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Surrey Arts Music Teachers

Welcome to Surrey Arts. This handbook will help to introduce you to some practical aspects of your role as a teacher with Surrey Arts.

Surrey Arts is part of Cultural Services within the Customers and Communities Directorate of Surrey County Council. In addition to providing instrumental music tuition and organising orchestras, bands, choirs etc., Surrey Arts also encompasses other art forms: drama, dance and visual arts. We also incorporate the Surrey Arts Wardrobe and Surrey Arts Instrument Hire.

You should read the information in the Surrey Arts Brochure and on the current Surrey Arts Music Lesson Application Form so that you are familiar with how our services are presented to parents, schools and the public. There are a lot of details you will need to become familiar with, so please don’t hesitate to ask if you are uncertain about anything; most of the time, your Operations Team representative will be your first point of contact, and they will put you in touch with another colleague if necessary.

Contact information:


Broad Street, GuildfordGU3 3BH

Tel: 01483 519303Email: [email protected]

Website: www.surreycc.gov.uk/music

You will also be given the direct line number for your Operations Team representative.

Head of Surrey Arts: Philip Trumble

Surrey Arts is the lead partner in the Surrey Music Hub. This is a network of music organisations and schools working together to bring more musical opportunities to more young people in Surrey, both in schools and in the wider community.

Please visit www.surreymusichub.com for more information and details.

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Group Teaching............................................................................................................................1

Private Teaching...........................................................................................................................1

Lesson Delivery............................................................................................................................2


Contact with Parents and Schools................................................................................................3

Change of Teacher.......................................................................................................................3

Advice on Purchase of Instruments..............................................................................................3

Music, instruments, accessories, etc............................................................................................4

Surrey Arts Instrument Hire..........................................................................................................4

Assisted Purchase of Musical Instruments...................................................................................4

Practice Notebooks.......................................................................................................................5

Attendance Registers...................................................................................................................5

Teaching Cover............................................................................................................................ 5

Pay Claims....................................................................................................................................5



Reports......................................................................................................................................... 6



School-based Activities.................................................................................................................7

Surrey Arts Teacher Support........................................................................................................7

Use of Vehicle...............................................................................................................................8

Emergency Procedures & Health and Safety...............................................................................8

Personal Conduct.........................................................................................................................9

And finally……............................................................................................................................10

Surrey Arts Safeguarding Policy (appendix 1)............................................................................11

Surrey Arts Safeguarding Guidelines for Staff and Volunteers (appendix 2)..............................13

Social Networking - Acceptable Use Policy for Surrey Arts Staff (appendix 3)...........................15

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TimetablesThe Operations Team will arrange your timetable in the first instance. This is done in consultation with you so that the timetable matches the days and times you have available. Once set and agreed, you will then be expected to keep to this timetable on a regular weekly basis.

Details of your timetable will be given to you in the form of lesson lists showing venue, day, times, pupils’ names, home phone numbers, and start date. You will also be supplied with addresses and phone numbers for all the schools on your itinerary.

Timetables for after-school lessons are worked out in detail by the Operations Team but during the day schools may need to revise schedules as necessary. As a result, you will often be required to make a rotating timetable at secondary schools (and occasionally at primary schools). The amount of work you are offered may vary from term to term depending on demand, but wherever possible we will give you half a term’s notice of a pupil discontinuing. If you wish to expand your Surrey Arts Teaching, please contact us.

Once you know your pupils and schools, or as pupils progress, you may wish to recommend some changes (e.g. to grouping, lesson duration, times and days, etc.). Although it may not be obvious in any given situation, changes to timetables can affect customer billing, room availability, and other teachers’ timetables so as a first step all proposed changes should be discussed with us.

For the same reasons, new pupils should only be timetabled with our knowledge, so if you are asked by a school or parent to start teaching a new pupil please refer them to the Operations Team. Timetable changes are normally implemented at the beginning of a new term, although small changes can be made as necessary, again in discussion with the Operations Team.

Group TeachingPupil ability, both in individual and group situations, will vary. Where group lessons have been requested they will be set up according to age and ability, but a close match is not always possible. In mixed ability settings you will need to plan strategies to ensure that all pupils are engaged at all times - teaching short individual lessons in a group situation is not acceptable. Members of the Music Leadership Team can advise on ways to achieve this.

