harry potter d20 rulebook

Harry Potter d20 Welcome all, to the Harry Potter d20 project. The goal of this project is to make a Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 variant, set in the Harry Potter universe. This will allow many to play a Harry Potter RPG which is something the world is currently lacking. The Harry Potter d20 setting is intended to be used with the d20 fantasy roleplaying rules system, and is designed to incorporate content from the movies and books of the Harry Potter universe. There is one main class in Harry Potter d20 called the Wizard/Witch. Special thanks also to VestigeArcanist from the Order of the Stick forums. VestigeArcanist provided the wonderful Alchemist and Transfiguration Master Prestige classes as well as the Combat Transfiguration feat. If you would like to make comments, suggestions, or just say thanks email me at [email protected]. If you would like to contribute to the project check the Harry Potter d20 thread This is all made possible, because of J.K. Rowling. She is a brilliant writer, and has created a whole new world, that millions have enjoyed. This project would not be possible without her imagination, creativity, and hard work. Thank you Ms. Rowling, for bringing happiness and joy to millions. This is a derivative work. Harry Potter is (c) JK Rowling. https://sites.google.com/site/harrypotterd20/home?tmpl=/system/app/temp... 1 of 1 3/3/2012 4:50 PM

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From the harry potter d20 google sites. compiled into one easy d20 pdf file format.


Harry Potter d20

Welcome all, to the Harry Potter d20 project. The goal of this project is to make a Dungeons and Dragons 3.5

variant, set in the Harry Potter universe. This will allow many to play a Harry Potter RPG which is something the

world is currently lacking. The Harry Potter d20 setting is intended to be used with the d20 fantasy

roleplaying rules system, and is designed to incorporate content from the movies and books of the HarryPotter universe. There is one main class in Harry Potter d20 called the Wizard/Witch.

Special thanks also to VestigeArcanist from the Order of the Stick forums. VestigeArcanist provided the

wonderful Alchemist and Transfiguration Master Prestige classes as well as the Combat Transfiguration feat.

If you would like to make comments, suggestions, or just say thanks email me at [email protected]. Ifyou would like to contribute to the project check the Harry Potter d20 thread

This is all made possible, because of J.K. Rowling. She is a brilliant writer, and has created a whole new

world, that millions have enjoyed. This project would not be possible without her imagination, creativity, and

hard work. Thank you Ms. Rowling, for bringing happiness and joy to millions.

This is a derivative work. Harry Potter is (c) JK Rowling.


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How Magic Works

Spells are cast by meeting or exceeding their DC. To cast Accio for example, the caster must succeed on a

Charms check equal to or greater than 20.

Spellcasting- To cast a spell a wizard/witch must first learn it to do so. Wizards at first level begin play with 0

spells known.However, once in Hogwarts or with a teacher/book they can begin to learn new spells. To cast a

spell the character must study for 1 hour for every 5 points of the spells base DC and succeed on a DC check

equal to the spells DC +5 representing the difficulty in first casting the spell. If they do not meet the required

DC they must study again although at only half the time that they originally studied. Upon a successful casting

the extra +5 to the DC of the spell is removed as they are considered to have "mastered" the spell. Should the

spellcasting check fail by 10 or more the caster has their spell backfire horribly. For example someone

attempting to cast a Cheering Charm instead has the subjects attitude towards them worsen.


For spells that require a save the save is equal to 10+1/2 the caster level+the appropriate attribute.

The attributes that help determine spell saves are Charisma for Curses and Counter-Curses, Wisdom for

Charms and Intelligence for Transfiguration.

Spell Limit- Each character has a set number of spells they are able to learn. They are able to learn up to their

spell limit from each school of magic which are Curses and Counter-Curses, Charms, and Transfiguration.

Also, they can have a number of known potions for the Potionmaking skill equal to their Spell Limit.

Templates- Templates are modifications to the spells that changes the way it works. Add the modification

number to the spell DC. The caster must then equal or exceed the new DC in order to cast the spell.

At first level the character receives a magical wand. The wand is made of a wood, and core of the player's


Wands are made of a wood, and core of the players choice. A wizard has a -2 for using a wand that's not

yours for all spellcasting checks and -10 for using a broken wand. Additionally, upon choosing a wand the

wand gains one of the effects listed below. Counter-Curses are either a magical counterspelling attempt or


Gain a +2 to Charm checks

Gain a +2 to Curses checks

Gain a +2 to Counter-Curses checks

Gain a +2 to Transfiguration checks

Gain a +2 on attack rolls made with the wand

Gain a +2 on Damage rolls made with the wand

Reroll any Charms check once per day

Reroll any Transfiguration check once per day

Reroll any Curses check once per day

Reroll any Counter-Curse check once per day.


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How Magic Works >

Creating New Spells

To make a new spell you must make a knowledge check of the appropriate skill equal to the DC of the spell

you wish to create The DM an the player must agree on a reasonable DC. Making a new spell from scratch

however is difficult and takes 3 hours for every point of the DC, due to having to understand the theory behind

it, and make sure no ill effects upon casting. Exceeding the check by 10 or more represents a breakthrough in

your research counting the time that you have researched for that day as twice as much. If you make the check

you progress normally, for the rest of the day you decided to work on it.

Let's say you want to make a new spell in Curses and Counter-Curses. You want the spell cause them to suffer

a wave of nausea making them suffer from the sickened effect. You decide to research it by making a Curse

and Counter-Curses check. Making a new spell from scratch however is difficult and takes 3 hours for every

point of the DC, due to having to understand the theory behind it, and make sure no ill effects upon casting.

Make a knowledge dark arts check equal to the DC of the spell that you wish to create. The DM and the player

must agree on a reasonable DC. If you make the check you progress normally, for the rest of the day you

decided to work on it. Exceeding the check by 10 or more represents a breakthrough in your research

counting the time that you have researched for that day as twice as much. The DC for this spell would most

likely be a 20 and would require a ranged attack roll, and a Fortitude save on the person who is being



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Crystal Ball Gazing DC 25- You gaze into the crystal ball, and attempt to peer through the fog. Make a DC 25

check. If you succeed you manage to gaze into the future by up to one day. The gazing allows the person to

see one important event of DM choice that will occur the next day. This however, can be changed as time is an

ever changing flowing river, and knowing about the event can cause it to not happen. By adding a +5 to the

DC the player can choose one particular event they could happen the next day.

For example Lavender Brown, wishes to know if she will pass her test she has just taken. She focuses on the

crystal ball, and tries to peer into the future. The image of a paper floats to the top, past the smog of the ball

with an Outstanding on it. Smiling she goes to tell her friends of her success.

Forewarning DC 20- This ability can be used as a free action anytime you would normally be surprised or

flat-footed. Make a divination check against DC 20 , if you succeed, you are not treated as flat-footed for that

attack. Each consecutive use of this ability in an encounter raises the base DC by 2. In addition, this check can

be made at the beginning of combat. Every 2 points that you roll higher than a DC of 15 gives you a +1 bonus

to initiative.

Peer into the Moment DC 20- You concentrate upon the time line of the immediate future, and shift through

the many different possibilities. As your mind wanders the current of time, you realize the effects your actions

will have in the future. Make a DC 20 check as a standard action. If you succeed you gain knowledge of

whether or not a decision you make in the next minute will have positive, neutral or negative effects. For

example, Lavender Brown is trying to escape some Death Eaters and runs into two doors running in different

directions. Pausing for a minute she peers into the immediate future, and decides going down the left door

will only bring trouble. She then decides to go down the right.

This only allows for a person, to sense immediate ramifications within a minute. The left hand passageway for

example could have had a magical trap, and then been safe. The right hand door could have contained a

passageway, that was safe for a 5 minute run, only to go into a meeting chamber for Death Eaters. You may

also learn additional information when you exceed the base DC is exceeded by 5 or more. You can choose to

learn about why the decision is good or bad, or see another minute in the future.

Reading Tea Leaves DC 15- You take a cup of tea, that has had its dregs, settle at the bottom. You flip the

cup over, and an image appears. You may make a reading either for yourself or for one other person. Make a

DC 15 Divination check. If you succeed you get a vague idea of the subjects future that is limited to one day.

The DM ultimately decides what you learn, but here are some example readings. You learn that good fortune

will befall the subject today; Beware those who wear red, for they shall bring ill tidings; you shall suffer , but

come out the stronger; Happiness and sadness shall occur at once as if a double bladed sword; One drop in

the pond, can cause ripples that affect those around them, be they good or ill. You can also learn additional

information when you exceed the base DC by 5 or and you can learn clearer and additional information, such

as what time of day, and things like the circumstances of what will happen.

Palm Reading DC 10- You take a persons hand, and read the lines on it. Make a DC 10 Divination check. If

you succeed you successfully read the person palm. Upon reading the persons palm you immediately

discover the personals alignment. You also find out generic information about their abilities and skills, as well

as personality. For example somebody reading Harry Potter’s hand might find out that he is an inspiring

figure, who is a brave, and steadfast warrior. By exceeding the DC by 5 or more you can instead something

specific that you wish to know. For example, you could learn what the subjects Curses and Anti-Curses

modifier was.


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Rules for Quidditch-

All players trained in Broomstick gain a +2 to AC while riding a broomstick. Those who are not trained take a

-2 Penatly to AC, and to all attack rolls, while riding a broomstick

There are 7 different players for Quidditch and each of them has different roles.

Beaters- There are two beaters on the field at any given time. Their role is to hit the bludger away from their

own team, to the other team. To hit the bludger the beater, must make a melee attack roll with their beaters

club. The AC for the bludger is 15, and should it be hit, the beater can choose for it to attack the closest

opposing team member. The bludger has an attack roll modifier of +8.

Chasers- There are three chasers on the field at any time. Their role is to gain control of the Quaffle, and to

score points by throwing it through the goal posts. The goal can be from either side, and is worth 10 points.

Keeper- There is one keeper on each Quidditch team. Their role is to block the Quaffle, to prevent goals from

being scored. A keeper may block any one of the 3 goals as long as they remain no more then 10 feet away

from the goal. Deflecting a goal is like Magical Counterspelling only instead of a magic skill check they make a

Broomstick check. Also, stopping a goal in this manner allows the Keeper to retain possession of the ball, or

to deflect it to fly away 30 feet.

Keeper- There is one keeper on each Quidditch team. Their role is to block the Quaffle, to prevent goals

from being scored. A keeper may block any one of the 3 goals as long as they remain no more then 10 feet

away from the goal. When a keeper is within 10 feet of the goals an opponent must beat the keepers AC and

not that of the goal. Otherwise the normal AC of the goal is 10. Deflecting a goal is like Magical

Counterspelling only instead of a magic skill check they make a Broomstick check. Also, stopping a goal in

this manner allows the Keeper to retain possession of the ball, or to deflect it to fly away 30 feet.

Seeker- There is one seeker on each Quidditch team. Their goal is to catch the golden snitch, which is a small

walnut sized golden ball. Only the capture, of a golden snitch can end a match and it is worth 150 points, to

the team who captures the snitch. No other player may touch the golden snitch.

The Different Balls-

Bludger- The bludger is a small iron ball, that zooms around the Quidditch pitch attemping to knock players

off their brooms. The AC for the bludger is 15, and should it be hit, a beater can choose for it to attack the

closest opposing team member. The bludger has an attack roll modifier of +8. Should a bludger hit a player,

one of two things can happen. If it hits the player and its attack roll does not exceed the AC by 5 or more, the

player takes 1d6 points of non-lethal damage. The player must also succeed on a Broomstick check or be

stopped in place, and drop the ball. If the Bludger exceeds the AC of the player by 5 or more, the player is

knocked off their broom, and must succeed on a DC 15 Reflex save, or plummet down to the ground, in

addition to suffering all the other previous effects. Should they make the save they hold on to the broomstick

by the tips of their fingers and must succeed on a DC 10 Strength check to pull themselves back up, as a

move action. If they succeed on a DC 20 Broomstick check, however they manage to direct their broomstick to

the ground with them as they fall treating the distance fallen as 20 feet less. Should the bludger miss it will

begin to move for the other closest player. At the beginning of the match the bludgers just fly around, and go

to the first player closest to them. The bludger has a fly speed of 150 feet (perfect).

Quaffle- The Quaffle is a small red ball, that chasers use to score goals. The quaffle begins the match being

tossed up in the air, and the chaser with the highest initiative can make the first attack roll to attempt to grab

the ball. The ball has an AC of 10, and is very easy to hold capable of being held only in one hand. The

Quaffle is also magically enchanted, to fall more slowly and on any given round that it is falling to the ground

it only falls 20 feet. For another player, to grab the Quaffle away from a player they must make a Disarm

check. Due to the magical nature of the Quaffle it has a Range Increment of 25 feet.


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The Golden Snitch- The Snitch is a small golden walnut sized ball, that is used to end the game of a Quidditch

match. The Snitch is worth 150 points, and is released at the beginning of the match. Capture of the Golden

Snitch ends the game. It has a fly speed of 250 feet per round (perfect). It is also suggested that for

simplicities sake that the DM has a predetermined path for the snitch, so as to save time during gameplay The

golden snitch has an AC of 18. The Snitch has a +15 hide check.

The Pitch- The Quidditch pitch is an oval shaped field about 500 feet long, and 180 feet wide. In the center is

a small circle that is two feet in diameter which the 14 players stand on before the game starts. There is no

limit on to how high a player may fly during the game, but they must remain within the stadium limits. If they

do not and are discovered the other team is awarded a foul.

Rules on the Pitch-

1. Players must not stray over the boundary lines of the pitch, although they may fly as high as desired. The

Quaffle must be surrendered to the opposition if any player leaves the boundary (it is unknown what the

penalty is if a player on defense leaves the pitch).

2. 'Time out' may be called at any time by the Captain of a team. Time out may be extended to two hours if a

game has already lasted for more than twelve hours. Failure to return to the pitch after this time will lead to

the team being disqualified.

3. Penalties can be awarded to teams by the referee. A single Chaser may take the penalty by flying from the

central circle towards the scoring area. The opposing team's Keeper may attempt to stop the shot being

scored, but all other players must not interfere (it is unknown if the seeker may still attempt to catch the snitch

while a penalty is being attempted).

4. Contact is allowed, but a player may not seize hold of another player's broomstick or any part of their


5. No substitution of players is allowed throughout the game, even if a player is too injured or tired to

continue to play, unless there are reserve players present.

6. Players may take their wands onto the pitch, but they must not be used on or against any players, any

players' broomsticks, the referee, any of the four balls, or the spectators.

7. A game of Quidditch will only end once the Golden Snitch has been caught, or at the mutual consent of both

team Captains.

1. 10 Common Fouls- Blagging: No player may seize any part of an opponent's broom to slow or hinder the


2. Blatching: No player may fly with the intent to collide

3. Blurting: No player may lock broom handles with the intent to steer an opponent off course

4. Bumphing: Beaters must not hit Bludgers towards spectators

5. Cobbing: Players must not use their elbows against opponents

6. Flacking: Keepers must not defend the posts from behind by punching Quaffles out of the hoops - goals

must be defended from the front

7. Haversacking: Chasers must not still be in contact with the Quaffle as it passes through a hoop

8. Quaffle-pocking: Chasers must not tamper with the Quaffle in any way


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9. Snitchnip: No player other than the Seeker may touch or catch the Golden Snitch (unknown what would

happen if this occured by accident)

10. Stooging: No more than one Chaser is allowed in the scoring area at any one time (in game terms this

means that no more then 1 player may approach within 20 feet of the scoring area, when a player has a

Quaffle. within that area.


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Classes >


Abilities – Constitution is a very helpful to a witch or wizard due to their low hit die. Intelligence, also plays an

important factor, as it determines the number of skill points received each level, and several of the key skills

focus on Intelligence. Wisdom helps provide keen insight, and helps to improve other spellcasting skills.

Charisma is useful, as it helps them in the social aspect, as well as other important skills.


Hit Die – d6

Class SkillsClass SkillsClass SkillsClass Skills

The Wizard/Witch's class skills are Balance (Dex), Broomstick (Dex), Charms (Wis), Concentration (Con),

Curses and Counter-Curses (Cha), Divination (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Herbology (Wis), Knowledge (Dark

Arts) (Int), Knowledge (Charms), Knowledge (Magical Creatures), Knowledge (History) (Int) Knowledge

(Transfiguration) (Int), Listen (Wis), Potionmaking (Int), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Transfiguration (Int)

Skill Points at 1st LevelSkill Points at 1st LevelSkill Points at 1st LevelSkill Points at 1st Level (6 + Int modifier) ×4.

Skill Points at Each Additional LevelSkill Points at Each Additional LevelSkill Points at Each Additional LevelSkill Points at Each Additional Level 6+ Int Modifier


LevelLevelLevelLevel Base AttackBase AttackBase AttackBase Attack








SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial SpellSpellSpellSpell




1st +0 +0 +2 +2 House Chosen, Magical


5 +3

2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Magical Blast 1d6 8 +3

3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 11 +4

4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Natural Affinity +1 14 +4

5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Bonus Feat 17 +4

6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Non-Verbal Magic 20 +5

7th +5 +2 +5 +5 23 +5

8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Magical Blast 2d6, Natural

Affinity +2

26 +5

9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 29 +6

10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Bonus Feat, Wandless Magic 32 +6

11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 35 +6

12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Natural Affinity +3 38 +7

13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 41 +7

14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Magical Blast 3d6 44 +7

15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Bonus Feat 47 +8

16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Natural Affinity +4 50 +8

17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 53 +8

18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 56 +9

19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 59 +9

20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Bonus Feat, Magical Blast

4d6,Natural Affinity +5

62 +9


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Class Features

House ChosenHouse ChosenHouse ChosenHouse Chosen- At first level the wizard/witch enters the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When

they enter the school they must choose one of the four houses. The four house are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff,

Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Upon joining the house the receive certain benefits the benefits are as follows

GryffindorGryffindorGryffindorGryffindor- Gryffindor's are supposed to be brave, and courageous people. They are true to their friends and

can often go into situations that are beyond their abilities. As such Gryffindor's gain a +2 morale bonus to will

save against fear effects. In addition they gain a +2 bonus to Sense Motive checks. They also gain Sense

Motive as a class skill.

HufflepuffHufflepuffHufflepuffHufflepuff- Hufflepuff's are people who value loyalty, hard work, and honesty. In addition they also gain a +2

against mind affecting effects that would change their attitude to the caster. As such they gain a +2 bonus to

Diplomacy checks. They also gain Diplomacy as a class skill.

RavenclawRavenclawRavenclawRavenclaw- Ravenclaw's value ingenuity, creativity, intelligence, and curiosity. They are often called

bookworms and often spend time studying. As such, they gain an additional 4 skill points at character

creation. They also, gain +2 bonus to all intelligence checks for solving questions that involve the use of any

knowledge skill.

SlytherinSlytherinSlytherinSlytherin- Slytherin's value cunning, ambition, sneakiness, and cleverness. They are often loathed by the

peers for the things they do. As such they gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks. They also gain Bluff as a class skill.

