hamble lane traffic study - eastleigh · overview 4 3. hamble lane and its constraints 5 4. traffic...

Hamble Lane Traffic Study Option Development Hampshire County Council 26 June 2017

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Page 1: Hamble Lane Traffic Study - Eastleigh · Overview 4 3. Hamble Lane and its Constraints 5 4. Traffic Issues and the Strategy 7 5. The Current Option 8 6. Traffic Flows and Reassignment

Hamble Lane Traffic Study Option Development Hampshire County Council

26 June 2017

Page 2: Hamble Lane Traffic Study - Eastleigh · Overview 4 3. Hamble Lane and its Constraints 5 4. Traffic Issues and the Strategy 7 5. The Current Option 8 6. Traffic Flows and Reassignment

Hamble Lane Traffic Study 5143010 Technical Note – Option Development

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This document and its contents have been prepared and are intended solely for Hampshire County Council information and use in relation to the Hamble Lane Traffic Study.

Atkins Limited assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its contents.

This document has 35 pages including the cover.

Document history

Job number: 5143010

Revision Purpose description Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date

Rev 1.0 Draft for client comments DD TE JH DD 02/06/17

Rev 2.0 Full Draft Issue DD TE JH DD 26/06/17

Client signoff

Client Hampshire County Council

Project Hamble Lane Traffic Study

Document title Option Development

Job no. 5143010

Copy no. 1

Document Reference HCCC139-ATK-GEN-HL-RP-Z-0004

Page 3: Hamble Lane Traffic Study - Eastleigh · Overview 4 3. Hamble Lane and its Constraints 5 4. Traffic Issues and the Strategy 7 5. The Current Option 8 6. Traffic Flows and Reassignment

Hamble Lane Traffic Study 5143010 Technical Note – Option Development

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Table of contents

Chapter Pages

1. Introduction 4

2. Overview 4

3. Hamble Lane and its Constraints 5

4. Traffic Issues and the Strategy 7

5. The Current Option 8

6. Traffic Flows and Reassignment 10

7. Performance of the Current Option 12

8. Land Requirements 27

9. Scheme Costs 29

10. Traffic Confirmation and Scheme Development 30

Appendix A. Scheme Costs 33

Tables Table 7-1 Network Performance .............................................................................................................. 12 Table 9-1 Scheme Costs.......................................................................................................................... 29

Figures Figure 3-1 Study Area ................................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 3-2 Hampshire and Highway England Proposals at Windhover and M27 J8 .................................. 6 Figure 4-1 Lane Usage Southbound from Windhover ................................................................................ 7 Figure 5-1 Southbound Changes ................................................................................................................ 8 Figure 5-2 Northbound Changes ................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 5-3 Pedestrian Crossings ................................................................................................................. 9 Figure 5-4 A27 / Portsmouth Road ............................................................................................................. 9 Figure 6-1 Traffic Flows and Reassignment AM ....................................................................................... 10 Figure 6-2 Traffic Flows and Reassignment PM ....................................................................................... 11 Figure 7-1 Windhover and Junction 8 – AM .............................................................................................. 13 Figure 7-2 Windhover and Junction 8 – PM .............................................................................................. 14 Figure 7-3 Tesco and Hamble Lane– AM ................................................................................................. 16 Figure 7-4 Tesco and Hamble Lane – PM ................................................................................................ 17 Figure 7-5 Jurd Way– AM ......................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 7-6 Jurd Way – PM ........................................................................................................................ 19 Figure 7-7 Portsmouth Road Junction – AM ............................................................................................. 20 Figure 7-8 Portsmouth Road Junction – PM ............................................................................................. 21 Figure 7-9 Portsmouth Road / A27 Junction – AM ................................................................................... 22 Figure 7-10 Portsmouth Road / A27 Junction – PM ................................................................................... 23 Figure 7-11 Travel Time Comparison – Future Base to Current Option AM .............................................. 25 Figure 7-12 Travel Time Comparison – Future Base to Current Option PM .............................................. 25 Figure 8-1 Land Required at Portsmouth Road ........................................................................................ 27 Figure 8-2 Land Required at Jurd Way ..................................................................................................... 27 Figure 8-3 Land Required South of Tesco ................................................................................................ 28 Figure 10-1 Typical Traffic Speeds from Google – Monday AM. Peak (08:00) .......................................... 30 Figure 10-2 Typical Traffic Speeds from Google – Friday PM. Peak (17:00) ............................................. 30 Figure 10-3 Suggested Modelling Changes to SRTM Network .................................................................. 31

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1. Introduction

Atkins was commissioned by Hampshire County Council (HCC) to undertake a traffic study of the Hamble Lane corridor. The key objective of the study was to investigate and assess options for reducing the current high level of congestion along Hamble Lane. An option was developed based on an option identification and assessment process, and as it stands could be taken forward for operational and detailed design and potential implementation in the future.

2. Overview

Hamble Lane is a north/south corridor in the south of Eastleigh Borough, providing strategic connectivity for Southampton and Netley from the east via the A3025 Portsmouth Road (Portsmouth Road). It also supplies strategic connectivity for Hamble-Le-Rice and Butlocks Heath in the south. The primary area of the study focused on the section between the junction with Portsmouth Road to the south, up to and including, the Windhover roundabout to the north.

On-site observations conducted on 17 December 2015 identified that the junction of Bursledon Road and Botley Road, northwest of Windhover roundabout, causes congestion which leads to queues blocking back to the Windhover roundabout impacting on the operation of the roundabout and back via Junction 8 to the M27 Motorway.

