hakol march 2016

Hakol March/April 2016 Adar/Nisan 5776

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Bi-monthly newsletter from The Liberal Synagogue Elstree (TLSE) with news and articles from the community.


Page 1: Hakol March 2016


HakolMarch/April 2016 Adar/Nisan 5776

Page 2: Hakol March 2016


Rabbi’s Word | Rabbi Pete Synagogue membership: Lifelong commitment or lifestyle choice?

S everal hundred years ago, membership of

a synagogue was not a question for Jews. It was a certainty. You lived in a town or village. You belonged to a synagogue - usually THE synagogue, because it was likely that there was only one in whatever place you lived in. You contributed to that synagogue’s coffers to the best of your ability because your entire life centred around it and its activities. Its main functions were (in order of priority): burying the dead, educating the children, (i.e. boys), providing a focal point for life-cycle events and communal worship, supporting a rabbi whose role was to ensure that Jewish law was properly observed. Every aspect of your life would be governed by the synagogue and the cycle of the Jewish calendar

- from the moment you were born until the moment you died.

Then came the Enlightenment and Jews became more and more assimilated into the wider societies in which they lived. Gradually synagogues and membership of/involvement in the Jewish community became an option rather than the central element of Jews’ lives. Of course people still needed to be buried, wanted their children to be educated, even occasionally yearned to pray or find out something about Jewish practice. But with the change in the position of Jews in society, these aspects of their lives had to vie with several other obligations and opportunities: employment, secular education, leisure options. Increasing amounts of time

and money were being devoted to employment, demands of state education and involvement in activities ranging from gyms and golf clubs to hobbies and vacations. Add to those the cost of maintaining a household and keeping up with the latest gadgets and fashions, and participation in, and commitment to synagogue life moved slowly down the list of priorities in the lives of Jewish families.

In many ways the synagogue became increasingly irrelevant. Strict observance of Jewish law was no longer an issue for the majority of Jews. Attendance at synagogue services dwindled as the pattern of people’s lives became moulded to the secular calendar. Jewish education was seen as being less important than its secular equivalent -

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and then came Jewish

schools, which ostensibly

combined the demands

of state education with

the infusion of Jewish

knowledge (though it

is fairly clear that the

Jewish element of

their pupils’ education

comes a poor second to

the demand for GCSE

and ’A’ level success).

So what’s left? Bar-/

bat-mitzvah, maybe

marriage, and burial.

High Holyday and other

services perhaps? Bar-/

bat-mitzvah comes when

you’re thirteen; the time

for the other life-cycle

moments is less easy to

predict. Attendance at

religious services - even

High Holydays - is on the


For centuries the

synagogue has been

there for Jews whenever

they have needed it.

Now that they need it

less, because there is so

much on offer beyond

its walls, many of them

only return to it on those

occasions when they feel

it has something specific

to offer them. In the

intervening time, when

it seems to have nothing

to give them, many are

reluctant to pay what

is needed to sustain an

institution that has been

in existence for more

than two millennia. It

simply isn’t a priority. So

synagogue membership

has changed from being

a lifelong commitment to

being a lifestyle choice.

The question that

demands to be asked is

surely this: if synagogue

membership is a choice

that is only made

when it fits in with an

individual’s or family’s

lifestyle, how long will

it be before synagogues

become starved of

resources? The time is

surely coming when,

having decided for many

years that membership

of and contribution to

a synagogue is not a

priority, a family suddenly

encounters a need for

what the synagogue

has to offer. But it’s no

longer there, because for

too long, it didn’t fit into

people’s lifestyles and it

simply could not sustain


Of course there are those

who remain committed

to the synagogue even

during those times in

their lives when they

appear to have little or

no need of its services.

But there is a serious

question here that needs

to be debated. Why is it

that some people see

synagogue membership

as a lifelong commitment

while others,

increasingly, see it only

as a lifestyle choice? That

question speaks to the

future of Judaism in this

country, to the future of

The Liberal Synagogue

Elstree. Any contributions

to the debate - either

through the pages of

Hakol, by e-mail to me or

attendance at one of our

open council meetings

or the AGM - will be

most welcome, and most


Rabbi Pete Tobias

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With most people maintaining such busy lives, working long hours and keeping

their families organized and happy… there isn’t much time left over for Volunteering as a member of the TLSE Council!

Attending Council meetings has become more and more challenging in terms of getting people together mid week. And although monthly meetings still take place as stipulated by the constitution, the structure of those meetings has now changed and is achieving a much more productive result. For those Council members unavailable mid week, they can now still make a contribution to the running of the synagogue.