Finally, if a Slytherin acts first in the first round of combat they gain +1d6 to their damage roll for any attack

they make that succeeds.

Magical CounterspellingMagical CounterspellingMagical CounterspellingMagical Counterspelling- Early in their career of magic wizards and witches must learn how to undo spells

they've cast or to block spells that would hurt them. Early in their training, wizards/witch's learn to block or

deflect attacks directed at them and their companions. Once per round, a wizard/witch can attempt to negate

a ranged magical attack targeted within 10 feet +5 ft per 3 class levels. This attack must be directed at them.

Negating this attack requires the wizard/witch to succeed in an opposed attack roll, as well as an opposing

skill check of the same type of the spell. If the wizard/witches attack roll is less than her opponent’s,and/or

the skill check is less than the opponents the attack is unaffected by the counterspelling attempt and is

resolved as normal. Using this initial Magical counterspelling attempt counts as an immediate action. The

wizard or witch must also know the spell in question or take a -4 penalty to counterspell it.

Additionally, a wizard/witch has the option of reserving iterative attacks in order to gain more Magical

Counterspelling attempts. Whenever she makes a full-round attack, a wizard/witch may choose to forgo a

number of iterative attacks, gaining a number of additional Magical Counterspelling attempts equal to the

number of attacks the wizard/witch reserved. Regardless of how many attacks a wizard/witch forgoes, she

cannot use more Magical Counter spelling attempts than they have iterative attacks due to high Base Attack

Bonus. These subsequent Magical Counterspelling attempts do not count as actions, and can be used any time

during the round, even when it is not the wizard/witch's turn.

For example, a 15th level wizard/witch's Base Attack Bonus allows them to make 3 iterative attacks. If they

decides to make a full-round attack, they can reserve as many as 2 of these attacks in order to gain 2

additional Magical Counterspelling attempts (bringing the total to 3 for that round).

Magical Blast Magical Blast Magical Blast Magical Blast DC 15 Curses and Counter-Curses- At second level the wizard/witch, gains the ability to cast

magical blasts from his or her wand. The wizard makes a ranged attack roll against an opponent as well as a

DC 15 Curses and Counter-Curses check. Should they succeed, on both checks the spell does 1d6 points of

damage. If targeted against objects the spell ignores the first 5 points of the objects hardness. You may cast

as many magical blasts as you have iterative attacks per round. The spell increases in power to deal 2d6 at

8th level, 3d6 at 14th level, and 4d6 at 20th level.

Bonus FeatBonus FeatBonus FeatBonus Feat- At 5th level the wizard/witch gains a bonus feat from the following list.

Apparation, Focused Spell, Increased Spellcasting, Natural Born Flier, Skill Focus, Weapon Focus (Wand).


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Natural AffinityNatural AffinityNatural AffinityNatural Affinity- As a wizard/witch gains knowledge and experience they unlock hidden potentials within

themselves. At fourth level they gain a +1 bonus to either, Charms, Curses and Counter-Curses, Divination,

and Transfiguration. Once this skill is chosen all the bonuses from this class feature only apply, to this skill.

Every 4 levels after this they gain an additional +1 bonus to a total of +5 at 20th level.

Non-Verbal Magic TemplateNon-Verbal Magic TemplateNon-Verbal Magic TemplateNon-Verbal Magic Template DC +15- At 6th level a wizard or witch gains the ability to cast spells without

speaking. Doing so provides an element of surprise, and anybody attempting to Counterspell a non-verbal

spell suffers a -4 penalty to their Counterspelling check.

Spell LimitSpell LimitSpell LimitSpell Limit- Each character has a set number of spells they are able to learn. They are able to learn up to

their spell limit from each school of magic which are Curses and Counter-Curses, Charms, and

Transfiguration. Also, they can have a number of known potions for the Potionmaking skill equal to their Spell


Wandless Magic TemplateWandless Magic TemplateWandless Magic TemplateWandless Magic Template DC +25- At 10th level a wizard or witch gains the ability to casts spells without

the use of a wand. They do not need to say the words to the spell. However, they must have their hands free to

be able to do this, otherwise it is impossible to cast Wandless Magic.


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Prestige Classes >

The Alchemist

"The ancient study of alchemy is concerned withmaking the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substancewith astonishing powers. The Stone will transform anymetal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life,which will make the drinker immortal."

—An unknown book

The Alchemist

AbilitiesAbilitiesAbilitiesAbilities – Constitution is the most important of all the attributes, as your character will become more are

more frail with each level he takes. A high Intelliegence synergizes with the class focus on Transfiguration and

Potionmaking. Wisdom and Charisma are casting stats for all wizards, and thus cannot be neglected.


To become an Alchemist a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Charms 12 Ranks, Knowledge (Charms) 12 ranks, Knowledge (Herbology) 12 ranks, Knowledge

(Magical Creatures) 8 ranks, Knowledge (Transfiguration) 12 ranks, Potionmaking 12 ranks, Transfiguration

12 ranks,

Feats: Fast Researcher, Skill Focus (Transfiguration), Skill Focus (Potionmaking)

Hit Die Hit Die Hit Die Hit Die – d6

Class SkillsClass SkillsClass SkillsClass Skills

The Alchemist's class skills are Charms (Wis), Concentration (Con), Curses and Anti-Curses (Cha), Divination

(Cha), Herbology (Wis), Knowledge (Dark Arts) (Int), Knowledge (Charms), Knowledge (Magical Creatures),

Knowledge (History) (Int) Knowledge (Transfiguration) (Int), Listen (Wis), Potionmaking (Int), Profession (Wis),

Spot (Wis), Transfiguration (Int)

Skill Points at 1st Level – (6 + Int Modifier) x4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level – 6 + Int Modifier


LevelLevelLevelLevel Base AttackBase AttackBase AttackBase Attack








SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial SpellSpellSpellSpell


1st +0 +2 +0 +2 The Philosopher's Stone, Flawed, Seduction

of Immortality, The Price


2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 +2

3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 The Philosopher's Stone, Developing

4th +2 +4 +1 +4 +2

5th +2 +4 +2 +4 The Philosopher's Stone, Stable, Craft



6th +3 +5 +2 +5 The Philosopher's Stone, Emergent +2

7th +3 +5 +2 +5 +2


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LevelLevelLevelLevel Base AttackBase AttackBase AttackBase Attack








SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial SpellSpellSpellSpell


8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Philosopher Stone, Imperfect, Swift

Transfiguration, Swift Potionmaking, Swift



9th +4 +6 +3 +6 +2

10th +5 +7 +3 +7 Philosopher Stone, Perfect +2

Class FeaturesClass FeaturesClass FeaturesClass Features

The Philosopher's StoneThe Philosopher's StoneThe Philosopher's StoneThe Philosopher's Stone:

The goal of every Alchemist. A substance of great magic and power which will ultimately grant its user both

nigh unlimited wealth and immortality. In the beginning of his quest, an alchemist constructs a prototype of

the Philosopher's Stone, and improves upon it as he delves deeper into his studies. The Philosopher's Stone

produces an Elixir, whose properties are determined according to the stone's power. Also the stone may have

other properties which may add to the Alchemist's spellcasting power.

The Elixir which provides a variety of effects. When someone drinks of the Elixir, they automatically take 1

point of constitution Damage and makes a Fortitude Save against DC 10. If the character fails, they take

another point in constitution damage. One point of this Consitution damage is healed in 24 hours, with no

other way of healing this particular. If the Stone produces a second Elixir is produce or a character who drank

of it once takes it a second time, even from another source, within 24 hours, there is 2 points of constitution

loss, with another Fortitude Save against DC 11, which will result in another 2 points damaged. If the Elixir is

produce or taken a third time in 24 hours, 3 points of constitution loss, Fortitude Save of DC 13, and so on.

It takes a DC 25 Potionmaking, Transfiguration and Charms Check in succession to Create the Elixir. Also

needed is a functioning cauldron, a fire, extensive potions ingredients and one hour of preparation to create. If

one of these checks fail, then a faulty Elixir is produced, which will only cause the constitution damage and

Fortitude saves, and no benefits. This counts as production of one Elixir in twenty-four hours. Unlimited

Elixirs may be produced in this fashion.

All the Elixir's effects last for 24 hours.

The Philosopher's Stone, FlawedThe Philosopher's Stone, FlawedThe Philosopher's Stone, FlawedThe Philosopher's Stone, Flawed: Produces an Elixir which automatically stabilizes a dying character. This

may be used any number of times per day.

The Philosopher's Stone, DevelopingThe Philosopher's Stone, DevelopingThe Philosopher's Stone, DevelopingThe Philosopher's Stone, Developing: The Elixir grants its drinker the Diehard Feat. At this time, the

Philosopher Stone starts granting its wielder special powers. By investing skill points in the stone, the stone

grants the wielder additional bonuses. For every 3 points invested, the wielder gets a +1 bonus to either

Charms, Transfiguration and Potionmaking as long at the stone is used as a focus. The total number of skill

points that may be invest 3 x Alchemists class level.

The Philosopher's Stone, StableThe Philosopher's Stone, StableThe Philosopher's Stone, StableThe Philosopher's Stone, Stable: The Philosopher's stone may now be used as a focus for the Alchemist's

transfigurations. The Alchemist may now use the stone to grant permanent animation to objects. With the

stone in his possession, an alchemist is treated as if he had the Craft Construct Feat.

The Philosopher's Stone, EmergentThe Philosopher's Stone, EmergentThe Philosopher's Stone, EmergentThe Philosopher's Stone, Emergent: The Elixir grants its drinker immunities to poison, disease, Ability

damage and drain (outside of the Elixir, and other voluntary acts done by the drinker, i.e. rituals, blood prices

and getting drunk)

Philosopher Stone, ImperfectPhilosopher Stone, ImperfectPhilosopher Stone, ImperfectPhilosopher Stone, Imperfect: Swift Transfiguration, Swift Charms. Using the stone as a focus, the alchemist

may cast a Transfiguration or Charm as a swift action at +10 to the DC. Each use of this ability costs the

Alchemist one hit point/5 DC of the spell, which is unable to heal and remains lost for 48 hours. Quick

Potionmaking. Using the Philosopher's stone as a catalyst, an alchemist may add +15 DC to potion he is


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Brewing and cut the time to brew it to 1/4 of the original time. As a catalyst, the stone is not affected by the

potion, but it may not be used for any other purpose during this time, including the production of the Elixir.

Philosopher Stone, PerfectPhilosopher Stone, PerfectPhilosopher Stone, PerfectPhilosopher Stone, Perfect: Elixtir of Life. Halts all aging penalties, grants +4 to each Intelligence, Wisdom

and Charisma, and +5 to Charms, Transfiguration and Potionmaking. The Philosopher's stone can now

transfigure and transform another object into Gold, or another precious metal as desired, permanently. This is

a base 65 Transfiguration. The Transfiguration is taxing on the body and which causes 20 points of damage

which unable to be healed and remains lost for 48 hours.

Seduction of ImmortalitySeduction of ImmortalitySeduction of ImmortalitySeduction of Immortality: Anyone who sips from the Elixir of life, even an imperfect one, feels the rush of its

power. Everyone who tastes it becomes the obsessed with it. Ironically, those most powerful are most

vulnerable, since it is within there power to create or steal a Philosopher's stone. Anyone who drinks it, even

once, must make a will save of 10 + 1/2 character level + Alchemist Class level + Int score, at every level or

else they must to take a level in the Alchemist Class.

Also, if a drinker of the Elixir of Life finds an opportunity to discover or find information about alchemy, a

Philosopher's Stone, immortality or mastery of death arises, the same will save must be made or else the

Alchemist must vigorously pursue it, even at hazard of others lives and safety. Another will save may be

attempted once per hour, and an additional time after (not during or before) an encounter which jeopardizes

them self (not others).

The PriceThe PriceThe PriceThe Price

The Philosopher's Stone is produced in a week long ritual requiring a fully equipped and stocked potions lab,

and a setting fitted for a weeks worth of isolated and quiet work. With all Rituals, a permanent and indelible

sacrifice must be made, where the price may never be given back. The ritual, a sacrifice of blood must be

made by the alchemist himself, no substitute can be had. This results in a permanent loss of 1 point of

constitution. Also a large quantity of materials must be used to produce the Stone, including gold itself. The

total cost of the ritual comes to 100 Galleons. The ritual must be performed each time a Philosopher's stone is

created, and for each increase in the Stone's power at levels 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10.


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Prestige Classes >


Among the Wizarding World, there are those who practice forbidden magic. These people practice dark

magic, and are Dark wizards and witches. Auror's are an elite unit of wizards and witch's who track down

these Dark Arts users. They are a division of the Ministry of Magic, in the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement. Becoming an Auror is very difficult requiring an additional three years of training after school.

Exceptions have been made in the past most notably Harry Potter.

Being an Auror requires a wizard or witch to be well trained in Charms, Transfiguration, and especially Curses

and Anti-Curses. They must go against Dark wizards, and as such must be beyond temptation.


To qualify to become an Auror, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.BAB: BAB: BAB: BAB: +6SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills: Charms 12 Ranks, Curses and Counter-Curses 12 ranks, Knowledge(Charms) 12 ranks, Knowledge (Dark Arts) 12 ranks, Knowledge (Herbology) 12ranks Knowledge (Transfiguration) 12 ranks, Potionmaking 12 ranks Transfiguration12 ranks

Spells KnownSpells KnownSpells KnownSpells Known: Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm), Expecto Patronum (Patronus

Charm), Protego, Stupefy (Stunning Spell)

SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial: Must be accepted into the Ministry of Magic as an Auror

Level Base








Special Spell Limit

1st +1 +0 +2 +2 Favored Enemy

Dark Wizards +2,

Auror Training


2nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Magical



3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Quickened Casting +2

4th +4 +1 +4 +4 Magical Assault +2

5th +5 +1 +4 +4 Favored Enemy

Dark Wizards +4


Hit Die- d8

Class SkillsClass SkillsClass SkillsClass Skills

The Auror's class skills are Broomstick (Dex), Charms (Wis), Concentration (Con),

Curses and Counter-Curses (Cha), Divination (Cha), Hide (Dex). Intimidation (Cha),

Knowledge (Dark Arts) (Int), Knowledge (Charms), Knowledge (Herbology),

Knowledge (Transfiguration) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Potionmaking

(Int), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Transfiguration (Int)

Skill Points at Each Additional LevelSkill Points at Each Additional LevelSkill Points at Each Additional LevelSkill Points at Each Additional Level – 6+ Int Modifier

Class Features

Favored Enemy Dark WizardsFavored Enemy Dark WizardsFavored Enemy Dark WizardsFavored Enemy Dark Wizards- At 1st level, an Auror gains a +2 bonus on Bluff,

Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks when using these skills against Dark

Wizards. Likewise, the Auror gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against Dark

Wizards, which includes damaging spells. This Increases to a +4 Bonus at 5th level.


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Auror TrainingAuror TrainingAuror TrainingAuror Training- An wizard or witch undergoes intense training to become an

Auror. Part of that training is to learn how to defend against curses. As such they

gain a +2 bonus to their Curses and Counter-Curses check for Magical

Counterspelling checks against Curses and Anti-Curses. Also, as a result of your

training you may cast, Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm), Expecto Patronum (Patronus

Charm), Protego, Stupefy (Stunning Spell), all as if you possess the Wandless Magic

ability, but only with a +10 modifier instead of a +25 representing your constant

practice with these spells during training.

Magical QuickdrawMagical QuickdrawMagical QuickdrawMagical Quickdraw- An Auror is lightning fast to the draw with a wand. As such

they gain the ability to benefit from the Quickdraw feat with their wand.

Quickened CastingQuickened CastingQuickened CastingQuickened Casting- By adding a +10 to a spells DC you can cast it as a swift


Magical AssaultMagical AssaultMagical AssaultMagical Assault- An Auror learns that sometimes against a Dark Wizard, that they

must go on the offensive. As such they may cast an additional Magic Blast each

round, at a -2 penalty to all attacks that round.

Spell LimitSpell LimitSpell LimitSpell Limit- The Auror adds two to their spell limit each time they level.


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Prestige Classes >

Dark Wizard

Some types of magic should never be delved into. The Dark Wizard is power hungry looking to learn about

esoteric types of magic. They often read tomes of forbidden learn and will do anything they can to expand

their knowledge of the Dark Arts.


Before gaining levels in this prestige class, you must meet the following prerequisites:

Base Attack BonusBase Attack BonusBase Attack BonusBase Attack Bonus: +6

SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills: Bluff (4 ranks), Charms (6 ranks), Concentration (6 ranks), Curses and Counter-Curses (8 ranks),

Intimidate (8 ranks), Knowledge (dark arts) (8 ranks), Listen (4 ranks), Move Silently (4 ranks), Spot (4 ranks),

Transfiguration (6 ranks)

Known SpellsKnown SpellsKnown SpellsKnown Spells: 23

AlignmentAlignmentAlignmentAlignment: Any Evil

Level Base






Will Save Special Spell


1st +1 +0 +2 +2 Negative




2nd +2 +1 +3 +3 Influence



3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Negative




4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Influence



5th +4 +2 +4 +4 Negative




6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Bonus



7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Negative




8th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Influence



9th +6/+1 +3 +7 +7 Negative




10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Bonus





Hit DieHit DieHit DieHit Die: d6

Class SkillsClass SkillsClass SkillsClass Skills


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The Dark Wizards class skills are Bluff (Cha), Broomstick (Dex), Charms (Wis), Concentration (Con), Curses

and Counter-Curses (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidation (Cha), Knowledge (Dark Arts) (Int), Knowledge

(Charms), Knowledge (Herbology), Knowledge (Transfiguration) (Int), Listen (Wis), Potionmaking (Int),

Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Transfiguration (Int)

Skill RanksSkill RanksSkill RanksSkill Ranks: 6 + Int modifier per level

Class Features:

Negative Energy (Ex)Negative Energy (Ex)Negative Energy (Ex)Negative Energy (Ex): At 1st level, a dark wizard/witch gains a +2 class bonus to any Curse and

Counter-Curse checks made to cast dark magic and to any Knowledge (dark arts) check made to learn a new

piece of dark magic. The bonus increases by +1 at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 10th level.

Influence (Ex)Influence (Ex)Influence (Ex)Influence (Ex): Once per day, a dark witch or wizard can influence the actions of others through intimidation

or sweet-talking someone into doing something they wouldn't normally do. The dark witch or wizard gains a

+2 bonus to any Diplomacy or Intimidate checks made in this fashion. At 4th and 8th level, the dark witch or

wizard can use this ability one additional time per day.

Bonus Feat (Ex)Bonus Feat (Ex)Bonus Feat (Ex)Bonus Feat (Ex): At 3rd, 6th, and 10th level, the dark witch or wizard gains a bonus feat. You must select the

feat from those presented below, meeting any prerequisites the feat may have before selecting it.