An assessment was conducted for the 2015 Base, 2026 Future Base, and proposed options using VISSIM microsimulation for the AM (7:30 – 8:30) and PM (16:30 -17:30) peak periods. A Base VISSIM model was calibrated and validated to ensure it provided an accurate representation of the existing operations of the network. The validation of the Base VISSIM model is set out in the Local Model Validation Report.

An initial identification and subsequent high level sift of options was undertaken on a range of options based around either:

a) Full widening to a dual carriageway with two lanes in each direction or b) Retaining the highway limits and modifying the junctions to maximise capacity and minimise delay.

However, the volume of traffic is such that options within the highway boundary were found to have insufficient capacity, and obtaining sufficient land to create a fully dualled scheme will either require land from a development site with planning permission, or require demolition of properties.

As a result a current scheme option has been developed which, firstly, makes best use of available land to maximise capacity and, secondly, provides additional routes to relieve the sections of Hamble Lane which are basic capacity constraints.

This report presents details on the development of the current scheme option and an assessment based on the results from the VISSIM model.

Report Structure The structure for the remainder of this report is as follows:

Section 3: Hamble Lane and its Constraints, Section 4: Traffic Issues and the Strategy, Section 5: The Current Option, Section 6: Traffic Flows and Reassignment, Section 7: Performance of the Current Option, Section 8: Land Requirements, Section 9: Scheme Costs, and Section 10: Scheme Development.

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3. Hamble Lane and its Constraints

The study area is shown in Figure 2-1. Windhover Roundabout is some 500m south west of Junction 8 on the M27 and is partially signalised. It forms a gateway into Southampton from the east as well as giving access to the lower reaches of the River Hamble via Hamble Lane and the A27 via Swanwick. The western arm of Windhover Roundabout, Bursledon Road - the A3024, runs westwards into Southampton crossing the Itchen at Northam Road.

Portsmouth Road, the A3025, runs westwards from Hamble Lane into Southampton crossing the Itchen at the Itchen Bridge. Its junction with Hamble Lane, 800m south of Windhover Roundabout, is a priority junction with Hamble Lane as the major arm and Portsmouth Road as the minor.

There are two junctions on Hamble Lane between Windhover Roundabout and Portsmouth Road; both are small roundabouts. The northern junction, 250m south of Windhover Roundabout, provides access to a Tesco Extra. The southern junction, 500m south of Windhover Roundabout at Jurd Way, provides local access to Bursledon.

Figure 3-1 Study Area


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Work to Date Two overall strategies were previously developed for Hamble Lane; a low impact strategy and a high impact one. The low impact strategy included measures within the highway boundary only and comprised:

Signalisation of the Tesco access junction; Signalisation of the Jurd Way junction with the addition of a fourth arm on the western side to service the

pending residential development; and Signalisation and realignment of the Portsmouth Road junction.

Various sub-options for the low impact option were assessed. However, the fundamental lack of capacity on Hamble Lane and the anticipated traffic growth were such that the corridor between the M27 and Hamble Lane South of Portsmouth Road was unable to accommodate the volume of traffic and major queues formed on the approaches to the corridor, particularly on the off slip from the M27 westbound. The performance of the low impact options is set out in the Modelling and Options report.

In parallel with the low impact strategy a high impact strategy was developed based on an increase in the width of Hamble Lane to provide a dual carriageway, but with broadly similar junction options. This strategy can provide sufficient basic capacity however it requires significant additional land and given the current planning approvals in place, or applied for, in the area it is unlikely that a fully dualled scheme would be deliverable.

At the northern end of the corridor Hampshire County Council has developed feasibility designs for an upgrade to the Windhover roundabout and to M27 Junction 8. These schemes (shown in Figure 2-2) would provide significant additional capacity at both junctions and have now been handed over to Highways England (HE) to take through to construction as part of their ‘M27 Southampton Junctions’ package.

Figure 3-2 Hampshire and Highway England Proposals at Windhover and M27 J8

While the HCC/HE Windhover and M27 Junction 8 scheme is able to accommodate the forecast volume of traffic passing through, the downstream capacity constraints on Hamble Lane, and to a lesser extent on the A27 east and the A3204 west, affect their operation and these constraints therefore need to be addressed at the same time.

Thus, there has been a development of an overall strategy to produce an option which would require less land than a full dual scheme, but which would address the issues on a wider basis and ensure that the expected capacity improvements at Windhover and Junction 8 are not compromised by delay on Hamble Lane and elsewhere.

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4. Traffic Issues and the Strategy

The key issues on Hamble Lane are based around lack of capacity. The key issues are set out below, together with the revised strategy of taking sufficient land to provide enough capacity, coupled with providing additional routes for traffic.

Southbound Traffic Issues Portsmouth Road Junction is a priority junction and thus the southbound right turn into Portsmouth Road and the exiting traffic from Portsmouth Road rely on gap acceptance. As northbound traffic on Hamble Lane has right of way, this results in delays to the southbound right turn and the traffic exiting from Portsmouth Road.

There is a short right-turn bay on Hamble Lane on the southbound approach to Portsmouth Road, but the queue for the right turn builds back into the single lane section and thus all southbound traffic often must queue in the single lane between Portsmouth Road and the Tesco access. There is a dualled section of Hamble Lane between Windhover and the Tesco access with two southbound lanes, but the single lane southbound south of the Tesco access makes drivers unwilling to queue in both lanes southbound from Windhover to Tesco (illustrated in Figure 3-1). Thus, the queuing blocks back into and through Windhover and could potentially reach the M27.

