hartford herald (hartford, ky.). (hartford, ky) 1899-10-18 ... · t the hartford herald. all kinds...

t THE HARTFORD HERALD. All kinds lob Printing neatly executed. it I come, the Herald of a noisy world, the news of all nations lumbering at my hack. Subscription $1 per Year, in advance VOL. XXV. IIARTEORD, KY., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1899. NO. 48 Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Tleanses the System rl EFFECTUALLY "UAU PERMANENTLY 1X5 HehC effects. Buy the aiNviHi-MAM- T o ey rOt UU BT All CftwC44T 991 fe Hi ML j& c. Taylcr, Attorney at Law, Hartford, Kentucky. prait're h( iufel n in Ohio and ad Jolntnt ro untie, and four! cl Attain Ctimlnil i.mcMcr and colletlicH a citalty. J. S. R. WEDDING, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR-AT-LA- (notailv rriu.ic.) HAIirKOKU KKNTt'CKT, W.ll tiMrtlC- - hit tilnlNlOII " HP ll.r CHIIIU lu coiii.I ! inurl il Ohio and ailjulhfiitf ApikiU 'iuml Mtltnlloii Ktieu l H builliew tnltutrd lo hi me ZTno. S. "WTilooaa., Aitokney- - at -- Law .Txd. 3u.rTroy or. IIARTFOHD, icy. tUllnnh li4 il'ia'IAl. .. ... intention . . Klv-- u i.inWilif io to.. dlitrftCt. """ NC t All .. KlUIIft . ...... lUMrilltB, i. . r.. iiltin ""- .'iiiiiiIV Other oorlh 't- - f public i' BJ. L. IIEAVIUN, Attorney at Law, HAKTF011D, KENTUCKY miciic tin ii'friii " " &"; Wn.i. ..liinliil ,",,,,1V,,''JiOM" TTjiTntt riilso n , ATTORNEY AT LAW HAKTl'OKD.KY. tiiifriii" in Ohio ami itfti i hi" to.ui'Ju.Vnrtnt.ittcatuhUi-tP- . ortue with County Attorney. KiT . W It. HAXNfcH BARNES Si MILLER, Attouneys at Law, 1HW. 1'KACTtJ. t ...... heir wokm 7 . , " t',"v u WIU. 'A.iiniiiiiiir luuiiin. of Hi" Utrlrl ttrnllull will UtfUrUail liualnw Vn-, limn ami rrtm ua iiln to Ihrir ciitr. fctait,uext to Oltice up timctivt: a kprcluiiy (lrUfi'dnuitore. U.L. HARTFORD, KY. practice nla piufewlou lu ' the VV Ohio anil adjoin njt co,;n l. R. R. WEDDING, ArrouNEY at Law. HARTFOHD.KV. ril I nrjctkc hU profcHHlou in Ohioand rJq(iclloU AU uuiaiy PUMIC Otf.cc iifCpniuicrc!l"uiM J. B.VIOKERS, Attorney at Law HARTFORD, KY. I uractlCtf hi litofeailoil " onto anu Wit o if ice iu w. nilOMll uuklliri.4 tlllfUHlCU U licit. tout tuthc Kepubllcaiiotlice. SHBLI1YTAYL0K, Attorney at Law, HARTFORD, KENTUCKY. l.T.lrtUifhia iiiofra!im In nil Hiccml tf Vrotiloamt a'lJohihiK i'- - TAppfil. bicttl Httculioil tuiutltctloiia ATniuNv vr Law, IJARTFQRD.KY. l.l'KACTlCVInWI Ihe Court of Keif Wlf Special atieutioii xhru lu roUec. ll.ms MiuWiit of dccCi1rnl,tcltale,io.ut cati 4k . !' U It IN(, QLEHN Si RllJr.ll, LAWYERS HARTFORD, KY. triM i'HAtrncltllieiiprolenMiiii rill the W iNniiU 'f Ohio antl miinltiiua c,niiilira ftllil IUC"Hl''r.lllll" SpKlHl.UlHlllOII II IV en It rrlmlwil practice nuil clUiliriifc AIo N.iliry I'uhllrfrt'Ohlproiiiilv a. 2h. Barrett. Attorney at bAW, (notahv pniitrc) UAUTFUIiD. KY. lirn' PKACriCIt hi liroffHiitoii tn all Oic W court of Ohio and adjoining couiiIUk. Careful ultfiillciu will be kIv'mi to all bulu,- - cutru-l- to hin care, Collevlious a icclaly. Office over ObloCouuty Baak,, THE ACCURSED WAR SHOULD STOP. REV. PETER MACQUEEN'S AD- VICE TO McKINLEY. The Filipinos Have the Right to be Heard All They Want is a Little Justice. STKOMi I'MIA roil HITMAN 1UIJHTS. Atlanta Cotifctllutlon ThoaihuiDlhtrutiou oraUH and tbuclo-Diou- t whicli in s thut wo ehotilri make uoonquuHt of tbo Philippines amies-tablU- h a vauniil colony tlicre(bavo found a voriUblo thorn in tliulr niilua In tliu liupH o( Rev. Totor MacQneuu. It wilt ho rcmomborcd that lu Hoptombor Mr. MacQuoou printed ) Tlio llio report of an intorvlnw with UotiL-rn- l Lnwtuu, u comtuauder witli whom hu wor (piitn intimate, hay-in- t: ncoumpauiod him to Manila in tbo Urbt plnoe. Tho portion of tho reported Intrr-viu- whioh hurt tb of tie Hanuii crowd ih m followtt: "What wo uaut ia to htop thin nccurBcd war. It ia timu for diplomacy, tiruo for mutual uuderNtuuduip. Tbei-- o men arc At Ilucoor brldo thoy waited till tbo AmunciiiH brouubt their oiunou to within thirty llvv .Minis of t'jeir trciiclieH. Hnoli mull imvo tho riubt to bo bturd. All tliey want ia a Iittlu jiiwlico. All tbefco people netd for iulfuovernment in tbe protco tiou of our WoopH until aiTrtiru bave ipiitttid down, und then they will, I have ro doubt, advanoo an rapidy as tho Japanese, perhapa more rapidly." AHfoou ah thla Wh pultliHhed, cable measauoa were hunt to .MaciU that (lenerul Lnwton tmd been repro-floute- d aa critieifin tho administration and tho courfco nnd oondnct of tho wnr. N'nturnlly ououbR4lio General mndo a vobement denihl of thiaand Htithorized a etitement to tbo i fleet thatullftich ieorta uero pure inventioUH, Thin atiitcmont waa culled back to Ibia coun- try, h ml for a fewdtyatheorfauHcmack ed their lipa over it. What comfort they could have derived from it ia iliiU-cu- lt to mc, for General Lanton'a vehe- ment dei.iul that ho had criticised tho admiuittratiou or tho mauutomeut of tho war iu tbo Philippine, oppliea juat ua much to tho Mr fit volumo of poetry ua it doeH to tbo MiicQueeu iuterview. There i'k not a word nor a lino in that roi ort tbatciu be twinted iuto a criti- cism of tho adminihtratiou or of tho conrDM of military uiTira. Anyhnw, Mr, MucQrui'D, who la now dubbed "laittoij" MaiQiief u bv tbo or-ua- h ia oitije to tbo front to explain that tbo only pait of tbo report which mav lo taid to iuitreprocut Ooneml Liuiou wan tbo nibntilulion of for "dumnaldo." The (General had "What we wuut H to ftop thia dumrabio wur." Mr. MacQuten, in writing out tho report, thought tLat tho term mlht urate on tbo ecntitivo nerveaof tho rcadern of The Coujrci:n tionuli.s'.Hiid ho Htibfctitutfd "uccureed, which in fnlly as ttronn and i qttally ox prcNttive. No aeubiblo poraon can poteibly (leuernl Lawton'a uttoran-cep- . He ia au acrpmplixbrd aoldior easily the most iu tbe Thiip-pine- a yet hi profeeaiou does uo( blind hia btronpf KeuBoof jqe-tlc- o and humanity, Ho perooivef, na all thoughtful people do, that this ia ouo of the warn iu which tnia ret repnblio has no glory to Kta. The troops mutt rodent attacks on the JUg; they mud pat dowu.m far as they can, tho turbul-ono- o and violecco which ia tbo result of tbo insurrection, but if tbe war ia the result of a misunderstanding, what then? Ia it not tho duty of onr great Government to ufeuro theeo people that GAVE ljttle thought o I Hell, 230 N .Walnut fcarn, "until X found St., my household duties, had my days of not sunering, but I THOUGHT- - things and I had LESS medicine WOMEN physician the doctored Vegetable Compound that I up my mind try it. I was troubled of the womb, had sharp pains in ovaries, leucorrhceaand painful menses. I was so weak and dizzy that I would; often severe faintitig spells. took in several bottles LydiaE. finkhams Vegetable U)tnpouna Blood purifier and used tho Sanative Wash, and am novy good health. I others (o know of tlio wonderful good it has done me, and have nwy friends taking it flow, WiU always, givo your medicine ttie highest praise. M Irs. A. Tolle, 1946 Hil- ton St., Philadelphia, PaM writes t "Dear Pikkiiam I was very thin and my friends thought I was in con sumption. Had continuat headaches, backache and falling womb, and my eyes were Every one noticed how poorly I and I was advised take Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. One bottle relieved me, and after tak tha independence thoy aro flKbtleg for, tbo right of which thoy aro ambitions, Is assured to them by tho very nature and character of tho institutions represented by tbo flax which thoy havo ignorantly attacked? Would it not bo both juat and hn-ma- to inform tho Filipinos that this Kepnblic, in ita vorytlrst ofllclal doc- umentthe declaration of Independence baa given to tho world not only an aseurauco but n pledge, Dot only a pleduu but a gnaranteo of ita attitude toward all peoples who bellovo in lib orty and who aro ambitions of Bolf govornment? Tho root of tbo wbolo matter lies here. Gonoral Lawton ia an American sol- dier of the befet typo and that means the finest type tbo world has soon. As suoh bo hua a mind above tho moro routino and practice of bia profeeaioD, and looks forward to reauUs. Ho knowp, as all men must know, that tbero is no good to bo obtained from a blind prosecution of war which is based ou misunderstanding, aud whioh has aa its beginning ignorance of tbe purposes of our Government. It ia the fault of the administration that the ignorance of tbo Filipinos baa not received duo enlightenment; and it is aknowledgoof this fact which tho causes American people, without regard to party, to turn away from the policy which tbe Admiuintratiou seoma to bavo made its own. Wbou we say tho American peo we do net, of course, mean the syn dinatea which manipulating tbinga, nor tbo interc&ta which Hanna repres- ent?, nor tho organs, nor the swarm toadies and eycophanthwhich hangabont au Adminihtratiou; we mean tbo great body of tbo people who are