harrisburg united methodist church...“caring,” “feels like home” and “like a family” are...

Harrisburg United Methodist Church Harrisburg, South Dakota March 22-24, 2019

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Page 1: Harrisburg United Methodist Church...“Caring,” “feels like home” and “like a family” are all words that the Harrisburg congregation uses to describe ... by or before Advent

Harrisburg United Methodist Church

Harrisburg, South Dakota

March 22-24, 2019

Page 2: Harrisburg United Methodist Church...“Caring,” “feels like home” and “like a family” are all words that the Harrisburg congregation uses to describe ... by or before Advent


The Dakotas Conference MCCI Team would like to thank Pastor Kyle Reinhiller and the leadership of Harrisburg United Methodist Church for your hospitality this weekend and for the privilege of teaming with you. Our prayer is that God will use this process to focus and maximize the potential of your congregation for fruitfulness for Christ. HUMC embodies numerous resources and strengths ideally suited for next-level transformational ministry, as well as some concerns that need to be addressed in order for the church to move forward.

Strengths 1. Church Family.

“Caring,” “feels like home” and “like a family” are all words that the Harrisburg congregation uses to describe itself. Many people said they feel like their church family would be there for them if they were ever in need. Because of this family feeling, church members love fellowship time—and anything with food! The longstanding tradition of the Turkey Dinner is a clear example of sharing this food and family atmosphere with others. People appreciate the church’s multigenerational demographic that allows for relationships and a place where anyone can fit in. This appreciation, coupled with the tremendous financial generosity of members, conveys a desire to sustain the church and invest in this spiritual family bonded together with love.

2. Growing Children & Youth Ministry. Throughout the weekend, countless people expressed excitement that the children’s and teen ministries are “bursting at the seams.” This is a result of the church’s overall priority of being a place where young people can learn and grow in their faith. Committed volunteers and staff have been key to fostering this growth. The youth focus group talked about it being a place where they felt included and cared for. Adults spoke of their experience working with these kids as being impactful for their own faith and discipleship.

3. Strategic Location. HUMC sits in a strategic location in the heart of a rapidly growing “mission field” filled with persons of all ages who do not yet have a church home. Seeing this growth, and knowing that 57% of those living within only a mile of the church are not yet connected with a faith community, has become a “call to action” in the hearts of many people in the church. Additionally, knowing that HUMC is one of only three churches in Harrisburg has raised the level of urgency and responsibility that many feel to be instruments of Christ’s love in the community.

4. Leadership. Time and again this weekend, the MCCI Team heard that a primary strength of the church is its leadership. Pastor Kyle, with his inspiring biblical preaching, welcoming personality and true love for the congregation, is highly valued by long-time members and newcomers alike. Great appreciation was expressed for each staff member and the role they play in supporting the ministries of the church. Beyond that, a core of strong lay leadership, as well as new leadership potential, was named as a huge asset for HUMC.

Page 3: Harrisburg United Methodist Church...“Caring,” “feels like home” and “like a family” are all words that the Harrisburg congregation uses to describe ... by or before Advent


5. Music & Worship. Members told the MCCI Team they appreciate the multiple worship options that are offered each week on Sunday mornings. Both traditional and contemporary worship styles are available, offering something for everyone. Fundamental to these spiritually uplifting services is the variety of music ministry at HUMC.

Concerns 1. Not Quite “Guest-Ready.”

HUMC’s mystery worshipers’ feedback revealed that the quality of congregational friendliness and welcome towards visitors is a concern. Also, at the present time the church has no system for following up with newcomers, inviting them back and giving them an initial point of involvement so as to begin assimilating them into the congregation, as other missing “guest-readiness” aspects.

2. Church Leadership Roles Unfilled. The MCCI Team learned that several crucial HUMC chairperson positions remain vacant in 2019, and, as a result, committee meetings have been sporadic and sometimes less effective. Concern was expressed that action needs to be taken to make certain these roles are filled so that committees and the administrative council might better fulfill their responsibilities.

