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HAL NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL, CTS English Practice Worksheet – 4: May 2020 CLASS: VI to VII DATE: 30.05.2020 Q1. Read the given poem carefully: In the middle of the city Is an open space called a Park; It is difficult for us to do what we like there Even after dark. In the middle of the Park, there is a statue, A huge man made of stone; We are not allowed to climb his legs or Scribble on his trousers, He has to be left alone, In the middle of the grass, there is some water Surrounded by an asphalt path; We are forbidden to fish or throw stones into it Or swim or take a bath. On the basis of the reading of the poem pick the answer to the following Questions: 1) What is the open space called? a) market b) playground c) park d) none of these. 2) What is not possible even after dark? a) To do what they like b) To do what they don’t like c) To do what they want 3) Who do you think is forbidden from running freely in the park? a) children b)boy c)girl d)none of these. 4) Whose statue is in the park? a) a huge man b) a young man c)an old man d)none of these. 5) Find the synonym of ‘permit ‘from the poem? a) deny b) allowed c) followed d)none of these. Q2.Complete the given passage with the appropriate word given in the brackets: Familiar (a)__________ (to/of ) most people (b)__________ (for/and) its medicinal properties, the neem is recognised (c)__________ (on/by) few despite its distinctive, curved leaves and an annual profusion (d)__________ (of/by) star-shaped sweet-scented flowers. It is a medium-sized (e) ____________(at/or) large tree (f)__________ (by/with) a straight trunk and evergreen, a native (g)__________ (at/of) India, Burma and Sri Lanka.

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Post on 11-Jun-2020




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  • HAL NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL, CTS English Practice Worksheet – 4: May 2020

    CLASS: VI to VII DATE: 30.05.2020

    Q1. Read the given poem carefully: In the middle of the city Is an open space called a Park; It is difficult for us to do what we like there Even after dark. In the middle of the Park, there is a statue, A huge man made of stone; We are not allowed to climb his legs or Scribble on his trousers, He has to be left alone, In the middle of the grass, there is some water Surrounded by an asphalt path; We are forbidden to fish or throw stones into it Or swim or take a bath. On the basis of the reading of the poem pick the answer to the following Questions: 1) What is the open space called?

    a) market b) playground c) park d) none of these.

    2) What is not possible even after dark?

    a) To do what they like b) To do what they don’t like c) To do what they want

    3) Who do you think is forbidden from running freely in the park?

    a) children b)boy c)girl d)none of these.

    4) Whose statue is in the park?

    a) a huge man b) a young man c)an old man d)none of these.

    5) Find the synonym of ‘permit ‘from the poem?

    a) deny b) allowed c) followed d)none of these.

    Q2.Complete the given passage with the appropriate word given in the brackets:

    Familiar (a)__________ (to/of ) most people (b)__________ (for/and) its medicinal properties, the neem is recognised (c)__________ (on/by) few despite its distinctive, curved leaves and an annual profusion (d)__________ (of/by) star-shaped sweet-scented flowers. It is a medium-sized (e) ____________(at/or) large tree (f)__________ (by/with) a straight trunk and evergreen, a native (g)__________ (at/of) India, Burma and Sri Lanka.

  • Q3.Rearrange the jumbled words and phrases into meaningful sentences:

    a) coming year/during the/ young neem leaves/to ward off/new year days/are eaten on/sickness.

    b) drawers and cupboards/moths and cockroaches/ put in / dried neem leaves/keep out.

    c) Treatment of leprosy/is so effective/margosa oil/and skin diseases/in the.

    Q4.Change the following sentences into indirect speech:

    Eg: “This is an occasion to celebrate”, the Captain said. Ans: The Captain said that it was an occasion to celebrate. a) The mother said to the daughter, “Iam proud of your achievements.”

    b) Karan said, “Alas, how foolish I have been!”

    c) The labourer said, “I have lost all my money.”

    d) “Is your father at home?” the stranger asked me.

    e) The prisoner said, “I have spoken nothing but the truth.”

    Q5. Do as directed in the bracket:

    a) The carpenter is making a table. (change into passive voice)

    b) The volunteers was helping the wounded people. (correct the sentence.)

    c) They challenged the verdict. (change the verb into past perfect tense)

    d) A girl from Bengaluru has won the first prize. (change into passive voice)

    e) I have send the parcel. (correct the error)


  • HAL NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL, CTS Hindi Practice Worksheet – 4: May 2020

