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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    WELCOME TEMPUS FUGITIVES Greetings fellow Fugitive I bid you welcome to the campaign pack for the Hammer of the Gods narrative weekend, the latest to be based on our hugely successful Age of the Emperor expansion. The weekend centres on an exciting period in the Age of the Emperor during the era known as the Great Crusade and we have designed this narrative campaign to be (we hope) as enjoyable as possible. If you are expecting anything other than to just have fun – turn back now!


    The Hammer of the Gods campaign presents hobbyists with an opportunity to play in a different style than they may be used to. Tempus Fugitives’ narrative campaigns are about trying out new ideas and contributing to an adventure. In fact the story is almost as important as the actual games themselves and players should be prepared to get into the mindset of the army they have brought to battle with. If you and your opponent have a great game, the actual outcome of the battle becomes far less important. Once more (with feeling), you are playing with your opponent – not against them.

    The team running the event is there to help describe the campaign story as it unfolds and they will work out what impact your games have upon it. Most importantly they are there to ensure everybody has a great time. Remember – it’s only toy soldiers!

    Games will be driven by the narrative of the campaign. This means that during the course of the event various games may appear quite challenging when viewed from the usual gaming perspective. In any war commanders have to deal with what might appear unfair or unbalanced situations, using cunning and skill to prevail against overwhelming odds, and the same may be true for you. However, whatever the scenario or battlefield conditions, your game and your story will always count in the big scheme of things; the Tempus Fugitives will always try to make sure that you are not asked to play a game you simply can't win before any dice are cast. There will always be critically important mission objectives that you will need to strive to achieve. Your armies may meet annihilation in the face of an enemy with vastly superior numbers or power, but trying to hold the line in the face of such odds is what legends are all about.

    Most importantly remember that, as this is a team event, even if you lose your individual battle your Taskforce or faction may still do well overall; don't worry about 'winning', just think about having a good time. It is our hope that we can repay some small part of the kindness that the gaming community has shown us over the years and organise a top notch event that everyone can enjoy.


    Friday 2nd March 2012 19:00 Pre-Registration Begins

    20:00 Evening Entertainment

    Saturday 3rd March 2012 08:30 Doors Open and Registration 10:00 Introductions 10:30 Act 1 Briefing 11:00 Act 1: Invasion Team Battle 13:00 Lunch Buffet 14:15 Act 1 Ends 14:30 Act 2 Briefing 15:00 Act 2: Skyhook Battle 16:30 Break & Army Display 17:15 Act 2 Ends 17:30 Act 3 Briefing 18:00 Act 3: Invasion Team Battle 19:30 Evening Meal 21:00 Act 3 Ends & Evening


    Sunday 4h March 2012 10:00 Recap 10:30 Act 4 Briefing 11:00 Act 4: Invasion Team Battle 13:30 Lunch Buffet 14:00 Act 4 Ends & Army Judging 14:30 Act 5 Briefing 15:00 Act 5: Skyhook Battle 16:45 Act 5 Ends with Tea & Cake 17:15 Closing Ceremony

    IMPORTANT! This material is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited 2012. Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Warhammer and all associated marks, logos, names, races and race insignia, vehicles, locations, units, characters, illustrations and images from the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 universe are either (R), TM and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2012, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world, used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved.

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods


    A weekend of great imagery, great games and by the end of it, great friends. Quality food, reasonable bar prices (with the bar open until past midnight) a unique atmosphere and lots of fun. It is also a safe environment where everyone is friendly and all are welcome. A bit like Cheers with boltguns and bastions.

    Because you are grouped into Taskforces and because the weekend has a mix of doubles games and a real sense that each of your battles matter to the overall narrative you will find yourself in great company from the very beginning. Whether you are attending on your own or are part of a group, you are sure to have gained a bunch of new gaming buddies by the end of the weekend. Here are some of the highlights from recent Warhammer 40,000 campaign weekends enjoyed in 2011.

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods


    This exciting narrative campaign weekend takes place at Maelstrom Games in Mansfield, near Nottingham, England. The venue has a full bar service (until late) restaurant area for eating your meals and a great gaming hall with plenty of space for you cases and gaming gear. The actual location can be seen on the map below:

    Maelstrom Games Matlock Mill Hamilton Way Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG18 5BU

    Maelstrom Games

    FROM THE SOUTH - M1 J27 Take the A608 towards Mansfield. At 3rd roundabout, turn left onto A611 to Mansfield. Keep going straight on the A611 for 6 miles or so, until you reach a junction where you can only go left or right, go left. Down the hill, and turn left at the next set of main lights, signposted towards Sutton-in-Ashfield. Follow for half a mile, at the next set of main lights turn left onto Hamilton Way, and turn right after 25yds into the car park.

    FROM THE NORTH - M1 J28 Take the A38 to Mansfield. Keep going straight on the A38. When you get to a set of lights with a Toby Carvery on them, and go straight on at these too, but be prepared to be turning right very soon after. At the next set (so the ones after the set with the Toby Carvery), turn right. Left at the next set of lights. Right at the next roundabout onto Hamilton Way. Straight over two mini-roundabouts. Maelstrom is on the left, about 25yds before the traffic lights, just after "Hamilton Court" which is on the right. For details on directions or discounted hotel rooms please contact Maelstrom Games on 01623 629425

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    Hammer of the Gods At the edge of the Segmuntum Tempestus lies the Veiled Region. Travel in this uncharted expanse is tercherous and several Expeditionary Fleets have been lost or suffeered attrition while in this region. When the 2063rd Expeditionary Fleet under the command of Lord Captain Anateus Duran of the Blood Angels Legion pierced the Veiled Region and detected the massive machine-world of Godhammer, a dispatch from the Mechanicum contingent within the fleet was sent to Mars. As the fleet drew closer, long range augers detected the presence of an Ork flotilla in low orbit. The Orks seemed to be engaged in a desperate battle with the planet’s defences. Indeed it was far worse than the Imperials’ suspected as the deep machine vaults on Godhammer hummed with life with the dreaded Necrons shimmering into position on the Skyhook platforms and the planet’s surface below. At great speed, a sizable taskforce was launched from Mars, ostensibly to reinforce the Imperials. However their real intention was of arriving before the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet has consolidated their position in orbit (unexpected mechanical issues amongst the fleet might play a part in this strategy as well!) The arrival of these ships so close to Godhammer triggered a warning system put into place by the Eldar during their war against the Necrons. Even as the Mechanicum and Expeditionary Fleets jostled for position, Eldar Corsairs arrived to drive the humans from the world. Unseen by all the alien Laer have slithered into the mix freely offering their services to all who would allow it. What such creatures have to gain by such actions is, at present, a mystery…

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods


    The Hammer of the Gods pits Taskforces of up to ten players in a campaign to seize the mythical machine planet of Godhammer, a planet that lies at the edge of the Veiled Region. Each Taskforce is themed to a particular faction and each faction is pitted against Taskforces belonging to one of a number of factions available over the weekend. The factions involved are detailed at the end of this pack. Each Taskforce will have their own agendas, strengths and weaknesses. Before the first game on Saturday you will be asked to gather at one of the Taskforce muster points and nominate a Taskforce Commander and a Taskforce Quartermaster. It is important that these two individuals are people of fortitude and are prepared for all of the challenges the roles present.

