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Harry Potter

and the

Chamber of


Unit Study

Written by: Emily Cook

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Introduction to Build Your Library Curriculum

Thank you for choosing to use Build Your Library curriculum. I have created this curriculum based on the idea that children learn best through reading and hearing great literature. So sit down with your children, snuggle up and enjoy the stories and memories! I am a homeschooling mom like you, and I tried a LOT of different curricula. I knew I wanted to read great stories with my children. I loved the philosophy behind the Charlotte Mason method, but I had a hard time finding a prepackaged curriculum that fit my needs. So, after tinkering and tweaking several different programs, I decided to just create my own. What you are now reading is based on my years of experience. I hope it will save you many hours of research and reading so you can just relax and teach your children.

About This Unit Study

This unit is appropriate for upper-elementary through middle school age level. It is based upon the book Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (Book 2) by J.K. Rowling. In addition to reading the story, you will enjoy a wide variety of activities, such as: keeping a glossary of magical terms and spells, creating a field guide of magical devices, and studying Astronomy (with a focus on star gazing and constellations), just like Harry and his friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This unit will take approximately 3 weeks to complete.

Table of Contents

Booklist and Assignment information Pages 3 – 5

Chamber of Secrets literature unit Pages 6 – 21

Chamber of Secrets activity pages Pages 22 – 29

Astronomy unit Pages 30 – 41

Astronomy activity pages Pages 42 – 50

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Book List

Required Books: Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

Astronomy Books: Night Sky Atlas

Stories of the Zodiac (Dot to Dot in the Sky)

Optional Books: The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook: From Cauldron Cakes to Knickerbocker Glory--More Than 150 Magical Recipes for Muggles and Wizards

The Sorcerer's Companion: A Guide to the Magical World of Harry Potter, Third Edition

The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works

Optional Documentaries and Movies:

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Our Night Sky (The Great Courses) The Universe Season 2: Constellations

Helpful Links

http://www.mugglenet.com/ - This website has a lot of information about the books, but beware just turning your child loose – there are articles and message boards written for adults and older teens, as well as children. http://www.pottermore.com/en-us - This website is fabulous – it takes an interactive twist on the books – learn more back story details about the stories as well as shop at Diagon Alley and get sorted into a house at Hogwarts. http://stardate.org/nightsky/constellations - Great information about various constellations for the Astronomy course. http://www.seasky.org/constellations/constellations-intro.html - Another great website about constellations.

BYL Harry Potter Unit Study Series

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Unit Study Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Unit Study Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Unit Study Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Unit Study Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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Major Projects

There are several ongoing projects throughout all of the Harry Potter unit studies. Please add to your previous Harry Potter guide books and glossaries. The magical creatures field guild is new in this unit study, but will also continue in subsequent units. Magical Devices Guide Book: Every time a magical device is mentioned in the book, your child will make a field guide page (template found on page 25). They should draw an illustration of the device then answer the questions given. They can also add whatever additional information they find relevant. Magical Terms and Spells Glossary: Your child will also be creating a glossary of all the spells and magical words used throughout the series. Many of the spells and other magical words have other meanings outside of the magical realm. For each word, research and answer these questions:

What is the meaning of this word in the Harry Potter series? Is this word Latin or a derivative of a Latin word? If so, what is its meaning? How does the actual meaning relate to the one in the book?

Magical Creatures Field Guide: There are many fascinating creatures within the world of Harry Potter – some are completely made up, some are mythological and some have a basis in reality. Your child will do a bit of research on each creature mentioned in the book and then complete a field guide page (found on page 26). You can go back and update the Field Guide pages as you learn more about the creature through further reading of the books. The Weekly Prophet: Finally, as a writing project, your child will be creating their own Weekly Prophet newspaper, in the style of the wizarding paper, The Daily Prophet. They should write at least 3 articles summarizing the events that took place within Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Remember, within each event they choose to write about, they should include a gripping title for the article, a lead sentence – giving the most important information to hook the reader, as well as answer the five Ws (who, what, where, when and why). Your child can also add illustrations, adds, even comic strips – I’ve designed the templates (pg. 23 – 24) to be fairly generic so that they can choose how they want their newspaper to look.

