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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires لحاجات ا قضاءPg1 Duas from Mafatih / Baqiyatus salehat -Brief prayers for this world & next world & prayer for Settling the Needs 1) In al-Rawand¢’s book of al-Da`awat, it is reported that Imam Zayn al-Aideen (`a) passed by a man sitting at the doorstep of another man’s house. “What for are you sitting at the door of this lavish tyrant?” the Imam (`a) asked.“It is because of ordeal,” the man answered “Stand up, “ the Imam (`a) said, “I will guide you to a door better than this tyrant’s door and to a Lord who is better than this man.” Hence, the Imam (`a) took the man from the hand to the Holy Prophet’s Mosque where he instructed him to turn his face towards the kiblah direction, offer a two-unit prayer, raise the hands towards Almighty Allah to praise Him, invoke His blessings upon the Holy Prophet and his Household, & recite the last verses of Surah al- °ashr (No. 59), the first six verses of Surah al-°ad¢d (No. 57), and the two verses in Surah ªl-`Imran (either verses 81-19 according to al-Rawand¢, or 26-27 according to al-Majlis¢), and then ask for the personal needs. Any prayer that is said in this situation will be definitely granted. 2)Imam `Al¢ Am¢r al-Mu'min¢n (`a) said, “If you need something to be settled, you may go for seeking it on early Thursdays and you may recite the last verses of Surah ªl-`Imran, ªyah al-Kurs¢, Surah al-Qadr, and Surah al-Fatihah before you leave your house, because these holy verses and Surahs contribute to solving all the needs for this life and the life to come.” 3)A Prayer for Settling Urgent Needs You may offer a four-unit prayer with precise Qunut and other pillars (i.e. genuflection, prostration, and the other parts of prayers). In the first unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah one time and repeat the following verses seventy times: .ﻴﻞ ﹾﻮ ﭐﻟ ﹺﻌ ﱠﻪ ﭐﻟﻠ ﹶﺎ hasbuna allahu wa ni`ma alwak¢lu Allah is sufficient for us and He is the most excellent Protector. In the second unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah once and the following verse seven times: ﹺﻥ ﱠﻪ ﹺﭑﻟﻠ ﹺﻻ ﱠﺓ ﹸﻮ ﱠﻪ ﭐﻟﻠ ﹶﺎﺀ ﹶﺮ ﹶﭑ. ﹶﺪﺍ ﺎﻻ ﹾﻚ ﹶﻞma sha'a allahu la quwwata illa billahi in tarani ana aqalla minka malan wa waladan It is as Allah has pleased, there is no power save in Allah? If you consider me to be inferior to you in wealth and children. In the third unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah once and the following verse seven times: ﹺﻻ ﹺﻟ ﹾﺖ ﹸﻨ ﱢﻲ ﹺﻧ ﹶﻚﺎﻧ ﹾﺖ. ﻴﻦ ﱠﺎﻟ ﭐﻟﻈ la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inn¢ kuntu min al¨¨alim¢na There is no god but You, glory be to You; surely I have been of the wrong. In the fourth unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah once and the following verse seven times: ﱢﺽ ﹶﻮ ﹺﻥ ﱠﻪ ﺍﻟﻠ ﹶﻰ ﹺﻟ ﹺﻱ ﱠﻪ ﭐﻟﻠ. ﺎﺩ ﹾﻌ ﹺﭑﻟ ﻴﺮ wa ufawwi¤u amr¢ ila allahi inna allaha ba¥¢run bil`ibadi And I entrust my affair to Allah. Surely, Allah sees the servants. You may then mention your need.

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Page 1: HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires Pg1 - Duas.org · HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires تاجاحلا ءاضق Pg2 Prayer for Solving Difficulties 4.Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is reported to

HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg1 

Duas from Mafatih / Baqiyatus salehat -Brief prayers for this world & next world & prayer for Settling the Needs

1) In al-Rawand¢’s book of al-Da`awat, it is reported that Imam Zayn al-Aideen (`a) passed by a man sitting at the doorstep of another man’s house. “What for are you sitting at the door of this lavish tyrant?” the Imam (`a) asked.“It is because of ordeal,” the man answered “Stand up, “ the Imam (`a) said, “I will guide you to a door better than this tyrant’s door and to a Lord who is better than this man.” Hence, the Imam (`a) took the man from the hand to the Holy Prophet’s Mosque where he instructed him to turn his face towards the kiblah direction, offer a two-unit prayer, raise the hands towards Almighty Allah to praise Him, invoke His blessings upon the Holy Prophet and his Household, & recite the last verses of Surah al-°ashr (No. 59), the first six verses of Surah al-°ad¢d (No. 57), and the two verses in Surah ªl-`Imran (either verses 81-19 according to al-Rawand¢, or 26-27 according to al-Majlis¢), and then ask for the personal needs. Any prayer that is said in this situation will be definitely granted.

2)Imam `Al¢ Am¢r al-Mu'min¢n (`a) said, “If you need something to be settled, you may go for seeking it on early Thursdays and you may recite the last verses of Surah ªl-`Imran, ªyah al-Kurs¢, Surah al-Qadr, and Surah al-Fatihah before you leave your house, because these holy verses and Surahs contribute to solving all the needs for this life and the life to come.”

3)A Prayer for Settling Urgent Needs

You may offer a four-unit prayer with precise Qunut and other pillars (i.e. genuflection, prostration, and the other parts of prayers). In the first unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah one time and repeat the following verses seventy times:

hasbuna allahu wa ni`ma alwak¢lu حسبنا ٱلله ونعم ٱلوكيل.Allah is sufficient for us and He is the most excellent Protector.

In the second unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah once and the following verse seven times:

ما شاء ٱلله ال قوة إال بٱلله إن

قل منك ماال وولدا.�نٱ ا�ترن ا

ma sha'a allahu la quwwata illa billahi in tarani ana aqalla minka malan wa waladan

It is as Allah has pleased, there is no power save in Allah? If you consider me to be inferior to you in wealth and children.

In the third unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah once and the following verse seven times:

نت سبحانك إني كنت �ال إله إال ا

من ٱلظالمين.la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inn¢ kuntu min al¨¨alim¢na

There is no god but You, glory be to You; surely I have been of the wrong.

In the fourth unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah once and the following verse seven times:

ٱلله مري إلى الله إن �فوض ا�وا

بصير بٱلعباد.wa ufawwi¤u amr¢ ila allahi inna allaha ba¥¢run bil`ibadi

And I entrust my affair to Allah. Surely, Allah sees the servants.

You may then mention your need.

Page 2: HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires Pg1 - Duas.org · HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires تاجاحلا ءاضق Pg2 Prayer for Solving Difficulties 4.Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is reported to

HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg2 Prayer for Solving Difficulties

4.Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is reported to have said: When you face a difficulty, you may offer a two-unit prayer at midday. In the first unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah, Surah al-Tawhid, and the first three verses of Surah al-Fath (No. 48):

inna fatahna laka fathan mub¢nan إنا فتحنا لك فتحا مبينا.Surely, We have given to you a clear victor,

ليغفر لك ٱلله ما تقدم من ذنبك

خر�وما تاliyaghfira laka allahu ma taqaddama min dhanbika wa ma ta'akhkhara

that Allah may forgive your community their past faults and those to follow

wa yutimma ni`matahu `alayka and complete His favor to you ويتم نعمته عليك

,wa yahdiyaka ¥ira§an mustaq¢man and keep you on a right way ويهديك صراطا مستقيما.

wa yan¥uraka allahu na¥ran وينصرك ٱلله نصرا عزيزا.`az¢zan

and that Allah might help you with a mighty help.

In the second unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah, Surah al-Tawhid, and Surah al-Inshirah (or al-Sharh No. 94).This prayer has been personally experienced.

5.Prayer for Settling the Needs

The following is quoted from the book of Makarim al-Akhlaq:

At midnight, you may bathe yourself and offer a two-unit prayer. In both units, you should recite Surah al-Fatihah once and repeat Surah al-Tawhid five hundred times. After repeating this Surah in the second unit, you may recite the last verses of Surah al-Hashr:

نزلنا هذا ٱلقرآن على �لو ا

…جبلlaw anzalna hadha al-qur'ana `ala jabalin…

Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain…

You may then recite the first six verses of Surah al-hadid. While standing up, you may then repeat the following holy verse one thousand times:

.نستعينإياك نعبد وإياك iyyaka na`budu wa iyyaka nasta`¢nu

You do we serve and You do we beseech for help.

You may then accomplish your prayer and praise Almighty Allah.

If your need is not settled, you may repeat this prayer. If it is still not settled, you may repeat it once more and your need will be settled, Allah willing.

6.Another Prayer for Settling the Needs

The trustworthy Shaykh al-Kulayni, may Allah have mercy upon him, reports in his book of al-Kafi that `Abd al-Rahim al-Qasim said: I once visited Imam al-Sadiq (`a) and said, “May Allah accept me as ransom for you! I have invented a formula of supplicatory prayer.”The Imam (`a) answered, “Save me from your inventions! Whenever a disaster befalls you, you should have recourse to the Messenger of Allah and offer a two-unit prayer and dedicate it to him, peace be upon him and his Household.”

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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg3 “How can I do that?” I asked.The Imam (`a) answered, “You should bathe yourself and offer a two-unit prayer, beginning it with the prefatory part of obligatory prayers and say the tashahhud statement of obligatory prayers. When you finish saying thetashahhud and tasl¢m statements, you should say the following:

allahumma anta alssalamu نت ٱلسالم�اللهم اO Allah, You are the (source of) peace;

;wa minka alssalamu from You does peace comeومنك ٱلسالم

.wa ilayka yarji`u alssalamu and to You does peace return وإليك يرجع ٱلسالم

allahumma ¥alli `ala اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمدmuhammadin wa ali


O Allah, (please) send blessings upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,

wa balligh ruha muhammadinوبلغ روح محمد مني ٱلسالم minn¢ alssalama

convey my greetings to the soul of Muhammad

wa arwaha al-a'immati ئمة ٱلصادقين سالمي�رواح ٱال�واal¥¥adiq¢na salam¢

and the souls of the veracious Imams,

wardud `alayya minhum وٱردد علي منهم ٱلسالمalssalama

and convey to me their response of my greetings.

وٱلسالم عليهم ورحمة ٱلله

وبركاتهwalssalamu `alayhim wa rahmatu

allah wa barakatuhu Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon them.

allahumma inna hatayni هاتين ٱلركعتيناللهم إن alrrak`atayni O Allah, these two units of prayer

hadiyyatun minn¢ ila rasuli allah هدية مني إلى رسول ٱللهare present from me to Allah’s Messenger,

¢alla allahu `alayhi wa alih¥ وسلمصلى ٱلله عليه وآله peace and greetings of Allah be upon him and his Household.

fa'athibn¢ `alayhima ma ammaltu ملت�ثبني عليهما ما ا�فاS0, (please) decide Your reward to be that You grant me what I have hoped

wa rajawtu f¢ka wa f¢ rasulika فيك وفي رسولك ورجوتand expected from You and Your Messenger.

.ya waliyya almu'min¢na O Guardian of the believers يا ولي ٱلمؤمنين

You may then prostrate and repeat the following forty times:

!ya hayyu ya qayyumu O Ever-living! O Self-Subsistingقيوميا حي يا

!ya hayyan la yamutu O Ever-living One Who never diesيا حيا ال يموت

ya hayyan la ilaha illa anta نت�يا حيا ال إله إال اO Ever-living One; there is no god save You!

!ya dha aljalali wal-ikrami O Lord of majesty and honoring يا ذا ٱلجالل وٱإلكرام

ya arhama alrrahim¢na رحم ٱلراحمين�يا اO most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

You may then put your right cheek on the ground and repeat the aforesaid supplication forty times. You may then put your left cheek on the ground and repeat the supplication more forty times.

Page 4: HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires Pg1 - Duas.org · HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires تاجاحلا ءاضق Pg2 Prayer for Solving Difficulties 4.Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is reported to

HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg4 You may then raise your head from prostration, extend your hands (towards the sky) and repeat the supplication forty times. You may then pull your hands to your neck, point out with your forefinger, and repeat the supplication forty times. You may then hold your beard with your left hand and weep, or try to weep, and say the following:

ya muhammadu ya rasula allahi يا محمد يا رسول ٱللهO Muhammad! O Allah’s Messenger!

¢ashku ila allah wa ilayka hajat شكو إلى الله وإليك حاجتي�اI complain to Allah and to you about my need

هل بيتك ٱلراشدين �وإلى ا

حاجتيwa ila ahli baytika alrrashid¢na

hajat¢ and I complain to your Household, the rightly guided, about my need,

¢wa bikum atawajjahu ila allahi f توجه إلى ٱلله في حاجتي�وبكم اhajat¢

and through you all I turn my face towards Allah to grant me my need.

You should then prostrate and repeat the following word as much as one breath can take:

!ya allahu ya allahu O Allah! O Allahيا الله يا الله

You may then say the following:

alli `ala muhammadin wa ali¥ …صل على محمد وآل محمدmuhammadin…

Please, send blessings upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, and...

You may now mention your need.If you do so, Imam al-Sadiq (`a) added, I guarantee that Allah the Almighty and Majestic will settle your need before you leave your place.”

7.)In al-Balad al-Am¢n, al-Kaf`am¢ states: For urgent needs, the following words may be written on a sheet of paper and then thrown in (current) water:

bismi allahi alrrahmani alrrah¢mi بسم ٱلله ٱلرحمن ٱلرحيمIn the Name of Allah; the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.

min al`abdi aldhdhal¢li From the submissive servant من ٱلعبد ٱلذليل

.ila almawla aljal¢li to the All-majestic Lord إلى ٱلمولى ٱلجليل

,rabbi inn¢ massaniya al¤¤urru O Lord: Harm has afflicted me رب إني مسني ٱلضر

wa anta arhamu alrrahim¢na رحم ٱلراحمين�نت ا�واand You are the most Merciful of the merciful.

¢bihaqqi muhammadin wa alih بحق محمد وآلهIn the name of Muhammad and his Household,

¢alli `ala muhammadin wa alih¥ صل على محمد وآله(please) bless Muhammad and his Household,

¢wakshif hamm¢ wafarrij `annوٱكشف همي وفرج عني غميghamm¢

take off my distress and relieve me from my grief,

birahmatika ya arhama رحم ٱلراحمين�برحمتك يا اalrrahim¢na

out of Your mercy, O most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg5 Another Prayer for Settling the Needs

Sayyid ibn Tawus, in his book of al-Mazar, Chapter: Rites of al-Kufah Mosque, after mentioning the recommended acts at Imam `Al¢’s Niche (mihrab), has mentioned a special prayer for settling the needs to be offered there. This prayer consists of four units, each two alone; i.e. the tasl¢m statement is uttered after each two units. In the first unit, Surah al-Fatihah is recited once and Surah al-Tawh¢d is repeated ten times. In the second unit, Surah al-Fatihah is recited once and Surah al-Tawh¢d is repeated twenty-one times. In the third unit, Surah al-Fatihah is recited once and Surah al-Tawh¢d is repeated thirty-one times. In the fourth unit, Surah al-Fatihah is recited once and Surah al-Tawh¢d is repeated forty-one times. Upon uttering the tasl¢m statement and saying the glorification statements, you may do the following:

(1) Recite Surah al-Tawhid fifty-one times,

(2) Recite the imploration for forgiveness (i.e. istighfar) fifty times:

.astaghfiru allahu I pray Allah for forgiveness ستغفر ٱلله�ا

(3) invoke blessings upon the Holy Prophet and his Household (i.e. Salawat) fifty times:

allahumma ¥alli `ala اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمدmuhammadin wa ali


O Allah, (please) send blessings upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,

(4) repeat the following statement fifty times:

ال حول وال قوة إال بٱلله ٱلعلي

ٱلعظيمla hawla wa la quwwata illa billah al`aliyyi al`a¨¢mi

There is neither might nor power except with Allah.

and (5) say the following supplication:

ya allahu almani`u qudratahu يا الله ٱلمانع قدرته خلقهkhalqahu

O Allah Who stops His power (to punish) from His creatures,

walmaliku biha sul§anahu وٱلمالك بها سلطانهWho possesses His authority through it,

وٱلمتسلط بما في يديه على كل

موجودwalmutasalli§u bima f¢ yadayhi

`ala kulli mawjudin

and Who has full power over all existent beings through what He possesses!

wa ghayruka yakh¢bu raja'u raj¢hi وغيرك يخيب رجاء راجيهWhile all others disappoint those who put hope in them,

wa raj¢ka masrurun la yakh¢bu وراجيك مسرور ال يخيبhe who puts hope in You is pleased and never disappointed.

as'aluka bikulli ri¤an laka لك بكل رضى لك�سا�اI beseech You in the name of all items that please You,

,wa bikulli shay'in anta f¢hi all things in which You are present نت فيه�وبكل شيء ا

wa bikulli shay'in tuhibbu an ن تذكر به�وبكل شيء تحب اtudhkara bih¢

all things in which You like to be mentioned,

,wa bika ya allahu and in Your Name, O Allahوبك يا الله

falaysa ya`diluka shay'un for there is nothing to be equal to فليس يعدلك شيء

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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg6 You,

an tu¥alliya `ala muhammadin wa ن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد�اali muhammadin

(please) send blessings upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,

¢wa tahfa¨an¢ wa walad¢ wa ahl هلي ومالي�وتحفظني وولدي واwa mal¢

safeguard me, my sons, my wife, and my possessions,

wa tahfa¨an¢ bihif¨ika وتحفظني بحفظكsafeguard me with Your safeguarding,

...wa an taq¤iya hajat¢ f¢… and settle my need, which is …ن تقضي حاجتي في�وا

Another Prayer for Settling the Needs

It is reported that one who has a request to be granted by Almighty Allah may offer a four-unit prayer, reciting Surah al-Fatihah and Surah al-An`am (No. 6) in each unit. Upon accomplishment, one may say the following supplication:

ya kar¢mu ya kar¢mu ya kar¢mu يا كريم يا كريم يا كريمO All-generous! O All-generous! O All-generous!

ya `a¨¢mu ya `a¨¢mu ya `a¨¢mu يا عظيم يا عظيم يا عظيمO All-great! O All-great! O All-great!