    THE TASKFORCE COMMANDER The role of the Taskforce Commander is of crucial importance to the team and it is the Commander's responsibility at the start of each round to not only make sure that each of their players has an opponent but also to choose which is to undertake a special mission. Additionally, throughout the campaign there will be additional information and decisions that will need to be taken on behalf of the Taskforce. Although a good Commander will listen to their Taskforce and discuss their decisions fully, it is ultimately the Taskforce Commander who decides on what STRATEGY to take.

    THE TASKFORCE QUARTERMASTER The role of the Taskforce Quartermaster is a position of great trust within the Taskforce. It is the Quartermaster’s responsibility at the end of each round to collect and analyse any RELICS OF THE GODS looted from Godhammer by players in their Taskforce. Along with the Quartermasters of the other Taskforces they must then trade them with each other for complete artefacts which they can make use of or exchange for Campaign points.

    CAMPAIGN POINTS Your campaign points determine the outcome of the campaign. Players earn Campaign Points depending on how they perform in each round. Players earn 3 Campaign Points for a Win, 1 for a Draw and nothing if you Lose. As your games finish you must report the result (Win, Lose or Draw) to the stage along with your opponent. You cannot give your results in without your opponent present.

    RELICS OF THE GODS A player gains a Relic of the Gods for each win in each game, while a draw and a loss earns none. During the weekend you can combine these Relics to create new and terrifying technologies or trade them with other taskforces for Relics or Campaign Points.


    In addition to your fully painted army and this campaign pack you will need the following:

    � The English language version of the Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition rulebook, Age of the Emperor expansion, your Codex and any Imperial Armour material relating to your army.

    � Dice, Templates, objective counters and Tape measure � Pen, paper, superglue and poly cement � At least two copies of your army roster (one to be handed in

    during registration) � A tray to carry your models. The venue does not have any spare

    so bring one if you need one! � Somewhere to sleep overnight. (For details on discounted hotel

    rooms please contact Maelstrom Games on 01623 629425) � Money for refreshments. Lunch on both days and dinner on

    Saturday is included.

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    PAINTING All models MUST be painted and representative of the appropriate type of troop. You cannot use a model that does not meet these criteria. If you are planning a conversion that you think may need clarification please contact us before the event. You cannot represent units with models that are smaller than the Games Workshop equivalent. Because we believe that due credit should go to players that have painted their own armies, only players who have painted their armies themselves may be eligible for the coveted award of Best Army. We ask all participants to be honest if shortlisted. A number of armies will be shortlisted on the Saturday lunch break and then will be voted on by the players during the Sunday lunch break. The winner will be announced at the end of the weekend.

    During the narrative campaign weekend we will give an award for the Best Army. This is given to the player who participates in the weekend with a force that, in the opinion of both players and judges, is the best in terms of painting and character. To qualify as the Best Army particular attention will be paid to well themed armies and they must include at least one unit from either the Age of the Emperor expansion, the Cult Mechanicus Codex or this campaign document.

    Painting is a key part of the hobby. If you do not paint your models for the weekend to at least a basic standard (undercoated, three colours and based), then models which are painted to at least a basic standard will be filled with an indignant hatred for your lack of effort or poor time management. Units that are unpainted or are not painted to at least a basic standard count their armour saves and Armour Values as one lower than stated in their army list entry.

    STRATEGY At the beginning of each round, the Taskforce must study the signs and portents to decide on a Strategy to use for the round. Each Strategy can only be used once over the weekend and is represented by the relevant Strategy Card held by the Taskforce Commander. As you must decide your Strategy before you play your games each round you have to rely on your judgement as to its outcome. Choose carefully as picking Death or Glory makes your draws worthless, while Giving No Quarter squanders any bonus from winning.

    Death or Glory: This strategy awards 4 Campaign Points for a Win but nothing if you draw or lose.

    Feint: At the end of the round, count this strategy as either Death or Glory or Give No Quarter.

    Give No Quarter: This strategy awards 3 Campaign Points for each Win or Draw but nothing if you lose.

    Technocratic: This strategy allows the Taskforce to capture D6 Relics of the Gods at the end of the game.

    Rapid Response: This strategy allows a single Elite or Fast Attack choice to Outflank or Deep Strike.

    Enfilading Fire: This strategy enables players to lower their opponent’s cover save by -1 at the start of a turn.

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    ARMYLIST ONE: SKYHOOK BATTLES With an outer shield of metal and fierce energy storms raging in higher orbit, Godhammer is a difficult prospect to assault. The planet is dotted with dozens of structures which appear to be a form of orbital elevators (known in the Imperium as Skyhooks). If a faction is to control Godhammer, they must control the Skyhooks and use them to journey down below the planet’s defences. The skyhook platforms are not designed for the battles that will undoubtedly engulf them and their delicate balance is likely to be upset by to heavy an assault, potentially hurling all of the combatants to their deaths. UNSTABLE FOOTING Units affected must roll a D6 at the start of their turn. On a roll of 2+ the unit scatters d6+2”. On a roll of a 1 the unit instead scatters 3D6". Any models which leave the board edge count as destroyed. This represents the rapidly moving and unstable platform on which they are fighting slipping from beneath them and pitching them headlong over the edge. This ‘slide’ does not count as movement for the unit, but the unit counts as ‘moving’ for the purposes of firing Heavy weapons etc. Units engaged in Assault must scatter separately and both are then allowed a free Pile In move in order to remain locked by keeping at least one model in base contact with an enemy model. If the units are unable to remain locked in combat ensure there is a 2” gap between them and they are considered unengaged.

    RULES FOR PLAYING A SKYHOOK BATTLE • Your Skyhook army must be no more than 1000 points and is selected using the Skyhook Force Organisation Chart. Skyhook armies play

    the Skyhook mission as detailed overleaf. The winner is determined by the Victory point system in the Age of the Emperor expansion (freely available from www.tempusfugitives.co.uk). If a Primarch is removed from play it awards their opponents an additional 100VPs.

    • Only units entering play via Deep Strike may be held in reserve.

    • The following units may be used in a Skyhook battle but suffer from the ‘unstable footing’ special rule – Infantry; Heavy Infantry; Bike Infantry (does not affect Jetbikes); Cavalry; Monstrous Creatures; Walkers.

    • Your Skyhook army may NOT include tanks, units with Structure points, Gargantuan Creatures or any Apocalypse Formations. Vehicles detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be used. If a vehicle is described in more than one publication the most recent version must be used.

    • Practice playing Skyhook battles. Get half a dozen games under your belt and have fun with it!