Figure 4-1 Lane Usage Southbound from Windhover

Northbound Traffic Issues Overall traffic capacity northbound between Portsmouth Road and Tesco is a constraint.

By 2031 the combined northbound flow, fed from both Portsmouth Road and Hamble Lane is predicted to be between 1,600 and 1,700 vehicles an hour; this is at, or above, the capacity of a single lane. At both the Jurd Way and Tesco junction the capacity is further constrained by the queues for the right turns from Hamble Lane and by the exiting traffic from Tesco.

Strategy to Address Traffic Issues Based on the land constraints and the traffic issues noted above, the strategy for the current option that has been developed is a mixture of:

Enhancing capacity southbound to provide two lanes between Tesco and Portsmouth Road, to separate the two traffic streams (southbound traffic and right-turning traffic);

Providing additional routes northbound to allow traffic reassignment away from Hamble Lane; Simplifying the Tesco access junction to provide an unimpeded northbound ahead movement; and Providing additional space for right turn queues at Jurd Way to avoid blocking of the northbound

ahead traffic.

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5. The Current Option

Hamble Lane The current proposals for Hamble Lane are shown in Figures 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. There are also amendments to the signal timings and additional lanes on Providence Hill at Windhover Roundabout – see Figure 5.2.

Figure 5-1 Southbound Changes

Figure 5-2 Northbound Changes

Portsmouth Road Signal Control at the junction

to manage the queues

North of Jurd Way Provide two lanes south of Tesco to allow effective use of Hamble Lane

right back to Windhover

Tesco Access Alternative and signal controlled

right turn location with less impact on southbound traffic

South of Jurd Way Creation of two lanes

southbound to enable Hamble Lane southbound traffic to

bypass traffic waiting to turn right into Portsmouth Road

Portsmouth Road ‘Re-open Lowford Hill one-way eastbound and allow

vehicles to turn right from Hamble Lane, to relieve the Hamble Lane northbound right turn at Jurd Way


South of Jurd Way Creation of enough space so the

northbound queue of traffic turning right to Jurd Lane is independent of

the northbound straight ahead Tesco Access Ban right turns to remove constraint on northbound traffic – alternative exit to

Providence Hill

Tesco Access Alternative right turn location that does not

affect northbound traffic

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While the proposals in Figures 5.1 and 5.2 address the traffic issues there is a need to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists particularly with the new developments on the west side of Hamble Lane south of Windhover. Thus, the proposals include three crossings. Figure 5-3 shows the changes to pedestrian and cycle crossings.

Figure 5-3 Pedestrian Crossings

A27 Junction with Portsmouth Road With the freeing up of the northbound traffic flow and the release of traffic from the M27 resulting from the improved capacity on Hamble Lane, there will be additional demands on the A27 Providence Hill and the A3024 Bursledon Road. The latter is included in the M27 Southampton Junctions project by Highways England, which just leaves the A27 Portsmouth Road Junction.

The current Scheme proposes to install signals at the junction with Portsmouth Road to better manage the additional traffic and the queuing on Portsmouth Road. Additional traffic will be allowed to reach the A27 and to manage the forecast congestion we recommend providing signals at the junction. There is sufficient width for a right turn lane on Portsmouth Road and the A27 (west), and this will allow a three-stage operation with an early cut off northbound to allow the right turners to clear. There will be room for a substantial pedestrian refuge on the south side of the junction – whether this carries a signalled crossing or not. The potential scheme is shown in Figure 5-4 below.

Figure 5-4 A27 / Portsmouth Road

Further east on the A27 there are several side roads at which at which queuing traffic on the A27 tends to allow vehicles out of, potentially reducing eastbound capacity, based on observations by Hampshire ITS. There is also a signal junction at Swanwick Lane, which also allows access to the boat yards. Refinements to this junction and the lane configuration for the access to Swanwick Shore Road, not included as part of this study, may improve traffic flow. However, as part of ongoing scheme development minor changes to the side road arrangements will be considered.

Pedestrian and Cycle Crossing on Portsmouth Road

Pedestrian Crossing at Jurd Way not as a mid-bock crossing between Jurd Way and Tesco – need to link to pedestrian routes

east of Hamble Lane

Pedestrian Crossing at Tesco Access

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6. Traffic Flows and Reassignment

The existing traffic flows surveyed in 2015 are set out in the LMVR for the VISSIM model. The assessment of the growth between the 2015 base year and the 2026 assessment year is based on traffic growth prediction and the South Hampshire Transport Model and is set out in the VISSIM report. However, the current option requires two significant changes to the traffic flows. These are:

1) Provision for a right turn from Hamble Lane south into Portsmouth Road east – this will run in conjunction with the eastern half of the Toucan crossing over Hamble Lane, and

2) Reduction of movement to a left in / left out junction at the Tesco Access onto Hamble Lane, which requires a left in / left out provision for Tesco onto the A27 Providence Hill – this will include widening of the Providence Hill approach to Windhover Roundabout.

The changes are shown in figures 6-1 and 6-2 below, Change 1 in blue and Change 2 in red. The significant changes are the reduction on northbound flow on Hamble Lane north of Portsmouth Road and the creation of a free flowing northbound movement on Hamble Lane at Tesco.

Figure 6-1 Traffic Flows and Reassignment AM

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Figure 6-2 Traffic Flows and Reassignment PM

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7. Performance of the Current Option

The basic infrastructure changes described in Section 4 were used to revise the VISSIM model of the network. However, the modelling indicated that there was still an issue with the traffic passing through Windhover and thus the signal timings were adjusted at the roundabout as follows:

Hamble Lane entry loses two seconds of green time at the roundabout while the circulatory gains two seconds of green time, and

The A3024 entry loses two seconds of green time at the roundabout while the circulatory gains two seconds of green time.