!ya a`¨ama min kulli `a¨¢min O Greater than all great ones عظم من كل عظيم�يا ا

!ya sam¢`a alddu`a'i O Hearer of prayersيا سميع ٱلدعاء

¢ya man la tughayyiruhu allayal يام�يا من ال تغيره ٱلليالي وٱالwal-ayyamu

O Unaffected by nights and days!

¢alli `ala muhammadin wa alih¥ صل على محمد وآله(Please) send blessings upon Muhammad and his Household

¢warham ¤a`f¢ wa faqr وٱرحم ضعفي وفقريand have mercy on my feebleness, neediness,

,wa faqat¢ wa maskanat¢ destitution, and poverty وفاقتي ومسكنتي

¢fa'innaka a`lamu biha minn علم بها مني�فإنك اbecause You know them better than I do

¢wa anta a`lamu bihajat علم بحاجتي�نت ا�واand You know my need better than I do.

ya man rahima alshshaykha يا من رحم ٱلشيخ يعقوبya`quba

O He Who had mercy upon Jacob, the old man,

h¢na radda `alayhi yusufa qurrataحين رد عليه يوسف قرة عينه`aynih¢

when He returned Joseph, the delight of his eyes, to him!

ya man rahima ayyuba ba`da §uli يوب بعد طول بالئه�يا من رحم اbala'ih¢

O He Who had mercy upon Job after a long time of tribulation!

ya man rahima muhammadan يا من رحم محمداO He Who had mercy upon Muhammad,

¢alla allahu `alayhi wa alih¥ صلى ٱلله عليه وآله وسلمAllah’s peace and blessings be upon him,

wa min alyutmi awahuٱليتم آواهومن Who gave shelter to him against orphanhood,

ونصره على جبابرة قريش

وطواغيتهاwa na¥arahu `ala jababirati qurayshin wa §awagh¢tiha

Who gave him victory against the tyrants and despots of Quraysh

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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg7 

wa amkanahu minhum مكنه منهم�واand Who gave him control over them!

ya mugh¢thu ya mugh¢thu ya…يا مغيث يا مغيث يا مغيثmugh¢thu…

O Bringer of aid! O Bringer of aid! O Bringer of aid!…

One may repeat the last statement frequently and then ask Almighty Allah for one’s need, for Almighty Allah will grant so.

Another Prayer for Settling the Needs

Sayyid Ibn Tawus, may Allah have mercy upon him, has reported the following: At Friday nights and the night before the `«d al-A¤ha Day (i.e. the tenth of Dhu’l-°ijjah), you may offer a two-unit prayer. In each unit, recite Surah al-Fatihah, but when you reach the following verse, you should repeated it one hundred times:

iyyaka na`budu wa iyyaka إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين.nasta`¢nu

You do we serve and You do we beseech for help.

You may then recite the next verses of Surah al-Fatihah and then recite Surah al-Tawh¢d two hundred times. Upon accomplishment of the prayer, you may repeat the following statement seventy times:

ل وال قوة إال بٱلله ٱلعلي ال حو

ٱلعظيمla hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

al`aliyyi al`a¨¢mi There is neither might nor power except with Allah.

You may then prostrate and repeat the following word of supplication two hundred times:

!ya rabbi O my Lordربيا

Then, you may pray Almighty Allah for whatever you want, and all your requests will be granted, Allah willing.

Another Prayer for Settling the Needs

This prayer has been reported by a big number of scholars, such as Shaykh al-Muf¢d, al-Tus¢, Sayyid Ibn Tawus, and many others, from Imam al-Sadiq (`a). However, according to the report of Sayyid Ibn Tawus, the way of offering this prayer is as follows:

When you have an urgent need and you wish Almighty Allah to grant it for you, you may observe fasting on three successive days; Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Friday, you may bathe yourself, dress yourself with a new, clean costume, go up to the highest point in your house, and offer a two-unit prayer. Then, you may raise your hands towards the sky and say the following supplication:

allahumma inn¢ halaltu bisahatika O Allah, I have resided in Your اللهم إني حللت بساحتكcourt

لمعرفتي بوحدانيتك وصمدانيتكlima`rifat¢ biwahdaniyyatika wa

¥amadaniyyatika due to my full acquaintance with Your Oneness, Self-independence, and

نه ال قادرا على قضاء حاجتي �وا


wa annahu la qadiran `ala qa¤a'i hajat¢ ghayruka

that there is none to settle my need save You.

,wa qad `alimtu ya rabbi I have known, O my Lord يا ربوقد علمت

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annahu kullama ta¨aharat نه كلما تظاهرت نعمتك علي�اni`matuka `alayya

that whenever Your graces are poured down on me in hoards,

¢ishtaddat faqat ٱشتدت فاقتي إليك ilayka my need to You becomes more urgent.

wa qad §araqan¢ hammu… I have been inflicted by the …وقد طرقني همdistress of…

You should now mention your problem and then keep on, saying:

wa anta bikashfih¢ `alimun نت بكشفه عالم غير معلم�واghayru mu`allamin

About relieving me from this distress, You have full knowledge and You need no direction

wasi`un ghayru mutakallifin واسع غير متكلفand You are Limitless and You do not have to think about it.

بٱسمك ٱلذي وضعته لك �سا�فا

على ٱلجبال فنسفتfa'as'aluka bismika alladh¢ wa ¤a`tahu `ala aljibali fanusifat

I therefore beseech You in the name of Your Name that You put on the mountains; so, they were carried away from the roots,

wa wa¤a`tahu `ala alssamawatiعلى ٱلسماوات فٱنشقت ووضعتهfanshaqqat

You put on the heavens; so, they were rent asunder,

,wa `ala alnnjumi fantasharat on the stars; so, they were spread وعلى ٱلنجوم فٱنتشرت

wa `ala al-ar¤i fasu§ihat فسطحترض �وعلى ٱالand on the earth; so, it was made a vast expanse.

لك بٱلحق ٱلذي جعلته �سا�وا

عند محمدwa as'aluka bilhaqqi alladh¢

ja`altahu `inda muhammadin

I also beseech You in the name of the Right that You deposited with Muhammad,

¢alla allahu `alayhi wa alih¥ صلى ٱلله عليه وآلهmay Allah bless him and his Household,

wa `inda `aliyyin walhasaniوعند علي وٱلحسن وٱلحسينwalhusayni and with `Al¢, al-°asan, al-°usayn,

wa `aliyyin wa muhammadin wa وعلي ومحمد وجعفرja`farin

`Al¢, Muhammad, Ja`far,

wa musa wa `aliyyin wa وموسى وعلي ومحمدmuhammadin

Musa, `Al¢, Muhammad,

,wa `aliyyin walhasani walhujjati `Al¢, al-°asan, and the Argument وعلي وٱلحسن وٱلحجة

,alayhim alssalamu peace be upon them`عليهم ٱلسالم

an tu¥alliya `ala muhammadin wa هل بيته�ن تصلي على محمد وا�اahli baytih¢

[I beseech You] t0 send blessings upon Muhammad and his Household,

,wa an taq¤iya l¢ hajat¢ settle my need for me ن تقضي لي حاجتي�وا

,wa tuyassira l¢ `as¢raha make easy what is difficult in it وتيسر لي عسيرها

wa takfiyan¢ muhimmaha وتكفيني مهمهاand save me from the intricate part of it.

.fa'in fa`alta falaka alhamdu If you do, then all praise be to You فإن فعلت فلك ٱلحمد

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wa in lam taf`al falaka alhamdu وإن لم تفعل فلك ٱلحمدIf you do it not, then all praise be to You,

ghayra ja'irin f¢ hukmika غير جائر في حكمكbecause You are neither biased in Your judgment,

,wa la muttahamin f¢ qa¤a'ika nor accused in Your decree وال متهم في قضائك

.wa la ha'ifin f¢ `adlika nor prejudicing in Your justice وال حائف في عدلك

You may then put your face on the ground and say the following supplication:

allahumma inna yunusa ibnaاللهم إن يونس بن متى عبدكmatta `abdaka

O Allah, Jonah the son of Amittai, Your servant,

da`aka f¢ ba§ni alhuti دعاك في بطن ٱلحوتprayed to You from the belly of the big fish

wa huwa `abduka fastajabta lahu وهو عبدك فٱستجبت لهand he is Your servant, and You responded to him;

¢wa ana `abduka ad`uka fastajib l دعوك فٱستجب لي�نا عبدك ا�واand I am Your servant too; so, (please) respond to me.

Imam al-Sadiq (`a) said, “Many times, I had many needs to be settled by Almighty Allah. I therefore said this supplication and came back having my need settled for me.”

Etiquettes of Praying for Settling the Needs

In Jamal al-Usbu`, Sayyid Ibn Tawus has mentioned an essay regarding the etiquettes of praying for granting one’s requests, which can be summed up as follows:

While trying to beseech the All-knowing Lord to grant you your request, you must be at the most modest manner. When you intend to present yourself before a human king to ask him for granting you a request, you naturally try to attain his pleasure through all possible means and efforts. Likewise, you must exert all possible efforts to attain the pleasure of the Almighty and All-majestic Lord when you want Him to grant you your request. Thus, do not beseech Him in a way less earnest than appealing from human kings; lest, you will fail to win your request because you have been of the scoffers. How is it then reasonable that you care for the pleasure of the All-majestic Lord less than your care for winning the pleasure of human kings who are no more than slaves of the Master of the Worlds? Such being the case, you will be regarded as belittling, scoffing, disdaining, and deriding the grandeur of the All-majestic Lord, and, as a result, you will never win your request no matter how many prayers you would offer and how many days you would fast.

Moreover, when you fast on a day or offer a prayer for purpose of winning your request from Almighty God, you must not behave as if you are testing Him; rather, you must have full confidence of His response. As a rule, we, human beings, try others only when we are suspicious about their ability to do what they are tried to do. About those who suspect Him, Almighty Allah says, “…the entertainers of evil thoughts about Allah. On them is the evil turn. (48/6)”

Significantly, when you beseech the Lord for granting your request, you must have full confidence in His all-encompassing mercy, His all-inclusive magnanimity, and His fulfillment of all of His promises.

When you turn your face towards the most generous of all human beings to ask him for an insignificant thing, you will most certainly be sure that he will grant you that thing after you have asked it from him in the most appropriate way. Similarly, you must be surer that Almighty Allah Who is the All-generous and the most generous of all those who act generously that He will grant you your request, which is, in His sight and as compared to His omnipotence, less insignificant than all insignificant things. Hence, beware that you put confidence in any mortal more than you do with Almighty Allah.

It is also advisable that when you offer a prayer and fast on a day for purpose of winning your request from God, you must arrange your worldly requests according to their importance. In fact, the most important of all your requests, no matter

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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg10 how urgent they be, are the requests of the one under whose shade you are living and whose hospitality you are experiencing; namely, the Patron of the Age, Imam al-Mahd¢, may Allah’s blessings be upon him.

Then come your requests with regard to your religious faith. Only then do come your personal requests involved.

To explain, when you intend to beseech Almighty Allah to save you from perdition, you may observe fasting with the intention of praying Him to grant you this very request. In fact, you should have known that winning Almighty Allah’s amnesty, pleasure, acceptance, and approval is more important than being saved from perdition, because you will eventually perish whether you like it or not, but if you miss Almighty Allah’s majesty, pleasure, and acceptance, you will lose this worldly life and the eternal life thus exposing yourself to unbearable and unimaginable misfortunes.

Similarly, as I have advised you to give the requests of the Patron of the Age priority to your personal requests, I only meant to inform you that the survival of this world and the survival of its inhabitants are contingent upon the existence of the Patron in this world. Hence, how is it reasonable to give precedence to your personal requests over the requests of the one without whom you do not live a single moment?

Let it be known to you that the Patron of the Age is in no need for your implorations for him; rather, if you do what I have just advised you to do, you will then have fulfilled your pledge towards him.

Finally, it is highly recommended to commence your supplicatory prayers with invoking Almighty Allah’s blessings upon the Holy Infallibles (`a).


Although they are numerous, I will mention only thirty prayers for this-worldly and otherworldly requests:

First: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is reported to have advised of saying this supplicatory prayer:

O Allah, (please) make me fear You as if I can see You.

allahumma ij`aln¢ akhshaka ka'ann¢ araka

ني �خشاك كا�اللهم ٱجعلني ا

راك�اMake me happy to act piously towards You.

wa as`idn¢ bitaqwaka وا�سعدني بتقواك Do not distress me by granting me activity to commit acts of disobedience to You.

wa la tushqin¢ binash§¢ lima`a¥¢ka وال تشقني بنشطي لمعاصيك Choose for me through Your decree.

wa khir l¢ f¢ qa¤a'ika وخر لي في قضائك Bless me through Your determination

wa barik l¢ f¢ qadarika وبارك لي في قدرك so that I will not long for delaying that which You would hasten

hatta la uhibba ta'kh¢ra ma `ajjalta حتى ال ا�حب تا�ا عجلتخير م

or hastening that which You have delayed.

wa la ta`j¢la ma akhkharta وال تعجيل ما ا�خرت And (please) make my richness in my conscience

waj`al ghinaya f¢ nafs¢ وٱجعل غناي في نفسي and make me find enjoyment in my hearing and sight.

wa matti`n¢ bi sam`¢ wa ba¥ar¢ ومتعني بسمعي وبصري

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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg11 Make them sound until I am inherited.

waj`alhuma alwarithayni minn¢ وٱجعلهما ٱلوارثين مني Grant me victory over him who wrongs me,

wan¥urn¢ `ala man ¨alaman¢ وٱنصرني على من ظلمني make me see signs of Your power in him, O my Lord,

wa arin¢ f¢hi qudrataka ya rabbi وا�رني فيه قدرتك يا رب and make Your favors to be the delight of my eye.

wa aqirra bifa¤lika `ayn¢ وا�ينيقر بفضلك ع Second: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is also reported to have advised of saying this supplicatory prayer:

عني على هول يوم �اللهم ا

ٱلقيامةallahumma a`inn¢ `ala hawli yawmi alqiyamati

O Allah, (please) help me encounter the horror of the Resurrection Day,

,wa akhrijn¢ min alddunya saliman take me out of this world soundly خرجني من ٱلدنيا سالما�وا

wa zawwijn¢ min alhuri al`¢ni وزوجني من ٱلحور ٱلعينgive me in marriage the Paradisiacal women,

wakfin¢ ma'unat¢ wa ma'unata ونتي ومؤونة عياليوٱكفني مؤ`iyal¢

save me from procuring the provisions of myself, my family members,

,wa ma'unata alnnasi and peopleومؤونة ٱلناس

دخلني برحمتك في عبادك �وا

ٱلصالحينwa adkhiln¢ birahmatika f¢ `ibadika al¥¥alih¢na

and include me, in the name of Your mercy, with Your righteous servants.

Third: This supplicatory prayer wards off sinning and brings about all this-worldly and otherworldly requests overall:

bismillahi alrrahman alrrah¢mi ٱلرحيمبسم ٱلله ٱلرحمن In the Name of Allah; the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.

ya man a¨hara aljam¢la ظهر ٱلجميل�يا من اO He Who has shown only goodness,

wa satara alqab¢haوستر ٱلقبيحconcealed the evil (deeds of His servants),

!wa lam yahtik alssitra `anna¢ and has not exposed the hidden ولم يهتك ٱلستر عني

ya kar¢ma al`afwiيا كريم ٱلعفوO He Who is generous in pardoning!

ya hasana alttajawuzi يا حسن ٱلتجاوزO He Who is Excellent in overlooking!

!ya wasi`a almaghfirati O He Who is Liberal in forgiving يا واسع ٱلمغفرة

wa ya basi§a alyadayni ويا باسط ٱليدين بالرحمةbilrrahmati

O He Who opens His hands wide with mercy!

ya ¥ahiba kulli najwa يا صاحب كل نجوىO He Who is present in all confidential talks!

wa ya muntaha kulli shakwa ويا منتهى كل شكوىO He Who is the ultimate objective of all complaints!

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ya kar¢ma al¥¥afhiيا كريم الصفحO He Who is generous in condoning!

!ya `a¨¢ma almanni O He Who is great in favoringيا عظيم المن

يا مبتدئ كل نعمة قبل

ٱستحقاقهاya mubtadi'a kulli ni`matin qabla istihqaqiha

O He Who takes the initiative in enduing with all favors before they are deserved!

ya rabbahu ya sayyidahu ya ا رباه يا سيداه يا موالهيmawlahu

O my Lord! O my Master! O my Cherisher!

!ya ghayatahu ya ghiyathahu O my utmost hope! O my aide يا غايتاه يا غياثاه

alli `ala muhammadin wa ali¥ صل على محمد وآل محمدmuhammadin

(Please) send blessings upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad

¢wa as'aluka an la taj`alan¢ f ن ال تجعلني في ٱلنار�لك ا�سا�واalnnari

and I beseech You not to put me in Hellfire.