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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    SKYHOOK MISSION The skyhook elevators to Godhammer are strewn with archaotech, exotic equipment, supply caches and other detritus of war that must be recovered. You must fight off the enemy to buy the time to salvage, decipher or load as many of these vital objectives as you can. THE TILT The whipping winds and rapid descent of the skyhook do not make a comfortable platform upon which to wage war. At the start of each game cycle turn roll a scatter dice to determine the ‘tilt’ of the Skyhook platform. Any game effect that scatters (including those for shooting or unstable footing but not for deep striking) do so in the direction indicated for the turn. A roll of a hit still scatters in the direction indicated on the hit die. Because of the high speed of the platform’s descent, shooting against models moving as flyers ignores the 12” range penalty as the aircraft must match the trajectory of the skyhook. THE SKYHOOK BATTLEFIELD All Standard Missions are designed to be played on a 4’x4’ gaming surface. The terrain has been predetermined by the event team. Expect it to get crowded on those platforms! Deployment is as per Pitched Battle from the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. The game has a random game length. PLACING OBJECTIVES After setting up the terrain and determining who gets the first turn, the player going second places the mission objective. The objective is represented by a counter which shouldn’t be larger than a base for heavy infantry (40 mm diameter). The counter

    is not terrain and is temporarily removed if it interferes with the game in any way. Place the objective back at the same position as soon as the situation is resolved or when a unit tries to claim the marker. The objectives may not be in impassable terrain, nor within 12” of a table edge or a deployment zone. HOLDING AN OBJECTIVE In every Movement phase beginning with the second game turn before Reserve rolls are made it is time to check if a player receives victory points. Regardless of the proximity of enemy units, once a friendly unit is within 3” of the objective marker it holds the objective for this friendly turn and the controlling player immediately receives 20 VPs.

    At the end of the game players earn extra victory points. If a unit holds the objective after the last turn has ended, and there are no enemy units within 3” of the objective, the controlling player receives an additional 50 VPs Any unit (except for Vehicles or broken, pinned or embarked units) can claim or contest the objective in their own turn or at the end of the game. SCORING UNITS Units taken as Troop Choices on the Forge Organisation Chart are considered scoring units for Skyhook missions. A player gains an additional +10VPs for an objective that is held by a scoring unit (including if it is held at the end of the game with no enemy within 3” as detailed above).

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    ARMYLIST TWO: INVASION TEAM BATTLES Whether having control of the Skyhooks to bring in heavier units or by risking a landing through the storm shrouded gaps in the outer shield of Godhammer, only an Invasion will secure the planet. Though many forces will sustain losses as they attempt to close on the enemy, in the cauldron of battle only the strongest team will emerge triumphant. Communication is the key with a well timed strike by a pair of commanders proving that two heads are definitely better than one. INVASION TEAM An Invasion Team comprises of two players, one of which may include a single unit with Structure points or a Gargantuan Creature. It is suggested that if you are attending the weekend with friends, you put yourself into a team with another player of your faction. Alternatively, the Event Coordinator will pair up any remaining players at the start of Act One. UNCARING SKIES Unless their Faction has control of the Skyhooks, models entering play via Deep Strike in Invasion Team Battles suffer a Deep Strike Mishap on a roll of any double, even if a hit is rolled. Any flyers or Skimmers automatically suffer a glancing hit after deployment (but before the start of turn one) unless their faction has control of the Skyhooks.

    TIPS ON INVASION TEAM BATTLES FORCE ORGANISATION • Your army in an Invasion Team Battle must be no more than 2000 points and is selected using the standard Force Organisation Chart found in the 5th Edition Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

    • One of the players in the Team may include a unit with Structure points or a Gargantuan Creature.

    • Vehicles detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be used. If a vehicle is described in more than one publication the most recent version must be used.

    • Invasion Team Battles play the Seize Ground mission as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Deployment is using the Pitched Battle rules. The winner is determined by the Victory point system in

    the Age of the Emperor expansion (freely available from www.tempusfugitives.co.uk). If a Primarch is removed from play it awards their opponents an additional 50VPs.

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    OPTIONAL ARMYLIST THREE: HEAVY ASSAULT FORCE Amongst the Invasion forces are larger contingents carrying the heaviest and most devestating firepower imaginable. Commanding a Heavy Assault allows you to take your games of Warhammer 40,000 to a whole new level. You may command hundreds of men or squadron after squadron of vehicles but whatever path you have chosen, your Heavy Assault will leave your opponent in no uncertainty that you mean to reduce their forces to a bloody mess. Take command of screaming aircraft and burn a great gash through the sky as orbiting spacecraft unleash weapons of planet-shattering power and super-heavy vehicles grind infantry beneath them. OPTIONAL ARMYLIST Instead of forming an Invasion Team you may instead opt to field a Heavy Assault Force. These massive contingents should not be fielded lightly and there is no requirement for a player to bring one to the weekend. Your Heavy Assault Force must be no more than 4000 points. Your Heavy Assault force may include a single Gargantuan Creatures or unit with Structure Points. The unit taken counts as a Heavy Support Choice unless otherwise specified and any unit that is not specifically for your army (such as a Titan in an Astartes Legion) counts as part of an Allied Detachment. For the record, all Imperial Titans count as part of the Martian Mechanicum and all Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy units (such as fighter aircraft count as part of the Imperial Army. These units use the rules found in the Apocalypse expansion. If your army includes flyers, all your opponents pintle mounted and defensive weapons count as being on AA mounts. Vehicles detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be used. If a vehicle is described in more than one publication the most recent version must be used. Heavy Assault Forces play the Seize Ground mission as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Deployment is using the Pitched Battle rules. The winner is determined by the Victory point system in the Age of the Emperor expansion (freely available from www.tempusfugitives.co.uk). If a Primarch is removed from play it awards their opponents an additional 50VPs.

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods


    The Hammer of the Gods pits Taskforces of up to ten players in a campaign to seize the mythical machine planet of Godhammer, a planet that lies at the edge of the Veiled Region. Each Taskforce is themed to a particular faction and each faction is pitted against Taskforces belonging to one of a number of factions available over the weekend. THE IMPERIUM OF MANKIND– A golden era for humanity beckons. The Warmaster Horus and his brothers lead a force of genetically engineered super-warriors on a crusade to claim the galaxy for their father – the Emperor of Mankind who resides on distant Terra.

    THE MECHANICUM – Though part of the Imperium, the legend of Godhammer holds a special significance for those who have journeyed to the Noctis Labyrinthus on Mars. Their Explorator force will stop at nothing, even the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet, to seize Godhammer for the Machine God.

    THE SHADOWFLEET- The cruel Dark Eldar are physically an immortal race but their souls wither over the centuries. It is believed that only pain and torture can rejuvenate their withered hearts, but Archon Azahd of the Shadowfleet believes that the true salvation of their race lies at Godhammer, a world the warp cannot touch…

    DA ORK EXILEZ– A brutal race who delight in destruction and pillaging, the green skinned Orks are an ever-present menace to the galaxy. After the greatest warlord of the Orks Ulag Urkk was slain at Ullanor, da Exilez, religious greenskins, now carry his body to the distant Promised Land so that he may Waaagh again.

    THE NECRONS – Ancient machines that have slumbered beneath Godhammer for millennia have now been awoken by the arrival of the Orks. Massacring the initial raiding force, the Necrons are activating new and terrible war engines the like of with the galaxy has never seen. What connection to Godhammer do they have and what terrible harvest will they reap?

    THE LAER – Serpentine aliens with a hedonistic taste for the forbidden. All Laer maintain a snake-like lower body. But the Laer society genetically and chemically modify their bodies to better suit the task individuals are given with aerial, land-based and aquatic warrior forms. Why a force of these creatures should be drawn to Godhammer is one of the many mysteries that will need to be uncovered.