It is also important to bear in mind that, as with teachers in schools, we cannot pick and choose pupils. If a pupil is not practising or their behaviour is proving challenging in lessons, it is not appropriate to say you no longer wish to teach that child. In a local authority setting we are duty bound to do what we can to resolve such issues and provide excellent teaching for all pupils. There are a number of ways to resolve such issues so please contact us if you find yourself in this position.

Private TeachingMany people undertake a variety of work outside their Surrey Arts teaching. Not only is this perfectly acceptable, it will add to your knowledge and experience. However, this should not impact on your agreed availability, nor should it cause any lack of continuity in the lessons provided to your pupils. Also, as a Surrey Arts teacher you may not accept offers of private instrumental teaching in schools in which we operate and we reserve the right to withdraw all your Surrey Arts teaching if you do. If you are asked to take pupils privately you should refer the matter to us.


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Lesson DeliveryAll pupils should receive thirty lessons in the course of a year, normally ten per term. If you know in advance you are not able to deliver any lessons, you must inform the pupil and write it in their practice notebook and also inform your Operations Team representative.

The most common problems, together with how they are treated, are as follows:

If a pupil misses a lesson (e.g. because of absence from school or through forgetfulness etc.) you are not obliged to make up this lesson and you may claim for your time as usual. Please do everything possible to find pupils in primary schools if they fail to turn up for the lesson; at the very least try to use the previous pupil as a runner. If a pupil is absent without explanation it is most important that you inform the school office before you leave the premises. If a pupil is absent more than twice consecutively without explanation or regularly fails to turn up for lessons, your Operations Team representative should be informed. If you receive any form of communication via a pupil, parent or school that suggests that the pupil may not be continuing with lessons, please inform us as soon as you can

If you miss a lesson (e.g. due to illness) you must inform the Operations Team immediately or, in case of early starts, your first school. Unless illness prevents you, please phone the school(s) and also the parents of after school pupils as soon as possible. The missed lessons should be made up and your pay claim should reflect the change in date. Long-term illness will be treated in line with SCC policy

Planned School closures (e.g. training days, sports days and open evenings) are likely to affect your teaching. Lessons missed for this reason should be made up later in the term/year. It is your responsibility to check with the school office at each of your schools for any planned closures or activities that may affect your teaching. Please pass on this information to us, as it may affect other teachers

Sudden School closures (e.g. snow, wind, floods and heating problems)

In the event of a sudden school closure, lessons should be made up where possible, either in the current term or by the end of the Summer Term. If lessons genuinely cannot be made up by the end of the Summer Term then you can claim for the missed lessons

If some pupils at a particular school have to miss a lesson (e.g. because of exams) you may prefer to postpone the whole session to a later date rather than make two ‘half’ visits. However, be aware that changing the day of a lesson can cause problems. If you have to do this and a pupil is unable to attend on the changed day, the pupil will be entitled to a refund and you will not be able to claim payment for this lesson

ExamsOpportunities will be provided for you to enter pupils for exams through Surrey Arts. Please note that this will depend upon demand and will not necessarily cover all exam boards. You will be notified of dates and procedures as appropriate.


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Contact with Parents and SchoolsIf you have concerns about a pupil’s musical progress, it is likely to help if you talk things through with the parent. If this is the case, please make every effort to contact them as soon as possible. However, please do not make phone calls to your pupils (see the Surrey Arts Safeguarding Guidelines, appendix 2).

If you have concerns about a pupil’s welfare, please refer to the Surrey Arts Safeguarding Policy (appendix 1) and Guidelines (appendix 2).

Your personal contact details will not be given to schools or parents by Surrey Arts, and you are advised against giving your private phone number to parents or pupils unless you choose to do so. Be aware that if you phone or text parents they can easily note your number if you don’t block it. Schools may ask you for your phone number - it will be up to you whether you wish them to have it, as they can always give you messages via the Operations Team.

It is in everyone’s interest, particularly your own, to cultivate a good rapport with parents and schools. A swift response to their enquiries, or an information call from you, can do much to enhance the effectiveness of your teaching. As Surrey Arts employees, we are all ambassadors for our service and can do much to promote our good reputation.