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Copywork and Dictation

I have included copywork and dictation passages in the second half of this unit study. They are taken from the reading. I schedule copywork three times per week and dictation twice a week. For copywork assignments, I recommend going over the passage with your child, then having them copy it in their best writing. The copywork passages I’ve included are suitable for the elementary level. I don’t recommend beginning dictation before fifth grade. If your child is new to dictation, begin with one passage a week. Here is the schedule I suggest:

• Day 1 – Read through the passage with your child – talk about any interesting punctuation, difficult words to spell, etc.

• Day 2 – They should carefully copy the passage.

• Day 3 – Go over those difficult words and have them write each word 2 – 3 times each.

• Day 4 – Give the dictation assignment. Read it out to them phrase by phrase, giving them time to write. Then have them look at the original passage to check their own work.

For two passages a week, your schedule might look like this:

• Day 1 – Read through the passage with your child – talk about any interesting punctuation, difficult words to spell, etc. Have them carefully copy the passage.

• Day 2 – Go over the passage again, noting what words they need more work with – practice them by writing them 2 – 3 times each. Give the dictation assignment and have them check their own work.

Copyright Policy

All contents copyright © 2017 by Build Your Library Curriculum. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form except with written permission by the author. The author does give permission to the original purchaser to make copies of the instructor guide and worksheets for use within their immediate family only.

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Week 1

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


Chapters 1 – 2

Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Magical Words

Magical Devices

Flying car Floo Powder Howler

Magical Creatures

House elf Gnomes Whomping Willow

Mandrakes; Cornish Pixies

Activities Lockhart’s Alliterative Book Titles

Treacle Pudding recipe

Add an article to the Weekly Prophet

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Week 1

Day 1:

Read: Chapters 1 – 2 Notes and Vocabulary: simpering – to smile in a way that is not sincere; to say something in a way that is not sincere livid – very angry; having a dark purplish color grievously – causing great sadness, suffering or pain valiant – boldly brave; done with courage banshee – a female spirit in Gaelic folklore whose wailing warns that a death will occur soon

• Why do you think the first chapter was named “The Worst Birthday?”

• Why didn’t Harry tell the Dursley’s that he wasn’t allowed to do magic outside of school? How did this omission benefit him?

• Describe Dobby. Why does he keep punishing himself?

• Dobby says that he’s heard of Harry’s greatness, but not his goodness. What is the difference?

• Why has Dobby come to see Harry? Name some of the ways Dobby tried to convince Harry not to return to Hogwarts.

• How did the Dursley’s punish Harry? Why? Copywork and Dictation: Harry suddenly sat bolt upright on the garden bench. He had been starring absent-mindedly into the hedge – and the hedge was staring back. Two enormous green eyes had appeared among the leaves. Magical Creatures: Add “House Elves” to your Field Guide.

Day 2:

Read: Chapter 3

Notes and Vocabulary: manor – a usually large estate jaunty – perky in manner or appearance

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haphazardly – marked by a lack of plan, order, or direction woe – great suffering from loss, misfortune or trouble betide –to happen, or happen to

• How did the Weasley boys rescue Harry? Were they in the right? Why or why not?

• What is Arthur Weasley’s job? Why is it the perfect job for him?

• Describe or draw a picture of The Burrow. What does the word Burrow mean? Why do you think they chose it for the name of their house? What name would you give to your own home?

Dictation: Complete the dictation assignment. Magical Devices: Add flying car to your Field Guide. Magical Creatures: Add “Garden Gnomes” to your Field Guide.