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    FACTION: THE IMPERIUM The glorious Imperium of Mankind stretches ever outwards. Led by the Emperor Himself, no alien or renegade bastion can withstand the advance of the Astartes Legions. The techno-apostate world of Godhammer lies before the Expeditionary fleets and the Primarch Sanguinius has called upon his brothers to join him in a massive assault to claim its secrets for their father. Along with the fleet comes a wave of Remembrancers, human poets, artists and saga-smiths who strive to record the glory of the Crusade. YOU MUST TAKE AN ASTARTES LEGION USING THE AGE OF THE EMPEROR EXPANSION WHEN CREATING AN ARMY TO FIGHT FOR THE IMPERIUM When choosing an army to fight for the Emperor the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at www.tempusfugitives.co.uk. The published Codices used in this campaign for the Imperium are: Codex Space Marines; Codex Blood Angels; Codex Space Wolves; Codex Imperial Guard; Codex Cult Mechanicus (see www.tempusfugitives.co.uk for the Cult Mechanicus armylist). All other supplementary rules to your Codex can be found in the Age of the Emperor expansion. In addition, you may take the Land Raider Proteus.


    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Remembrancer 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 -

    Worthy of Remembrance: A Remembrancer in a unit makes its accomplishments all the more important and memorable. The unit counts as Scoring and carrying a Back Banner. A Remembrancer that survives the battle is worth 25VPs.

    Oath of Protection: The first wound allocated to the Remembrancer each turn must be allocated to another model in the unit before any armour saves are made. If they are caught by an exploding vehicle Remembrancers are wounded as normal and may not redistribute the wound to another model.

    Embedded Recorder: A Remembrancer must be attached to an available infantry unit (not characters) deployed at the start of the battle. Any special deployment rules (such as Scout or Infiltrate) may not be used by a unit containing a Remembrancer. They are worth 25 VPs if removed from play. Remembrancers do not take up space in a transport.

    Terrified Civilian: Units containing a Remembrancer receives a -1 penalty to all Pinning checks made as the Remembrancer is far more likely to throw themselves to the ground when under fire and is more difficult to get moving again once they do so.

    Unit Composition • Up to three Remembrancer may be included in the army as individual unit attachments. Unit Type: Infantry

    Wargear • None Special Rules • Worthy of Remembrance • Oath of Protection • Embedded Recorder • Terrified Civilian

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    FACTION: THE NECRONS As a world originally belonging to the Nihilakh Dynasty, the planet known as Godhammer was a forgotten relic of the War in Heaven. Originally created as part of the great work to destroy the C’Tan, its true purpose was lost with the passing of the Silent Kings. Though much of their Dynasty remains asleep, elements of the parochial Nihilakh cannot suffer their enigmatic world to fall into the hands of aliens. When choosing an army to fight for the Necrons the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at www.tempusfugitives.co.uk. The published Codex used in this campaign for the Necrons is: Codex Necrons.


    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Fingerbones 5 4 6 4 3 6 4 10 4+

    The ghoulish practice of this hunting machine has given it the name Fingerbones. Stalking its prey through the urban sprawl of Godhammer, Fingerbones is an unrelenting and inventive killer. Stalking its prey for days, rumour of its presence on a battlefield shatters morale and confines senior officers to their bunkers. But when their mutilated corpses are found they are always missing the token that gives the machine its name.

    Designated Target: After deployment, nominate a single enemy unit. Fingerbones gains Preferred Enemy against that unit. Additionally, so unnerved are they by the realisation that they are its prey, the targeted unit reduces its leadership value by D3 for the duration of the battle.

    Cloak of Shadows: Enemy units targeting Fingerbones must use the Night Fighting rules.

    Phase Out: At the end of any player turn, Fingerbones may be removed from play and placed into reserve. It may then re-enter play as a reserve using the Deep Strike rules once it is available again. If the game ends before Fingerbones re-enters play it counts as destroyed.

    Unit Composition • 1 Fingerbones Unit Type: Jump Infantry Wargear • Voidblade with built-in gauss flayer • Assault Grenades • Phase Shifter

    Special Rules • Fearless • Ever Living • Deep Strike • Fleet • Hit and Run • Stealth • Move Through Cover

    “What’s that sound my lord? It’s like wind chimes?” The trooper swung his bolter around, unable to pinpoint the direction of the soft tinkling.

    The general took a long draw on his cigar and put a calming hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Steady lad. Nothing you can do.”

    “But those chimes… like dry wood tapping…” There was mounting fear in the young man’s voice.

    The general’s reply was weary and resigned. “Not wood, those chimes are bones… rattling in the winds of hell. He’s come for me.”

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    FACTION: THE SHADOWFLEET It was agreed millennia ago that any resurgence of the Necron threat would be dealt with swiftly and immediately by the Eldar Craftworlds. The Dark Eldar too had their own pact with their kin to assist in such a situation for the return of the Necrons would bring destruction to all Eldar, regardless of beliefs or lifestyle. To that end the Shadowfleet was created, launched from the vast shipyards of Iyanden and bolstered by kabalite warriors from the nascent Commorragh. It was the Shadowfleet that responded to the awakening of the Scarab Lord on Shrivos and it was the Shadowfleet who razed the Canoptek Spires of Neokralis. A recent tragedy has seen the famed Corsair Commander and leader of the Shadowfleet Aseries Lightblade lost in a warpstorm. His second in command, Archon Azahd has ascended to command scant days before the warning markers around Godhammer were triggered. Now the Eldar and their dark kin must battle under a new commander as they strive to deny mankind access to Godhammer. For his part, Archon Azad believes that Godhammer may hold the key to the salvation of the Eldar – regardless of the involvement of the Necrons… When choosing an army to fight for the Shadowfleet the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at www.tempusfugitives.co.uk. The published Codices used in this campaign for the Shadowfleet are: Codex Eldar and Codex Dark Eldar. Additionally you may take the Corsair armylist from Imperial Armour Volume 11. You may take any of the special characters from Codex Eldar or Dark Eldar.


    USING THE SHADOWFLEET Whether you have an Eldar, Corsair or Dark Eldar army, up to 25% of your force may be taken from units in the Eldar or Dark Eldar Codex. These units must use the same Force Organisation chart as the parent list and are to all intents and purposes additional units for the army. Such an alliance, especially under a new commander, is not without its mistrust and as a result Independent Characters and upgrades from one Codex cannot be applied or joined to units from another. Additionally, these allied units always begin the game in reserve (except in Skyhook missions).

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    FACTION: THE MARTIAN MECHANICUM For their part in the Treaty of Mars, the Mechanicus recognised the Emperor as the Omnissiah incarnate and swore to lend their technology, the mighty war machines of their Titan Legions and all of their production facilities to the purpose of his Great Crusade to reunite all the scattered worlds of Mankind beneath the rule of the Imperium. In return, the Emperor promised the Mechanicum that it could maintain its political autonomy on Mars and all of its other Forge Worlds and that it would remain immune from adherence to the atheistic doctrines of the Imperial Truth. This ensured that the Adepts of the Mechanicus could still maintain their faith in the Machine God.