Overall Network Statistics The overall network statistics for the model show good benefits from the proposed changes, with reductions in delay and increases in speed. Table 7.1 shows network performance criteria for the Base, Future Base and the Current Option.

Table 7-1 Network Performance


Base Future Base

Current Option

Base Future Base

Current Option

Average Delay 182 859 393 219 951 307

Average Stops 4 11 8 4 11 6

Average Speed 25 4 8 22 4 11

Average Delay Stop 46 576 122 71 646 80

Vehicles Unable to Enter Network 4 322 251 33 6877 529

The overall summary statistics can mask local performance details and the following sections set out a comparison for individual sections of the study area between:

a) The Future Base; and b) The Current Option with signal timing adjustments at Windhover Roundabout.

All VISSIM screenshots below are taken one hour into the relevant simulation. The Future Base is shown above the Current Option and the AM shown above the PM for each section of the network.

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Windhover and M27Junction 8

Figure 7-1 Windhover and Junction 8 – AM

Future Base

Current Option

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Figure 7-2 Windhover and Junction 8 – PM

Future Base

Current Option

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In the future base, there are queues at Windhover Roundabout and along the A3024 WB and the M27 NB off-slip. There are no queues SB on the A27, but there is a queue forming NB on the A27. There are long queues out of Tesco and on Hamble Lane SB and a queue forming on Hamble Lane NB.

In the Current Option the widening on the A27 west approach and adjustment to the circulating carriageway

ensure better lane usage on the approach and mitigates the issues on the circulating carriageway.

Widening is included on the M27 link on the approach to Windhover, but this may need to be extended to reduce potential interference between the traffic streams heading to the A27 east, to Hamble Lane and to Southampton.

The screenshots also show a reduced queue along the A27 NB as a result of the current option and a significantly reduced queue on the A3024 WB, with no queue on the M27 off-slip. The down side is that there are now slow moving queues along Bursledon Road and Providence Hill after the roundabout, as more traffic is passing through the roundabout.

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Tesco and Hamble Lane

Figure 7-3 Tesco and Hamble Lane– AM

Future Base

Current Option

The key change shown in the screenshots in Figures 7-3 and 7-4 is the new left-in left-out junction from

Tesco onto Hamble Lane, which frees up the northbound and southbound flow on Hamble Lane. However, this will require a new exit left-out onto the A27 to allow shoppers to get out to Windhover and the north.

This change and the internal layout of the Tesco car park will need to be discussed and agreed with Tesco.

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Figure 7-4 Tesco and Hamble Lane – PM

Future Base

Current Option

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Jurd Way Junction

The Future base screenshots in Figures 7-5 and 7-6 show a highly-congested network with long queues on Hamble Lane in both directions, Portsmouth Rd in both directions and on Lionheart Way, as well as the new development access.

Figure 7-5 Jurd Way– AM

Future Base

Current Option

The key changes shown in Figures 7-5 and 7-6 as part of the current option are the two lanes southbound on

Hamble Lane through the Jurd Way junction and the conversion to signals to effectively separate the traffic streams down to Portsmouth Road. The Current option shows reduced queuing in both directions on Hamble Lane.

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As shown in Figure 8-2 overleaf this section will require a small amount of highway widening on the western side of Hamble Lane – this is directly adjacent to land that is being developed, but the land on the eastern side is already built up.

Northbound on Hamble Lane to Jurd Way the increased right-turn lane length will allow northbound traffic to move independently of the right turn queue.

Figure 7-6 Jurd Way – PM

Future Base

Current Option

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Portsmouth Road Junction

Figure 7-7 Portsmouth Road Junction – AM

Future Base

Current Option

The key changes on Hamble Lane northbound as part of the current option are the new signals to manage the northbound flow and the re-opened right turn into Lowford Hill from the south. However even with the

signals there is still queuing northbound, albeit reduced due to the increased link capacity and to an extent this will reduce northbound traffic flow into Windhover.

Southbound on Hamble Lane the two continuous lanes will allow the right turn and ahead movement to run independently as far north as Windhover and it is this lane usage that is the key change which reduces the

blocking back to and through Windhover and to the M27.

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Figure 7-8 Portsmouth Road Junction – PM

Future Base

Current Option

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A27 Junction with Portsmouth Road

Figure 7-9 Portsmouth Road / A27 Junction – AM

Future Base

Current Option

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Figure 7-10 Portsmouth Road / A27 Junction – PM

Future Base

Current Option

The Future Base screenshots in Figures 7-9 and 7-10 show no congestion at the junction between Portsmouth Road and the A27, but a queue along Portsmouth Road WB tailing back from the Jurd Way /

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Hamble Lane junction. Also, note the long queues on the M27 westbound off slip. In the future base the high levels of congestion on Hamble Lane (and consequently through Windhover) are likely to be blocking traffic from getting to the A27.

The future baseline situation shown in the screenshots is unlikely to fully represent the actual situation, due to the geographical extents of the VISSIM model. For instance, during peak periods there is frequently a slow-moving traffic queue eastbound on the A27 down towards Lower Swanwick. This cannot be represented in this VISSIM model, as no junctions on the A27 to the east of Portsmouth Road are included within the model.