Day 3:

Read: Chapter 4

Notes and Vocabulary: moulting/molting – to shed hair, feathers, outer skin, shell, or horns with the cast-off parts being replaced by a new growth quelling – to put down by force; to quiet prudent – clever and careful in action and judgment; discreet; frugal apothecary –a person who sells drugs and medicines; pharmacist subdued – to bring under control; to reduce the brightness or strength of

• Describe life at the Burrow. How is it different from living with the Dursleys?

• Gilderoy Lockhart uses the literary device of alliteration (the repetition of a sound at the beginning of two or more neighboring words) in the titles of his books. Use the Lockhart’s Alliterative Book Titles activity page found on page 26 of this guide to create a few of your own titles for more books in his series.

• How did Harry get separated from the Weasleys on his way to Diagon Alley? Where did he end up?

• How did Gilderoy Lockhart treat Harry? Why? What news did he share with the crowd in Flourish and Blotts?

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Copywork and Dictation: The man who followed could only be Draco’s father. He had the same pale, pointed face and identical cold, gray eyes. Mr. Malfoy crossed the shop, looking lazily at the items on display, and rant a bell on the counter before turning to his son and saying, “Touch nothing, Draco.” Magical Devices: Add “Floo Powder” to your Field Guide.

Day 4:

Read: Chapter 5 Notes and Vocabulary: sumptuous – expensive, rich , or impressive turrets – a little tower, often at the corner of a building moors – a broad area of open land that is not good for farming; a boggy area tether – a line by which something is fastened so as to limit its range flouted – to ignore in a disrespectful way

• How did Harry and Ron miss the Hogwarts Express?

• What did they decide to do about it? Do you think they made the right decision? What might they have done instead?

• Tell some of the ways that show that Harry and Ron did not think through their plan.

• How were they punished?

Dictation: Complete the dictation assignment.

Magical Creatures: Add the “Whomping Willow” to your Field Guide.

Activity: What exactly is treacle pudding? Or pudding in general? You can learn more about the history of pudding and how to make your own treacle pudding by going to this website: http://pennysrecipes.com/3892/treacle-pudding

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Day 5:

Read: Chapter 6

Notes and Vocabulary: inquiry – a careful examination or investigation; a search for truth or knowledge restorative – having the ability to make a person feel strong or healthy again jovially – full of or expressing good humor paternally –fatherly roughish – playfully mischievous blighter – a person, especially a man, who is unpleasant; a fellow or guy (a British term) pandemonium –a wild uproar

• Why is Ron having a hard time with his classes?

• How does Lockhart treat Harry? Why?

• Describe Lockhart’s class. Do you think he’s a good teacher? Why or why not? Magical Devices: Add “Howler” to your Field Guide. Magical Creatures: Add “Mandrake” and “Cornish Pixies” to your Field Guide. Activity: Choose a scene from the week’s reading and write an article for your Chamber of Secrets edition of the Weekly Prophet.

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Week 2

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11

Magical Words

Pepperup Potion

Squib Polyjuice Potion; Homorphus charm

Parseltongue, expelliarmus; serpensortia, rictusempra, tarantallegra, finite incantatum

Magical Devices


Magical Creatures



Chamber of Secrets Comic Strip

Weekly Prophet

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Week 2

Day 1:

Read: Chapter 7 Notes and Vocabulary: surpassing – to be greater, bigger or stronger than; to go beyond the reach, powers or capacity of bemusedly – confused and often also somewhat amused remnants – a surviving usually small part; something that remains or is left over perturbed – to disturb greatly especially in mind engorgement – to fill with blood

• Describe Colin Creevy.

• How did Malfoy get a place on the Slytherin Quidditch team?

• What is a “mudblood?” Why is this term so offensive?

• What does Hagrid think of Lockhart? Why does this surprise Harry?

• Why do you think it’s becoming so difficult to find someone to take the job of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

• What did Harry have to do during his detention? Why did he want to switch with Ron?