Formal Council meetings will now take place every other month on a Wednesday between 8-10pm in February, April, June, August, October, December.

This is where more formal synagogue matters are discussed relating to the financial security and operational efficiency of the TLSE charity.

Sunday working party sessions take place every other

month on a Sunday between 2-5pm in March, May, July, September, November.

These meetings, although they have a set agenda, are less structured and focus on areas of TLSE such as Education, Social Events and Care & Welfare.

If you are interested in getting involved in the running of your synagogue, please contact the office and Virginia Jaffe, our Vice Chair, will contact you to chat further.

What’s been happening

recently at TLSE?

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While Rabbi Pete was in LA spending time with family and supporting his team, Denver Broncos to win Super Bowl 50, we were fortunate to have Student Rabbi Danny Newman lead TLSE through Shabbat services.

Kabbalat Shabbat supper, we sat around the trestle tables as a community, where Student Rabbi Danny led us through candle lighting, “enjoying” the kiddush wine and brought traditions from his father of tearing the challah and throwing it to the diners. After the immortal words, “it’s time for dinner”, we ate, chatted and righted the wrongs of the world. Even after a bowl of profiteroles were devoured, Student Rabbi Danny managed to engage the younger generation into more singing.

For our Shabbat morning service, Student Rabbi Danny led an informal, thought-provoking service with a sermon filled with anecdotes of his personal journey that led him to be where he is today, studying to be a Liberal Rabbi. Again, at every Jewish gathering, food must be included, so we shared the wine, freshly-baked homemade challah and other delights around the kiddush table.

We may have our one of a kind Rabbi Pete who has very large shoes to fill, but Student Rabbi Danny is certainly on the right track of paving his own path.


After 6 years of running the TLSE office, Rebecca Davey is now moving onto pastures new,

as at the end of February. As chairman, I would like to be the first to thank Rebecca for

her loyalty, commitment and continuous effort in keeping everything behind the scenes

happening as it should, during all of her time with us. Running the TLSE Office, on the

surface, may appear as a straightforward role. But those closer to the action, know the

amount of tasks that need to be coordinated, chased up, typed up, followed through, not

to mention the fair bit of coercing required to make it all come together smoothly. Rebecca

has, over those 6 years, shared an office with Rabbi Pete…..that alone deserves a special

mention and a hearty well done!

Rebecca, on behalf of the Council who have worked closely

with you plus all of the members you have taken care of over

this time, we all wish you really good luck in the next chapter

of your life and look forward to seeing you and Connor

around TLSE…in a less formal capacity.

Nick Belkin

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The three members of the 2015 Kabbalat Torah group took part in a memorable Holocaust Memorial service in January. The focus of the service was the Kindertransport, with particular emphasis on the role of Sir Nichols Winton, who died in July 2015.

Arranged around the shul were several displays that the KT participants had prepared in the weeks leading

up to their service . Congregants moved between H3 and the shul on more than one occasion in an effort to simulate to a tiny extent the disruption faced by those families who bade farewell to their children. Readings and recordings of statements made by Sir Nichols and the children he saved featured during the service.

After reading from the Torah, Max, Talia and Oliver were presented with certificates and the books they had chosen. Thus ended the 2015 KT experience - and immediately after the service, KT 2016 began...

What’s been happening

recently at TLSE?


Members will have noticed that for the last nine months, our entrance gate has not been functioning. At all.

Thanks to the brave and tireless efforts of our Honorary Secretary, Davina Bennett, there is now a new gate in place. It opens smoothly and silently, its mechanism is safely located underground and the communication system between the office and the gate now works. The code number remains unchanged (if you do not know what it is, please ask the office).

Please drive slowly and carefully up to and through the gate. Thank you.


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If you only visited TLSE after 5pm on a Friday and before 8am on a Monday, apart from a new sign on the front of our building, you would not be able to tell that starting in mid March, Tots and Scholars pre-school (children aged 24 months to 5 years) owned and run by Demi Jaiyeola, now operates a pre-school nursery from our premises. Having passed a very successful Ofsted inspection on Thursday 4th February, Tots and Scholars will officially open its doors to children from the middle of March. A great deal of preparation has been underway to ensure everything was in place and ready for the launch - with much clearing, sorting, tidying, cleaning and organising!

The pre-school operating hours are Monday to Thursday 8am to 6pm and Fridays 8am to 5pm. The pre-school is closed during all of the Jewish Holidays and operates a slightly different schedule to normal for the last Tuesday of the month when the lunch club is in full swing.

