2^s& fisur and: uegjetahle dona-Taars jjp tt> amfi Lmrkidrrtg: S a t u r -'HHyL

S s an trie? Biulfrout f b r booths •tfFTf wing tnjsss. .ganieat records, h s r i l s . gMtrarH1 Ssanesi .jewelry a n d irf?mffiif'-^gte. Tfie? k i d s will be fesa ttu tfie- Sjsfsteryr Gift box .and : f e BafllHirc andi rmvelty m a n .

XiHik Srrr amnr fu i S o w e r s a n d giknffis ortrfwrr tfre cedi t ienfyed jHEtrama? uttECuxt nrjaceedirrg to t h e •San s&nm arr the: aafeteniav

PPr=?im. CDitfbrrg: off a l l s o r t s a n d s n a g i s 'rfBasdl. so come? find a Sit. M aumttll ing: has? a hole a n d a^BdB m nnHnfi. snnnt ovserr to W o -•riiei.fe ffiHrdkrEafi! fbrr s o m e pa tch--ssnfi'jatrfiasE.

3t s Irormfi ttr Be 1 real fun •iSsy ainraE-

II ^ n o t a m g u s n Class; S tephen J .

sRittUitta. ssim aff SHr and5 M r s J o h n TCT. aSKfttte off •S SfterwoodJ Fores t HlHHfL ^feSrneEBv. has- b e e n recog-urzen ffnr ftefinirg: fids. S t r a t e g i c Ahr iGnrmHHnn (SSfiT)1 wing: earrr t h e T - 5 . J & means- Quts tar tdir ig Uni t J&scHrrL

Jeamnari Bfesittaj i s a rrrissile s y s -\ktxm agBgnflstt wittfi t h e 351st S t a s S s s i r ffissattp ^Sffirg: afe W h i t e -TnHB ^gffi. Sho. Tnerwtrrg: received *he SBWHSH f&ar extrepfcltmallyr m e r i -ttHjiinus sserofirH? Bsmr J t t % 196& 'flrrnugb Ohnff tSCEL.

TBhB SEk4rt was ; aired: finr overal l irrdsBinn pmffnananoe andi effec-iQ.uai«ss drrring; t n e t r o o - y e a r aasssrfl ucniiidL T h e whig: w a s XHBragrmaa Sin- W> yescss of acc i -'fltftftSffla? oQaBatfhnsi. S n r winn ing ^iusp IhrmmE a s the? nestt missile wvarii; nn SSGZ ffxrr ISBoi. feir car/-t m n n g t n g u i w a t w B Kunicfiard; Tiro^ jiirry on tfie tSBE SEssflfe Comba t xmnrpaafinri amfi firrr sstiHErhg; h i g h «3B UBWBMBnndl taadrhess ; inspee-f n m s .

^ t e TOdl W^EIT aa mstfrmtive s e r -wiEE amflnm as ; 33 p e r m a n e n t d k e s -trHtkm to tmrrfe Bfe affflfetibn. witfr f h e "irtSt

^ b m a m ffaHatte a t tended: t h e State? gaiflAaaaf^- off Efewr 'SEbrfe a t jSXHiHny.

H U G E STORM WASHOUT REPASRED — T t e feavy ^lumiia iff ssaitfssf we^ts . ago iSii crmairter-able damage to highways asad oSher p r a s f e s ^ in S i s SOVSTEIS as? aiiittfaiitaitfc, (9s«i ScndtSand ^ n d 32fe-lehem. Small dra inage c r e e k s became r a g i n g t s r a s n i s . "Hite SSMD fphritas. prnnteal b^ae. sanjai a s ex­ample of t h e s to rm damage. J JPPER P H O T O sfesws a n ^ t a u f t crif auiUe*. mr. rSoranan^tilJ 'SasA. near Voorheesvil le. The scerae is osaiy a s t e j r t ^ s S a t n s I m m S x u t E t ^ v 3 ^ & F a s n - SEosdj. T h s niii cu lve r t was replaced by a g ian t meta l eaaisaert, SB feet h r n s , 88 ffefSt ivicns., a n t a fe^t S inc fes binti — weighing' nine tons . After concrete a&istaiSHte «*ffi.rs teifl, 3 t eau l i«3* t«sa s . ^^BnMBi i in | jSars»iS5j^ 2,300 bolts. W o r k a t first w a s de layed tsEtSS omraftrenrftan aitcttaiikite amdffl t te deilwsESi. Ira l_£3SaS3 PHOTO, F o r e m a n Charles Arealairao of tfas County t i n j h w ^ y rttrt)^rt;Uubaili nainis: onfe -S&e d e a i e d a r s3 and w a t e r direct ion flow, to Wes ley Seabmrg. Ftlfiias, *{acfe4rrflnj"rraj arnii aJ^aiiittt; n n ^aral r i psrsint opening of t h e road fay the tarns tiiss pape r reanhes i ts rsHrfens. ;:Ftta±Da by E_ K. ISSKIZBIII :