• What did he hear during his detention? Copywork or Dictation: “Malfoy called Hermione something – it must’ve been really bad, because everyone went wild.” “It was bad,” said Ron hoarsely, emerging over the tabletop looking pale and sweaty. “Malfoy called her ‘Mudblood,’ Hagrid-“ Ron dived out of sight again as a fresh waves of slugs made their appearance. Hagrid looked outraged.

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Day 2:

Read: Chapter 8 Notes and Vocabulary: torrential – coming in a large fast stream tartan – a plaid textile design of Scottish origin manacles – a shackle for the hand or wrist; handcuff bulbous – resembling a bulb, being round or swollen berth – enough room to maneuver, a safe distance salvers – a tray that is used for serving food or drinks on formal occasions haggis – a Scottish dish made from the organs of a sheep that are chopped up, mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings, and boiled in the stomach of the sheep lament – to mourn aloud, to express sorrow for

• How did Harry end up in Filtch’s office? What did he discover there?

• Describe the Deathday party. Why does Harry agree to go?

• What did Harry, Ron and Hermione discover after leaving the Deathday party? Magical Creatures: Add ghosts to your field guide. Magical Terms and Spells: Add Pepperup Potion to your glossary. Dictation: Complete the dictation passage.

Day 3:

Read: Chapter 9 Notes and Vocabulary: procure – to get possession of ludicrous – laughable because of being ridiculous arrant – of the worst kind gullible – easily deceived or cheated torpor – temporary loss or suspension of motion or feeling; a state of lowered bodily activity as during hibernation

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• Why does Filtch blame Harry for petrifying Mrs. Norris? What proof does he have?

• Name some of the clues Harry, Ron and Hermione discover at the scene of the crime.

• Do you agree with Hermione that “Legends always have a basis in fact?” Can you think of an example from the real world?

• How do they intend to find out who is the Heir of Slytherin? Who do you think it could be?

Copywork and Dictation: Myrtle gave a tragic sob, rose up into the air, turned over, and dived head first into the toilet, splashing water all over them and vanishing from sight, although from the direction of her muffled sobs, she had come to rest somewhere in the u-bend. Magical Terms and Spells: Add Squib to your glossary. Activity: Retell the myth of the Chamber of Secrets in comic strip format, using the activity page found on page 27.

Day 4:

Read: Chapter 10 Notes and Vocabulary: eradication – to remove by or as if uprooting; to eliminate forgery – the crime of falsely making or changing a written paper or signing someone else's name acrid – bitter in taste or odor

• Why do you think Hermione is suddenly willing to break the rules?

• How did Harry break his arm? How did Lockhart make it worse?

• Who has been causing problems for Harry all year? Why?

• What happened to Colin Creevy? Dictation: Complete the dictation passage. Magical Terms and Spells: Add Polyjuice Potion and homorphus charm to your glossary.

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Magical Devices: Add “Skele-Gro” to your field guide.

Day 5:

Read: Chapter 11 Notes and Vocabulary: apoplectic – seeming likely to cause a stroke; very excited or angry resplendent – so bright as to seem to glow malevolent – having or showing ill will; spiteful docile – easily taught, led or managed balaclava – a warm hat that covers the head, neck, and most of the face

• Why has Hogwarts started a Dueling Club? How will this change things?

• Why do you think Harry has the ability to speak Parseltongue? Why does this ability cause everyone to fear Harry?

• What reasons does Ernie Macmillian give to prove the Harry is the Heir of Slytherin?

• Who are the latest victims to be petrified? Magical Terms and Spells: Add parseltongue, Expelliarmus, Serpensortia, Rictusempra, Tarantallegra and Finite Incantatum to your glossary. Activity: Choose a scene from the week’s reading and write an article for your Chamber of Secrets edition of the Weekly Prophet.