    The ultimate goal of the Martian Mechanicum is to understand the Omnissiah. The communal and personal attempt at this is known as the Quest for Knowledge, and followers view this endeavour as paramount over any other concern, even the Treaty of Mars. Generally, the Quest is pursued by scientific and exploratory endeavour. The Cult believes that all knowledge already exists, and it is primarily a matter of time before it can be gathered together to complete the Quest. It is therefore disinclined to perform much original research, and considers it more important to safeguard that which it has already accrued and gather more by searching for STC templates and the like. Some original research does happen, although the results of such endeavours are strictly quarantined for many years before being disseminated publicly.

    Godhammer represents an incredible opportunity for the Mechanicum, a machine world untouched by the damaging influences of colonists or looters. That the world is likely of alien origin is hardly relevant for the Omnissiah has expressed his divinity in the technology of the alien before, provided the relevant purifications and translations can be made of course. What excited the Mechanicum the most is that the vaults of Mars hold many secrets and the long range augers indicate a connection to the Noctis Labyrinths. Regardless of the edicts from the Emperor, such knowledge could bring untold power to the Mechanicum. Then perhaps, a new treaty can be dictated…


    When choosing an army to fight for the Mechanicum the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at www.tempusfugitives.co.uk. The published Codex used in this campaign for the Mechanicum is: Codex Cult Mechanicus.

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    FACTION: DA ORK EXILEZ Carrying with them the body of their greatest warlord of the Orks Urlag Urkk, who was slain at Ullanor, da Exilez, believe that he may be resurrected to Waaagh! again. Something of a rarity in the great mass of their species, Da Exilez are religious greenskins who believe that Godhammer is their distant Promised Land. Arriving at the machine planet, the brutal race delight in setting alight the gas producing algae lakes and mining the mineral rich deserts. Such destruction cannot go unchecked and the initial landing forces are soon slaughtered by the vengeful Necrons. Now more Orks are piling onto the overloading Skyhooks as the humans also arrive to lay claim to the world. As the skies explode with destruction while the land below burns with the fires of war, what more fitting Promised Land could there be for the resurrection of Urlag Urkk? When choosing an army to fight for the Orks the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at www.tempusfugitives.co.uk. The published Codex used in this campaign for the Orks is: Codex Orks. You may take any of the special characters from Codex Orks (suitably renamed of course).


    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Orkamedies 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

    Special Rules • Dakka Dakka! – Units with the Mek Artillery rule count as Scoring. • 5+ Invulnerable save Uber Mek: As personal Mek to the Ulag Urkk, Orkamedies makes sure his masters artillery is tailored to how the Warlord demands it to be – loud and lots of it! An army including Orkamedies may include a single unit of each type of Mek Artillery as Troop Choices. Mek Artillery units are: Bubble Chukka, Hop-Splat Field Gun, Pulsa Rokkit Launcher, Traktor Kannon and Lifta Droppa.

    Unit Composition • One Mekboy in an Ork

    Artillery unit may be replaced by Orkamedies.

    Wargear • Power Klaw • Slugga • Cybork Body

    PLAYIN WIF DA EXILEZ Your warband represents one of many forces allied to the cause. Da Exilez are unusually focussed on looting any of the technology they find in the hope of discovering a device to resurrect their Warlord. All Orks are Fearless within 3”of any objectives used and gain 2 Relics for winning any battle.

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    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Mekboy 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Grot 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 -

    A unit caught in the bubble is helpless and may do nothing. Being caught in the bubble blocks all exit points and embarked passengers may not disembark or take any other action. The bubble may not be attacked by allies outside of the bubble for fear of hitting the unit inside. In each player’s movement phase the bubble bounces (with the unit inside counting as moving) 2d6 inches in a random direction. On a roll of a double for the random movement the bubble pops automatically. Should the bubble pop the unit is may act normally on its next turn. Anything in the bubble’s path is simply squashed or batted out of the way. Treat it as a tank shock. Vehicles and terrain are unaffected and instead cause the bubble to automatically pop (releasing the captured unit as above). If the bubble floats off the table the unit inside is considered destroyed. The Chukka can fire once every turn and may have multiple bubbles in play. GONE WRONG: If when rolling 3d6 to capture a target a triple is rolled, the Chukka malfunctions and creates a bubble around itself and its crew. Resolve as a caught unit above.

    Utilising Mekboy force field tek-no-wots the Bubble Chukka creates a force field around its target and lets them float away. Eccentric Meks (is there any other kind?) usually try and perfect one of these contraptions at least once in their lives. The number of Meks trapped in bubbles encountered by the Imperial Expedition Fleets in deep space is a testament to how dangerous such a quest for perfection can be…

    Unit Composition 1 Hop-Splat Field Gun 1 Mekboy 3 Grotz Unit Type: Artillery Wargear • Slugga (Mekboy) • Choppa (Mekboy) • Grot Blasta (Grot)

    MEK ARTILLERY – Bubble Chukka To fire the weapon, choose an enemy vehicle or monstrous creature within 72” and in line of sight of the Mekboy and roll to hit using the Grot BS. Once hit roll 3d6, provided the total score is equal to or greater than the target’s front armour range (Monstrous Creatures count as armour 13) it is caught in a force field and immediately rises up, floating a few feet above the battlefield. While in the bubble the unit is invulnerable to all attacks. If the score rolled is less than the front armour value of the vehicle, the bubble pops before it can form and the target counts as moving through difficult terrain next turn.

    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Mekboy 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Grot 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 -

    Once the hop-splat has hit a target or struck the ground it crazily changes direction. Roll the scatter dice and determine the direction the shot takes. On a roll of a hit it immediately moves back towards the Field Gun. Otherwise the Hop-Splat now moves 3D6" in the indicated direction or until it hits another target in its path. Resolve any hit as before. Once the hop-splat has hit a target in its path or struck the ground once more it changes direction again. The shot continues to hop-splat across to battlefield in this way until it either leaves the table edge or until the 3D6 roll results in a score of 6 or less. A 3D6 score of 6 or less indicates that this will be the final hop-splat Once it has been resolved the rocket has run out of fuel and the hop-splat comes to a rest with a S4 AP6 blast. This final explosion is not rending.

    The Hop Splat Field Gun is an ingenious artillery piece which fires a special hop-splat shell, named after the irregular way it moves across the battlefield This shell consists of a rocket to which is attached a length of chain at the end of which is a large metal ball. Once the rocket shell is fired the ball and chain becomes a whirling menace to anything in its path. When the shell hits the ground the metal ball is catapulted in a new direction, pulling the shell into the air once more and sending the whirling hop-splat in a new direction. Depending upon the haphazard way in which the shell strikes the ground the hop-splat proceeds across the battlefield like a fire-cracker, jumping this way and that, scattering troops in its erratic path.

    Unit Composition 1 Hop-Splat Field Gun 1 Mekboy 3 Grotz Unit Type: Artillery Wargear • Slugga (Mekboy) • Choppa (Mekboy) • Grot Blasta (Grot)

    MEK ARTILLERY - Hop Splat Field Gun To fire the weapon each turn, choose an intended target within 30" of the launcher. Then roll 6D6. This determines how far the hop-splat travels before one end strikes the ground. The shot travels directly forward the distance indicated or until it strikes the intended target (whichever comes first). A target in the hop-splat's path is automatically hit and sustains D6 S6 AP4 rending hits.