Dark lord (Ex)Dark lord (Ex)Dark lord (Ex)Dark lord (Ex): At 10th level, the dark witch or wizard is considered a master of the dark arts and can reroll

any dark magic check a number of times per day equal to his Charisma score (minimum of 1), keeping the

better of the two rolls.

Aggressive Duelist, Defensive Duelist, Dualcast, Greater Magical Dueling, Improved Magical Dueling, MagicalDuelling, Malevolence.

Spell LimitSpell LimitSpell LimitSpell Limit- The Dark Wizard adds two to their spell limit each time they level.


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Prestige Classes >

Death Eater

Among the Wizarding World, there are those who wish for greater power. These men and women wish to

advance their own power through dark means. They follow a man called Lord Voldermort a man whose evil is

beyond comprehension. These are Dark Wizards and Witches who kill and lie, and deceive to gain power.

These people follow Lord Voldermort, often so in the hopes to gain more power for themselves. However,

many discover the horrors they must do as his servants, and serve out of fear.


To qualify to become a Death Eater, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

AlignmentAlignmentAlignmentAlignment: Any evil


SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills: Charms 12 Ranks, Curses and Counter-Curses 13 ranks, Knowledge (Charms) 12 ranks, Knowledge(Dark Arts) 12 ranks, 12 ranks Knowledge (Transfiguration) 12 ranks, Potionmaking 12 ranks Transfiguration 12 ranks

Spells KnownSpells KnownSpells KnownSpells Known: Avada Kedavra, Crucio, Imperio

SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial: Must be accepted into Voldermort's inner circle as a Death Eater. Must have performed a dark deed

for no other reason, then to become a Death Eater.

Death Eater

LevelLevelLevelLevel Base AttackBase AttackBase AttackBase Attack











1st +1 +0 +1 +1 +2 Dark Mark

2nd +2 +0 +2 +2 +2 Morsmordre

3rd +3 +1 +2 +2 +2 Gift of Deception


4th +4 +1 +3 +3 +2 Dark Retribution

5th +5 +1 +4 +4 +2 Gift of Deception


Hit Die- d8

Class SkillsClass SkillsClass SkillsClass Skills

The Death Eaters class skills are Bluff (Cha), Broomstick (Dex), Charms (Wis), Concentration (Con),

Curses and Counter-Curses (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidation (Cha), Knowledge (Dark Arts) (Int),

Knowledge (Charms), Knowledge (Herbology), Knowledge (Transfiguration) (Int), Listen (Wis),,

Potionmaking (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Transfiguration (Int)

Skill Points at Each Additional LevelSkill Points at Each Additional LevelSkill Points at Each Additional LevelSkill Points at Each Additional Level – 6+ Int Modifier

Class FeaturesClass FeaturesClass FeaturesClass Features

Dark MarkDark MarkDark MarkDark Mark- The Dark Lord has marked you as one of his own. Choose one of your arms to have the

mark imprinted on. This arm will have the mark inside your elbow, and will be a skull with a snake

coming from its mouth. If you touch this Dark Mark it allows Voldermort to instantly know your

position, and he can apparate there if he wishes. The mark writhes if Voldermort touches anybodys

Mark. They instantly know where he is. The Dark Mark also, provides a +2 Intimidate bonus if shown

to those who would have reason to fear the Dark Lord.

MorsmordreMorsmordreMorsmordreMorsmordre - You learn to cast a spell unique to death eaters. Your wand flashes in a green burst of a

light and a huge skull erupts up to 200 feet in the sky with a snake coming from its mouth. It signifies

that the Death Eaters have arrived. This spell lasts for 10 minutes per caster level, and is so ingrained


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within a Death Eaters training they have no need to make a check for it. Enemies of the Death Eater are

filled with dread and take a -2 to any will saves for five minutes after they initially see it.

Gift of DeceptionGift of DeceptionGift of DeceptionGift of Deception- Death Eaters learn quickly that they must mask their presence for their Dark Lord.

As such they gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Disguise, and Sense Motive checks against those who are trying

to discover if they are a Death Eater. This increases to a +4 bonus at 5th level.

Dark RetributionDark RetributionDark RetributionDark Retribution- Death Eater's often learn that the best way to beat a foe is to unleash a fury of

magical spells, to overwhelm their opponent. As such as a part of their standard action a Death Eater

may declare they are using Dark Retribution. If they do so they may take a penalty to their attack roll up

to their Death Eater level, to gain a bonus to damage equal to the penalty they choose.

Dark PowerDark PowerDark PowerDark Power- The Death Eater learns to casts spells, much more viciously. As such they gain a bonus to

all spells that do damage equal to their Death Eater levels. Also, all of their spells that deal damage

have a DC of their spell saves increased by +1

Spell Limit Spell Limit Spell Limit Spell Limit- The Death Eater adds two to their spell limit each time they level.


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Prestige Classes >


DuelistThere are those whose lives revolve around epic magical duels and some people take to dueling as if they

were born doing it. A Duelist is a terrifying foe capable of casting spells to disarm and subdue their

opponents as quickly as possible.


To become a Duelist a character must fulfill the following criteria.


FeatsFeatsFeatsFeats: Magical Dueling, Improved Magical Dueling, Weapon Focus (wand)


LevelLevelLevelLevel Base AttackBase AttackBase AttackBase Attack











1st +1 +1 +2 +1 +2 Evasion,



2nd +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 Dualcast

3rd +3 +2 +3 +2 +2 Improved


4th +4 +2 +3 +2 +2 Heightened


5th +5 +3 +4 +3 +2 Skilled



At 1st level, the Duelist can retain his Dexterity bonus to his Reflex saving throw when caught flat-footed.

Additionally, the Duelist receives half-damage on a successful hit with an area attack. These abilities can only

be used a number of times per day equal to his Duelist level.

Improved DisarmImproved DisarmImproved DisarmImproved Disarm

The Duelist gains a bonus to his casting rolls equal to his Duelist level whenever he casts Expelliarmus.


At 2nd level, the Duelist gains Dualcast as a bonus feat.

Improved SpellcastingImproved SpellcastingImproved SpellcastingImproved Spellcasting

At 3rd level, the Duelist gains a +2 bonus on all attack rolls and damage rolls made with one school of magic

of their choice (Charms, Curses and Counter-Curses, or Transfiguration).

Highten SensesHighten SensesHighten SensesHighten Senses

At 4th level, the Duelist gains a +2 bonus on all Spot and Listen checks made to notice threats and opponents.

Skilled DuelistSkilled DuelistSkilled DuelistSkilled Duelist

At 5th level, the Duelist can cast one spell against a target of his choice before the initiative order starts. The

Duelist can do this a number of times per day equal to his Dexterity modifier.


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Prestige Classes >

Order of the Phoenix Initiate

Order of the Phoenix InitiateOrder of the Phoenix InitiateOrder of the Phoenix InitiateOrder of the Phoenix InitiateThe Order of the Phoenix was a organization that opposed the dark Lord Voldemort. Founded by Albus

Dumbledore, this organization had members from all parts of wizardly society - from aurors to

potionmasters, and many others. The Order of the Phoenix has many goals, such as destroying dark artifacts,

diplomacy with monstrous races and opposing the Death Eaters at every turn.

Being a member for the order does not have stringent requirements. Even squibs can possess valuable

intelligence capabilities against the fight against those who use dark magic. Nowadays, the Order is still

recovering from the climactic battle at Hogwarts - and with their founder and spymaster slain, it has little

capability at the moment - but it is recovering rapidly, and so are their enemies. Members of the order tend to

be weaker then their death eater counterparts, but the most experienced of them can duel with their opposites

with equal force. Also, members of the order tend to be more versatile then their dark opponents and have

many roles..

Students who are in their sixth year and above are qualified to take the Order of the Phoenix prestige class.

Younger students interested in eventually taking this class should inquire into the DA, or the Defense

Association. In the initiation process, the prospective member meets the familiar of Albus Dumbledore and

receives a single phoenix tear, for identification and dire need. Alas, the phoenix has not been seen for four



To qualify to become a member of the Order of the Phoenix, a character must fulfil the following criteria.

Alignment: Any non-evil.

BAB: +5

Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks.

Special: Must be inducted by a fellow member of the Order, and meet the titular Phoenix.

Hit Die: D8

Class Skills: As Wizard/Witch

Order of the Phoenix InitiateOrder of the Phoenix InitiateOrder of the Phoenix InitiateOrder of the Phoenix Initiate

LevelLevelLevelLevel Base AttackBase AttackBase AttackBase Attack











1st +0 +1 +1 +1 +0 Order of the Phoenix Sigil

2nd +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 Bearing of Honest Intention


3rd +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 Order Specialty

4th +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 Bearing of Honest Intention


5th +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 Advanced Specialty

Order of the Phoenix Sigil

You have been recognized as one of the defenders of the Order of the Phoenix. It allows other order members

to recognize you, and track you down if you are in distress. It provides a +4 diplomacy bonus to those friendly

to the order, and a -4 penalty to those who hate it. In these times of peace, the bonus decreases to +2 and the

penalty to -2.

Bearing of Honest Intention


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In the past, Albus Dumbledore has advocated better relations with all branches of magical life. His followers

have adapted his attitude of kind benevolence and understanding for their own. As such, they gain a +2

intrinsic bonus to diplomacy, handle animal and sense motive checks. This bonus increases to +4 at fourth



At third level, Order Members begin to diversify into niches to better thwart evil and to better serve their

cause. Once a player has picked a speciality type, it cannot be changed.

Order Spy Speciality

You become a undercover agent for the order. You may receive a Dark Mark, benefit from Dark Power and cast

Morsmorde. The bonus from Dark Power is halved and rounded down, and is determined by your Order of the

Phoenix level. More mundane members of the order are simply overlooked by the Death Eaters, giving them a

+20 bonus to bluff checks concerning them.

Advanced Order Spy - Perfect Cover

At 5th level, your identity as a spy cannot be ascertained by most magical or mundane methods. You also

benefit from the Dark Retribution class feature at your Order of the Phoenix class level, halved and rounded


Order Auror Speciality

Lacking the means or the ethical looseness to cast truly horrific spells, Aurors and other wizards inclined to

offensive magic learn to cast their spells more efficiently. You receive the benefits of the Dualcast feat, even if

you don't have the perquisites for it.

Advanced Auror Speciality - Advanced Duelcasting

At 5th level, you may cast a third spell as a fullround action, at -10 to the check. The second spell's penalty

decreases to -5. In addition, penalties for casting with stolen or broken wands reduce to -1 and -5,


Order Defender Speciality

The order is more inclined to defence than offense, due to the philosophies of their founder, Albus

Dumbledore. Regular witches and wizards without the talent for offensive magic or the taste choose this route.

You gain a additional +2 bonus on all counterspelling checks, and a +2 bonus to your defences against

magical blasts and targeting spells. In addition, you are able to cast the Fidelus charm.

Advanced Order Defender - Fidelus Guardian

At 5th level, you gain a additional +4 bonus on all counterspelling checks, and a +4 bonus against magical

blasts and targeting spells. In addition, you gain a +10 bonus to your will save to resist torture and other fear

effects. Of course, this doesn't mean you won't go insane...


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Prestige Classes >

Transfiguration Master

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous

magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in myclass will leave and not come back. You have been warned."

—Minerva McGonagall

Transfiguration Master

AbilitiesAbilitiesAbilitiesAbilities –


To become a Transfiguration Master a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Knowledge (Transfiguration) 12 ranks, Transfiguration 12 ranks

Feats: Fast Researcher, Skill Focus (Transfiguration), Skill Focus (Knowledge: Transfiguration)

Hit Die Hit Die Hit Die Hit Die – d6

Class SkillsClass SkillsClass SkillsClass Skills

The Transfiguration Master class skills are Charms (Wis), Concentration (Con), Curses and Anti-Curses (Cha),

Divination (Cha), Herbology (Wis), Knowledge (Dark Arts) (Int), Knowledge (Charms), Knowledge (Magical

Creatures), Knowledge (History) (Int) Knowledge (Transfiguration) (Int), Listen (Wis), Potionmaking (Int),

Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Transfiguration (Int)

Skill Points at 1st Level – (6 + Int Modifier) x4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level – 6 + Int Modifier

Transfiguration MasterTransfiguration MasterTransfiguration MasterTransfiguration Master

LevelLevelLevelLevel Base AttackBase AttackBase AttackBase Attack








SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial SpellSpellSpellSpell


1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Bonus Transfiguration, Out of Nothing +2

2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Extend Transfiguration +2

3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Combat Transfiguration, Agimagus +2

4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Ease of Use +2

5th +3 +4 +2 +4 Transfigure Counterspell, Enduring



Class FeaturesClass FeaturesClass FeaturesClass Features

Bonus TransfigurationBonus TransfigurationBonus TransfigurationBonus Transfiguration: At the first level, the Transfiguration Master gains a bonus to all

Transfiguration and Knowledge (Transfiguration) checks equal to their class level.

Out of NothingOut of NothingOut of NothingOut of Nothing: At the first level, The Transfiguration Master may now transfigure the air where previously

she could not. You add +5 to the normal check, and the spell last 1/4 of the length it would normally last.

Extend TransfigurationExtend TransfigurationExtend TransfigurationExtend Transfiguration: At the second level, the Transfiguration Master's transfiguration's now last 1

minutue/caster level x Transfiguration Master class level.


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Combat TransfigurationCombat TransfigurationCombat TransfigurationCombat Transfiguration: At the third level, the Transfiguration Master is given the Combat Transfiguration


AnimagusAnimagusAnimagusAnimagus: At the third level, the Transfiguration Master is given the Agimagus feat. The Transfiguration

Master may choose an animal that has an equal hit die to himself, instead of Character level -3. If the

Transfiguration Master has this feat already, then she may take another feat of her choosing.

Ease of UseEase of UseEase of UseEase of Use: At the fourth level, all transfigurations spells are now -5 DC for the Transfiguration Master.

Transfigure CounterspellTransfigure CounterspellTransfigure CounterspellTransfigure Counterspell: Whenever a successful counterspell is performed (not Protego or Block with

transfigured object), the Transfiguration Master, at level five, may immediately cast a transfiguration spell so

long as the target is not animate, or is in the possession of someone or something animate. This may be done

at every successful counterspell in a round. This spell in turn may be counterspelled by the target, though it is

her own turn.

For instance, Professor McGonagall is dueling Bellatrix Lestrange. Bellatrix Lestrange fires a stunning spell at

Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall successfully counterspells it, whips her wand around and

transfigures a flying dagger aiming at Bellatrix. Bellatrix counterspells the dagger and Apparates away to


Enduring TransfigurationEnduring TransfigurationEnduring TransfigurationEnduring Transfiguration: At this mastery, a Transfiguration Master may add +25 DC to a transfiguration

check. If she succeeds, Her given transfiguration will have an infinite duration.


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Prestige Classes >



This prestige class represents a master in wandmaking, most wandmakers don't advance beyond the first or

the second level. Though those taking it all the way will find that there's more to wandlore than just crafting

magical sticks.


Before gaining levels in the Wandmaker prestige class, you must meet the following prerequisites:

Skills: Knowledge (Wandlore) 8, Charms 8, Transfiguration 8, Craft: (Carpentering) 8.

Spells known: 20

Level Base Attack Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Special Spell Limit

1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Wand identification, Craft



2nd +1 +1 +3 +3 Wandlore +2 +2

3rd +1 +1 +3 +3 Dual ability +2

4th +2 +1 +4 +4 Unlocking the core +2

5th +2 +2 +4 +4 Wandlore +4 +2

6th +3 +2 +5 +5 Master Crafter +2

7th +3 +2 +5 +5 Triple ability +2

8th +4 +3 +6 +6 Wandlore +6 +2

9th +4 +3 +7 +7 Block Wands +2

10th +5 +3 +7 +7 Masters Wand +2

Wand Identification: The Wandmaker is able to identify a wand by just holding it in his hand, bending it a little

and sometimes even listening to it. The Wandmaker can determine the materials and the wands allegiance.

Furthermore a wandmaker can always recognize his own work and remember to whom he sold it.


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Craft Wand: The Wandmaker can now of course create wands, how this is done is entirely up to the

Wandmaker and Gamemaster. The cost to create a wand is approximately to half of what it's sold for.

Wandlore: The Wandmaker gets a bonus, equal to the one shown on the table, to his Knowledge Wandlore

and Craft: Carpentering.

Dual Ability: The Wandmaker is now so proficient in his craft that he can bestow two abilities to one want, or

double the ability already in it. i.e: Lily potters wand has a +2 bonus to charms related rolls. However had a

wandmaker used the Dual ability it could be +2 to two different checks or +4 to charms.

Unlocking the Core: The Wandmaker can now unlock a special ability within wands, this ability is dependent

on the wands Core. Refer to the table below.

Core Special ability.

Dragon heartstring Wands with Dragonheart string deal an additional 1d6 points of

damage when using the magical blast ability. And gain a +4 bonus

on curse magic checks.

Veela hair Veela hair wands a favoured amongst those who seek to control


Phoenix tail feather The Phoenix tail feather core is the most varied of all cores, the

wielder of a Phoenix tail feather wand gains a +2 bonus on all

spell-casting skills or can chose one specific spell and gain a +9

bonus to cast it.

Unicorn hair

Unicorn horn-dust It's a sin to kill a Unicorn, an even greater sin is it to claim it's horn.

This core is mournful and depressed, however powerful still. The

Core seeks to heal and mend. This core allows the user to cast

Vulnera Sanentur and episky 3 additional times per day.

Dragon claw The Dragon claw core is very prized by wizards who seek to do

battle. The awakened core of Dragon claw will provide it's wielder

with serious power. The Magical blast of a Dragon claw wand now

wither counts as piercing or slashing damage, and each attack deals

1 point of bleed damage which stacks. It can be stopped with a DC

15 heal check or any healing spell. It is said to awaken this core the

wandmaker must know Sectumsempra

Augury Feather

Hags hair


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Acromantula Fang

Thestral tail-hair The rarest, and the most difficult to control, wand core. Thestral

tail-hair requires it’s user to be able to see Thestrals and accept that

he’ll face death at some point before it can be awakened. When

these conditions are met the Thestral tail-hair is quite powerful, the

user gains a +6 bonus when using non-verbal spells as well as all

spell effects will be increased by 50%.


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Prestige Classes >


You think you frighten me with your curses and your followers? With my magic I bend the wind itself to mywill. Against that, you are nothing!- Unknown Windrider.

Among Wizards and Witches, there are a rare few who take the mastery of the broomstick beyond that

required by Quidditch, learning to meld almost effortlessly with the broom and the air around them. Known as

Windriders, this small, self-taught group is held with no small amount of awe by the rest of the Wizarding




Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Balance 12 Ranks, Broomstick 14 Ranks, Charms 14 Ranks, Knowledge (Charms) 12 Ranks,

Knowledge (Transfiguration) 12 Ranks, Transfiguration 12 Ranks

Spells Known:Spells Known:Spells Known:Spells Known: Accio, Arresto Momentum*, Depulso, Disillusionment Charm, Featherweight Charm, Impervius

(Impervius Charm), Windgardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm)

*New spell, see below.

