hardy weinberg equilibrium

Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1

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Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium. p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1. Two scientists independently derived the basic principle of population genetics called the Hardy – Weinberg Principle . This principle states that:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

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Two scientists independently derived the basic principle of population genetics called the Hardy – Weinberg Principle. This principle states that:

If all factors remain constant, the gene pool in a population will have exactly the same

composition generation after generation. This condition is called genetic equilibrium.

If the genetic equilibrium of a population is upset, the population is said to be evolving.

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"the sum total of the genetically inherited changes in the individuals who are the members of a population's gene pool." 

Evolution is simply a change in frequencies of alleles in the gene pool of a population.

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A group of the same species living in the same place at the same time

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Gene pool

all of the genes / alleles that occur in a population.

Ex) human gene pool for blood type are IA, IB, and i.

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Allele frequency

– % or proportion of that allele in the population

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Evolution will NOT occur and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will be met if the following conditions are met:

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1. No Mutation

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2. The population is infinitely large

- laws of probability must apply

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3. All members of the population breed

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4. All mating is totally random

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 5. Everyone produces the same number of offspring

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6. There is no migration in or out of the population

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Equation used to find genotype frequencies:

p² + 2pq + q² = 1


p + q = 1

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p is the frequency of the dominant allele

q is the frequency of the recessive allele

p2 is the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotypes

q2 is the frequency of the homozygous recessive genotypes

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2pq is the frequency of the heterozygotes

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Albinism is only expressed in the phenotype of homozygous recessive individuals (aa).   

The average human frequency of albinism in North America is only about 1 in 20,000.

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Calculate the frequencies of the alleles and all three genotypes in this population.

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Synthetic Theory of Evolution: Sample Hardy-Weinberg Problem

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1. In a population, 21% of the individuals are homozygous dominant, 49% are heterozygous and 30% are homozygous recessive. What percentage of the next generation are predicted to be homozygous recessive?

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2. 16% of a population is observed to have a continuous hairline (recessive). What percentage of the population possesses the dominant allele? If there are 500 members in the population, how many would be heterozygous?

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3. A recessive genetic disorder occurs in 9% of the population. What percentage of the population will be carriers for the disorder? What percentage will be homozygous dominant?

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Quiz – Theoretical Ideas


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Disturbances to Equilibrium

There are some situations that may make H-W equilibrium of alleles more likely to change:

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1) Mutations

Whether a mutation is good or bad, often depends on the environment. A harmful mutation can turn out to have a selective advantage if the environment changes over time.

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2) Non-random Mating

Individuals are often attracted to one another because they value specific traits. Ex. In humans, wolves, elk

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-will reduce genetic diversity, thus decrease frequency of some alleles

3) Inbreeding

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4) Genetic Drift

- a reduction in the gene pool variation caused purely by chance. Usually in small populations. If a specific allele doesn’t reproduce (by chance) it may be lost entirely.

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Genetic Drift Example

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5 ) Gene Flow

Migration – is the movement of genes into (immigration) / out of (emigration) the population. Some genes may migrate more readily than others.

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6 ) Bottleneck Effect

occurs when a part of the population is eliminated by chance.

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7) Founder Effect

- occurs when the founders of a new population have a specific genotype. Ex. polydactyl hands in Amish in Pennsylvania.

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8) Natural Selection

Selective Advantage: the most important reason for changes to H-W equilibrium

New mutations may arise that give the organism an advantage over others of the same species

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These alleles become more common with time

Means that some alleles are helping individuals to survive and reproduce

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I. Stabilizing Selection:

atypical phenotypes are eliminated, and an average is favored. Ex. birth weight or color.

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II. Directional Selection

– an atypical phenotype is selected for because of a progression of change in the environment. Ex. horse evolution, peppered moth.

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III. Disruptive Selection

two or more phenotypes are selected due to different characteristics within a habitat. Ex. fish that feed on bottom vs fish that feed on top.

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Divergence producing new species, two types:1.Allopatric speciation: physical

separation of species drives the splitting of one species into two (or more)

Eg. Grand Canyon SquirrelsDarwin’s Finches

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May not be immediately obvious Eg. Anole lizards

in Cuba – not physically separated now, but were 5 million years ago

Allopatry Animation

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2. Sympatry

Division of one species into two or more in absence of physical barriers

Disputed by some

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H-W Equilibrium - Summary

Does not change unless a force is acting upon it

This force is often natural selection – leads to evolution