responsible y as their forefathers were beforo them, for tbo strength and stability of Republican institutions. The Washington Pott, whlaa usually teps iuto tho breach ana day in ordor to bavo tbo opportunity of climbing tbe next, dipcue&es this matter with a western newspaper, and defonda the Piesideut. "Where," it asks, "ia the chance for au issuo ou bis declared pur-Iof- o to restore peaco and refer tbe wbolo business & Congrce&r" nnd it want a everybody to wait until con Hiding views iu Oougrces ruiso an is sue. But if Tho Post will look abroad into tho seething whirlpool of politics in tho West, it will perceive that tho o is already joined. Tho que&tion ia nut what tbo President might have done, but what will ho do now. Ho wauta to roMoro peace; would it not bo a feather in his cap if ho restored it in accordance with tho suggcttions of those who understand the thero such men us Lawton, for In- stance? Iawton says tho time has oomo for diplomacy for mutual under-Ntnnding- p, Ho declares that all the Filipinos want ia a little justice, and that they have a right to bo heard. Would it not be well to givo them a hearing a patient hearing and take advantage of it to assure them that tbo people of tbo United States behove in self'govornmeut aud will not tnlerato any kind where the flag ia planted? How docs the war that is going on help tho cause of 'expansion?' Tho Post, which ia an expansionist to nanua'a taste, figuring on eomo incom- plete stations, shows that our troppa havo captured twenty-on- e Philippine towns ami hold only six, "Wo havo attacked thirty-niu- o times and aban- doned tbo results of the bloodshed thirty-thre- e times. Our soldiers, there- fore, have been eeutto needless peril und slaughter thirty-thre- e times out of thirty-nino.'- 1 To this The Post adds that tho "tho lives lost in thirty-thre- e frultloss engagements wore simply lives thrown away," and it estimates that "moro than 100 Americana have been killed and wounded to no purposo whatever." Tho only coniolatlon their families can have, Is that teso soldiers fall Canton, O., to Mrs. Pink myself unable to attend to no to wish of affected. looked to of aro of iu my health, M writes Mrs. Wm. Vi feeling well and my monthly ana a gaou aeai 01 oacKacnu, thoutrht all women had these) tIh,ad y did complain. for some time, but seemed to help me, and my thought it best for me to go hospital for local treatment. I had read and heard so much of your maae to with falling havo all 'pf and in Mrs, pie out situation other not j.mm rr,BaaW mmm ff 1! . aWaT I bbbi aaaV ij tInbbbbbh ing eignt Domes am now a healthy woman; have gained in weight 95 pounds pounds, andeveryone asks what makes me so stout," to 140 tqo lino of duty. They were defending tho flag. Bat when tbo war is over and dono with, people will be asking thorn selves what good has resulted from it. Already ita roprlsala have been made nnneoesnarily htdeouB by mismanage- ment. Why not give the Filipinos a hearing and then give thorn justice? General Lawton says that Is all thoy want. Battle Royal. (Qta'KOw Tlmca. , Bpoctators at tbe Horeo Oavo fair last Friday wero treated to a feature of en- tertainment not down on tbe programme that was exceedingly Interesting. It waa dnring the oontest for tho premium oflered for tho best beef bull any age. Among tbo entries was a large Short horn bull, weighing 2,600 ponnup, tba belonged to Dr. J. T. Win lock, of tbo Hawesvillo country, and a ton of the Wlnlook bull that belonged to Mr. John S. Loche, of Horeo Gave, Tho larger animal beoamo enraged at the smaller one, and breaking tbo rope with which ho wua held, he made at hia rival with head down and tall up and with a bellow not unlike real thunder. Tho men in tho ring took in tbo situa- tion at onoo and vacated the premises, leaving tho infuriated animals to fight it out. Both wero dehorned and, there- fore, could not injure tach other, but they fought with all tho fury of untam- ed lions, giving and receiving terrific blows with their heads. The smaller bull finally vanquished bis gigantic op- ponent and chased him ont of the ring. They were them separated, but the vic- tor returned to tho ring as if to see if any others contested his supremacy, and finding nono to dispute hia sway, he made at tbe orowd in tho amphitheater, and but for the heroic action of Mr. O. IL Laznrus.hie charge might have re suited disastrously to tho ondookers. Neither was injured in tbo fight. t Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medioin Quickeno the Appetite, Aids Digestion, gives Tone and Vigor to all the func- tions, and fortifies the system against Epidemic Influences. For cole by J. II. Wiliame, Hartford, K. m Work lor Success. Young man,it yon expect to succeed, you must work and work hard for that success. Thero aro too many of the yonng men of our country who start out iu business who are looking for soft jobs, or jobs where thero is not much work but a good deal of pay. It is well enough to say that all theso jobs have been takon and are not now to be found by the average young man. The soft jobs are at the other end of tho Hue and it sometimes takes a loug and hard pull to get thoro. Tho young man who is afraid ho is doing too mach work for tho pay he ia receiving, is likely never to make any very great advance in tbo way of promo- tion. If yon are hired at 25 cents per day, you owe it toyour employer to work as faithfully as though you received ten times that much. Your time belongs to tbo man who hires you and you owe it to him to give him your host efforts. It is tho observation of all, that the man who succeeds is the one who takes hold of his work and never lets go until It is finished entirely. Just at present there Is demand for every young man who wants to eucoeed in life. Com- mence at tho bottom and work up. Do not try to commence at tbo top. You are not ready for that just yet It will take you perhaps years to get there, but Buccess will follow if yon only apply yourself. Save up your dimes and your dollars aa yon go. It wages are email, save some of your money you make. Toil will bring its reward sooner or later. To Stimulate a Sluggish Liver, ban- ish liilliousnefis, disperse Dyspepsia, prevent Siok and Nervous Headache use Dr. M. A. Simmons Iivor medicine. For salo by J. U. Williams, Hartford Ky. . m vx Judge Him by This. 1st. LouU Republic Mr. Bryan draws a deoidedly deadly parallel on President MoKInley when ho quotes a oertaln utterance whioh bears upon tho present Philippine situation although voiced at a dinner of tho Now England Society in Philadelphia in 1890. "Human rights and constitutional privileges," said Mr, MoKinley Jat that time, "must not bo forgotton in tbe race for commercial supremacy. The gov- ernment of tho people most be by the people and not a few of tho people. 1 must rest upon the free consent o( the governed and all of tup, governed. Pow- er, it must bo remembered, whioh ia se- cured by oppression or usurpation, or by any form of lDjuutice, is soon dethroned, Wa liAttu Mrt wlrvltt In liin. fw mn.ula try ..w.. tho life. " annual : and If U mw f.H .M v. " " usurp that beings to. whether it ia property or power." The President uttered a great trnth whenhoepoko these words. Govorn- - meat, oven in the Pbillppinep.must rest tho free consent of the governed and all of tho governed. Power, he President himself should now rewent ber, is by intimidation usurpUion,or by form of iojus- - tice,evon In the Phllipplnop, issoon de- - throned, have no right in law or morals.oven Philippines, usurp belongs to another, whether it property A man in Missouri, who was too stingy buy a nowspapor, sent hi young boy 4a m HnifililiAk'd rt livatafv nfeiA A boy was going home ho fell down and broko his leg. Tho neighbor his cries and ran him, slipped fell, dislocated his kneeand tore bos- om of hisfour-dolla- r pantaloons. His ran to hia assistonce, leaving a 2 year old on the floor. crawl ed and fell tho and I tho mother was fishing tbe child out, j tbohouso caught fire and was totally destroyed. Moral: never be sides it's dangorous.to borrow a paper, I WAR DECLARED. Fight Now on Between Great Bri- tain and South African Republic. JoiiANMEsnuno, Oot. 13. War was declared yesterday, between Great Bri- tain and the Sonth African Republic Tho formal declaration will bo at 10 o'clock to-da- y, London, Oct. 12. Following is tho text of the British reply to tbo Boer ultimatum: "Chamberlain toMilnor, High Com- missioner, sent 10:45 p. m., October 10, 1890: Her Majesty's Government baH received with grvat regret tho peremp- tory demandsof tho South African conveyed your telegram of t October 0. Yon will inform tho Gov ernment of the South African Republic In reply that tho conditions demanded by the Government of tho Afri- can Republic are such as Her Majesty's Government deem it impossible lo dis- cuss," It is now definitely known that the British Government sent no final