hacknamstyle plaid ctf write-up

HacknamStyle Plaid CTF 2014 Write-ups

Upload: vanhoefm

Post on 18-Dec-2014




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g++ and Tiffany


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Plaid CTF 2014 Write-ups

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Reversing: g++

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Reversing: g++

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Reversing: g++

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Reversing: g++

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Reversing: g++

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Reversing: g++


echo '${KEY}' | perl -p -e 's/(.)/<DEL>/ge' > key.h


K(0,116) // 't'

K(1,101) // 'e'

K(2,115) // 's'

K(3,116) // 't‘


template <int i> struct key { static int r = 0; };

#define K(i,v) template<> struct key<i> { S r = v; };

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Reversing: g++

• Template metaprogramming

• Password verified during compilation

• “key<i>::r” gives i-th char of password

• Result printed at runtime

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Reversing: g++

int main() {

if (!vv<0>::r)

// print 16 characters


std::cout << "Wrong\n";


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Reversing: g++

Analyzing templates:

• vv<0>::r zero iff gg<i>::r zero (for 0 <= i < 16)

• gg<i>::r = hiddenkey<a, b> - makefilekey<a, b>

• Parameter `a` and `b` depend on `i`

• Hiddenkey is constant, extract value.

How is makefilekey constructed?

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Calculation makefilekey<a, b>

Let g++ replace #define’s:

• g++ -E -o solveme2.cpp solveme.cpp

<boring reversing>

makefilekey<a,b> =

( lookup<a*4> * key<b>

+ lookup<a*4+1> * key<b+4>

+ lookup<a*4+2> * key<b+8>

+ lookup<a*4+3> * key<b+12>) % 257;

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Method 1:

• Key can be bruteforced in groups of 4 chars

• Extract constants, implement algorithm

Method 2:

• Solve linear equations

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Reversing: Tiffany

From Child's Play (Chucky)

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Reversing: Tiffany



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Reversing: Tiffany

• Spawns 7 children, many ptrace calls

• Hint: “Each instance does a very simple thing”

• ltrace fails during initialization

• strace fails after computation


strace ./tiffany 2>&1 | less

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Parent spawns 7 children

getpid() = 15866 clone(...) = 15867 clone(...) = 15868 clone(...) = 15869 clone(...) = 15870 clone(...) = 15871 clone(...) = 15872 clone(...) = 15873 = 0x3e01 Child knows PID of parent and previous children.

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Ptrace communication

• Parent sends messages to children using ptrace

• Similarly, children send each other messages using ptrace.

One of the reasons why the program is slow…

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Ptrace communication

ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, 15823, 0, 0) = 0

--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---

wait4(-1, NULL, 0, NULL) = 15823

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, 0x618180, 0x1) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, 0x618184, 0) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, 0x618188, 0) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, 0x61818c, 0x3e01) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, 15823, 0, SIG_0) = 0

kill(15823, SIGUSR1) = 0

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Ptrace communication

ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, 15823, 0, 0) = 0

--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---

wait4(-1, NULL, 0, NULL) = 15823

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, 0x618180, 0x1) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, 0x618184, 0) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, 0x618188, 0) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, 0x61818c, 0x3e01) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, 15823, 0, SIG_0) = 0

kill(15823, SIGUSR1) = 0

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Ptrace communication

ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, 15823, 0, 0) = 0

--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---

wait4(-1, NULL, 0, NULL) = 15823

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, POKE1, 0x1) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, POKE2, 0) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, POKE3, 0) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 15823, 0x61818c, 0x3e01) = 0

ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, 15823, 0, SIG_0) = 0

kill(15823, SIGUSR1) = 0

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Child Message Handler

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Command #0

0x618180 = POKE1 = 1 # message available

0x618184 = POKE2 = 0 # destination ID

0x618188 = POKE3 = 0 # command ID

0x61818C = ARGS = 0x3e01

kill(15823, SIGUSR1) # notify child

Parent sends CMD #0 to first child

Send PID of last child to the first child.

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Command #1

• Copies large amount of data

• Child handler makes local copy

Each child is given unique data

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Initialization Complete

Password now requested

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Command #3

• Parent sends every char to first child

Child handler:

• Updates states according to char and local data

• Forwards char to previous child

• Last child informs parent to send next char

Every child gets char and “performs a step”

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Parent sends command #2 to first child.

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Password okay?

• Password OK if final `bitokay` is 1

• All children must “accept” the password

• Every child is a DFA

• Local data is state transition function

Extract DFA, intersect, find witness

Minimize DFA while intersecting!

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