j ii"n -niu::s ». l-i.tr. I 'ns t t i r :x>: car- \.uuvv: .1 it Madeleine t i t a i aa - Saw' - ' a m a i . lioafl. 1 iatl-. • Cgrtenc a s kBxn»imt.-('n ' ha t :.fw» ajnniai mas-ass : e suva i w d i open-

|S23g£si Hftdagry. .i£ ti , ind cnn -iwti* cnifci . l i .^. rat. T o m o r r o w

: ifce fecEiEs taei- Z. is. nn unt i l rartd^ . s s a i £33c -Scartay:. X p. trt. until ' 11

Tas- iDoiSis^ inrtij: tny uowtft <-hatr-i.njEi ,ai» ,j± iu.i>»Hi. I'iutalx .ixu-i.raali -Lsri fetintKitii: . . u i e ' j , rBatj3t Sa^nt* , .atcnie ljuciittt, "BesiF- Fv-n,t,t:. 'ujopla. W i l l i a m ! SflryEoasKii ^ tass . !jalace, M r s . . ASSESS . USafernoi .jarit. .Mrs_ T h o r a -• as S a a n a a x ^jrfe . dact , Q T f a r e TWssfiSs I l^ssr; . U6ujr, Michae l v"0T-*t.-'-- r- ar r^ . "tirr-- " t m i l \

' " ' - :<~!'- - i • ...titmrv . .: stu .SE:'. ljj!.'.,:.v,.irr. .ucitj- t.ttii'4 - . - ' ; _ . - '::!J - i " l . t . I » K C ' ' ' S . - . .

V;_iii '-„~z-...>. u i i t - r t - a r arirnf, . i s i Qranio.. tart. ••lathy. FurdDii-; ' i ackj s e ^ a . 'JEH. Bttdiwa;,. S r . ; 4Bsfcn^; .imiHiL Sesnard . McGirm ! IsrEfi;. jjidt. isb: Mjothv E r n v e n -

T h e -fe rjit>rgftitr nfc" trrisj f^nr-pagked ,

• ev ia i - fcbfc pwim,. jjmz&. u£. SLOOO, ^asL T j i . ,e±i&-E. .>£ ;his. winning.

•rrnfep- •srii"-«' L-wraarriEriVSJ0f>' <^ash. Th? seeadr; irsrzE-- is> aaa? TSH-neh.

1 raiar effisTSHMff. se t : A&, piMrtable • haesassfBi. -.at • uiaEis aurfe whit&> uHI u: aaiMii >.-aE0i .ught . T i le

' srl?r^ •** "Hi?- -snst ' ' tckets T-viFT b e • ®5Esrsieri <S|i0i '-aaht aadr a;- b o n u s tof ^ > <siil:')8fiTEidr:ft&E;thet next" 10 'ihtgjt -SEtffiSi aaanere Vu>ttisf. J4-. :JS naasrssar. tfi:"-rHSispBeia4 pro jec t .

Tfe* fwrr'TOirrr tndBr t he ' -hiair-J-sssHKhir, *.: Tfvna-. Garpertter; Jr: . . f"Wra cttizr X7B§?rHpe- tnd- ,Vfrs. P a t -'Tis-t V«ntsf ' r r 'wril fea*ttre IrfriTaw i n g m a r c EJJC TEfnoner- saaasfcwietaes *1SH*j) - i m a « * t t SSElEec taxt' dDgS, f'harsnnEssss nazzas- vorthr t©matops L E S S nsesBf- istdr 'uzza fnt ' aaid' soft . t . *^^ siEB3ro'£fee!L-

j -Sswssssss .isep rmost- welcorae a t • ftfee Csssry; . Sff l ia amdc. Wfttte E l e -i ragt i - foaciar. ITEH bjr- iBss. H i E h a r d / i S f e r ignriri ^l£ss Uain»rc1i- HtEHger-j-sbsfflr. a d d ^ w s . - will b.6- g iven