pro- posals to Pretoria. Tho Transvaal's ul- timatum forestalled Intention. So far as news received thus far show?, no shot has yet been fired. The evaouated district between Cbarlcstown and New Castle, Natal, has an area of 2.10 Equare miles, and consists chiefly of moor land sparsely populated. A Human Incubator. Sin Francisco CaU. Inside the hut tbero wao absolutely nothing save a few rnde implements used for cooking, probably, iu happier days, and at one side a sort of raised platform of bamboo upon which lay a uaunt old woman, packed, apparently in very dirty ootton batting. Cozily nes- tled in this soft material, close again&t aud between her arms and body and In her still luxuriant but disheveled hair, were nearly three dozen hen's eggs. The poor old woman, having outlived her uaefnllnees in other ways, had been metamorphosed an incubator, aud most conscientiously was she perform- ing her arduous duties. She lay per- fectly motionless as her yonng gran- dchildwho had acted the part of Elijah's ravens stood on tiptoe beside her and fed her slowly with fragments of meat and cracker; and she seemed almost afraid to speak, or even chew, lest sho should break the fragile treasures com- mitted to hor charge. From that day George, and I this living incubator our special charge and saw to it neither sho nor ber ypung attendant lacked for food. Wo made frequent visits to tbesolfury kept closo not only of the condition of the old woman but of tho eggs, ooncernlug which we felt a special solicitous curiosity. It was our good fortune to be present when tbe hatching time arrived and tbe odd sight it was to see the tiny chickens scram- bling out their shells all around and overlthoir fotter mother I shall not soon target. I was informed that it is quite tho custom among tho Filipinos to tbo disabled aud tho aged in this manner, though this special in- stance is tho only one of which I havo had personal cognizance. With hensat $2 apiece, the enterprise certainly a remunerative one, though it scarcely find favor in more civilized communities. A Record of Rottenness. Courier-Journa- l, The Kentucky Republicans who are pnvtiog bo about tbe purity of tho ballot,and assuming that it is exclusive ly under tho protection of their party, ought to mako a note of tbo disclosure made by tho inquiries conducted by the Munioipal League of Philadelphia. It is known that that city has been for years under Republican control. A convicted repeater confessed that ho voted thirty-seve- n times at ono elec- tion. League's estimato of tbo number of illegal votes cast in tbe oity at the ktt election is 30,000, But this is far short of tbo record, Phila- delphia a Republican paper, of the opinion that thero have been elec- tions in the oity at which as many 80.000 fraudulent votea wero cast, Thia isaspeoimen of what Repulicans do when they are under little restraint. No reasonable man pretends that all Democrats aro ealuts, but they will fiud it very dittioult to equal tho Republican record iu Philadelphia. 1 invert Hpr 1 IfV 0 Xtl-- . HT t.U.UL UM1I..I - their right to reap the bonefita of tho cxbanitloss treasures of their conntrv." If thia applied to the CubauH, why dooa it uot apply to tbo people of the Philippine hlauil? Wooing a Schoolteacher. ' Wichita Hatfe.) "Yes," a young mau, as ho himself at tho feet of tho pretty school- mistress, lovoyon, and w,ou,ld go to tbe world's end for you.' Von coull not go to tho end of tho wprjd fpr roe, Jum.es. Tho world, or tho oa,rtb,sa it is called, Is like a ball, slightly flattened at the poles. Ono the first lessons in elementary geogra- - ?. My. 'little Bister had Crono very bad I gavo her several doses of Foley auJli relieved. It her J, u. Wil- - uam, Hartford? S. L. Mitohell & Bro., Beaver Dam;M. S.Bagland,Ilosine, m ' Why Not? In his first mossage Decem-o- r ber G, 1807 Mr, MoKintoy said "Wo bave only tho desiro to soo the Cubatia prosper contented, enjoying thut meaeuro of self control which ia tbo lualionablu right of man, protected Ul which wtte upon which scoured any We in tho to that which Is or power. to ihrt heard outto but and the wifo baby The baby out down well, while It pays, mado in South that hilly wildly into made that hut and watch and of Later utilises is would mnoh has The Tho Press, is as aald threw 'I round of phy is dovoted to tho sbapo of tho globe. You must have studied it when you wero a boy." "Of course I did, but" "And It is no longer u theory. Cir- cumnavigators havo established tbe fact." "I know, but what I meant was that I would do auything to please you. Ab, Minerva, if you know tho aching void" "There's is no such thing as a void, James. Nature abhors a vacuum. But, admitting that thero conld bo such a thing, how could tho void you speak of bo a void if there were an ache in it?" 'I meant to say that my lifo will bo lonely without you; that you are my daily thought and my nightly dream, I would go anywhere to bo with you. If you woro In Australia or at tho North Pole, I would fly to you. I" "Fly! It will bo another century bo-for- e men can fly. Even when tbo laws of gravitation aro successfully overcome, thero wilt still remain, says a lato scien- tific authority, the difilcultyof maintain- ing a balanco" "Well, atalleventsl" cxdaimed tbo youth, "I'vogot a pretty fair balance in tbe bank, and I want you to bo my wife. there!" "Well, James, since you pat it in that light, I" Curtain. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxativb' Buomo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggistn rnfnnd the money if it faila to cure. E. W. Grove's signa- ture on overy box. 25o. Vote In Recent Elections. Tho following tablos show tbo rela- tive political party strength in Ken- tucky tho three last general elections: Kentucky's Vote in 1895. Bradley 172,430 Hardin 103,534 1. cllK. ...)......(...... 10,1111 Demarco 4,1C3 Total 357.057 Bradley's majority over Hardin, 8.912. Vote op 1890. McKinloy 218,171 Bryan 217,890 Palmer 5,010 Levering 4,781 Total 445,801 MoKinley's majority over Bryan 281. Vote op 1897. Shackelford 187,432 Bailey 109,078 Hindman U.CG2 Parker 7,274 Total 875,723 Shackelford's majority over Bailoy 17,804. It May Save Your Life. A dose or two of Foley's Hooey and Tax will prevent ou attack of pneu- monia, grip or severe cold if taken in timo. Cures comrhp, coldf, croup, La Grippe, hoarseness, difficult breathing, whooping congb, incipient consump- tion, asthma or bronchitis. Givea poni-tiv- o relief in advanced stages of con- sumption, asthma or bronchitis. Guar- anteed. J. H. Williams, Hartford: B. L. Mitchell & Bro., Beaver Dam; M. B. Ragland, Rosine. m m Pointed Paragraphs. The ofllco puts in a lot of timo dodg- ing tho man. A man's love is apt to be regulated by his digestion. A oritio is usually a man who couldn't have dono It himself. Sooner or later pride Is euro to step on a stick of dynamite. Sometimes a man has to pay dearly for success after fairly earning it. Somehow tbe father-in-la- never gets much in tbo comic-pap- reputation. Man is a peculiar animal. When he gets what be wants be doesn't want It. The only way you can beat another man's game is to keep your money in your pocket A truly good wife is ono who loves her husband and ber country, but doesn't wanttornn either. Ages ago music waa considered tho food of love, but now tbe menu consists mostly of bon-bon- s and Tbo iudividuul who undertakes to re- form bimeolf baa about all tho mission- ary work he ia capable of attending to. It is said the smallest hair throws a shadow. Yes, of course, it does; It tbfowBa shadow across your appetite if you discover it in tho butter. A Short, Sad Story. A Cold. Neglect, Pneumonia, Grief. Had Foley's Honey and Tur been nsed this story would have had a hap- pier ending. 