You will also be issued with a name card for your door. This will tell people who you are and help them to recognise you as a Surrey Arts teacher.

Change of TeacherSometimes, such as in the move from primary to secondary school, you will need to pass your pupils on to another teacher. Whatever the reason for this, please be prepared to make some notes about your pupils, giving the new teacher information such as books/repertoire used, exams taken or being worked towards, and particular areas of strength or weakness. In short, if you include anything that you would find useful when taking on a pupil from another teacher, then the transition will be as smooth as possible for everybody concerned. These notes should be given to the Operations Team when you return your termly registers.

Advice on Purchase of InstrumentsYour advice to parents on the purchase of instruments is invaluable, as unfortunately many people buy poor quality or inappropriate instruments out of ignorance or on the advice of a well-intentioned relative or neighbour. Clearly this can put you in a very difficult situation and we do everything we can to prevent this from happening, asking parents to wait until they have taken professional advice. We suggest that you contact parents at the earliest opportunity to discuss instruments with them (if necessary) so that you can be involved in the choice of instrument from the beginning. Depending on the situation, you may be able to meet your new pupil in school a few weeks before they start so that you can advise on instrument size etc. Parents will appreciate your interest, and will understand that you are doing everything you can to give their child the best start possible. Also, they will prefer this to finding out later on that they have wasted their money, or that they have bought their child something that is so badly made it is impossible for them to produce a decent sound.


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Music, instruments, accessories, etc.Please do not purchase music, instruments and accessories on behalf of your pupils or their parents. With music and accessories being readily available online and via mail order there is no longer any need to make these purchases yourself.

Surrey Arts Instrument HireSurrey Arts Instrument Hire has a wide range of orchestral and band instruments that can be hired by parents and schools. However, this offer is subject to availability and Instrument Hire is only open at specific times, so please do not promise anybody an instrument and do not tell them just to “turn up”. Instead, please ask customers to contact Instrument Hire on 01483 519298 and an appointment will be made. More information is available on the Instrument Hire page of our website.

All customers sign to take responsibility for the instruments whilst they are on hire to them, and the whole system is designed to ensure that customers and Surrey Arts are protected from error and loss. Please, therefore, do not collect or return instruments on behalf of parents or schools. Parents sometimes ask if they can buy the instrument but we cannot offer this service. However, all SA pupils are entitled to the benefit of our Assisted Purchase Scheme - see below.

Assisted Purchase of Musical InstrumentsThe 1994 VAT (Education) Order enables Surrey Arts' pupils to purchase musical instruments free of VAT.

The following rules apply:

The instrument must be new; any supplier can be used

SA Staff can advise on choice of instrument but must not accept commission from retailers

The pupil must be in receipt of music lessons from Surrey Arts

The pupil must be in full-time education

The instrument must be appropriate to the pupil's needs and ability

The instrument must be portable

The instrument must collected from Surrey County Council premises

This scheme is non-profit making and is offered by Surrey Arts as a service.


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Practice NotebooksYou should provide each of your students with a Surrey Arts Practice Notebook and fill in the relevant details each lesson. This provides reminders for pupils, is a convenient way for you to exchange written messages with parents, and helps you to form an assessment of pupils’ progress.

Attendance RegistersRegisters should be completed for every lesson. Instructions are provided about the standard codes we use (e.g. for absence, illness, school trips etc.). The register is an important document required by auditors to verify teachers’ pay claims and it is relied on by the Operations Team if subsequent queries arise.

At the end of term, you should sign all of your registers and return them to the Operations Team.

Please make sure that the grade box on the register is completed for every pupil each term(B = beginner and grades 1 – 8). This should reflect the pupil’s approximate standard, even if no exams have been taken.

Teaching CoverGeneralTeaching cover can be provided in exceptional circumstances. This should only happen following discussion with a member of the Senior Management Team (SMT).

Maternity/PaternityMaternity/Paternity pay and leave are in accordance with Statute and SCC policy. This is a complex area and you will be given more guidance as appropriate.

In all cases, cover will be arranged with a teacher already on the Surrey Arts panel of approved teachers, as they must have undergone all the pre-employment checks through SCC.