    CLASS: VI to VII DATE: 30.05.2020

    1) न न ल खत ग यांश को पढ़कर दए गए न के उ तर ल खए |

    महेश एक व थ क तु नधन युवक था | नधनता के कारण उसक पढ़ाई बचपन म ह अधूर रह गई थी | वह अपने प रवार का भरण -पोषण मजदरू करके जैसे-तैसे करता था | कई दन से उसे काम नह ं मल रहा था | वह अ य त नराश था | कई बार उसने सोचा क वह अपनी जीवन ल ला समा त कर ले | यह वचार आते ह उसक आँख के सामने उसके प रवार के भूखे - यासे सद य के चेहरे आ जात ेऔर वह उनके लए जीन ेका संक प कर काम क तलाश म जुट जाता | वह काम क तलाश म भटक ह रहा था क उसने समूह म जात े हुए लोग को बातचीत करत े हु ए सनुा | उसे पता लगा क कोई बहु त बड़े संत न े परुाने बरगद के नीच ेआसान लगाया है | वे सबक सम याओं का समाधान चुटक बजात ेह कर देत ेह | महेश के मन म आशा क करण जागी | वह तजे क़दम से भीड़ के साथ चलन ेलगा | वहा ँपहु ँचकर वह शांत भाव से बैठकर अपनी बार क ती ा करन े लगा | उसक ती ा समा त हु ई | उसक सम या को जानन ेके लए संत जी ने उसे बुलाकर उसक बात सनुी और उसे अपना गधा दे दया | महेश ने दय से उ ह ध यवाद दया और वहाँ से गधा लेकर चल पड़ा | वह बड़ा स न था क इस गध ेपर वह ट, रोड़ी आ द ढ़ो कर काम को ज द समा त कर इसक

    सवार कर शी ह घर पहु ँच जाया करेगा | ये वचार उसके मन को गुदगुदा रहे थे क अचानक गधा गर पड़ा और मर गया | महेश को बड़ा दःुख हुआ क तु वह करता भी या उसन ेतु रंत ग ढा खोदकर गध ेको दबा दया और वह ं बैठकर रोने लगा | एक सेठ वहाँ से जा रहा था | महेश को उस क के पास रोता देख उ ह ने सोचा क कोई द य आ मा चल बसी है, ये सोचकर उ ह न े सर झकुा कर कुछ पैसे चढ़ा दए | महेश कुछ बोलता इससे पहल ेवहाँ पैसे चढ़ान ेवाल क भीड़ लग गई | घबराए महेश ने सार बात संत जी को बताई | संत ने महेश को समझाया क कोई बात नह ंशायद भगवान ्क यह मज थी | ” जो गधा जीत ेजी तरे मदद नह ं कर पाया उसने मरकर तरे सहायता क है | अब इस पैसे से कोई काम शु कर और लाभ होने पर पैस को भलाई के काय म लगाना | “

    न 1-महेश कैसा युवक था ? उसक पढाई कस कारण छूट गई थी?

    न 2-वह अपन ेप रवार का भरण-पोषण कैसे करता था?

    न 3-मजदरू न मलने पर उसके मन म या वचार आया?

    न 4 -मदद श द का समानाथ श द ग यांश से ढंूढकर ल खए |

    न 5- ग यांश का उ चत शीषक ल खए |

  • 2) न न च का वणन क िजए :-

    3) हदं म ७१ से १०० तक गनती (अंक और श द ) ल खए | 4)


  • HAL NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL, CTS Kannada Practice Worksheet – 4: May 2020

    CLASS: VI to VII DATE: 30.05.2020


  • HAL NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL, CTS Mathematics Practice Worksheet – 4: May 2020

    CLASS: VI to VII DATE: 30.05.2020

    Topic: Whole Number

    4. Find the product 17×125×14×8

    5. Find the value of 658×42+658×158

    6. Find the largest 4-digit number which is exactly divisible by 135.

    7. Find the least number which should be added to 10000 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 237.

    8. How many 5 digit numbers are there in all?

    9. What is the smallest odd composite number?

    10. What is the difference between the greatest and the smallest prime numbers between 1 and 20?

    11. Write the prime number which comes just after 53?

  • 12. Form a magic square with the numbers given below. (hint : The sum of the numbers in each row and column and diagonal is 3.06)

    0.98, 0.99, 1, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 1.05, 1.06



  • HAL NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL, CTS Science Practice Worksheet – 4: May 2020

    CLASS: VI to VII DATE: 30.05.2020

    Lesson: Measurement and Motion

    1. Fill in the blanks

    a) Motion of an object around a fixed point which is outside the object is known as ______________ motion.

    b) A body repeating its motion after regular intervals of time is in ______________motion.

    c) The ball rolling on the ground shows both______________ and ______________ motion.

    d) SI unit of length is _______________. e) Any quantity that can be measured is called a ______________quantity. f) 1 km = _______________ m. g) The length of a curved line can be measured using a _______________. h) ______________ is the distance between two points or ends of an object. i) ______________ is the change in position of an object over a period of


    .2. Identify the types of motion in the given diagrams.

    (a) (b) (c) (d)


    3. The distance of Riya’s school from her house is 9500 meters. Express this distance in kilometers and centimeters.

    i. .......................km. ii. ........................ cm.