During the week between Monday to Friday (only)

• Tots & Scholars DO NOT use the main sanctuary at any time and COMPLETELY pack away by 5pm on a Friday

• Tots & Scholars pay TLSE for the sole use of H3, library, toilets opposite H3, Sukkah area, upstairs classroom, beanbag room and upstairs office. During their agreed operating hours these areas are out of use to TLSE

• TLSE & Tots and Scholars share the use of the entrance way & kitchen facilities. The pre-school have a small amount of allocated storage space in a kitchen, the fridge & the freezer which is clearly marked

• Tots and Scholars DO NOT use the kitchen facilities on the last Tuesday of the month (Lunch club) until after 3pm

• The exit gate is out of use to everyone during the week, as there is a children’s play area situated just outside the main shul front door. The removable fence & gate securing the play area allows access for ALL visitors to the shul, via the pedestrian gate

• For security and safety purposes, given the increased flow of visitor traffic into the synagogue, ALL visitors to TLSE during pre-school operating hours, are asked to simply sign in & out of the premises in a book held in the TLSE entrance foyer so as to keep track of all persons in the building at any one time

• A team of commercial cleaners, employed by Tots & Scholars pre-school, maintain the cleanliness of the synagogue daily

• You will notice the TLSE car park lines have been refreshed to create a entry / exit path for parents dropping their children off at the pre-school on weekdays.

• TLSE parking at weekends, is EXACTLY the same as always!

• Designated parking spaces have been allocated to TLSE staff, TLSE visitors (including members), Pre-School staff , as well as two local companies who pay TLSE to park specifically agreed cars during the week, along the back wall of the car park

If there is anything more you would like to know about how the pre-school operates alongside the synagogue, please feel free to contact me on [email protected] or 07870 234775 and I’ll be happy to chat. Virginia (Ginny) Jaffe, Vice chairman.

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7.15PM. QUIZ AT 8.15PM


Ticket price just £18.50

Sold out again last year…

Book early to avoid disappointment!

PLEASE BOOK VIA THE SHUL: 020 8953 8889 OR [email protected]

The TLSE Annual Supper Quiz









STEPHEN MONK FOR MORE DETAILS: 020 8386 2030 OR [email protected]

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AGM Notice is hereby given that...The Liberal Synagogue Elstree 47th Annual General Meeting

Will take place on Wednesday 11th May 2016 at 8.00 pm

Nomination forms for members of the congregation to stand for Council and the

agenda will be published at a later date.

L iberal Judaism has officially launched the

Biennial Weekend 2016, 'Thinking Outside the Book'. We are pleased to be able to announce that our Early Bird Prices are even LOWER than 2014 - £250 for adults, £60 for students and children aged 5-16 and £40 for those under 5. These will end on 29 February 2016, when prices will go up to £310 for adults, £100 for children aged 5-16 and £60 for those under 5. Student tickets will remain at £60. So book now!

Liberal Judaism's Biennial Conference is the biggest event in our calendar and will take place from 7pm on Friday 1 July until 4pm on Sunday 3 July 2016, at a brand new venue - the St Johns Hotel in Solihull. This wonderful Conference and Leisure hotel is only an eight minute walk from Solihull

station, minutes away from the M42 and close to Birmingham International Airport. Liberal Judaism will have exclusive occupancy of this spacious and stylish hotel.

Liberal Judaism is in the initial stages of developing a new Siddur, this is a chance to be part of thinking what this will look like, but even more so it is an opportunity to think of new ways to use music, literature and arts within our communities. The Conference aims to combine study with practical explorations of what it means to enliven and enrich our congregations and our own personal spiritual, cultural and social Jewish lives. Rabbi Charley Baginsky, chair of the Biennial Weekend organising committee, said:

"Liberal Judaism has always been at the forefront of Progressive Jewish life,

pushing us to think about the future in ways that can build on our heritage and our past"

Of course the social aspect of Biennial is always an essential part of the weekend, with plenty of opportunities to see old friends and make new ones, learn, discuss, share, sing and pray in a warm and friendly environment.

Book now online, in order to secure your place, by following the linkhttp://tinyurl.com/bien2016 or for more information call Aaron at the Montagu Centre on 020 7631 9830

The rate is per person and includes accommodation, all meals and materials. All delegates will receive complimentary access to the hotel’s health club, swimming pool and spa. Day attendance bookings are also available.

