handling cross-domain calls & authentication in sharepoint 2013

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Handling Cross-Domain calls & authentication in SharePoint 2013Stephane Eyskens

Page 2: Handling Cross-Domain calls & authentication in SharePoint 2013

About me • SharePoint Server MVP since 2008

• Blog : http://www.silver-it.com

• @stephaneeyskens

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Poll Who has already developed Apps for Customers?

Who has deployed an App to the Office Store?

Who has used CORS in a real-world project?

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Take AwayCORS is

your friend

SharePoint X-DOM Libraries do not make X-DOM calls

HTML5 is your friend


Everything is a question of HTTP Headers in the end

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Cross-Domain Challenges?

Same-Origin Policy

Authentication across domains

isn’t easy

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Same-origin Policy reminder


http ://collaboration.contoso.com : 80 /

Protocol HOST Port

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Same-Origin Policy Workaround #1

Using a Proxy


• Works with every browser


• One more hop

• Must handle scaling

• Not easy to authenticate against target domain

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Same-Origin Policy Workaround #2



• None


• Is a browser hack

• In theory limited to GET unless you hack it even more

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Same-Origin Policy Workaround #3

Using a reverse proxy

• Browse requests http://intranet/fakeurl/someservice/

• Reverse-Proxy converts to http://target/someservice/

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Same-Origin Policy Workaround #3

Using a reverse proxy


• Works with every browser

• Possibility to forward authentication credentials using SiteMinder.

• Transparent auth if SSO is available

• No coding effort


• More an onprem solution

• Enterprise RP usually not available on dev boxes

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Reverse Proxy on a Dev Box

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Same-Origin Policy Workaround #4



• Super easy

• No more cross domain

• Authentication is handled by the browser


• IFRAMES are set to same-origin by SP OOTB

• IFRAMES are not a real integration

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IFRAME Recap • Remove x-frame-options or

allow explicit origins via Reverse Proxy or HTTP Module

• Use <WebPartPages:AllowFraming runat="server" />

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Same-Origin Policy Workaround #5

HTML5 PostMessage API

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HTML5 PostMessage API


• Fast as a rocket

• Partially supported by all the browsers

• Authentication is handled by the browser


• IFRAMES are set to same-origin by SP OOTB

• Security Risks involved

• Hard to maintain

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HTML5 PostMessage API

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HTML5 PostMessage API Recap

• Remove x-frame-options or allow explicit origins

• In code, check the origin of the sender

• SharePoint 2013 makes already use of this API in CustomActions & Popup windows

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Same-Origin Policy Workaround #6

SharePoint # Domain Libraries




• Only usable in Apps

• Only targeting SharePoint OOB endpoints in an authenticated manner. Provider-Hosted Apps cannot do both CSOM & JSOM at the same time

• Non OOTB endpoints must be registered in AppManifest & are called anonymously

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I’m going to get you confused now

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Same-Origin Policy Workaround #7


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Same-Origin Policy Workaround #8



• Granular control on the server

• Possibility to forward authentication credentials

• Emerging standard (recently enabled on Azure Storage)


• Requires IE 10+

• Requires configuration efforts on the server

• Currently, not possible to enable CORS on o365

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Demo• Consume custom REST

services Hosted inside of SharePoint

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CORS Config Recap

• Add the necessary HTTP Response Headers

• Use either a Reverse Proxy, a custom HTTP Module, a rewriter engine to deal with the headers

• Use the Max-Age attribute to cache preflight request.

• When using Access-Control-Allow-Credentials you can’t use * as Allowed Origin

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CORS in a Hybrid Architecture

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How to consume Claims Aware WCF Services hosted outside of SharePoint?

• Make the WCF Claims Aware, create a cert, add it to the WCF bindings, export it

• Trust the cert in SP

• Use the SharePoint API (SPChannelFactoryOperations.CreateChannelActingAsLoggedOnUser)

• Not working with Cross-Domain Libs

• Not working with CORS (oops)

• Need to implement a custom proxy

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Alternative to CORS

Create your own REST endpoints


• Accessible from Apps

• Can be used together with SP # domain libraries

• Well integrated to SP


• OnPrem only

• Hard

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Foundation Server


_api/search_api/SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager _api/social.feed_api/social.following_api/publishing….

OOTB REST endpoints

• http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/store/rest-api-demo-WA104068939.aspx

• http://sprest.architectingconnectedsystems.com/

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• Develop custom REST endpoints

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• Cross Domain Libraries are not the only option

• All the other options work with and without Apps

• With Apps, some approaches « bypasses » the App Security Model

• Extending REST endpoints is hard but facilitates authentication aspects

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Stephane [email protected]://www.silver-it.com/@stephaneeyskens