hadith smile it is sunna

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  • 8/3/2019 Hadith Smile It is Sunna



    Hadith: Smiling at your brother is Charity

    Answered by Sheikh Salman Al-Oadah atIslamToday.net

    The Prophet ( ) said:

    When you smile to your brothers face, it is charity.

    This is an authentic hadth. It is related in Sunan al-Tirmidh (1879) and al-

    Tirmidh declared it to be good. It is also related in Sahh Ibn Hibbn (475 &

    530) and Musnad al-Bazzr.

    A man called his friend on the phone thousands of miles away. He said: So I

    can be sure of your feelings, I want you to give me smile. And his friend really

    did smile a genuine smile from the heart and the effects of his smile could

    be heard in his voice while he spoke to his friend overseas. This made the manhappy that someone would smile upon a suggestion, though the other person

    could not even see him.

    There is great wisdom in the Prophets words: When you smile to your

    brothers face is charity.

  • 8/3/2019 Hadith Smile It is Sunna



    And indeed, the Prophet ( ) followed this advice in his everydaylife, so much so that Abd Allah b. al-Hrith said:

    I have never seen anyone more in the habit of smiling than Allahs


    [Sunan al-Tirmidh (3574)]

    Even on the day he died, while lying in his sickbed, he did not neglect to smile.

    While Ab Bakr was getting the people lined up for prayer, the Prophet

    managed to stand up and move aside the curtain of his room. His face was like

    a page from a Quran manuscript. Yet he smiled at them, a bright laughing

    smile. [Sahh al-Bukhr (639) and Sahh Muslim (636)]

    The Prophet ( ) saw a smile as a gift of joy an emotional gift, nota material one a gift whose substance is received by the heart.

    When the Prophet ( ) said, your brothers face he was notimplying that smiling is only prescribed upon meeting someone. This advice

    applies to every occasion where a smile can bring cheer, lighten the mood, or

    reduce the stress that people are feeling.

    Jarr ibn Abdullah ( ) said:

    Since the time I accepted Islam, the Prophet ( ) never once failedto notice me. Whenever he saw me, he would smile at me.

    [Sahh al-Bukhr (2809 & 5625) and Sahh Muslim (4523)]

    It was the Prophets habit to smile. He even smiled at Fadlah b. `Umayr and

    on that occasion Fadlah had come with the intention to kill the Prophet ( !(

    For a smile to be a habitual part of your personality, the facial muscles must be

    accustomed to smiling. In this way, the hesitancy that we feel when meetingsomeone, the uncertainty that often comes with interpersonal dealings, will

    not prevent us from being able to give a broad, heartfelt smile.

    There are people who consider frequent smiling to show a deficiency in

    intelligence or social status. Then there are those who try to smile, but are so

    unaccustomed to doing so that with great effort they barely manage to curl

  • 8/3/2019 Hadith Smile It is Sunna



    their lips noticeably. Such people should practice smiling on their own if they

    must. Maybe they should think of a humorous incident to bring a smile to their

    face and then share that smile with someone else at no extra cost!

    We should not let the differences we might have with people keep us from

    greeting them with a smile. Likewise, we should not let our possible

    differences of opinion, or of denomination, or political affiliation, or family

    background make us stingy with our smiles.

    Smiling aids our mental as well as physical health. Indeed, doctors have begun

    to incorporate smiling into their therapies. Smiling contributes to lowering

    blood pressure and improved circulation. It boosts the immune system. It

    works wherever stress and depression cause harm. Smiling relaxes us and

    improves our emotional stability.

    More than that, a smile is a message about yourself that your heart is pure

    and that you are not infected by anxieties, hang-ups, and gloom. A smile is an

    instant message to those you know as well as those you do not know. It is

    received and understood even before you speak to or greet someone, and

    makes that person more receptive to what you have to say.

    A genuine smile is charity that you give to yourself. It dispels arrogance from

    your heart and pessimism from your outlook. It is also charity for others for

    the happiness and comfort that it brings them. However, the smile has to be

    real. A mechanical and forced smile will not do the trick.

    Smiling is something we want to be contagious. We want it to spread amity

    and friendship among the people. We want it to make people think better of

    one another, to trust each other, and learn to get along, whatever their other

    differences might be. Smiling, it can be hoped, will help to establish the value

    of good conduct among all human beings.