Pay ClaimsAll teachers are responsible for claiming pay monthly. Pay claim forms and schedules will be sent to you at the beginning of each term setting out the important dates and deadlines for pay submissions. Completed and signed claim forms must reach the Operations Team by the dates indicated on the pay schedules or that month’s pay will be processed in the following pay run.

All pay is paid direct to your bank account. Your first Pay Slip will include your pay number; please include this on all subsequent pay claims.

Surrey County Council will deduct tax and National Insurance from your pay, even if you are treated as self-employed for work undertaken elsewhere.

Please note that you are entitled to statutory sick pay, maternity/paternity leave and pay, and holiday pay. Your hourly pay includes an element of holiday pay that is calculated on a pro rata basis in line with the statutory entitlement. The holiday pay element is 12.3% of the pay you receive and this will be shown separately on your payslips. Allowance for lesson preparation and travel time/costs is included in your hourly pay.

New employees will be included automatically in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and contributions will be deducted from your pay each month. For full details about the scheme, please visit www.teacherspensions.co.uk. If you would like to opt out of the scheme, please


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download and complete the relevant form from the TPS website and return to: Teachers’ Pensions Section, Room G61, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2EB.

You may not under any circumstances claim payment for lessons missed due to absence caused by you. Parents are only billed for thirty lessons per year so you can only be paid for this number of lessons.

SafeguardingDisclosure and Barring Service (DBS): Because of the nature of the duties it is a requirement that anyone seeking employment involving working with children must undergo an enhanced DBS check. Surrey Arts runs checks on all new staff whether or not they have an existing DBS disclosure and you cannot begin teaching until your disclosure certificate has been received.

ID badgesAs part of the Safeguarding Policy, Surrey County Council uses a rigorous system of ID badges. All Surrey Arts teachers must have a SCC ID Badge and you will need this before you start teaching. Your photograph will be taken during the induction process and the Safer Staffing Team will then post your ID badge to you. If, for some reason, your ID badge has not arrived by your first day of teaching, please take your DBS certificate and photo ID (passport or driving licence) with you.

Physical contact with pupilsPlease refer to the Surrey Arts Safeguarding Guidelines – these are shown in appendix 2.

Please note:You must never go to a pupil’s home to teach or teach Surrey Arts pupils in your home. This not only puts you at risk but also invalidates the public liability insurance arranged by Surrey County Council. Private pupils should not be taught within your Surrey Arts sessions.

For full information regarding Safeguarding, please refer to appendices 1 and 2. If you require any further information please ask.

NoticeIf you decide not to continue teaching for Surrey Arts, or if you plan to make substantial changes to your availability, you are asked to give half a term's notice in writing to your Line Manager. ID badges must be returned before you leave.

ReportsYou are expected to provide annual written progress reports for parents/carers. You will receive the relevant information and documents in good time.

An interim report may be written at any time (e.g. if you would like to emphasise to a parent how well their child is doing, if you are not satisfied with their child’s effort, attitude and/or progress, or you would like to recommend that they join an ensemble). However, an unfavourable report should not be the parent’s first indication that all is not well.


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EnsemblesThere are over 40 ensembles and performing groups run by Surrey Arts covering a wide range of ages and styles; please encourage your pupils to join these at the appropriate point in their learning. Membership of one of these groups will help to develop many aspects of your pupils’ playing (e.g. sight reading, intonation, listening skills etc.), it will give them more motivation to practise and it is always an enjoyable and sociable experience.

For details of membership fees, exemptions from payment, etc., please consult the Operations Team.

Director and tutor vacancies will be publicised in our Newsletters and on our website as and when they arise.

WorkshopsSurrey Arts runs various workshops throughout the year. If you would like to participate in a workshop or have an idea for a workshop you would like to organise/lead, please let us know.

School-based ActivitiesSchools sometimes ask Surrey Arts to provide an instrumental teacher to conduct their school orchestra or choir, or to help with music classes. If you are approached, please discuss this with us.

Surrey Arts Teacher Support CPD/In-service trainingAs in all other professional environments, Surrey Arts regards Continuing Professional Development as vital. All teachers should be prepared to reflect on their practice and to take every opportunity to develop and expand their skills throughout their careers. To help with this, In-Service Training courses are organised from time to time during the year and all Surrey Arts staff are expected to attend where appropriate.