The screenshots also show that the new Tesco exit on the A27 as part of the current option adds traffic to the A27 NB, whilst the less congested Windhover Roundabout is allowing more traffic onto the A27 SB, which coupled with the greater traffic from Portsmouth Road due to the opening of Lowford Hill is leading to queues on the A27 SB. The Portsmouth Road / A27 junction has been signalised to help alleviate congestion and allow for the smoother flow of traffic at the junction.

As a consequence, the current option shows higher levels of congestion at the Portsmouth Road / A27 Junction, which, although improved compared to providing no signals, will still need some refining. This will also need to be considered in conjunction with the slow-moving queues on the A27 further east into and through Swanwick. Also of note is the lack of congestion on the M27 westbound off slip in the current option.

Figures 7-11 to and 7-12 show the significantly reduced travel times as a result of the current option, in both the AM and PM peak hours and in northbound and southbound directions. The improvements are most effective in a southbound direction and in the PM peak period. This is because the northbound congestion is to some degree forecast to be improved by the separate scheme at Windhover and M27 Junction 8.

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Elapsed Travel Time

Figures 7-11 and 7-12 show the forecast changes in the elapsed travel time on Hamble Lane.

Figure 7-11 Travel Time Comparison – Future Base to Current Option AM

Figure 7-12 Travel Time Comparison – Future Base to Current Option PM

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8. Land Requirements

Although the land required for the current option is less that that required for a full dualling scheme, acquisition of land is still required. The proposals have been designed such that the required acquisition is on un-built up land and has no direct impact on buildings. The land required in shown in green on Figures 8-1 to 8-3.

Figure 8-1 Land Required at Portsmouth Road

Figure 8-2 Land Required at Jurd Way

Reopening of Lowford Hill within highway


Land required to provide two operationally separate

southbound lanes.

Land required to provide two operationally separate

southbound lanes and one land and a right turn flare


Land required to provide two operationally separate

southbound lanes – highway widening on northbound side to

avoid buildings

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Figure 8-3 Land Required South of Tesco

Land required to provide two operationally separate

southbound lanes – highway widening on northbound side to

avoid buildings

Other changes to the Tesco Access within highway limits

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9. Scheme Costs

High-level scheme costs have been estimated for the Current Option. The estimating methodology for the feasibility-level designs is based on:

Engineering judgement of the quantities involved. These will include what would be covered by multiple items in a bill of quantities;

An allowance for those items which have not or cannot be quantified at this stage of the design; and An allowance for optimism bias / contingencies.

The percentage allowance for utilities diversions has been included with each element of the scheme and this varies between 5% and 40% in accordance with the nature of the interventions. By and large, interventions which convert footway to carriageway are likely to require more significant diversional works and this will carry a higher percentage. A summary of the scheme costs is provided in Table 9-1, while the full breakdown of these costs is provided in Appendix A.

Table 9-1 Scheme Costs

Location Detail Cost Notes

Portsmouth Road Junction Signals Only £740,000 Just the Signal Scheme

Hamble Lane (S) Portsmouth Road Junction and north to Manor Way £1,870,000

Includes the Signal Scheme - extends to the northern

access to Manor Way

Hamble Lane (C) Either Side of Jurd Way


From the northern access to Manor Way to the Ginnell on the east side north of

Jurd Way

Hamble Lane (N) Either side of Tesco Access


From the Ginnell on the east side north of Jurd Way through to the U turn north

of the Tesco Access

Providence Hill Tesco Access


To create an exit to the north from Tesco to allow a left out on the west to free

up the Hamble Lane northbound

Tesco Indicative Car Park Reconfiguration £252,000

An indicative amount for re-jigging the Tesco car park

Portsmouth Road Junction with the A27 £950,000 Junction changes including signals

Total £6,200,000

Does not include Signal Only Scheme at

Portsmouth Road / Hamble Lane

The total cost is £6.2M. These costs do not include for land or accommodation works but include an allowance for utilities diversions and 60% for optimism bias.

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10. Traffic Confirmation and Scheme Development

The A27 and A3024 As described in the sections above, the potential improvements on Hamble Lane that are part of the current option are forecast to release the queues that currently build up back to the M27; meaning that additional traffic reaches both the A27 south to Swanwick and the A3024 west to Bursledon.

As shown in Figures 10-1 and 10-2 these roads already experience some delays and a position needs to be taken as to whether these are to be addressed as part of the Hamble Lane scheme, or at the least a strategy developed for how they can be addressed. This applies predominantly to the A27, as the A3024 Bursledon Road is mainly under the jurisdiction of Southampton City Council.

Figure 10-1 Typical Traffic Speeds from Google – Monday AM. Peak (08:00)

Figure 10-2 Typical Traffic Speeds from Google – Friday PM. Peak (17:00)

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Sub Regional Transport Model (SRTM) There is a risk that the improvements on Hamble Lane will make this route to/from Southampton via the A3025 Portsmouth Road more attractive and cause reassignment from M27 Junction 7 and other routes. Thus the Current option should be assessed using the SRTM, in order to confirm the assumptions above on traffic reassignment.

We have discussed this briefly with the SYSTRA, the Operator of the SRTM, and are advised that in the 2015 base model the network is coded as:

One lane southbound on Hamble Lane from Windhover to the Lionheart Way roundabout (the two lanes to the entrance to Tesco are not included as the second lane is for Tesco only which is not modelled);

One lane northbound from Lionheart Way roundabout to Tesco roundabout (approx. location modelled as a dummy node only); and

Two lanes northbound from Tesco dummy node to Windhover with a flare at the Windhover roundabout creating 3 entry lanes.

