ha1 ripper street

Rose Bishay HA1- Task 3 Analysis Ripper Street TV program This Motion graphic is the opening sequence to a show called ripper street, The program has a historical background, and is set a few months after the famous Jack The Ripper Murders, and it has a fictional story line based on a true part of history. The opening credits of this program attempt to lure you in with dramatic interchanging pictures from that century to set the scene and get the viewer excited for the program. You see pictures of people and murder cases with a faint background of writing or some sort of letters showing through from behind the pictures. Because it was such a famous period of time due to Jack the Ripper this suggests these pictures were also in newspapers and the writing behind the pictures could be from a newspaper set in them days or also a letter from Jack the Ripper himself about his murder victims which was thought to be a hoax by a journalist the heighten interest in the story. Also when the names of the actors and cast are shown it appears that their names are cut out from a newspaper to give a more period effect to the opening. There are pictures composited on top of one another to create an antique dramatic look to the sequence. The footage has been given an old film effect to make it appear scratched and fitting to the period. There is dramatic music from that century playing in the background to set the scene and bring the viewer’s mind into the past and concentrating on the program. The video format is a widescreen view which fits for TV. So the resolution and frame rate is high quality and matches TV quality.

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Post on 18-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Rose Bishay HA1- Task 3 Analysis Ripper Street TV program This Motion graphic is the opening sequence to a show called ripper street, The program has a historical background, and is set a few months after the famous Jack The Ripper Murders, and it has a fictional story line based on a true part of history. The opening credits of this program attempt to lure you in with dramatic interchanging pictures from that century to set the scene and get the viewer excited for the program. You see pictures of people and murder cases with a faint background of writing or some sort of letters showing through from behind the pictures. Because it was such a famous period of time due to Jack the Ripper this suggests these pictures were also in newspapers and the writing behind the pictures could be from a newspaper set in them days or also a letter from Jack the Ripper himself about his murder victims which was thought to be a hoax by a journalist the heighten interest in the story. Also when the names of the actors and cast are shown it appears that their names are cut out from a newspaper to give a more period effect to the opening. There are pictures composited on top of one another to create an antique dramatic look to the sequence. The footage has been given an old film effect to make it appear scratched and fitting to the period. There is dramatic music from that century playing in the background to set the scene and bring the viewers mind into the past and concentrating on the program. The video format is a widescreen view which fits for TV. So the resolution and frame rate is high quality and matches TV quality.