Instrumental Team Leaders are available to give advice, for example on teaching methods, materials, group-teaching techniques, exam syllabuses, and how to cope with problem pupils or difficult teaching situations. You will be given your Team Leader’s contact details at your induction and if you would like to discuss anything with them please just ask.

Observational visitsYou will be visited at work from time to time as part of our evaluation and support process. You will be notified in advance when you are going to be visited and this will normally be every 18 months or so. Although part of an ongoing evaluation of teaching and learning, these visits are also an opportunity for you to discuss any problems or challenges you may be facing. Feedback forms are graded either Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate, as per Ofsted guidance. If a visit is deemed Requires Improvement or Inadequate, you will receive support. In most cases that would include additional visits, a personalised CPD plan and clear goals for development.


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Use of Vehicle

If you use your vehicle in the course of your work for Surrey Arts it should be in a roadworthy condition and you must make sure your insurance covers you for business use (in most cases this is free to add to your policy). In accordance with the Safeguarding Guidelines, lifts should not be given to pupils in staff cars except in exceptional circumstances with a manager’s permission.SCC Policy prohibits the use of mobile phones whilst driving (including hands-free equipment) and endorses the current advice given in the Highway Code. Therefore, please be aware that you will receive no support from Surrey County Council if you are reported or prosecuted for such use of mobile phone equipment, including any legal proceedings or loss of earnings.

Likewise, you will be personally responsible for any other motoring offences (e.g. speeding or illegal parking) committed during your work travel.

Emergency Procedures & Health and Safety

In all cases please report any incident (accident, distressed pupil, abusive parent or pupil etc.) to your Line Manager as soon as possible.

It is important that you make immediate notes recording everything that you remember from before, during and after the incident, including comments made and by whom, and any actions taken.

FirePlease do not put your own safety, or that of your pupils, at risk to save property. Do not attempt to fight the fire unless there is no other way to escape. Each venue will have its own procedure regarding fire emergency. Please observe this, and contact your Line Manager if you have an uncertainty about any venue that you use.

At each venue, please make yourself aware of your emergency routes and exits. Should there be an emergency, please supervise your pupil(s) and evacuate by the most direct and safest route and then liaise with any representative of the venue present. In the case of large groups (e.g. ensembles) a register should be taken when you reach the fire assembly point.

Please remain with your pupil(s) until the situation has been resolved. If your teaching is after school hours and has to be abandoned due to an emergency, please attempt to contact later pupils and remain on site to ensure the safety of any pupils that you are unable to contact.

First aidDuring the school day on school premises, you should raise the alarm and call for help from the school office. The school will have procedures in place for providing first aid and reporting incidents as necessary. After school hours, you should be aware of how to call for help in an emergency, and, although there is no legal obligation to do so, should provide direct assistance to the injured party as far as possible (remember that all employees of SCC are fully indemnified against any claims for alleged negligence arising from their carrying out any first aid duties). Teaching noise levelsTeaching loud instruments often in confined spaces can be detrimental to hearing. Generally you should not be subject to sound levels greater than 90 dBA SPL (Sound Pressure Levels) for an extended period of time. This can now be easily measured using free apps for smartphones and tablets; alternatively if normal speech is masked at a distance of about 2 metres for a significant proportion of the working day then it is likely that you will need to take steps to


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protect your hearing. Please let us know if you feel you are working at or above this level of noise and we will work with you either to reduce the noise level or provide suitable ear protection.

Lone workingYou should make certain that you have access to means of calling for assistance in the event of emergencies. Make sure you tell people where you are going, when you will be back, and let them know if you change your plans.

Personal Conduct

It is important to maintain our excellent relationship with customers and schools. As a member of the Surrey Arts team, you are a representative of the organisation and you will certainly benefit from conducting all working relationships in a professional, friendly and respectful manner. Something as simple as a friendly “good morning” to office staff goes a long way to maintaining positive relationships.

Unfortunately, as with any other business, things can go wrong from time to time; customers are not always reasonable and the job can be frustrating. However, one disagreement can have a serious impact on how you (and therefore the whole of Surrey Arts) are perceived, so if you are unfortunate enough to find yourself in a difficult position please keep calm. Experience shows us that the majority of disagreements can be completely defused with no long-term effect through reasonable discussion but if you are worried that the incident is likely to occur again, or you need advice, please contact your Operations Team representative.