They also indicated that as the model is a strategic one local trip generators, such as the Tesco Superstore, have been included as part of a bigger zone within the model, so the Tesco access is not explicitly modelled in terms of highway network, although the retail floor space is included. This means changing the access to the store as suggested is unlikely to be feasible in modelling terms although a link between Hamble Lane and the A27 could be potentially be added.

Suggested Modelling Changes to Confirm Design Assumptions

The suggested changes to the SRTM highway network model are shown in Figure 10-3 – based on the above information.

Figure 10-3 Suggested Modelling Changes to SRTM Network

Junction with TESCO to be two lanes southbound and one

unrestricted lane northbound

Hamble Lane between Jurd Way and TESCO to be two lanes

southbound and one northbound

Portsmouth Road junction to be signal controlled with two lanes

southbound and one northbound with northbound right turn to re-

opened link to east

Jurd Way junction to be converted to signals

Hamble Lane between Portsmouth Road and Jurd Way to be two

lanes southbound and one northbound with northbound queuing lane to Jurd Way

Portsmouth Road re-opened to provide link to east

Windhover Roundabout signal changes as HCC Design

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11. Conclusions

Hamble Lane is a north/south corridor in the south of Eastleigh Borough, providing strategic connectivity for Southampton and Netley from the west via the A3025 Portsmouth Road (Portsmouth Road). It also supplies strategic connectivity for Hamble-Le-Rice and Butlocks Heath in the south.

A key objective is to reduce the current high level of congestion along the northern section of Hamble Lane, between Windhover roundabout and the Portsmouth Road junction. An option has been developed following on from an option identification and assessment process.

The overall objectives of the scheme need to be communicated to stakeholders and the local community to ensure no mis-alignment with the experiences of the community and their local knowledge of the area. To this end a public consultation exercise is to be undertaken later in 2017, primarily to gain views on the existing issues that are experienced.

Subject to no significant negative feedback on the scheme and its objectives and in the absence of any showstoppers from the strategic modelling, the current option could be adopted as the preferred scheme and taken forward to for operational design, scheme consultation and then to detailed design and potential implementation.

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Appendix A. Scheme Costs

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ATKINSProject: Hamble Lane - BursledonJob No: 5143010Issue No:Date: June 2017Originated: DDChecked:Authorised:

Scoping Cost EstimatePrice Base

Portsmouth Road Signal Junction Only

Item no Description Unit Rate Total


1 Kerb m 150.0 £10.00 £1,5002 Footway m2 300.0 £25.00 £7,5003 Carriageway m2 50.0 £45.00 £2,2504 Surfacing m2 700.0 £25.00 £17,5005 General Excavation m3 60.0 £20.00 £1,2006 Street Furniture No 5.0 £25.00 £125

Provide1 Kerb m 220.0 £85.00 £18,7002 Footway m2 300.0 £80.00 £24,000

2a Verge m2 50.0 £50.00 £2,5003 Carriageway m2 120.0 £120.00 £14,4004 Surfacing m2 700.0 £30.00 £21,0005 Non Illuminated Signs No 8.0 £400.00 £3,2006 Illuminated Signs No 4.0 £900.00 £3,6007 Street Furniture No 20.0 £150.00 £3,0008 Road Markings No 200.0 £2.00 £4009 Drainage (per gully) No 5.0 £5,000.00 £25,000

Earthworks1 Bulk Excavation m3 0.0 £20.00 £02 Bulk Fill m3 0.0 £50.00 £03 Reinforcement (vertical face area) m2 0.0 £500.00 £0

Junctions1 Crossing No 1.0 £25,000.00 £25,0002 2/3 Arms No 0.0 £50,000.00 £03 4+ Arms No 1.0 £100,000.00 £100,0004 UTC/Scoot/MoC No 1.0 £25,000.00 £25,000

Sub Total £296,000

Not Yet Identified and Quantified %age 25 25% £74,000Preliminaries and Traffic Management %age 10 10% £30,000

Works Total £400,000

OB/Contingency %age 60 60% £240,000

Budget Cost £640,000

Statutory Undertakers Diversions 15 15% £96,000

Total Esimated Cost Total £740,000

Hamble Lane - Burseledon PR Junct QW

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ATKINSProject: Hamble Lane - BursledonJob No: 5143010Issue No:Date: June 2017Originated: DDChecked:Authorised:

Scoping Cost EstimatePrice Base

Hamble Lane - Portsmouth Road Junction and north to Manor Crescent

Item no Description Unit Rate Total


1 Kerb m 700.0 £10.00 £7,0002 Footway m2 1100.0 £25.00 £27,5003 Carriageway m2 200.0 £45.00 £9,0004 Surfacing m2 2000.0 £25.00 £50,0005 General Excavation m3 700.0 £20.00 £14,0006 Street Furniture No 5.0 £25.00 £125

Provide1 Kerb m 800.0 £85.00 £68,0002 Footway m2 1200.0 £80.00 £96,000

2a Verge m2 50.0 £50.00 £2,5003 Carriageway m2 800.0 £120.00 £96,0004 Surfacing m2 2000.0 £30.00 £60,0005 Non Illuminated Signs No 8.0 £400.00 £3,2006 Illuminated Signs No 4.0 £900.00 £3,6007 Street Furniture No 20.0 £150.00 £3,0008 Road Markings No 500.0 £2.00 £1,0009 Drainage (per gully) No 5.0 £5,000.00 £25,000

Earthworks1 Bulk Excavation m3 0.0 £20.00 £02 Bulk Fill m3 0.0 £50.00 £03 Reinforcement (vertical face area) m2 0.0 £500.00 £0