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    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Mekboy 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Grot 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 -

    Utilising extremely powerful gravity waves, the Lifta Droppa is a marvel of Orky-know-wots. Usually mounted on Mekboy Stompas and other warmachines, a few of them have found their way into field artillery used by the more tooth-conscious Warboss. Able to lift enemy vehicles many feet into the air and drop them on their allies, the Lifta Droppa is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Provided the Lifta Droppa has snared its target, roll a scatter dice. If a hit is rolled the target is dropped on the spot and takes Strength 10 AP 1 hit. If an arrow is rolled then the Lifta Droppa may move the target up to 12” in the direction indicated before dropping it. If the target is dropped on a vehicle then both suffer a Strength 10 AP 1 hit. If the target is dropped on impassable terrain then the target suffers a Strength 10 AP 1 hit and is placed as close to the terrain as possible. If the target is dropped on a non-vehicle unit, the unit takes 2d6 wounds (saves permitted) and the dropped target has its fall partially cushioned and only suffers a Strength 8 AP - hit. Move the non-vehicle unit the target lands on exactly as though it had been tank shocked. The target may not be dropped off the table edge.

    Unit Composition 1 Tractor Kannon 1 Mekboy 3 Grotz Unit Type • Artillery Wargear • Slugga (Mekboy) • Choppa (Mekboy) • Grot Blasta (Grot)

    MEK ARTILLERY – Lifta Droppa To fire the weapon, choose an enemy vehicle or monstrous creature anywhere in line of sight of the Mekboy and roll to hit using the Grot BS. A hit means the target is snared by the Lifta Droppa’s levitating energy beam. Range: 120” Strength 9 AP1 Roll to wound or penetrate the target’s armour as normal. Rather than immediately causing damage, a successful wounding hit or penetration roll means the target is instead immediately lifted high into the air. Flyers, targets with structure points and skimmers always count as Armour 14. Gargantuan Creatures always count as Toughness 10. GONE WRONG: If a 1 is rolled when attempting to wound or penetrate the target the Lifta Droppa inverts the levitation beam and throws itself the distance rolled in a random direction described below.

    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Mekboy 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Grot 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 -

    2 -3 Fzzrcrack - The Pulsa Rokkit sends out a short sharp pulse of force, all units within 3D6” must take a Pinning test. 4 - 5 Thrrrummm - The ground itself trembles and shakes, all units with a model within 3D6” of the Pulsa Rokkit have their WS and BS reduced to 1 until the beginning of the next Ork turn and must take a Pinning test at -1 Ld. 6 Wohhhm - The Pulsa Rokkit thrum and shakes, sending out waves of suppressive energy. All units within 3D6” are pinned (even Fearless units) and take D6 S6 hits, Vehicles (including skimmers and fliers) instead take a glancing hit.

    A Pulsa Rokkit is far more than a mere incendiary device. It contains a large and unstable force field generator that teeters on the brink of contradictory physics; should its force field be disrupted, it will collapse with unpredictable but usually devastating results. The Orks like to encourage such a potentially lethal disruption by wiring the force field into a missile and firing the whole contraption at the enemy. The resultant impact drives the potent force field inside into a state of collapse, sending out great waves of suppressing force that can grind an enemy face first into the dirt. The Pulsa Rokkit Salvo is a smaller version of the massive Pulsar Rokkits that are launched from tall assault ramps. Instead these have more in common with the Imperial Whirlwind launcher, being a salvo of Ork-sized Rokkits held in a rack and designed to be fired over the course of a battle.

    Unit Composition 1 Pulsa Rokkit Launcha 1 Mekboy 3 Grotz

    Unit Type: Artillery

    Wargear • Slugga (Mekboy) • Choppa (Mekboy) • Grot Blasta (Grot)

    MEK ARTILLERY - Pulsa Rokkit Launcha To fire the weapon each turn, choose a target within 72" of the launcher. Place a marker at the point of impact. The Rokkit is treated as Ordnance that scatters 3D6". Hits from a Pulsa Rokkit ignore cover. When it has landed, roll on the following table: 1 Dud – The Pulsa Rokkit casing shatters harmlessly on impact. It has no effect (other than making the Mek look stupid).

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    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Mekboy 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Grot 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 -

    Nothing says Orky power than when your Traktor Kannon grabs hold of an enemy tank and yanks it across the battlefield. Even better when the tank is smashed into another tank or dragged through a really thin gap between two rocks… well you get the idea! A target affected by the beam is dragged 3d6 inches towards the Traktor Kannon. Any creature or vehicle (friend or foe) struck by the dragged target suffers an automatic wound or glancing hit. Enemy units in its path suffer tank shock (even if the vehicle being dragged is not a tank). Once the Traktor Kannon has finished dragging the enemy target the target suffers a wound or a single glancing hit at AP1. Should the vehicle or creature being dragged strike impassable terrain it travels no further and instead suffers a d3 automatic wounds or a single penetrating hit both at AP1. GONE WRONG: Should Traktor Kannon hit but fail to wound or penetrate, the Kannon and its crew is instead dragged 3d6 inches towards its intended target. Resolve as outlined above. The Kannon and its crew are destroyed if it hits dangerous or impassable terrain.

    Unit Composition 1 Tractor Kannon 1 Mekboy 3 Grotz Unit Type • Artillery Wargear • Slugga (Mekboy) • Choppa (Mekboy) • Grot Blasta (Grot)

    MEK ARTILLERY - Traktor Kannon To fire the weapon, choose an enemy vehicle or monstrous creature anywhere in range and line of sight of the Mekboy and roll to hit using the Grot BS. A hit means the target is snared in the Kannon’s elastic-like energy beam. Range: 120” Strength 9 AP1 Roll to wound or penetrate the target’s armour as normal. Rather than immediately causing damage, a successful wounding hit or penetration roll means the target is instead immediately dragged towards the kannon. Flyers, targets with structure points and skimmers always count as Armour 14. Gargantuan Creatures always count as Toughness 10.

    BS FRONT SIDE REAR Big Mek Battlewagon 2 14 12 10

    Mekboyz build many kontrapshuns for their warbosses, but they always save the best and craziest ideas for their own kustom speshuls. Mekboy Battlewagons (also known as Dragstas or speedstas) are one of those very special creations and are usually built by Meks in the Kult of Speed. With an engine usually found in a pulsa rokkit and a chassis extended and lowered for maximum speed, the Battlewagon is simply one of the fastest and most dangerous wheeled vehicles the Orks use. As no Ork vehicle is complete without some fiendish device to smash their foes, Big Mek Battlewagons usually have bizarre Mekboy contraptions built into them which blast away as the Mekboy races past the battle. Mek’s Pride and Joy: The Battlewagon must include a single hull mounted Mek artillery piece for no additional cost:

    Bubble Chukka Hop-Splat Field Gun Lifta Droppa Pulsa Rokkit Launcha Traktor Kannon Shokk Attack Gun

    Any GONE WRONG results are ignored and the Battlewagon instead suffers an automatic penetrating hit.

    Unit Composition • 1 Big Mek Battlewagon Vehicle Type • Fast Tank Transport Capacity: 10 Fire Points: 6 Wargear: Kustom Force Field The Big Mek Battlewagon always counts as obscured from shooting.