LJ Biennial weekend

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Molly Berger; Isaac Cyzer; Renee Cyzer; Talia Jones; Leon Leighton; Alisha Pearl-Constantinescu; Amelia San; James Savage; Angelina Curshen.

Jamie Berger for his Bar-mitzvah on Saturday 5th March.

Deadline for next issue of Hakol will

be Thursday 12th April

Dear Editor,

It comes to something when I start writing to myself so perhaps this should be addressed

to TLSE Council members.

I was very sorry not to see TLSE represented in the Mitzvah Day pictures in LJ today, or

for that matter in any other publication. Of course, I understand that this was because

we had no specific Mitzvah Day activity. I know a small number of members help with

the Borehamwood Food Bank and we are looking at ways to help Syrian refugees, but I

wonder if we could arrange to get involved in a Mitzvah Day activity next year?

You may respond by telling me to organize something myself, instead of having a

moan but, if I were to, it would probably be in St Albans which doesn’t seem the most

appropriate venue.

Come on Council- can’t we give it a go for next year.

Tina Shaw.

Stuart & Anne Abrahams;

John & Lilly Ainley;

Vivienne Schuster;

Paul & Judith Maisner;

Andrea Clare;

Ben Abrahams / Lucy Isaacs;

Jamie Dalton & Rachel Tredler;

Rachel Esner & Paul Christian.

Welcome to New Members!

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A large crowd attended a further meeting

which was held in St

Albans on 31st January

(although I didn’t spot any

other Jewish participants

except Rabbi Pete).

Several speakers gave

an update on progress in

enabling Syrian families

and unaccompanied

children to settle in

the UK and sadly the

progress is depressingly


1000 people have arrived

under the government’s

Vulnerable Person’s

Scheme (VPS) and so far none have been placed in Hertfordshire. 500 of those who have arrived are children and the families include some of

the most vulnerable and traumatized, as identified by UNHCR. The government are offering a high level of funding for the first year and further funding for up to five years. They will already have refugee status, so will be able to work, and will be offered free language tuition for one year, as well as free health care and education.

Private accommodation for rental, foster homes for the children and befriending will all be needed.

There were further

speakers, including a

Syrian surgeon who has

been in UK for eleven

years, having fled the

brutality of the Assad

regime, and his wife who

spoke about the cultural

differences which the

families would need help

adjusting to. There was

also a therapist who

spoke about working with

traumatized children

and their families, and a

report on women within

Syria finding non-violent

ways forward.

Overall, it was heartening

to see so much goodwill

amongst the audience

but just as disheartening

to learn that it may take

until June to see the first

family arrive in St Albans.

We were urged to lobby

our MPs and the Council

to make our support for

refugees known.

Tina Shaw

Herts Welcome Syrian Families (HWSF)

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16th Jan Study

Service Schmooze

13th Feb Study

Service Schmooze

19th March Study Service

Schmooze &

Penny Beral’s 60th Kiddush

23rd March Purim

15th April Friday Night Rock

21st May QUIZ

11th & 12th June


26th July Lunch Club

25th Nov Lunch Club

24th Dec 1st Night


27th Sept Lunch Club

TLSE Annual Calendar of Events

3rd October Rosh


23rd April Study Service


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16th Jan Study

Service Schmooze

13th Feb Study

Service Schmooze

19th March Study Service

Schmooze &

Penny Beral’s 60th Kiddush

23rd March Purim

15th April Friday Night Rock

21st May QUIZ

11th & 12th June


26th July Lunch Club

25th Nov Lunch Club

24th Dec 1st Night


27th Sept Lunch Club

TLSE Annual Calendar of Events

3rd October Rosh


23rd April Study Service


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A-B Barbara 020 8953 1369

C-F Leone 07702 349350

G-I Carol 020 8950 1862

J-M Estelle 020 8954 9569

N-Q Peter 020 8953 1369

R-S Rita 020 8953 4439

T-Z Judy 01582 468100

Nicky 07788 751275

We are sorry to announce that Rachel

Gordon has passed away and we send our

condolences to her daughters Laureen

and Shelley and their families.

We are saddened to announce that

Elizabeth Shaine has passed away.

We send a get well soon message to Terry

Benson after his recent operation.

Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Friends talk

Learn more about dementia – what

it’s like to live with and actions you

can take.

On Wednesday 18th May 7.45 p.m. at

the synagogue, there will be a short

presentation and talk. Please put

the date in your diary, and watch out

for next Hakol for more details, or

phone Carol Hurst.