25oand50c. J. II. Wil- - IlttUJD, AintllW'tl, U. &J. iUHUUrii u, AStw,, Beaver Dam;M. B. Ragland, Rosino, m Remember tbo Grcon River Valley Improvement and Immigration Society will meet at Hartford, Ky,, on tho 25tb ' day of October, 1899. It is to bo hoped and expected that all ofllcers of said aa sociation will bo present as well us rep I rcsontutivu men from every county, town and precinct iu tho Green River Valley. Iu fact, all persons interested in improvements of every cuuracter, aro especially invited to be In attend- ance and lend a helping band, and thereby unsiat iu tho development of tho great natural renourconof the valley which isuuMirpaftHi'd n its Umber, soila und minerals by any other country ou ' earth. Jah, F, Oauson, Pron. W. P. Guken, Seo'y. O. R. Y. I. I. A. Nancy Hanks, Tho onm on which Nanny Hankp, thn mother of tbo great emancipator, Abra- ham Lincoln, did her weaving, is now owned by Dan Smith, nf (Urfleld. ,Tho story goeH that Nanoy Hanks need to mako regular trips from her homo iu LuRuo county t StephoiiHport. Ou her route bbe would stop and weavo cloth for people. ' I It seems that one of hor customers, ! R tVA vmu bscluieiy'Pure Mokes the food more aovAi mewo aowoea John Martin, camo into possession of tho loom, and at tbo sale after his death, it was bought by old George Brnington. In time ho died and the loom was fallen heir to by Mrs Patsy Money. At ber death tho place was sold to Mr. Smith, and tbo loom was put in with other property. This loom, now of historical value, is made of white oak und all tho parts aro decayed and rotten, except tho beam which is about oigbt inchca in diameter, and eight feet Jong. Mr. Smith is think- ing of making it up into walking canes, and soiling to rolio seekers. . - A New Story. It chanced that tho Miser and the Spendthrift took ship together. En voyage, the Spendthrift bought much wine and cat long at tho gaming table. "Tho fool and bis money soon parti" sighed tho Miser. Presently a storm aroso and the ship foundered, and they were all cast into the water, and the Miser, having his gold In a belt around his waist, sank to the bottom. "A fool and his money," observed tbe Spendthrift, sadly, for ho was a gener- ous soul, "don't always part!" An Illustrated Political Paper. Tho Verdict, of Now York, fs a weekly journal printed in colors. It is tho on- ly illustrated Democratic papor In tbo United States. Each lasuo contains three cartoons, deals pictorially with contemporaneous public eventB and pnblio persons in a vigorous, character- istic way. The paper is broadly Democratlo in principle. Its views of affairs aro not local, but national. Its attitudo toward tho publio questions of the day, politi- cal and economic, has already mado a national impression. Editorially, it is and will befrauk and sincere In its ex- pressions about men and measures. In addition to its editorials and cor- respondence, it will contain special ar- ticles of unusual interest, written in vigorous fashion. The price of the Verdict is $4 per year, bat wo will send it and Tins Habtfokd Herald both one year for only $0,50. Bad Blood Cure Free! Eating Sorep, Tumors, Ulcere, Cancer Breast, Stomach, Legs, or Arms, ure all curable by B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm,) which is mado especially to cure all torriblo Blood Diseases, Persistent Sores, Blood and Skin Blemishes.Scrof-ulo- , that resists other treatments, are quickly cured by B.B.B.(Botanio Blood Balm.) Skin Eruptions, Pimplep, Red, Itching Eczema, Scales, Blisters, Boils, Blotches, Catarrh, Rheuma- tism, etc., are all due to bad blood, and hence easilv cured by B.B.B. Syphilitic Blood Poison (Produo-iu- g Eruptions, Ulcerated Throat and Month, Swollen Glands, etc.) liter- ally driven from the system and enre mado by B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm,) in ouo to five month h. B. B. B. does not contain vegetable or mineral poison. For salo by druggists everywhere. Large bottles $1, 0 for $5. Writo for free sample bottle, which will bo sent by return mail. When yon write, describe symptoms, and porsonrd freo medical advice will be given. Ad- dress Blood Balm Co., 323 Mitohell at., Atlanta, Ga. t( Facts About Fathers. Atchlnsou O lobe. I Occasionally yon will moot In this dreary world tho father of a family of girls who wears a new overcoat, but you will never como up with eucb a father who can afford to bave his teeth filled. An AWhama, father who has raised eleven children declaiea himself unable to sloep unless a few cats aro fighting on tho roof. Dallas News. A SMALL MAY BE MOST VIOLENT GASES HAVE So many MERE DMJIDI CO cause they do I IIIII LLUi they naturally and aro forcod &JfrJFj&MM 7m9mm v very freely. This Baking Powder delicious and wholesome co., new vobk. TISTHKLAST IlOSK orSUMMKK, THOMAS MOORE. 'Tls the last rose of summer, Left bloominenlone; AU her lovely companion! Are faded and gone; No (lower of her kindred. No rosebud Is nigh, To reflect back ber bl mhe, v Or give sigh for sight I'll not leave thee, thou lone one, To pine on the stem; Since the lovely are sleeping, Co, sleep thou with them. Thus kindly I scatter Thy leaves o'er the bed Where thy mates of the garden Lie scentleM and dead- - So aoon may I follow, When friendships decay, And from Love's ahlulng circle The genu drop away! , When the true hearts He withered, A'nd fond ones are flown, Oh! who would Inhabit ThU bleak world alone? Tho Health Restorer and Health Maintainor, Dr. M. A. Simmona Liver Medicine, Strengthens tbe Nerves, makes you Plnmpnnd Comely, and En- riches the complexion with nature's colors. For Salo by J. H. Williams, Hartford, Ky. ra There la a leech farm in Indiana,prob-abl- y tho only ono in tho whole country. Tbe induttry is carried on In moaa-fille- d vata. Tho breeding of leeches was brought from Germany eomo years ago. For a qnictc and eaay ride to or from Beaver Dam, patronizo Fields' 'bus lino. - No Mystery. Indianapolis Journal. The Youth Why should victory al- ways bo represented by a female figure? Tho Sago Yon don't seo tbe appro- priateness now, bnt you haven't mar- ried yet. WHEN HE COURTED YOU ne didn't complain If you were a little despondent or irritable at times. Now 4aw lie does. He s the same man. He didn't un derstand then. He doesn't now. Then he thought it was aVCV V V tV caprice aud ryM M liked it. Now WP he thinks it is caprice and doesn't like it. But now lie's busy get- ting money. If h&realized the full truth he would Aw more than anx- ious to have the wife he loves take the right rewiedy to restore her to true womanly health. Most men don't know that when a woman is weak, nerv- ous, Irritable and despondent, there is invariably something radically wrong with the delicate feminine organs with which her entire physique is in sensitive touch. There is one, aud just one rem- edy, tried and proven, that will put tilings ngnt wiien tue feminine organism is weak or diseased. It is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It re stores perfect health to the weakened organs, JVJytf L aud makes them strong, xwSPh clean nnd virile. It A7irf V makes wifehood happy, y c and motherhood easy. I V- - It banishes morning " sickness and all other discomforts that precede maternity. It makes labor light, short and almost painless. It helps to make real "new women." An honest druggist won't urge upon you a sub- stitute. .Mrs. Kmerson Alien, of Dorset. Ontario Co., Out., writes: "I can truly aay that I think Dr. Pierce's the bet I nave ever used. X was in very poor health for a long, time, dating from the birth of my little girl. 1 tried differ cut doctors aud diflercut medicines. I derived very much more leutfit from your medicines than from any other I have ever used. I took four twttles of Favorite Prescription and three bot- tles of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' aud 1 always keep the Pellets' lu the hoiuc.,f SPOT CANCER. Tho greatest caro should be given to any llttlo sore, pitnplo or scratch which people uio irom cancer simpiy oe- - not know just what tho fs; turn themselves over to tbo doctors, to submit to a cruel and dangerous snows no Uisposiuon 10 neat uuuer uruui-innrinr- n IT CIDOT 10 ary treatment. No one can tell how soon thesj ArrtAntU Al rlnul AO wfil develop Into Cancer of tbo worst type: operation tho only treatment Which tho doctors know for Cancer. Tho diseuso promptly returns, howovor, and Is oven moro violent nnd destructive than beforo. Cancer is a deadly poison in tbo blood, and an operation, plaster, or other external treatment can havo no effect whatever upon it. The euro must come from within tho last vestlgo of poison must bo eradicated. Mr. Wm. Walpole, of Wahhtown, S. D., says: -- a little blotch about tho size of a pea came under my left oye, gradually growing larger, from which shooting pains ut intervals ran in all directions. I became gruatlv alarmed and consulted good doctor, who pronouueed ft Cancer, and advised that it bo cut out, but this 1 could not con-se- to. I read in my local pajier of u euro effected by A , o. o.f ana aeciueu iry it. iwuu u tiun, mu Cancer becoming medicines diseaso at first irritated, anil then gradually grew less ana men tiiscon- - tinned altogether, leaving nsnmiihcuu which r.wu urujr-nw- ! off. ntifl now onlv a he.ilthv llttlo scar remains where p what threatened to destroy my lifo onoo held full sway ' Positively tho only euro for Cancer is Swift's Specitle S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD becauso it is tho only remedy which can go deep enough to reach tlio root of tbe disease and forco it out of tho avsteni permanently, A surgical orwration does not reach the blood tin real seat of tho dlwuha because the bluod can not le exit away. Insist upon S. H. S.; nothing can tuko its place. S. S, 8. cures also any cawo of Scrofula, Eczema, lthouumtlsm, Coutagious Dlood-Vols- ou, Ulcers, Borea, or any olhor form of blood disease. Valuable bookson Cuncer and Blood Diseases will bo mailed freo to any addrc&i by BwUtBpcciflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia.