Nobody can predict every potential problem but the following can cause difficulties:

Dress codeSurrey Arts teachers are expected to dress smartly, and clothing such as shorts, T-shirts, jeans and trainers are not considered suitable. In all cases please be guided by the dress codes in the schools you visit.

SmokingThere is a no smoking policy in all Surrey County Council schools and on all Surrey County Council premises (including car parks, playgrounds etc.).

Mobile phonesExcept in cases of emergency, mobile phones should not to be used for making or receiving calls or sending texts during teaching and should either be set to ‘silent’ or switched off. However, if you use musical apps to support your teaching (e.g. metronome, tuner etc.), you should explain this to the pupils to avoid misunderstandings. Please check with each of your schools about their policy for the use of mobile phones and tablets on the premises.

ParkingFor a variety of reasons car parking can be inadequate in some schools. This will not be anybody’s fault and circumstances will differ from place to place, so if necessary please discuss this amicably with the school office. They may be able to help, but you may feel that they could be doing more. If so, please remember that schools have a lot of visitors every day and this will be a constant problem for them.

Teaching roomsMost teaching rooms in schools are suitable for instrumental lessons. However, there are times when they are not, even if they meet the Safeguarding Guidelines, and you may be asked to move rooms regularly. This can be frustrating and disruptive, and it is easy to feel that your lessons are not valued. As with the car parking, schools often have limited space - reading


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groups, SEN sessions and so on will be found working in corners and corridors everywhere, and our visits add to this demand. If a gentle word with the school office does not work, please contact your Operations Team representative.

Equality and DiversityEveryone is responsible for equal opportunities. When carrying out duties on behalf of the Council you should make sure that your actions do not discriminate against anyone.

Head TeachersHead Teachers have ultimate responsibility for all aspects of the day-to-day running of their school. As a result you should comply with any reasonable request they make.

And finally……We hope that your time with Surrey Arts will be enjoyable and rewarding. Inevitably some of the processes mentioned in this handbook will evolve, so we will do all we can to keep you informed of changes. Please try to find time to read the regular eNewsletters, as these will help you to find out about everything that is going on in Surrey Arts, and do let us know if you would like to contribute an article or tell us about an event you are involved with. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like any further information on anything related to your work, please just get in touch with us.


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Appendix 1

Surrey Arts Safeguarding PolicySurrey Arts fully recognises its responsibilities for Safeguarding. Our policy applies to all staff and volunteers working within the organisation and is intended to complement Surrey County Council policy.

Surrey Arts will:Ensure we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children. (Surrey County Council is a registered body with the Criminal Records Bureau and staff are required to undergo an enhanced CRB check prior to employment. Previous employer references are also taken up as part of the recruitment procedure).

Raise awareness of Safeguarding issues amongst staff & volunteers. (Guidelines and advice are issued to staff to form part of the Staff Code of Practice. Safeguarding issues are to be discussed as part of the induction programme for new staff. Safeguarding issues are to be discussed with volunteers).

Ensure a safe environment in which children can learn and develop musically. (Guidelines are given to staff/volunteers regarding retaining a professional ‘distance’, common situations including working in a 1:1 situation and advice on physical contact).Develop and then implement procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases of abuse. (Advice is given in the Guidelines for Staff & Volunteers).

We recognise that because of the day-to-day contact with children, Surrey Arts teaching staff are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. Surrey Arts will therefore:

Seek to establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.

Ensure children know that there are adults in their School and in Surrey Arts whom they can approach if they are worried.

We will follow the advice of the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board and take account of guidance issued by the Department for Education and Skills to:

Ensure we have a designated member of staff to be responsible for Safeguarding matters. (The Head of Surrey Arts will carry ultimate responsibility for Safeguarding matters).

Ensure we have a nominated member of the senior management team to oversee Safeguarding matters.

Ensure every member of staff, volunteer and board member knows the name of the designated person responsible for Safeguarding and their role. (A copy of this Safeguarding Policy will be sent to all staff along with practical guidelines).

Ensure all staff and volunteers understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the designated person responsible for Safeguarding in Schools or Surrey Arts.