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Week 3

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


Chapter 12 Chapter 13

Chapters 14 – 15

Chapter 16 Chapters 17 – 18

Magical Words

Azkaban Aparecium


Magical Devices

Revealer; Riddle’s Diary

Magical Creatures

Phoenix Abyssinian Shrivelfigs



Polyjuice Potion Story

Weekly Prophet

Name Anagram Final Project

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Week 3

Day 1:

Read: Chapter 12 Notes and Vocabulary: comeuppance – punishment that someone deserves to receive glutinous – resembling glue; sticky labyrinthine – a place full of passageways and blind alleys so arranged as to make it difficult to find one's way around; something extremely complicated or twisting derisive – scornful ridicule petulantly – marked by displays of rudeness or ill temper

• Describe Dumbledore’s office.

• Why doesn’t Harry tell Dumbledore about all of the things that are worrying him? If you were in his place, would you tell?

• What did Harry and Ron learn from Malfoy? Why did Ron decide that it wasn’t a total waste of time?

• This is a great opportunity to discuss prejudice. Malfoy and his family believe that being a pure-blood wizard makes them better than a half blood or muggle born wizard. How do ideas like this start? How can they be countered?

• What happened to Hermione? Copywork and Dictation: “We still need a bit of the people you are changing into,” said Hermione matter-of-factly, as though she were sending them to the supermarket for laundry detergent. Magical Creatures: Add “Phoenixes” to your field guide. Magical Terms and Spells: Add Azkaban to your glossary. Activity: Can you think of any reason you would want to take a dose of Polyjuice Potion? Who would you want to become? Why? Write a story about what might happen.

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Day 2:

Read: Chapter 13 Notes and Vocabulary: smarmy – behaving in a way that seems polite, kind, or pleasing but is not genuine or believable bloke – man (British term) nondescript – not easily described; belonging or appearing to belong to no particular class or kind lurid – causing horror or disgust; sensational

• What do Harry and Ron find in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom?

• How did Lockhart attempt to give the school a morale boost? Did it work?

• How does Harry accidentally discover the way to read Riddle’s diary?

• What does Riddle show him? Do you believe it to be true?

Dictation: Complete the dictation assignment. Magical Terms and Spells: Add Aparecium to your glossary. Magical Devices: Add “Revealer” and “Riddle’s Diary” to your field guide.

Day 3:

Read: Chapters 14 – 15 Notes and Vocabulary: irresolute – not certain about what to do tumultuous – loud, excited, and emotional; involving a lot of violence, confusion, or disorder mullioned – an upright piece of wood, stone, metal, etc., that separates two windows irksome – annoying or irritating buoyant – able to float; happy and confident

• What was missing from Harry’s things? Who do you think stole it?

• Why was the Quidditch match canceled?

• Why were both Cornelius Fudge and Lucius Malfoy at Hagrid’s hut?

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• Both Dumbledore and Hagrid have final words meant for Harry and Ron to hear. In what ways do you think they were trying to help?

• What did they learn from Aragog? Why do you think Hagrid would send them to see him?

• What saved Harry and Ron from the spiders?

Copywork and Dictation: Mr. Weasley’s car was standing, empty, in the middle of the circle of thick trees under a roof of dense branches, its headlights ablaze. As Ron walked, open-mouthed, toward it, it moved slowly toward him, exactly like a large turquoise dog greeting its owner. Magical Creatures: Add “Abyssinian Shrivelfigs” to your Field Guide.

Day 4:

Read: Chapter 16 Notes and Vocabulary: mutinous – feeling or showing a desire not to do what someone has told or ordered you to do hubbub – a loud mixture of sound or voices; a situation in which there is much noise, confusion, excitement, and activity harelip – an offensive term for someone with a cleft lip: a split in the upper lip that some people are born with

• How do Harry and Ron discover what kind of monster has been petrifying students?

• What happened to Ginny? What do you think she was trying to tell them earlier? Can you name some of the clues that her family and friends should have noticed?

• Throughout the book, Lockhart brags about all of the amazing things that he’s done or claims to be able to do. What is the truth about him though? The author claims that she based Lockhart on a person she once knew. Have you ever known someone like this? Do you know anyone who would make a fascinating or funny character in a story?