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THE HARTFORD HERALD.All kinds lob Printing neatly executed. it I come, the Herald of a noisy world, the news of all nations lumbering at my hack. Subscription $1 per Year, in advance


Acts gently on theKidneys, Liverand Bowels

Tleanses the System



1X5 HehC effects.Buy the aiNviHi-MAM- T o ey

rOt UU BT All CftwC44T 991 fe Hi ML

j& c. Taylcr,Attorney at Law,

Hartford, Kentucky.prait're h( iufel n in Ohio and ad

Jolntnt ro untie, and four! cl AttainCtimlnil i.mcMcr and colletlicH a citalty.


(notailv rriu.ic.)HAIirKOKU KKNTt'CKT,

W.ll tiMrtlC- - hit tilnlNlOII " HP ll.r CHIIIU lucoiii.I ! inurl ilOhio and ailjulhfiitf

ApikiU 'iuml Mtltnlloii Ktieu l H builliew

tnltutrd lo hi me

ZTno. S. "WTilooaa.,Aitokney- - at -- Law

.Txd. 3u.rTroy or.IIARTFOHD, icy.

tUllnnh li4il'ia'IAl... ... intention

. .Klv-- u

i.inWilifio to..


t All.. KlUIIft. ......lUMrilltB,

i. . r.. iiltin""-.'iiiiiiIV Other

oorlh 't- - f public i'BJ. L. IIEAVIUN,

Attorney at Law,HAKTF011D, KENTUCKY

miciic tin ii'friii " " &";Wn.i. ..liinliil ,",,,,1V,,''JiOM"

TTjiTntt riilson ,


tiiifriii" in Ohio amiitfti i hi"

to.ui'Ju.Vnrtnt.ittcatuhUi-tP- . ortue with

County Attorney.

KiT .W It. HAXNfcH


Attouneys at Law,1HW.1'KACTtJ. t......heir wokm7 . , " t',"vuWIU. 'A.iiniiiiiiir luuiiin.of Hi"

Utrlrl ttrnllull will UtfUrUail liualnwVn-, limn ami rrtm ua

iiln to Ihrir ciitr. fctait,uext toOltice uptimctivt: a kprcluiiy(lrUfi'dnuitore.

U.L.HARTFORD, KY.practice nla piufewlou lu ' the

VV Ohio anil adjoin njt co,;n l.

R. R. WEDDING,ArrouNEY at Law.

HARTFOHD.KV.ril I nrjctkc hU profcHHlou in Ohioand

rJq(iclloU AU uuiaiy PUMIC Otf.cc



Attorney at LawHARTFORD, KY.

I uractlCtf hi litofeailoil " onto anuWit o ificeiu w.nilOMll uuklliri.4 tlllfUHlCU U

licit. tout tuthc Kepubllcaiiotlice.

SHBLI1YTAYL0K,Attorney at Law,


l.T.lrtUifhia iiiofra!im In nil Hiccmltf Vrotiloamt a'lJohihiK i'- -TAppfil. bicttl Httculioil tuiutltctloiia


l.l'KACTlCVInWI Ihe Court of KeifWlf Special atieutioii xhru lu roUec.

ll.msMiuWiit of dccCi1rnl,tcltale,io.ut cati

4k . !' U It IN(,QLEHN Si RllJr.ll,


triM i'HAtrncltllieiiprolenMiiii rill theW iNniiU 'f Ohio antl miinltiiua c,niiilira

ftllil IUC"Hl''r.lllll" SpKlHl.UlHlllOII II IVen It rrlmlwil practice nuil clUiliriifc AIoN.iliry I'uhllrfrt'Ohlproiiiilv

a. 2h. Barrett.Attorney at bAW,

(notahv pniitrc)UAUTFUIiD. KY.

lirn' PKACriCIt hi liroffHiitoii tn all OicW court of Ohio and adjoining couiiIUk.

Careful ultfiillciu will be kIv'mi to all bulu,- -

cutru-l- to hin care, Collevlious a icclaly.Office over ObloCouuty Baak,,





The Filipinos Have the Right to be

Heard All They Want is a

Little Justice.


Atlanta CotifctllutlonThoaihuiDlhtrutiou oraUH and tbuclo-Diou- t

whicli in s thut wo ehotilri makeuoonquuHt of tbo Philippines amies-tablU- h

a vauniil colony tlicre(bavo founda voriUblo thorn in tliulr niilua In tliu

liupH o( Rev. Totor MacQneuu. Itwilt ho rcmomborcd that lu HoptomborMr. MacQuoou printed ) Tlio

llio report of an intorvlnwwith UotiL-rn- l Lnwtuu, u comtuauderwitli whom hu wor (piitn intimate, hay-in- t:

ncoumpauiod him to Manila in tboUrbt plnoe.

Tho portion of tho reported Intrr-viu-

whioh hurt tb of tieHanuii crowd ih m followtt: "What wo

uaut ia to htop thin nccurBcd war. It ia

timu for diplomacy, tiruo for mutualuuderNtuuduip. Tbei-- o men arc

At Ilucoor brldo thoywaited till tbo AmunciiiH brouubt theiroiunou to within thirty llvv .Minis oft'jeir trciiclieH. Hnoli mull imvo thoriubt to bo bturd. All tliey want ia aIittlu jiiwlico. All tbefco peoplenetd for iulfuovernment in tbe protcotiou of our WoopH until aiTrtiru baveipiitttid down, und then they will, Ihave ro doubt, advanoo an rapidy astho Japanese, perhapa more rapidly."

AHfoou ah thla Wh pultliHhed, cablemeasauoa were hunt to .MaciU

that (lenerul Lnwton tmd been repro-floute- d

aa critieifin tho administrationand tho courfco nnd oondnct of tho wnr.N'nturnlly ououbR4lio General mndo avobement denihl of thiaand Htithorizeda etitement to tbo i fleet thatullftichieorta uero pure inventioUH, Thinatiitcmont waa culled back to Ibia coun-

try, h ml for a fewdtyatheorfauHcmacked their lipa over it. What comfortthey could have derived from it ia iliiU-cu- lt

to mc, for General Lanton'a vehe-

ment dei.iul that ho had criticised thoadmiuittratiou or tho mauutomeut oftho war iu tbo Philippine, oppliea juatua much to tho Mr fit volumo of poetryua it doeH to tbo MiicQueeu iuterview.There i'k not a word nor a lino in thatroi ort tbatciu be twinted iuto a criti-cism of tho adminihtratiou or of thoconrDM of military uiTira.

Anyhnw, Mr, MucQrui'D, who la nowdubbed "laittoij" MaiQiief u bv tbo or-ua-

h ia oitije to tbo front to explainthat tbo only pait of tbo report whichmav lo taid to iuitreprocut OonemlLiuiou wan tbo nibntilulion of

for "dumnaldo." The (Generalhad "What we wuut H to ftop thiadumrabio wur." Mr. MacQuten, inwriting out tho report, thought tLattho term mlht urate on tbo ecntitivonerveaof tho rcadern of The Coujrci:ntionuli.s'.Hiid ho Htibfctitutfd "uccureed,which in fnlly as ttronn and i qttally oxprcNttive.

No aeubiblo poraon can poteibly(leuernl Lawton'a uttoran-cep- .

He ia au acrpmplixbrd aoldioreasily the most iu tbe Thiip-pine- a

yet hi profeeaioudoes uo( blind hia btronpf KeuBoof jqe-tlc- o

and humanity, Ho perooivef, naall thoughtful people do, that this ia ouoof the warn iu which tnia ret repnbliohas no glory to Kta. The troops muttrodent attacks on the JUg; they mudpat dowu.m far as they can, tho turbul-ono- o

and violecco which ia tbo result oftbo insurrection, but if tbe war ia theresult of a misunderstanding, whatthen? Ia it not tho duty of onr greatGovernment to ufeuro theeo people that

GAVE ljttle thought oI Hell, 230 N .Walnutfcarn, "until X found


household duties,had my days of not

sunering,but ITHOUGHT-- things and

I hadLESS medicine

WOMEN physicianthe


Vegetable Compound that I upmy mind try it. I was troubled

of the womb, had sharp pains inovaries, leucorrhceaand painful menses.I was so weak and dizzy that I would;often severe faintitig spells.took in several bottles LydiaE.finkhams Vegetable U)tnpouna

Blood purifier and used thoSanative Wash, and am novygood health. I others(o know of tlio wonderfulgood it has done me, andhave nwy friends taking itflow, WiU always, givo yourmedicine ttie highest praise. M

Irs. A. Tolle, 1946 Hil-

ton St., Philadelphia, PaMwrites t

"Dear PikkiiamI was very thin and myfriends thought I was in consumption. Had continuatheadaches, backache andfalling womb, and my eyeswere Every onenoticed how poorly Iand I was advised takeLydla E. Pinkham's Vege-table Compound. One bottlerelieved me, and after tak

tha independence thoy aro flKbtleg for,tbo right of whichthoy aro ambitions, Is assured to themby tho very nature and character of thoinstitutions represented by tbo flaxwhich thoy havo ignorantly attacked?