A ®aaal >ic -iS" PBESBHSJ. i n t h e T$ffrs%& ^g^Maa»-<£T:fe; S a l f i ilea-ith E^jariEEHir' vra?^- rpceived. p e r m a -

fajErn i jessessasr -nirsmg. hfeiine a d -hEaasust tBss ffeL&jwiragL escaraina-ttaaas fssdaEredddtErong. t he S p r n r g , ttSr B a f e s S Lb^rataam;. .State ImaiWih -ossnmsssxssp: aEmounced; ' T*3S? «ss5 "bEt foctEtn! l i censure ^,si;.inaTBMi wg?va- ixy. t b e d e p a r t -\-marr iss "snnaiedc: by t h e S t a t e J ^ a a p "Semite LLBW. A to t a l of S I passa^ 'ot i ikr tins.- o-xainarnation

i a t T77T»r. SEE: -ea£eas5-tFiaroujdiout t h e i - s a s . iiK "teas rnsasEter ."T2& s a b s e -S'SfSHsSj--isFFK-itceasedv Tfas ra ises }V' liSBf' 'fet ' n w n i * r of inrii'vid-iaafe psrEOffiBntty. 'fcensed- -is i n r s -

(TOE: tesas-- £fa3MEristratr>rs by "Vp^ Yor« -saaK

K^f^V-' Fti" ^0- 'ECPnsPS ^Vf»rr i^-| SSMS S« A&aaiy <»UiH»y res iden t - . 'Tag? a r e i £ 2 3 ^ 4 ; Ai .ybfiataarfer; .TT-fi "WoaSiate'fSiaac. Sot. A l b a n y 1220?.; « r 3JOF«IW , 7faai- ^aitoLt. 121 .S«> jgszanasr; S w t . . U b a s y 1 2_UOK ,

; a sEaee l & S a s e i 14S- Vam Hens -J5iEk.: F e r r e r s - oarec-wr « t B e : s ^ 2 E _ - 2 j T t i _ -^^earads., 12204: Ger -

ahafe 5 :errara D a r a s S t a m o . a&- . g^j A -^,Ssmisim.- 19S W e s t e h e s t e r nuunffis- t t a . o s e n m s at ra? Atea- ; Throe.-Su. leifeDaEr 12053* K a t h e r -

"; ! rmrrrc atadm. jnse E . :iwnmni. 11 StonebenEe The Gui lder iand Historical s v I B e c a t ^ ffenasaisas -of ararrifearail 3 fe 5%rraiTi will '•** j*-\im: M- ; l a s s . AfefflK? 122DS: L,inwor»d'

ciety wil l open its fall p rog ram d s a ^ i s a t Uams conM '.bass . i^sr. fbmran: Bernp-Knc^;. < ^iT^T-land > Gaiearaa 'S?-»aa3HSi-nnve'. Loudon-with a mee t ing Thursday . Sept . 21 . avoided w i f e a feasic TBTrfeasiSairS- ^ « w S d e m . Vocrhpesvillp. 3 B d ; ^ g -32211 raagnrnonde'm. Jeffe-r-at 7:30 p. m. a t the FarmssTOsntlhi i ng of Fs r s t &M. t h e S t b a i w ^SSB sunrrninuirnr ar!=as. i s a c 3 . Cssssirass GHste Drive; Gui i -Middle schooL GuOderland T o w n O s a p i e r i tef i C n t s s s a g a i n -jarc- T n e studio :jian? n . V- EE ftdi j slsriaiia '1S8S4 Atefe O.- r^nrt i Historical A r t h u r B. Gregg of Al- duct feg ftee n r s t .aifi ,riUw»w< »vinE.'JUT nr n a o r - ' *>n. i_ ~rai viM |47-1 W»si3S&tef FJ&adc No; Albaaiy tamont will speak on the "Amitti- t t a w n ^ m u i t h e -«sar. Hap oom'enieirriv locared r r Al ls - 1 122S3 • ©effls?* EE .'VSayers, J r . , Rent W a r s " which took place in- x t e fe^ csoairse n e s i r s ^ S ^ h a s - ™ H n r nn ^ i p k Av>. - -a~>rm . i ^ a n a S * EBjaste Deknaar 12054; the m i d 1800's. ' d a y SepL 1 3 a t 7 ^Taa. a t cfto «PHTfem 'if t h e Mtzmtmt F r e e . g r m e n g - ; a ^ t o r » • HiKW«Ute

