hannibal powerpoint

What I Know About Hannibal the TV Show (as taught to me by tumblr) By someone who has never seen the show and only ever watched Silence of the Lambs that one time

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Hannibal powerpoint

What I Know About Hannibal the TV Show (as taught to me by tumblr)

By someone who has never seen the show and only ever watched Silence of the Lambs that one time

Page 2: Hannibal powerpoint

This is Hannibal He's the main

character He eats rude

people He's a

psychiatrist He eats his

patients I think Or anyone who

gets too nosy about his lifestyle

I think he has a daughter???

He likes dudes/Clarice (but she comes in later)

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Will is one of Hannibal's patients Something something “my design” He's unstable somehow And having wet dreams or idk Apparently attracted to Hannibal And Abigail or someone but she

turned him down because unstable There's a stag involved?? He's supposed to be tracking down

the Chesapeake Ripper (aka: Hannibal) but he's not doing so good

Loves dogs like woah Has problems as evidenced by

messed up clock he drew for Hanni

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This is Abigail Hobbs

Hannibal's daughter???

We just don't know.

At least her dad doesn't feed her people???????

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Yeah, he shows up at one point There are a lot of pictures of him I think he gets eaten, for being rude, natch

← See? Proof!

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stag's gonna getcha

swiggity swag

what's with the stag?

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touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me

I want to feel dirty

thrill me chill me fulfill me

creature of the night

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Hannibal seems to be about a serial killer with a crush on an unstable patient of his and there happens to be a bunch of puns about eating people especially while eating the people.

I just want to know how this dude ^ ...becomes THIS dude ^

Page 9: Hannibal powerpoint

Also Hugh Dancy was once the prince from Ella Enchanted and that fact is

hilarious to me for some reason

lookit his little vest!