happy new year!...happy new year! r3h@ q3h3nj3a30hj@3hm3shv3 a6hr@ci3hcjhcchua3jjw ln,@hj@3hc l3h...

Happy New Year! RBC LIVE Families Founded in Faithr JANUARY 2121, ISSUE 1 Matthew 16:24 (KJV) "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, 'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.'" Theme for 2021

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Post on 31-Jan-2021




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  • Happy New Year!

    We have entered the New Year! While it is pretty

    much the same as the last ten months of 2020, we

    are anticipating a change going forward. Let us

    pray for a positive change which will bring

    healing and hope to the church, the state, the

    nation, and the world.

    As a church we continue to worship through our

    ONLINE presence. This is truly frustrating,

    difficult and at times causing distress, yet I am

    thankful we have this opportunity to share the

    gospel out of the box.

    The numbers still reflect we are in a tough place

    when it comes to being gathered in person. We

    all long for such a time; but in the meantime, it

    the best decision. The deacons will continue to

    assess the situation and make the decision which

    will keep us protected. Until then, we will

    provide for spiritual provisions through the

    ONLINE Campus.

    Make note of the various items in this newsletter

    regarding the church family at Rockford Baptist

    Church. Bro. Jeff

    RBC LIVE Families Founded in FaithrJANUARY 2121, ISSUE 1

    Matthew 16:24 (KJV)

    "Then said Jesus unto hisdisciples, 'If any

    man will come after me, let himdeny himself, and take up his

    cross, and follow me.'"

    Theme for 2021

    This year we are challenged in our theme verse to take

    the cross of Jesus and follow Him. It is not

    an east task, it is a path which has pain and suffering, but

    it the way to walk in this world as we show the light and

    love of Jesus for a lost world.

    Check out the sermons being posted on the website at


    and let us all make it our aim to take up the cross.

  • Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

    The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions© is our opportunity to give for the world to hear the message of hope and life

    found only in Jesus Christ. Because this offering is so important we have extended ourtime of giving through the month of January. Please consider giving so the world may


    OUR GIFTS AS OF TODAY: $2,019.77

    CelebrateDECEMBER 2020 ISSUE page 02

    We will update the Januarybirthdays and anniversaries

    in February

    PrayWe are challenged to pray for America atthis important time. The transition ofpowers takes place this month and wemust remember the scriptures tell us:

    “I exhort therefore, that, first of all,supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving

    of thanks, be made for all men; Forkings, and for all that are in authority; that we

    may lead a quiet and peaceable life in allgodliness and honesty. For this is good andacceptable in the sight of God our Savior…”

    1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)

    Our VlogYou will want to see the Vlog for this month as we share

    important information from this newsletter, information

    about events or happenings at RBC, and a time of

    devotion and prayer. Take a moment an connect, have

    conversation, and allow us to communicate.

    The Vlog is on the YouTube channel at Rockford

    Church. The YouTube page is one to which you can

    subscribe; please do so to receive updates when new

    videos are posted. You will also be able to access the

    Vlog through the website at