Fourth: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is reported to have said this supplicatory prayer:

,anta thiqat¢ f¢ kulli kurbatin You are my trust in all hard times نت ثقتي في كل كربة�ا

,wa anta raja'¢ f¢ kulli shiddatin You are my hope in all ordeals نت رجائي في كل شدة�وا

مر نزل بي ثقة �نت لي في كل ا�وا

وعدةwa anta l¢ f¢ kulli amrin nazala b¢ thiqatun wa `uddatun

and You alone are my reliance and support in every matter that afflicts me.

kam min karbin ya¤`ufu `anhuكم من كرب يضعف عنه ٱلفؤادalfu'adu

Too many are the agonies, which the heart is too weak to undergo,

wa taqillu f¢hi alh¢latu وتقل فيه ٱلحيلةwhich all stratagems fail to manage,

wa yakhdhulu `anhu alqar¢buويخذل عنه ٱلقريب وٱلبعيدwalba`¢du

in which the friend and the stranger disappoint,

,wa yashmatu bih¢ al`aduwwu at which the enemy gloat ويشمت به ٱلعدو

,wa tu`y¢n¢ f¢hi al-umuru and in which I lose any way out مور�وتعييني فيه ٱال

anzaltuhu bika wa shakawtuhu إليكنزلته بك وشكوته �اilayka

but when I referred them to You and complained about them to You,

,raghiban f¢hi `amman siwaka abandoning all others than You راغبا فيه عمن سواك

fafarrajtahu wa kashaftahu wa ففرجته وكشفته وكفيتنيهkafaytan¢hi

You have relieved, removed, and saved me from it.

fa'anta waliyyu kulli ni`matin نت ولي كل نعمة�فاSo, You are the patron of all graces,

wa ¥ahibu kulli hajatin وصاحب كل حاجةthe One Who stands for all requests,

.wa muntaha kulli raghbatin and the utmost of all desires ومنتهى كل رغبة

falaka alhamdu kath¢ran So, very much praise be to You فلك ٱلحمد كثيرا

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.wa laka almannu fa¤ilan and abundant gratitude be to You ولك ٱلمن فاضال

This is the supplicatory prayer the Holy Prophet (¥) said on the days of the Battle of Badr and the Battle of the Allies (i.e. al-Ahzab). The chief of martyrs; namely, Imam al-°usayn (`a), also said this supplicatory prayer in Karbala' on the `ªshura' Day.

Furthermore, two more supplicatory prayers were said by Imam al-°usayn (`a) on that day. The first one is the supplicatory prayer he taught to his son Imam Zayn al-`ªbid¢n (`a) when he embraced him to his chest while blood was gushing from his body. Used in urgent cases, intense grief, harsh times, and difficult matters, the supplicatory prayer intended is as follows:

bihaqqi ya-s¢n walqur'ani alhak¢mi بحق يس وٱلقرآن ٱلحكيمIn the name of Yas¢n and the Qur'an full of wisdom

wa bihaqqi §a-ha walqur'ani وبحق طه وٱلقرآن ٱلعظيمal`a¨¢mi

and in the name of Taha and the Great Qur'an (I beseech You).

ya man yaqdiru `ala hawa'ijiيا من يقدر على حوائج ٱلسائلينalssa'il¢na

O He Who has power to grant the requests of the beseechers!

ya man ya`lamu ma f¢ al¤¤am¢ri يا من يعلم ما في ٱلضميرO He Who knows what is in the inner selves!

ya munaffisan `an almakrub¢na يا منفسا عن ٱلمكروبينO He Who alleviates the agonized ones!

ya mufarrijan `an almaghmum¢na يا مفرجا عن ٱلمغمومينO He Who relieves the distressed ones!

ya rahima alshshaykhi alkab¢ri يا راحم ٱلشيخ ٱلكبيرO He Who is merciful to the old ones!

ya raziqa al§§ifli al¥¥agh¢ri يا رازق ٱلطفل ٱلصغيرO He Who provides the little babies with sustenance!

ya man la yahtaju ila alttafs¢riيا من ال يحتاج إلى ٱلتفسيرO He Who does not require explanation!

alli `ala muhammadin wa ali¥…صل على محمد وآل محمدmuhammadin…

(Please) bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad and…

One may now submit his requests.

Fifth: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is reported to have raised his hands towards the sky and said this supplicatory prayer:

طرفة رب ال تكلني إلى نفسي

بدا�عين اrabbi la takiln¢ ila nafs¢ §arfata `aynin abadan

O my Lord, never relegate me to myself even for a winking of an eye,

la aqalla min dhalika wa la كثر�قل من ذلك وال ا�ال اakthara

less than that, or more than that.

Sixth: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is also reported to have advised of saying this prayer:

إرحمني مما ال طاقة لي به وال

صبر لي عليهirhamn¢ mimma la §aqata l¢ bih¢ wa la ¥abra l¢ `alayhi

(Please) have mercy upon me against what I am too feeble to do and what I am too impatient to stand.

Seventh: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is also reported to have advised of saying this supplicatory prayer:

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لك بجاللك �سا�ا اللهم إني

…ن�ا وجمالك وكرمكallahumma inn¢ as'aluka bijalalika wa jamalika wa karamika an…

Allah, I beseech You in the name of Your majesty, beauty, and generosity to…

One may now submit his requests.

Eighth: Fa¤l ibn Yunus has reported that Imam al-Ka¨im (`a) advised him to repeat this supplicatory prayer very much:

allahumma la taj`aln¢ minاللهم ال تجعلني من ٱلمعارينalmu`ar¢na

O Allah, (please) do not make me of the unfixed-hearted

wa la tukhrijn¢ min alttaq¥¢ri وال تخرجني من ٱلتقصيرand do not make me feel not negligent.

To explain, the first statement is a prayer for not including with those whose faith is as irregular as loans, which means that faith is not fixed in their hearts. However, the statement may also stand for a prayer for not including with those whom are relegated to themselves and Allah the Almighty has no interference in their affairs, just like a horse whose rein is thrown freely on its wither and is left to graze uncontrollably.

The second statement is a prayer for not including with those who feel themselves to have carried out their duties towards their Lord flawlessly. In fact, one must always feel that he cannot carry out his duties towards his Lord fully whatever efforts he would exert.

Ninth: Imam al-Baqir (`a) is reported to have said: Almighty Allah has forgiven a Bedouin man for two words he said in his supplicatory prayer. These two words are as follows:

¢allahumma in tu`adhdhibn نٱ�ا هل لذلك�اللهم إن تعذبني فاfa'ahlun lidhalika ana

O Allah, if You punish me, then this befits me,

wa in taghfir l¢ fa'ahlun lidhalika نت�ا هل لذلك�وإن تغفر لي فاanta

but if You forgive me, then it befits You.

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Tenth: Dawud al-Raqq¢ has said: Whenever he insisted in prayers, Imam al-Sadiq (`a) would pray Almighty Allah in the name of the Five Persons: the Holy Prophet, Imam `Al¢, Lady Fa§imah, Imam al-°asan, and Imam al-°usayn, peace be upon them.

Eleventh: Yaz¢d al-Sa'igh is reported to have said: I asked Imam al-Sadiq (`a) to pray Almighty Allah for our good. He therefore said:

allahumma irzuqhum ¥idqaاللهم ٱرزقهم صدق ٱلحديثalhad¢thi

O Allah, (please) endue them with truthfulness in speech,

,wa ada'a al-amanati fulfillment of trusts مانة�داء ٱال�وا

.walmuhafa¨ata `ala al¥¥alawati and constant attendance to prayers وٱلمحافظة على ٱلصلوات

ن �حق خلقك ا�اللهم إنهم ا

تفعله بهمallahumma innahum ahaqqu khalqika an taf`alahu bihim

O Allah, they are the worthiest of all of Your creatures to obtain this from You;

.allahumma if`alhu bihim therefore, O Allah, do it to them اللهم ٱفعله بهم

Twelfth: Say this supplicatory prayer, which Imam `Al¢ Am¢r al-Mu'min¢n (`a) used to say:

allahumma munna `alayyaاللهم من علي بٱلتوكل عليكbilttawakkuli `alayka

O Allah, endue me with reliance on You,

walttafw¢¤i ilayka وٱلتفويض إليكentrusting (all my affairs) with You,

,walrri¤a biqadarika satisfaction with Your decreeوٱلرضا بقدرك

walttasl¢mi li'amrika and submission to Your ordinance مرك�وٱلتسليم ال

hatta la uhibba ta`j¢la ma خرت�حب تعجيل ما ا�حتى ال اakhkharta

so that I would not long for hastening what You delay

.wa la ta'kh¢ra ma `ajjalta and delaying what You hasten خير ما عجلت�وال تا

!ya rabba al`alam¢na O Lord of the worldsيا رب ٱلعالمين

Thirteenth: It is reported that Archangel Gabriel came to the Holy Prophet (¥) and conveyed to him the following message from Almighty Allah: If you want to worship Me a whole night and a whole day perfectly, you may raise your hands towards Me and say this supplicatory prayer:

allahumma laka alhamdu O Allah, all praise be to You اللهم لك ٱلحمد

.hamdan khalidan ma`a khuludika that is as eternal as You are حمدا خالدا مع خلودك

wa laka alhamdu All praise be to Youولك ٱلحمد

hamdan la muntaha lahu dunaحمدا ال منتهى له دون علمك`ilmika

that never ends save Your knowledge (about it).

wa laka alhamdu All praise be to Youولك ٱلحمد

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hamdan la amada lahu duna مد له دون مشيئتك�حمدا ال اmash¢'atika

that has no limit save when You will.

wa laka alhamdu All praise be to Youولك ٱلحمد

hamdan la jaza'a liqa'ilih¢ illaحمدا ال جزاء لقائله إال رضاكri¤aka

the recompense of whose sayer is nothing save Your pleasure.

allahumma laka alhamdu kulluhu اللهم لك ٱلحمد كلهO Allah, all praise entirely be to You,

,wa laka almann kulluhu all gratitude entirely is Yoursولك ٱلمن كله

,wa laka alfakhru kulluhu all pride entirely is Yoursولك ٱلفخر كله

,wa laka albaha'u kulluhu all splendor entirely is Yoursولك ٱلبهاء كله

,wa laka alnnuru kulluhu the whole light entirely is Yoursولك ٱلنور كله

,wa laka al`izzatu kulluha all mightiness entirely is Yoursولك ٱلعزة كلها

,wa laka aljabarutu kulluha all grandeur entirely is Yours ولك ٱلجبروت كلها

,wa laka al`a¨amatu kulluha all greatness entirely is Yours ولك ٱلعظمة كلها

,wa laka alddunya kulluha the whole world entirely is Yours ولك ٱلدنيا كلها

wa laka al-akhiratu kulluha ولك ٱآلخرة كلهاthe whole Hereafter entirely is Yours,

wa laka allaylu walnnaharu ولك ٱلليل وٱلنهار كلهkulluhu

all nights and all days entirely are Yours,

,wa laka alkhalqu kulluhu all creation entirely is Yours ولك ٱلخلق كله

,wa biyadika alkhayru kulluhu the good entirely is in Your hand وبيدك ٱلخير كله

wa ilayka yarji`u al-amru kulluhu مر كله�وإليك يرجع ٱالand all affairs entirely are returned to You,

.alaniyatuhu wa sirrihu both the open and the hidden`عالنيته وسره

allahumma laka alhamdu hamdan بدا�اللهم لك ٱلحمد حمدا اabadan

O Allah, all praise eternally be to You.

,anta hasanu albala'i You are the sympathetic in ordeals نت حسن ٱلبالء�ا

,jal¢lu alththana'i the lofty in praiseworthinessجليل ٱلثناء

,sabighu alnna`ma'i the abundant in bestowalsسابغ ٱلنعماء

,adlu alqa¤a'i the just in decreeing`عدل ٱلقضاء

,jaz¢lu al`a§a'i the opulent in donationجزيل ٱلعطاء

,hasanu al-ala'i the excellent in gracesحسن ٱآلالء

,ilahun f¢ al-ar¤i the god in the earth رض�إله في ٱال

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.wa ilahun f¢ alssama'i and the god in the heavensوإله في ٱلسماء

اللهم لك ٱلحمد في ٱلسبع

ٱلشدادallahumma laka alhamdu f¢ alssab`i alshshidadi

O Allah, all praise in the seven strong skies be to You,

wa laka alhamdu f¢ al-ar¤i رض ٱلمهاد�ٱالولك الحمد في almihadi

all praise in the plain lands be to You,

wa laka alhamdu §aqata al`ibadi ولك ٱلحمد طاقة ٱلعبادall praise that is as much as the scope of the servants be to You,

wa laka alhamdu sa`ata albiladi ٱلبالد ولك ٱلحمد سعةall praise that is as extensive as lands be to You,

-wa laka alhamdu f¢ aljibali al وتاد�ولك ٱلحمد في ٱلجبال ٱالawtadi

all praise in the mountains that are as projections be to You,

wa laka alhamdu f¢ allayli idhaٱلحمد في ٱلليل إذا يغشىولك yaghsha

all praise in the night when it draws a veil be to You,

wa laka alhamdu f¢ alnnahari idhaولك ٱلحمد في ٱلنهار إذا تجلىtajalla

all praise in the daylight when it shines in brightness be to You,

wa laka alhamdu f¢ al-akhirati ولى�ولك ٱلحمد في ٱآلخرة وٱالwal-ula

all praise in the last and the first be to You,

ولك ٱلحمد في ٱلمثاني وٱلقرآن

ٱلعظيمwa laka alhamdu f¢ almathan¢ walqur'ani al`a¨¢mi

and all praise in the oft-repeated verses and the Great Qur'an be to You.

¢wa subhana allahi wa bihamdih وسبحان ٱلله وبحمدهAll glory be to Allah and in praise of Him.

رض جميعا قبضته يوم �وٱال

ٱلقيامةwal-ar¤u jam¢`an qab¤atuhu yawma alqiyamati

The whole earth shall be in His grip on the Resurrection Day

walssamawatu ma§wiyyatun وٱلسماوات مطويات بيمينهbiyam¢nih¢

and the heavens rolled up in His right hand.

subhanahu wa ta`ala `amma عما يشركونسبحانه وتعالى yushrikuna

Glory be to Him and may He be exalted above what they associate with Him.

¢subhana allahi wa bihamdih سبحان ٱلله وبحمدهAll glory be to Allah and in praise of Him.

kullu shay'in halikun illa wajhahu إال وجههكل شيء هالك Everything is perishable except His Face.

subhanaka rabbana wa ta`alayta سبحانك ربنا وتعاليتGlory be to You, O our Lord, exalted be You,

.wa tabarakta wa taqaddasta blessed be You, and holy be You وتباركت وتقدست

khalaqta kulla shay'in biqudratika خلقت كل شيء بقدرتكYou have created all things by Your omnipotence,

wa qaharta kulla shay'in وقهرت كل شيء بعزتكbi`izzatika

predominated over all things by Your almightiness,

wa `alawta fawqa kulli shay'inوعلوت فوق كل شيء بٱرتفاعكbirtifa`ika

towered above all things by Your elevation,

wa ghalabta kulla shay'in وغلبت كل شيء بقوتكbiquwwatika

overcome all things by Your power,

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وٱبتدعت كل شيء بحكمتك

وعلمكwabtada`ta kulla shay'in bihikmatika wa `ilmika

fashioned all things by Your wisdom and knowledge,

wa ba`athta alrrusula bikutubika وبعثت ٱلرسل بكتبكsent the messengers with Your Books,

wa hadayta al¥¥alih¢na bi'idhnika وهديت ٱلصالحين بإذنكguided the righteous ones by Your permission,

,wa ayyadta almu'min¢na bina¥rika aided the believers by Your victory يدت ٱلمؤمنين بنصرك�وا

wa qaharta alkhalqa bisul§anika قهرت ٱلخلق بسلطانكوand overpowered all the creatures by Your authority.

;la ilaha illa anta There is no god save You نت�ال إله إال ا

wahdaka la shar¢ka laka وحدك ال شريك لكYou are one and only and there is no associate with You.

,la na`budu ghayraka We serve none but Youال نعبد غيرك

,wa la nas'alu illa iyyaka we beseech none but You ل إال إياك�وال نسا

.wa la narghabu illa ilayka and we desire for none but You وال نرغب إال إليك

anta maw¤i`u shakwana نت موضع شكوانا�اYou are the target of our complaints,

,wa muntaha raghbatina the utmost of our desiresومنتهى رغبتنا

.wa ilahuna wa mal¢kuna the God, and the Master of usوإلهنا ومليكنا

Fourteenth: It is reported that a man came to Imam `Al¢ Am¢r al-Mu'min¢n (`a) and complained about the delay in response of his prayers.

“Have you tried the swift-responded prayer?” Imam `Al¢ (`a) asked.

“What prayer do you mean?” asked the man.

Imam `Al¢ (`a) thus taught him to say this supplicatory prayer:

allahumma inn¢ as'aluka لك�سا�اللهم إني اbismika

O Allah, I beseech You

al`a¨¢mi al-a`¨ami عظم�بٱسمك ٱلعظيم ٱالin the name of Your Name; the great, the greatest,

,al-ajalli al-akrami the most majestic, the noblest كرم�جل ٱال�ٱال

,almakhzuni almaknuni the hoarded, the hidden ٱلمخزون ٱلمكنون

,alnnuri alhaqqi the brilliant, the trueٱلنور ٱلحق

,alburhani almub¢ni the manifest demonstrationٱلبرهان ٱلمبين

,alladh¢ huwa nurun ma`a nurin which is light with light ٱلذي هو نور مع نور

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,wa nurun min nurin light out of lightونور من نور

,wa nurun f¢ nurin light in lightونور في نور

,wa nurun `ala kulli nurin light on all light ونور على كل نور

,wa nurun fawqa kulli nurin light over all light ونور فوق كل نور

wa nurun tu¤¢'u bih¢ kulla ونور تضيء به كل ظلمة¨ulmatin

and light by which all darkness is shone

,wa yuksaru bih¢ kullu shiddatin and all hardships شدة ويكسر به كل

,wa kullu shay§anin mar¢din all rebellious devils وكل شيطان مريد

wa kullu jabbarin `an¢din وكل جبار عنيدand all obstinate transgressors are unraveled.

la taqirru bih¢ ar¤un Neither a land can bear it رض�ال تقر به ا

.wa la taqumu bih¢ sama'un nor can any sky hold it وال تقوم به سماء

wa ya'manu bih¢ kullu kha'ifin من به كل خائف�وياThrough it, all fearful ones attain security

wa yab§ulu bih¢ sihru kulli سحر كل ساحر ويبطل بهsahirin

and sorceries of all sorcerers,

,wa baghyu kulli baghin oppressions of all oppressorsوبغي كل باغ

wa hasadu kulli hasidin وحسد كل حاسدand envy of all envious ones are counteracted.