The October mee t ing wiU f ea t a r e . CSiapler H o u s e on l a a t f e m Sru i t e - Hdteary -. . .iTkrce. asE^rraaadn 12084; Sr . M "Curr ie r and Ives ," Chroniclers va r f . E a d b 6 -tsssak c a m a ss rae-of An Age," presented by David . p sa l ed i t o v a g b o a t "tne gcsar. Thurhe imer , his tor ian, of the Of-1 5 ^ ^ ^^ iHstmet inn ;shn'Rs taw. fice of S t a t e His tory . \ to ^ ^ p t t e e d m g . tEEat fhunss.

Unt i l a pe rmanen t home is found j 3 ^ ^ sss^ pnsoBing , =gsve tmnufb-for t h e society it will opwtaaw to«IOHaBM(U, j s s u s a t H l i o n , Hnd «mfis-meet mon th ly on the third Tfamrs- H, dffBag;i]n, to o p e n w f f l m & 33^3 day of each m o n t h a t the F a r a s - 1 j ^ ^ f r a c t n r ^ _ worth Middle school unless otfeer-wire s t a t ed . W a t c h this news- j paper for notices.

Guilderiand ffistory • R-C T© Cocdfid i f « inriBaiE&fefi}ToQgm Unit Meets Sept. 2 ! First

K7iiiwi[jTitBg a d s p a y — t r y t h a n . I BelffircisflKFr 'QSasrasadc ''>21 .South ; ^?HV.'I..K. ffijdo. .Ubaay.. 12208;

•as -SD

The society presents to Sfcte

cal l tihe

ca lendar fea tur ing historic photos , . . _ _ . . , „ j_u^ old a n d new,, of Guilderiand. The} appHyng ^ * ^ ^ ^ a l l & ca lendars a r e avai lable a t Use Gui lder iand Gift House, Wes t e rn Ave., Gui lder iand, o r contacJ F r e d ! B, Abele , 27 W a r r e n S t , Mc-Kownville. Get your s now wMSe the supply las t s .

Res idents a n d non-res idents alike of the town a r e invited to join- t h e Gui lder iand Historical so ­ciety. He lp g a t h e r and preserve the h i s to ry of t h e town, ite ar t i -* facts a n d o ld his tor ic feuMnigs. Won ' t you come a n d join t he so ­cie ty? "

.Vri-«vrr Ei'^^rj'ri-r-^ nl»~tf*riiw«T-. apt' 'xritw n^wierP urt R e d O n s s l % S t JSifl >enrcssp „ ,. ,, ,- . r , • 1 M 1

esHTc i s^ a n d "tesftariki; t u iin«t-«+f^;!rP • ' • H l t i u a i i l i r '?-> r?'~>j <f-p««i!*\ . T8If"iSoliS-b(wlt i co i im '

J 5 " i i B 3 r 2 f . S S T f S E .«..««« . - - * T W «»fr far. ' l i ^ l «nr le^l-communi ty a 1973 al l -GuUdei laed | P f > ^ * a toattgh .ur^mdrrng (

Twfflers Plan Fin

mew ran oxmuj Scfcmiii. 3 & a & fe GZESDISMII! wall Be

jflEEEEasi ansfl aBBEaaifete-- snowing 3 a m fthHir grsa t i nessc- aeSfeetion:. of Ukfflfirg <rotH SfeHifeiVHa*:

Einhfe arse {tnero eEKemhgSi too*—

T h e He lde rbe rg Twir le rs W e s t ­ern S q u a r e Dance Club invites a!i m a r r i e d couples t o join with t h a n in a fun night of re laxing pleasum? a t t h e W e s t m e r e EJemenSaiy school on Johns ton Bd^ off RSe. 20v S e p t . 11 a t 8 p . m. *Oie_caHer will b e N e w ©aglaisd's singHinig cal ler , Hed Ba te s .