    Options: May take any of the following upgrades:

    armour plates +10 points deff rolla* +20 points grot riggers +5 points red paint job +5 points reinforced ram* +5 points stikkbombz chukka +5 points

    *May not take both a deff rolla and a reinforced ram May take up to four of the following: Big shoota +5 points Rokkit Launchas +10 points Kustom Mega Blasta + 15 points

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    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Cyboar Boy 4 2 3 5 1 2 2(3) 7 4+ Cyboar Boss 4 2 4 5 2 3 3(4) 7 4+

    Some Ork warbands such as those belonging to the Snake Bite clan have a rite of passage that every young Ork must undertake. If an Ork is particularly skilled at hunting during his trials then he may be fortunate enough to catch a wild boar. If the Ork is brave enough he may be able to beat the boar into submission so that it will let him ride on its back. The Ork benefits from the speed and ferocity of his mount, whilst the boar, for his part in the bargain, is treated to daily gruel, a smelly sty and the occasional smack on his nozzle with a large stick. As time goes by the Boar is upgraded by the warbands Pigdok and Mekboy to become a ferocious Cyboar. Then the real fun begins.

    Squad Composition • 1 Cyboar Boss & 2 Cyboar Boys Unit Type: Beasts Special Rules Furious Charge Mob Rule Fleet Rage Wargear • Slugga or Shoota • Hunting Spear • Stikk Bombz • Cyboar

    Options • The Mob may be joined by up to 9 additional Cyboar

    Boyz at +24 points each. • The Cyboar Boss may replace his hunting spear with

    a Power Klaw at +15 points or a big choppa for +5 points. The Cyboar Boss may take a Boss pole for +5 points.

    • One Cyboar Boy may be upgraded to a Pig Dok for

    +30 points. Pig Dok’s are equipped with an ‘urty syringe, stikk bombs and Dok’s Tools.

    Cyboar: A Cyboar is extremely tough, reinforced with steel plates and bionic limbs, has its tusks replaced by blades and has an injection device which pumps it full of stimulants. Because of the toughness of the Cyboar and its value as cover, the rider gets 4+ armour save. The bionic augmentation makes the Cyboar a potent additional weapon and the rider counts as being armed with an additional close combat weapon. During assaults and sweeping advances, models mounted on a Cyboar that pass through difficult terrain take an automatic wound (saves allowed), as the Cyboar has a tendency to butt rocks and trees. Hunting Spear: The Cyboar boyz are armed with long spears tipped with an explosive. They automatically use the spear on the first turn they charge in the game. After use it is discarded. A hunting spear counts as a +1 Strength power weapon and the user strikes with an Initiative of 6. The Ork still gets the benefit of Furious charge with the Hunting Spear and so the total strength bonus is +2.

    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Wyldboy 4 1 3 4 1 2 2 5 - Drill Boss 4 1 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

    Unit Composition 1 Drill Boss and 9 Wyldboys

    Unit Type: Infantry

    Special Rules • Fearless &Waaagh! • Furious Charge • Move Through Cover • Scout

    Wyldboyz are young Orks taken from the primitive wild bands where they are born. Normally such Orks are distributed amongst the Clans where they get proper Ork upbringing and become grownup Orks. Sometimes Wyldboyz are taken into battle before they are properly broken in. This provides them with an opportunity to prove themselves worthy to join the Clans.

    Wargear: Big Choppa

    Options • The Mob may be joined by up to 20 additional Wyldboyz at +7 points each.

    • The Drill Boss may replace his big choppa with a Power Klaw at +10 points or a pair of choppas for free points. The Drill Boss may take a Boss pole for +5 points.

    Transport: The Wyldboyz are distrustful of technology and will not ride aboard any vehicle. They will ride aboard any form of Squiggoth however.

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    BS FRONT SIDE REAR Weirdboy Battlewagon 2 14 12 10

    Weirdboy Tower: Even in his tower surrounded by cables to drain off the more dangerous psychic discharges, a Weirdboy cannot control his powers. At the beginning of each turn roll a D6 and consult the chart below to see what power the Weirdboy chained up in the tower has automatically cast. Because of the design of the tower, a Weirdboy automatically passes his psychic test. 1 Wagon-Banger! Energies fly out of the tower and tear through the wagon. The Battlewagon takes an automatic glancing hit at AP 1. 2 Frazzle. The tower emits a deadly beam of green energy. Resolve as a Frazzle (C:0 pg 37). 3 Zzap! A massive blast like a thunderbolt lashes out. Resolve as a Zzap (C:0 pg 37). 4 Invincible! The Battlewagon is covered in a shimmering barrier. Count as equipped with a Kustom Force Field until the beginning of the next Ork turn. 5 Bampf! The Battlewagon vanishes in a puff of green smoke. Immediately place it anywhere on the board using the rules for Deep Strike. 6 Waaagh! The Battlewagon shudders with the Weirdboy’s war cry. Resolve as a Waagah! (C:0 pg 37).

    Unit Composition • 1 Weirdboy Battlewagon Vehicle Type • Tank, Open-topped Transport Capacity: 20 Wargear: Weirdboy Tower Contains a hooked up Weirdboy. The Weirdboy in the tower cannot leave it for any reason and is slain if the tower is destroyed.

    Options May take any of the following upgrades:

    ‘ard case +15 points armour plates +10 points deff rolla* +20 points grot riggers +5 points red paint job +5 points reinforced ram* +5 points stikkbombz chukka +5 points warphead +30 points

    *May not take both a deff rolla and a reinforced ram May take up to four of the following:

    Big shoota +5 points Rokkit Launchas +10 points

    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Freebooter 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 5+ Freebooter Kaptin 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 5+

    The most common Freebooterz of all are the Mobz of Pirates or Banditz which roam from settlement to settlement in search of a good scrap and plenty of loot. They are led by an especially roguish Kaptin who affects a colourful and distinctive style of dress often featuring a large Kaptin's hat with the Jolly Ork symbol painted on it.

    Unit Composition • 1 Kaptin and 9 Freebooterz Unit Type • Infantry Wargear • Snazzgun • A Pair of Kutlass (two close combat weapons) • Stikk Bombz

    Options • The Mob may be joined by up to 10 additional Freebooterz at

    +13 points each. • The Kaptin may replace one of his Kutlass with a Power Klaw

    at +25 points. The Kaptin may take a Boss pole for +5 points and a Squig-Parrot for +10 points (counts as an attack squig).

    • The unit may take either Shootier, More Dakka or Blasta for

    +5 points per model.

    Special Rules • Furious Charge • Waaagh! • Mob Rule • Untrustworthy Gitz

    May not be joined by anyone!

    Transport Mobs of 12 or fewer models may take a Trukk as a dedicated transport for +35 points.

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    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Madboy 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+

    Ork Kultur can sometimes cause self-respecting boyz to look at the orky-know-wots of the world and go a bit… well… mad. The Ork finds his mind full of distractions and contradictions. Wild ideas about the universe buzz round his brain. Curious bits of unconnected knowledge keep intruding upon his consciousness. These disturbed Orks are called Madboyz. While some Madboyz are just plain crazy, others are inspired geniuses whose ideas are immensely valuable to the Orks (and quickly stolen by any Mek worth his teef). All Madboyz are unpredictable and somewhat anarchic, so they live together and on the battlefield they fight as a single mob. Other Orks have the utmost respect for Madboyz, whose crazed notions are seen as a sign of favour from Gork (or possibly Mork).