Pesach AnnouncementIf anyone requires home hospitality or can offer transport for Pesach,

please contact Carol Hurst

On Saturday 12th March, Harry & Carol Hurst are celebrating their Golden Wedding.

The service will be followed by a kiddush to which all are invited.

Jill & Ken Wright would like to wish their son James Wright mazeltov on his forthcoming marriage to Gemma Blass Sunday 13th March in Hove.

Michael & Carole Woodcock are delighted to announce their daughter, Louisa Woodcock got married to Matthew Evans on 16th January 2016.

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TLSE members: £4 Non-Members: £5

Tuesday 29 March

Tuesday 26 April

Religious Education

in State Schools

with Dame Helen Hyde Head of Watford Grammar School for Girls

If you are coming, please contact Carol

Tel: 020 8950 1862, email: [email protected]

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Date: Saturday19 MarchMeet: Bedmond Playing Fields, Toms

Lane, Bedmond WD5 0RB for a 3 to 4 mile walk

Bedmond is north of Abbots Langley. The playing fields are near the top of Toms Lane on

the west side of the villageTime: 2.15pm

Leader: Sue WoolfMobile: 07749 726650

Date: Saturday 30 April Meet: TLSE for a walk to Shenley Park This will be a one way walk and we will make sure that there will be enough cars already at

Shenley to bring everyone back to TLSETime: 2pm for 2.15pm

Leader: Lisa and Leigh RenakMobile: 07958 502526

We will be staying for a cup of tea in the tearooms after the walk

Ros, Ann and Tina on the January walk

Nancy and Sue and practicing the February walk

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P esach this year will mark the 19th anniversary of

our Shabbat walks. The first walk was on Sunday 27 April 1997 and it is wonderful to find that we are still going strong nineteen years later. The April walk this year will be on Saturday 30th April and will be led by Lisa and Leigh Renak.

At Pesach in 1997 we decided to have a matzo ramble. On Sunday 27 April we met at Redbourn for a figure of eight walk with a picnic lunch stop in the middle. Everybody enjoyed it so much that we decided to make it a regular monthly walk and to hold it on a Shabbat afternoon. Since then we have walked in all sorts of locations and in all sorts of weather and have thoroughly enjoyed every one.

I co-ordinate the walks but have a list of volunteers who take it in turns to lead the walks. The leader gets to choose the location and the length of the walk and, consequently, we have a variety of walks to suit all tastes. Over the last

nineteen years we have had many wonderful walks in some very beautiful locations. We have had many walks where the sun has been shining and just as many where the weather hasn't been quite so kind to us. Our worst weather was a walk lead by David Blake through a torrential downpour when, to my amazement, six people turned up. Lawrence took the sensible option – he drove me to the start of the walk and met me at the end but went home to sit by the fire whilst the rest of us braved the elements. We walkers all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

At the beginning of January Sue Woolf, Ann Etkind and I went out to practice my February walk, a four mile walk from Shenley to Ridge and back. The weather reminded me very much of David's walk all those years ago. It was raining so hard that I think we would have been better off not even starting but we braved the elements and set off. After only about a mile

or so we were all three genuinely soaked to the skin, despite having all our waterproof gear on. This time, I'm afraid, we decided to give up and made another date to practice the walk when we hoped the weather would be a little kinder to us.

If you’ve never been on one of our walks why not give it a try. Bring the children, bring the dog and join us for a stroll and a chat; it’s the ideal way to spend a Shabbat afternoon. If you come on some of the walks and enjoy them you might like to think about leading one at some time in the future. We are always looking for people willing to lead a walk, and I would be delighted to add you to the select band of volunteers who do this. Details of the walk each month, together with a contact phone number, are in Hakol and on the TLSE Facebook page, otherwise phone me on 01923 853609 or 07872 983720 or email me at [email protected].

Nancy Shavick

TLSE 19th Anniversary Shabbat Walk

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TLSE does Bake OffCalling all budding bakers!

A small group of members are putting together a Bake Off competition, this will be held in September. Would you be interested in helping to run this event? Can you bake and if so would you like to take part in a fun afternoon. The idea is to have 3 sections to the afternoon: contestants decorating a cake with a Jewish theme; a separate competition of cakes (Victoria Sponges) to be judged and a children’s activity of decorating cakes. We will need volunteers to help run the afternoon and of course take part and eat the cakes over a cup of Tea.

For details please contact Penny Beral [email protected]; or ring 01923 855367

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KT (L to R) Talia Cohen, Oliver Mendelsohn and Max Elman

Dates For Your Diary - March/April 2016




6.00 - 7.00 pm