Dictation: Complete the dictation assignment. Magical Terms and Spells: Add the Obliviate spell to your glossary.

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Magical Creatures: Add “Basilisk” to your Field Guide. Activity: Choose a scene from the week’s reading and write an article for your Sorcerer’s Stone edition of the Weekly Prophet.

Day 5:

Read: Chapters 17 – 18 Notes and Vocabulary: serpentine – having many bends or turns daubed – to put something on or lightly touch with quick, small motions placidly –not easily upset or excited; calm and steady rapt – showing complete interest in something

• Who was the Heir of Slytherin? What had been happening to Ginny all year?

• How did Harry’s loyalty to Dumbledore save him in the Chamber of Secrets?

• What happened to Lockhart? How? Do you think this was a fitting end for him?

• What did Dumbledore mean when he said Lockhart was “Impaled upon your own sword?” Do you think he knew that Lockhart was a fraud?

• What advice did Mr. Weasley remind Ginny about? What might have happened differently if Ginny had remembered?

• Why was the last chapter called Dobby’s reward? Activity: Tom changed his name to Lord Voldemort by rearranging the letters of his name. This is called an Anagram. Use the letters of your own name to create as many new words or phrases as you can. What will you name your alter ego?

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Final Activity:

Choose one of these activities to complete:

• Create a Book in a Box – use an old shoebox, and decorate it in the theme of the story. Then fill it with objects that symbolize different parts of the story.

• Design a movie poster.

• Choose some of your favorite scenes and give a dramatic reading – acting it out and adding in voices, sound effects, etc.

• Build a diorama showing your favorite scene from the story.

• Write a poem summing up the story.

• Choose a favorite character (other than Harry) and write a favorite scene from their perspective.

• Write an alternate ending.

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Activity Pages

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Magical Devices

Name of Device: What does it do? Who is most likely to use this device? Fantastical Fact:

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Magical Creatures

Name of Plant or Creature:

Describe this creature: What is its natural habitat? What are its uses in the magical world?

What is this plant or creature’s role in the story? Does this plant or creature actually exist? How is it different in the Muggle world?

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Lockhart’s Alliterative Book Titles

Alliteration is a stylistic device in which a number of words, having the same first consonant sound, occur close together in a series. Create your own book titles for more of Lockhart’s books using alliteration.

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The Chamber of Secrets Comic Strip

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Polyjuice Potion Story

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Major Projects

This Hogwarts course focuses on Constellations and the Night Sky. Your child is encouraged to go out and stargaze, keeping a journal of what they see. Aim to do this at least once a week. You don’t need any fancy equipment to stargaze, just a flashlight, a compass, a pencil and your journal. This website is extremely helpful for getting started: http://www.stargazingtonight.com/ Stargazing Journal: On the provided Stargazing Journal activity page (found on page 47), you need to log the basic information – date, time, location, and then use your compass to locate where north is located and mark it on your circle. Then sketch what you see in the sky – any constellations, the moon, planets, etc. Use the Field Notes section to record anything of interest – which phase the moon was in, for example. Constellation Field Guide: Your child will also be creating a field guide of all the Constellations studied, culminating in a final project showing what they learned. You will also be learning many new vocabulary words. Your child should write the definitions on the Vocabulary pages (pg. 43 – 44). Most importantly, have fun getting to know the stars!

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Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


Night Sky Atlas (NSA) pg. 4 – 5

NSA pg. 6 – 9

Dot to Dot in the Sky (DDS) pg. 10 – 14

NSA pg. 22 – 25 DDS pg. 15 – 19

NSA pg. 26 – 31


Constellation Star Hemisphere

Astronomy Astrology Zodiac

Meteors Magnitude

Protostar Red Giant Supernova White Dwarf

Activity My Place in Space Activity Page

Create Your Own Constellation

Horoscope Stargazing Notebook Constellation Page: Orion

Constellation Page: Canis Major

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Week 1

Day 1:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 4 – 5 (Our Place in Space) Activity: Complete the My Place in Space activity page (pg. 45). Fill in each square with either a picture or write an answer.