Ensure that parents have an understanding of the responsibility placed on Surrey Arts and its staff for safeguarding. (A paragraph setting out Surrey Arts obligations relating to Safeguarding will be included in documentation for parents).

Co-operate as required with relevant agencies regarding safeguarding matters.

Keep written records of concerns about children, even where there is no need to refer the matter immediately.


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Ensure all records are kept securely, separate from the main pupil file, and in locked locations.

Develop and then follow procedures where an allegation is made against a member of staff or volunteer. (In the event of an allegation against a member of staff, the Head of Surrey Arts may suspend that member of staff pending an initial investigation. All allegations relating to safeguarding issues will be reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who will provide advice and liaise/coordinate with the appropriate authorities. Surrey Arts will co-operate fully in any investigation. Where a school has received a complaint, the investigation will be carried out jointly with the school and both parties will attend investigatory meetings. In the event of an allegation against a volunteer, the volunteer’s services will be suspended pending an initial investigation by Surrey Arts.)

We recognise that children who are abused or witness violence may find it difficult to develop a sense of self worth. They may feel helplessness, humiliation and some sense of blame. The tuition/activities provided by Surrey Arts may be an important stabilising element in the lives of children at risk as it provides a regular, secure and predictable experience. It is accepted that children suffering from abuse may have challenging behaviour or be defiant, or they may be withdrawn. Surrey Arts will endeavour to support the child through:

The content of the arts curriculum.

The ethos of the lesson/session that should promote a positive, supportive and secure environment and give pupils a sense of being valued.

Ensuring that pupils know when behaviour is unacceptable, but making the pupils aware that they are valued and not to be blamed for any abuse which has occurred. Liaising where appropriate with other agencies that support pupils such as Schools, Social Care, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, education welfare, educational psychology and other professionals available in the Children’s Service locality teams.

In order to make the policy relevant and ongoing we undertake to review it periodically in the light of good practice and new legislation.

Philip TrumbleHead of Surrey Arts

Tel: 01483 519278Email: [email protected]


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Appendix 2

Surrey Arts Safeguarding Guidelines for Staff and Volunteers

Surrey Arts fully recognises its responsibilities for the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our policy applies to all staff and volunteers working within the organisation and is intended to complement Surrey County Council policies.

Below are practical guidelines and procedures which staff and volunteers should adopt in relation to Safeguarding.


Staff should maintain a professional distance from children Avoid ‘special’ relationships Never initiate social contact with children outside of the teaching situation Avoid any actions which may be interpreted as ‘over familiar’


Physical contact should be avoided in the normal course of teaching. It is accepted however that occasional and limited physical contact may be necessary in order to guide the pupil in essential elements of technique (e.g. positioning the hand of a string player)

In occasional circumstances, where it is necessary for the tutor to touch a pupil’s arms or hands, then verbal permission must first be sought from the pupil before invading any personal space

The teacher should be aware of proximity from the pupil and keep a suitable distance, i.e. one where the pupil does not feel that their personal space is being invaded

Physical restraint must not be used except in exceptional circumstances where reasonable restraint may be used to avoid personal injury


You should not photograph or video a pupil during instrumental lessons, either with conventional photographic equipment or with the photo/video facility now available on most mobile phones

In very exceptional circumstances, where a clear educational benefit can be shown, photos and video may be taken, provided you have written permission from the parent and agreement from the school

With regard to ensembles; parents are informed before they consent to membership that photos and videos will occasionally be taken of Surrey Arts Ensembles


Where tutors are required to teach in a 1:1 situation, then the teaching room should be viewable from the outside. Where this is not the case then the teacher should bring this issue to the attention of a senior member of SA staff and a responsible person in the School/Centre concerned.

You must never go to a pupil’s home to teach or teach Surrey Arts pupils in your home. This not only puts you at risk but also invalidates the public liability insurance arranged by Surrey County Council. Private pupils should not be taught within your Surrey Arts sessions.


Page 16: HANDBOOK - Surrey Web viewThis handbook will help to ... Schools sometimes ask Surrey Arts to provide an instrumental teacher to conduct their school orchestra ... If a gentle word


Lifts should not be given to pupils in staff cars except in exceptional circumstances with a manager’s permission. (Insurance cover must be appropriate for business use.)