3. Staffing and Space. The HUMC congregation expressed enthusiasm about the growing numbers of children and teens filling the church facility, yet also expressed concern about “bursting at the seams” and needing additional space to accommodate even more. Many also described the need for more staffing to invest additional time and energy into these crucial ministries.

4. Shortage of Spiritual Growth Opportunities. Throughout the MCCI weekend, members spoke of their desire to grow deeper in faith, but said they have often not had opportunities to attend HUMC classes or groups because none fit their schedules or availability—and that more options need to be developed especially for adults.

5. Limited “Footprint” in the Harrisburg Community. Numerous HUMC members told the MCCI Team that the church hasn’t yet built strong outward-focused connections and partnerships with the surrounding growing community through regular service and outreach. Others said that HUMC isn’t particularly known in the community beyond its annual Turkey Dinner. Many long to make an impact, get beyond the church walls and establish a reputation as the “spiritual heartbeat” of the Harrisburg community with God’s love.

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Prescriptions 1. Newcomer Readiness.

Upon acceptance of this report, by or before June 2019 the administrative council and Pastor Kyle will assemble a Newcomer Welcome Team to spearhead improvements and the establishment of key systems needed in order to welcome, connect with and assimilate guests as effectively as possible. A prescription coach will guide and advise this work, providing training as needed. If it would be helpful, the Newcomer Readiness Team may assemble one or more additional sub-teams that will each focus on a specific aspect of the following:

• A “Connections” system that provides a step-by-step process ensuring that visitors of all ages experience consistent welcome, follow-up and guidance connecting into the life and ministries of the church. This team will also work with Pastor Kyle to design and schedule regular, frequent opportunities for newcomers to learn about what it means to become a member of HUMC and how they might take that step of commitment. The Newcomer Welcome Team will also ensure that whenever an activity or event is held, the hospitality elements of the new system are in place and active. The new system will be put fully in place by November 2019.

• Together with Pastor Kyle, a plan to invite (and then schedule) individuals to share their “God stories” in worship, live or via video recording, as a way to strengthen the spirit of welcome and invitation. Beginning with those who were a part of the MCCI weekend training and continuing with others, these testimonies will be incarnations of the importance of sharing what we have found in Christ and in a church home.

• The development of appropriate and professional, quality readable signage both inside and out so that guests feel welcome and able to navigate the building quickly and efficiently. Before any signage is permanently hung, all new signage placement will be vetted with "outsiders" who have never been to HUMC.

• Freshening the décor and appearance of all areas of the building that guests might initially frequent, including but not limited to updated, state-of-the-art nursery space for babies and toddlers (of major importance to new parents with little ones). Overall indoor tidiness will be improved by removing clutter, bulletin boards, paper signs, items stored in corners of classrooms, etc.

• Addressing outside curb appeal to ensure that the outside of the church (buildings and grounds) reflects the inside—ready for guests! The team will give special attention to newcomers’ first impression of the church, formed even before a person walks through the doors, and to how newcomers might easily locate the church off of the main road. Attention will also be given to the feasibility of replacing or updating the old brick church sign outside with one that offers invitational, up-to-date appeal to current potential visitors.

The administrative council will assign the financial resources needed to accomplish this work. The Newcomer Welcome Team will recruit and deploy unpaid teams to accomplish these projects and will also coordinate the work of paid professionals as needed for any aspect. The team will make certain all items on its plan are complete by or before Advent 2019 so as to be ready for new guests at HUMC during the Christmas season.

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2. Effective Structure for Growth and Change. Upon acceptance of this report, Pastor Kyle will immediately schedule and convene a meeting of the Nominations Committee to complete the work of filling all open leadership chair positions still remaining. New leadership chairs should be in place and ready to serve by or before May 15, 2019. Should any new or current committee chair leaders wish for additional training for their respective roles, upon request to the district superintendent the Dakotas Conference will provide training and/or mentors so that each HUMC chair feels confident and equipped.

Once the new administrative council chairperson is in place, the chair and Pastor Kyle will schedule an MCCI prescription coach to provide training to the entire council on how a church council or board can function most effectively through the discipleship model. This will enable the administrative council to grow spiritually, accomplish its needed leadership work and increase its capacity for dreaming and strategizing ahead for the church’s future.