LevelLevelLevelLevel Base AttackBase AttackBase AttackBase Attack











1st +0 +1 +2 +1 +1 Aerial Reflexes +2, Windrider


2nd +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 Bonus Feat, One with the Broom

3rd +2 +2 +3 +2 +1 Aerial Reflexes +4

4th +3 +2 +3 +2 +1 Bonus Feat, Windrider


5th +3 +3 +4 +3 +1 Aerial Reflexes +6

6th +4 +3 +4 +3 +1 Bonus Feat, One with the Air

7th +5 +4 +5 +4 +1 Aerial Reflexes +8

8th +6/+1 +4 +5 +4 +1 Bonus Feat, Windrider Master

9th +6/+1 +5 +6 +5 +1 Aerial Reflexes +10

10th +7/+2 +5 +6 +5 +1 One with the Winds, Windrider


Class Skills:Class Skills:Class Skills:Class Skills: Balance, Broomstick (Dex), Charms (Wis), Concentration (Con), Curses and Counter-Curses

(Cha), Knowledge (Dark Arts) (Int), Knowledge (Charms), Knowledge (Transfiguration) (Int), Listen (Wis), Spot

(Wis), Transfiguration (Int)

Skill Points at Each Level:Skill Points at Each Level:Skill Points at Each Level:Skill Points at Each Level: 6+Int Modifier

Class FeaturesClass FeaturesClass FeaturesClass Features

Aerial Reflexes:Aerial Reflexes:Aerial Reflexes:Aerial Reflexes: As a Windrider advances, she gains an intimate understanding of spatial awareness and an

almost supernatural ability to predict how her enemies will try to hit her. As such, a Windrider gains the listed

bonus to Defence, and half that bonus to Reflex saves, when in flight.


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Windrider Apprentice:Windrider Apprentice:Windrider Apprentice:Windrider Apprentice: More a title than anything substantial, a Windrider Apprentice is the name given to a

Witch or Wizard who has started down the difficult path to become a Windrider. A Windrider Apprentice is

recognised by both the Wizarding World and the Windriders themselves and as such gains the Dark Wizard

Influence special ability.

Bonus Feats:Bonus Feats:Bonus Feats:Bonus Feats: At 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th level, a Windrider may select a bonus feat from the following list:

Aerial Caster*, Evasive Flyer*, Greater Evasive Flyer*, Improved Aerial Caster*, Improved Evasive Flyer*, Skill

Focus (Balance) Skill Focus (Broomstick), Skill Focus (Charms), Skill Focus (Transfiguration)

*New feat, see below.

One with the Broom:One with the Broom:One with the Broom:One with the Broom: At 2nd level, a Windrider begins to understand the mystical connections between

magic and flight. On a successful DC 30 Charms check, a Windrider may push a broom far beyond its normal

limits, doubling its speed and giving it Maneuverability(Perfect).

Windrider Journeyman:Windrider Journeyman:Windrider Journeyman:Windrider Journeyman: A Windrider Journeyman has been formally accepted into the Windriders and taught

by some of the Masters - and maybe even Adepts - of the group. A Journeyman gains +2 to Balance,

Broomstick and Charm checks, as well as gaining another use of their Apprentice Influence ability.

One with the Air:One with the Air:One with the Air:One with the Air: At 6th level, a Windrider becomes capable of - when necessary - forsaking the need for a

broom. Following a simultaneous DC 30 Charms and Transfiguration check, she takes on a semi-gaseous

form for 1 round/2 Windrider levels. In this state, she gains a natural fly speed of 30 foot/Windrider level

(Perfect Maneuverability) and a +5 defence bonus, but takes a -4 penalty to hit.

Windrider Master:Windrider Master:Windrider Master:Windrider Master: A Windrider Master is a formidable and powerful opponent, capable of evading attacks

with supernatural ease. A Windrider Master gains the Duelist Evasion special ability, as well as gaining another

use of their Apprentice Influence ability.

One with the Winds:One with the Winds:One with the Winds:One with the Winds: At 10th level, a Windrider reaches an apotheosis of understanding, coming to realise

that within the winds, there is magic and learning how to ride and manipulate these currents.

Following a simultaneous DC 35 Charms and Transfiguration check, a Windrider may form a layer of magical

winds around herself for 1 round/Windrider level. She gains a natural fly speed of 50 foot/Windrider level

(Perfect Maneuverability), a +10 bonus to defence and a 25% miss chance. Due to her speed, she takes a -4

penalty to attack.

Windrider Adept:Windrider Adept:Windrider Adept:Windrider Adept: At the same time as she learns to ride the magic of the winds, a Windrider is fully

recognised as an Adept. Windrider Adepts are rare indeed, most dieing due to accidents before they learn to

ride the winds. Windrider Adepts are both greatly respected and greatly feared, doubling the bonus to

Diplomacy and Intimidate gained by their Influence ability.

In addition a Windrider Adept gains the ability to re-roll any Broomstick check or the Charms and

Transfiguration checks for One with the Air/Winds a number of times per day equal to his Wisdom score

(minimum 1), keeping the better of the two rolls.


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The Harry Potter d20 setting for the most part uses the skills found, in most d20 fantasy games. Spellcraft,

has been removed as has Use Magical device as most spells are now recognized, by making appropriate

Knowledge checks. Magic items are also far easier to use, and unless noted need no special training to be


Craft (wand)- This allows the person to create different types of magical wands. Having 5 or more ranks in

Knowledge (wand lore) adds a +2 synergy bonus to all Craft (wand) checks.

KnowledgeKnowledgeKnowledgeKnowledge (Int; Trained Only)Knowledge is actually composed of many different skills much like Profession, and Craft. Knowledgerepresents some type of study in a given area.

Below are several different types of Knowledge

Dark Arts- forbidden knowledge, and protection against the dark arts, knowledge of Curses and

Anti-Curses, dark wizards.

Charms- knowledge of charm spells, knowledge of people who made developments of spells

Magical Creatures- types of magical creatures, habitats of magical creatures, uses for magical creatures

Magical History- Famous and Infamous witch's and wizards, wars, government, magical locations

Transfiguration- Different types of Transfiguration magic, famous wizards and witch's, different uses

Knowledge (wand lore): knowledge of wand construction, magical cores, and tree wood types.

New Profession

Profession: (wandmaker)

SynergySynergySynergySynergyIf you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Dark Arts), you gain a +2 bonus to casting Curses and

Anti-Curses. The same applies to Charms and Transfiguration with the appropriate knowledge and skills.


Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for very easy questions), 15 (for average

questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions).

Other New Skills

Broomstick (Dex)

This skill allows the person to ride upon a broomstick, and to do complex maneuvers as well. Higher, points

in this skill allow for a greater control of the broomstick at high speeds.

Command Up 10 - You can make your broomstick jump from the ground, into your hand.

Guide with Knees DC 15 - Using your knees you can control the broomstick only using your knees. This

allows you to use your other two hands, freely. Failure, on this check results in only one hand being free. If

the person is rising in the air, or diving the DC increases by 5.

Curses and Anti-Curses (Cha)

Divination (Cha)

Herbology (Wis) Synergy- Having 5 ranks of Herbology or more grants a +2 to Potionmaking


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Potionmaking (Int)


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Advanced OcclumencyAdvanced OcclumencyAdvanced OcclumencyAdvanced Occlumency

Prerequisite: 20+ Charisma

Benefit: This version of Occlumency gives perfect immunity against any mind-affecting effects except Imperio.

Against Imperio, this feat adds the Charisma bonus to the Will Save.


Prerequisite: 6th level witch/wizard, Knowledge (Charms) 8 ranks, Charms 8 ranks.

Apparation allows the witch/wizard to instantly transport her/himself to a location s/he knows. To succeed

with an apparation the player must roll against charms at a DC of 20. A wizard may travel further but this

raises the DC. If a wizard fails by less then five they do not manage to apperate and nothing bad happens. If

the wizard or witch fails by five or more minor splinching occurs with the partial loss of eyebrow eyelashes or

moved freckles occur. If the charms check fails by 10 or more they fully splinch take 1d6 points of damage for

every point that they failed by.

Modifiers for Apperating

10 miles or less +0

50 miles +5

100 miles +10

500 miles +15

1000 miles +20

2500 miles +25

5000 miles +30

Aggressive DuelistAggressive DuelistAggressive DuelistAggressive Duelist

Prerequisites: Magical Dueling, Weapon Focus (Wands) ,6 ranks in Curses and Counter-Curses

Benefit: Targets of your spells take a -4 penalty on all counterspelling checks against your spells, and you

gain a +2 bonus to your ranged attack rolls that require a wand.

Special: You cannot use both this feat and the Defensive Duelist feat at the same time.


Prerequisites: Knowledge (Charms), Charms 8 ranks, 8 ranks Knowledge (Transfiguration) 8 ranks,

Transfiguration 8 ranks

You can change your form into one animal. The animal that you choose is any non-magical animal that has Hit

Die equal to your level-3. Once chosen, this animal cannot be changed. You magically change into this animal

and gain all of its traits as a standard action. You assume the animals size and extraordinary characteristics,

and retain your intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores, while your strength, constitution, and dex scores

are that of the animal. As you advance in levels so does your animal form. Each time you level up, your animal

forms hit die, increases by one. Additionally, the caster may not cast any spells,counterspell, or use magical

blast while in this form.

Aerial CasterAerial CasterAerial CasterAerial Caster

You are able to adjust quickly to the difficulties of aiming in flight.

Prerequisite: Broomstick 10 ranks

Benefit: Ignore half the penalty suffered to attack rolls caused by being in flight.

Combat DivinationCombat DivinationCombat DivinationCombat Divination

Prerequisites: Must possess at least 2 ranks in Divination, 16 Cha, 14 Int

Benefits: You are able to peer into the future slightly, to help protect yourself, or to make a blow strike true.

Make a Divination check. The result-15 divided by 5 equals the bonus you gain to either your AC or any

attacks you make this round. You may use this ability 2+ Cha modifier times per encounter. You get a penalty

to your attack or AC by -2 (depending on what you specified) if you get 15 or below. Also, rolling a 1 means

that you take a -10 to your D20 attack roll for that round, or a -5 penalty to AC depending on what you

specified. If you possess the True Seer feat, your AC or your attack bonus increases by an additional +2.


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Combat TransfigurationCombat TransfigurationCombat TransfigurationCombat Transfiguration

Prerequsitites: Transfiguration 12 ranks

Normal: Once per round, a wizard/witch can attempt to Counterspell and attack directed at them. Negating

this attack requires the wizard/witch to succeed in an opposed attack roll, as well as an opposing skill check

of the same type of the spell. If the wizard/witches attack roll is less than her opponent’s,and/or the skill

check is less than the opponents the attack is unaffected by the counterspelling attempt and is resolved as

normal. Using this initial Magical counterspelling attempt counts as an immediate action. The wizard or witch

must also know the spell in question or take a -4 penalty to counterspell it.

Special: A wizard with this feat may cast a transfiguration spell in order to block an incoming attack onto there

person. This may be done by animating an inanimate object to block the attack or by transfiguring an

inanimate object. Make a trnsfiguration check. This check must exceed the attacker's spell check and make

the transfiguration DC. In addition, you no long add +10 DC to do block the Avada Kedavra with a

transfiguration. This ability can be used a number of times per round equal to counterspelling atempts you

have for said round. This ability cannnot be used while flat-footed.

Defensive DuelistDefensive DuelistDefensive DuelistDefensive Duelist

Prerequisites: Magical Dueling, 6 ranks in Curses and Counter-Curses

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all counterspelling checks, and a +2 bonus to your defense against magical

blasts and targeted spells.

Special: You cannot use both this feat and the Aggressive Duelist feat at the same time.


You can muster more magic quickly.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +8, 30 known spells.

Benefut: You can cast an additional spell in a single round as a full-round action. The additional spell suffers a

-10 penalty on its attack roll.

Evasive FlyerEvasive FlyerEvasive FlyerEvasive Flyer

You are rather good at avoiding spells when in the air

Prerequisite: Broomstick 10 ranks

Benefit: Gain a +2 bonus to Defense whilst flying. With 16 ranks in Broomstick, gain a +4 bonus to Defense

whilst flying. 22+ ranks in Broomstick grants a +6 bonus to Defense whilst in flight.

Fast ResearcherFast ResearcherFast ResearcherFast Researcher

Prerequisites: Must have an Intelligence of at least 14

Benefit: The character can learn a new spell by only having to study for half an hour for every 5 points of the

spells base DC.

Focused SpellFocused SpellFocused SpellFocused Spell

Benefit: Choose one spell that, you currently know. You gain a +4 competence bonus when casting that

specific spell.

Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack, and you choose a different spell each

time you gain this feat.

Greater Magical DuelingGreater Magical DuelingGreater Magical DuelingGreater Magical Dueling

Prerequisites: Improved Magical Dueling, BAB +7, 12 ranks in Curses and Counter-Curses

Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on all counterspelling checks and Curses and Counter-Curses checks to fire a

magical blast, and you can attempt to counter an additional spell per round.

Special: The benefits of this feat replace the benefits of the Improved Magical Dueling feat.

Improved Aerial CasterImproved Aerial CasterImproved Aerial CasterImproved Aerial Caster

Your ability to aim whilst moving swiftly through the air has improved so that you might as well be on the


Prerequisite: Aerial Caster, Broomstick 16 ranks


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Benefit: Ignore the penalty to attack rolls caused by being in flight.

Improved Magical DuelingImproved Magical DuelingImproved Magical DuelingImproved Magical Dueling

Prerequisites: Magical Dueling, BAB +4, 8 ranks in Curses and Counter-Curses

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all counterspelling checks and Curses and Counter-Curses checks to fire a

magical blast, and you can attempt to counter an additional spell per round at a -5 penalty to your

counterspell check.

Special: The benefits of this feat replace the benefits of the Magical Dueling feat.

Increased SpellcastingIncreased SpellcastingIncreased SpellcastingIncreased Spellcasting

Prerequisites: You must be 3rd level and be able to cast spells.

Benefit: Upon gaining this feat you increase your spell limit by three.

Magical DuelingMagical DuelingMagical DuelingMagical Dueling

Prerequisites: BAB +1, 4 ranks in Curses and Counter-Curses

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all counterspelling checks and Curses and Counter-Curses checks to fire a

magical blast.


You are adept at using the darkest of all magic.

Prerequisites: Must have any evil alighnment know at least one of the Unforgivable Curses, 12 ranks in Curses

and Counter-Curses.

Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on all checks made when using any of the Unforgivable Curses

(Imperius, Cruciatus, and Avada Kedavra).


You can magically change your appearance at will.

Prerequisites: You may only take this feat at first level.

Benefit: You can make a Disguise check a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier

(minimum of 1) to change your appearance in various ways, including eye colour, hair colour, facial features,

and blending into an environment. Additionally, disguise is always a class skill for you. The DC for this check

is as follows:

Small changes (i.e. eye colour and hair colour) - DC 10

Medium changes (i.e. facial features) - DC 15

Large changes (i.e. blending into the environment) - DC 20

Natural Born FlyerNatural Born FlyerNatural Born FlyerNatural Born Flyer

Benefit: Flying is something that has always been something that came easily to you. You gain a +2 bonus to

Balance checks and Broomstick checks.


Prerequisite: 15+ Charisma

Benefit: This feat gives resistance against mental attacks which allows an opposed check against a legilimens.

It also gives a bonus to Will saves against other mind-affecting effects, except Imperio. The modifiers for a

roll are the character's Charisma Modifier+Will Save.


Prerequisites: Can only be selected at first level.

Benefit: You gain the ability to speak with snakes. You also gain a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks, but

only with snakes.

Powerful BlastPowerful BlastPowerful BlastPowerful Blast

Prerequisite: BAB +1

Benefit: On your action, before attempting magical blasts for a round, you may choose to subtract a number

from all magical blast attack rolls and add the same number to all magical blast damage rolls. This number

may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next


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True SeerTrue SeerTrue SeerTrue Seer

Prerequisites: Must be taken at first level.

Benefit- Characters with the True Seer feat may have prophetic dreams, which require no check, but only

occur when the DM chooses. These dreams are often vauge and quick flashes with a possible future yet to

come. In addition the player gains a +2 to all divination checks.


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Human- As SRD


• +2 Strength +2 Constitution -2 Intelliegence -2 Wisdom.

• Medium: As a medium creatures, half-giants have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

• A half-giant's base land speed is 30 feet.

• Powerful Build: The physical stature of half-giants lets them function in many ways as if they were one size

category larger. Whenever a half-giant is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed

check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the half-giant is treated as one

size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A half-giant is also considered to be one size larger when

determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can

affect him. A half-giant can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his

space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the

effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.

• Spell Resistance: Half-Giant's posses great resitence of spell due to their giant heritage. If a half-giant is

targeted by the spell Stupefy they will be allowed to make a Fortitude save of a DC 10+1/2 the casterslevel+the charisma modifier of the caster.

• Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Giant

• Favored Class: Wizard/Witch. A multiclass hald-giant's wizard/witch class does not count when determining

whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclass.


• +2 Charisma -2 Wisdom.

• Medium: As a medium creatures, Half-Veela have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

• Half-Veela base land speed is 30 feet.

• +4 Bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy,and Sense Motive Checks, but only against the opposite gender.

• Unearthly Attraction: Half-Veela's are some of the most beautiful men and women on the planet. Whenever,

a person of the opposite gender approaches a Half-Veela they must make a Will save equal to 10+the

Half-Veela's charimsa modifier+ 1/2 of the Half-Veela's HD. If they fail the save they attitude to the

Half-Veela increases by one step. Those that successfully resist Unearthly attraction, are immune to that

Half-Veela's Unearthly Attraction for 24 hours. Those already in a relationship gain a +4 bonus to their Will

save. The effects of Unearthly Attraction only last for 24 hours, after which a new Will Save is allowed. This

also causes the Half-Veela to take a -4 penalty to Disguise checks, for people who are looking for the


• Automatic Languages: Common Bonus Languages: Any

• Favored Class: Wizard/Witch. A multiclass Half-Veela's wizard/witch class does not count when determining

whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclass


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Creatures >


DementorDementorDementorDementorMedium Aberration (Cold)Medium Aberration (Cold)Medium Aberration (Cold)Medium Aberration (Cold)

Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (38 hp)

Initiative:Initiative:Initiative:Initiative: +9

Speed:Speed:Speed:Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)

Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class: 18 (+5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15, flatfooted 13

Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7

Attack:Attack:Attack:Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+2 plus 1d8 cold)

Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+2 plus 1d8 cold)

Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks: Dementor’s Kiss, Aura of Depression, Aura of Cold

Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., Invisibility to Muggles, Immunity to Cold, Vulnerability to Fire, Damage

Reduction 10/Magic

Saves:Saves:Saves:Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +8

Abilities:Abilities:Abilities:Abilities: Str 15, Dex 20, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 10

Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Listen +13

Feats:Feats:Feats:Feats: Ability Focus (Dementor’s Kiss)*, Hover(B), Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness

Environment:Environment:Environment:Environment: Any

Organization:Organization:Organization:Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Prison Escort (4-10)

Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating: 6

Treasure:Treasure:Treasure:Treasure: Standard

Alignment:Alignment:Alignment:Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil

Advancement:Advancement:Advancement:Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment: -----

A shadowy, cloaked figure flies towards you out of nowhere. The air surrounding you becomes bitterly cold,and you feel any happiness you felt before this very moment drain away.