¢wa yata¥adda`u li`a¨amatihويتصدع لعظمته ٱلبر وٱلبحرalbarru walbahru

Because of its greatness, all lands and oceans split

wa yastaqillu bih¢ alfulku and all arks stand stable ويستقل به ٱلفلك

;h¢na yatakallamu bih¢ almalaku when the angel pronounces it يتكلم به ٱلملكحين

fala yakunu lilmawji `alayhiفال يكون للموج عليه سبيلsab¢lun

so, waves will no more have any effect on these arks.

-wa huwa ismuka al-a`¨amu al عظم�عظم ٱال�وهو ٱسمك ٱالa`¨amu

It is Your Name; the greatest, the greatest,

al-ajallu al-ajallu جل�جل ٱال�ٱالthe most majestic, the most majestic,

,alnnuru al-akbaru the grandest light كبر�ٱلنور ٱال

alladh¢ sammayta bih¢ nafsaka which You have used for Yourself نفسكٱلذي سميت به

wastawayta bih¢ `ala `arshika وٱستويت به على عرشكand by which You have prevailed on Your Throne.

wa atawajjahu ilayka هل بيته�توجه إليك بمحمد وا�واbimuhammadin wa ahli baytih¢

I turn my face towards You in the name of Muhammad and his Household

wa as'aluka bika wa bihim لك بك وبهم�سا�واand beseech You in the name of You and them

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ن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد �ا

…ن�واan tu¥alliya `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin wa an…

to bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad and to…

You may now submit your requests.

Fifteenth: `Amr ibn Abi’l-Miqdam has reported the following: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) dictated this supplicatory prayer, which achieves benefits for this world and the other world: After praising and thanking Almighty Allah, you may say this:

نت ٱلحليم �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�اللهم ا

ٱلكريمallahumma anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alhal¢mu alkar¢mu

O Allah, You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Forbearing, the All-generous.

نت ٱلعزيز �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلحكيمwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta al`az¢zu alhak¢mu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Almighty, the All-wise.

wa anta allahu la ilaha illa نت ٱلواحد ٱلقهار�نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�واanta alwahidu alqahharu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the One, the Supreme.

wa anta allahu la ilaha illa ك ٱلجبارنت ٱلمل�نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�واanta almaliku aljabbaru

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Master, the Compeller.

نت ٱلرحيم �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلغفارwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alrrah¢mu alghaffaru

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the All-merciful, the Forgiver.

نت ٱلشديد �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلمحالwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alshshd¢du almihalu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Mighty in prowess.

نت ٱلكبير �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلمتعالwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alkab¢ru almuta`ali

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Great, the High Exalted.

نت ٱلسميع �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلبصيرwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alssam¢`u alba¥¢ru

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Hearing, the Seeing.

نت ٱلمنيع �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلقديرwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alman¢`u alqad¢ru

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Impregnable, the Omnipotent.

نت ٱلغفور �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلشكورwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alghafuru alshshkuru

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Forgiver, the Ready to appreciate.

نت ٱلحميد �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلمجيدwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alham¢du almaj¢du

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Praiseworthy, the All-glorious.

wa anta allahu la ilaha illaنت ٱلغني �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�واanta alghaniyyu alham¢du

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Self-sufficient, the

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نت ٱلغفور �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلودودwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alghafuru alwadudu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Forgiver, the Loving.

نت ٱلحنان �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلمنانwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alhannanu almannanu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the All-tender, the All-favorer.

نت ٱلحليم �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلديانwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alhal¢mu alddayyanu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Forbearing, the Requiter.

اد نت ٱلجو�نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلماجدwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta aljawadu almajidu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the All-magnanimous, the Glorious.

نت �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

حد�ٱال ٱلواحدwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta alwahidu al-ahadu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the One, the One and Only.

نت ٱلغائب �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلشاهدwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta algha'ibu alshshahidu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Unseen, the Witness.

نت ٱلظاهر �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

ٱلباطنwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta al¨¨ahiru alba§inu

You are Allah; there is no god save You, the Evident, the Immanent.

نت بكل شيء �نت ٱلله ال إله إال ا�وا

يمعلwa anta allahu la ilaha illa anta bikulli shay'in `al¢mun

You are Allah; there is no god save You; You have knowledge of all things.

tamm nuruka fahadayta تم نورك فهديتPerfect is Your brilliance; so, You have guided (to the true guidance).

wa basa§ta yadaka fa'a`§ayta عطيت�وبسطت يدك فاOpen is Your hand; so, You have given (liberally).

rabbana wajhuka akramu كرم ٱلوجوه�ربنا وجهك اalwujuhi

Our Lord, Your Face is the noblest of all faces,

,wa jihatuka khayru aljihati Your side is the best of all sides ٱلجهاتوجهتك خير

wa `a§iyyatuka af¤alu ها�هنا�فضل ٱلعطايا وا�وعطيتك اal`a§aya wa ahna'uha

and Your donations are the most favorable and most pleasant of all donations.

tu§a`u rabbana fatashkuru ربنا فتشكرتطاع Our Lord, when You are obeyed, You thank

wa tu`¥a rabbana fataghfiru وتعصى ربنا فتغفر لمن شئتliman shi'ta

and when You, our Lord, is disobeyed, You forgive whomever You wish.

,tuj¢bu almu¤§arr¢na You respond to the distressed ٱلمضطرينتجيب

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,wa takshifu alssu'a relieve from evilوتكشف ٱلسوء

,wa taqbalu alttawbata accept repentanceوتقبل ٱلتوبة

.wa ta`fu `an aldhdhunubi and pardon the sins وتعفو عن ٱلذنوب

la tujaza ayad¢ka ياديك�ال تجازى اYour bestowals are too abundant to be recompensed,

wa la tuh¥a ni`amuka وال تحصى نعمكYour graces are too many to be counted,

wa la yablughu midhataka وال يبلغ مدحتك قول قائلqawlu qa'ilin

and You are too praised to be expressed by any statement.

allahumma ¥alli `ala اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمدmuhammadin wa ali muhammadin

O Allah, (please) bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,

wa `ajjil farajahum wa فرجهم وروحهموعجل rawhahum

hasten their relief, comfort,

wa rahatahum wa وراحتهم وسرورهمsururahum

rest, and pleasure,

wa adhiqn¢ §a`ma farajihim ذقني طعم فرجهم�واmake me taste the flavor of their relief,

wa ahlik a`da'ahum min عداءهم من ٱلجن وٱإلنس�هلك ا�واaljinni wal-insi

annihilate their jinn and human enemies,

wa atina f¢ alddunya وآتنا في ٱلدنيا حسنةhasanatan

grant us good in this world

,wa f¢ al-akhirati hasanatan and good in the Hereafter وفي ٱآلخرة حسنة

wa qina `adhaba alnnari وقنا عذاب ٱلنارand protect us against the chastisement of fire.

وٱجعلنا من ٱلذين ال خوف عليهم وال

هم يحزنونwaj`alna min alladh¢na la khawfun `alayhim wa la hum yahzanuna

Include us with those upon whom no fear shall come nor shall they grieve.

waj`aln¢ min alladh¢na وٱجعلني من ٱلذين صبروٱ¥abaru

Include me with those who have acted patiently

wa `ala rabbihim لونوعلى ربهم يتوكyatawakkaluna

and on their Lord do they rely.

wa thabbitn¢ bilqawli وثبتني بٱلقول ٱلثابتalththabiti Confirm me with the sure word

-f¢ alhayati alddunya wa f¢ alفي ٱلحياة ٱلدنيا وفي ٱآلخرةakhirati

in this worldly life and in the Hereafter.

wa barik l¢ f¢ almahyaوبارك لي في ٱلمحيا وٱلمماتwalmamati

Bless me in my lifetime, in my death,

walmawqifi walnnushuri وٱلموقف وٱلنشورon the Situation, in the Resurrection,

walhisabi walm¢zani وٱلميزان وٱلحسابin the Settling of account, in the Scale,

wa ahwali yawmi alqiyamati هوال يوم ٱلقيامة�واand at the horrors of the Resurrection Day,

wa sallimn¢ `ala al¥¥ira§i wa جزني عليه�وسلمني على ٱلصراط واajizn¢ `alayhi

keep me safe on the Discriminating Bridge, and make me pass it safely.

,warzuqn¢ `ilman nafi`an Provide me with useful knowledge وٱرزقني علما نافعا

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,wa yaq¢nan ¥adiqan true certitudeويقينا صادقا

wa tuqan wa birran wa وبرا وورعاوتقى wara`an

piety, righteousness, devoutness,

wa khawfan minka wa وخوفا منك وفرقاfaraqan

fear of You, and dread of You

yuballighun¢ minka zulfa يبلغني منك زلفىdue to which I attain a nearer step towards You

wa la yuba`idun¢ `anka وال يباعدني عنكand I avoid any remoter step from You.

¢wa ahbibn¢ wa la tubghi¤n حببني وال تبغضني�واEndear me (to people) and do not make the others incur the hatred of me.

wa tawallan¢ wa la وال تخذلنيوتولني takhdhuln¢

Take care of me and do not disappoint me.

عطني من جميع خير ٱلدنيا �وا

وٱآلخرةwa a`§in¢ min jam¢`i khayri alddunya wal-akhirati

Grant me a part of the whole welfare of this world and the Hereafter,

ma `alimtu minhu wa ma علم�ما علمت منه وما لم اlam a`lam

including what I know and what I do not.

¢wa ajirn¢ min alssu'i kullih جرني من ٱلسوء كله بحذافيره�واbihadhaf¢rih¢

Save me from the whole evil altogether,

ma `alimtu minhu wa ma علم�ما علمت منه وما لم اlam a`lam

including what I know and what I do not.

Sixteenth: Mu`awiyah ibn `Ammar has reported that he once asked Imam al-Sadiq (`a) to teach him exclusively a special supplicatory prayer. The Imam (`a) therefore taught him to say this:

!ya wahidu ya majidu O One! O Glorious يا واحد يا ماجد

ya ahadu ya ¥amadu حد يا صمد�يا اO One and Only! O Eternally besought of all!

ya man lam yalid wa lam yulad يا من لم يلد ولم يولدO He Who begets not nor is He begotten

wa lam yakun lahu kufwan حد�ولم يكن له كفوا اahadun

and none is like Him!

ya `az¢zu ya kar¢mu ya hannanu يا عزيز يا كريم يا حنانO Almighty! O All-generous! O All-tender!

!ya sami`a aldda`awati O Hearer of prayers يا سامع ٱلدعوات

ya ajwada man su'ila جود من سئل�يا اO most magnanimous of all those who may donate

!wa ya khayra man a`§a and best of all those who may give عطى�ويا خير من ا

!ya allahu ya allahu ya allahu O Allah! O Allah! O Allah يا الله يا الله يا الله

ولقد نادانا نوح فلنعم «قلت:

»ٱلمجيبون.qulta walaqad nadana nuhun falani`ma almuj¢buna

You have said, “And Noah did certainly call upon Us, and most excellent answerer of prayer We are.”

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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg24 Commenting on this sentence, Imam al-Sadiq (`a) said, “Upon hearing this verse, the Holy Prophet (¥) used to say:

na`am lani`ma almuj¢bu anta نت�نعم لنعم ٱلمجيب اYes indeed! Most excellent answerer of prayer You are.

wa ni`ma almad`uwwuونعم ٱلمدعوMost excellent besought One You are!

wa ni`ma almas'uluونعم ٱلمسؤولMost excellent prayed One You are!

as'aluka binuri wajhika لك بنور وجهك�سا�اI beseech You in the name of the brilliance of Your Face,

لك بعزتك وقدرتك �سا�وا

وجبروتكwa as'aluka bi`izzatika wa qudratika wa jabarutika

I beseech You in the name of Your almightiness, omnipotence, and grandeur,

بملكوتك ودرعك لك �سا�وا

ٱلحصينةwa as'aluka bimalakutika wa dir`ika alha¥¢nati

and I beseech You in the name of Your sovereign power, Your invulnerable armor,

wa bijam`ika wa arkanika kulliha ركانك كلها�وبجمعك واYour wholeness, all of Your supports,

,wa bihaqqi muhammadin in the name of Muhammadوبحق محمد

wa bihaqqi al-aw¥iya'i ba`da وصياء بعد محمد�وبحق ٱالmuhammadin

and in the name of the successors after Muhammad

محمد ن تصلي على محمد وآل �ا

…ن�واan tu¥alliya `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin…

to bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad and to…

You may now submit your requests.

Seventeenth: A man from al-Kufah city, named Abu-Ja`far, is reported to have asked Imam al-Sadiq (`a) to teach him a supplicatory prayer to say. The Imam (`a) thus taught him to say this:

ya man arjuhu likulli khayrin رجوه لكل خير�يا من اO He Whom alone I hope for all good things!

ويا من آمن سخطه عند كل

عثرةwa ya man amanu sakha§ahu `inda kulli `athratin

O He Whose wrath I do not expect whenever I commit a slip!

wa ya man yu`§¢ bilqal¢li alkath¢raويا من يعطي بٱلقليل ٱلكثيرO He Who recompenses the little deed with very much reward!

ya man a`§a man sa'alahu له�ى من ساعط�يا من اO He Who has answered one who begged Him

tahannunan minhu wa rahmatan تحننا منه ورحمةout of His kindness and mercifulness!

له ولم �عطى من لم يسا�يا من ا

يعرفهya man a`§a man lam yas'alhu wa lam ya`rifhu

O He Who has given those who do not ask Him and do not even recognize Him!

alli `ala muhammadin wa ali¥ صل على محمد وآل محمدmuhammadin

(Please) bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,

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لتي من جميع �ساعطني بم�وا

خير ٱلدنياwa a`§in¢ bimas'alt¢ min jam¢`i khayri alddunya

give me, for I pray You, the whole welfare of this world

wa jam¢`i khayri al-akhirati وجميع خير ٱآلخرةand the whole welfare of the Hereafter.

fa'innahu ghayru manqu¥in ma عطيتني�ر منقوص ما افإنه غيa`§aytan¢

Verily, all that which You give is unblemished.

wa zidn¢ min sa`ati fa¤lika yaوزدني من سعة فضلك يا كريمkar¢mu

(Please do) increase Your favors upon me, O All-generous!

Eighteenth: Imam al-Baqir (`a) is reported to have instructed his brother, `Abdullah ibn `Al¢, to say this supplicatory prayer:

allahumma irfa` ¨ann¢ ¥a`idan اللهم ٱرفع ظني صاعداO Allah, (please) certify my expectation (of Your mercy) without disappointment,

wa la tu§mi` fiyya `aduwwan waوال تطمع في عدوا وال حاسداla hasedan

do not entice any enemy or envious one against me,

wahfa¨n¢ qa'iman wa qa`idan وٱحفظني قائما وقاعداand safeguard me in my standing up, sitting,

.wa yaq¨anan wa raqidan waking, and sleepingويقظانا وراقدا

¢allahumma ighfir l¢ warhamn اللهم ٱغفر لي وٱرحمنيO Allah, (please) forgive me, have mercy on me,

,wahdin¢ sab¢laka al-aqwama guide me to Your straightest path قوم�وٱهدني سبيلك ٱال

wa qin¢ harra jahannama وقني حر جهنمguard me against the heat of Hellfire,

-wah§u§ `ann¢ almaghrama wal ثم�وٱحطط عني ٱلمغرم وٱلماma'thama

release me from debts and sinning,

.waj`aln¢ min khiyari al`alami and make me of the best creatures وٱجعلني من خيار ٱلعالم

Nineteenth: The following supplicatory prayer is reported to be the supplication of insistence:

اللهم رب ٱلسماوات ٱلسبع وما

بينهنallahumma rabba alssamawati alssab`i wa ma baynahunna

O Allah, Lord of the seven skies and whatever is between them,

,wa rabba al`arshi al`a¨¢mi Lord of the Great Throne ورب ٱلعرش ٱلعظيم

ورب جبرائيل وميكائيل

وإسرافيلwa rabba jabra'¢la wa m¢ka'¢la wa israf¢la

Lord of Gabriel, Michael, and Seraph,

,wa rabba alqur'ani al`a¨¢mi Lord of the Great Qur'an ورب ٱلقرآن ٱلعظيم

wa rabba muhammadin khatami ورب محمد خاتم ٱلنبيينalnnabiyy¢na

and Lord of Muhammad the Seal of the Prophets,

¢inn¢ as'aluka billadh¢ taqumu bihلك بٱلذي تقوم به �سا�إني اalssama'u

I beseech You in the name of that by which the sky subsists erect,

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,wa bih¢ taqumu al-ar¤u the earth subsists رض�وبه تقوم ٱال

,wa bih¢ tufarriqu bayna aljam`i the assemblage is scattered وبه تفرق بين ٱلجمع

wa bih¢ tajma`u bayna وبه تجمع بين ٱلمتفرقalmutafarriqi the scattering thing is assembled,

wa bih¢ tarzuqu al-ahya'a حياء�ترزق ٱالوبه You have given the living (creatures) sustenance,

wa bih¢ ah¥ayta `adada alrrimali حصيت عدد ٱلرمال�وبه اand You have counted the number of the pebbles,

,wa wazna aljibali the weight of the mountainsووزن ٱلجبال

wa kayla albuhuri …وكيل ٱلبحورand the measure of the waters of oceans…

You may now invoke Almighty Allah’s blessings upon the Holy Prophet and his Household and submit your requests, preferably insistently.