F o r f t r r t h e r infonnatinB coiatactt Ani ta arid J o e Dab , Feu ra Bsash. 439^2307; B e v a n d E a r l Mc3ffiMem, E» D* 2 , Voorheesvffle, 7 6 5 - 2 8 ^ ; A lbe r t a a n d D O B Perouiky, 2243 Hosendale Rd. , Schenectady; Msaiy and: fibb- Kel ley, 8 S h a d y Lane , M-Ban& 489-6462.

t Enterprise Ms pay—try SJaesEQ.


Wiwffi'sinc'p W-»r!«J War H. a»ii 1!*"!*' j-rB!>'-4sfn at"present % " ^ ^ " X S l r S i «* «*toir -ifHiitr - , Ail of V.H. tow- tad; tiMr tmt lone

Cros <SS2-T4Sl or Ts?alk in Srrr trhr at3i». rai w»or t«ii'y 1 «n"'"b7is» - 0." i«M.9t- .suel": uth^r urticrt*"

TMsstj&w mtt1?" and in Wiitii tkt» n»|j**a$**« 1 rufT?«-i;»-f tfitf wuftl of ww-nriaf anil all wtiwr iisttwrifilS-rcswl in imr tkiwiiHtw-., w*» fijn! it i « ( « a n tu -ststt»- ritef rti«* fi*Howing

TheMwtaay fflggicE3'.CBdb'rgm-• xnRmmytinn. ni»«-t- will \w m t«ffw°t sM.fv^nFOBEH.'K.lHd: foamy wil l ojiss! -fite n e w . ' s ^ s a n '.with a csHscert art tfee I r s B i n t e -rff ffis?-tnirv asid A r t . Moiifls^y. SsjfL : S . art : _ . 55 p . n i . Ticfests a r e asHdkrnb? att '$»»«>% tflffies m o f l i l i ^ - a l r i l i .

Aimiiiii. iJ3wprii*ti««>- — Siw)l* JJ«I ,\«affj;, .-ij: months

T t e first i n a nsnnfiijy ;SHribs. ^ai t r j i* «?«»$>»»*- in in*r.>r««-Bii- a u i l . f l i m - - 11) cp-n th ( ; u i tfae p r o g r a m -niD jEsser t t sHTrst -_ , „ . 1 , „ _ . , K a S T t o ^ d f o & r i r n H e j t t . 'HHO!»«Ke tMT t i l * 1«^~*'TT1 ).

rite T t a m i a s . rasfist, a r m Jfean S a f W n p f J o i i - ns.-sv »«• rdw'vr* '*! sri ii«» >»jt«t iTt1> <*T f 4 . 0 0

Fran&s, pnaiaist vsiH '-team t r . rphs- i m i ^ | j (OKmfw-T 1-4- M a . x i m a n i a ! iii4MT*«« - \lv(i v t - t t r s

fcsy Moes r t - • E W ' ^ f F A i y r - Wli**n tafehaff- 'aihrsnttss^-tr t-1 tne> lt>TP2:mir«-Amn^aa^ar^iteB^«mrsjTOJ!(iffi,IT_ pfijLSiSE ern» E> the gX'ACTT unantii, TCM&K vo«r

anaatmpaalBa t g - ieSnl|y MH'carrgart : ' . . . tfe? psiMi, ^ s i l s i a g s p i r g s shy IQn-'!ffEfRHfUt; s B B w - n p t i O B ^ s p i w ^ . p a i r a n S Ofcsdnxs . j

Bfeanda-Sffifaa, ^ a r i i s t , --raHI g s a ^ TRIH if««**H> »»f t h f E i i tF r j a r i iR ' isijw*• tt* • lieB-p y a w wnt 'h

S™*-^ ^ B a ? * S m a f e ^ ^ 3ffi<JB». ini tdm- v»8ii». to emu*., fe ffe-. •mRntintev. ww "steil «f. A ffee^ifism vsM SfiBsm ~m aE,,.&aim!c t<» itssnteuB* ~^»»»iiiis *ssi* si .wurti'HOTMifr tffiVttrhfmp-p-r

mmm, -ID -wriMfa a s *ai;, to TOIH!tfwri- wwfe_ Wp tiiasii aB «f\TOTtf6Drr\Tmrfrh»nd-1 fe OT*wsfiflTraEtiHn m p » 4 yp'sr?.. taBtl'l»p^-ff»Fr; RtsHtirrciaTi(L,«

^ " ^ y ' siennas W^ffi^^a." "li«ti ttllai feieodrfiin JHHI enaisefatiaB-iBfMef->t%tt!iH?t

ma I P PJM