Day 2:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 6 – 9 (Looking at the Night Sky – How to Use this Atlas) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• constellation

• star

• hemisphere Activity: Most constellations are named after ancient Greek or Roman gods and goddesses or other mythological tales. Today you can use the Create Your Own Constellation activity page (found on page 46) to create your own constellation. What is the story behind your constellation? It can be anything from ancient mythology to your favorite character from a novel or television show.

Day 3:

Read: Dot to Dot in the Sky pages 10 – 14 Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• astronomy

• astrology

• zodiac

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Activity: Some people believe that their astrological sign can give them guidance in how they live their life and even predict things that may happen. Find out your sign (this website might be a good start: http://www.disneyclips.com/funstuff/horoscope.html) and look up your horoscope for the next week.

Day 4:

Read: Dot to Dot in the Sky pages 15 – 19 Night Sky Atlas pages 22 – 25 (January Northern and Southern Hemisphere – Orion) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• meteors

• magnitude Activity:

• Stargaze! Use the Stargazing Journal Page (pg. 47 of this guide) or create your own and get outside at night to look at the wonders of the night sky. Make it a goal to go out and look at the stars at least once a week during this unit.

• Make a Constellation Page for Orion.

Day 5:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 26 – 31 (The lives of the Stars – Canis Major) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• protostar

• red giant

• supernova

• white dwarf Activity: Learn more about the Lifecycle of a Star here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM9CQDlQI0A

Complete a Constellation Page for Canis Major.

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Week 2

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


NSA pg. 32 – 39

NSA pg. 40 – 45 DDS pg. 20 – 22

NSA pg. 46 – 51

DDS pg. 23 – 24

NSA pg. 52 – 56

DDS pg. 31 – 33

NSA pg. 58 – 63 DDS pg. 25 – 27


Main sequence stars; Spectrum; parallax

Nebula Dark Matter Galaxy; Cluster

Eclipse; Sunspots; Auroras

Activity Constellation Page - Carina

Constellation Page - Virgo

Constellation pages – Ursa Major and Libra

Constellation pages – Centaurus, Crux and Capricorn

Constellation Page - Scorpius

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Week 2

Day 1:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 32 – 39 (Star Types – Measuring Stars) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• main sequence stars

• spectrum

• parallax Activity: Complete a Constellation page for Carina.

Day 2:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 40 – 45 (April Hemispheres – Clouds In Space) Dot to Dot in the Sky pages 20 – 22 (Virgo) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• nebula Activity: Complete a Constellation Page for Virgo.

Day 3:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 46 – 51 (May Hemispheres – The Milky Way) Dot to Dot in the Sky pages 23 – 24 (Libra) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• Dark matter Activity: Complete Constellation pages for Ursa Major and Libra.

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Day 4:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 52 – 56 (June Hemispheres – Galaxies) Dot to Dot in the Sky pages 31 – 33 (Capricorn) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• galaxy

• cluster Activity: Complete Constellation pages for Centaurus, Crux and Capricorn

Day 5:

Read: Night Sky Atlas read pages 58 – 63 (July Hemispheres – The Sun) Dot-to-Dot in the Sky pages 25 – 27 (Scorpius) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• eclipse

• sunspots

• auroras Activity: Complete a Constellation page for Scorpius.