Additionally, the district superintendent will identify one to three persons in the HUMC congregation to serve together as a new Executive Administration Team in partnership with Pastor Kyle. As the church grows in size, administrative leadership complexity increases. The Executive Administration Team will connect with Pastor Kyle on a regular basis. Its duties will include the following:

• Advise on project deployment strategies and strategic congregational communication.

• Serve as a sounding board and accountability partner for the pastor’s ideas and plans.

• Give guidance and contribute professional expertise regarding delegation, team deployment and other crucial administrative leadership functions.

The partnership with this new Executive Administration Team will help shift Pastor Kyle’s responsibilities so he can be freed up as much as possible for providing spiritual leadership, preaching, discipleship and pastoral care.

3. Future Focus. In order to address congregational concerns about space and staffing needs, upon acceptance of this report the administrative council and Pastor Kyle will constitute the following teams, to be deployed by or before August 2019.

A Future Facilities Team will assume responsibility for the following:

• Perform a one-month space audit of the existing church facility in order to gain a clear picture of what rooms in the church property are used, and when, during each day.

• Analyze the space audit findings, and make any recommendations if there are more efficient ways to utilize existing spaces across days and times of the week so as to maximize the church’s opportunity to expand ministry.

• Conduct research and propose potential building additions and/or remodeling for the purpose of supporting HUMC’s growing ministries with children, teens and their parents. Proposals would include cost estimates, timelines, financial feasibility and other details necessary for decision-making.

• Present the proposals for potential building addition(s) and/or remodeling to the administrative council by or before spring 2020 for a decision and acti0n.

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A Future Staffing Team (which will also include the staff-parish relations committee, or members from it) will assume responsibility for the following:

• Partner with an MCCI staffing prescription coach to assess current staff responsibilities and capacity, and to clarify and forecast future staffing needs. Priority focus will be on additional leadership/support for family ministries (children, teens and their parents), which is the passion of the HUMC congregation.

• Submit a proposal, with timeline, for any new staffing and future staffing strategies to the administrative council or other appropriate body for review and potential approval plus action.

4. Deepening the Congregation’s Spiritual Growth and Vitality. In order to deepen the faith that each member is called to share beyond the church’s walls, upon acceptance of this report Pastor Kyle will call HUMC to a season of churchwide discipleship study.

• Before September 2019, Pastor Kyle will identify a book or resource that will encourage and equip people to know and follow Jesus more deeply.

• In the fall of 2019, Pastor Kyle and church leadership will launch a five- to six-week churchwide discipleship experience, with every existing class, group, circle and ministry using that resource and/or its themes during those weeks, so that the entire congregation is studying and learning together.

• Additionally, at least four new small groups or more will be established to make additional “space” for people who are not yet a part of a small group, circle or ministry. Pastor Kyle’s sermon series during those weeks will correlate with the themes of the resource.

• Every attendee at HUMC will be invited and encouraged to attend one of the opportunities named., with the goal of 80% of the congregation participating. Children and youth will also be thematically included in this churchwide experience so that families can further grow together in their faith. Pastor Kyle will work with staff and lay leadership to explore creative and interactive ways to engage the congregation during and after worship (prayer walking and/or other ideas) to deepen the experience for all ages.

• Before Lent 2020, Pastor Kyle will identify and announce a new book or resource for a spring all-church discipleship study that will follow the procedure described above in order to continue fueling the congregation’s spiritual growth momentum. Every new study group started in fall 2019 through the all-church discipleship effort will be given the opportunity to remain together for the spring all-church discipleship study series, and new groups will be made available. Existing groups already mentioned will again all use the common resource, and Pastor Kyle will again coordinate his sermon series with the spring study resource. This will continue each fall and spring for the next three years in order to help congregation members form the habit of deepening their faith and spiritual maturity together, and to develop more spiritual leaders who have the skills to facilitate these short-term discipleship groups.

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5. #BlessHarrisburg. In order to enable the entire HUMC congregation to reach beyond the church walls with tangible acts of love, prayers and efforts to connect and build relationships with the growing “mission field” all around, upon acceptance of this report Pastor Kyle will challenge and spiritually rally the church to one calendar year (or more) of a new #BlessHarrisburg initiative.