Dementors are among the most reviled Dark creatures known to wizarding kind. They are a disturbingly evil

group of homicidal monsters, whose sole purpose is to leech off of the emotions of others. The telltale sign of

the presence of Dementors is a sudden drop of temperature, and a sudden bout of depression.

Dementors are blind. To “view” the world around them, they have the magical ability to sense the emotions of

others, which gives them a form of blindsight. They feed off of these emotions as well, leaving a hollow void in

the mind of their prey. Creatures that are drained completely of emotion are usually drained of their very

souls. People killed in such a matter are indistinguishable from comatose patients in the deepest vegetative

state possible.

Like Threstrals, Dementors naturally have a selective invisibility power; Those who cannot perform magic

cannot view a Dementor, even if they can be affected by them. It is also worth noting that Dementors do not

mate like most creatures. Instead, they grow like fungus in areas saturated with dark magic.

CombatCombatCombatCombatDementors are deadly opponents, as their very presence causes harm to those around them. Few wizards can

successfully harm them, let alone kill them. The best way to defend oneself from Dementors is to use the

patronus charm.

Aura of Cold (Su):Aura of Cold (Su):Aura of Cold (Su):Aura of Cold (Su): All creatures within 30 ft. of a Dementor is subject to an unnatural cold. Each round, all

creatures within this aura take 2 points of nonlethal cold damage, no save. If a target is knocked unconscious

from the environmental hazard, they start to take lethal damage. Unlike other creatures, creatures with either

the Plant type or the fire subtype take lethal damage from this aura as soon as they enter this aura.


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Aura of Depression (Su):Aura of Depression (Su):Aura of Depression (Su):Aura of Depression (Su): All creatures within 30 ft. of a Dementor are deeply affected by a seemingly

endless depression. After spending a full round in this aura, all creatures must make a Will save (DC 16), or

be shaken for 1d4 rounds. Starting immediately after this time, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 16), or

gain one negative level. The next round after this negative level bestowal, the creature must make another

fortitude save (DC 16), or fall unconscious. All these saves are Wisdom-based. If a character succeeds on at

least two of these saves, they cannot be affected by the Dementor’s aura of depression for another 24 hours.

Blindsight (Su):Blindsight (Su):Blindsight (Su):Blindsight (Su): This ability works like the common ability, except it is supernatural in origin. If a creature

finds a way to mask his emotions, the Dementor cannot see him/her. A Dementor hit by the patronus charmloses this ability for 1d6 rounds, effectively blinding it.

Dementor’s Kiss (Su):Dementor’s Kiss (Su):Dementor’s Kiss (Su):Dementor’s Kiss (Su): this ability is only usable against a helpless target. As a full round action, the

Dementor may suck the soul of a living creature out of its body. This action is called a “kiss.” Once a kiss

attempt has started, the target must make a Fort save (DC 16), or die. Such a target cannot be resurrected by

any means until the Dementor who performed the kiss has been destroyed. The save DC is Wisdom-based.

Invisibility to Muggles (Su):Invisibility to Muggles (Su):Invisibility to Muggles (Su):Invisibility to Muggles (Su): This ability is constant, allowing a Dementor to remain invisible even when

attacking. This ability only functions against Muggles.


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Creatures >


DoxyDoxyDoxyDoxyTiny FeyTiny FeyTiny FeyTiny Fey

Hit Dice: Hit Dice: Hit Dice: Hit Dice: 1d6+1 (4 hp)

Initiative:Initiative:Initiative:Initiative: +5

Speed:Speed:Speed:Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), Fly 40 ft. (Perfect)

Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +5 Dex), touch 17, flatfooted 12

Attack/Grapple:Attack/Grapple:Attack/Grapple:Attack/Grapple: +0/-11

Attack:Attack:Attack:Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d4-3 plus poison)

Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d4-3 plus poison), and 4 Claws +2 melee (1d3-3)

Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks: Poison

Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft.

Saves:Saves:Saves:Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3

Abilities:Abilities:Abilities:Abilities: Str 4, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 8

Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Hide +9, Move Silently +9

Feats:Feats:Feats:Feats: Virulent Poison, Weapon Finesse(B), Hover(B)

Environment:Environment:Environment:Environment: Cold Forests (Europe and North America)

Organization:Organization:Organization:Organization: Swarm (8-35)

Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating: 2

Treasure:Treasure:Treasure:Treasure: Half Standard

Alignment:Alignment:Alignment:Alignment: Usually Neutral

Advancement:Advancement:Advancement:Advancement: 2-3 HD (Tiny)

Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment: -----

A small, fairy-like creature with matted black fur and four arms can be seen in the room. It bares its teeth,both rows of them.

Doxies are a nasty species of Fairy that inhabit many houses. They generally infest the draperies, where they

build large nests. In the wild, Doxies live in grand nests in the trees, where they prey upon other fairies.

Doxies are considered a rather nasty pest not only because the females can lay up to five hundred eggs at a

time, but also because of their poisonous bite; while a single bite most likely will not kill, many bites can lead

to an extremely painful death. As a result, the magical alchemical substance Doxycide is commonly available

in many shops, which can be used to paralyze Doxies by spraying them with it.

CombatCombatCombatCombatA Doxy’s first instinct is always to bite, in order to quickly subdue an opponent. If facing an extremely tough

foe, however, Doxies can also use its four claws to great effect.

Poison (Ex):Poison (Ex):Poison (Ex):Poison (Ex): A Doxy’s bite is poisonous, so creatures must succeed on a Fort save (DC 13), or contract it. It

deals 1d6 Con damage as its initial damage, and its secondary damage just drops a foe into unconsciousness.

The save DC is Constitution based.

Poison Poison Poison Poison Initial Effect Initial Effect Initial Effect Initial Effect Secondary EffectSecondary EffectSecondary EffectSecondary Effect

Doxy Poison 1d6 Con Unconsciousness for 1d4 hours


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Creatures >


DugbogDugbogDugbogDugbogSmall Magical BeastSmall Magical BeastSmall Magical BeastSmall Magical Beast

Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice: 2d10+2 (13 hp)

Initiative:Initiative:Initiative:Initiative: +1

Speed:Speed:Speed:Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class: 15 (+3 natural, +1 size, +1 Dex), touch 12, flatfooted 14

Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+0

Attack:Attack:Attack:Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+3)

Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+3)

Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Crushing Jaw

Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Freeze

Saves:Saves:Saves:Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will -1

Abilities:Abilities:Abilities:Abilities: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 9

Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Hide +10, Listen +1, Spot +1

Feats:Feats:Feats:Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Bite)(B)

Environment:Environment:Environment:Environment: Temperate Marshes (Europe & Americas)

Organization:Organization:Organization:Organization: Solitary, or Pack (3-6)

Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating: 2

Treasure:Treasure:Treasure:Treasure: None

Alignment:Alignment:Alignment:Alignment: Always Neutral

Advancement:Advancement:Advancement:Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small); 5-8 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment: -----

All of a sudden, a nearby log comes alive. It races towards the ankles of a nearby person. The person screamsout in pain as the creature bites down.

Dugbogs are nasty pests native to Europe and the Americas. When stationary, it has the uncanny ability to

appear as a piece of deadwood. It has developed this ability to better camouflage itself when hunting prey;

usually small birds. It is an omnivore, and its favorite food is the Mandrake. As a result, many Mandrake

owners despise Dugbogs, who more often than not raid gardens of them. The resulting carnage leaves only

the bloody, mangled remnants of the roots.

Dugbogs have finned paws, better to swim with in their marshy homes. While they do not hunt humans for

food, there have been many incidents where muggles (and even careless wizards) unknowingly step on

sleeping dugbogs. The results are occasionally fatal.

CombatCombatCombatCombatThe initial reaction of any Dugbog facing a large threat is to bite it, and clamp down. It attempts to crush bone

and shred flesh.

Improved Grab (Ex):Improved Grab (Ex):Improved Grab (Ex):Improved Grab (Ex): Whenever a Dugbog bites a foe, it may start a grapple attack as a free action without

provoking an attack of opportunity. Unlike other creatures with this special ability, this can be done against

foes of its size or one size category larger.

Crushing Jaw (Ex):Crushing Jaw (Ex):Crushing Jaw (Ex):Crushing Jaw (Ex): Each round a Dugbog maintains a grapple, the Dugbog automatically deals 2d6+6

damage against the grappled creature.

Freeze (Ex):Freeze (Ex):Freeze (Ex):Freeze (Ex): A Dugbog can hold itself so still it appears to be a piece of deadwood. An observer must

succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice the dugbog is really alive.


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Creatures >


ErklingErklingErklingErklingSmall FeySmall FeySmall FeySmall Fey

Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice: 2d6 (7 hp)

Initiative:Initiative:Initiative:Initiative: +2

Speed:Speed:Speed:Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Climb 20 ft.

Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +1 natural, +2 Dex), touch 13, flatfooted 12

Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3

Attack:Attack:Attack:Attack: Dart +4 ranged (1d3)

Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack: Dart +4 ranged (1d3), or 2 Claws +4 melee (1d4/19-20) and Bite -1 melee (1d6)

Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks: Rend, Captivating Cackle

Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Spell Resistance 8

Saves:Saves:Saves:Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3

Abilities:Abilities:Abilities:Abilities: Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 10

Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Climb +13, Hide +7, Move Silently +7, Survival +6

Feats:Feats:Feats:Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Improved Critical (Claw)

Environment:Environment:Environment:Environment: Temperate Marshes (Germany)

Organization:Organization:Organization:Organization: Solitary, or Hunting Group (3-7)

Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating: 2

Treasure:Treasure:Treasure:Treasure: Standard

Alignment:Alignment:Alignment:Alignment: Usually Chaotic Evil

Advancement:Advancement:Advancement:Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small)

Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment: +1

A small, deformed creature with exceedingly long limbs climbs down from the trees in front of you. Under itselongated nose is a mouth filled with rows of sharp, needle-like teeth.

Erklings are small, elvish creatures that inhabit the bogs of the Black Forest. They particularly like to eat the

flesh of small children, who they lure into the forest’s bogs using their supernaturally entrancing voices.

Erklings have deadly claws and a nasty bite, though they often prefer to fire darts at enemies. Unlike most

magical creatures, Erklings are capable of language, and often speak German (though they may also learn

English or French). Despite their intelligence, they are classified as beasts for their cannibalistic and

murderous behavior.

CombatCombatCombatCombatErklings prefer ambushes against weaker foes, like children. When faced in a fair fight, most Erklings tend to


Captivating Cackle (Su):Captivating Cackle (Su):Captivating Cackle (Su):Captivating Cackle (Su): When an Erkling cackles, all creatures (other than Erklings) within a 200-foot

spread must succeed on a DC 11 Will save or become captivated. This is a sonic mind affecting charm effect.

A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same Erkling’s cackle for 24 hours. The save

DC is Charisma-based. A captivated victim walks toward the Erkling, taking the most direct route available. If

the path leads into a dangerous area (through flame, off a cliff, or the like), that creature gets a second saving

throw. Captivated creatures can take no actions other than to defend themselves. (Thus, a fighter cannot run

away or attack but takes no defensive penalties.) A victim within 5 feet of the Erkling stands there and offers

no resistance to the monster’s attacks. The effect continues for as long as the Erkling cackles and for 1 round


Rend (Ex):Rend (Ex):Rend (Ex):Rend (Ex): When an Erkling hits a foe with both claw attacks, it tears the enemy’s flesh, dealing an extra 2d4



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Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Erklings get a +4 bonus on all Move Silently and Hide checks.


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Creatures >


GnomeGnomeGnomeGnomeTiny Magical BeastTiny Magical BeastTiny Magical BeastTiny Magical Beast

Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice: 1d10+1 (6 hp)

Initiative:Initiative:Initiative:Initiative: +1

Speed:Speed:Speed:Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Burrow 5 ft.

Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 13, flatfooted 14

Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-8

Attack:Attack:Attack:Attack: Heabutt +4 melee (1d3-1)

Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack: Headbutt +4 melee (1d3-1), or bite -1 melee (1d4-1)

Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks: -----

Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 ft.

Saves:Saves:Saves:Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0

Abilities:Abilities:Abilities:Abilities: Str 8, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 11

Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Hide +5, Move Silently +2

Feats:Feats:Feats:Feats: Weapon Finesse

Environment:Environment:Environment:Environment: Temperate Plains (North America and Europe)

Organization:Organization:Organization:Organization: Burrow (8-40)

Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating: 1/3

Treasure:Treasure:Treasure:Treasure: Half Standard

Alignment:Alignment:Alignment:Alignment: Usually Neutral

Advancement:Advancement:Advancement:Advancement: 2-3 HD (Tiny); 4 HD (Small)

Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment: -----

A tiny humanoid that vaguely resembles a potato climbs out of one of the many burrows in the surroundingarea. It seems to be dopily happy as it wanders aimlessly.

Gnomes, sometimes called Gernumblies, are small, 30 centimeter creatures that often inhabit gardens. While

they can make their own burrows, they tend to live in rabbit holes, as they are very lazy. Gnomes are fun

loving, and rarely leave a garden once they enter it. This designates them as pests by the Ministry of Magic,

despite their limited sapience.

Gnomes live in large families, which constantly consume vast quantities of roots, and as a result they often

devastate gardens. To prevent this from occurring, the process of “de-gnoming” must occur, which involves

grabbing the creature by the legs and flinging them out of the garden. Another, more brutally efficient way of

eliminating gnomes is to feed them to jarveys, ferret-like magical beasts that rip their prey apart.

CombatCombatCombatCombatGnomes usually headbutt their enemies when forced to, and if they are cornered, they can use their teeth to

give a nasty bite.


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Creatures >



Medium undead

Hit DiceHit DiceHit DiceHit Dice: 8d12 HD (52 hp)

InitiativeInitiativeInitiativeInitiative: +1

SpeedSpeedSpeedSpeed: 30 ft. (6 squares)

Armour ClassArmour ClassArmour ClassArmour Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 Natural), touch 10, flat-footed 11

Base Attack/GrappleBase Attack/GrappleBase Attack/GrappleBase Attack/Grapple: +5/+9

AttackAttackAttackAttack: Slam +9 melee (1d4+4)

Full AttackFull AttackFull AttackFull Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d4+4) and bite +4 melee (1d6+4)

Space/ReachSpace/ReachSpace/ReachSpace/Reach: 5 ft./5ft.

Special QualitiesSpecial QualitiesSpecial QualitiesSpecial Qualities: Charnel scent, cold immunity, darkvision 60ft, spell immunity (pain and death).

SavesSavesSavesSaves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7

AbilitiesAbilitiesAbilitiesAbilities: Str 19, Dex 13, Con -, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 4

SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills: -

FeatsFeatsFeatsFeats: -

EnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironment: Underground

OrganisationOrganisationOrganisationOrganisation: Any

Challenge RatingChallenge RatingChallenge RatingChallenge Rating: 5

TreasuresTreasuresTreasuresTreasures: None

AllignmentAllignmentAllignmentAllignment: Chaotic evil

AdvancementAdvancementAdvancementAdvancement: By HD increase

Level AdjustmentLevel AdjustmentLevel AdjustmentLevel Adjustment: -

"In this class, you will learn to defend yourself against, say, the inferius" (a picture of a bloody mass drapedthe nearby walls).


An Inferi is a reanimated corpse whose only desire is to fullfil the wishes of the dark wizard who re-awoken

them. Inferius are one-track minded and attack one target at a time. If the target they are sent to kill is dead,

the Inferi will instantly fall into a deep slumber until a new target is selected.

Charnel Scent (Ex)Charnel Scent (Ex)Charnel Scent (Ex)Charnel Scent (Ex): An Inferi can detect fresh blood or a corpse at twice the range of its normal scent.

ImmunityImmunityImmunityImmunity: The Inferius are immune to all mind-affecting abilities, as well as critical hits, nonlethal damage,

ability drain, and energy drain.

Spell Immunity (Su)Spell Immunity (Su)Spell Immunity (Su)Spell Immunity (Su): Inferius are immune to spells that inflict pain, such as the Cruciatus Curse and

Sectumsempra, as well as the Killing Curse.


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Creatures >


Merfok, LakeMerfok, LakeMerfok, LakeMerfok, Lake

Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic)

Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)

Initiative:Initiative:Initiative:Initiative: +1

Speed: Speed: Speed: Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), Swim 60 ft.

Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12

BAB/Grapple:BAB/Grapple:BAB/Grapple:BAB/Grapple: +3/+5

Attack:Attack:Attack:Attack: Trident + 5 melee (1d8+2)

Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack: Trident +5 melee (1d8+2)

Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks: Captivating song

Special Abilities:Special Abilities:Special Abilities:Special Abilities: Blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., water dependent, xenophobia

Saves:Saves:Saves:Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2

Abilities:Abilities:Abilities:Abilities: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 12

Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Knowledge (Nature) +7, Perform (Sing) +7, Swim +9

Feats:Feats:Feats:Feats: Ability Focus (captivating song), Power Attack

Environment: Environment: Environment: Environment: Cold and Temperate Freshwater Lakes

Organization: Organization: Organization: Organization: Company (2-4), patrol (11-20 plus 2 3rd-level lieutenants and 1 leader

of 3rd-6th level), or band (30-60 plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults,

5 5th-level lieutenants, 3 7th-level captains, and 10 grindylows)

Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating: 2

Treasure: Treasure: Treasure: Treasure: Standard

Alignment:Alignment:Alignment:Alignment: Usually Neutral

Advancement:Advancement:Advancement:Advancement: By character class

Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment: +1

Unlike their more human-looking brethren, lake merfolk have adapted to living in cold, murky lakes. Lake

merfolk have grayish skin and long, wild, dark green hair. Their eyes are yellow, as are their broken teeth, and

they wear thick ropes of pebbles around their necks.

The voices of merpeople sound like screeching above water but are understandable beneath the waves, where

they sound dulcet. They speak Mermish

Lake merfolk rarely tolerate visitors to their underwater cities. Their xenophobia makes relations with them

difficult, as they are generally hostile and unfriendly. However, lake merfolk are wonderful underwater

gardeners and take great pride in their gardens. Despite their mistrust of strangers, they can be persuaded,

through flattery if not bribery, to allow visitation to their gardens. A successful Diplomacy check (DC 35) is

needed to convince a merfolk to allow visitors to his or her underwater garden.

Lake merfolk have been known to domesticate grindylows and keep them as pets.


