hamlet characters, structure, and themes. hamlet plot/subplot structure main plot – court...

Hamlet Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes

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Page 1: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with



structure, and themes

Page 2: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with

HamletHamletPlot/subplot structurePlot/subplot structure

• Main Plot – court– Hamlet’s grief

– Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death

– Dealing with Fortinbras

– Plots and machinations

• Subplots – Polonius family– Ophelia and Hamlet’s love

– Laertes in France

– Revenge of Polonius’ death

– Ophelia’s madness

Page 3: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with

HamletHamletPlot/subplot structurePlot/subplot structure

• Main Plot – revenge– Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death– Revenge for Polonius’ death– Fortinbras’ revenge

• Subplots – Hamlet’s grief, thoughts of death– Hamlet’s antic disposition– Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia– Ophelia’s madness

Page 4: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with


• Character foiling– Fortinbras, Hamlet, Laertes: lost father, revenge

– Hamlet, Ophelia: madness

– Old Hamlet, Polonius, Claudius: give advice to child(ren)

• Parallel scenes– Act 1, scenes 2, 3, 5: Parents give advice to children

– Act 2 and Act 4: Hamlet and Ophelia’s madness

Page 5: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with


• revenge

• madness

• grief

• ideal king, politics

• eavesdropping, spying

• power of art, plays

Page 6: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with

HamletHamletissues to resolveissues to resolve

• Ghost– Is it real or not?– If it is real, is it a good ghost or an evil ghost?

• Is Hamlet really mad or feigning madness?• Does Hamlet procrastinate? If so, why?• Is Hamlet a scourge and/or minister? • How much should characters obey parents?• Whose view of revenge is right: Hamlet’s or


Page 7: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with

Hamlet -- Act IHamlet -- Act IScene 1

Horatio to speakwith Ghost

Scene 2Claudius at Court

Hamlet’s griefHoratio tells Hamlet about


Scene 3Polonius andOphelia say goodbye to


Scene 4Hamlet waiting

for Ghost

“Stamp of one defect”

Scene 5Hamlet and Ghostantic disposition

Page 8: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with

Hamlet -- Act IIHamlet -- Act IIScene 1

Polonius/ReynaldoOphelia’s report


Scene 2Claudius with Ros and Gild

Polonius’s reportHamlet and fishmonger


“The play’s the thing”

Page 9: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with

Hamlet -- Act IIIHamlet -- Act IIIScene 1

NUNNERY SCENEHamlet and Ophelia


Hamlet and playersPlay within a play



Scene 4CLOSET SCENEGertrude/HamletDeath of Polonius

Page 10: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with

Hamlet -- Act IVHamlet -- Act IVScene 1

Gertrude/ClaudiusScene 2

Ros and Gildseek Hamlet

Scene 7Letter to Horatio

from Hamlet

Scene 4Hamlet seesFortinbras

Scene 6Gertrude

Ophelia’s madnessLaertes’ threat

Scene 3Claudius sends

Hamlet to England

Scene 8Claudius and Laertes’plans against HamletGertrude’s report of

Ophelia’s death

Page 11: Hamlet Characters, structure, and themes. Hamlet Plot/subplot structure Main Plot – court –Hamlet’s grief –Revenge of Old Hamlet’s death –Dealing with

Hamlet -- Act VHamlet -- Act VScene 2

FOIL SCENEHamlet/Horatio

Laertes’ challengeDuel

Death of Gertrude/ClaudiusDeath of Laertes/Hamlet



Gravediggers/HamletBurial of Ophelia