Junctions1 Crossing No 1.0 £25,000.00 £25,0002 2/3 Arms No 0.0 £50,000.00 £03 4+ Arms No 1.0 £100,000.00 £100,0004 UTC/Scoot/MoC No 1.0 £25,000.00 £25,000

Sub Total £616,000

Not Yet Identified and Quantified %age 25 25% £154,000Preliminaries and Traffic Management %age 10 10% £62,000

Works Total £832,000

OB/Contingency %age 60 60% £500,000

Budget Cost £1,332,000

Statutory Undertakers Diversions 40 40% £532,800

Total Esimated Cost Total £1,870,000

Hamble Lane - Burseledon PR Junct

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ATKINSProject: Hamble Lane - BursledonJob No: 5143010Issue No:Date: June 2017Originated: DDChecked:Authorised:

Scoping Cost EstimatePrice Base

Hamble Lane - Jurd Way Junction and between Manor Crescent and Eastern Ginnell

Item no Description Unit Rate Total


1 Kerb m 400.0 £10.00 £4,0002 Footway m2 300.0 £25.00 £7,5003 Carriageway m2 50.0 £45.00 £2,2504 Surfacing m2 1000.0 £25.00 £25,0005 General Excavation m3 300.0 £20.00 £6,0006 Street Furniture No 2.0 £25.00 £50

Provide1 Kerb m 500.0 £85.00 £42,5002 Footway m2 400.0 £80.00 £32,000

2a Verge m2 50.0 £50.00 £2,5003 Carriageway m2 1200.0 £120.00 £144,0004 Surfacing m2 1000.0 £30.00 £30,0005 Non Illuminated Signs No 8.0 £400.00 £3,2006 Illuminated Signs No 4.0 £900.00 £3,6007 Street Furniture No 0.0 £150.00 £08 Road Markings No 400.0 £2.00 £8009 Drainage (per gully) No 8.0 £5,000.00 £40,000

Earthworks1 Bulk Excavation m3 0.0 £20.00 £02 Bulk Fill m3 0.0 £50.00 £03 Reinforcement (vertical face area) m2 0.0 £500.00 £0

Junctions1 Crossing No 0.0 £25,000.00 £02 2/3 Arms No 1.0 £50,000.00 £50,0003 4+ Arms No 0.0 £100,000.00 £04 UTC/Scoot/MoC No 0.0 £25,000.00 £0

Sub Total £394,000

Not Yet Identified and Quantified %age 25 25% £99,000Preliminaries and Traffic Management %age 10 10% £40,000

Works Total £533,000

OB/Contingency %age 60 60% £320,000

Budget Cost £853,000

Statutory Undertakers Diversions 25 25% £213,250

Total Esimated Cost Total £1,070,000

Hamble Lane - Burseledon JW Junct

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ATKINSProject: Hamble Lane - BursledonJob No: 5143010Issue No:Date: June 2017Originated: DDChecked:Authorised:

Scoping Cost EstimatePrice Base

Hamble Lane - Tesco Western Access and north of Eastern Ginnell

Item no Description Unit Rate Total


1 Kerb m 450.0 £10.00 £4,5002 Footway m2 200.0 £25.00 £5,0003 Carriageway m2 250.0 £45.00 £11,2504 Surfacing m2 3200.0 £25.00 £80,0005 General Excavation m3 300.0 £20.00 £6,0006 Street Furniture No 6.0 £25.00 £150

Provide1 Kerb m 550.0 £85.00 £46,7502 Footway m2 600.0 £80.00 £48,000

2a Verge m2 0.0 £50.00 £03 Carriageway m2 600.0 £120.00 £72,0004 Surfacing m2 3200.0 £30.00 £96,0005 Non Illuminated Signs No 8.0 £400.00 £3,2006 Illuminated Signs No 4.0 £900.00 £3,6007 Street Furniture No 10.0 £150.00 £1,5008 Road Markings No 500.0 £2.00 £1,0009 Drainage (per gully) No 6.0 £5,000.00 £30,000

Earthworks1 Bulk Excavation m3 0.0 £20.00 £02 Bulk Fill m3 0.0 £50.00 £03 Reinforcement (vertical face area) m2 0.0 £500.00 £0

Junctions1 Crossing No 1.0 £25,000.00 £25,0002 2/3 Arms No 1.0 £50,000.00 £50,0003 4+ Arms No 0.0 £100,000.00 £04 UTC/Scoot/MoC No 1.0 £25,000.00 £25,000

Sub Total £509,000

Not Yet Identified and Quantified %age 25 25% £128,000Preliminaries and Traffic Management %age 10 10% £51,000

Works Total £688,000

OB/Contingency %age 60 60% £413,000

Budget Cost £1,101,000

Statutory Undertakers Diversions 25 25% £275,250

Total Esimated Cost Total £1,380,000

Hamble Lane - Burseledon TW Junct

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ATKINSProject: Hamble Lane - BursledonJob No: 5143010Issue No:Date: June 2017Originated: DDChecked:Authorised:

Scoping Cost EstimatePrice Base

Tesco Eastern Access

Item no Description Unit Rate Total


1 Kerb m 200.0 £10.00 £2,0002 Footway m2 50.0 £25.00 £1,2503 Carriageway m2 50.0 £45.00 £2,2504 Surfacing m2 300.0 £25.00 £7,5005 General Excavation m3 400.0 £20.00 £8,0006 Street Furniture No 4.0 £25.00 £100