Anyone not invited to the merfolk city is considered a threat. They patrol their cities in groups and are quick to

respond to any disturbances with excessive force.

Blindsense (Ex):Blindsense (Ex):Blindsense (Ex):Blindsense (Ex): Lake merfolk can locate creatures underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability works

only when the lake merfolk is underwater.

Captivating Song (Su):Captivating Song (Su):Captivating Song (Su):Captivating Song (Su): The most insidious ability of the lake merfolk is its song. When a lake merfolk sings,

all creatures (other than lake merfolk) within a 100-foot spread must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or become

captivated. This is a sonic mind-affecting charm effect. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected


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again by the same merfolk’s song for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial

bonus. A lake mermaid’s captivating song can be heard above the water’s surface if the lake mermaid is

underwater, but the range is only 50 ft. A lake mermaid cannot use ability this above the water.

A captivated victim walks toward the merfolk, taking the most direct route available. If the path leads into a

dangerous area, that creature gets a second saving throw. Captivated creatures can take no actions other than

to defend themselves. A victim within 5 feet of the lake merfolk stands there and offers no resistance to the

monster’s attacks. The effect continues for as long as the lake merfolk sings and for 1 round thereafter.

Creatures that cannot hear the merfolk’s song (such as deaf creatures or those who have stopped up their ears

with soundproof wax) are unaffected by the merfolk’s captivating song.

Water Dependent (Ex):Water Dependent (Ex):Water Dependent (Ex):Water Dependent (Ex): Lake merfolk can survive out of the water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution

(after that, refer to the drowning rules).

Xenophobia (Ex):Xenophobia (Ex):Xenophobia (Ex):Xenophobia (Ex): All merfolk are generally reclusive and avoid contact with others, except when they are in

combat. When faced with strangers (outside of combat), a lake merfolk must succeed on DC 15 Will check in

order to make contact with anyone he or she does not already know. Furthermore, the lake merfolk takes a -4

morale penalty to Diplomacy checks and gains a +2 morale to Intimidate checks when in the company of

strangers. This effect lasts 24 hours or until the merfolk is in the company of someone he or she knows.

Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Lake merfolk gain a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform a special action or avoid a hazard.

They always can choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered when swimming. A lake

merfolk can use the run action while swimming, provided that it swims in a straight line.

Trident:Trident:Trident:Trident: This weapon can be thrown. If you use a ready action to set a trident against a charge, you deal

double damage on a successful hit against a charging character. A thrown trident has a 10-foot range.


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Creatures >


PhoenixPhoenixPhoenixPhoenixTiny Magical BeastTiny Magical BeastTiny Magical BeastTiny Magical Beast

Hit Die:Hit Die:Hit Die:Hit Die: ½ d10 (2 hp)

Initiative:Initiative:Initiative:Initiative: +4

Speed:Speed:Speed:Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), Fly 60 ft. (average)

Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural), touch 16, flat footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-9

Attack:Attack:Attack:Attack: Claw +2 melee (1d3-1 damage)

Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack: 2 Claws +2 melee (1d3-1 damage), or Bite +2 melee (1d4-1 damage)

Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach: 2 ½ ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks: -----

Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities: Immolation, Fire Resistance 10

Saves:Saves:Saves:Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

Abilities:Abilities:Abilities:Abilities: Str 8, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 16

Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Spot +2, Listen +2

Feats:Feats:Feats:Feats: Flyby Attack

Environment:Environment:Environment:Environment: Warm Deserts

Organization:Organization:Organization:Organization: Solitary

Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating: 1/2

Treasure:Treasure:Treasure:Treasure: None

Alignment:Alignment:Alignment:Alignment: Always Neutral

Advancement:Advancement:Advancement:Advancement: 1-2 HD (Tiny)

Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment: -----

A small bird with red and orange plumage sits in a cage. Despite its obviously non-intelligent nature, it has anaura of majesty around it, as though it is something to be respected.

Lesser Phoenixes are cousins of the great birds that protect the good creatures of deserts. These creatures are

rare like their greater versions, but are more commonly seen in the company of humanoids. Many keep Lesser

Phoenixes as pets, as they can never truly die, which avoids the heartbreak associated with the deaths of most


CombatCombatCombatCombatLesser Phoenixes are not often seen in combat, but when forced to, they tend to head straight into the thick of

it. They do not fear death. In fact, they fly as close to enemies as possible, so that when they die their slayer

also takes damage.

Immolation (Su):Immolation (Su):Immolation (Su):Immolation (Su): When a Lesser Phoenix approaches death, a Lesser Phoenix may immolate itself as a full

round action. This causes a cloud of fire that is 10 ft. high and has a 5 ft. radius spread. Anyone caught in the

burst receives 2d6 fire damage. Reflex save DC 11 for half damage. This kills the original bird, but a new one

rises out of the ashes in 1d4 rounds.


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Creatures >

Pixie, Cornish

Pixie, CornishPixie, CornishPixie, CornishPixie, CornishTiny FeyTiny FeyTiny FeyTiny Fey

Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice: ½d6 (1 hp)

Initiative:Initiative:Initiative:Initiative: +9

Speed:Speed:Speed:Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), Fly 40 ft. (Perfect)

Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +5 Dex), touch 17, flatfooted 12

Attack/Grapple:Attack/Grapple:Attack/Grapple:Attack/Grapple: +0/-7

Attack:Attack:Attack:Attack: Electric Orb +7 ranged (1d2 electric plus daze)

Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack: Electric Orb +7 ranged (1d2 electric plus daze)

Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks: Electric Orb

Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Distracting Jitter

Saves:Saves:Saves:Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1

Abilities:Abilities:Abilities:Abilities: Str 12, Dex 21, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 15

Skills:Skills:Skills:Skills: Listen +3, Spot +3

Feats:Feats:Feats:Feats: Improved Initiative, Hover(B)

Environment:Environment:Environment:Environment: Temperate Plains (England)

Organization:Organization:Organization:Organization: Swarm (8-35)

Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating: 1

Treasure:Treasure:Treasure:Treasure: Half Standard

Alignment:Alignment:Alignment:Alignment: Usually Chaotic Neutral

Advancement:Advancement:Advancement:Advancement: -----

Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment: -----

A group of small, blue-skinned wingless creatures can be seen flying amidst the tree branches above. Uponseeing you, they release an ungodly sound, the sound of twisted laughter.

Cornish Pixies are a species of Pixie native to England, but primarily found in Cornwall. They are extremely

chaotic and unpredictable, constantly exploring and breaking all sorts of items. For creatures of their size,

they have spectacular strength, and they have been known to gang up on a single human-sized target and

drag them away.

Cornish Pixies are not truly malevolent, but they have a cruel sense of humor. They often hang people from

chandeliers, break important items, and steal money from humans that live in their environment. Despite not

having wings, these blue creatures can fly with supernatural agility. Cornish pixies are roughly eight inches


CombatCombatCombatCombatPixies, like many species of non-humans, can naturally generate magic without the need for wands and

training. They manifest this power in the ability to discharge balls of electric energy that can temporarily stun

targets. Their constant jittering also makes it hard for wizards to concentrate on their spell-work.

Electric Orb (Su):Electric Orb (Su):Electric Orb (Su):Electric Orb (Su): Every round, as a standard action, a Cornish Pixie may create a small ball of electricity and

fling it at an enemy. It deals 1d2 electricity damage, and any creature hit with it must make a Will save (DC

11), or be dazed for 1 round. Save DC is Constitution-based, and includes a +1 racial bonus.

Distracting Jittering (Ex):Distracting Jittering (Ex):Distracting Jittering (Ex):Distracting Jittering (Ex): Cornish Pixies constantly make a jittering noise that is very annoying. When a

creature other than a Cornish Pixie attempts to perform an action that requires intense concentration (like

spellcasting), the creature must make a Concentration check (DC 10), or fail. The save DC against a single

pixie’s jittering is always 10, but the DC increases by 1 for every pixie that remains within 30 ft. of each other.

For example, three pixies emit a jittering that requires a concentration check with a DC of 12 to overcome.


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Creatures >



Large Magical Beast

Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice:Hit Dice: 4d10+16 HD (38 hp)

Initiative:Initiative:Initiative:Initiative: +2

Speed:Speed:Speed:Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)

Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class:Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, -1 size), touch 11, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple:Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+11

Attack:Attack:Attack:Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+3)

Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack:Full Attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d6+3) and bite +4 melee (1d6+1)

Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach:Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks:Special Attacks: Disease

Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities:Special Qualities: Charnel scent, cloak of death, darkvision 60 ft., grim vitality, low-light vision, resistance to

negative energy 10, scent

Saves:Saves:Saves:Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +2

Abilities:Abilities:Abilities:Abilities: Str 17, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 11

Skills: Skills: Skills: Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4

Feats: Feats: Feats: Feats: Endurance, Flyby Attack, Multiattack(B), Spirit Sense(B) Heroes of Horror

Environment:Environment:Environment:Environment: Temperate Forest

Organization:Organization:Organization:Organization: Domesticated or herd (6–30)

Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating:Challenge Rating: 4

Treasure: Treasure: Treasure: Treasure: None

Alignment:Alignment:Alignment:Alignment: Usually neutral

Advancement: Advancement: Advancement: Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment:Level Adjustment: -

This appears as a horse in the final stages of starvation, each bone plainly seen through dark leathery skin

stretched so tightly that it appears as if it were dipped in tar. Its head in particular is as a skull and bears a

resemblance to a saurian or dragon, complete with a snout of sharp predator's teeth. It has shining white eyes

and a thick black mane that hangs long from its neck. From its back sprouts an enormous pair of

membranous bat wings though they fold so tightly to the body they are not easily noticed.

Despite their ominous appearance, thestrals are not commonly seen. They are creatures with strong ties to

death, though are not of themselves often killers. Thus, they may only be seen by those who know death

intimately. They tend to be scavengers, feeding off the remains of the dead, though are also known to have a

taste for birds, especially those in their airspace. They do not attack larger creatures however unless provoked

or threatened.

Thestrals weigh only around 800 lbs., though possess a grim strength that belies their appearance. They

speak only their own language though can be taught to understand others.


A thestral provoked or threatened into an attack tends to gallop at its attacker, trying to scare if off with blows

of its hooves. If this is ineffective, it lashes forward with its teeth, tearing chunks of flesh, which it swallows as

it battles. Often it will take to the air to swing past like a furious wraith.

Charnal Scent (Ex):Charnal Scent (Ex):Charnal Scent (Ex):Charnal Scent (Ex): A thestral can detect fresh blood or a corpse at twice the range of its normal scent.

Cloak of Death (Su):Cloak of Death (Su):Cloak of Death (Su):Cloak of Death (Su): A thestral may only be seen by one who has witnessed the death of a loved one. To all

others they are invisible as the spell. This ability is constant, allowing a thestral to remain invisible even when

attacking. This ability is inherent and not subject to the invisibility purge spell.


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Disease (Ex): Disease (Ex): Disease (Ex): Disease (Ex): Red ache—bite, Fortitude DC 16, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d6 Strength. The save

DC is Constitution-based.

Grim Vitality (Ex):Grim Vitality (Ex):Grim Vitality (Ex):Grim Vitality (Ex): A thestral has a +4 resistance to disease, poison, and death affects.

Training a thestralTraining a thestralTraining a thestralTraining a thestral

A thestral requires training before it can bear a rider in combat. Training a thestral requires you to be able to

see it, six weeks of work, and a DC 25 Handle Animal check. Riding a thestral requires an exotic saddle. A

thestral can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride


Thestral young are worth 3,500 GP each. Professional trainers charge 1,500 GP to rear or train a thestral.

Carrying Capacity:Carrying Capacity:Carrying Capacity:Carrying Capacity: A light load for a thestral is up to 258 pounds; a medium load, 259–519 pounds; and a

heavy load, 520–780 pounds. A thestral can drag 3,900 pounds.


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Magical Equipment and Items

Books- Books are used in Harry Potter to study new spells. In the Harry Potter universe the second volume of

The Standard Book of Spells cost 1 sickle. Therefore I am going to say that all books cost 1 sickle to buy. I

will update this later as I pour through the books to find specific spellbook costs. Not all the books in the

series are in here, just ones that will most likely be used. For the rest its just a best guess for how much it


Care of Magical Creatures

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

General Spellbooks- This contains a variety of spells generally taught in Hogwarts and contains Charms,

Curses and Anti-Curses, and Transfiguration. These books are written by Miranda Goshawk.

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 7

Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


The Dream oracle by Inigo Imago

Unfogging the Future by Cassandra Vablatsky


One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi Phyllida Spore

History of Magic

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot


Advanced Potion Making by Libatius Borage

Medical Draughts and Potions by Aresenius Jigger


A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

Intermediate Transfiguration

Guide to Advanced Transfiguration


Firebolt- The Firebolt is the fastest broomstick in existence. It is capable of going of reaching speeds as high

as 150mph in ten seconds. In game terms the broomstick is capable of moving 350 feet per round. Due to its


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high level of craftsmanship it also grants the rider a +2 to Broomstick checks. Cost- 200 Galleons

Cauldron and Potion kits- Cauldrons are used for Potionmaking

Pewter Cauldron - 10 sickles

Basic Potion Kit- 5 sickles

Wands are made of a wood, and core of the players choice. A wizard has a -2 -2 for using a wand that's not

yours for all spellcasting checks and -10 for using a broken wand. Additionally, upon choosing a wand the

wand gains one of the effects listed below.

Gain a +2 to Charm checks

Gain a +2 to Curses checks

Gain a +2 to Counter-Curses checks

Gain a +2 to Transfiguration checks

Gain a +2 on attack rolls made with the wand

Gain a +2 on Damage rolls made with the wand

Reroll any Charms check once per day

Reroll any Transfiguration check once per day

Reroll any Curses/Counter-Curses check once per day

Cost: 7 Galleons

Here is an alternative way to determine the type of wood used and the effects of the wand.

At 1st level, when you purchase a wand from Ollivanders, Gregorovitch, or any other wandmaker, make a

1d10 roll three times (one for the type of wand tree, one for the wand core, and one for the wand property).

Compare the results with the table below.

Result Wand


Core Magical


1 Elm Dragon


+2 on



2 Holly Veela hair +2 on Charms


3 Yew Phoenix

tail feather

+2 on Curses

or Counter-

Curses checks

4 Mahogany Unicorn


+2 on attack


5 Blackthorn Unicorn


+2 on damage



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6 Willow Dragon


Reroll any

charm check

once per day

7 Hawthorn Grindylow


Reroll an


check once per


8 Oak Erkling


Reroll any

Curses or


check once per


9 Rosewood Hippogriff

tail feather

Reroll any

Attack roll with

the wand once

per day

10 Hornbeam Owl


Reroll any

Damage roll

from a spell

from the wand

once per day


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Magical Equipment and Items >


Chocolate Frog: 2 knuts.

Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans: 3 knuts/box

Fizzing Whizzbees: 4 knuts/package

Acid pop: 2 knuts

Cauldron Cake: 5 knuts

Butterscotch: 2 Knuts

Pumpkin Juice: 4 knuts/bottle

Pumpkin Pasties: 3 knuts

Pink Coconut Ice: 4 knuts/box


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Potions are made by using the Potionmaking skill. The number of potions that a player can know is equal to

their Spell Limit.

Aging Potion Aging Potion Aging Potion Aging Potion DC 25

When drunk, this potion causes the drinker to appear up to 10 years per level older than they really are.

Unless a specific age is determined, however, roll d% to determine how many years are added. The DC to

detect the change is equal to the Potionmaking check used to create this potion, and it can be automatically

detected by certain wards (such as an Age Line.) Unless cured or created with a specified duration, the potion

wears off in hours equal to the level of the potion brewer.

Love PotionLove PotionLove PotionLove Potion DC 15

When drunk, this potion causes a strong infatuation on the part of the drinker toward another person

determined by the potion brewer (usually the potion brewer herself,) and instantly switches the emotional

state of that person to In Love. Unless cured or created with a specified duration, the potion wears off in days

equal to the level of the potion brewer.


*Can be used to spike certain foods or drinks

*Cupid crystals, a crystallized, candied form


Amortentia Amortentia Amortentia Amortentia DC 30

The most powerful love potion in the world, this potion causes the drinker to be absolutely obsessed with the

target, never leaving Helpful on the diplomacy scale for the duration of the potion. Unless cured or created

with a specified duration, the potion wears off in months equal to the level of the potion brewer. Amortentia's

scent changes based on the one smelling it - it smells like things, places, and people that they love.

Antidote, VariableAntidote, VariableAntidote, VariableAntidote, Variable DC

When drunk, an antidote counteracts the effects of another potion or liquid (such as poison) and cancels it out.

The DC to create an antidote is equal to the DC to create the potion or liquid it counteracts, plus 5. Antidotes

are usually divided into two categories, Common and Uncommon. Common Antidotes will likely counteract

multiple effects, while Uncommon Antidotes will only counteract the ones that they were created for.

Babbling Beverage Babbling Beverage Babbling Beverage Babbling Beverage DC 15

When drunk, the drinker babbles on nonsensically for minutes equal to the potion brewer's level or until

cured. Within the babble, the drinker has a 5% chance of revealing some sort of secret they might not have

otherwise told.

Beautifying Potion Beautifying Potion Beautifying Potion Beautifying Potion DC 20

When drunk, this potion improves the appearance of its drinker, increasing their Charisma by 1d6 points and

removing blemishes and other ugly marks. Unless cured or created with a specified duration, the potion wears

off in hours equal to the level of the potion brewer.


*Can be made at DC 15 for small, permanent cosmetic changes, such as removing warts, acne or moles.

These variants go by names like "Bruise Removal Paste" or "Blemish Blitzer."

Befuddlement DraughtBefuddlement DraughtBefuddlement DraughtBefuddlement Draught DC 20

When drunk, the drinker becomes very confused and finds it difficult to understand what is going on around

them, causing them to become belligerent and reckless, and reduce their Wisdom by 2d6 points. Unless cured

or created with a specified duration, the potion wears off in hours equal to the level of the potion brewer.


*Confusing Concoction, DC 15, less emphasis on anger and more on confusion - Reduces Wisdom by 1d6

and also reduces Intelligence by 1d6.


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Blood Replenishment Blood Replenishment Blood Replenishment Blood Replenishment DC 15

When drunk or placed into the body somehow, this potion restores the blood with magical energy helping life.

This potion restores 2 hit points per hour. Each pint of the potion can heal up to 10 hit points. Once it restores

1 pints, a new potion must be taken to continue the effect.

Brain Elixir Brain Elixir Brain Elixir Brain Elixir DC 25

When drunk, this potion increases the Intelligence of the drinker by 2d6 points for hours equal to the level of

the potion brewer. It is easy to counterfeit this potion, however, and it is illegal in most places, especially

school and competitive events.

Bundimun SecretionBundimun SecretionBundimun SecretionBundimun Secretion DC 15

This secretion comes from the Bundimun, a greenish, living fungus, and when prepared properly, its powerful

acidic properties allow it to erode most materials very quickly, including wood, stone and metal, doing 2d6

damage every 24 minus X hours, where X is the level of the potion brewer. The potion takes constant effect

until it is removed or washed away.