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Week 3

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


NSA pg. 64 – 69

DDS pg. 28 – 30

NSA pg. 70 – 75

DDS pg. 34 – 37

NSA pg. 76 – 81

DDS pg. 39 – 46

NSA pg. 82 – 87

DDS pg. 52- 56

NSA pg. 88 – 93

DDS pg. 47 – 49 & 57 – 59


Satellite; Earthshine

Asteroid Belt; meteorite; comet

Activity Constellation page – Sagittarius Phases of the Moon Activity;

Constellation Pages – Cygnus and Aquarius

Constellation pages – Andromeda, Pisces and Aries Solar System coloring page

Constellation pages – Perseus, Gemini and Cancer

Constellation pages – Taurus and Leo

Final Project

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Week 3

Day 1:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 64 – 69 (August Hemispheres – The Moon) Dot-to-Dot in the Sky pages 28 – 30 (Sagittarius) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• satellite

• earthshine Activity: Use the Phases of the Moon activity page (pg. 49) to show the different moon phases. Complete a Constellation Page for Sagittarius.

Day 2:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 70 – 75 (September Hemispheres – Inner Planets) Dot-to-Dot in the Sky pages 34 – 37 (Aquarius) Activity: Complete Constellation pages for Cygnus and Aquarius.

Day 3:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 76 – 81 (October Hemispheres – Giant Planets) Dot-to-Dot in the Sky pages 39 – 46 (Pisces and Aries) Activity: Complete Constellation pages for Andromeda, Pisces and Aries Complete the Solar System Color and Label on page 50.

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Day 4:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 82 – 87 (November Hemispheres – Small Solar System Worlds) Dot-to-Dot in the Sky pages 52 – 56 (Gemini and Cancer) Vocabulary: Define these terms on the vocabulary page:

• asteroid belt

• meteorite

• comet Activity: Complete Constellation pages for Perseus, Gemini and Cancer.

Day 5:

Read: Night Sky Atlas pages 88 – 93 (December Hemispheres – end of book) Dot-to-Dot in the Sky pages 47 – 49 and 57 – 59 (Taurus and Leo) Activity: Complete Constellation pages for Taurus and Leo. Optional Documentary: The Universe Season 2: Constellations

Final Project: Your child is going to create a project to show what they learned in this unit about the constellations. Choose one of these options: Constellation Tubes – You will need about 5 paper towel or toilet paper tubes, blue or purple tissue paper, rubber bands, glue stick, and a sharp pencil or screw. Trace the end of the tube onto a sheet of paper 5 times. Inside each of these circles draw the constellation you wish to present. Cut out the circles, then cut the tissue paper into circles about twice the size of your constellation. Wrap the tissue paper over the end of the tubes and secure with a rubber band. Glue the constellations onto the tissue paper and when dry, use your sharp pencil or screw to carefully poke holes in the stars. Now you can hold your tube up to the light and look through to see the constellation! Constellation Book – You will need heavy paper (cardstock would work well), crayons, color pencils or markers, a pencil and a hole punch or screw. You can make this as simple or as complicated as you like. Choose 4 – 5 constellations to present. For a younger child, you may wish to do this as an accordion book (cut the paper in half and

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then accordion fold it into a booklet). Alternately, an older child may wish to hand bind their own booklet with twine or yarn, or make it a flip book with a brad on one corner. To design the book, use a crayon or markers to color the night sky. Lightly draw the constellation over the sky with a pencil. Then either with a hole punch or other sharp object, poke holes over the stars. Leave space on the page to label the constellation and write a few sentences about when it can be seen in the sky or where it got its name. Night Sky poster – you will need a large piece of black construction paper and a white pen or crayon. Have your child use the white pen or crayon to draw the night sky. They should include what they’ve learned about the major stars and constellations.

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red giant


white dwarf

main sequence stars




dark matter



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Asteroid belt



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My Place in Space


Street Address




Solar System


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Create Your Own Constellation

What will you name your constellation?

Where and when can it be seen?

Draw your constellation inside the star.

What is the story behind your constellation? Retell it in the box below:

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Stargazing Journal

Date: Time: Weather Conditions:


Field Notes:

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Constellation Field Guide

Name of Constellation:

When can it best be seen?

What was it named after?

Are any major stars a part of it? Draw the constellation inside the star.

Is there a story behind this constellation’s name? Tell it below:

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The Phases of the Moon

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Solar System Color and Label

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