harvey - snowstorm, what the dog saw

What the dog saw SNOWSTORM © Roger Harvey, 2012

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Post on 23-Dec-2014




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This is a children's story written by Roger Harvey for his grndkids, Luke, Ella, Olivia and Charlotte. Their Mom, Jill, is recovering from a brain injury and has been in a wheelchair for the past year.


Page 1: Harvey - Snowstorm, what the dog saw

What the dog saw


© Roger Harvey, 2012

Page 2: Harvey - Snowstorm, what the dog saw

One night a dog named “Turkey” was sleeping in his chair.

He dreamed of a bone he had that wasn’t really there.

He woke to hear the TV say,

“Tomorrow it will snow all day.”

Hearing the News

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“Turk” tossed in bed and tried to sleep.

He never even made a peep.

He couldn’t get it from his mind.

“When morning comes, what will I find?”

Trying to Sleep

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His head was filled with crazy things

Like Cheerios on mile-long strings.

He thought, “How many could I eat

and not fall off my special seat”


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Turk’s dream was getting kind of old.

He heard Luke say, “Turk’s knocked out cold.”

He wondered what Luke could have seen?

“Out cold?” he thought. “What does that mean?”

Out Cold

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At last it starting getting light.

“I’ll look outside. Is that alright?”

“It snowed all night. How much came down?

Oh, can I still run all around?”


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Turk tried to wake up all his friends.

He stomped his paws on four rear ends.

They all said, “Too early for play.”

“Go back to sleep. Now go away!”

No Friends

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Just when he thought that all was lost

and he was mad at snow and frost,

He thought of seeing kids at play-

sliding fast down the hill all day.


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“I’m going out,” Turk barked to say.

“I don’t care if you come or stay.”

“There’s fun to be had in this deep snow,

and that’s just where I ‘m going to go.”

Brave Turk

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Turk bounded out the doggie door,

While Ella pouted on the floor.

He didn’t know she would go too

if she could find just one more shoe.


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At first he played with his dog friends.

They romped and played (and smelled rear ends).

He had fun but it soon got old.

He missed his kids if truth be told.

You Can Play in Your Backyard

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Luke finally came out dressed in blue.

Ella searched and found that one lost shoe.

Then came Charlotte, ‘Liv and Dad.

This day is going to turn-out rad!


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“Wait! Who’s not here?” you all say.

“Who’s still in our house today?”

“What’s that we see across the snow?

It looks like tracks. Where do they go?”


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Look who’s been here all along.

Mom came out first to hear our song!

She always wants to see us play.

Even on such a snowy day.