Calls to parents are acceptable on an occasional basis providing there is good reason, however staff should always ask to speak to the parent/guardian and never the child

Calls to children should be avoided in all cases except in the case of a justifiable emergency situation

Permission must always be obtained from a manager and parents to communicate via email, text, social media, etc.


Staff should not develop individual personal communications with clients using social media platforms

Use of social media for work related communication must be agreed in advance with line managers and parents/guardians


You have a legal duty to report any suspicion of abuse. In the first instance you should inform the Child Protection Liaison Officer of the school (if the teaching is during the school day). You must then report that there has been a Safeguarding issue to the Head of Surrey Arts who is responsible for Child Protection matters. If the suspicion of abuse is raised in an ‘out of school’ or ‘after school’ situation you must inform the Head of Surrey Arts who will take the necessary action.

Tel: 01483 519278 Email: [email protected]

You may also contact the Surrey Arts CPLO (Judith Royle) for advice on safeguarding issues. Email: [email protected]

You can also report the matter directly to the Surrey County Council Children’s Social Care Team on 0300 200 1006 or emergency duty team on 01483 517898.


Reassure them that you will take what is said seriously Keep calm Listen. Do not prejudice anything by making judgements Tell them that you will need to talk to someone else - do not promise confidentiality Be aware that they may have been threatened, intimidated or made to promise secrecy Never push for more information than has been freely given or ask leading questions Hear the allegations clearly Refer the case to the correct person immediately (see above) Do not discuss the case with anyone else apart from a Child Protection Liaison Officer and/or

the Head of Surrey Arts


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Appendix 3

Social Networking - Acceptable Use Policy for Surrey Arts Staff

IntroductionThis policy outlines the behaviour expected of Surrey Arts/Surrey Music Hub (SA/SMH) staff, project leaders, volunteers and staff from other organisations who engage with children and young people (CYP) through any online activities with which SA/SMH engages.

SA/SMH currently utilizes the following forms of social networking media to engage with CYP, professional arts organisations and the general public:


PurposeThis policy has been developed to provide advice and guidelines to help protect CYP, and to help identify practices which could be mistakenly interpreted and perhaps lead to false allegations of abuse made against individuals employed by SA/SMH.

This policy will also help to protect SA/SMH by reducing the possibility of anyone using their role within the organization to gain access to CYP in order to abuse them and will also protect the online reputation of SA/SMH.

This policy is a guide only to the acceptable use of social networking by SA/SMH staff. There will always be a risk when using social networking; however, this risk can be limited by abiding by the following ‘Do & Don’t’ guidelines.


DO post regularly on social media networks

DO re-tweet relevant Tweets by other organizations

DO thank people for positive comments & encourage people to continue with SA/SMH activities

DO seek permission before entering into discussion about national education policy; never write negative comments about MPs or policy makers

DO think about how your personal social media networking affects the reputation of SA/SMH. Bringing the organisation into disrepute through the use of social media will result in disciplinary procedures being commenced. Any personal social media accounts should use appropriate security and privacy settings

DO seek advice if you receive or notice postings of a sensitive nature


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ALWAYS remain neutral about world events and affairs. SA/SMH will not participate in any politically oriented discussions and will not comment on natural disasters, war, terrorism or other non-musical topics


DO NOT interact with members of the press on Twitter. If approached by members of the press please forward their query to the Head of Surrey Arts, Philip Trumble

DO NOT hold personal conversations on SA/SMH social networking forums

DO NOT post negative comments about any artists, players or performance network feeds

DO NOT comment on legal cases at any time

DO NOT respond to negative comments about SA/SMH online. Forward these to a SA/SMH manager who will advise on a course of action with reference to Safeguarding policies

DO NOT ‘Tag’ CYP in photos on any website. All Facebook security settings should be set so that ‘Tagging’ is disabled. ‘Tagging’ can breach safeguarding guidelines

DO NOT encourage CYP to publish personal information on any online network

DO NOT make negative comments about lessons, pupils or schools on either SA/SMH or personal social network forums

DO NOT accept requests to connect from any students under 18 years of age. Also, be cautious about accepting requests from colleagues and/or parents