    Unit Composition: 10 Madboyz Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules • Fearless • Furious Charge • Waaagh! • Nutty Gitz (May only be joined by Weirdboy or Wyrdgit) Wargear (would you trust them with anything bigger?) • Slugga • Choppa Options: The Mob may be joined by up to 20 additional Madboyz at +7 points each.

    Madboy At the beginning of each Ork turn, the Ork player rolls 2d6 for each mob of Madboyz and consults the table below. The result applies until the roll is made at the start of the next Ork turn. Weirdboys in the unit allow the result to be re-rolled. The Madboy abilities apply to Weirdboys in the unit:

    2 I fink we iz dead! The unit is pinned for the turn (even though normally immune). 3-4 I fink we iz in a minefield! The unit moves as though in difficult terrain. 5-6 Dey is out ta get uz! The unit must shoot the nearest friendly non-vehicle unit. 7 We iz Windmills! The unit gains +1 Attack. 8 Oooh, So Strong! The unit gains +1 Strength. 9-10 I Knows Fung Koo! The Unit gains Preferred Enemy in combat 10-11 My Hat Keeps Out Da ‘Urt! The Unit gains Feel No Pain. 12 Gork sez we iz speshul! The unit gains +1 Attack, +1 Strength and Feel No Pain

    Transport: Mobs of 20 or fewer models may take a Weirdboy Battlewagon as a dedicated transport for +145 points.

    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Ogryn 4 3 5 5 3 2 3 6 5+

    Orks sometimes encounter communities of Ogryns that have yet to be contacted by the Imperium. Naturally a Warboss is only too keen to recruit them into his warband. For their part the Ogryns find the Ork’s company amusing and delight in the same destruction and noise as the Orks. As such they begin to consider themselves part of the warband and become driven by the same primal urges that propel the Ork Waaagh.

    Unit Composition: 3 Ogryns Unit Type: Heavy Infantry Wargear • Dakkagun • Stikk Bombz

    Special Rules • Waaagh! • Furious Charge • Mob Rule

    Options: The Mob may be joined by up to 12 additional Ogryns at +25 points each. Transport: Mobs of 6 or fewer models may take a Trukk as a dedicated transport for +35 points.

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    FACTION: THE LAER The Laer are an ancient species, pre-dating the vast and mighty Imperium of man. They are a serpentine race, devoting their lives to the worship of pleasure in their vast, floating atol cathedrals. Their physical appearance changes drastically depending upon their role in Laerian society and their warriors are some of the most adept the Imperium have ever encountered. First identified on their home world of Laern by the Emperor's Children Legion, the Laer have colonies throughout the galaxy. Laer are agile hunters, using their strong serpentine bodies to propel themselves forward at great speed. Along with the Laer come the Lankan Allegiance, a technologically advanced human empire that has established a mutual defence pact with the regions Laer nests. Why this otherwise aggressive empire has allied with this group of Laer is unknown, but the grav technology of the Lankan makes a formidable pairing with the eldritch sorcery of the Laer.

    Unlike the other factions presented here, the Laer may be taken as allies by any non-Imperial faction. Up to 25% of the army may be taken from the following Laer units presented here. Alternatively an entire Laer army can be assembled from the units presented here, in which case Laer Warriors count as Troop choices. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at www.tempusfugitives.co.uk. Additionally if you are not using the Laer as allies in another Faction you may use Codex Tau Empire for your armylist to represent the Lankan Allegiance.


    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Laeran Warrior 3 3 4 4 2 5 1 8 4+

    Multi-Limbed: Many Laeran have four arms and as such receive an additional attack for each pair of close combat weapons they are armed with (in the case of warriors a total bonus of +2 attacks). Serpentine Strike: Laer have the Fleet and Move Through Cover special rules. Additionally they receive a 5+ invulnerable save in close combat as they evade their slower witted opponents.

    Unit Composition • 5-9 Laer Warriors Unit Type: Infantry

    Wargear • Two Laeran Scythblades • Twin Linked Laeran Flayer Gauntlets

    Special Rules • Fearless

    Scythblades: Attacks made by Laeran Scythblades are Rending and Poisoned 4+

    Flayer Gauntlets: Range: 12” Strength 4 AP 5 Pistol, Poisoned 4+

    Mystic Stave: This is a two handed weapon that gives the user +2 Strength and the Rending rule in combat.

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    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Laeran Mystic 4 4 3 4 2 5 1 10 4+

    Multi-Limbed: Many Laeran have four arms and as such receive an additional attack for each pair of close combat weapons they are armed with (in the case of mystics a total bonus of +1 attack as their other arms are wielding the Mystic Stave). Mystical Aura: Laeran Mystics have the Eternal Warrior special Rule special rule. Additionally they receive a 3+ invulnerable save in close combat as they evade and confuse their slower witted opponents. Psychic Shriek: Laeran Mystics may make a Psychic shooting attack each turn with one of the following powers.

    Focussed Scream: Range 48”, Strength 9, AP 1, Heavy 1, Lance Choral Blast: Range Template, Strength 6, AP 3, Assault 1

    Unit Composition • 1-3 Laer Mystics Unit Type: Beast

    Wargear • Two Laeran Scythblades • Mystic Stave

    Special Rules • Fearless

    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Laeran Winged Warrior 3 3 4 4 2 5 1 8 5+

    Multi-Limbed: Many Laeran have four arms and as such receive an additional attack for each pair of close combat weapons they are armed with (in the case of winged warriors a total bonus of +2 attacks). Serpentine Strike: Laer have the Fleet and Move Through Cover special rules. Additionally they receive a 4+ invulnerable save in close combat as they evade their slower witted opponents. Skydive: Winged Warriors vibrate their wings rapidly as they swoop on their foes, stunning them with sonic shockwaves. Winged Warriors have both Assault and Defensive Grenades.

    Unit Composition • 5-9 Laer Winged Warriors Unit Type: Jump Infantry

    Wargear • Two Laeran Scythblades • Twin Linked Laeran Flayer Gauntlets

    Special Rules • Fearless

    WS BS S T W I A LD Sv Laeran Assassin 4 3 4 4 2 6 3 8 5+

    Multi-Limbed: Many Laeran have four arms and as such receive an additional attack for each pair of close combat weapons they are armed with (in the case of assassins a total bonus of +3 attacks). Soul Blades: These are Power weapons that cause Instant Death. Additionally you may re-roll failed to hit rolls in combat. Daemonic Serpentine Speed: Laeran Assassins have the Hit and Run special rules. Additionally they receive a 2+ invulnerable save in close combat as they evade their slower witted opponents and deflect their enemies’ attacks with their Soul Blades.

    Unit Composition • 1 Laer Assassin Unit Type: Beast

    Wargear • Six Soul Blades

    Special Rules • Fearless • Infiltrate

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    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

  • 29

    www.tempusfugitives.co.uk Hammer of the Gods

    “Bring me men to match my mountains: Bring me men to match my plains: Men with empires in their purpose and new eras in their brains.”