At least four times during the next year, each team, committee, class and ministry of HUMC (including the choir, administrative council, Women’s Circles, children’s classes, teens, children and all others) will identify a different specific need or a partner organization or entity in Harrisburg to love and bless with time, service, resources or other types of support, and with prayers/prayer walking.

Examples might include, but would not be limited to the following: • Partnering with a local school—its teachers, classrooms or staff • Partnering with a local business or restaurant • Partnering with public service employees such as the police, city officials and others • Prayer-walking youth sports fields, handing out free water or other, similar ideas.

Pastor Kyle and the administrative council will identify a #BlessHarrisburg Research Team within two weeks after the acceptance of this report. The team’s ongoing responsibility will be to contact/research local organizations and the Harrisburg city offices and publications for potential serving opportunities, to be shared with the congregation as #BlessHarrisburg possibilities that HUMC groups might choose (HUMC groups/teams/classes, etc. would also seek their own).

One potential #BlessHarrisburg kickoff event could involve the Harrisburg Days. Additionally, the annual HUMC Firefighters Appreciation Sunday could become an all-church #BlessHarrisburg effort, with adding new and creative ways the church family can honor, pray for and befriend local firefighters and offer service to these public servants. Creative consideration will likewise be given to how the annual Turkey Supper might become an all-church #BlessHarrisburg effort that provides blessings, prayers and service to as many as possible who as yet have no church home.

The administrative council will arrange to underwrite part or all of the cost for #BlessHarrisburg—Harrisburg United Methodist Church tee shirts that HUMC congregation members of all ages can wear while serving and prayer walking together. All printed or other materials distributed or used by HUMC for this initiative will be “branded” with a #BlessHarrisburg logo and with the church’s name. HUMC may also consider a large #BlessHarrisburg sign to place on the church or in the yard of the church, in order to begin developing an identity as the heartbeat of Harrisburg for mission, service and prayer.

The new Executive Administration Team (described in prescription #2) will propose a system by which groups, committees, classes and ministries can submit stories of their experiences serving the Harrisburg community through this initiative, and Pastor Kyle will ensure that the stories are shared and celebrated both in worship and through other forms of communication.

Travis Berg will assist and guide HUMC with social media communication to help share the good news of the many #BlessHarrisburg projects and the congregation’s acts of service.

The #BlessHarrisburg initiative’s goal for the calendar year will be at least 100 different #BlessHarrisburg projects and activities offering love, care, service, friendship and prayers to HUMC’s community. Upon reaching or exceeding this goal, an all-church celebration dinner will be held. It will feature music by the HUMC musicians, as well as recognition awards for the most creative #BlessHarrisburg activity; for the #BlessHarrisburg activity

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involving the largest number of HUMC members at once; and for the class, group or ministry that reached out with the greatest number of different #BlessHarrisburg projects or activities during the year.

Immediate Governance Decision Steps

The congregation will hold at least three Town Hall Meetings within the next 30 days to discuss these prescriptions:

1. Monday, April 1 at 7:30 p.m.

2. Thursday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m.

3. Wednesday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m.

Facilitators for these Town Hall Meetings will be identified by Pastor Kyle in conjunction with the MCCI Team.

The congregation will vote on this report to either embrace it or reject it after 30 days at an official church conference led by the district superintendent (or designee) on Thursday, April 25 at 7 p.m.

If embraced by a 75% or more vote of the official membership present, the MCCI will designate prescription coaches and team with the church to implement these prescriptions.

If the prescriptions are rejected, the MCCI partnership process will cease.


Respectfully Submitted by:

Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey, Director of the Missional Church Consultation Initiative (MCCI)

Rev. Roger Spahr, Southeast Superintendent, Dakotas Conference

Rev. Kip Roozen, Lead Pastor of Asbury United Methodist Church, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Rev. Scott Carlson, South West District Superintendent, Wisconsin Conference

Rev. Rebecca Trefz, Executive Director of Ministries, Dakotas Conference