*Can be diluted for use in cleaning products.

Calming DraughtCalming DraughtCalming DraughtCalming Draught DC 15

When drunk, this potion calms the drinker, changing their state to Indifferent towards other characters. If it

has been damaged by some sort of traumatic or stressful event characters often drink this.


*Can be made as an antidote for a Befuddlement Draught.

Draught of PeaceDraught of PeaceDraught of PeaceDraught of Peace DC 25

When drunk, this potion relieves anxiety and agitation and switches the drinker's emotional state to

Indifferent. It also prevents the drinker from becoming anything other then emotionally and mentally serene

for hours equal to the potion brewer's level. However, if prepared improperly (the DC is failed by 3 or less) the

potion becomes an unintentional Draught of Living Death.

*Can be made as an antidote for a Befuddlement Draught.

Fantastical FertilizerFantastical FertilizerFantastical FertilizerFantastical Fertilizer DC 15

This potion can be used to either fertilize or synthesize fertilizer for most plants and help them grow

supernaturally fast. Special plants or ingredients, such as dragon dung, will require their own variety and

generally do not work on everything. A plant treated with Fantastical Fertilizer grows to full height 1d12 weeks

earlier than normal. Fantastical Fertilizer also adds a +2 equipment bonus to Herbology checks.

Felix Felicis Felix Felicis Felix Felicis Felix Felicis DC 40

When drunk, this potion causes the drinker to be extremely lucky for a period of time. This takes the form of

treating the drinker's AC and all dice rolls to be (10+1/5th the brewer's class level) more than it shows on the


For example, drinking a Felix Felicis brewed by a level 10 wizard would cause all of the drinker's d20 rolls to

be treated as 12 higher than what is shown on the dice. Therefore, an 8 or higher would be treated like a

natural 20 (roll again with the bonus for a critical success), and a 13 or higher as an automatic critical success.

Brewing: Felix Felicis must be brewed 1/8th of a cup at a time, and must ferment for six months (182 days)

before being usable.

1/8th of a cup of Felix Felicis provides 12 hours of luck. Drinking more than 6/8ths of a cup at a time is

instantly fatal.

Special: Each consecutive use within a month's time gives a cumulative 4- penalty to Diplomacy, Sense Motive,

and Will Saves, and a 2- penalty to any skill check based on Intelligence or Dexterity.

Greek FireGreek FireGreek FireGreek Fire DC 20

This potion creates an unquenchable fire when its container is broken. If water is poured on the fire it simply

grows larger. The fire can be of any color. Fires started by Greek Fire can be put out, but the source itself does

not wear off for hours equal to the level of the potion brewer. Greek Fire does 2d6 damage each round to any

non-stone, non-metal object it touches, and sets it ablaze with a fire that does 1d6 damage each round.


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*Can be combined with the Special Endurance potion to make specific fires that a given target will be

vulnerable or invulnerable to.

Pest Removal Pest Removal Pest Removal Pest Removal DC 15

This potion takes the form of either a liquid or gas, and is designed to exterminate or drive away a specific

type of household pests, usually vermin, insects, or doxies. Doxycide is a black, foul-smelling gas, and

provides concealment to those within it.

(Dark Potion) (Dark Potion) (Dark Potion) (Dark Potion) Dark Revival (ritual) Dark Revival (ritual) Dark Revival (ritual) Dark Revival (ritual) DC Varies

This spell works only on a target who was ripped from their body after successfully creating a Horcrux. The

ritual takes several hours to prepare and MUST be completed in the following steps (if you miss a step, or fail

a check at any stage before the final check, you must restart from the beginning):

Potion: Make a Knowledge (potion making) check against DC 30. Upon a successful check, you complete the

first part of the potion-making process. You must make a Potionmaking check (DC 25) once every hour for 6

hours straight (the DC increases by 3 each hour after the first).

Ritual Preparation: You must gather three significant pieces to be added to the potion. First, you need a bone

from the target's father (if the father is dead, go to the place where he is buried and dig up the body). Second,

you need to sacrifice a piece of flesh from yourself. The amount you sacrifice reduces the final DC check (see

below). Lastly, you must gather some blood from the target's mortal enemy (the enemy must have an

alignment opposite to the target) The enemy must be tied down against their wishes before extracting their

blood, casting the Full Body-Bind curse against them (the enemy takes a -2 penalty on their Reflex save).

Small flesh (e.g. layer of skin) - -2

Medium flesh (e.g. finger or toe) - -4

Large flesh (e.g. hand or foot) - -6

Resurrection: Once the above has been successfully completed, you place the target in the cauldron. Drop the

bone into the cauldron after chanting at the top of your voice the following:

Bone of the father unknowingly given, you will renew your son

Next, drop your flesh into the cauldron after chanting the following:

Flesh of the servant willingly given, you will revive your master

Lastly, you add the blood into the cauldron after chanting the following:

Blood of the enemy forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe

Once the above is complete, make a final Curse and Counter-Curse check against DC 40. Upon a successful

check the target is restored to a full body and any lost Strength points and Constitution points are restored. If

the check fails, the target loses his remaining points of Constitution and is considered dead.

Simple RemedySimple RemedySimple RemedySimple Remedy DC 10

This potion cures a minor condition, such as a cough or a cold. It can be used to treat the symptoms of most

ailments, though it will not cure anything major. A Simple Remedy potion also adds a +2 equipment bonus to

Healing checks.

Sleeping Draught Sleeping Draught Sleeping Draught Sleeping Draught DC 15

When drunk, the drinker falls into a deep sleep almost immediately, which lasts for hours equal to the level of

the potion brewer.


*Can be used to spike certain foods or drinks

*Draught of Living Death

Draught of Living Death DC 25


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The most powerful sleeping potion in the world, this potion causes a nearly irreversible unconsciousness that

is very close to death. Unless a duration is specified or the potion is cured, the effect is permanent. The

antidote to a Draught of Living Death is called a Wiggenweld Potion.

Special EnduranceSpecial EnduranceSpecial EnduranceSpecial Endurance DC Varies

When drunk, the drinker becomes invulnerable to a particular effect, such as fire, or unbearable air pressure.

Generally attached to very specific effects or spells, this potion has a Potionmaking DC equal to the DC

required to create the thing it protects against. If there is no specific effect, the DC is 25. The potion lasts

hours equal to the level of the potion brewer.

Swelling Solution Swelling Solution Swelling Solution Swelling Solution DC 15

Any being this potion touches will swell up in size, as if with a severe allergic reaction. If the potion brewer

beats the DC by 5 or more, the potion causes the victim to inflate and eventually float upwards, as well. The

potion lasts hours equal to the level of the potion brewer. The antidote to this potion is known as a Deflating


Veterinary TonicVeterinary TonicVeterinary TonicVeterinary Tonic DC Varies

Created for a specific animal or type of animal, this potion will assist in curing or treating most ailments that

the creature suffers with. It provides a +5 equipment bonus to any Healing or Nature checks made to heal the

animal it was developed for. The DC of the Veterinary Tonic is equal to 5 plus the level of the creature



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Magical Equipment and Items >

Minor Magical Items

Minor Magical Items

The Hand of GloryThe Hand of GloryThe Hand of GloryThe Hand of Glory

A lamp that gives light only to the holder, made out of the disembodied hand of a hanged man, this item is

sold in disreputable shops and other places. It burns the fat of murders for fuel, at a rate of 4 hours per pint.

It gives off a constant Lumos effect, as the spell, but with a couple of exceptions:

- The Hand of Glory always takes 20 on the Lumos spell.

- Only the bearer can see the light. To others, the light gives off no illumination whatsoever. In effect, in the

dark it grants the bearer total concealment without suffering from the same penalty.

- The Hand of Glory overcomes any mundane darkness effect.

Creation: The creator must beat the DC of the Lumos spell by 20, and have the hand and the body fat of a

murderer equal to 1 pint.

Peruvian Instant Darkness PowderPeruvian Instant Darkness PowderPeruvian Instant Darkness PowderPeruvian Instant Darkness Powder

This powder, a import from the exotic Americas, is a essential aid for tricksters, thieves, and other ne'er do

wells. Since it is a non-magical effect in action, it is hard to counter by unprepared wizards.

Each packet gives off a 20 by 20 feet cloud of darkness, which grants total concealment for people within

looking out and people without looking in. The powder dissipates within 1d6+1 rounds. A gust of wind or a

similar effect will end the effect in 1 round.

Creation: This item is a import, not created within Britain and the secrets to its creation are not known.

However, a DC 35 potionmaking check could gain some insight into its materials.

Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangsWeasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangsWeasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangsWeasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangs

Wizards are entertained by explosions as much as Muggles are. There are many varieties of fireworks, but

around Hogwarts Weasley's Wizard Wheezes's brand is the most prevalent. You don't know what you'll get, but

whatever comes out is always astonishing. These fireworks comes in various sizes and bundles - the Basic

Blaze Box and the Deflagration Deluxe, which have 5 fireworks and 20 fireworks respectively. Roll on this

table to determine the content of your box. There are many more firework types then are listed here. Several

spells have interesting interactions with these items.

1 - Fizzle!

Whatever spectacular effect was to have happened, it doesn't. I foresee a refund in your future. If a 1 is rolled,

another die must be rolled to determine the kind of dud. The players certainly don't know that this one is a


2 - Pop!

A massive concussive explosion from a relatively small spark creates a huge noise of incredible loudness. A

clever trickster could use this as a distraction.

3 - Bang!

This firework travels for a long distance, and transforms into a flying arrow. It travels in a circle, scattering

sparks in its wake.

4 - Animate!

A magical construct, emulating the spirit of the creator, resembles a humanoid that can be altered in


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appearance. It is less flashy then the others, but it last considerably longer. It will dance and tease passerby

before jumping up in the air in a massive light show.

5 - Boom!

A large, cannonball shaped firework rises as high as possible and explodes in a veritable rain of light. This

effect is impressive and can be both seen and heard for miles around.

6 - Design!

This firework will write in the sky a prerecorded message, written by a wizard or witch who succeeds on a DC

28 Transfiguration check. Usually, the store sells prerecorded messages but enterprising students can try their

hand. Failure usually results in a explosion.

7 - Crack

A midrange firework, a compromise between length and explosive power, lasts for some time and has a

moderate visual effect. Secondary and tertiary explosions are common.

8 - Dragon!

A massive, dragon shaped construct rampages in the sky. A DC 10 Knowledge (Magical Creatures) is required

to recognize this creature as a fake dragon. It lasts for about 5 minutes before roaring and disappearing.

Dragons are considerably more sparse in these packages. If a 8 is rolled, another 6, 7, or 8 must be rolled in

order for a Dragon to be in the box.

Creation: a DC 25 Transfiguration check, with the relevant materials. Bigger fireworks such as the Boom! and

the Dragon! have DC 28 and DC 30 transfiguration checks to create.

Skiving SnackboxSkiving SnackboxSkiving SnackboxSkiving Snackbox

This class-skipping edible allows a student to emulate being sick within class, and promptly cure herself or

himself once leaving. A favorite of many bored students, this item is confiscated on sight by prefects. After

consuming the disguised treat, the subject immediately suffers from the chosen ailment. This gives a +20

bonus to bluff for the sole purpose of feigning illness. If the cure is not consumed, the disease goes away

within 1d6 hours.


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Magical Equipment and Items >

Major Artifacts

Major Artifacts

Elder WandElder WandElder WandElder Wand

The Elder Wand was created by Death for one of the three Peverell brothers Antioch. Death offered him a gift

of his choosing for managing to momentarily denying him. In his arrogance he asked for an unbeatable wand

and he gave him one. Soon after the brother went and challenged a rival and solidly beat him in a duel. Then

boasting of his unbeatable wand his throat was cut in the middle of the night. Then the wands history became

a rather bloody one with many of its owners meeting an early and often grisly end.

The Elder Wand provides several advantages mechanically. The wand gives the owner a +20 bonus to any

Curses and Counter-Curses check. In addition Charms and Transfiguration checks are made with a +15

bonus. The wand is also capable of using Reparo to fix an object that magical. The wand also possesses some

other less nice qualities.

The owner of the wand seems to constantly attract danger and will always have to fear from those who will do

whatever it takes to take the wand from them. Also, the wand will not kill it's true owner and any spell that

would result in that happening coming from the Elder Wand is cast, but is rebounded on the caster


The entire stock of time-turners was destroyed in the battle of the Department of Mysteries, but the one used

by Hermione Granger was returned at the end of the third year. Hogwarts maintains a extremely small supply

of these devices for gifted students short on time. Unfortunately, whoever made these enigmatic devices have

either disappeared from the face of the earth or are no longer making them, so Hogwarts may have the only

devices left in existence. The Ministry in the wake of Second Wizardly War no longer has the records of these

devices, so they go unnoticed… for now.

Time travel has its own risks and consequences. Normal students who go through the proper procedure are

taught of its use and are warned explicitly about its dangers. Untrained students are even more at risk: they

essentially throw their lives into the hands of fate.

Each twist of the time turner takes you back one hour. The device can take the bearer up to 24 hours back in

the past, but concurrently cannot be used for twice the amount of time after. Trips must be planned ahead of

time as to not induce paradoxical situations. If you do… well, bad would be a mild way to put it.

A person with official permission to handle these devices automatically succeed at all skill checks related to

this item. They do, otherwise they wouldn't be trusted with these devices. Untrained students have to succeed

on a DC 24 intelligence check to properly align the time turner for unauthorized use. Unfortunately, for

wizards and witches alike, the time turner cannot be used off-grounds.

The Mirror of ErisedThe Mirror of ErisedThe Mirror of ErisedThe Mirror of Erised

This mirror was used to conceal the philosopher's stone from You-Know-Who. After the stone was destroyed,

the mirror was kept in its chamber and was slowly forgotten. However, the mirror has lost none of its magic. A

character that looks within sees their heart's desire, a exercise between the DM and the player. To avert your

gaze from the mirror requires a DC 13 Reflex save. A To turn away from the wiles of the mirror once you look

at it requires a DC 14 Will save. Students who fail their Will saves will stare aimlessly at the mirror until they

fall over from exhaustion. A distraction, such as a spell or someone speaking, will allow the player a new Will



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There is one more function of this mirror, left over from when Albus Dumbledore first enchanted the mirror to

serve as a last defense. A student who succeeds on a DC 24 charm skill check can hide a object within the

mirror. Only the original caster or a student with no desire for the object can take it. The object can be no

bigger then the size of a human fist.


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Spells in Harry Potter are always important. As such this is the main database for the spells. Click on the link

to the left on the type of spells you wish to see. It will redirect to the list .

Spell Range::::: The distance from which a wizard or witch can cast a spell is is 30 ft + 5 feet per two classlevels. Going further is possible, but every 5 feet beyond this range adds a +2 to the casting DC of the spell.


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Spells >


Accio Accio Accio Accio DC 20- You may summon any object within 1 mile per class level. The object flies 50 feet per class

level per round Note: You cannot summon people, and a DC 15 concentration check must be made each

round to maintain its speed.

Aguamenti Aguamenti Aguamenti Aguamenti DC 25- You can produce pure water which comes in the form of freshwater or salt-water. You can

produce 5 gallons per round with an additional gallon for every 5 points by which you exceed the base DC.

Alohormora Alohormora Alohormora Alohormora DC 10- This spell allows the wizard or witch to open by magic, be they magical locks or

otherwise. When the spell is cast the result of the roll is compared against the open lock DC. If the check

exceeds the open lock DC the lock opens.

Anapeneo Anapeneo Anapeneo Anapeneo DC 15- When cast this spell clears the targets airway if it is blocked by a solid object. Note: The

spell only works on solids; liquids are not affected by this spell.

Aparecium Aparecium Aparecium Aparecium DC Varies

DC 10- This spell can be cast upon any writable surface. If there is any hidden ink by muggle means, such as

invisible ink it is revealed. The spell makes the words glow a bright blue, but then die down to a black.

DC 20- This spell can be cast upon any writable surface. If there is any hidden ink by magical means, then it

is revealed. The spell turns the words a bright blue, but then dies down into black.

Arresto MomentumArresto MomentumArresto MomentumArresto Momentum DC 25

This spell allows a witch or wizard to finish a fall from any height without injury, stopping just before they hit

the ground without harm. For every 3 points by which the DC is exceeded, you may extend the spell over an

additional Medium target (two Small targets equal one Medium, two Medium equal two Large, etc).

Bubble Head CharmBubble Head CharmBubble Head CharmBubble Head Charm DC 20- This charm produces a large clear bubble 1 foot in diameter around the casters

head. This bubble holds 10 minutes of fresh clean air, with 10 more minutes by every 2 points that the caster

exceeds the DC.

Caterwauling CharmCaterwauling CharmCaterwauling CharmCaterwauling Charm DC 30- This spell covers a 100 square foot area. Any creature that is equal to or larger

the Small sets of this alarm. As any creature walks through the perimeter, a high pitched screech with the area

and it around it for another 100 square feet is released. For every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded add

another 50 square feet. This spell lasts for one day or until triggered, whichever comes first.

Cheering CharmCheering CharmCheering CharmCheering Charm DC 15- You may cast this charm upon a sentient being. If the subject fails the will save it

moves 1 step up the diplomacy chart for the next hour. For every 5 points by which you exceed the DC the

subject stays cheery for an additional hour if you wish. At the end of the spells duration the subject reverts

back to its previous state of happiness. This spell is a mind effecting effect and requires the use of a Will save

to avoid the effects.

ColloportusColloportusColloportusColloportus DC 25- The caster magically locks the door. The door is locked with an Open Lock DC equal to

the result of the Charms check. The door cannot be unlocked through muggle means, only magical. This effect

last for a number of days equal to the caster level of the caster, or until the door is unlocked.

Confundo (Confundus Charm)Confundo (Confundus Charm)Confundo (Confundus Charm)Confundo (Confundus Charm) DC 20- The casting of this spell causes the subject to begin to behave

erratically. They must make a Will save or begin to do one of the following actions each. This is based by

rolling 1d8.

1-2 Subject moves in opposite of intended direction at the same rate they would have normally.


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3-4 the subject takes no action, and stares off dumbly into space.

5-6 the subject attacks the nearest enemy.

7-8 the subject flees becomes panicked and flees combat at full speed, to an exit.

Note: This spell last for 5 minutes or for the remainder of the encounter, whichever is less.

Defodio Defodio Defodio Defodio (Gouging Spell) DC 30- This spell gouges into a material like rock or steel at a rate of a 5 foot cube,

with an additional 5 foot cube for every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded.

Diffendo (Severing Charm)Diffendo (Severing Charm)Diffendo (Severing Charm)Diffendo (Severing Charm) DC 20- This spell cuts or rips into an object, or if used offensively a person.