Would it not bo both juat and hn-ma-

to inform tho Filipinos that thisKepnblic, in ita vorytlrst ofllclal doc-umentthe declaration of Independence

baa given to tho world not only anaseurauco but n pledge, Dot only apleduu but a gnaranteo of ita attitudetoward all peoples who bellovo in liborty and who aro ambitions of Bolf

govornment? Tho root of tbo wbolo

matter lies here.Gonoral Lawton ia an American sol-

dier of the befet typo and that meansthe finest type tbo world has soon. Assuoh bo hua a mind above tho mororoutino and practice of bia profeeaioD,and looks forward to reauUs. Hoknowp, as all men must know, thattbero is no good to bo obtained from ablind prosecution of war which is basedou misunderstanding, aud whioh has aaits beginning ignorance of tbe purposesof our Government. It ia the fault ofthe administration that the ignoranceof tbo Filipinos baa not received duoenlightenment; and it is aknowledgoofthis fact which tho causes Americanpeople, without regard to party, toturn away from the policy which tbeAdmiuintratiou seoma to bavo made itsown. Wbou we say tho American peo

we do net, of course, mean the syndinatea which manipulating tbinga,nor tbo interc&ta which Hanna repres-

ent?, nor tho organs, nor the swarmtoadies and eycophanthwhich hangabontau Adminihtratiou; we mean tbo greatbody of tbo people who are responsible

y as their forefathers were beforothem, for tbo strength and stability ofRepublican institutions.

The Washington Pott, whlaa usuallyteps iuto tho breach ana day in ordor

to bavo tbo opportunity of climbingtbe next, dipcue&es this matter with

a western newspaper, and defonda thePiesideut. "Where," it asks, "ia thechance for au issuo ou bis declared pur-Iof- o

to restore peaco and refer tbewbolo business & Congrce&r" nnd itwant a everybody to wait until conHiding views iu Oougrces ruiso an issue. But if Tho Post will look abroadinto tho seething whirlpool of politicsin tho West, it will perceive that tho o

is already joined. Tho que&tion ianut what tbo President might havedone, but what will ho do now. Howauta to roMoro peace; would it not boa feather in his cap if ho restored it inaccordance with tho suggcttions ofthose who understand thethero such men us Lawton, for In-

stance? Iawton says tho time hasoomo for diplomacy for mutual under-Ntnnding- p,

Ho declares that all theFilipinos want ia a little justice, andthat they have a right to bo heard.Would it not be well to givo them ahearing a patient hearing and takeadvantage of it to assure them that tbopeople of tbo United States behove inself'govornmeut aud will not tnleratoany kind where the flag iaplanted?

How docs the war that is going onhelp tho cause of 'expansion?' ThoPost, which ia an expansionist tonanua'a taste, figuring on eomo incom-plete stations, shows that our troppahavo captured twenty-on- e Philippinetowns ami hold only six, "Wo havo

attacked thirty-niu- o times and aban-

doned tbo results of the bloodshedthirty-thre- e times. Our soldiers, there-fore, have been eeutto needless perilund slaughter thirty-thre- e times out ofthirty-nino.'- 1 To this The Post addsthat tho "tho lives lost in thirty-thre- e

frultloss engagements wore simplylives thrown away," and it estimatesthat "moro than 100 Americana havebeen killed and wounded to no purposowhatever."

Tho only coniolatlon their familiescan have, Is that teso soldiers fall

Canton, O., to Mrs. Pinkmyself unable to attend to










my health, M writes Mrs. Wm. Vi

feeling well and my monthlyana a gaou aeai 01 oacKacnu,

thoutrht all women had these)


ydid complain.

for some time, butseemed to help me, and my

thought it best for me to gohospital for local treatment. I

had read and heard so much of yourmaae

to withfalling

havoall 'pf








j.mmrr,BaaW mmm

ff 1! . aWaT I bbbi aaaV ij tInbbbbbh

ing eignt Domes am now ahealthy woman; have gained in weight 95 poundspounds, andeveryone asks what makes me so stout,"

to 140

tqo lino of duty. They were defendingtho flag. Bat when tbo war is over anddono with, people will be asking thornselves what good has resulted from it.Already ita roprlsala have been madennneoesnarily htdeouB by mismanage-ment. Why not give the Filipinos ahearing and then give thorn justice?General Lawton says that Is all thoywant.

Battle Royal.(Qta'KOw Tlmca.

, Bpoctators at tbe Horeo Oavo fair lastFriday wero treated to a feature of en-

tertainment not down on tbe programmethat was exceedingly Interesting. Itwaa dnring the oontest for tho premiumoflered for tho best beef bull any age.Among tbo entries was a large Shorthorn bull, weighing 2,600 ponnup, tbabelonged to Dr. J. T. Winlock, of tboHawesvillo country, and aton of the Wlnlook bull that belongedto Mr. John S. Loche, of Horeo Gave,Tho larger animal beoamo enraged atthe smaller one, and breaking tbo ropewith which ho wua held, he made at hiarival with head down and tall up andwith a bellow not unlike real thunder.Tho men in tho ring took in tbo situa-

tion at onoo and vacated the premises,leaving tho infuriated animals to fightit out. Both wero dehorned and, there-fore, could not injure tach other, butthey fought with all tho fury of untam-

ed lions, giving and receiving terrificblows with their heads. The smallerbull finally vanquished bis gigantic op-

ponent and chased him ont of the ring.They were them separated, but the vic-

tor returned to tho ring as if to see if

any others contested his supremacy,and finding nono to dispute hia sway, he

made at tbe orowd in tho amphitheater,and but for the heroic action of Mr. O.

IL Laznrus.hie charge might have resuited disastrously to tho ondookers.Neither was injured in tbo fight.

tDr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medioin

Quickeno the Appetite, Aids Digestion,gives Tone and Vigor to all the func-tions, and fortifies the system againstEpidemic Influences. For cole by J.II. Wiliame, Hartford, K. m

Work lor Success.Young man,it yon expect to succeed,

you must work and work hard for thatsuccess. Thero aro too many of theyonng men of our country who startout iu business who are looking for softjobs, or jobs where thero is not muchwork but a good deal of pay. It is wellenough to say that all theso jobs havebeen takon and are not now to befound by the average young man. Thesoft jobs are at the other end of thoHue and it sometimes takes a loug andhard pull to get thoro.

Tho young man who is afraid ho isdoing too mach work for tho pay he iareceiving, is likely never to make anyvery great advance in tbo way of promo-tion. If yon are hired at 25 cents perday, you owe it toyour employer to workas faithfully as though you received tentimes that much. Your time belongs totbo man who hires you and you owe itto him to give him your host efforts.

It is tho observation of all, that theman who succeeds is the one who takeshold of his work and never lets go untilIt is finished entirely. Just at presentthere Is demand for every young manwho wants to eucoeed in life. Com-

mence at tho bottom and work up. Donot try to commence at tbo top. Youare not ready for that just yet It willtake you perhaps years to get there, butBuccess will follow if yon only applyyourself. Save up your dimes and yourdollars aa yon go. It wages are email,save some of your money you make.Toil will bring its reward sooner orlater.

To Stimulate a Sluggish Liver, ban-ish liilliousnefis, disperse Dyspepsia,prevent Siok and Nervous Headacheuse Dr. M. A. Simmons Iivor medicine.For salo by J. U. Williams, HartfordKy.

. mvx

Judge Him by This.1st. LouU Republic

Mr. Bryan draws a deoidedly deadlyparallel on President MoKInley when hoquotes a oertaln utterance whioh bearsupon tho present Philippine situationalthough voiced at a dinner of tho NowEngland Society in Philadelphia in1890.

"Human rights and constitutionalprivileges," said Mr, MoKinley Jat thattime, "must not bo forgotton in tbe racefor commercial supremacy. The gov-

ernment of tho people most be by thepeople and not a few of tho people. 1

must rest upon the free consent o( thegoverned and all of tup, governed. Pow-

er, it must bo remembered, whioh ia se-

cured by oppression or usurpation, or byany form of lDjuutice, is soon dethroned,Wa liAttu Mrt wlrvltt In liin. fw mn.ula try ..w..






If U mw f.H .M v. " "usurp that beings to.

whether it ia property or power."The President uttered a great trnth

whenhoepoko these words. Govorn- -

meat, oven in the Pbillppinep.must resttho free consent of the governed

and all of tho governed. Power, hePresident himself should now rewentber, is by intimidation

usurpUion,or by form of iojus- -

tice,evon In the Phllipplnop, issoon de- -

throned, have no right in law ormorals.oven Philippines, usurp

belongs to another, whetherit property

A man in Missouri, who was too stingybuy a nowspapor, sent hi young boy

4a m HnifililiAk'd rt livatafv nfeiA A

boy was going home ho fell down andbroko his leg. Tho neighbor hiscries and ran him, slippedfell, dislocated his kneeand tore bos-

om of hisfour-dolla- r pantaloons. Hisran to hia assistonce, leaving a 2 yearold on the floor. crawled and fell tho and I

tho mother was fishing tbe child out, j

tbohouso caught fire and was totallydestroyed. Moral: never besides it's dangorous.to borrow a paper, I


Fight Now on Between Great Bri-

tain and South African


JoiiANMEsnuno, Oot. 13. War wasdeclared yesterday, between Great Bri-tain and the Sonth African RepublicTho formal declaration will bo at10 o'clock to-da- y,

London, Oct. 12. Following is thotext of the British reply to tbo Boerultimatum:

"Chamberlain toMilnor, High Com-missioner, sent 10:45 p. m., October 10,1890: Her Majesty's Government baH

received with grvat regret tho peremp-tory demandsof tho South African

conveyed your telegram oft October 0. Yon will inform tho Government of the South African RepublicIn reply that tho conditions demandedby the Government of tho Afri-can Republic are such as Her Majesty'sGovernment deem it impossible lo dis-


It is now definitely known that theBritish Government sent no final pro-posals to Pretoria. Tho Transvaal's ul-

timatum forestalled Intention.So far as news received thus far show?,

no shot has yet been fired. Theevaouated district between Cbarlcstownand New Castle, Natal, has an area of2.10 Equare miles, and consists chiefly of

moor land sparsely populated.