Provide1 Kerb m 320.0 £85.00 £27,2002 Footway m2 300.0 £80.00 £24,000

2a Verge m2 100.0 £50.00 £5,0003 Carriageway m2 100.0 £120.00 £12,0004 Surfacing m2 750.0 £30.00 £22,5005 Non Illuminated Signs No 4.0 £400.00 £1,6006 Illuminated Signs No 2.0 £900.00 £1,8007 Street Furniture No 4.0 £150.00 £6008 Road Markings No 100.0 £2.00 £2009 Drainage (per gully) No 4.0 £5,000.00 £20,000

Earthworks1 Bulk Excavation m3 0.0 £20.00 £02 Bulk Fill m3 500.0 £50.00 £25,0003 Reinforcement (vertical face area) m2 0.0 £500.00 £0

Junctions1 Crossing No 0.0 £25,000.00 £02 2/3 Arms No 1.0 £50,000.00 £50,0003 4+ Arms No 0.0 £100,000.00 £04 UTC/Scoot/MoC No 0.0 £25,000.00 £0

Sub Total £211,000

Not Yet Identified and Quantified %age 25 25% £53,000Preliminaries and Traffic Management %age 10 10% £22,000

Works Total £286,000

OB/Contingency %age 60 60% £172,000

Budget Cost £458,000

Statutory Undertakers Diversions 40 40% £183,200

Total Esimated Cost Total £642,000

Hamble Lane - Burseledon TE Access

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ATKINSProject: Hamble Lane - BursledonJob No: 5143010Issue No:Date: June 2017Originated: DDChecked:Authorised:

Scoping Cost EstimatePrice Base

Tesco Car Park - Indicative Reconfiguration

Item no Description Unit Rate Total


1 Kerb m 300.0 £10.00 £3,0002 Footway m2 100.0 £25.00 £2,5003 Carriageway m2 0.0 £45.00 £04 Surfacing m2 500.0 £25.00 £12,5005 General Excavation m3 0.0 £20.00 £06 Street Furniture No 10.0 £25.00 £250

Provide1 Kerb m 500.0 £85.00 £42,5002 Footway m2 0.0 £80.00 £0

2a Verge m2 0.0 £50.00 £03 Carriageway m2 300.0 £120.00 £36,0004 Surfacing m2 500.0 £30.00 £15,0005 Non Illuminated Signs No 8.0 £400.00 £3,2006 Illuminated Signs No 6.0 £900.00 £5,4007 Street Furniture No 20.0 £150.00 £3,0008 Road Markings No 1000.0 £2.00 £2,0009 Drainage (per gully) No 0.0 £5,000.00 £0

Earthworks1 Bulk Excavation m3 0.0 £20.00 £02 Bulk Fill m3 0.0 £50.00 £03 Reinforcement (vertical face area) m2 0.0 £500.00 £0

Junctions1 Crossing No 0.0 £25,000.00 £02 2/3 Arms No 0.0 £50,000.00 £03 4+ Arms No 0.0 £100,000.00 £04 UTC/Scoot/MoC No 0.0 £25,000.00 £0

Sub Total £126,000

Not Yet Identified and Quantified %age 25 25% £32,000Preliminaries and Traffic Management %age 10 10% £13,000

Works Total £171,000

OB/Contingency %age 40 40% £69,000

Budget Cost £240,000

Statutory Undertakers Diversions 5 5% £12,000

Total Esimated Cost Total £252,000

Hamble Lane - Burseledon T Internal

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ATKINSProject: Hamble Lane - BursledonJob No: 5143010Issue No:Date: June 2017Originated: DDChecked:Authorised:

Scoping Cost EstimatePrice Base

Hamble Lane - Portsmouth Road Junction with Providence Hill

Item no Description Unit Rate Total


1 Kerb m 250.0 £10.00 £2,5002 Footway m2 500.0 £25.00 £12,5003 Carriageway m2 125.0 £45.00 £5,6254 Surfacing m2 1400.0 £25.00 £35,0005 General Excavation m3 100.0 £20.00 £2,0006 Street Furniture No 5.0 £25.00 £125

Provide1 Kerb m 300.0 £85.00 £25,5002 Footway m2 400.0 £80.00 £32,000

2a Verge m2 50.0 £50.00 £2,5003 Carriageway m2 330.0 £120.00 £39,6004 Surfacing m2 1400.0 £30.00 £42,0005 Non Illuminated Signs No 8.0 £400.00 £3,2006 Illuminated Signs No 4.0 £900.00 £3,6007 Street Furniture No 20.0 £150.00 £3,0008 Road Markings No 500.0 £2.00 £1,0009 Drainage (per gully) No 5.0 £5,000.00 £25,000

Earthworks1 Bulk Excavation m3 0.0 £20.00 £02 Bulk Fill m3 0.0 £50.00 £03 Reinforcement (vertical face area) m2 0.0 £500.00 £0

Junctions1 Crossing No 1.0 £25,000.00 £25,0002 2/3 Arms No 1.0 £50,000.00 £50,0003 4+ Arms No 0.0 £100,000.00 £04 UTC/Scoot/MoC No 0.0 £25,000.00 £0

Sub Total £311,000

Not Yet Identified and Quantified %age 25 25% £78,000Preliminaries and Traffic Management %age 10 10% £32,000

Works Total £421,000

OB/Contingency %age 60 60% £253,000

Budget Cost £674,000

Statutory Undertakers Diversions 40 40% £269,600

Total Esimated Cost Total £950,000

Hamble Lane - Burseledon A27 PR

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Contact name David Davies Euston Tower, 286 Euston Road LONDON NW1 3AT Email: [email protected] Telephone: 020-7121-2322