Twentieth: Ibn Ab¢-Ya`fur, the prominent and trustworthy narrator, is reported to have said that Imam al-Sadiq (`a) used to say this supplicatory prayer:

¢allahumma imla' qalb قلبي حبا لك �اللهم ٱملاhubban laka

O Allah, (please) fill in my heart with love for You,

,wa khashyatan minka fear of Youوخشية منك

,wa ta¥d¢qan wa ¢manan bika belief, faith in You وتصديقا وإيمانا بك

wa faraqan minka wa وفرقا منك وشوقا إليكshawqan ilayka

dread of You, and longing for You.

!ya dha aljalali wal-ikrami O Lord of majesty and honor يا ذا ٱلجالل وٱإلكرام

allahumma habbib ilayya اللهم حبب إلي لقاءكliqa'aka

O Allah, endear to myself my meeting with You,

لرحمة وٱجعل لي في لقائك خير ٱ

وٱلبركةwaj`al l¢ f¢ liqa'ika khayra alrrahmati walbarakati

amass the best of mercy and blessings for me in my meeting with You,

,wa alhiqn¢ bil¥¥alih¢na add me to the righteous ones لحقني بٱلصالحين�وا

-wa la tu'akhkhirn¢ ma`a al شرار�ٱالوال تؤخرني مع ashrari do not delay me with the evil ones,

wa alhiqn¢ bi¥alihi man ma¤a لحقني بصالح من مضى�واinclude me with the past righteous ones,

waj`aln¢ ma`a ¥alihi man وٱجعلني مع صالح من بقيbaqiya

line up me with the current righteous ones,

wa khudh b¢ sab¢la وخذ بي سبيل ٱلصالحينal¥¥alih¢na

lead me to the path of the righteous ones,

wa a`inn¢ `ala nafs¢ help me against myself عني على نفسي�وا

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bima tu`¢nu bih¢ al¥¥alih¢na نفسهم�لحين على ابما تعين به ٱلصا`ala anfusihim

just as You help the righteous ones against themselves,

wa la taruddan¢ f¢ su'in وال تردني في سوء ٱستنقذتني منهistanqadhtan¢ minhu

and do not let me return to a wicked thing from which You have saved me,

!ya rabba al`alam¢na O Lord of the worldsيا رب ٱلعالمين

as'aluka ¢manan la ajala lahu جل له دون لقائك�لك إيمانا ال ا�سا�اduna liqa'ika

O Allah, I beseech You for faith that does not stop until I meet You.

tuhiy¢n¢ wa tum¢tun¢ `alayhi تحييني وتميتني عليهAs long as You grant me lifetime and when You cause me to die, (please do) connect me to that faith

wa tab`athun¢ `alayhi idha وتبعثني عليه إذا بعثتنيba`athtan¢ and resurrect me carrying it.

wa abri' qalb¢ min alrriya'i برئ قلبي من ٱلرياء وٱلسمعة�واwalssum`ati

Release my heart from showing off, seeking for reputation,

walshshakki f¢ d¢nika وٱلشك في دينكand suspicion in the affairs of Your religion.

¢allahumma a`§in¢ na¥ran f عطني نصرا في دينك�اللهم اd¢nika

O Allah, grant me victory in attaining the faith You please,

,wa quwwatan f¢ `ibadatika capability to serve You وقوة في عبادتك

,wa fahman f¢ khalqika discernment of Your creation في خلقكوفهما

.wa kiflayni min rahmatika and two folds of Your mercy وكفلين من رحمتك

wa bayyi¤ wajh¢ binurika وبيض وجهي بنوركAnd (please) make my face glitter on account of Your light,

waj`al raghbat¢ f¢ma `indaka وٱجعل رغبتي فيما عندكmake me desire for nothing but that which You hold,

wa tawaffan¢ f¢ sab¢lika وتوفني في سبيلكand when I die, make me die following Your Path

ala millatika wa millati` سولكعلى ملتك وملة رrasulika

on the faith You please and carrying the principles of Your Prophet.

عوذ بك من ٱلكسل �اللهم إني ا

وٱلهرمallahumma inn¢ a`udhu bika min alkasali walharami

O Allah, I pray Your protection against laziness, senility,

,waljubni walbukhli cowardice, stinginess وٱلجبن وٱلبخل

,walghaflati walqaswati inattentiveness, brutality وٱلغفلة وٱلقسوة

.walfatrati walmaskanati spiritlessness, and poverty وٱلفترة وٱلمسكنة

wa a`udhu bika ya rabbi min عوذ بك يا رب من نفس ال تشبع�واnafsin la tashba`u

I also pray Your protection against having unsatisfied self,

,wa min qalbin la yakhsha`u fearless heart ومن قلب ال يخشع

,wa min du`a'in la yusma`u unanswered supplications ال يسمعومن دعاء

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.wa min ¥alatin la tanfa`u and futile prayers ومن صالة ال تنفع

¢wa u`¢dhu bika nafs¢ wa ahl هلي وذريتي�عيذ بك نفسي وا�واwa dhurriyyat¢

I also pray You to guard myself, my family members, and my progeny

.min alshshay§ani alrraj¢mi against Satan the accursed من ٱلشيطان ٱلرجيم

¢allahumma innahu la yuj¢run حد�اللهم إنه ال يجيرني منك اminka ahadun

O Allah, none can ever save me against You

wa la ajidu min dunika جد من دو نك ملتحدا�وال اmultahadan

and I can never find any shelter against You.

fala takhdhuln¢ wa la فال تخذلني وال تردني في هلكةtaruddan¢ f¢ halakatin

So, (please) do not disappoint me, do not let me lead myself to perdition,

wa la taruddan¢ bi`adhabin وال تردني بعذابand do not make me deserve chastisement.

asaluka alththabata `ala لك ٱلثبات على دينك�سا�اd¢nika

I beseech You for steadfastness on Your religion,

,waltta¥d¢qa bikitabika giving credence to Your Book وٱلتصديق بكتابك

.wattiba`a rasulika and following Your Messengerوٱتباع رسولك

¢allahumma udhkurn اللهم ٱذكرني برحمتكbirahmatika

O Allah, (please) refer to me with Your mercy

.wa la tadhkurn¢ bikha§¢'at¢ but do not refer to me with my sin وال تذكرني بخطيئتي

¢wa taqabbal minn¢ wa zidnوتقبل مني وزدني من فضلكmin fa¤lika

Accept from me and increase Your favors to me,

.inn¢ ilayka raghibun for I desire for Youراغبإني إليك

allahumma ij`al thawaba اللهم ٱجعل ثواب منطقيman§iq¢

O Allah, (please) make the reward for my utterance

wa thawaba majlis¢ and the reward of my sessionsوثواب مجلسي

,ri¤aka `anna¢ to be Your pleasure with meعنيرضاك

¢'waj`al `amal¢ wa du`aوٱجعل عملي ودعائي خالصا لكkhali¥an laka

cause my deed and my prayers to be purely intended for You,

waj`al thawabiya aljannataوٱجعل ثوابي ٱلجنة برحمتكbirahmatika

make Paradise to be my reward, out of Your mercy,

wajma` l¢ jam¢`a ma لتك�وٱجمع لي جميع ما ساsa'altuka

grant me all what I have asked You for entirely,

wa zidn¢ min fa¤lika وزدني من فضلكand endue me with even more favors,

.inn¢ ilayka raghibun for I desire for none save Youإني إليك راغب

allahumma gharat اللهم غارت ٱلنجومalnnujumu

O Allah, all stars sink

wa namat al`uyunu and all eyes sleepونامت ٱلعيون

wa anta alhayyu alqayyumu ٱلقيوم نت ٱلحي�واwhile You are the Ever-living, the Self-subsisting.

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,la yuwar¢ minka laylun sajin Verily, no still night ال يواري منك ليل ساج

wa la sama'un dhatu abrajin براج�وال سماء ذات اno sky displaying the zodiacal signs,

,wa la ar¤un dhatu mihadin no widely expansive land رض ذات مهاد�وال ا

,wa la bahrun lujjiyyun no vast abysmal oceanوال بحر لجي

wa la ¨ulumatun ba`¤uha وال ظلمات بعضها فوق بعضfawqa ba`¤in

no depths of darkness one above another—none of these can ever hide itself or anyone from You.

تدلج ٱلرحمة على من تشاء من

خلقكtudliju alrrahmata `ala man tasha'u min khalqika

You cover any of Your beings that You wish with mercy.

ta`lamu kha'inata al-a`yuni عين وما تخفي ٱلصدور�خائنة ٱالتعلم wa ma tukhf¢ al¥¥uduru

You know the stealthy looks and that which the breasts conceal.

¢ashhadu bima shahidta bih شهد بما شهدت به على نفسك�ا`ala nafsika

I bear witness for what You have borne witness for Yourself

wa shahidat mala'ikatuka wa ولو ٱلعلم�وشهدت مالئكتك واulu al`ilmi

and what Your angels and possessors of knowledge have witnessed for You;

la ilaha illa anta al`az¢zu منت ٱلعزيز ٱلحكي�ال إله إال اalhak¢mu

there is no god save You; You are the Almighty, the All-wise.

ومن لم يشهد على ما شهدت على

نفسكwa man lam yashhad `ala ma shahidta `ala nafsika

If one who has not borne witness for what You have borne witness for Yourself

wa shahidat mala'ikatuka wa ولو ٱلعلم�وشهدت مالئكتك واulu al`ilmi

and what Your angels and the possessors of knowledge have borne witness for You,

faktub shahadat¢ makanaفٱكتب شهادتي مكان شهادتهshahadatih¢

then (please) register my testimony instead of his testimony.

allahumma anta alssalamu O Allah, You are the peace نت ٱلسالم�اللهم ا

.wa minka alssalamu and the source of peaceومنك ٱلسالم

-as'aluka ya dha aljalali wal ٱلجالل وٱإلكراملك يا ذا �سا�اikrami

I beseech You, O Lord of majesty and honor,

an tafukka raqabat¢ min ن تفك رقبتي من ٱلنار�اalnnari to release me from the Fire.

Shaykh al-Tus¢, in Mi¥bah al-Mutahajjid, has referred to the above-mentioned supplicatory prayer to be said immediately after the fourth unit of the Night Prayer. As for al-Majlis¢ (the compiler of Bihar al-Anwar), he reported Imam al-Sadiq (`a) to have recommended saying this prayer in the one-unit al-Witr Prayer (which is performed after the eight-unit Night Prayer and the two-unit al-Shaf` Prayer at the early dawn).

Twenty-first: The following supplicatory prayer is reportedly ascribed to Abu-Dharr. About it, Archangel Gabriel is reported to have said to the Holy Prophet (¥), “This supplicatory prayer is well known by the inhabitants of the heavens:”

allahumma inn¢ as'aluka al-amnaمن �لك ٱال�سا�اللهم إني ا wal-¢mana

O Allah, I beseech You for security, true faith,

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,waltta¥d¢qa binabiyyika giving credence to Your Prophet وٱلتصديق بنبيك

,wal`afiyata min jam¢`i albala'i safety from all sorts of tribulation وٱلعافية من جميع ٱلبالء

,walshshukra `ala al`afiyati showing gratitude for wellbeing وٱلشكر على ٱلعافية

.walghina `an shirari alnnasi and dispensing with the evil people وٱلغنى عن شرار ٱلناس

Al-Du`a' al-Jami` the All-inclusive Supplicatory Prayer

Twenty-second: Abu-°amzah is reported to have said: I have received this supplicatory prayer from Imam al-Baqir (`a) who used to describe it as the all-inclusive supplicatory prayer:

bismillahi alrrahman alrrah¢mi بسم ٱلله ٱلرحمن ٱلرحيمIn the Name of Allah; the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.

ashhadu an la ilaha illa allahu ن ال إله إال ٱلله�شهد ا�اI bear witness that there is no god save Allah,

wahdahu la shar¢ka lahu وحده ال شريك لهOne and Only and having no associate.

wa ashhadu anna ن محمدا عبده ورسوله�شهد ا�واmuhammadan `abduhu wa rasuluhu

I also bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.

amantu billahi wa bijam¢`i آمنت بٱلله وبجميع رسلهrusulih¢

I believe in Allah, in all of His messengers,

ل به على جميع نز�وبجميع ما ا

ٱلرسلwa bijam¢`i ma unzila bih¢ `ala jam¢`i alrrusuli

and in all what has been revealed to all of the messengers.

wa anna wa`da allahi haqqun ن وعد ٱلله حق�وا(I believe that) the promise of Allah is true,

,wa liqa'ahu haqqun His meeting is trueولقاءه حق

,wa ¥adaqa allahu Allah is always trueوصدق ٱلله

,wa ballagha almursaluna the messengers have conveyedوبلغ ٱلمرسلون

walhamdu lillahi rabbi وٱلحمد لله رب ٱلعالمينal`alam¢na

and all praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds.

wa subhana allahi kullamaوسبحان ٱلله كلما سبح ٱلله شيءsabbaha allaha shay'un

All glory be to Allah whenever a thing glorifies Allah

wa kama yuhibbu allahu an سبحن ي�وكما يحب ٱلله اyusabbaha

and as exactly as Allah likes to be glorified.

walhamdu lillahi kullamaوٱلحمد لله كلما حمد ٱلله شيءhamida allaha shay'un

All praise be to Allah whenever a thing praises Allah

wa kama yuhibbu allahu an ن يحمد�يحب ٱلله اوكما yuhmada

and as exactly as Allah likes to be praised.

wa la ilaha illa allahu kullama وال إله إال ٱلله كلما هلل ٱلله شيءhallala allaha shay'un

There is no god save Allah whenever a thing professes that there is no god save Allah

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wa kama yuhibbu allahu an ن يهلل�وكما يحب ٱلله اyuhallala

and exactly as Allah likes to be professed that there is no god save Him.

wallahu akbaru kullama كبر كلما كبر ٱلله شيء�وٱلله اkabbara allaha shay'un

Allah is the Most Great whenever a thing professes that Allah is the Most Great

wa kama yuhibbu allahu an ن يكبر�وكما يحب ٱلله اyukabbara

and as exactly as Allah likes to be professed that He is the Most Great.

allahumma inn¢ as'aluka لك مفاتيح ٱلخير�سا�اللهم إني اmafat¢ha alkhayri

O Allah, I beseech You for the keys to the good

wa khawat¢mahu wa وخواتيمه وسوابغهsawabighahu

as well as its seals, its abundant quantities,

,wa fawa'idahu wa barakatih¢ its advantages, its blessings وفوائده وبركاته

,wa ma balagha `ilmahu `ilm¢ the scope that I know about it وما بلغ علمه علمي

¢wa ma qa¥ara `an ih¥a'ihوما قصر عن إحصائه حفظيhif¨¢

and the scope that is too much for me to retain.

allahumma inhaj l¢ asbaba سباب معرفته�اللهم ٱنهج لي اma`rifatih¢

O Allah, (please) make clear for me the elements of recognizing it (i.e. the good),

,waftah l¢ abwabahu open before me the doors to it بوابه�وٱفتح لي ا

wa ghashshin¢ barakati وغشني بركات رحمتكrahmatika

cover me with the blessings of Your mercy,

ومن علي بعصمة عن ٱإلزالة عن

دينكwa munna `alayya bi`i¥matin `an al-izalati `an d¢nika

bestow upon me with protection against divergence from Your religion,

.wa §ahhir qalb¢ min alshshakki and purify my heart from suspicion وطهر قلبي من ٱلشك

¢wa la tashghal qalb وال تشغل قلبي بدنيايbidunyaya

(Please) do not make my heart to be preoccupied by my worldly affairs

wa `ajili ma`ash¢ and my transient livelihoodوعاجل معاشي

¢an ajili thawabi akhirat` عن آجل ثواب آخرتيagainst the everlasting reward in my other world;

قلبي بحفظ ما ال تقبل مني وٱشغل

جهلهwashghal qalb¢ bihif¨i ma la taqbalu minn¢ jahlahu

rather, (please) make my heart to be occupied by retaining that which You do not accept to be ignored.

¢wa dhallil likulli khayrin lisan وذلل لكل خير لسانيAnd (please) make my tongue subservient to mentioning all virtuous items,

,wa §ahhir qalb¢ min alrriya'i purify my heart from ostentation وطهر قلبي من ٱلرياء

¢wa la tujrih¢ f¢ mafa¥il وال تجره في مفاصليand do not allow ostentation to flow in my organs;

waj`al `amal¢ khali¥an laka وٱجعل عملي خالصا لكrather, make all my deeds to be purely intended for Your sake.

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allahumma inn¢ a`udhu bika عوذ بك من ٱلشر�اللهم إني اmin alshsharri

O Allah, I pray Your protection against the evil

;wa anwa`i alfawahishi kulliha and all sorts of indecencies نواع ٱلفواحش كلها�وا

ahiriha wa ba§iniha wa¨ ظاهرها وباطنها وغفالتهاghafalatiha

those of them which are apparent, those which are concealed, and those which are committed inattentively,

وجميع ما يريدني به ٱلشيطان

ٱلرجيمwa jam¢`i ma yur¢dun¢ bih¢ alshshay§anu alrraj¢mu

as well as whatever Satan the accursed

¢wa ma yur¢dun¢ bihٱلسلطان ٱلعنيدوما يريدني به alssul§anu al`an¢du

and the obstinate ruling authority want me to commit;

¢mimma aha§ta bi`ilmih حطت بعلمه�مما اi.e. things that Your knowledge has encompassed.

¢wa anta alqadiru `ala ¥arfih نينت ٱلقادر على صرفه ع�وا`ann¢

You positively have the power to dispel all that from me.

عوذ بك من طوارق ٱلجن �اللهم إني ا

وٱإلنسallahumma inn¢ a`udhu bika min §awariqi aljinni wal-insi

O Allah, I pray Your protection against the striking of jinn and human beings

wa zawabi`ihim wa وزوابعهم وبوائقهم ومكائدهمbawa'iqihim wa maka'idihim

as well as against their violent commotions, calamities, conspiracies,

wa mashahidi alfasaqati minوٱإلنسومشاهد ٱلفسقة من ٱلجن aljinni wal-insi

and the fields used by the wicked jinn and human beings.

¢wa an ustazalla `an d¢n ستزل عن ديني�ن ا�واI also pray Your protection lest I am led astray from my religion

¢fatafsudu `alayya akhirat آخرتيفتفسد علي and thus my result will be worthless in the Hereafter,

ن يكون ذلك منهم ضررا علي في �وا

معاشيwa an yakuna dhalika minhum ¤araran `alayya f¢ ma`ash¢

or they (i.e. the wicked jinn and human beings) may cause damage to my livelihood,

¢aw ya`ri¤a bala'un yu¥¢bun و يعرض بالء يصيبني منهم�اminhum

or they may inflict me with tribulation

la quwwata l¢ bih¢ that I can neither tolerateال قوة لي به

.wa la ¥abra l¢ `ala ihtimalih¢ nor stand patiently ٱحتمالهوال صبر لي على

¢fala tabtaliyann¢ ya ilahفال تبتليني يا إلهي بمقاساتهbimuqasatih¢

So, O my God, I please You not to make me suffer from such things;

fayamna`un¢ dhalika `an فيمنعني ذلك عن ذكركdhikrika

lest, they may stand against remembering You

wa yashghalun¢ `an ويشغلني عن عبادتك`ibadatika

or take my entire attention against serving You.

anta al`a¥imu almani`u نت ٱلعاصم ٱلمانع�اYet, it is You Who can protect, guard,

alddafi`u alwaq¢ min dhalika ٱلدافع ٱلواقي من ذلك كلهkullih¢

defend, and preserve me from all that.

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لك ٱللهم ٱلرفاهية في معيشتي �سا�ا

بقيتني�على ما اas'aluka allahumma alrrafahiyyata f¢ ma`¢shat¢ `ala ma abqaytan¢

I beseech You, O Allah, for luxury in my life as long as You keep me alive;

ma`¢shatan aqwa biha `ala قوى بها على طاعتك�معيشة ا§a`atika

such life by which I can be strong enough to obey You,

,wa ablughu biha ri¤wanaka to attain Your pleasure بها رضوانكبلغ �وا

wa a¥¢ru biha ila dari صير بها إلى دار ٱلحيوان غدا�واalhayawani ghadan

and to guarantee my eternal other life in the morrow.

¢wa la tarzuqn¢ rizqan yu§gh¢n وال ترزقني رزقا يطغيني(Please) do not provide me with sustenance due to which I may become inordinate

شقى به مضيقا �وال تبتليني بفقر ا

عليwa la tabtaliyann¢ bifaqrin ashqa bih¢ mu¤ayyaqan `alayya

and do not test me on poverty by which I may be miserable and straitened;

¢a`§in¢ ha¨¨an wafiran f عطني حظا وافرا في آخرتي�اakhirat¢

rather, (please) grant me abundant share in my otherworldly life

wa ma`ashan wasi`anومعاشا واسعا هنيئا مريئا في دنيايhan¢'an mar¢'an f¢ dunyaya

and expansive, pleasant, and enjoyable living in my worldly life.

wa la taj`al alddunya `alayya وال تجعل ٱلدنيا علي سجناsijnan

Do not cause this world to be like prison for me

wa la taj`al firaqaha `alayya علي حزنا وال تجعل فراقهاhuznan

and do not cause my departure from it to be grief for me;

ajirn¢ min fitnatiha جرني من فتنتها�اrather, protect me against its charms

waj`al `amal¢ f¢ha maqbulan وٱجعل عملي فيها مقبوالand decide my deeds in it to be acceptable

wa sa`y¢ f¢ha mashkuran وسعيي فيها مشكوراand my efforts in it to be praiseworthy.

¢allahumma wa man aradan رده بمثله�رادني بسوء فا�اللهم ومن اbisu'in fa'arid-hu bimithlih¢

O Allah, thwart whoever desires evil for me with similar evil,

wa man kadan¢ f¢ha fakid-hu ومن كادني فيها فكدهfrustrate whoever intends to deceive me,

دخل علي �وٱصرف عني هم من ا

همهwa¥rif `ann¢ hamma man adkhala `alayya hammahu

dispel from me the grief caused to me by any one,

¢wamkur biman makara b وٱمكر بمن مكر بيplot against whoever wants to plot against me,

,fa'innaka khayru almakir¢na for You are the best of planners فإنك خير ٱلماكرين

wafqa `ann¢ `uyuna alkafarati عني عيون ٱلكفرة ٱلظلمة �وٱفقاal¨¨alamati

and gouge out on behalf of me the eyes of the disbelievers, the wrongdoers,

.wal§§ughati alhasadati the tyrants, and the envious ones وٱلطغاة ٱلحسدة

allahumma wa anzil `alayya نزل علي منك ٱلسكينة�اللهم واminka alssak¢nata

O Allah, (please) descend on me tranquility from You,

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,wa albisn¢ dir`aka alha¥¢nata dress me Your invulnerable armor لبسني درعك ٱلحصينة�وا

¢wahfa¨n¢ bisitrika alwaq وٱحفظني بسترك ٱلواقيsafeguard me with Your preventive covering,

wa jalliln¢ `afiyataka وجللني عافيتك ٱلنافعةalnnafi`ata

expand over me Your useful wellbeing,

¢wa ¥addiq qawl¢ wa fi`al وصدق قولي وفعاليharmonize between my words and my deeds,

¢wa barik l¢ f¢ walad¢ wa ahl هلي ومالي�وبارك لي في ولدي واwa mal¢

and bless me in my children, family members (or my wife), and property.

allahumma ma qaddamtu wa خرت�اللهم ما قدمت وما اma akhkhartu

O Allah, as for whatever I have done in advance, whatever I have put off,

wa ma aghfaltu wa ma غفلت وما تعمدت�وما اta`ammadtu

whatever I have committed inattentively or deliberately,

wa ma tawanaytu wa ma سررت�علنت وما ا�توانيت وما اوما a`lantu wa ma asrartu

whatever I have neglected, and whatever I have done openly or secretly,

faghfirhu l¢ ya arhama رحم ٱلراحمين�فٱغفره لي يا اalrrahim¢na

(please) forgive me all that, O most merciful of all those who show mercy.

Twenty-third: Muhammad ibn Muslim is reported to have quoted Imam al-Baqir (`a) as advising of saying this supplicatory prayer:

¢allahumma awsi` `alayya f¢ rizq وسع علي في رزقي�ا اللهمO Allah, (please) expand my sustenance for me,

,wamdud l¢ f¢ `umur¢ increase my lifetime وٱمدد لي في عمري

,waghfir l¢ dhanb¢ forgive my sinوٱغفر لي ذنبي

¢waj`aln¢ mimman tanta¥iru bihوٱجعلني ممن تنتصر به لدينكlid¢nika

make me of those whom You use for backing Your religion,

¢wa la tastabdil b¢ ghayr وال تستبدل بي غيريand do not substitute another in my place.

Twenty-fourth: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is reported to have used to said this supplicatory prayer:

ya man yashkuru alyas¢ra يا من يشكر ٱليسيرO He Who accepts gratefully the little deed,

,wa ya`fu `an alkath¢ri pardons the many sins ويعفو عن ٱلكثير

wa huwa alghafuru alrrah¢mu وهو ٱلغفور ٱلرحيمand He is the Forgiving, the All-merciful,

ighfir liya aldhdhunuba allat¢ (please) forgive my sins ٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱلتي

dhahabat ladhdhtuha wa baqiyat ذهبت لذتها وبقيت تبعتهاtabi`atuha

whose pleasure has gone but whose consequences are still liable.

Twenty-fifth: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) is also reported to have used to said this supplicatory prayer:

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!ya nuru ya quddusu O Light! O All-holyيا نور يا قدوس

!ya awwala al-awwal¢na O Foremost of all first things ولين�ول ٱال�يا ا

!wa ya akhira al-akhir¢na O Last of all last things ويا آخر ٱآلخرين

!ya rahmanu ya rah¢mu O All-beneficent! O All-merciful يا رحمن يا رحيم

¢ighfir liya aldhdhunuba allatٱغفر لي الذنوب ٱلتي تغير ٱلنعمtughayyiru alnni`ama

(Please) forgive me those sins that alter blessings!

¢waghfir liya aldhdhunuba allatوٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱلتي تحل ٱلنقمtuhillu alnniqama

Forgive me those sins that make fall punishments!

تي تهتك وٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱل

ٱلعصمwaghfir liya aldhdhunuba allat¢ tahtiku al`i¥ama

Forgive me those sins that tear apart safeguards!

¢waghfir liya aldhdhunuba allatوٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱلتي تنزل ٱلبالءtunzilu albala'a

Forgive me those sins that draw down tribulations!

وٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱلتي تديل

عداء�ٱالwaghfir liya aldhdhunuba allat¢ tud¢lu al-a`da'a

Forgive me those sins that give ascendancy to the enemies!

¢waghfir liya aldhdhunuba allatوٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱلتي تعجل ٱلفناءtu`ajjilu alfana'a

Forgive me those sins that hasten extinction!

وٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱلتي تقطع

ٱلرجاءwaghfir liya aldhdhunuba allat¢ taq§a`u alrraja'a

Forgive me those sins that cut off hope!

¢waghfir liya aldhdhunuba allatٱلتي تظلم ٱلهواء وٱغفر لي ٱلذنوبtu¨limu alhawa'a

Forgive me those sins that darken atmospheres!

وٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱلتي تكشف

ٱلغطاءwaghfir liya aldhdhunuba allat¢ takshifu alghi§a'a

Forgive me those sins that uncover the covering!

¢waghfir liya aldhdhunuba allatوٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱلتي ترد ٱلدعاءtaruddu alddu`a'a

Forgive me those sins that cause prayers to be rejected!

وٱغفر لي ٱلذنوب ٱلتي ترد غيث

ٱلسماءwaghfir liya aldhdhunuba allat¢ taruddu ghaytha alssama'i

Forgive me those sins that preclude the water of the sky.

Twenty-sixth: This supplicatory prayer is also reported from Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (`a):

!ya `uddat¢ f¢ kurbat¢ O my means in my agonies يا عدتي في كربتي

!wa ya ¥ahib¢ f¢ shiddat¢ O my companion in my hardships ويا صاحبي في شدتي

!wa ya waliyy¢ f¢ ni`mat¢ O my benefactor in my amenities ويا وليي في نعمتي

!wa ya ghiyath¢ f¢ raghbat¢ O my aide in my desires ويا غياثي في رغبتي

Imam al-Sadiq (`a) added: This is the supplicatory prayer of Imam `Al¢ Am¢r al-Mu'min¢n (`a):

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allahumma katabta al-athara اللهم كتبت ٱآلثارO Allah, You have recorded that which we leave behind,

,wa `alimta al-akhbara known all news خبار�وعلمت ٱال

;wa§§la`ta `ala al-asrari and come to know all secrets سرار�وٱطلعت على ٱال

fahulta baynana wa bayna فحلت بيننا وبين ٱلقلوبalqulubi

You have thus intervened between our hearts and us.

falssirru `indaka `alaniyatun So, for You, a secret is not secret ر عندك عالنيةفٱلس

walqulubu ilayka muf¤atun وٱلقلوب إليك مفضاةand hearts are unbosomed before You.

wa innama amruka lishay'in ردته�مرك لشيء إذا ا�وإنما اidha aradtahu

Your order for a thing when You intend it,

an taqula lahu kun fayakunu ن تقول له كن فيكون�اis only that You say to it, “Be,” and it is.

faqul birahmatika li§a`atika فقل برحمتك لطاعتكSo, (please) in the name of Your mercy, tell the obedience to You

ن تدخل في كل عضو من �ا

عضائي�اan tadkhula f¢ kulli `u¤win min a`¤a'¢ to enter all of my organs

wa la tufariqan¢ hatta alqaka لقاك�وال تفارقني حتى اand not to leave them until I meet You.

wa qul birahmatika وقل برحمتك لمعصيتكlima`¥iyatika

And, in the name of Your mercy, tell the disobedience to You

ن تخرج من كل عضو من �ا

عضائي�اan takhruja min kulli `u¤win min a`¤a'¢ to depart all of my organs

fala tuqarriban¢ hatta alqaka لقاك�فال تقربني حتى اand not to come close to me until I meet You.

warzuqn¢ min alddunya wa وٱرزقني من الدنيا وزهدني فيهاzahhidn¢ f¢ha

And (please) provide me from the worldly sustenance, but induce me to renounce the world,

وال تزوها عني ورغبتي فيها يا

رحمنwa la tazwiha `anna¢ wa raghbat¢ f¢ha ya rahmanu

and do not turn it away from me while I have a desire in it, O All-beneficent!

Twenty-seventh: `Al¢ ibn Ibrahim has reported on the authority of his father on the authority of Ibn Mahbub on the authority of `Ala' ibn Ruzayn on the authority of `Abd al-Rahman ibn Sayyabah who said: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) gave me this supplicatory prayer:

alhamdu lillahi waliyyi دالحمد لله ولي ٱلحمalhamdi

All praise be to Allah; the Patron of praise

wa ahlih¢ wa muntahahu wa هله ومنتهاه ومحله�واmahallih¢

and its worthiest, utmost, and center.

akhla¥a man wahhadahu خلص من وحده�اSincere is he who professes of His Oneness,

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,wahtada man `abadahu truly guided is he who serves Him وٱهتدى من عبده

,wa faza man a§a`ahu triumphant is he who obeys Him طاعه�وفاز من ا

¢wa amina almu`ta¥imu bih من ٱلمعتصم به�واand secured is he who takes shelter with Him.

allahumma ya dha aljudi اللهم يا ذا ٱلجود وٱلمجدwalmajdi

O Allah, O Lord of magnanimity, glory,

,walththana'i aljam¢li walhamdi excellent extolment, and praise وٱلثناء ٱلجميل وٱلحمد

as'aluka mas'alata man لة من خضع لك برقبته�لك مسا�سا�اkha¤a`a laka biraqabatih¢

I beseech You the beseeching of one who subjugated his neck to You,

,wa raghama laka anfahu made himself subordinate to You نفه�ورغم لك ا

,wa `affara laka wajhahu covered his face with soil for Youك وجههوعفر ل

,wa dhallala laka nafsahu humiliated himself to Youوذلل لك نفسه

wa fa¤at min khawfika وفاضت من خوفك دموعهdumu`uhu

shed his tears for fear of You,

,wa taraddadat `abratuhu sobbed for Youوترددت عبرته

;wa`tarafa laka bidhunubih¢ and confessed of his sins وٱعترف لك بذنوبه

wa fa¤ahat-hu `indaka وفضحته عندك خطيئتهkha§¢'atuhu

one whose wrongdoing exposed him before You

wa shanat-hu `indaka وشانته عندك جريرتهjar¢ratuhu

and whose crime disgraced him before You;

fa¤a`ufat `inda dhalika فضعفت عند ذلك قوتهquwwatuhu

therefore, his power diminished,

,wa qallat h¢latuhu his stratagem failedوقلت حيلته

wanqa§a`at `anhu asbabu سباب خدائعه�وٱنقطعت عنه اkhada'i`ih¢

the ways of his trickeries broke down,

wa¤mahalla `anhu kullu وٱضمحل عنه كل باطلba§ilin

all of his wrong things vanished,

ته ذنوبه إلى ذل مقامه بين �جال�وا

يديكwa alja'at-hu dhunubuhu ila dhulli maqamih¢ bayna yadayka

and his sins compelled him to present himself in a humiliating situation in Your Presence,

,wa khu¤u`ih¢ ladayka to submit himself to You وخضوعه لديك

.wabtihalih¢ ilayka and to implore You earnestlyوٱبتهاله إليك

as'aluka allahumma su'ala لك ٱللهم سؤال من هو بمنزلته�سا�اman huwa bimanzilatih¢

I thus beseech You the beseeching of such one,

¢arghabu ilayka karaghbatih ب إليك كرغبتهرغ�اdesire for You the same desiring of him,

wa ata¤arra`u ilayka تضرع إليك كتضرعه�واkata¤arru`ih¢

humiliate myself before You just as he does,

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wa abtahilu ilayka ka'ashaddi ٱبتهالهشد �بتهل إليك كا�واibtihalih¢

and implore You as earnestly as he does.

allahumma farham istikanataاللهم فٱرحم ٱستكانة منطقيman§iq¢

O Allah, (please) have mercy upon the humiliation in my words,

¢wa dhulla maqam¢ wa majlis ي ومجلسيوذل مقامthe meekness of my situation and condition,

¢wa khu¤u`¢ ilayka biraqabat وخضوعي إليك برقبتيand the subjugating of my neck to You.

as'aluka allahumma alhuda لك ٱللهم ٱلهدى من ٱلضاللة�سا�اmin al¤¤alalati

I beseech You, O Allah, for guidance against deviation,

,walba¥¢rata min al`ama insight against blindness وٱلبصيرة من ٱلعمى

.walrrushda min alghiwayati and orthodoxy against heterodoxy وٱلرشد من ٱلغواية

كثر ٱلحمد عند �لك ٱللهم ا�سا�وا

ٱلرخاءwa as'aluka allahumma akthara alhamdi `inda alrrakha'i

I also beseech You, O Allah, for the most of praise in situations of luxurious wellbeing,

wa ajmala al¥¥abri `inda جمل ٱلصبر عند ٱلمصيبة�واalmu¥¢bati

the comeliest patience in misfortunes,

wa af¤ala alshshukri `inda فضل ٱلشكر عند موضع ٱلشكر�واmaw¤i`i alshshukri

the best gratitude in situations of thanking,

walttasl¢ma `inda وٱلتسليم عند ٱلشبهاتalshshubuhati

and submission in seditious situations.

¢wa as'aluka alquwwata f لك ٱلقوة في طاعتك�سا�وا§a`atika

I also beseech You for capability to obey You,

,wal¤¤a`fa `an ma`¥iyatika incapability to disobey You وٱلضعف عن معصيتك

,walharaba ilayka minka resorting to You from You وٱلهرب إليك منك

walttaqarruba ilayka rabbi وٱلتقرب إليك رب لترضىlitar¤a

seeking nearness to You, O my Lord, so that Your pleasure is obtained,

walttaharriya likulli maوٱلتحري لكل ما يرضيك عنيyur¤¢ka `ann¢

and inspection of whatever pleases You with me

f¢ iskha§i khalqika في إسخاط خلقكalthough it may irate Your creatures,

iltimasan liri¤akaٱلتماسا لرضاكfor purpose of winning Your pleasure.

rabbi man arjuhu in lam رجوه إن لم ترحمني�رب من اtarhamn¢

O my Lord, whom will I hope if You do not have mercy upon me?

aw man ya`udu `alayya in قصيتني�و من يعود علي إن ا�اaq¥aytan¢

Who will grant me graces if You put me aside?

aw man yanfa`un¢ `afwuhu in و من ينفعني عفوه إن عاقبتني�ا`aqabtan¢

Whose pardon will benefit me if You punish me?

aw man amulu `a§ayahu in و من آمل عطاياه إن حرمتني�اharamtan¢

Whose donations will I expect if You deprive me?

aw man yamliku karamat¢ in هنتني�و من يملك كرامتي إن ا�اahantan¢

Who can honor me if You dishonor me?

aw man ya¤urrun¢ hawanuhu كرمتني�و من يضرني هوانه إن ا�اin akramtan¢

Whose humiliation will I care for if You honor me?

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!rabbi ma aswa'a fi`l¢ O my Lord, how awful my deed is فعلي �سوا�رب ما ا

!wa aqbaha `amal¢ How hideous my acts are قبح عملي�وا

!wa aqsa qalb¢ How hard my heart is قسى قلبي�وا

!wa a§wala amal¢ How procrastinative my hope is ملي�طول ا�وا

!wa aq¥ara ajal¢ How short my lifetime is جلي�قصر ا�وا

wa ajra'an¢ `ala `i¥yani man ني على عصيان من خلقني�جرا�واkhalaqan¢

How daring I am to disobey my Creator!

rabbi wa ma ahsana bala'aka حسن بالءك عندي�رب وما ا`ind¢

O my Lord, but how excellent Your favors to me are

wa a¨hara na`ma'aka `alayya ظهر نعماءك علي�واand how manifest Your graces on me are!

kathurat `alayya minka حصيها�منك ٱلنعم فما اكثرت علي alnni`amu fama uh¥¢ha

Your blessings to me have been too many to be counted by me,

wa qalla minniya alshshukru وليتنيه�وقل مني ٱلشكر فيما اf¢ma awlaytan¢hi

but my thanks to You have been too little if compared to what You have given me.

faba§irtu bilnni`amiفبطرت بٱلنعمI therefore have despised Your blessings,

,wa ta`arra¤tu lilnniqami exposed myself to punishmentsوتعرضت للنقم

,wa sahawtu `an aldhdhikri neglected remembering You وسهوت عن ٱلذكر

wa rakibtu aljahla ba`da وركبت ٱلجهل بعد ٱلعلمal`ilmi

entered to ignorance after knowledge,

wa juztu min al`adli ila وجزت من ٱلعدل إلى ٱلظلمal¨¨ulmi deviated from justice to injustice,

,wa jawaztu albirra ila alithmi passed over virtue to sinning وجاوزت ٱلبر إلى ٱإلثم

wa ¥irtu ila allahwi minوصرت إلى ٱللهو من ٱلخوف وٱلحزنalkhawfi walhuzni

and shifted from fear and dread of You to heedless amusement.

fama a¥ghara hasanat¢ wa قلها�صغر حسناتي وا�فما اaqallaha

How little and scarce my good deeds are

f¢ kathrati dhunub¢ if compared to my numerous sinsفي كثرة ذنوبي

قي عظمها على قدر صغر خل�وا

وضعف ركنيwa a`¨amaha `ala qadri ¥ighari khalq¢ wa ¤a`fi rukn¢

and how grave my sins are if compared to my worthless form and my powerless support!

¢rabbi wa ma a§wala amal¢ f جلي�ملي في قصر ا�طول ا�رب وما اqi¥ari ajal¢

O my Lord, how optimistic my hope is if compared to my fleeting lifetime!

¢wa aq¥ara ajal¢ f¢ bu`di amal ملي�جلي في بعد ا�قصر ا�واHow fleeing my lifetime is if compared to my long hope!

¢wa ma aqbaha sar¢rat¢ f قبح سريرتي في عالنيتي�وما ا`alaniyat¢

How hideous my hidden self is if compared to my open manners!

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rabbi la hujjata l¢ in ihtajajtuرب ال حجة لي إن ٱحتججتO my Lord, I lack any argument if I try to provide a pretext,

wa la `udhra l¢ in i`tadhartu وال عذر لي إن ٱعتذرتI am unexcused if I try to apologize,

wa la shukra `ind¢ in ubl¢tu وليت�بليت وا� وال شكر عندي إن اwa ul¢tu

and I have no gratitude in all what has been donated and bestowed to me

in lam tu`inn¢ `ala shukri ma وليت�ما ا إن لم تعني على شكرawlayta

unless You help me show gratitude to You for what You have endued me with.

خف ميزاني غدا إن لم �ربي ما ا

ترجحهrabb¢ ma akhaffa m¢zan¢ ghadan in lam turajjihhu

O my Lord, the scale of my deeds in the morrow shall be really light if You do not give preponderance to it,

wa azalla lisan¢ in lam زل لساني إن لم تثبته�واtuthabbit-hu

my tongue will slip terribly if You do not make it firm,

wa aswada wajh¢ in lam بيضهسود وجهي إن لم ت�واtubayyi¤hu

and my face will be blackened totally, if You do not whiten it.

رب كيف لي بذنوبي ٱلتي سلفت

منيrabbi kayfa l¢ bidhunubiya allat¢ salafat minn¢

O my Lord, what should I do about my past sins

?qad huddat laha arkan¢ that have demolished my posts ركاني�قد هدت لها ا

rabbi kayfa a§lubu shahawati طلب شهوات ٱلدنيا�رب كيف اalddunya

O my Lord, how is it reasonable for me to seek the worldly lusts

wa abk¢ `ala khaybat¢ f¢ha خيبتي فيهابكي على �واand weep for my failure in gaining them,

بكي وتشتد حسراتي على �وال ا

عصياني وتفريطيwa la abk¢ wa tashtaddu hasarat¢ `ala `i¥yan¢ wa tafr¢§¢

while I should better weep with intense regret for my disobedience to You and my violation of Your commands?

¢`rabbi da`atn¢ dawa رب دعتني دواعي ٱلدنياalddunya

O my Lord, when the worldly seductive matters called upon me,

fa'ajabtuha sar¢`an I responded to them without delay جبتها سريعا�فا

,wa rakantu ilayha §a'i`an and I inclined to them obediently وركنت إليها طائعا

wa da`atn¢ dawa`¢ al-akhirati ودعتني دواعي ٱآلخرةbut when the affairs of the Hereafter called upon me,

fatathabba§tu `anha I slowed downفتثبطت عنها

wa ab§a'tu f¢ al-ijabati ت في ٱإلجابة وٱلمسارعة إليها�بطا�واwalmusara`ati ilayha

and lagged in responding to them and in hurrying towards them

¢`kama sara`tu ila dawa كما سارعت إلى دواعي ٱلدنياalddunya

unlike my hurrying in responding to the seductive matters of this world

,wa hu§amiha alhamidi along with its extinct ruins وحطامها ٱلهامد

,wa hash¢miha alba'idi dying chaff وهشيمها ٱلبائد

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.wa sarabiha aldhdhahibi and vanishing mirage وسرابها ٱلذاهب

rabbi tawwaqtan¢ wa رب توقتني وشوقتنيshawwaqtan¢

O my Lord, You have fascinated me, filled me with desire,

¢wahtajajta `alayya biriqq وٱحتججت علي برقيclaimed against me with my servitude to You,

;wa takaffalta l¢ birizq¢ and guaranteed my sustenance وتكفلت لي برزقي

,fa'amintu khawfaka therefore, I felt secured from You منت خوفك�فا

wa tathabba§tu `an وتثبطت عن تشويقكtashw¢qika

slowed down despite Your stimulating,

wa lam attakil `ala ¤amanika تكل على ضمانك�ولم اneglected paying attention to Your guaranteed sustenance,

.wa tahawantu bihtijajika and undervalued Your claim وتهاونت بٱحتجاجك

allahumma faj`al amn¢ minka مني منك�اللهم فٱجعل اO Allah, (please) change my security from You

f¢ hadhih¢ alddunya khawfan in this world into fear (of You) في هذه ٱلدنيا خوفا

¢§wa hawwil tathabbu وحول تثبطي شوقاshawqan

and transform my slowing down into yearning for You

wa tahawun¢ bihujjatika وتهاوني بحجتك فرقا منكfaraqan minka

and my undervaluing of Your claim into dread of You.

thumma ra¤¤in¢ bima ثم رضني بما قسمت لي من رزقكqasamta l¢ min rizqika

Then, (please) make me satisfied with the sustenance You have decided for me.

ya kar¢mu as'aluka bismika لك بٱسمك ٱلعظيم�سا�يا كريم اal`a¨¢mi

O All-generous, I beseech You in the name of Your Great Name

ri¤aka `inda alssakh§ati رضاك عند ٱلسخطةto endue me with Your pleasure at situations that stimulate Your wrath,

walfurjata `inda alkurbati وٱلفرجة عند ٱلكربةto grant me relief at situations of agonies,

,walnura `inda al¨¨ulmati to grant me light in darkness وٱلنور عند ٱلظلمة

walba¥¢rata `inda tashabbuhi وٱلبصيرة عند تشبه ٱلفتنةalfitnati

and to grant me insight when seditious matters come to assimilate themselves to the truth.

rabbi ij`al junnat¢ min حصينة رب ٱجعل جنتي من خطايايkha§ayaya ha¥¢natan

O Allah, (please) make Your protection of me against my wrongdoings to be invulnerable,

wa darajat¢ f¢ aljinani ودرجاتي في ٱلجنان رفيعةraf¢`atan

my ranks in the gardens of Paradise to be elevated,

wa a`mal¢ kullaha عمالي كلها متقبلة�واmutaqabbalatan

all of my deeds to be admitted,

wa hasanat¢ muta¤a`afatan وحسناتي متضاعفة زاكيةzakiyatan

and the rewards for my good deeds to be multiplied and increasingly doubled.

a`udhu bika min alfitani عوذ بك من ٱلفتن كلها�اkulliha

I pray Your protection against all seditious matters,

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ma ¨ahara minha wa ma ما ظهر منها وما بطنba§ana

both the apparent and the hidden,

wa min raf¢`i alma§`amiٱلمطعم وٱلمشربومن رفيع walmashrabi against licentious food and drink,

wa min sharri ma a`lamu against the evil of whatever I know علم�ومن شر ما ا

wa min sharri ma la a`lamu علم�ومن شر ما ال اand against the evil of what I do not know.

شتري ٱلجهل �ن ا�عوذ بك من ا�وا

بٱلعلمwa a`udhu bika min an ashtariya aljahla bil`ilmi

I also pray Your protection against that I may exchange knowledge for ignorance,

,waljafa'a bilhilmi forbearance for alienationوٱلجفاء بٱلحلم

,waljawra bil`adli justice for biasوٱلجور بٱلعدل

,walqa§¢`ata bilbirri piety for rupture of relationsوٱلقطيعة بٱلبر

,waljaza`a bil¥¥abri tolerance for impatienceوٱلجزع بٱلصبر

,walhuda bil¤¤alalati true guidance for deviation وٱلهدى بٱلضاللة

.walkufra bil-¢mani and belief for disbelief وٱلكفر بٱإليـمان

In fact, this supplicatory prayer comprises highly considerable contents. Its reporter is `Abd al-Rahman in Sayyabah whom was given a noteworthy advice by Imam al-Sadiq (`a). Let us now refer to this event:

`Abd al-Rahman ibn Sayyabah: When my father died, one of his friends came to us and knocked the door. When I opened the door, he expressed his sympathy to me and then asked whether my father had left any financial inheritance with us. When I answered in the negative, the man handed me over a bag of one thousand dirhams and advised me to keep them up, use them in commerce, and gain my living from their profits. Rejoicing at this, I hurried to my mother and informed her about what had just happened. Later on, I went to one of my father’s friends and asked him to teach me what kind of business I would do with the money. He therefore advised me to trade in a sort of fine cloth. He also purchased a quantity of this cloth and I chose a shop to work in. In fact, Almighty Allah provided me with very much profit in this business. In the season of the hajj pilgrimage, I intended to go on hajj. I therefore informed my mother about this intention of mine and she advised me to give back the amount of money to its owner. When I did, the man became very happy as if I would donate him the money for nothing. Nevertheless, he offered to me more money, but I thanked him and informed that I would go on the hajj pilgrimage. I then left for Makkah and then returned to al-Mad¢nah. With a group of people, I intended to visit Imam al-Sadiq (`a) who used to permit all people to visit him at that time. Within the group that visited the Imam (`a), I sat in the last raw, since I was young. People began to ask the Imam (`a), he would answer them all, and they would then leave. When a few people only remained, the Imam (`a) pointed to me to come close to him. “Do you need anything?” asked the Imam (`a). “May Allah accept me as ransom for you! I am `Abd al-Rahman the son of Sayyabah,” answered I. The Imam (`a) asked about my father and I told him that he had died. Expressing sympathy to me, the Imam (`a) asked, “Did he leave any financial inheritance with you?” “No, he did not,” answered I. “How could you then afford this journey of hajj pilgrimage?” asked the Imam (`a). I then told him about the story of these dirhams. Interrupting me, the Imam (`a) asked, “What have you done with these dirhams before you came on hajj pilgrimage?” I answered that I had given back the amount to its owner. “Well done,” said the Imam (`a), “May I advise you of something?” “Yes, you may,” answered I. He thus said, “If you adhere to telling the truth and fulfilling your trusts, you will have a binding share in the properties of all people.”

To explain, the Imam (`a) advised this man to keep up telling the truth in all of his words, to avoid telling lies, to fulfill his promises, to give back the debts to their owners in their limited times, to avoid devouring the others’ dues wrongfully. If one does all that to people, they will give him whenever you ask. If he does so, he will be as if he has a share in their properties.

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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg43 Back to the event, `Abd al-Rahman added: As I committed myself with this advice of Imam al-Sadiq (`a), I gained so many profits that the religious tax of which was three hundred thousand dirhams one year.

According to another tradition, the aforementioned supplicatory prayer is ascribed to Imam `Al¢ ibn al-°usayn Zayn al-`ªbid¢n (`a). However, it ends up with this sentence:

am¢na rabba al`alam¢na آمين رب ٱلعالمين(Please) respond, O Lord of the worlds.

Twenty-eighth: Ibn Mahbub is reported to have said: Imam al-Sadiq (`a) taught a man this supplicatory prayer to say it in his supplications:

allahumma inn¢ as'aluka لك برحمتك�سا�اللهم إني اbirahmatika

O Allah, I beseech You for Your mercy

allat¢ la tunalu minka illa biri¤akaٱلتي ال تنال منك إال برضاكthat cannot be obtained from You except through Your pleasure,

walkhuruja min jam¢`i ma`a¥¢kaوٱلخروج من جميع معاصيكfor departure from all acts of disobedience to You,

walddukhula f¢ kulli ma yur¤¢kaوٱلدخول في كل ما يرضيكfor entering into all that which achieves Your pleasure,

,walnnajata min kulli war§atin for redemption from all troubles وٱلنجاة من كل ورطة

walmakhraja min kulli kab¢ratin وٱلمخرج من كل كبيرةand for a way out from every grave matter

,ata biha minn¢ `amdun that I have committed deliberately تى بها مني عمد�ا

,aw zalla biha minn¢ kha§a'un I have committed wrongly �و زل بها مني خطا�ا

و خطر بها علي خطرات �ا

ٱلشيطانaw kha§ara biha `alayya kha§aratu alshshay§ani

or I have committed owing to an evil inspiration of Satan.

لك خوفا توقفني به على �سا�ا

حدود رضاكas'aluka khawfan tuqifun¢ bih¢ `ala hududi ri¤aka

I beseech You for fear (of You) by which You stop me at the limits of Your pleasure

وتشعب به عني كل شهوة خطر

بها هوايwa tasha``aba bih¢ `ann¢ kullu shahwatin kha§ara biha hawaya

and by which You strew about all lusts that come to my mind because of my whims

ليجاوز حد يي �وٱستزل بها را

حاللكwastuzilla biha ra'y¢ liyujawiza hadda halalika

or because of the slips of my personal view that violates the bounds of what You have deemed lawful.

حسن ما �خذ با�لك ٱللهم ٱال�سا�ا

تعلمas'aluka allahumma al-akhdha bi-ahsani ma ta`lamu

I beseech You, O Allah, to lead me to take in the best of what You know,

wa tarka sayyi'i kulli ma ta`lamu وترك سيء كل ما تعلمto shun the evil of all what You know,

aw ukh§i'a min haythu la a`lamu علم�خطئ من حيث ال ا�و ا�اand to avoid committing a wrongdoing from whence I know

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.aw min haythu a`lamu and from whence I do not know علم�و من حيث ا�ا

as'aluka alssa`ata f¢ alrrizqi لك ٱلسعة في ٱلرزق�سا�اI beseech You for expansion in my sustenance,

walzzuhda f¢ alkafafi وٱلزهد في ٱلكفافabstinence with the minimum necessary sustenance,

walmakhraja bilbayani min kulliوٱلمخرج بٱلبيان من كل شبهةshubhatin

finding a way out from all seditious matters with clear demonstration,

,wal¥¥awaba f¢ kulli hujjatin hitting the mark in all arguments وٱلصواب في كل حجة

wal¥¥idqa f¢ jam¢`i almawa§ini وٱلصدق في جميع ٱلمواطنtelling the truth under all circumstances,

ٱلناس من نفسي فيما وإنصاف

علي وليwa in¥afa alnnasi min nafs¢ f¢ma `alayya wa l¢

treating all people fairly whether for my good or the otherwise,

walttadhallula f¢ i`§a'i alnna¥afi وٱلتذلل في إعطاء ٱلنصفacting humbly in giving people fairness against myself

min jam¢`i mawa§ini alssakha§iمن جميع مواطن ٱلسخط وٱلرضاwalrri¤a

in all situations of dissatisfaction or satisfaction,

wa tarka qal¢li albaghyi wa وترك قليل ٱلبغي وكثيرهkath¢rih¢

eschewing any amount of transgression, be it grave or insignificance

,f¢ alqawli minn¢ walfi`li and be it in words or in deeds في ٱلقول مني وٱلفعل

-wa tamama ni`amika f¢ jam¢`i al شياء�وتمام نعمك في جميع ٱالashya'i

winning Your blessings perfectly in all things,

وٱلشكر لك عليها لكي ترضى

وبعد ٱلرضاwalshshukra laka `alayha likay tar¤a wa ba`da alrri¤a

and showing You gratitude for all such blessings so that You will be pleased with me and even beyond Your pleasure.

لك ٱلخيرة في كل ما �سا�وا

يكون فيه ٱلخيرةwa as'aluka alkhiyarata f¢ kulli ma yakunu f¢hi alkhiyaratu

I also beseech You to lead me to the best of all matters that have more than one option,

bimaysuri al-umuri kulliha la ال بمعسورها مور كلها�بميسور ٱالbima`suriha

in the easiest way of all matters, but not in a difficult manner.

ya kar¢mu ya kar¢mu ya kar¢mu يا كريم يا كريم يا كريمO All-generous! O All-generous! O All-generous!

waftah l¢ baba al-amri مر�ي باب ٱالوٱفتح ل(Please) open before me the door to attain the mattes

alladh¢ f¢hi al`afiyatu walfaraju ٱلذي فيه ٱلعافية وٱلفرجthat achieve my wellbeing and my relief,

waftah l¢ babahuوٱفتح لي بابهopen before me the door to all such matters,

wa yassir l¢ makhrajahu ويسر لي مخرجهand make easy for me to find a way out against the opposite.

ومن قدرت له علي مقدرة من

خلقكwa man qaddarta lahu `alayya maqdiratan min khalqika

As for any one of Your creatures whom You have given power over me,

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fakhudh `ann¢ bisam`ih¢ wa فخذ عني بسمعه وبصرهba¥arih¢

(please) take away from me his hearing, sight,

¢wa lisanih¢ wa yadihولسانه ويدهtongue (i.e. word), and hand (i.e. deed),

wa khudhhu `an yam¢nih¢ wa `anوخذه عن يمينه وعن يسارهyasarih¢

and take him away from his right side, his left side,

,wa min khalfih¢ wa min quddamih¢ his back, and his front ومن خلفه ومن قدامه

wamna`hu an ya¥ila ilayya bisu'in ن يصل إلي بسوء�وامنعه اand stop him lest he may pass evil on me.

azza jaruka`عز جاركStrong is he who is in Your vicinity,

,wa jalla thana'u wajhika glorious is Your praise وجل ثناء وجهك

.wa la ilaha ghayruka and there is no god but Youوال إله غيرك

anta rabb¢ wa ana `abduka نا عبدك �نت ربي وا�اYou are my Lord and I am Your servant.

allahumma anta raja'¢ f¢ kulli نت رجائي في كل كربة�اللهم اkurbatin

You are my hope in all hard times,

wa anta thiqat¢ f¢ kulli shiddatin نت ثقتي في كل شدة�واin You alone I put my trust in all ordeals,

مر نزل بي ثقة �نت لي في كل ا�وا

وعدةwa anta l¢ f¢ kulli amrin nazala b¢ thiqatun wa `uddatun

and You alone are my reliance and support in every matter that afflicts me.

fakam min karbin ya¤`ufu `anhuفكم من كرب يضعف عنه ٱلفؤادalfu'adu

Too many are the agonies, which the heart is too weak to undergo,

wa taqillu f¢hi alh¢latu وتقل فيه ٱلحيلةwhich all stratagems fail to manage,

,wa yashmatu bih¢ al`aduwwu at which the enemy gloat ويشمت به ٱلعدو

,wa ta`ya f¢hi al-umuru and in which I lose any way out مور�وتعيى فيه ٱال

anzaltuhu bika wa shakawtuhu نزلته بك وشكوته إليك�اilayka

but when I referred them to You and complained about them to You,

raghiban ilayka f¢hi `amman راغبا إليك فيه عمن سواكsiwaka

abandoning all others than You,

qad farrajtahu wa kafaytahu فرجته وكفيتهقد You have relieved and saved me from them.

fa'anta waliyyu kulli ni`matin نت و لي كل نعمة�فاSo, You are the patron of all graces,

wa ¥ahibu kulli hajatin وصاحب كل حاجةthe One Who stands for all requests,

.wa muntaha kulli raghbatin and the utmost of all desires ومنتهى كل رغبة

falaka alhamdu kath¢ran So, very much praise be to You فلك ٱلحمد كثيرا

.wa laka almannu fa¤ilan and abundant gratitude be to You ولك ٱلمن فاضال

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HAAJAAT - Fulfillment of Desires قضاء الحاجات Pg46 Twenty-ninth: Through a considerable chain of authority, Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (`a) is reported to have taught this supplicatory prayer to Abu-Ba¥¢r to say it in his supplications:

ٱلتوابين لك قول �سا�اللهم إني ا

وعملهمallahumma inn¢ as'aluka qawla alttawwab¢na wa `amalahum

O Allah, I beseech You for the words of those who turn constantly to You and for their deeds,

wa nura al-anbiya'i wa نبياء وصدقهم�ونور ٱال¥idqahum

the light of the prophets and their honesty,

wa najata almujahid¢na wa ونجاة ٱلمجاهدين وثوابهمthawabahum

the salvation of the strivers and their rewards,

wa shukra almu¥§afayna waوشكر ٱلمصطفين ونصيحتهمna¥¢hatahum

the gratitude of the chosen ones and their advice,

wa `amala aldhdhakir¢na wa وعمل ٱلذاكرين ويقينهمyaq¢nahum

the deed of the rememberers and their certitude,

wa ¢mana al`ulama'i wa وإيمان ٱلعلماء وفقههمfiqhahum

the faith of the scholars and their knowledgeability,

wa ta`abbuda alkhashi`¢na waوتعبد ٱلخاشعين وتواضعهمtawa¤u`ahum

the worship of the dutiful ones and their modesty,

wa hukma alfuqaha'i wa وحكم ٱلفقهاء وسيرتهمs¢ratahum

the wisdom of the well-versed scholars and their way,

wa khashyata almuttaq¢na wa وخشية ٱلمتقين ورغبتهمraghbatahum

the fear of the pious ones and their desires,

wa ta¥d¢qa almu'min¢na waوتصديق ٱلمؤمنين وتوكلهمtawakkulahum

the belief of the believers and their trust (in You),

wa raja'a almuhsin¢na wa ورجاء ٱلمحسنين وبرهمbirrahum

and the hope of the good-doers and their devoutness.

allahumma inn¢ as'aluka لك ثواب ٱلشاكرين�سا�اللهم إني اthawaba alshshakir¢na

O Allah, I beseech You for the reward of the thankful ones,

wa manzilata almuqarrab¢na ومنزلة ٱلمقربينthe rank of the ones drawn near to You,

wa murafaqata alnnabiyy¢na ومرافقة ٱلنبيينand the companionship of the prophets.

لك خوف ٱلعاملين �سا�اللهم إني ا

لكallahumma inn¢ as'aluka khawfa al`amil¢na laka

O Allah, I beseech You for the fear of those who act for Your sake constantly,

,wa `amla alkha'if¢na minka the deed of those who fear You وعمل ٱلخائفين منك

wa khushu`a al`abid¢na laka وخشوع ٱلعابدين لكthe submission of those who worship You,

wa yaq¢na almutawakkil¢na ويقين ٱلمتوكلين عليك`alayka

the certitude of those who put their trusts in You,

wa tawakkula almu'min¢na وتوكل ٱلمؤمنين بكbika

and the reliance on You of those who believe in You.

¢allahumma innaka bihajat اللهم إنك بحاجتي عالم غير معلم`alimun ghayru mu`allamin

O Allah, about my request, You know it well and You do not need to be informed about it

wa anta laha wasi`un ghayru نت لها واسع غير متكلف�واmutakallafin

and You are fully competent to grant it and it does not require You to exert any effort.

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wa anta alladh¢ la yuhf¢ka فيك سائلنت ٱلذي ال يح�واsa'ilun

It is You Whom is never disturbed by any suppliant;

wa la yanqu¥uka na'ilun وال ينقصك نائلand Whose kingdom is never decreased owing to donations;

wa la yablughu midhataka وال يبلغ مدحتك قول قائلqawlu qa'ilin

and You are too praised to be expressed by any statement.

anta kama taqulu نت كما تقول�اYou are as exactly as You describe Yourself

wa fawqa ma naquluوفوق ما نقولbut more elevated than what we say about You.

allahumma ij`al l¢ farajan اللهم ٱجعل لي فرجا قريباqar¢ban

O Allah, (please) grant me close relief,

,wa ajran `a¨¢man great reward جرا عظيما�وا

.wa satran jam¢lan and nice coveringوسترا جميال

allahumma innaka ta`lamu O Allah, You do knowتعلماللهم إنك

ني على ظلمي لنفسي وإسرافي �ا

عليهاann¢ `ala ¨ulm¢ linafs¢ wa israf¢ `alayha

that although I have wronged myself and violated it excessively,

lam attakhidh laka ¤iddan wa نداتخذ لك ضدا وال �لم اla niddan

I have never claimed that You have a contrary, a peer,

.wa la ¥ahibatan wa la waladan a wife, or a son وال صاحبة وال ولدا

ya man la tughalli§uhu يا من ال تغلطه ٱلمسائلalmasa'ilu

O He Who is never confused by requests!

wa ya man la yashghaluhuويا من ال يشغله شيء عن شيءshay'un `an shay'in

O He Who is never preoccupied by a thing against another thing,

,wa la sam`un `an sam`in a hearing against another hearing وال سمع عن سمع

!wa la ba¥arun `an ba¥arin or a sight against another sight وال بصر عن بصر

wa la yubrimuhu ilhahu وال يبرمه إلحاح ٱلملحينalmulihh¢na

O Who is never annoyed by the insistence of the earnest petitioners,

ن تفرج عني في ساعتي �لك ا�سا�ا

هذهas'aluka an tufarrija `ann¢ f¢ sa`at¢ hadhih¢

I beseech You to grant me relief at this very moment

حتسب ومن حيث ال �من حيث ا

حتسب�اmin haythu ahtasibu wa min haythu la ahtasibu

from whence I expect and from whence I do not.

innaka tuhy¢ al`i¨ama wahiyaإنك تحيي ٱلعظام وهي رميمram¢mun

Verily, You give life to bones when they have rotted away.

innaka `ala kulli shay'in إنك على كل شيء قديرqad¢run

You verily have power over all things.

ya man qalla shukr¢ lahu falam يا من قل شكري له فلم يحرمنيyahrimn¢

O He to Whom I rarely turned thankful; yet, He did not deprive me,

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wa `a¨umat kha§¢'at¢ falamوعظمت خطيئتي فلم يفضحنيyaf¤ahn¢

against Whom I committed grand sins; yet, He did not disclose me,

wa ra'an¢ `ala alma`a¥¢ falam ورآني على ٱلمعاصي فلم يجبهنيyajbahn¢

Who saw me insisting on disobeying Him; yet, He did not encountered me,

¢wa khalaqan¢ lilladh¢ khalaqan قني للذي خلقني لهوخلlahu

and Who created me for the purpose He has created me for,

¢fa¥ana`tu ghayra alladh فصنعت غير ٱلذي خلقني لهkhalaqan¢ lahu

but I committed things purposed for other than the aim for which He has created me.

fani`ma almawla anta ya نت يا سيدي�فنعم ٱلمولى اsayyid¢

You are the most excellent Lord, my Master,

wa bi'sa al`abdu ana نا وجدتني�وبئس ٱلعبد اwajadtan¢

but You have found me the most miserable servant.

¢wa ni`ma al§§alibu anta rabb نت ربي�ونعم ٱلطالب اMost excellent intender You are, my Lord,

¢wa bi'sa alma§lubu alfaytan لفيتني�وبئس ٱلمطلوب اbut You have found me the most miserable intended one.

abduka ibnu `abdika ibnu` متك�ٱبن عبدك ٱبن اعبدك amatika

I, Your servant and the son of Your two servants,

;bayna yadayka am before Youبين يديك

¢ma shi'ta ¥ana`ta b ما شئت صنعت بيYou can do to me whatever You want.

allahumma hada'at al-a¥watu صوات�ت ٱال�هدااللهم O Allah, all sounds have calmed down,

,wa sakanat alharakatu all motions have been standstill وسكنت ٱلحركات

wa khala kullu hab¢bin وخال كل حبيب بحبيبهbihab¢bih¢

and every lover has withdrawn with his beloved;

wa khalawtu bika anta نت ٱلمحبوب إلي�وخلوت بك اalmahbubu ilayya

so, I am withdrawing with You, my most beloved;

فٱجعل خلوتي منك ٱلليلة ٱلعتق

من ٱلنارfaj`al khalwat¢ minka allaylata al`itqa min alnnari

therefore, make the reward of my withdrawing with You this night to be release from Hellfire.

ya man laysat li`alimin يا من ليست لعالم فوقه صفةfawqahu ¥ifatun

O He above Whose description, there is no knowledgeable one may enjoy a description!

ya man laysa limakhluqinيا من ليس لمخلوق دونه منعةdunahu man`atun

O He against Whom, there is no creature to prevent itself!

!ya awwalan qabla kulli shay'in O Foremost before all things وال قبل كل شيء�يا ا

wa ya akhiran ba`da kulli ويا آخرا بعد كل شيءshay'in

O Everlasting after all things!

!ya man laysa lahu `un¥urun O He Who has no starting point يا من ليس له عنصر

¢wa ya man laysa li'akhirih ويا من ليس آلخره فناءfana'un

O He Who has no final point!

wa ya akmala man`utin كمل منعوت�ويا اO most perfect of all described things!

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!wa ya asmaha almu`§¢na O most liberal of all donors سمح ٱلمعطين�ويا ا

wa ya man yafqahu bikulliلغة يدعى بهاويا من يفقه بكل lughatin yud`a biha

O He Who understands all languages used for praying Him!

,wa ya man `afwuhu qad¢mun O He Whose pardon is eternal ويا من عفوه قديم

,wa ba§shuhu shad¢dun Whose grip is strongوبطشه شديد

!wa mulkuhu mustaq¢mun and Whose kingdom is straightوملكه مستقيم

لك بٱسمك ٱلذي شافهت به �سا�ا

موسىas'aluka bismika alladh¢ shafahta bih¢ musa

I beseech You in the name of Your Name that You have used in Your speaking with Moses.

ya allahu ya rahmanu ya يا الله يا رحمن يا رحيمrah¢mu

O Allah! O All-beneficent! O All-merciful!

!ya la ilaha illa anta O He save Whom there is no god نت�يا ال إله إال ا

allahumma anta al¥¥amadu نت ٱلصمد�اللهم اO Allah, You are verily the eternally besought of all.

ن تصلي على محمد وآل �لك ا�سا�ا

محمدas'aluka an tu¥alliya `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

I beseech You to bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad

wa an tudkhilan¢ aljannata ن تدخلني ٱلجنة برحمتك�واbirahmatika

and to allow me to Paradise out of Your mercy.

Thirtieth: Yunus is reported to have asked Imam al-Ri¤a (`a) for a brief supplicatory prayer; so, the Imam (`a) taught him to say this:

¢ya man dallan¢ `ala nafsih يا من دلني على نفسهO He Who has guided me to Himself

¢wa dhallala qalb¢ bita¥d¢qih وذلل قلبي بتصديقهand humiliated my heart by testifying to Him,

as'aluka al-amna wal-¢mana من وٱإليـمان�لك ٱال�سا�اI beseech You for security and faith.