A Human Incubator.Sin Francisco CaU.

Inside the hut tbero wao absolutelynothing save a few rnde implementsused for cooking, probably, iu happierdays, and at one side a sort of raisedplatform of bamboo upon which lay auaunt old woman, packed, apparently invery dirty ootton batting. Cozily nes-tled in this soft material, close again&taud between her arms and body and Inher still luxuriant but disheveledhair, were nearly three dozen hen's eggs.The poor old woman, having outlivedher uaefnllnees in other ways, had beenmetamorphosed an incubator, audmost conscientiously was she perform-ing her arduous duties. She lay per-fectly motionless as her yonng gran-dchildwho had acted the part of Elijah'sravens stood on tiptoe beside her andfed her slowly with fragments of meatand cracker; and she seemed almostafraid to speak, or even chew, lest shoshould break the fragile treasures com-mitted to hor charge.

From that day George, and Ithis living incubator our special chargeand saw to it neither sho nor berypung attendant lacked for food. Womade frequent visits to tbesolfury

kept closo not only of thecondition of the old woman but of thoeggs, ooncernlug which we felt a special

solicitous curiosity. It was ourgood fortune to be present when tbehatching time arrived and tbe odd sightit was to see the tiny chickens scram-bling out their shells all around andoverlthoir fotter mother I shall not soontarget.

I was informed that it is quitetho custom among tho Filipinos to

tbo disabled aud tho aged inthis manner, though this special in-

stance is tho only one of which I havohad personal cognizance. With hensat$2 apiece, the enterprise certainly aremunerative one, though itscarcely find favor in more civilizedcommunities.

A Record of Rottenness.Courier-Journa- l,

The Kentucky Republicans who arepnvtiog bo about tbe purity of thoballot,and assuming that it is exclusively under tho protection of their party,ought to mako a note of tbo disclosuremade by tho inquiries conducted bythe Munioipal League of Philadelphia.It is known that that city has been foryears under Republican control. Aconvicted repeater confessed thatho voted thirty-seve- n times at ono elec-

tion. League's estimato of tbonumber of illegal votes cast in tbe oityat the ktt election is 30,000, But thisis far short of tbo record, Phila-delphia a Republican paper, ofthe opinion that thero have been elec-

tions in the oity at which as many80.000 fraudulent votea wero cast, Thiaisaspeoimen of what Repulicans dowhen they are under little restraint.No reasonable man pretends that allDemocrats aro ealuts, but they will fiudit very dittioult to equal tho Republicanrecord iu Philadelphia.

1 invert Hpr 1 IfV 0Xtl-- . HT t.U.UL UM1I..I -

their right to reap the bonefita of thocxbanitloss treasures of their conntrv."

If thia applied to the CubauH, whydooa it uot apply to tbo people of thePhilippine hlauil?

Wooing a Schoolteacher.'Wichita Hatfe.)

"Yes," a young mau, as hohimself at tho feet of tho pretty school-mistress, lovoyon, and w,ou,ld go totbe world's end for you.'

Von coull not go to tho end of thowprjd fpr roe, Jum.es. Tho world,or thooa,rtb,sa it is called, Is like a ball,slightly flattened at the poles. Onothe first lessons in elementary geogra- -

?.My. 'little Bister had Crono very

bad I gavo her several doses of FoleyauJli

relieved. It her J, u. Wil- -uam, Hartford? S. L. Mitohell & Bro.,Beaver Dam;M. S.Bagland,Ilosine, m

'Why Not?

In his first mossage Decem-o- r

ber G, 1807 Mr, MoKintoy said "Wobave only tho desiro to soo the Cubatiaprosper contented, enjoying thutmeaeuro of self control which ia tbolualionablu right of man, protected

Ulwhich wtte


which scouredany

Wein tho to

that whichIs or power.


heardoutto but and


baby The babyout down well, while

It pays,










hutand watch









ThoPress, is


aald threw



phy is dovoted to tho sbapo of tho globe.You must have studied it when youwero a boy."

"Of course I did, but""And It is no longer u theory. Cir-

cumnavigators havo established tbefact."

"I know, but what I meant was that Iwould do auything to please you. Ab,Minerva, if you know tho achingvoid"

"There's is no such thing as a void,James. Nature abhors a vacuum. But,admitting that thero conld bo such athing, how could tho void you speak ofbo a void if there were an ache in it?"

'I meant to say that my lifo will bolonely without you; that you are mydaily thought and my nightly dream, Iwould go anywhere to bo with you. Ifyou woro In Australia or at tho NorthPole, I would fly to you. I"

"Fly! It will bo another century bo-for- e

men can fly. Even when tbo lawsof gravitation aro successfully overcome,thero wilt still remain, says a lato scien-tific authority, the difilcultyof maintain-ing a balanco"

"Well, atalleventsl" cxdaimed tboyouth, "I'vogot a pretty fair balance intbe bank, and I want you to bo my wife.there!"

"Well, James, since you pat it in thatlight, I"


To Cure a Cold in One DayTake Laxativb' Buomo Quinine Tab-lets. All druggistn rnfnnd the moneyif it faila to cure. E. W. Grove's signa-ture on overy box. 25o.

Vote In Recent Elections.Tho following tablos show tbo rela-

tive political party strength in Ken-tucky tho three last general elections:

Kentucky's Vote in 1895.

Bradley 172,430Hardin 103,5341. cllK. ...)......(...... 10,1111

Demarco 4,1C3

Total 357.057Bradley's majority over Hardin, 8.912.

Vote op 1890.McKinloy 218,171Bryan 217,890Palmer 5,010Levering 4,781

Total 445,801MoKinley's majority over Bryan 281.

Vote op 1897.

Shackelford 187,432Bailey 109,078Hindman U.CG2Parker 7,274

Total 875,723Shackelford's majority over Bailoy


It May Save Your Life.A dose or two of Foley's Hooey and

Tax will prevent ou attack of pneu-monia, grip or severe cold if taken intimo. Cures comrhp, coldf, croup, LaGrippe, hoarseness, difficult breathing,whooping congb, incipient consump-tion, asthma or bronchitis. Givea poni-tiv- o

relief in advanced stages of con-sumption, asthma or bronchitis. Guar-anteed. J. H. Williams, Hartford: B.L. Mitchell & Bro., Beaver Dam; M. B.Ragland, Rosine. m


Pointed Paragraphs.The ofllco puts in a lot of timo dodg-

ing tho man.A man's love is apt to be regulated by

his digestion.A oritio is usually a man who couldn't

have dono It himself.Sooner or later pride Is euro to step on

a stick of dynamite.Sometimes a man has to pay dearly

for success after fairly earning it.Somehow tbe father-in-la- never gets

much in tbo comic-pap- reputation.Man is a peculiar animal. When he

gets what be wants be doesn't want It.The only way you can beat another

man's game is to keep your money inyour pocket

A truly good wife is ono who loves herhusband and ber country, but doesn'twanttornn either.

Ages ago music waa considered thofood of love, but now tbe menu consistsmostly of bon-bon- s and

Tbo iudividuul who undertakes to re-

form bimeolf baa about all tho mission-ary work he ia capable of attending to.

It is said the smallest hair throws ashadow. Yes, of course, it does; IttbfowBa shadow across your appetiteif you discover it in tho butter.

A Short, Sad Story.A Cold.Neglect,Pneumonia,Grief.

Had Foley's Honey and Tur beennsed this story would have had a hap-pier ending. 25oand50c. J. II. Wil- -

IlttUJD, AintllW'tl, U. &J. iUHUUrii u, AStw,,Beaver Dam;M. B. Ragland, Rosino, m

Remember tbo Grcon River ValleyImprovement and Immigration Societywill meet at Hartford, Ky,, on tho 25tb '

day of October, 1899. It is to bo hopedand expected that all ofllcers of said aasociation will bo present as well us rep

I rcsontutivu men from every county,town and precinct iu tho Green RiverValley. Iu fact, all persons interestedin improvements of every cuuracter,aro especially invited to be In attend-ance and lend a helping band, andthereby unsiat iu tho development oftho great natural renourconof the valleywhich isuuMirpaftHi'd n its Umber, soilaund minerals by any other country ou

' earth. Jah, F, Oauson, Pron.W. P. Guken, Seo'y. O. R. Y. I. I. A.