Make a ranged attack roll against the object or creature. If it exceeds the AC it will affect the object or creature

When cast against an object, the spell deals 3d6 points of damage and ignores hardness. If used against a

person it deals half as much damage and leaves a long deep cut. This cut continues to bleed for 1 rounds

causing 1 point of damage during the round unless stopped, as the blood drips out.

DepulsoDepulsoDepulsoDepulso DC 20- Also known as the Banishing Charm this spell allows the caster to move an object 10 feet

away with an additional 5 feet for every 2 points by which the caster exceeds the DC.

Disillusionment CharmDisillusionment CharmDisillusionment CharmDisillusionment Charm DC Varies

Chameleon Chameleon Chameleon Chameleon DC 20- The object or person blends into the environment granting partial concealment as well as

a +5 bonus to Hide checks. This spell lasts for 5 minutes per cast level, or until dismissed.

Invisibility Invisibility Invisibility Invisibility DC 30- The subject becomes invisible granting total concealment. This last for 5 minutes per

caster level or until dismissed. This spell immediately ends if the caster attacks.

Episkey Episkey Episkey Episkey DC 15- When cast, this spell heals 1d4 points of lethal damage, or twice that amount of non-lethal

damage. This spell can only be used on a person three times in one day, additional castings have no effect.

For every 5 points by which the caster exceeds the DC, this spell heals an additional 1d4 points of damage.

Featherweight Charm Featherweight Charm Featherweight Charm Featherweight Charm DC 15- This spell allows the caster to make any object up to Medium size, weight 1/4

its normal weight. The effects of this spell last for 10minutes per caster level. Object's greater than Medium

size, can be affected, however each size above Medium causes the DC of the spell to increase by +5.

Fidelius CharmFidelius CharmFidelius CharmFidelius Charm - DC varies

Also known as the Secret Keeper Charm, this spell is both rare and hard to use. In the olden days, where

secrecy was paramount and the concern for souls less so, noble families used to trust servants with the

locations of artifacts so that in the event of their downfall they would be hidden from their enemies.

The charm needs at least a single secret keeper, and a item to protect. The item can be as large as a house, or

smaller then a grain of dust - but the idea and concept is imprinted on the bearer forever on their souls. The

keeper can show where the item is - even when blinded, deafened or dumb. Once the keeper dies he or she

may transfer their keepership to another person, usually a relative.

The base DC is for a single secret keeper and a medium object - 30.

Every additional secret keeper - +2 DC

Every additional size category - +4 DC. Houses are usually gargantuan. Mansions might even be bigger then

Colossal - and sizes above that are beyond the Fidelus's ability to conceal.

Every participant who is not a secret keeper and is a wizard or witch - 1 DC

of 10th level or higher - -2 DC

of 17th or higher level - -4 DC

The secret keeper is a friend, or other close relationship to the owner of the object - -2Dc

Keepers can write down their knowledge of the item on a piece of paper, or equivalent. This knowledge lasts

until 24 hours have passed. The keeper has no knowledge as to where the paper is or who is in possession of

it, so this is incredibly risky.


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Flagrate Flagrate Flagrate Flagrate Varies

Sparks Sparks Sparks Sparks DC 5- This causes the casters wand to emit sparks of red or green color up to their range to cast

spells. They are either green or red flip a coin to determine what color they are.

Colored SparksColored SparksColored SparksColored Sparks DC 10- Same as DC 5 except the caster may choose the color of their sparks.

Controllable Sparks Controllable Sparks Controllable Sparks Controllable Sparks DC 15-This spell causes sparks to shoot of the casters wand. They become fiery marks

in the air and can take any shape or form that the caster desires. They remain in air for 10 minutes per caster


Sparks MessageSparks MessageSparks MessageSparks Message DC 20- This spell causes sparks to shoot out of the wand creating a sentence. The caster

may make 5 words per caster level and they remain in the air for 10 minutes per caster level or until the caster

chooses to dismiss the message.

Gemino Gemino Gemino Gemino DC 25- This spell creates a perfect non-magical replica of any object. The copy is worthless and it

disappears after a number of hours, equal to the caster level.

Hommenum RevelioHommenum RevelioHommenum RevelioHommenum Revelio DC Varies

Human Detector Human Detector Human Detector Human Detector DC 20- This reveals the presence and general direction of any human, or humanoid within

a 100 square foot area, centered on the caster. For every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded. another 100

foot square area is affected

Peer Through InvisibilityPeer Through InvisibilityPeer Through InvisibilityPeer Through Invisibility DC 30- This allows the caster to see any invisible humans, or humanoids in the

spells area of 100 feet. For every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded another 100 foot square area is


Hot Air CharmHot Air CharmHot Air CharmHot Air Charm DC 15- This spell allows the caster to emit hot air from their wand. If used on clothing it

completely dries it within 2 rounds regardless of how wet it is. It can also be used to melt snow, as the caster

walks as long as it is not higher then 1 foot. However, each round the caster must succeed on a DC 10

Concentration check.

Impervius Impervius Impervius Impervius (Impervius Charm) DC 15- This spell prevents rain,dust, or any other sort of small debris, from

touching the character. If the debris or rain or the like were, to cause the characters vision to be impaired, it is

now not.

Lumos Lumos Lumos Lumos DC 5- Even the weakest wizard or witch can cast this spell. The casters wand emits a bright white

light, in a 5 foot radius around the tip of the wand. For every 10 points by which the DC is exceeded the radius

increases by 5 feet. This spell requires no Concentration check to maintain, and other spells may be cast while

this is in effect. The spells ends when the caster says the word "Nox"

Muffliato Muffliato Muffliato Muffliato DC 20- This spell causes an area of silence in a 5 foot radius. Listen checks from outside this area

trying to hear inside it take a -10 penalty to their listen checks. An additional -5 penalty is incurred for every,

10 points by which the DC is exceeded. The spell lasts for 1 minute per caster level or until dismissed.

Multicorfors Multicorfors Multicorfors Multicorfors DC 20- Also known as the Color Change Charm. This spell allows you may turn the subject any

particular color that you wish. This lasts for one hour with an additional hour for every 2 points by which you

exceed the DC.

Point Me (Four Point Spell)Point Me (Four Point Spell)Point Me (Four Point Spell)Point Me (Four Point Spell) DC 10- This spell makes the casters wand tip, point to the north. This allows the

wand to act as a compass.

Refilling Charm Refilling Charm Refilling Charm Refilling Charm DC 25- This charm causes a container to be refilled almost to the brim. This spell can only

be cast on the same container once per hour.

Reparo Reparo Reparo Reparo DC 10- This spell heals a damaged or shattered object for an amount equal to the check result. This


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however, cannot give an object more hit points than it normally would. Nor can it restore a damaged magical

items, magical properties.

Scourgify (Scouring Charm)Scourgify (Scouring Charm)Scourgify (Scouring Charm)Scourgify (Scouring Charm) DC 15- This spell cleans a 5 foot square area, removing dust, dirt, dead bugs

etc... It also leaves objects in a pristine condition. For every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded the spell

affects another 5 foot square.

Silencio (Silencing Charm)Silencio (Silencing Charm)Silencio (Silencing Charm)Silencio (Silencing Charm) DC 20- This spell causes an object or person to be unable to make a sound for

1 round per caster level within a 5 foot cube. For every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded another 5 foot

square is affected.

Sonorus Sonorus Sonorus Sonorus DC 20- This spell causes the caster voice to be much louder. This allows for people making listen

checks to take only a -1 penalty for every 50 feet between them, and the caster.

Tergo Tergo Tergo Tergo DC 20- This spell takes liquids and removes them at a rate of 1 pound per caster level.

Vulnera SanenturVulnera SanenturVulnera SanenturVulnera Sanentur DC 25- When cast, this spell closes wounds, mends broken bones, and heals 2d8 points of

lethal damage. This spell can only be used on a person three times in one day. For every 5 points by which the

caster exceeds the DC, this spell heals an additional 1d8 points of damage.

Windgardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm)Windgardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm)Windgardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm)Windgardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm) DC 10- With a swish and a flick objects fly up into the air. The

base weight that can be lifted is 10 pounds with an additional pound for every point by which the DC is

exceeded. You may affect one more object by adding +5 to the DC. The object (or objects) move up to 10 feet

per round each as a standard action from the caster. This spell can be maintained each round with a DC 10

Concentration check.


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Spells >

Curses and Counter-Curses

Curses and Counter-Curses

If a spell has the words restricted next to it it means the learning of it is restricted and a wizard or witch could

get into trouble with improper use of the spell. Dark spells are ones that are inherently evil and are not

considered acceptable.

Restricted Spell: Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse) Restricted Spell: Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse) Restricted Spell: Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse) Restricted Spell: Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse) DC 35- This spell emits from the casters wand, in a bright

flash of green light. Make a ranged attack. If the attack succeeds the target dies instantly with no save. This

spell can not be dispelled, or repelled directly. This spell can be blocked by making a transfiguration check to

animate an object and move it to block the spell. However, this is very difficult and the DC to block it is equal

to the casters check result who cast Avada Kedavra +10. The object is automatically destroyed after it is

blocked. If this spell hits a wooden object, it is instantly destroyed. Also, any other object becomes wreathed

in green flames, that burn for 1d6 points of damage until the object is destroyed.

Note: To cast this spell the caster must be angry, or hate the person, or be indifferent to life and hold on to

emotions like hatred, jealousy and greed.

Conjunctivitus CurseConjunctivitus CurseConjunctivitus CurseConjunctivitus Curse DC 20- This curse causes great pain within the subjects eyes. Make a ranged attack

against your opponent. If the attack hits the subject is dazzled for 1 round per caster level.

Restricted Spell: Crucio Restricted Spell: Crucio Restricted Spell: Crucio Restricted Spell: Crucio DC 30- This curse causes great pain in the subject, as if screws are being driven

in to the persons body. Make an attack roll. If you succeed the subject takes up to 5d6 points of nonlethal

damage. You may decide to roll less dice if you wish to inflict less damage. Should you continue the use of

this spell after their nonlethal damage exceeds their hit points, they will begin taking lethal damage.

Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm)Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm)Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm)Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm) DC Varies

DC 20- The caster creates a shield against dementors. This shield automatically deflects any dementors that

approach the caster. The dementors cannot be closer then 1 square away and cannot attack the caster. This

spell however, is very difficult to sustain. This spell requires a DC 15 concentration check to maintain each

round, and the DC increases by +1 each round the spell is maintained.

DC 20- This creates a ball of pure happiness that can be used against dementors. If the attack roll succeeds

against a dementor it is blown 20 feet back. It is blown an additional 5 feet by every 5 points by which the DC

is exceeded.

DC 30- You create a true Patronus, which appears as an animal glowing pure white. This animal is chosen

when first cast successfully. This cannot be changed unless a great emotional upheaval occurs. This creature

provides an area of protection with a 2 foot radius per cast level. No dementor can be within this area. Any

dementor within this area is automatically dispelled and sent 10 feet away from the edge of the affected area.

It can also be used to attack one dementor within eyesight. The attack automatically succeeds against the

dementor, and it is thrown 50 feet away. This animal stays around the caster for up to 3 rounds + your

charisma modifier.

DC 35- Your Patronus can send messages. Upon casting you can send a message up to 30 words in length.

The Patronus will deliver the message to the person (or persons), that you state. The spell automatically

arrives at the intended location with a minute of casting regardless of the distance.

DC 40- Your Patronus is a bastion of happiness. The Patronus sends out pulses of white light. This

automatically dispels all dementors within a 100 foot radius, 100 feet away from the edge of the radius, This

spell can be maintained each round with a DC 30 Concentration check

Note: This happiness of memories can give up to a +5 bonus to the casting of this spell, at the DM’s


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discretion. Also, if the caster exceeds the DC and reaches a higher effect of the spell they may choose to cast it

at a lower level such as creating a ball instead of a true Patronus.

Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm)Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm)Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm)Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm) DC 15- A bright red jet of light erupts from your wand. Make an attack

roll against the creature . If you succeed you can use the result of your check compared to the creatures AC.

This disarms any object from the persons hand and it flies 10 feet forward or backward (casters choice). If the

caster exceeds the spell DC by 5, the target is blasted back 10 feet, plus five for every 5 points above that (the

caster can choose for this not to happen however). The subject takes 1d6 points of subduel damage for every

10 points they are moved backwards, rounded down.

Furnunculus (Furnunculus Curse)Furnunculus (Furnunculus Curse)Furnunculus (Furnunculus Curse)Furnunculus (Furnunculus Curse) DC 20- This spell causes the subject to become covered in boils. Make

an attack roll, against the subject. If it succeeds the subject is covered head to toe in boils. The subject then

takes 2d6 points of damage, The boils stay on the body for 1 day with an additional day for every 5 points by

which the DC is exceeded.

Dark Spell: Horcrux Dark Spell: Horcrux Dark Spell: Horcrux Dark Spell: Horcrux DC 40- When you use the Avada Kedavra, or a similar spell, to intentionally kill a target,

make a Curse and Counter-Curse check against DC 40 (a character with at least 8 ranks in Knowledge (Dark

Arts) reduces the DC to 35). If the check equal or exceeds the check, a piece of your newly fragmented soul is

removed from your body and latches itself to an object or creature you designate within a 10' from you. You

permanently lose 1 point to Constitution due to the dark magic's negative effects.

Imperius Curse Imperius Curse Imperius Curse Imperius Curse DC 30

This curse puts the victim under the control of the caster for 1+1/caster level number of days. A will-save of

DC 10+1/2 the casters level+ the charisma save of the caster that if successful will negate the spell. After the

spell has run it's course the Will-save may be attempted again to break free, otherwise the spell will be

automatically recast on the victim. If the vicim is ordered to do something out of nature for themselves they

may make another save with a +5 bonus, but if they fail they shall have to wait until the spell expires before

they may try again.

Jelly Legs JinxJelly Legs JinxJelly Legs JinxJelly Legs Jinx DC 20- This spell makes the subjects legs flop around uselessly, beyond the subjects control.

Make an attack roll against the subject. If the attack roll succeeds the subject falls to the ground prone, as

their legs flop around. The subject can crawl at a rate ¼ of their normal speed rounded down to the nearest

increment of 5. This spell lasts for 1 minute per caster level or until dispelled.

Locomotor Mortis (Leg-Locker Curse) Locomotor Mortis (Leg-Locker Curse) Locomotor Mortis (Leg-Locker Curse) Locomotor Mortis (Leg-Locker Curse) DC 15- This spell locks the subjects legs together. Make an attack

roll against the subject. If the attack roll succeeds the subjects legs are locked together causing them to move

at 1/3 of their base speed rounded down to the nearest increment of 5. It also causes a -2 penalty to any

balance checks that are made, as well as making jump checks impossible. This last for 1 minute per caster

level, or until dispelled.

Petrificus Totalus (Full Body-Bind Curse) Petrificus Totalus (Full Body-Bind Curse) Petrificus Totalus (Full Body-Bind Curse) Petrificus Totalus (Full Body-Bind Curse) DC 20- This spell when casts makes the targets body become

rigid, as the arms and legs slap together against the sides of the body. Make a ranged attack roll, against the

target. If it succeeds the target is rendered helpless and falls to the ground, if it fails its Fort save. Even if the

Fort Save is successful the subject is staggered for one round per caster level. The target may not speak or

move, although they still breathe. The spell lasts for 1 minute per caster level.

Protego Protego Protego Protego DC 20- When cast compare the result to the spell that is being cast against you if the result is higher

then the caster at you the incoming offensive spell fails. In addition if the offensive spell fails by more than 5,

then the spell rebounds against the caster, dealing half of the affect. This spell may be used as a reaction

against an offensive spell. This counts as using one of the Wizard/Witch's magical counterspelling attempts for

the round.

Rennervate Rennervate Rennervate Rennervate DC 15- This spell brings a subject out of unconsciousness magical or otherwise.

Dark Spell:Dark Spell:Dark Spell:Dark Spell: Sectumsempra Sectumsempra Sectumsempra Sectumsempra DC 25- You make a slashing motion with your wand, and the subject acts as

though stabbed by a knife. Make a ranged touch attack. If you succeed the subject takes 2d6 of constitution


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damage. The subject also begins to bleed profusely from deep gashes, and takes 1d6 points of damage each

round as they begin to bleed out. The bleeding can be stopped by making a DC 20 Heal check.

Stupefy (Stunning Spell)Stupefy (Stunning Spell)Stupefy (Stunning Spell)Stupefy (Stunning Spell) DC 25- This spell renders a subject unconscious, Make an attack roll. If it succeeds

the subject is knocked unconscious for 1 minute per caster level. They stay unconscious unless Rennervate is

cast upon them.


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Spells >


Animate to Inanimate TransfigurationAnimate to Inanimate TransfigurationAnimate to Inanimate TransfigurationAnimate to Inanimate Transfiguration Base DC 20- This spell allows for the caster to make an Animate

Object become Inanimate. This spell lasts for the rest of the encounter, or for one minute per caster level,

whichever is less. If this spell is casted on a living subject they are allowed for a will save, with a DC equal to

10+the wizard/witch's intelligence modifier+ 1/2 of the wizard/witch's class level. The DC for this spell is

modified by the following.


Diminutive: +0

Tiny: +5

Small: +10

Medium: +15

Large: +20


Gargantuan: +30


Helpful Modifiers- These modifers lower the DC of the Transfiguration check, by the amount represented


Same kingdom (animal, vegetable, mineral) -5

Same class (mammals, fungi, metals, etc.) -2

Same size -2

Related (twig is to tree, wolf fur is to wolf, etc.)-2

Same or lower Intelligence -2

Inanimate to Animate Transfiguration BaseInanimate to Animate Transfiguration BaseInanimate to Animate Transfiguration BaseInanimate to Animate Transfiguration Base DC 25- This spell allows for the caster to make an Inanimate

Object become Animate. This spell lasts for the rest of the encounter, or for one minute per caster level,

whichever is less. If this spell is casted on a living subject they are allowed for a will save, with a DC equal to

10+the wizard/witch's intelligence modifier+ 1/2 of the wizard/witch's class level.

Animate to Animate TransfigurationAnimate to Animate TransfigurationAnimate to Animate TransfigurationAnimate to Animate Transfiguration Base DC 30-This spell allows for the caster to make an Animated

Object turn into another Animated Object. This spell lasts for the rest of the encounter, or for one minute per

caster level, whichever is less. If this spell is casted on a living subject they are allowed for a will save, with a

DC equal to 10+the wizard/witch's intelligence modifier+ 1/2 of the wizard/witch's class level.

Inanimate to Inanimate TransfigurationInanimate to Inanimate TransfigurationInanimate to Inanimate TransfigurationInanimate to Inanimate Transfiguration Base DC 30- This spell allows for the caster to make an Inanamite

Object turn into another Inanimate Object. This spell lasts for the rest of the encounter, or for one minute per

caster level, whichever is less. If this spell is cast on a magicl subject they are allowed for a will save, with a DC

equal to 10+the wizard/witch's intelligence modifier+ 1/2 of the wizard/witch's class level. The DC for this

spell is modified by the following.


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