Nancy Hanks,Tho onm on which Nanny Hankp, thn

mother of tbo great emancipator, Abra-ham Lincoln, did her weaving, is nowowned by Dan Smith, nf (Urfleld. ,Thostory goeH that Nanoy Hanks need tomako regular trips from her homo iuLuRuo county t StephoiiHport. Ou herroute bbe would stop and weavo clothfor people. ' I

It seems that one of hor customers, !

R tVAvmubscluieiy'PureMokes the food more

aovAi mewo aowoea

John Martin, camo into possession oftho loom,and at tbo sale after his death,it was bought by old George Brnington.In time ho died and the loom was fallenheir to by Mrs Patsy Money. Atber death tho place was sold to Mr.Smith, and tbo loom was put in withother property.

This loom, now of historical value, ismade of white oak und all tho parts arodecayed and rotten, except tho beamwhich is about oigbt inchca in diameter,and eight feet Jong. Mr. Smith is think-ing of making it up into walking canes,and soiling to rolio seekers.

. -

A New Story.It chanced that tho Miser and the

Spendthrift took ship together.En voyage, the Spendthrift bought

much wine and cat long at tho gamingtable.

"Tho fool and bis money soon parti"sighed tho Miser.

Presently a storm aroso and the shipfoundered, and they were all cast intothe water, and the Miser, having hisgold In a belt around his waist, sank tothe bottom.

"A fool and his money," observed tbeSpendthrift, sadly, for ho was a gener-ous soul, "don't always part!"

An Illustrated Political Paper.Tho Verdict, of Now York, fs a weekly

journal printed in colors. It is tho on-

ly illustrated Democratic papor In tboUnited States. Each lasuo containsthree cartoons, deals pictorially withcontemporaneous public eventB andpnblio persons in a vigorous, character-istic way.

The paper is broadly Democratlo inprinciple. Its views of affairs aro notlocal, but national. Its attitudo towardtho publio questions of the day, politi-cal and economic, has already mado anational impression. Editorially, it isand will befrauk and sincere In its ex-

pressions about men and measures.In addition to its editorials and cor-

respondence, it will contain special ar-

ticles of unusual interest, written invigorous fashion.

The price of the Verdict is $4 per year,bat wo will send it and Tins HabtfokdHerald both one year for only $0,50.

Bad Blood Cure Free!Eating Sorep, Tumors, Ulcere, Cancer

Breast, Stomach, Legs, or Arms, ure allcurable by B. B. B. (Botanio BloodBalm,) which is mado especially to cureall torriblo Blood Diseases, PersistentSores, Blood and Skin Blemishes.Scrof-ulo- ,

that resists other treatments, arequickly cured by B.B.B.(Botanio BloodBalm.) Skin Eruptions, Pimplep, Red,Itching Eczema, Scales, Blisters,Boils, Blotches, Catarrh, Rheuma-tism, etc., are all due to badblood, and hence easilv cured by B.B.B.Syphilitic Blood Poison (Produo-iu- g

Eruptions, Ulcerated Throat andMonth, Swollen Glands, etc.) liter-ally driven from the system andenre mado by B. B. B. (BotanioBlood Balm,) in ouo to five month h. B.B. B. does not contain vegetable ormineral poison. For salo by druggistseverywhere. Large bottles $1, 0 for $5.Writo for free sample bottle, which willbo sent by return mail. When yonwrite, describe symptoms, and porsonrdfreo medical advice will be given. Ad-

dress Blood Balm Co., 323 Mitohell at.,Atlanta, Ga. t(

Facts About Fathers.Atchlnsou O lobe. I

Occasionally yon will moot In thisdreary world tho father of a family ofgirls who wears a new overcoat, but youwill never como up with eucb a fatherwho can afford to bave his teeth filled.

An AWhama, father who has raisedeleven children declaiea himself unableto sloep unless a few cats aro fighting ontho roof. Dallas News.




So many

MERE DMJIDI CO cause they doI IIIII LLUi they naturally

and aro forcod

&JfrJFj&MM7m9mmv very freely. This


delicious and wholesomeco., new vobk.



'Tls the last rose of summer,Left bloominenlone;

AU her lovely companion!Are faded and gone;

No (lower of her kindred.No rosebud Is nigh,

To reflect back ber bl mhe, v

Or give sigh for sight

I'll not leave thee, thou lone one,To pine on the stem;

Since the lovely are sleeping,Co, sleep thou with them.

Thus kindly I scatterThy leaves o'er the bed

Where thy mates of the gardenLie scentleM and dead- -

So aoon may I follow,When friendships decay,

And from Love's ahlulng circleThe genu drop away! ,

When the true hearts He withered,A'nd fond ones are flown,

Oh! who would InhabitThU bleak world alone?

Tho Health Restorer and HealthMaintainor, Dr. M. A. Simmona LiverMedicine, Strengthens tbe Nerves,makes you Plnmpnnd Comely, and En-riches the complexion with nature'scolors. For Salo by J. H. Williams,Hartford, Ky. ra

There la a leech farm in Indiana,prob-abl- y

tho only ono in tho whole country.Tbe induttry is carried on In moaa-fille- d

vata. Tho breeding of leeches wasbrought from Germany eomo years ago.

For a qnictc and eaay ride to or fromBeaver Dam, patronizo Fields' 'buslino.

-No Mystery.

Indianapolis Journal.The Youth Why should victory al-

ways bo represented by a female figure?Tho Sago Yon don't seo tbe appro-

priateness now, bnt you haven't mar-ried yet.

WHEN HE COURTED YOUne didn't complain If you were a littledespondent or irritable at times. Now

4aw lie does. He sthe same man.He didn't understand then.He doesn'tnow. Then hethought it was

aVCV V V tV caprice audryM M liked it. Now

WP he thinks it is capriceand doesn't like it.But now lie's busy get-ting money.

If h&realized the full truthhe would Aw more than anx-ious to have the wife he loves

take the right rewiedy to restore her totrue womanly health. Most men don'tknow that when a woman is weak, nerv-ous, Irritable and despondent, there isinvariably something radically wrongwith the delicate feminine organs withwhich her entire physique is in sensitivetouch. There is one, aud just one rem-edy, tried and proven, that will puttilings ngnt wiien tuefeminine organism isweak or diseased. It isDr. Pierce's FavoritePrescription. It restores perfect health tothe weakened organs, JVJytf Laud makes them strong, xwSPhclean nnd virile. It A7irf V

makes wifehood happy, y c

and motherhood easy. I V- -It banishes morning "

sickness and all other discomforts thatprecede maternity. It makes labor light,short and almost painless. It helps tomake real "new women." An honestdruggist won't urge upon you a sub-stitute.

.Mrs. Kmerson Alien, of Dorset. Ontario Co.,Out., writes: "I can truly aay that I think Dr.Pierce's the bet I nave ever used. X

was in very poor health for a long, time, datingfrom the birth of my little girl. 1 tried differ cutdoctors aud diflercut medicines. I derived verymuch more leutfit from your medicines thanfrom any other I have ever used. I took fourtwttles of Favorite Prescription and three bot-tles of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' aud 1 alwayskeep the Pellets' lu the hoiuc.,f


CANCER.Tho greatest caro should be given to

any llttlo sore, pitnplo or scratch which

people uio irom cancer simpiy oe- -not know just what tho fs;turn themselves over to tbo doctors,to submit to a cruel and dangerous

snows no Uisposiuon 10 neat uuuer uruui-innrinr- n

IT CIDOT 10 ary treatment. No one can tell how soon thesjArrtAntU Al rlnul AO wfil develop Into Cancer of tbo worst type:

operation tho only treatment Which tho doctors know for Cancer. Tho diseusopromptly returns, howovor, and Is oven moro violent nnd destructive thanbeforo. Cancer is a deadly poison in tbo blood, and an operation, plaster, orother external treatment can havo no effect whatever upon it. The euro mustcome from within tho last vestlgo of poison must bo eradicated.

Mr. Wm. Walpole, of Wahhtown, S. D., says: -- alittle blotch about tho size of a pea came under my leftoye, gradually growing larger, from which shooting painsut intervals ran in all directions. I became gruatlv alarmedand consulted good doctor, who pronouueed ft Cancer,and advised that it bo cut out, but this 1 could not con-se-

to. I read in my local pajier of u euro effected byA , o. o.f ana aeciueu iry it. iwuu u tiun, mu

Cancer becoming



at first irritated, anil thengradually grew less ana men tiiscon- -

tinned altogether, leaving nsnmiihcuu which r.wu urujr-nw- !

off. ntifl now onlv a he.ilthv llttlo scar remains wherep what threatened to destroy my lifo onoo held full sway' Positively tho only euro for Cancer is Swift's Specitle

S. S. S. FOR THE BLOODbecauso it is tho only remedy which can go deep enough to reach tlio root of

tbe disease and forco it out of tho avsteni permanently, A surgical orwrationdoes not reach the blood tin real seat of tho dlwuha because the bluod cannot le exit away. Insist upon S. H. S.; nothing can tuko its place.

S. S, 8. cures also any cawo of Scrofula, Eczema, lthouumtlsm, CoutagiousDlood-Vols- ou, Ulcers, Borea, or any olhor form of blood disease. Valuablebookson Cuncer and Blood Diseases will bo mailed freo to any addrc&i byBwUtBpcciflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia.